# Dark Neon Theme > for your favorite text editor: `This theme is targeted toward front-end developers... sort of` The Dark Neon Theme is your typical [Textmate](https://github.com/textmate/textmate) theme that works with [Sublime Text 2 and 3](http://www.sublimetext.com/) and [Choclat](https://chocolatapp.com/). There is also a version for [Coda 2](https://panic.com/coda/) *(for those who like IDEs)* and [Mou](http://mouapp.com/) *(for those who like to write Markdown)* The theme is based on [Todd Werth's IR_Black:](http://toddwerth.com/2007/03/29/ir_black-the-last-textmate-theme-youll-ever-need/). ## Also seen on: >You can also find Dark Neon at these fine establishments: * [TMTheme-Editor.herokuapp.com](http://tmtheme-editor.herokuapp.com/) by: [Allen Bargi](https://github.com/aziz) tweeting as @[aziz](https://twitter.com/aziz) * [DevThemes.com](http://devthemez.com/themes/dark-neon) by: [Pascal Kremp](https://github.com/PascalKremp) tweeting as @[pascalkremp](https://twitter.com/pascalkremp) ## Install in Sublime Text 2/3: * With Package Control: Launch Package Control (`⌘+Shift+p` or `ctrl+Shift+p`) search `DarkNeon` * Manually Sublime Text 2: Copy `Dark Neon.tmTheme` into the Packages folder * Manually Sublime Text 3: Copy `Dark Neon.tmTheme` into the User folder === #### todo: - [x] iTerm2 - [x] Mou - [ ] Dark Neon Light for SublimeText/Coda/iTerm2 - [ ] Dark Neon Eighties for SublimeText/Coda/iTerm2 *if you want a theme for your editor, just create an issue* ## Screenshots: > a few screen shots: #### Mou ![Dark Neon for Mou](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RainyDayMedia/Dark-Neon/master/Mou/mou-screenshots.png) #### Sublime Text 2/3: ![Dark Neon for Sublime Text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RainyDayMedia/Dark-Neon/master/Textmate/sublime-screenshot.png) #### Textmate 2 ![Dark Neon for Textmate 2](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RainyDayMedia/Dark-Neon/master/Textmate/textmate-screenshot.png) #### Coda 2: ![Dark Neon for Coda 2](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RainyDayMedia/Dark-Neon/master/Coda/coda-screenshot.png) #### iTerm 2: ![Dark Neon for iTerm2](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RainyDayMedia/Dark-Neon/master/iTerm2/iterm-screenshot.png) I'm using [Oh My ZSH](https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh) with a custom theme I made called [Poncho](https://github.com/RainyDayMedia/oh-my-zsh-rdm-theme), that is *Git Aware* and displays your current version of ruby with RVM. Feel free to download it user it as is or modify --- #### License Dark Neon Theme is licensed under the [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/). You are free to use and share the theme. **It's free bitch!**