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Do not use this option for runs with multiple iterations or PSA runs.", "type": "array", "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "type": "string", "enum": ["save_population"], "enumNames": [ "Save population dataset on completed simulation run" ] } }, "save_config": { "title": " ", "type": "array", "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "type": "string", "enum": ["save_config"], "enumNames": ["Save config file on completed simulation run"] } } } } }, "population_dataset_uuid": { "title": "Pre-loaded Population Dataset", "$ref": "#/definitions/string", "enum": ["none"], "enumNames": ["none"], "nullValue": "none", "default": "none", "_basic_config": true, "validate": false }, "dataset_screening_message": { "type": "object", "properties": { "Important Note:": { "$ref": "#/definitions/text", "description": "You have chosen the Prediabetes (Screening) diabetes type. Please either use the predefined 'prediabetes_nhanes_screening' data set, or, if you are using a user-uploaded population dataset, ensure that it includes either an A1c or FPG column. These columns will be used to calculate diagnosis.", "readOnly": true } } }, "scenario_name_t1d": { "title": "Name of the scenario", "default": "Example scenario T1D", "$ref": "#/definitions/string", "_basic_config": true }, "scenario_name_t2d": { "title": "Name of the scenario", "default": "Example scenario T2D", "$ref": "#/definitions/string", "_basic_config": true }, "scenario_name_pre": { "title": "Name of the scenario", "default": "Example scenario PRE", "$ref": "#/definitions/string", "_basic_config": true }, "scenario_name_screen": { "title": "Name of the scenario", "default": "Example scenario SCREEN", "$ref": "#/definitions/string", "_basic_config": true }, "simulation_type_t1d": { "title": "Type of simulation to run", "description": "Complication costs and disutilities are also included in PSA.", "$ref": "#/definitions/string", "enum": ["Standard", "PSA"], "default": "Standard", "_basic_config": true }, "simulation_type_t2d": { "title": "Type of simulation to run", "description": "Complication costs and disutilities are also included in PSA.", "$ref": "#/definitions/string", "enum": ["Standard", "PSA"], "default": "Standard", "_basic_config": true }, "simulation_type_pre": { "title": "Type of simulation to run", "description": "Complication costs and disutilities are also included in PSA.", "$ref": "#/definitions/string", "enum": ["Standard", "PSA"], "default": "Standard", "_basic_config": true }, "simulation_type_screen": { "title": "Type of simulation to run", "description": "Complication costs and disutilities are also included in PSA.", "$ref": "#/definitions/string", "enum": ["Standard", "PSA"], "default": "Standard", "_basic_config": true }, "psa_intervention_costs_t1d": { "title": "PSA intervention costs", "$ref": "#/definitions/string", "enum": ["Do not vary", "10", "25", "50"], "enumNames": ["+/- 0%", "10%", "25%", "50%"], "default": "Do not vary", "_basic_config": true }, "psa_factor_change_t1d": { "title": "PSA factor changes (vary 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