#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # Copyright 2018-present, Bryan Gillespie """ Author: Bryan Gillespie https://github.com/RPGillespie6/fastcov A massively parallel gcov wrapper for generating intermediate coverage formats fast The goal of fastcov is to generate code coverage intermediate formats as fast as possible, even for large projects with hundreds of gcda objects. The intermediate formats may then be consumed by a report generator such as lcov's genhtml, or a dedicated frontend such as coveralls. Sample Usage: $ cd build_dir $ ./fastcov.py --zerocounters $ <run unit tests> $ ./fastcov.py --exclude /usr/include test/ --lcov -o report.info $ genhtml -o code_coverage report.info """ import re import os import sys import glob import json import time import fnmatch import logging import argparse import threading import subprocess import multiprocessing FASTCOV_VERSION = (1,14) MINIMUM_PYTHON = (3,5) MINIMUM_GCOV = (9,0,0) # Interesting metrics START_TIME = time.monotonic() GCOVS_TOTAL = 0 GCOVS_SKIPPED = 0 # Gcov Coverage File Extensions GCOV_GCNO_EXT = ".gcno" # gcno = "[gc]ov [no]te" GCOV_GCDA_EXT = ".gcda" # gcda = "[gc]ov [da]ta" # For when things go wrong... # Start error codes at 3 because 1-2 are special # See https://stackoverflow.com/a/1535733/2516916 EXIT_CODE = 0 EXIT_CODES = { "gcov_version": 3, "python_version": 4, "unsupported_coverage_format": 5, "excl_not_found": 6, "bad_chunk_file": 7, "missing_json_key": 8, } # Disable all logging in case developers are using this as a module logging.disable(level=logging.CRITICAL) class FastcovFormatter(logging.Formatter): def format(self, record): record.levelname = record.levelname.lower() log_message = super(FastcovFormatter, self).format(record) return "[{:.3f}s] {}".format(stopwatch(), log_message) class DiffParseError(Exception): pass class DiffParser(object): def _refinePaths(self, diff_metadata, diff_base_dir): diff_metadata.pop('/dev/null', None) diff_metadata.pop('', None) for key, value in diff_metadata.copy().items(): diff_metadata.pop(key) #sources without added lines will be excluded if value: newpath = os.path.join(diff_base_dir, key) if diff_base_dir else os.path.abspath(key) diff_metadata[newpath] = value def _parseTargetFile(self, line_with_target_file): #f.e. '+++ b/README.md1' or '+++ b/README.md1 timestamp' target_source = line_with_target_file[4:].partition('\t')[0].strip() target_source = target_source[2:] if target_source.startswith('b/') else target_source return target_source def _parseHunkBoundaries(self, line_with_hunk_boundaries, line_index): #f.e. '@@ -121,4 +122,4 @@ Time to process all gcda and parse all gcov:' # Here ['-121,4', '+122,4'] lines_info = line_with_hunk_boundaries[3:].partition("@@")[0].strip().split(' ') if len(lines_info) != 2: raise DiffParseError("Found invalid hunk. Line #{}. {}".format(line_index, line_with_hunk_boundaries)) # Here ['122','4'] target_lines_info = lines_info[1].strip('+').partition(',') target_line_current = int(target_lines_info[0]) target_lines_count = int(target_lines_info[2]) if target_lines_info[2] else 1 # Here ['121','4'] source_lines_info = lines_info[0].strip('-').partition(',') source_line_current = int(source_lines_info[0]) source_lines_count = int(source_lines_info[2]) if source_lines_info[2] else 1 return target_line_current, target_lines_count, source_line_current, source_lines_count def parseDiffFile(self, diff_file, diff_base_dir, fallback_encodings=[]): diff_metadata = {} target_source = None target_hunk = set() target_line_current = 0 target_line_end = 0 source_line_current = 0 source_line_end = 0 found_hunk = False for i, line in enumerate(getSourceLines(diff_file, fallback_encodings), 1): line = line.rstrip() if not found_hunk: if line.startswith('+++ '): # refresh file target_source = self._parseTargetFile(line) elif line.startswith('@@ '): # refresh hunk target_line_current, target_lines_count, source_line_current, source_lines_count = self._parseHunkBoundaries(line, i) target_line_end = target_line_current + target_lines_count source_line_end = source_line_current + source_lines_count target_hunk = set() found_hunk = True continue if target_line_current > target_line_end or source_line_current > source_line_end: raise DiffParseError("Hunk longer than expected. Line #{}. {}".format(i, line)) if line.startswith('+'): #line related to target target_hunk.add(target_line_current) target_line_current = target_line_current + 1 elif line.startswith(' ') or line == '': # line related to both target_line_current = target_line_current + 1 source_line_current = source_line_current + 1 elif line.startswith('-'): # line related to source source_line_current = source_line_current + 1 elif not line.startswith('\\'): # No newline at end of file # line with newline marker is not included into any boundaries raise DiffParseError("Found unrecognized hunk line type. Line #{}. {}".format(i, line)) if target_line_current == target_line_end and source_line_current == source_line_end: # Checked all lines, save data if target_source in diff_metadata: diff_metadata[target_source] = target_hunk.union(diff_metadata[target_source]) else: diff_metadata[target_source] = target_hunk target_hunk = set() found_hunk = False if target_line_current != target_line_end or source_line_current != source_line_end: raise DiffParseError("Unexpected end of file. Expected hunk with {} target lines, {} source lines".format( target_line_end - target_line_current, source_line_end - source_line_current)) self._refinePaths(diff_metadata, diff_base_dir) return diff_metadata def filterByDiff(self, diff_file, dir_base_dir, fastcov_json, fallback_encodings=[]): diff_metadata = self.parseDiffFile(diff_file, dir_base_dir, fallback_encodings) logging.debug("Include only next files: {}".format(diff_metadata.keys())) excluded_files_count = 0 excluded_lines_count = 0 for source in list(fastcov_json["sources"].keys()): diff_lines = diff_metadata.get(source, None) if not diff_lines: excluded_files_count = excluded_files_count + 1 logging.debug("Exclude {} according to diff file".format(source)) fastcov_json["sources"].pop(source) continue for test_name, report_data in fastcov_json["sources"][source].copy().items(): #No info about functions boundaries, removing all for function in list(report_data["functions"].keys()): report_data["functions"].pop(function, None) for line in list(report_data["lines"].keys()): if line not in diff_lines: excluded_lines_count = excluded_lines_count + 1 report_data["lines"].pop(line) for branch_line in list(report_data["branches"].keys()): if branch_line not in diff_lines: report_data["branches"].pop(branch_line) if len(report_data["lines"]) == 0: fastcov_json["sources"][source].pop(test_name) if len(fastcov_json["sources"][source]) == 0: excluded_files_count = excluded_files_count + 1 logging.debug('Exclude {} file as it has no lines due to diff filter'.format(source)) fastcov_json["sources"].pop(source) logging.info("Excluded {} files and {} lines according to diff file".format(excluded_files_count, excluded_lines_count)) return fastcov_json def chunks(l, n): """Yield successive n-sized chunks from l.""" for i in range(0, len(l), n): yield l[i:i + n] def setExitCode(key): global EXIT_CODE EXIT_CODE = EXIT_CODES[key] def setExitCodeRaw(code): global EXIT_CODE EXIT_CODE = code def incrementCounters(total, skipped): global GCOVS_TOTAL global GCOVS_SKIPPED GCOVS_TOTAL += total GCOVS_SKIPPED += skipped def stopwatch(): """Return number of seconds since last time this was called.""" global START_TIME end_time = time.monotonic() delta = end_time - START_TIME START_TIME = end_time return delta def parseVersionFromLine(version_str): """Given a string containing a dotted integer version, parse out integers and return as tuple.""" version = re.search(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)', version_str) if not version: return (0,0,0) return tuple(map(int, version.group(1).split("."))) def getGcovVersion(gcov): p = subprocess.Popen([gcov, "-v"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = p.communicate()[0].decode('UTF-8') p.wait() return parseVersionFromLine(output.split("\n")[0]) def removeFiles(files): for file in files: os.remove(file) def getFilteredCoverageFiles(coverage_files, exclude): def excludeGcda(gcda): for ex in exclude: if ex in gcda: logging.debug("Omitting %s due to '--exclude-gcda %s'", gcda, ex) return False return True return list(filter(excludeGcda, coverage_files)) def globCoverageFiles(cwd, coverage_type): return glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(cwd), "**/*" + coverage_type), recursive=True) def findCoverageFiles(cwd, coverage_files, use_gcno): coverage_type = "user provided" if not coverage_files: # gcov strips off extension of whatever you pass it and searches [extensionless name] + .gcno/.gcda # We should pass either gcno or gcda, but not both - if you pass both it will be processed twice coverage_type = GCOV_GCNO_EXT if use_gcno else GCOV_GCDA_EXT coverage_files = globCoverageFiles(cwd, coverage_type) logging.info("Found {} coverage files ({})".format(len(coverage_files), coverage_type)) logging.debug("Coverage files found:\n %s", "\n ".join(coverage_files)) return coverage_files def gcovWorker(data_q, metrics_q, args, chunk, gcov_filter_options): base_report = {"sources": {}} gcovs_total = 0 gcovs_skipped = 0 error_exit = False gcov_bin = args.gcov gcov_args = ["--json-format", "--stdout"] if args.branchcoverage or args.xbranchcoverage: gcov_args.append("--branch-probabilities") encoding = sys.stdout.encoding if sys.stdout.encoding else 'UTF-8' workdir = args.cdirectory if args.cdirectory else "." p = subprocess.Popen([gcov_bin] + gcov_args + chunk, cwd=workdir, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) for i, line in enumerate(iter(p.stdout.readline, b'')): try: intermediate_json = json.loads(line.decode(encoding)) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e: logging.error("Could not process chunk file '{}' ({}/{})".format(chunk[i], i+1, len(chunk))) logging.error(str(e)) setExitCode("bad_chunk_file") continue if "current_working_directory" not in intermediate_json: logging.error("Missing 'current_working_directory' for data file: {}".format(intermediate_json)) setExitCode("missing_json_key") continue intermediate_json_files = processGcovs(args.cdirectory, intermediate_json["files"], intermediate_json["current_working_directory"], gcov_filter_options) for f in intermediate_json_files: distillSource(f, base_report["sources"], args.test_name, args.xbranchcoverage) gcovs_total += len(intermediate_json["files"]) gcovs_skipped += len(intermediate_json["files"]) - len(intermediate_json_files) p.wait() data_q.put(base_report) metrics_q.put((gcovs_total, gcovs_skipped)) sys.exit(EXIT_CODE) def processGcdas(args, coverage_files, gcov_filter_options): chunk_size = max(args.minimum_chunk, int(len(coverage_files) / args.jobs) + 1) processes = [] data_q = multiprocessing.Queue() metrics_q = multiprocessing.Queue() for chunk in chunks(coverage_files, chunk_size): p = multiprocessing.Process(target=gcovWorker, args=(data_q, metrics_q, args, chunk, gcov_filter_options)) processes.append(p) p.start() logging.info("Spawned {} gcov processes, each processing at most {} coverage files".format(len(processes), chunk_size)) fastcov_jsons = [] for p in processes: fastcov_jsons.append(data_q.get()) incrementCounters(*metrics_q.get()) for p in processes: p.join() if p.exitcode != 0: setExitCodeRaw(p.exitcode) base_fastcov = fastcov_jsons.pop() for fj in fastcov_jsons: combineReports(base_fastcov, fj) return base_fastcov def shouldFilterSource(source, gcov_filter_options): """Returns true if the provided source file should be filtered due to CLI options, otherwise returns false.""" # If explicit sources were passed, check for match if gcov_filter_options["sources"]: if source not in gcov_filter_options["sources"]: logging.debug("Filtering coverage for '%s' due to option '--source-files'", source) return True # Check exclude filter for ex in gcov_filter_options["exclude"]: if ex in source: logging.debug("Filtering coverage for '%s' due to option '--exclude %s'", source, ex) return True # Check exclude filter for ex_glob in gcov_filter_options["exclude_glob"]: if fnmatch.fnmatch(source, ex_glob): logging.debug("Filtering coverage for '%s' due to option '--exclude-glob %s'", source, ex_glob) return True # Check include filter if gcov_filter_options["include"]: included = False for inc in gcov_filter_options["include"]: if inc in source: included = True break if not included: logging.debug("Filtering coverage for '%s' due to option '--include %s'", source, " ".join(gcov_filter_options["include"])) return True return False def filterFastcov(fastcov_json, args): logging.info("Performing filtering operations (if applicable)") gcov_filter_options = getGcovFilterOptions(args) for source in list(fastcov_json["sources"].keys()): if shouldFilterSource(source, gcov_filter_options): del fastcov_json["sources"][source] def processGcov(cwd, gcov, source_base_dir, files, gcov_filter_options): # Uses cwd if set, else source_base_dir from gcov json. If both are empty, uses "." base_dir = cwd if cwd else source_base_dir base_dir = base_dir if base_dir else "." # Add absolute path gcov["file_abs"] = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_dir, gcov["file"])) if shouldFilterSource(gcov["file_abs"], gcov_filter_options): return files.append(gcov) logging.debug("Accepted coverage for '%s'", gcov["file_abs"]) def processGcovs(cwd, gcov_files, source_base_dir, gcov_filter_options): files = [] for gcov in gcov_files: processGcov(cwd, gcov, source_base_dir, files, gcov_filter_options) return files def dumpBranchCoverageToLcovInfo(f, branches): branch_miss = 0 branch_found = 0 brda = [] for line_num, branch_counts in branches.items(): for i, count in enumerate(branch_counts): # Branch (<line number>, <block number>, <branch number>, <taken>) brda.append((line_num, int(i/2), i, count)) branch_miss += int(count == 0) branch_found += 1 for v in sorted(brda): f.write("BRDA:{},{},{},{}\n".format(*v)) f.write("BRF:{}\n".format(branch_found)) # Branches Found f.write("BRH:{}\n".format(branch_found - branch_miss)) # Branches Hit def dumpToLcovInfo(fastcov_json, output): with open(output, "w") as f: sources = fastcov_json["sources"] for sf in sorted(sources.keys()): for tn in sorted(sources[sf].keys()): data = sources[sf][tn] f.write("TN:{}\n".format(tn)) #Test Name - used mainly in conjuction with genhtml --show-details f.write("SF:{}\n".format(sf)) #Source File fn_miss = 0 fn = [] fnda = [] for function, fdata in data["functions"].items(): fn.append((fdata["start_line"], function)) # Function Start Line fnda.append((fdata["execution_count"], function)) # Function Hits fn_miss += int(fdata["execution_count"] == 0) # NOTE: lcov sorts FN, but not FNDA. for v in sorted(fn): f.write("FN:{},{}\n".format(*v)) for v in sorted(fnda): f.write("FNDA:{},{}\n".format(*v)) f.write("FNF:{}\n".format(len(data["functions"]))) #Functions Found f.write("FNH:{}\n".format((len(data["functions"]) - fn_miss))) #Functions Hit if data["branches"]: dumpBranchCoverageToLcovInfo(f, data["branches"]) line_miss = 0 da = [] for line_num, count in data["lines"].items(): da.append((line_num, count)) line_miss += int(count == 0) for v in sorted(da): f.write("DA:{},{}\n".format(*v)) # Line f.write("LF:{}\n".format(len(data["lines"]))) #Lines Found f.write("LH:{}\n".format((len(data["lines"]) - line_miss))) #Lines Hit f.write("end_of_record\n") def getSourceLines(source, fallback_encodings=[]): """Return a list of lines from the provided source, trying to decode with fallback encodings if the default fails.""" default_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() for encoding in [default_encoding] + fallback_encodings: try: with open(source, encoding=encoding) as f: return f.readlines() except UnicodeDecodeError: pass logging.warning("Could not decode '{}' with {} or fallback encodings ({}); ignoring errors".format(source, default_encoding, ",".join(fallback_encodings))) with open(source, errors="ignore") as f: return f.readlines() # Returns whether source coverage changed or not def exclProcessSource(fastcov_sources, source, exclude_branches_sw, include_branches_sw, fallback_encodings): # Before doing any work, check if this file even needs to be processed if not exclude_branches_sw and not include_branches_sw: # Ignore unencodable characters with open(source, errors="ignore") as f: if "LCOV_EXCL" not in f.read(): return False # If we've made it this far we have to check every line start_line = 0 end_line = 0 # Start enumeration at line 1 because the first line of the file is line 1 not 0 for i, line in enumerate(getSourceLines(source, fallback_encodings), 1): # Cycle through test names (likely only 1) for test_name in fastcov_sources[source]: fastcov_data = fastcov_sources[source][test_name] # Check if branch coverage should be deleted based on CLI options if (exclude_branches_sw or include_branches_sw) and (i in fastcov_data["branches"]): del_exclude_br = exclude_branches_sw and any(line.lstrip().startswith(e) for e in exclude_branches_sw) del_include_br = include_branches_sw and all(not line.lstrip().startswith(e) for e in include_branches_sw) if del_exclude_br or del_include_br: del fastcov_data["branches"][i] # Skip to next line as soon as possible if "LCOV_EXCL" not in line: continue # Build line to function dict so can quickly delete by line number line_to_func = {} for f in fastcov_data["functions"].keys(): l = fastcov_data["functions"][f]["start_line"] if l not in line_to_func: line_to_func[l] = set() line_to_func[l].add(f) if "LCOV_EXCL_LINE" in line: for key in ["lines", "branches"]: if i in fastcov_data[key]: del fastcov_data[key][i] if i in line_to_func: for key in line_to_func[i]: if key in fastcov_data["functions"]: del fastcov_data["functions"][key] elif "LCOV_EXCL_START" in line: start_line = i elif "LCOV_EXCL_STOP" in line: end_line = i if not start_line: end_line = 0 continue for key in ["lines", "branches"]: for line_num in list(fastcov_data[key].keys()): if start_line <= line_num <= end_line: del fastcov_data[key][line_num] for line_num in range(start_line, end_line): if line_num in line_to_func: for key in line_to_func[line_num]: if key in fastcov_data["functions"]: del fastcov_data["functions"][key] start_line = end_line = 0 elif "LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE" in line: if i in fastcov_data["branches"]: del fastcov_data["branches"][i] # Source coverage changed return True def exclMarkerWorker(data_q, fastcov_sources, chunk, exclude_branches_sw, include_branches_sw, fallback_encodings): changed_sources = [] for source in chunk: try: if exclProcessSource(fastcov_sources, source, exclude_branches_sw, include_branches_sw, fallback_encodings): changed_sources.append((source, fastcov_sources[source])) except FileNotFoundError: logging.error("Could not find '%s' to scan for exclusion markers...", source) setExitCode("excl_not_found") # Set exit code because of error # Write out changed sources back to main fastcov file data_q.put(changed_sources) # Exit current process with appropriate code sys.exit(EXIT_CODE) def processExclusionMarkers(fastcov_json, jobs, exclude_branches_sw, include_branches_sw, min_chunk_size, fallback_encodings): chunk_size = max(min_chunk_size, int(len(fastcov_json["sources"]) / jobs) + 1) processes = [] data_q = multiprocessing.Queue() for chunk in chunks(list(fastcov_json["sources"].keys()), chunk_size): p = multiprocessing.Process(target=exclMarkerWorker, args=(data_q, fastcov_json["sources"], chunk, exclude_branches_sw, include_branches_sw, fallback_encodings)) processes.append(p) p.start() logging.info("Spawned {} exclusion marker scanning processes, each processing at most {} source files".format(len(processes), chunk_size)) changed_sources = [] for p in processes: changed_sources += data_q.get() for p in processes: p.join() if p.exitcode != 0: setExitCodeRaw(p.exitcode) for changed_source in changed_sources: fastcov_json["sources"][changed_source[0]] = changed_source[1] def validateSources(fastcov_json): logging.info("Checking if all sources exist") for source in fastcov_json["sources"].keys(): if not os.path.exists(source): logging.error("Cannot find '{}'".format(source)) def distillFunction(function_raw, functions): function_name = function_raw["name"] # NOTE: need to explicitly cast all counts coming from gcov to int - this is because gcov's json library # will pass as scientific notation (i.e. 12+e45) start_line = int(function_raw["start_line"]) execution_count = int(function_raw["execution_count"]) if function_name not in functions: functions[function_name] = { "start_line": start_line, "execution_count": execution_count } else: functions[function_name]["execution_count"] += execution_count def emptyBranchSet(branch1, branch2): return (branch1["count"] == 0 and branch2["count"] == 0) def matchingBranchSet(branch1, branch2): return (branch1["count"] == branch2["count"]) def filterExceptionalBranches(branches): filtered_branches = [] exception_branch = False for i in range(0, len(branches), 2): if i+1 >= len(branches): filtered_branches.append(branches[i]) break # Filter exceptional branch noise if branches[i+1]["throw"]: exception_branch = True continue # Filter initializer list noise if exception_branch and emptyBranchSet(branches[i], branches[i+1]) and len(filtered_branches) >= 2 and matchingBranchSet(filtered_branches[-1], filtered_branches[-2]): return [] filtered_branches.append(branches[i]) filtered_branches.append(branches[i+1]) return filtered_branches def distillLine(line_raw, lines, branches, include_exceptional_branches): line_number = int(line_raw["line_number"]) count = int(line_raw["count"]) if line_number not in lines: lines[line_number] = count else: lines[line_number] += count # Filter out exceptional branches by default unless requested otherwise if not include_exceptional_branches: line_raw["branches"] = filterExceptionalBranches(line_raw["branches"]) # Increment all branch counts for i, branch in enumerate(line_raw["branches"]): if line_number not in branches: branches[line_number] = [] blen = len(branches[line_number]) glen = len(line_raw["branches"]) if blen < glen: branches[line_number] += [0] * (glen - blen) branches[line_number][i] += int(branch["count"]) def distillSource(source_raw, sources, test_name, include_exceptional_branches): source_name = source_raw["file_abs"] if source_name not in sources: sources[source_name] = { test_name: { "functions": {}, "branches": {}, "lines": {} } } for function in source_raw["functions"]: distillFunction(function, sources[source_name][test_name]["functions"]) for line in source_raw["lines"]: distillLine(line, sources[source_name][test_name]["lines"], sources[source_name][test_name]["branches"], include_exceptional_branches) def dumpToJson(intermediate, output): with open(output, "w") as f: json.dump(intermediate, f) def getGcovFilterOptions(args): return { "sources": set([os.path.abspath(s) for s in args.sources]), #Make paths absolute, use set for fast lookups "include": args.includepost, "exclude": args.excludepost, "exclude_glob":args.excludepost_glob } def addDicts(dict1, dict2): """Add dicts together by value. i.e. addDicts({"a":1,"b":0}, {"a":2}) == {"a":3,"b":0}.""" result = {k:v for k,v in dict1.items()} for k,v in dict2.items(): if k in result: result[k] += v else: result[k] = v return result def addLists(list1, list2): """Add lists together by value. i.e. addLists([1,1], [2,2]) == [3,3].""" # Find big list and small list blist, slist = list(list2), list(list1) if len(list1) > len(list2): blist, slist = slist, blist # Overlay small list onto big list for i, b in enumerate(slist): blist[i] += b return blist def combineReports(base, overlay): for source, scov in overlay["sources"].items(): # Combine Source Coverage if source not in base["sources"]: base["sources"][source] = scov continue for test_name, tcov in scov.items(): # Combine Source Test Name Coverage if test_name not in base["sources"][source]: base["sources"][source][test_name] = tcov continue # Drill down and create convenience variable base_data = base["sources"][source][test_name] # Combine Line Coverage base_data["lines"] = addDicts(base_data["lines"], tcov["lines"]) # Combine Branch Coverage for branch, cov in tcov["branches"].items(): if branch not in base_data["branches"]: base_data["branches"][branch] = cov else: base_data["branches"][branch] = addLists(base_data["branches"][branch], cov) # Combine Function Coverage for function, cov in tcov["functions"].items(): if function not in base_data["functions"]: base_data["functions"][function] = cov else: base_data["functions"][function]["execution_count"] += cov["execution_count"] def parseInfo(path): """Parse an lcov .info file into fastcov json.""" fastcov_json = { "sources": {} } with open(path) as f: for line in f: if line.startswith("TN:"): current_test_name = line[3:].strip() elif line.startswith("SF:"): current_sf = line[3:].strip() fastcov_json["sources"][current_sf] = { current_test_name: { "functions": {}, "branches": {}, "lines": {}, } } current_data = fastcov_json["sources"][current_sf][current_test_name] elif line.startswith("FN:"): line_num, function_name = line[3:].strip().split(",") current_data["functions"][function_name] = {} current_data["functions"][function_name]["start_line"] = int(line_num) elif line.startswith("FNDA:"): count, function_name = line[5:].strip().split(",") current_data["functions"][function_name]["execution_count"] = int(count) elif line.startswith("DA:"): line_num, count = line[3:].strip().split(",") current_data["lines"][line_num] = int(count) elif line.startswith("BRDA:"): branch_tokens = line[5:].strip().split(",") line_num, count = branch_tokens[0], branch_tokens[-1] if line_num not in current_data["branches"]: current_data["branches"][line_num] = [] current_data["branches"][line_num].append(int(count)) return fastcov_json def convertKeysToInt(report): for source in report["sources"].keys(): for test_name in report["sources"][source].keys(): report_data = report["sources"][source][test_name] report_data["lines"] = {int(k):v for k,v in report_data["lines"].items()} report_data["branches"] = {int(k):v for k,v in report_data["branches"].items()} def parseAndCombine(paths): base_report = {} for path in paths: if path.endswith(".json"): with open(path) as f: report = json.load(f) elif path.endswith(".info"): report = parseInfo(path) else: logging.error("Currently only fastcov .json and lcov .info supported for combine operations, aborting due to %s...\n", path) sys.exit(EXIT_CODES["unsupported_coverage_format"]) # In order for sorting to work later when we serialize, # make sure integer keys are int convertKeysToInt(report) if not base_report: base_report = report logging.info("Setting {} as base report".format(path)) else: combineReports(base_report, report) logging.info("Adding {} to base report".format(path)) return base_report def getCombineCoverage(args): logging.info("Performing combine operation") fastcov_json = parseAndCombine(args.combine) filterFastcov(fastcov_json, args) return fastcov_json def getGcovCoverage(args): # Need at least python 3.5 because of use of recursive glob checkPythonVersion(sys.version_info[0:2]) # Need at least gcov 9.0.0 because that's when gcov JSON and stdout streaming was introduced checkGcovVersion(getGcovVersion(args.gcov)) # Get list of gcda files to process coverage_files = findCoverageFiles(args.directory, args.coverage_files, args.use_gcno) # If gcda/gcno filtering is enabled, filter them out now if args.excludepre: coverage_files = getFilteredCoverageFiles(coverage_files, args.excludepre) logging.info("Found {} coverage files after filtering".format(len(coverage_files))) # We "zero" the "counters" by simply deleting all gcda files if args.zerocounters: removeFiles(globCoverageFiles(args.directory, GCOV_GCDA_EXT)) logging.info("Removed {} .gcda files".format(len(coverage_files))) sys.exit() # Fire up one gcov per cpu and start processing gcdas gcov_filter_options = getGcovFilterOptions(args) fastcov_json = processGcdas(args, coverage_files, gcov_filter_options) # Summarize processing results logging.info("Processed {} .gcov files ({} total, {} skipped)".format(GCOVS_TOTAL - GCOVS_SKIPPED, GCOVS_TOTAL, GCOVS_SKIPPED)) logging.debug("Final report will contain coverage for the following %d source files:\n %s", len(fastcov_json["sources"]), "\n ".join(fastcov_json["sources"])) return fastcov_json def formatCoveredItems(covered, total): coverage = (covered * 100.0) / total if total > 0 else 100.0 coverage = round(coverage, 2) return "{:.2f}%, {}/{}".format(coverage, covered, total) def dumpStatistic(fastcov_json): total_lines = 0 covered_lines = 0 total_functions = 0 covered_functions = 0 total_files = len(fastcov_json["sources"]) covered_files = 0 for source_name, source in fastcov_json["sources"].items(): is_file_covered = False for test_name, test in source.items(): total_lines += len(test["lines"]) for execution_count in test["lines"].values(): covered_lines += 1 if execution_count > 0 else 0 is_file_covered = is_file_covered or execution_count > 0 total_functions += len(test["functions"]) for function in test["functions"].values(): covered_functions += 1 if function['execution_count'] > 0 else 0 is_file_covered = is_file_covered or function['execution_count'] > 0 if is_file_covered: covered_files = covered_files + 1 logging.info("Files Coverage: {}".format(formatCoveredItems(covered_files, total_files))) logging.info("Functions Coverage: {}".format(formatCoveredItems(covered_functions, total_functions))) logging.info("Lines Coverage: {}".format(formatCoveredItems(covered_lines, total_lines))) def dumpFile(fastcov_json, args): if args.lcov: dumpToLcovInfo(fastcov_json, args.output) logging.info("Created lcov info file '{}'".format(args.output)) else: dumpToJson(fastcov_json, args.output) logging.info("Created fastcov json file '{}'".format(args.output)) if args.dump_statistic: dumpStatistic(fastcov_json) def tupleToDotted(tup): return ".".join(map(str, tup)) def parseArgs(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A parallel gcov wrapper for fast coverage report generation') parser.add_argument('-z', '--zerocounters', dest='zerocounters', action="store_true", help='Recursively delete all gcda files') # Enable Branch Coverage parser.add_argument('-b', '--branch-coverage', dest='branchcoverage', action="store_true", help='Include only the most useful branches in the coverage report.') parser.add_argument('-B', '--exceptional-branch-coverage', dest='xbranchcoverage', action="store_true", help='Include ALL branches in the coverage report (including potentially noisy exceptional branches).') parser.add_argument('-A', '--exclude-br-lines-starting-with', dest='exclude_branches_sw', nargs="+", metavar='', default=[], help='Exclude branches from lines starting with one of the provided strings (i.e. assert, return, etc.)') parser.add_argument('-a', '--include-br-lines-starting-with', dest='include_branches_sw', nargs="+", metavar='', default=[], help='Include only branches from lines starting with one of the provided strings (i.e. if, else, while, etc.)') parser.add_argument('-X', '--skip-exclusion-markers', dest='skip_exclusion_markers', action="store_true", help='Skip reading source files to search for lcov exclusion markers (such as "LCOV_EXCL_LINE")') parser.add_argument('-x', '--scan-exclusion-markers', dest='scan_exclusion_markers', action="store_true", help='(Combine operations) Force reading source files to search for lcov exclusion markers (such as "LCOV_EXCL_LINE")') # Capture untested file coverage as well via gcno parser.add_argument('-n', '--process-gcno', dest='use_gcno', action="store_true", help='Process both gcno and gcda coverage files. This option is useful for capturing untested files in the coverage report.') # Filtering Options parser.add_argument('-s', '--source-files', dest='sources', nargs="+", metavar='', default=[], help='Filter: Specify exactly which source files should be included in the final report. Paths must be either absolute or relative to current directory.') parser.add_argument('-e', '--exclude', dest='excludepost', nargs="+", metavar='', default=[], help='Filter: Exclude source files from final report if they contain one of the provided substrings (i.e. /usr/include test/, etc.)') parser.add_argument('-eg', '--exclude-glob', dest='excludepost_glob', nargs="+", metavar='', default=[], help='Filter: Exclude source files by glob pattern from final report if they contain one of the provided substrings (i.e. /usr/include test/, etc.)') parser.add_argument('-i', '--include', dest='includepost', nargs="+", metavar='', default=[], help='Filter: Only include source files in final report that contain one of the provided substrings (i.e. src/ etc.)') parser.add_argument('-f', '--gcda-files', dest='coverage_files', nargs="+", metavar='', default=[], help='Filter: Specify exactly which gcda or gcno files should be processed. Note that specifying gcno causes both gcno and gcda to be processed.') parser.add_argument('-E', '--exclude-gcda', dest='excludepre', nargs="+", metavar='', default=[], help='Filter: Exclude gcda or gcno files from being processed via simple find matching (not regex)') parser.add_argument('-u', '--diff-filter', dest='diff_file', default='', help='Unified diff file with changes which will be included into final report') parser.add_argument('-ub', '--diff-base-dir', dest='diff_base_dir', default='', help='Base directory for sources in unified diff file, usually repository dir') parser.add_argument('-g', '--gcov', dest='gcov', default='gcov', help='Which gcov binary to use') parser.add_argument('-d', '--search-directory', dest='directory', default=".", help='Base directory to recursively search for gcda files (default: .)') parser.add_argument('-c', '--compiler-directory', dest='cdirectory', default="", help='Base directory compiler was invoked from (default: . or read from gcov) \ This needs to be set if invoking fastcov from somewhere other than the base compiler directory. No need to set it if gcc version > 9.1') parser.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', dest='jobs', type=int, default=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), help='Number of parallel gcov to spawn (default: {}).'.format(multiprocessing.cpu_count())) parser.add_argument('-m', '--minimum-chunk-size', dest='minimum_chunk', type=int, default=5, help='Minimum number of files a thread should process (default: 5). \ If you have only 4 gcda files but they are monstrously huge, you could change this value to a 1 so that each thread will only process 1 gcda. Otherwise fastcov will spawn only 1 thread to process all of them.') parser.add_argument('-F', '--fallback-encodings', dest='fallback_encodings', nargs="+", metavar='', default=[], help='List of encodings to try if opening a source file with the default fails (i.e. latin1, etc.). This option is not usually needed.') parser.add_argument('-l', '--lcov', dest='lcov', action="store_true", help='Output in lcov info format instead of fastcov json') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='output', default="", help='Name of output file (default: coverage.json or coverage.info, depends on --lcov option)') parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', dest='quiet', action="store_true", help='Suppress output to stdout') parser.add_argument('-t', '--test-name', dest='test_name', default="", help='Specify a test name for the coverage. Equivalent to lcov\'s `-t`.') parser.add_argument('-C', '--add-tracefile', dest='combine', nargs="+", help='Combine multiple coverage files into one. If this flag is specified, fastcov will do a combine operation instead invoking gcov. Equivalent to lcov\'s `-a`.') parser.add_argument('-V', '--verbose', dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="Print more detailed information about what fastcov is doing") parser.add_argument('-w', '--validate-sources', dest="validate_sources", action="store_true", help="Check if every source file exists") parser.add_argument('-p', '--dump-statistic', dest="dump_statistic", action="store_true", help="Dump total statistic at the end") parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action="version", version='%(prog)s {version}'.format(version=__version__), help="Show program's version number and exit") args = parser.parse_args() if not args.output: args.output = 'coverage.info' if args.lcov else 'coverage.json' return args def checkPythonVersion(version): """Exit if the provided python version is less than the supported version.""" if version < MINIMUM_PYTHON: sys.stderr.write("Minimum python version {} required, found {}\n".format(tupleToDotted(MINIMUM_PYTHON), tupleToDotted(version))) sys.exit(EXIT_CODES["python_version"]) def checkGcovVersion(version): """Exit if the provided gcov version is less than the supported version.""" if version < MINIMUM_GCOV: sys.stderr.write("Minimum gcov version {} required, found {}\n".format(tupleToDotted(MINIMUM_GCOV), tupleToDotted(version))) sys.exit(EXIT_CODES["gcov_version"]) def setupLogging(quiet, verbose): handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter(FastcovFormatter("[%(levelname)s]: %(message)s")) root = logging.getLogger() root.setLevel(logging.INFO) root.addHandler(handler) if not quiet: logging.disable(level=logging.NOTSET) # Re-enable logging if verbose: root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) def main(): args = parseArgs() # Setup logging setupLogging(args.quiet, args.verbose) # Get report from appropriate source if args.combine: fastcov_json = getCombineCoverage(args) skip_exclusion_markers = not args.scan_exclusion_markers else: fastcov_json = getGcovCoverage(args) skip_exclusion_markers = args.skip_exclusion_markers # Scan for exclusion markers if not skip_exclusion_markers: processExclusionMarkers(fastcov_json, args.jobs, args.exclude_branches_sw, args.include_branches_sw, args.minimum_chunk, args.fallback_encodings) logging.info("Scanned {} source files for exclusion markers".format(len(fastcov_json["sources"]))) if args.diff_file: logging.info("Filtering according to {} file".format(args.diff_file)) DiffParser().filterByDiff(args.diff_file, args.diff_base_dir, fastcov_json, args.fallback_encodings) if args.validate_sources: validateSources(fastcov_json) # Dump to desired file format dumpFile(fastcov_json, args) # If there was an error along the way, but we still completed the pipeline... if EXIT_CODE: sys.exit(EXIT_CODE) # Set package version... it's way down here so that we can call tupleToDotted __version__ = tupleToDotted(FASTCOV_VERSION) if __name__ == '__main__': main()