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          <h2>Flight Hint : Flight Fare Prediction Web Application</h2>
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          <h4>Welcome to</h4>
          <h1>Flight Hint</h1>
          <h2>Predict. Plan. Purchase.</h2>
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        As air travel is getting more and more popular these days, getting a
        flight ticket at a reasonable price is a major concern as the flight
        ticket prices are known to vary unexpectedly. The factors involved in
        pricing dynamically change over time and make the price fluctuate. Many
        airlines change ticket prices for their revenue management. Predicting
        the optimal timing for airline ticket purchasing from the consumer’s
        perspective is therefore challenging. Buyers usually have insufficient
        information about future price movements and fluctuations, as a result
        of which it is very hard for the client to buy an air ticket at the most
        reduced cost.<br />To solve this problem, flight travellers and
        customers can make use of Flight Hint to predict flight fare for a
        period of time and plan their travel accordingly <br />as per their
        budget. Happy Journey :)
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        <h2>Features :</h2>
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              Flight details of all domestic flights along with departure and
              arrival date and time
              The customer can predict flight fares for multiple dates and
              multiple airlines
            <p>Expected price is shown along with 10 days graphical analysis</p>
              Predictions made are based on reliable historical data hence are
              The prediction will help a traveller to decide a specific airline
              as per his/her budget
              The customer can analyze and plan the travel accordingly and
              decide whether to buy now or wait

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        <h1>Was the Prediction Helpful? Give your Feedback</h1>
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              <h4>Contact Us</h4>
                <li><a href="#">+91 99775 99775</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">+91 55664 55664</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">flighthint@gmail.com</a></li>
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                  C-521 <br />GTB Nagar<br />Prayagraj<br />Uttar Pradesh
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