state("falloutwHR") { // Fallout 1 (no vars) } state("fallout2HR") { // Fallout 2 (no vars) } state("BOS") { // lmao good joke } state("Fallout3","GOG") { bool loading : 0xC76CE8; bool introDone : 0xC771D0; } state("Fallout3","Steam") { bool introDone : 0xE3AFCC; bool loading : 0xE3ABBC; } state("FalloutNV") { bool loading : 0xDDA4EC; bool introDone : 0xDDA590; } state("Fallout4") { // Fallout 4 } startup { vars.watchers = new MemoryWatcherList(); vars.ReadOffset = (Func)((proc, ptr) => { int offset; if (ptr == IntPtr.Zero || !proc.ReadValue(ptr, out offset)) { return IntPtr.Zero; } return ptr + 5 + offset; }); vars.loadScreenTarget = new SigScanTarget(0, "80 3D ?? ?? ?? ?? 00", // cmp byte ptr [Fallout4.exe+6CC83C8],00 ; Cell Transition "48 89 5C 24 70", // mov [rsp+70],rbx "48 89 74 24 50", // mov [rsp+50],rsi "48 89 7C 24 48", // mov [rsp+48],rdi "0F 85 ?? ?? ?? ??", // jne Fallout4.Scaleform::GFx::System::Init+1420BF "48 8B 05 ?? ?? ?? ??", // mov rax,[Fallout4.exe+700FAF0] "48 85 C0", // test rax,rax "74 ??", // je Fallout4.Scaleform::GFx::System::Init+141FE1 "80 B8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 00", // cmp byte ptr [rax+000000C5],00 "0F 85 ?? ?? ?? ??", // jne Fallout4.Scaleform::GFx::System::Init+1420F2 "80 B8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 00", // cmp byte ptr [rax+000000C6],00 "0F 85 ?? ?? ?? ??", // jne Fallout4.Scaleform::GFx::System::Init+1420F2 "48 89 6C 24 78", // mov [rsp+78],rbp "C6 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 01" // mov byte ptr [Fallout4.exe+6FB1524],01 ; Loading Screen ); vars.quickloadingTarget = new SigScanTarget(2, "C6 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 01", // mov byte ptr [Fallout4.exe+44BB958],01 ; Quickloading "48 8D 0D ?? ?? ?? ??", // lea rcx,[Fallout4.exe+6FCDA38] "E8 ?? ?? ?? ??", // call Fallout4.exe+1F83490 "41 89 1F", // mov [r15],ebx "48 83 C4 58", // add rsp,58 "41 5F", // pop r15 "5B", // pop rbx "C3" // ret ); vars.waitingTarget = new SigScanTarget(44, "F0 FF 05 ?? ?? ?? ??", // lock inc [Fallout4.exe+70432C4] "8B 15 ?? ?? ?? ??", // mov edx,[Fallout4.exe+704370C] "8B 44 24 78", // mov eax,[rsp+78] "F3 0F 10 44 24 70", // movss xmm0,[rsp+70] "48 8B 0D ?? ?? ?? ??", // mov rcx,[Fallout4.exe+7043718] "3B D0", // cmp edx,eax "F3 0F 11 3D ?? ?? ?? ??", // movss [Fallout4.exe+7043294],xmm7 "F3 0F 11 05 ?? ?? ?? ??", // movss [Fallout4.exe+7043298],xmm0 ; isWaiting-2 "0F 43 D6" // cmovae edx,esi ); } init { if (game.ProcessName == "Fallout4") { var module = modules.First(); var scanner = new SignatureScanner(game, module.BaseAddress, module.ModuleMemorySize); var isQuickloadingAddr = vars.ReadOffset(game, scanner.Scan(vars.quickloadingTarget)); var isWaitingAddr = vars.ReadOffset(game, scanner.Scan(vars.waitingTarget)) + 2; var loadScreenTargetAddr = scanner.Scan(vars.loadScreenTarget); var isCellTransitionAddr = IntPtr.Zero; var isLoadingScreenAddr = IntPtr.Zero; if (loadScreenTargetAddr != IntPtr.Zero) { isCellTransitionAddr = vars.ReadOffset(game, loadScreenTargetAddr + 2); isLoadingScreenAddr = vars.ReadOffset(game, loadScreenTargetAddr + 73); } print( "[NoLoads] isLoadingScreen: " + isLoadingScreenAddr.ToString("X") + "\n" + "[NoLoads] isQuickloading: " + isQuickloadingAddr.ToString("X") + "\n" + "[NoLoads] isCellTransition: " + isCellTransitionAddr.ToString("X") + "\n" + "[NoLoads] isWaiting: " + isWaitingAddr.ToString("X") ); var addresses = new IntPtr[] { isQuickloadingAddr, isWaitingAddr, isCellTransitionAddr, isLoadingScreenAddr }; if (addresses.Any(o => (ulong)o <= 100)) { throw new Exception("Failed to find all addresses."); } vars.isLoadingScreen = new MemoryWatcher(isLoadingScreenAddr); vars.isQuickloading = new MemoryWatcher(isQuickloadingAddr); vars.isCellTransition = new MemoryWatcher(isCellTransitionAddr); vars.isWaiting = new MemoryWatcher(isWaitingAddr); vars.watchers.Clear(); vars.watchers.AddRange(new MemoryWatcher[] { vars.isLoadingScreen, vars.isQuickloading, vars.isCellTransition, vars.isWaiting }); timer.IsGameTimePaused = false; } if(game.ProcessName == "Fallout3") { switch (modules.First().ModuleMemorySize) { // This is to know what version you are playing on case 17952768: version = "Steam"; break; case 16166912: version = "GOG"; break; default: version = ""; break; } } } exit { timer.IsGameTimePaused = true; } update { if(game.ProcessName == "falloutwHR") { print("asda"); } if (game.ProcessName == "Fallout4") { vars.watchers.UpdateAll(game); } if(game.ProcessName == "Fallout3") { vars.isLoading = false; if ((current.loading) || (!current.introDone)) { vars.isLoading = true; } } if(game.ProcessName == "FalloutNV") { vars.isLoading = false; if ((current.loading) || (!current.introDone)) { vars.isLoading = true; } } } isLoading { if (timer.CurrentSplit.Name.ToLower().Contains("setup")) { return true; } else if (game.ProcessName == "Fallout3" || game.ProcessName == "FalloutNV") { return vars.isLoading; } else if (game.ProcessName == "Fallout4") { return ( vars.isLoadingScreen.Current || vars.isQuickloading.Current || vars.isCellTransition.Current || vars.isWaiting.Current == 68 ); } else { return false; } }