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Often, however, these attacks leave visible artifacts in the images that can be visually detected and weaken the efficacy of the attacks. In this paper, we propose a novel strategy for hiding backdoor and poisoning attacks. Our approach builds on a recent class of attacks against image scaling. These attacks enable manipulating images such that they change their content when scaled to a specific resolution. By combining poisoning and image-scaling attacks, we can conceal the trigger of backdoors as well as hide the overlays of clean-label poisoning. Furthermore, we consider the detection of image-scaling attacks and derive an adaptive attack. In an empirical evaluation, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our strategy. First, we show that backdoors and poisoning work equally well when combined with image-scaling attacks. Second, we demonstrate that current detection defenses against image-scaling attacks are insufficient to uncover our manipulations. Overall, our work provides a novel means for hiding traces of manipulations, being applicable to different poisoning approaches. \end{abstract} \vspace{0.2cm} \section{Introduction} Machine Learning is nowadays used in various security-critical applications that range from intrusion detection and medical systems to autonomous cars. Despite remarkable results, research on the security of machine learning has revealed various possible attacks. A considerable threat are poisoning attacks during the training process~\citep[e.g.][]{BigNelLas11, GuDolGar17, LiuMaAaf+18}. Deep learning applications usually require a large number of training instances, so that there is a risk of an insider carefully manipulating a portion of the training data. Moreover, the training process can be outsourced either due to a lack of expertise in deep learning or due to missing computational resources to train large networks---again giving the chance to manipulate training data and the model. In the context of deep learning, recent research has demonstrated that neural networks can be modified to return targeted responses without an impact on their behavior for benign inputs. An adversary, for instance, can insert a pattern in some training images of a particular target class, so that the network learns to associate the pattern with this class. If the pattern is added to arbitrary images, the network returns the target class. However, a major drawback of most attacks is the visibility of data manipulations either at training or test time~\citep{GuDolGar17, LiuMaAaf+18}. The attack is thus revealed if human beings audit the respective images. \citet{XiaCheShe+19} have recently presented a novel attack vulnerability in the data preprocessing of typical machine learning pipelines. An adversary can slightly manipulate an image, such that an \emph{image scaling} algorithm produces a novel and unrelated image in the network's input dimensions. The attack exploits that images are typically larger than the input dimensions and thus need to be scaled. This novel attack directly addresses the shortcomings of most poisoning attacks by allowing an adversary to conceal data manipulations. As an example, Figure~\ref{fig:intro_example_poisoning} shows a clean-label poisoning attack~\citep{ShaHuaNaj+18} on the popular TensorFlow library. The network will learn to classify the dog as cat if this dog is repeatedly inserted into varying images showing cats during training. In the attack's standard version, the slight manipulation of the training image is still noticeable. Yet, image-scaling attacks conceal the manipulation of the training data effectively. The dog appears only in the downscaled image which is finally used by the neural network. \begin{figure}[t] \centering \includegraphics{./ext_images/scaler_poisoning-figure0.pdf} \vspace{-0.59cm} \caption{Example of a clean-label poisoning attack~\citep{ShaHuaNaj+18}: a neural network learns to classify a dog as cat by blending the dog with multiple cat images. Image-scaling attacks allow more insidious poisoning attacks. The dog as manipulation is not visible in the training data and appears only after downscaling. } \label{fig:intro_example_poisoning} \end{figure} This paper provides the first analysis on the combination of data poisoning and image-scaling attacks. Our findings show that an adversary can significantly conceal image manipulations of current backdoor attacks~\citep{GuDolGar17} and clean-label attacks~\citep{ShaHuaNaj+18} without an impact on their overall attack success rate. Moreover, we demonstrate that defenses---designed to detect image-scaling attacks---fail in the poisoning scenario. We examine the histogram- and color-scattering-based detection as proposed by~\citet{XiaCheShe+19}. In an empirical evaluation, we show that both defenses cannot detect backdoor attacks due to bounded, local changes. We further derive a novel adaptive attack that significantly reduces the performance of both defenses in the clean-label setting. All in all, our findings indicate a need for novel, robust detection defenses against image-scaling~attacks. \paragraph{Contributions.} In summary, we make the following contributions in this paper: \begin{itemize} \setlength{\itemsep}{3pt} \item \emph{Combination of data poisoning and image-scaling attacks.} We provide the first analysis on poisoning attacks that are combined with image-scaling attacks. We discuss two realistic threat models and consider backdoor attacks as well as clean-label poisoning attacks. \item \emph{Evaluation of defenses} We evaluate current detection methods against image-scaling attacks and show that backdoor attacks cannot be detected. \item \emph{Adaptive Attack.} We derive a novel variant of image-scaling attack that reduces the detection rate of current scaling defenses. Our evaluation shows that clean-label attacks cannot be reliably detected anymore. \end{itemize} The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section~\ref{sec:background} reviews the background of data poisoning and image-scaling attacks. Section~\ref{sec:poisoning-scaling} examines their combination with the respective threat scenarios and our adaptive attack. Section~\ref{sec:eval} provides an empirical evaluation of attacks and defenses. Section~\ref{sec:limitations} and~\ref{sec:relatedwork} present limitations and related work, respectively. Section~\ref{sec:conclusion} concludes the paper. \section{Background}\label{sec:background} Let us start by briefly examining poisoning and image-scaling attacks on machine learning. Both attacks operate at different stages in a typical machine learning pipeline and allow more powerful attacks when combined, as we will show in the remainder of this work. \subsection{Poisoning Attacks in Machine Learning} In machine learning, the training process is one of the most critical steps due to the impact on all subsequent applications. At this stage, poisoning attacks allow an adversary to change the overall model behavior~\citep[e.g.][]{KloLas10a,BigNelLas11} or to obtain targeted responses for specific inputs~\citep[e.g.][]{GuDolGar17,ShaHuaNaj+18,LiuMaAaf+18} by manipulating the training data or learning model. Such attacks need to be considered whenever the training process is outsourced or an adversary has direct access to the data or model as insider~\citep{Sto15}. Moreover, a possible manipulation needs to be considered if a learning model is continuously updated with external data. In this work, we focus on poisoning attacks against deep neural networks where the adversary manipulates the training data to obtain targeted predictions at test time. While particularly effective with a few changed training instances, most methods have the major shortcoming that the manipulation is visible~\citep[e.g.][]{GuDolGar17, LiuMaAaf+18}. As a result, the attack can be easily uncovered if the dataset is, for instance, audited by human beings. We present two representative poisoning attacks in Section~\ref{sec:poisoning-scaling} and show that they can be easily combined with image-scaling attacks to conceal manipulations significantly. \begin{figure}[t] \centering \includegraphics{./ext_images/scaler_poisoning-figure1.pdf} \vspace{-0.5em} \caption{Principle of image-scaling attacks: An adversary computes \attimg such that it looks like \srcimg but downscales to \tarimg.} \label{fig:attack_example} \end{figure} \subsection{Image-Scaling Attacks} \label{subsec:scalingattacksbackground} The preprocessing stage in a typical machine learning pipeline is another critical point, surprisingly overlooked by previous work so far. \citet{XiaCheShe+19} have recently identified an attack possibility in the scaling routine of common machine learning frameworks. The attack exploits that most learning-based models expect a fixed-size input, such as $224 \times 224$ pixels for VGG19 and $299 \times 299$ pixels for InceptionV3~\citep{SimZis14,SzeVanIof+15}. As images are usually larger than the input dimensions of learning models, a downscaling operation as preprocessing stage is mandatory. In this case, an adversary can slightly modify an image such that it changes its content after downscaling. She can thus create targeted inputs for a neural network being invisible in the original resolution before,~as~exemplified~by~Figure~\ref{fig:attack_example}. \paragraph{Attack.} In particular, the adversary slightly modifies a source image~\srcimg such that the resulting attack image~\mbox{\attimg = \srcimg + \deltaS} matches a target image~\tarimg after scaling. The attack can be modeled as the following quadratic optimization problem: \begin{align} &\min ( \Vert \deltaS \Vert_2^2 ) \; \; \mathrm{s.t.} \; \; \Vert \scalefunc(\srcimg + \deltaS) - \tarimg \Vert_{\infty} \leqslant \epsilon \; . \label{eq:opti_problem_basic} \end{align} Moreover, each pixel of \attimg needs to stay in the range of $[0,255]$ for 8-bit images. Note that an image-scaling attack is successful only if the following two goals are fulfilled: \begin{description}[leftmargin=!,labelwidth=\widthof{\textit{(O2)}}] \item[\textit{(\goalA)}] The downscaled output~\outimg of the attack image~\attimg is close to the target image: $\outimg \sim \tarimg $. \item[\textit{(\goalB)}] The attack image \attimg needs to be indistinguishable from the source image:~\mbox{$\attimg \sim \srcimg$}. \end{description} For a detailed root-cause analysis of image-scaling attacks, we refer the reader to \citet{QuiKleArp20}. \paragraph{Detection.} Two methods have been proposed to \emph{detect} image-scaling attacks~\citep{XiaCheShe+19}, that is, decide if an image was manipulated to cause another result after downscaling. Both rest on the following idea, exemplified by Figure~\ref{fig:defenses_detection_example}: The downscaling of \attimg creates a novel image~\outimg which is unrelated to the original content from \attimg. If we upscale~\outimg back to its original resolution, we can compare \attimg and the upscaled version~$\attimg'$. In the case of an attack, both images will be different to each other. \begin{figure}[h] \centering \includegraphics{./ext_images/scaler_poisoning-figure2.pdf} \vspace{-0.4em} \caption{Defense based on down- and upscaling with image comparison. The downscaled version~\outimg of \attimg is upscaled again and compared with \attimg.} \label{fig:defenses_detection_example} \end{figure} The first method uses an \emph{intensity histogram} that counts the number of pixels for each value in the dynamic range of an image. To this end, a color image is converted into a grayscale image before computing its histogram. The result is a 256~dimensional vector $v^h$ for 8-bit images. The attack detection is now based on the cosine similarity between $\attimg$ and $\attimg'$: $s^h = \cos (v^h_1, v^h_{2} )$. A low score indicates an attack, as the distribution of both inputs do not match to each other. The second method based on \emph{color scattering} considers spatial relations in an image. The color image is again converted to grayscale, and the average distance to the image center over all pixels with the same value is calculated, respectively. This forms a 256~dimensional vector~$v^s$. The respective vectors from $\attimg$ and $\attimg'$ are also compared by using the cosine similarity. We finally note that defenses exist to \emph{prevent} image-scaling attacks~\citep[see][]{QuiKleArp20}. In contrast to detection, prevention blocks the attack from the beginning, but would not uncover that the dataset was manipulated, which is the focus in this~work. \section{Data Poisoning Using Image-Scaling} \label{sec:poisoning-scaling} Equipped with an understanding of data poisoning and image-scaling attacks, we are ready to examine novel attacks. The adversary's goal is that the model returns targeted predictions for specially crafted inputs while behaving normally for benign inputs. As image-scaling attacks provide a new means for creating novel content after downscaling, they are a perfect candidate to create less visible poisoning attacks. We start by describing two plausible threat models and continue with a description of two attack variants. \subsection{Two Realistic Threat Models} \paragraph{Stealthiness during test time.} It is common practice to outsource the training of large deep neural networks, either due to the lack of computational resources or due to missing expertise. In this scenario, an adversary can arbitrarily change the training data (or the model), as long as the returned model has the expected accuracy and architecture. The application of image-scaling attacks to hide changes is here not necessary. However, common backdoor attacks add visible triggers in test time instances to obtain a targeted prediction~\citep[e.g.][]{GuDolGar17,LiuMaAaf+18}. If such instances are examined, a visible backdoor, for instance, would directly reveal that a model has been tampered. These attacks can thus benefit from image-scaling attacks at test time. \paragraph{Stealthiness during training time.} In the second scenario, the adversary has only access to the training data, but the training process or model cannot be manipulated. This scenario is particularly relevant with insiders who already have privileged access within a company~\citep{Sto15}. Most poisoning attacks leave visible traces in the training data, so that the attack is detectable if audited by human beings. Consequently, image-scaling attacks are also useful for these scenarios. \vspace{0.5em} Finally, the application of image-scaling attacks requires (a) knowledge of the used scaling algorithm and (b) the input size of the neural network. Their knowledge is plausible to assume if the attacker is an insider or trains the model herself. \subsection{Enhanced Poisoning Attacks} \label{subsec:poisoningwithimagescaling} We study two representative poisoning attacks against deep neural networks: \emph{backdoor} and \emph{clean-label} attacks. Both enable us to examine different approaches to manipulate images and their impact on image-scaling attacks and defenses. \paragraph{Backdoor attack.} As first attack, we use the \emph{BadNets} backdoor method from~\citet{GuDolGar17}. The adversary chooses a target label and a small, bounded backdoor pattern. This pattern is added to a limited number of training images and the respective label is changed to the target label. In this way, the classifier starts to associate this pattern with the target class. We consider both threat models for the attack. As first variant, the adversary hides the poisoning on test time instances only. Thus, we use the BadNets method in its classic variant during the training process. At test time, the adversary applies an image-scaling attack. The original image without backdoor represents the source image~\srcimg, its version with the backdoor in the network's input dimensions is the target image~\tarimg. By solving Eq.~\eqref{eq:opti_problem_basic}, the adversary obtains the attack image~\attimg that is passed to the learning system. The pattern is only present after downscaling, so that an adversary can effectively disguise the neural network's backdoor. In addition, we study the threat scenario where the adversary hides the modifications at training time. We use the same attack principle as before, but apply the image-scaling attack for the backdoored training images as well. This scenario is especially relevant if the backdoor is implemented in the physical world, e.g.\ on road signs. The trigger can be disguised in the training data by using image-scaling attacks, and easily activated in the physical world at test time (without a scaling attack). \paragraph{Clean-label poisoning attack.} As second attack, we consider the poisoning attack at training time as proposed by~\citet{ShaHuaNaj+18}. The attack does not change the label of the modified training instances. As a result, this poisoning strategy becomes more powerful in combination with image-scaling attacks: The manipulated images keep their correct class label and show no obvious traces of manipulation. In particular, the adversary's objective is that the model classifies a specific and unmodified test set instance $\ti$ as a chosen target class $c_t$. To this end, the adversary chooses a set of images $X_i$ from $c_t$. Similar to watermarking, she embeds a low-opacity version of \ti into each image: \begin{align} X_i' = \alpha \cdot \ti + (1-\alpha) \cdot X_i . \end{align} If the parameter $\alpha$, for instance, is set to 0.3, features of $\ti$ are blended into $X_i$ while the manipulation is less visible. For an image-scaling attack, the adversary chooses $X_i$ as source image~\srcimg, and creates $X_i'$ as respective target image~\tarimg in the network's input dimensions. The computed attack image~\attimg serves as training image then. The changed images are finally added to the training set together with their correct label $c_t$. As a result, the classifier learns to associate $\ti$ with $c_t$. At test time, $\ti$ can be passed to the learning system without any changes and is classified as~$c_t$. This attack enables us to study the detection of image-scaling attacks, if the entire image is slightly changed instead of adding a small and bounded trigger. \subsection{Adaptive Image-Scaling Attack} To hide poisoned images from detection, we additionally introduce a new variant of image-scaling attack. In particular, it targets the histogram-based defense, but is also effective against the color-scattering-based approach. The difficult part is to create an attack image~\attimg that changes its appearance to~\tarimg after downscaling, but has a similar histogram if upscaled again, denoted as $\attimg'$. To this end, we use the following strategy: we upscale the target image~\tarimg and perform a histogram matching to the source image~\srcimg. After slightly denoising the result to make the adjusted histogram smoother, we downscale the adapted image which gives us $\tarimg'$. We finally mount the image-scaling attack with \srcimg as source image and $\tarimg'$ as target. Although the content changes after down- and upscaling, the histogram remains similar. Figures~\ref{fig:adaptive_attack_example}(a) and \ref{fig:adaptive_attack_example}(b) show an example with the histograms of $\attimg$ and $\attimg'$ for the original attack and our adapted attack, respectively. Our adaptive attack enables aligning the histograms of $\attimg$ and $\attimg'$ although both are visually different to each other, as depicted by Figures~\ref{fig:adaptive_attack_example}(f) and (h). Moreover, the visual differences to the original attack are marginal. However, the previous example also underlines that we do not obtain an exact histogram matching. The attack chances increase if source- and target image already have a similar color tone. Therefore, we let the adversary select the most suitable images for the attack. She mounts the attack on a larger number of adapted images and select those with the highest score. \section{Evaluation}\label{sec:eval} We continue with an empirical evaluation and perform the following experiments: \begin{enumerate} \setlength{\itemsep}{2pt} \item \emph{Poisoning \& image-scaling attacks}. We first demonstrate that poisoning attacks benefit from image-scaling attacks. The attack performance remains constant while the data manipulation is hard to notice. \item \emph{Detection defenses.} We demonstrate that currently proposed defenses against image-scaling attacks cannot detect backdoor attacks. \item \emph{Adaptive attack.} We also show that clean-label attacks cannot be detected if our new adaptive attack is applied to the manipulated images. \end{enumerate} \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics{./ext_images/scaler_poisoning-figure3.pdf} \includegraphics{./ext_images/scaler_poisoning-figure4.pdf} \vspace{-0.30cm} \caption{Example of our adaptive image-scaling attack. Plot (a) and (b) show the compared histograms for the original and our adaptive attack. Plot (c) and (f) show \attimg by using the original attack and our adaptive version, respectively. Plot (d) and (g) show their respective downscaled version as input for the neural network, (e) and (h) the respective upscaled version $\attimg'$.} \label{fig:adaptive_attack_example} \end{figure} \subsection{Dataset \& Setup} For our evaluation, we use the CIFAR-10 dataset~\citep{KriHin09}. Its respective default training set is further separated into a training (40,000 images) and validation set (10,000 images) that are used for model training. We choose the model architecture from \citet{CarWag17} which is commonly used in the adversarial learning literature. The model expects input images of size $32 \times 32 \times 3$. This simple configuration of dataset and model allows us to train a neural network for a variety of different attack configurations in feasible time. We implement the image-scaling attack in the strong variant as proposed by~\citet{XiaCheShe+19}, and set $\epsilon=1.0$ in Eq.~\eqref{eq:opti_problem_basic}. We use TensorFlow~(version~1.13) and report results for bilinear scaling, which is the default algorithm in TensorFlow. Due to our controlled scaling ratio, other scaling algorithms work identically and thus are omitted~\citep[see][]{QuiKleArp20}. To evaluate image-scaling attacks realistically, we need source images in a higher resolution. To this end, we consider common scaling ratios from the ImageNet dataset~\citep{RusDenSu+15}. Its images are considerably larger than the input sizes of popular models for this dataset. VGG19, for instance, expects images with size $224 \times 224 \times 3$~\citep{SimZis14}. Based on these results, we upscale the CIFAR-10 images to a size of $256 \times 256 \times 3$ by using OpenCV's Lanczos algorithm. This avoids side effects if the same algorithm is used for upscaling and downscaling during an image-scaling attack and model training\footnote{If we use the same algorithm, we obtained even better results against image-scaling defenses, which might not be realistic with real-world images.}. \subsection{Backdoor Attacks} Our first experiment tests whether image-scaling attacks can effectively conceal backdoors. For a given target class, we embed a filled black square in the lower-left corner as backdoor into training images. We perform the experiments for each class, respectively. To assess the impact of backdooring on benign inputs, we evaluate the accuracy on the unmodified CIFAR-10 test set. When evaluating backdoors on the test set, we exclude images from the target class. We report averaged results over the ten target classes. For each experiment, a baseline is added if the backdoor attack is applied without using an image-scaling attack. \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics{./ext_images/scaler_poisoning-figure5.pdf} \vspace{-0.30cm} \caption{Backdoor attacks: Percentage of obtained target classes on the backdoored test set, with and without image-scaling attacks for hiding the backdoor. Scaling attacks have no negative impact on the attack's success rate. } \label{fig:eval_backdoor_plain_testtime} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics{./ext_images/scaler_poisoning-figure6.pdf} \vspace{-0.15cm} \caption{Backdoor attack examples. The first and second row result in the third row after downscaling. However, the second row relies on image-scaling attacks and better hides the backdoor trigger. } \label{fig:eval_backdoor_plain_testtime_examples} \end{figure} \paragraph{Attack performance.} Figure~\ref{fig:eval_backdoor_plain_testtime} presents the success rate of the original attack for a varying number of backdoored training images. The adversary can successfully control the prediction by embedding a backdoor on test time instances. If 5\% of the training data are changed, she obtains an almost perfect attack result. The test set accuracy with unmodified images does not change considerably. The application of image-scaling attacks on the backdoored test time instances has no negative impact on the success rate. At the same, the adversary can considerably hide the backdoor in contrast to the original attack, as Figure~\ref{fig:eval_backdoor_plain_testtime_examples} shows. Although the backdoor's high contrast with neighboring pixels and its locality creates rather unusual noise in the backdoor area, the detection is hard if only quickly audited. In addition, we evaluate the variant where the image-scaling attack is also applied on the \emph{training} data to hide the backdoor pattern. We obtain identical results to the previous scenario regarding the success rate and visibility of the backdoor pattern. In summary, image-scaling attacks considerably raise the bar to detect backdoors. \paragraph{Detection of image-scaling attacks.} Another relevant question concerns the reliable detection of image-scaling attacks (see~Section~\ref{subsec:scalingattacksbackground}). Figure~\ref{fig:results_detection} depicts ROC curves for the histogram-based and color-scattering-based defense when backdoors are inserted at test time or training time. For both threat scenarios, the defenses fail to detect image-scaling attacks. A closer analysis reveals that the backdoor manipulation is too small compared to the overall image size. Thus, down- and upscaling creates an image version that still corresponds to the respective input. We conclude that a reliable attack detection is thus not possible if small and bounded parts of an image are changed only. \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics{./ext_images/scaler_poisoning-figure7.pdf} \vspace{-0.7em} \caption{Defenses against backdoor attacks: ROC curves of histogram-based and color scattering-based method. Both do not reliably detect image-scaling attacks that hide backdoors.} \label{fig:results_detection} \end{figure} \subsection{Clean-Label Poisoning Attack} We proceed with the clean-label attack from Section~\ref{subsec:poisoningwithimagescaling}, following the experimental setup from~\citet{ShaHuaNaj+18}. We test 50~randomly selected target-source class pairs $(c_t, c_z)$ where $c_z$ denotes the original class of $\ti$, $c_t$ the adversary's target class. For each pair, we choose a random target instance~\ti and vary the number of modified images~$X_i$. Again, a baseline is added where no image-scaling attack is applied on~$X_i$. For the embedding, we set $\alpha=0.3$. \paragraph{Attack performance.} Figure~\ref{fig:eval_cleanlabel_scaling} presents the success rate of the attack with respect to the number of modified images. The adversary can significantly control the prediction for $\ti$. The success rate increases with a larger number of modified images that are added to the training set, and corresponds to results as reported by~\citet{ShaHuaNaj+18}. Image-scaling attacks have only a slight impact on the success rate of the poisoning attack. At the same time, the attacker can conceal the added content of $\ti$ effectively, as exemplified by Figure~\ref{fig:eval_cleanlabel_scaling_examples}. The 4th row emphasizes that the added content is not visible in the novel images used for training, while $\ti$ is visible for the original attack. As opposed to the backdoor attack from the previous section, the added content \ti from the clean-label attack is not noticeable even under a closer analysis. As the whole image is partly changed, the manipulation becomes an imperceptible noise pattern. We conclude that poisoning attacks can benefit from image-scaling attacks the most if the manipulation is a weaker signal, distributed over a larger area in an image. \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics{./ext_images/scaler_poisoning-figure8.pdf} \vspace{-0.30cm} \caption{Clean-label attacks: Efficiency of attack in controlling the prediction with and without image-scaling attacks, and our adaptive variant.} \label{fig:eval_cleanlabel_scaling} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics{./ext_images/scaler_poisoning-figure9.pdf} \caption{Clean-label attack examples. The 3rd and 4th row result in the 5th row after downscaling. Image-scaling attacks can effectively hide the manipulation (4th row), which would be visible in the original poisoning attack~(3rd row).} \label{fig:eval_cleanlabel_scaling_examples} \end{figure} \paragraph{Detection of image-scaling attacks.} Figure~\ref{fig:results_detection_cleanlabel}(a) depicts ROC curves for the defenses. Only the histogram-based method can reliably detect attacks. At 1\% false positives, 94.5\% of manipulated images are correctly marked as attack. The color-scattering-based approach detects only 48.2\% at 1\% false positives. In contrast to backdoor attacks, both defenses can more reliably spot the manipulations by the clean-label attack. As the whole image is slightly changed, the difference between the attack image and its down- and upscaled version increases---enabling the detection. \subsection{Adaptive attack} We finally demonstrate that an adversary can use an adaptive strategy against both defenses to lower their detection rate. Figure~\ref{fig:results_detection_cleanlabel}(b) presents ROC curves for our adaptive image-scaling attack in the clean-label scenario. Our attack significantly lowers the detection rate. At the same time, the overall success rate of the attack is only slightly affected (see Figure~\ref{fig:eval_cleanlabel_scaling}). We contribute this to the histogram matching, so that parts of $\ti$ are slightly weaker embedded, especially for very dark or highly saturated images. Overall, we conclude that an adversary can circumvent current detection methods by adjusting histograms. \section{Limitations}\label{sec:limitations} Our findings demonstrate the benefit of image-scaling attacks for poisoning and the need to find novel detection defenses. Nonetheless, our analysis has limitations that we discuss in the following. First, we consider defenses against image-scaling attacks only. Direct defenses against data poisoning~\citep[e.g.][]{WanYaoShaLi+19} are another possible line of defense that would need to be used after downscaling. The design of such defenses is an ongoing research problem~\citep{WanYaoShaLi+19,TanSho19} and beyond the scope of this work. Furthermore, we apply a simple backdoor technique by adding a filled box into training images. We do not optimize regarding shapes or the model architecture, resulting in a relatively high amount of manipulated training data. Our goal is rather to draw first conclusions about the utility of image-scaling attacks for backdooring. As scaling attacks are agnostic to the model and poisoning attack, other backdoor techniques are also applicable whenever a manipulation needs to be concealed. \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics{./ext_images/scaler_poisoning-figure10.pdf} \vspace{-0.85em} \caption{Defenses against clean-label attacks: ROC curves of histogram-based and color scattering-based method with the original and adaptive attack.} \label{fig:results_detection_cleanlabel} \end{figure} \section{Related Work}\label{sec:relatedwork} The secure application of machine learning requires considering various attacks along a typical workflow. Regarding the order of the targeted step, attacks can be categorized into the following classes: membership inference~\citep[e.g.,][]{ShoStrSonShm17}, poisoning attacks~\citep[e.g.,][]{BigNelLas11, GuDolGar17, LiuMaAaf+18}, evasion- and perturbation attacks~\citep[e.g.,][]{BigCorMai+13,CarWag17,QuiMaiRie19}, as well as model stealing~\citep[e.g.,][]{TraZhaJuel+16}. In this work, we focus on poisoning attacks that manipulate the training data so that the learning model returns targeted responses with adversarial inputs only while behaving normally for benign inputs. Two attack variants are backdoor and clean-label poisoning attacks, differing in the the amount of necessary data changes, visibility or robustness with transfer learning~\citep[e.g.][]{GuDolGar17, CheLiuLi+17, ShaHuaNaj+18, LiuMaAaf+18, YaoLiZhe+19}. We consider the following two rather simple, but representative approaches: The BadNets method~\citep{GuDolGar17} inserts a small, bounded pattern into images as backdoor, while the clean-label attack from~\citet{ShaHuaNaj+18} slightly changes the whole image to add a poison. Both provide first insights about the applicability of image-scaling attacks for data poisoning. Concurrently, \citet{QuiKleArp20} comprehensively analyze image-scaling attacks by identifying the root-cause and examining defenses for \emph{prevention}. Our work here extends this line of research on image-scaling attacks by analyzing the poisoning application and \emph{detection} defenses. While prevention stops any attack, detection uncovers that an attack is going on. Our findings here underline the need for novel detection~approaches. \section{Conclusion}\label{sec:conclusion} This work demonstrates that image-scaling attacks can be leveraged to hide data manipulations for poisoning attacks. We consider two representative approaches: a backdoor attack~\citep{GuDolGar17} and a clean-label poisoning attack~\citep{ShaHuaNaj+18}. Our evaluation shows that the adversary can conceal manipulations more effectively without impact on the overall success rate of her poisoning attack. We find that image-scaling attacks can create almost invisible poisoned instances if a slight manipulation is spread over a larger area of the input. Furthermore, our work raises the need for novel detection defenses against image-scaling attacks. Local and bounded changes---as done for backdoors---are not detected at all. The detection if the whole image is changed can be circumvented by using our proposed adaptive image-scaling attack variant. \section*{Availability} We make our dataset and code publicly available at \mbox{\url{http://scaling-attacks.net}} to encourage further research on poisoning attacks and image-scaling attacks. \section*{Acknowledgment} The authors gratefully acknowledge funding by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany's Excellence Strategy - \mbox{EXC 2092 CASA - 390781972} and the research grant \mbox{RI 2469/3-1}, as well as by the German Ministry for Education and Research as BIFOLD - Berlin Institute for the Foundations of Learning and Data (ref. \mbox{01IS18025A} and ref \mbox{01IS18037A}). \footnotesize{ \bibliographystyle{abbrvnat} \balance \begin{thebibliography}{21} \providecommand{\natexlab}[1]{#1} \providecommand{\url}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \expandafter\ifx\csname urlstyle\endcsname\relax \providecommand{\doi}[1]{doi: #1}\else \providecommand{\doi}{doi: \begingroup \urlstyle{rm}\Url}\fi \bibitem[Biggio et~al.(2011)Biggio, Nelson, and Laskov]{BigNelLas11} B.~Biggio, B.~Nelson, and P.~Laskov. \newblock Support vector machines under adversarial label noise. \newblock In \emph{Proc. of Asian Conference on Machine Learning {(ACML)}}, pages 97--112, 2011. \bibitem[Biggio et~al.(2013)Biggio, Corona, Maiorca, Nelson, {\v{S}}rndi{\'{c}}, Laskov, Giacinto, and Roli]{BigCorMai+13} B.~Biggio, I.~Corona, D.~Maiorca, B.~Nelson, N.~{\v{S}}rndi{\'{c}}, P.~Laskov, G.~Giacinto, and F.~Roli. \newblock Evasion attacks against machine learning at test time. \newblock In \emph{Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases}, pages 387--402. 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