# $Id: 14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2024-04-12 17:00:00Z Ralf9 $ # # The purpose of this module is to support serval # weather sensors which use various protocol # # Sidey79 & Ralf9 2016 - 2017 # Joerg 2017 # elektron-bbs 2018 - # Ralf9 2021 - # # 17.04.2017 WH2 (TFA 30.3157 nur Temp, Hum = 255),es wird das Perlmodul Digest:CRC benoetigt fuer CRC-Pruefung benoetigt # 29.05.2017 Test ob Digest::CRC installiert # 22.07.2017 WH2 angepasst # 21.08.2017 WH2 Abbruch wenn kein "FF" am Anfang # 18.08.2018 Protokoll 51 - prematch auf genau 10 Nibbles angepasst, Protokoll 33 - prematch auf genau 11 Nibbles angepasst # 21.08.2018 Modelauswahl hinzugefuegt, da 3 versch. Typen SD_WS_33 --> Batterie-Bit Positionen unterschiedlich (34,35,36) # 11.09.2018 Plotanlegung korrigiert | doc | temp check war falsch positioniert # 16.09.2018 neues Protokoll 84: Funk Wetterstation Auriol IAN 283582 Version 06/2017 (Lidl), Modell-Nr.: HG02832D # 31.09.2018 neues Protokoll 85: Kombisensor TFA 30.3222.02 fuer Wetterstation TFA 35.1140.01 # 09.12.2018 neues Protokoll 89: Temperatur-/Feuchtesensor TFA 30.3221.02 fuer Wetterstation TFA 35.1140.01 # 06.01.2019 Protokoll 33: Temperatur-/Feuchtesensor TX-EZ6 fuer Wetterstation TZS First Austria hinzugefuegt # 03.03.2019 neues Protokoll 38: Rosenstein & Soehne, PEARL NC-3911, NC-3912, Kuehlschrankthermometer # 07.04.2019 Protokoll 51: Buxfix longID 8 statt 12 bit, prematch channel 1-3 # 15.04.2019 Protokoll 33: sub crcok ergaenzt # 02.05.2019 neues Protokoll 94: Atech wireless weather station (vermutlicher Name: WS-308) # 14.06.2019 neuer Sensor TECVANCE TV-4848 - Protokoll 84 angepasst (prematch) # 09.11.2019 neues Protokoll 53: Lidl AURIOL AHFL 433 B2 IAN 314695 # 29.12.2019 neues Protokoll 27: Temperatur-/Feuchtigkeitssensor EuroChron EFTH-800 # 09.02.2020 neues Protokoll 54: Regenmesser TFA Drop # 22.02.2020 Protokoll 58: neuer Sensor TFA 30.3228.02, FT007T Thermometer Sensor # 25.08.2020 Protokoll 27: neuer Sensor EFS-3110A # 27.09.2020 neues Protokoll 106: BBQ Temperature Sensor GT-TMBBQ-01s (Sender), GT-TMBBQ-01e (Empfaenger) # 07.10.2020 neues Protokoll 107: DP100 / Fine Offset WH51 (nur hum), es wird das Perlmodul Digest:CRC fuer CRC-Pruefung benoetigt (Ralf9) # 01.05.2021 neues Protokoll 108: Bresser 5-in-1 Comfort Wetter Center, Profi Regenmesser # 15.05.2021 neues Protokoll 110: ADE WS1907 Weather station with rain gauge # 03.06.2021 PerlCritic - HardTabs durch Leerzeichen ersetzt & Einrueckungen sortiert (keine Code/Syntaxaenderung vorgenommen) # 06.06.2021 neues Protokoll 111: TS-FT002 Water tank level monitor with temperature # 16.07.2021 neues Protokoll 113: Wireless Grill Thermometer, Model name: GFGT 433 B1 # 31.07.2021 neues Protokoll 115: Bresser 6-in-1 Comfort Wetter Center # 30.08.2021 PerlCritic - fixes for severity level 5 and 4 # 27.09.2021 neues Protokoll 116: Fine Offset/ECOWITT/MISOL WH57, froggit DP60 es wird das Perlmodul Digest:CRC fuer CRC-Pruefung benoetigt (Ralf9) # 13.10.2021 neues Protokoll 204: WH24 WH65A/B (Ralf9) # 13.10.2021 neues Protokoll 205: WH25 WH25A (Ralf9) # 13.10.2021 neues Protokoll 206: W136 (Ralf9) # 30.11.2021 Protokoll 108: neuer Sensor Fody_E42 # 01.01.2022 Protokoll 115: neue Sensoren Indoor und Soil Moisture (Ralf9) # 02.01.2022 neues Protokoll 207: Bresser WLAN Comfort Wettercenter mit 7-in-1 Profi-Sensor # 17.03.2022 neues Protokoll 125: WH31 DP50 (Ralf9) # 11.04.2022 Protokoll 85: neuer Sensor Windmesser TFA 30.3251.10 mit Windrichtung, Pruefung CRC8 eingearbeitet (elektron-bbs) # 23.05.2022 neues Protokoll 120: Wetterstation TFA 35.1077.54.S2 mit 30.3151 (Thermo/Hygro-Sender), 30.3152 (Regenmesser), 30.3153 (Windmesser) # 11.06.2022 neues Protokoll 122: TM40, Wireless Grill-, Meat-, Roasting-Thermometer with 4 Temperature Sensors # 02.09.2022 neues Protokoll 123: Inkbird IBS-P01R Pool Thermometer, Inkbird ITH-20R (elektron-bbs) # 03.04.2023 neues Protokoll 126: WH40 # 06.08.2023 neues Protokoll 129: Sainlogic 8in1 und Sainlogic Wifi 7in1 (mit uv und lux) # 18.09.2023 neues Protokoll 214: ecowitt WS68 Windmesser. todo: ueberpruefen Wind, add bat, lux und uv package main; #use version 0.77; our $VERSION = version->declare('v3.4.3'); use strict; use warnings; # Forward declarations sub SD_WS_LFSR_digest8_reflect; sub SD_WS_Sanity_checks; sub SD_WS_bin2dec; sub SD_WS_binaryToNumber; sub SD_WS_WH2CRCCHECK; sub SD_WS_WH2SHIFT; sub SD_WS_Initialize { my $hash = shift // return; $hash->{Match} = '^W\d+x{0,1}#.*'; $hash->{DefFn} = "SD_WS_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "SD_WS_Undef"; $hash->{ParseFn} = "SD_WS_Parse"; $hash->{AttrList} = "do_not_notify:1,0 ignore:0,1 showtime:1,0 " . "model:E0001PA,S522,TFA_30.3251.10,TX-EZ6,other,WH24_65B " . "max-deviation-temp:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50 ". "max-deviation-hum:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,100 ". "max-deviation-rain:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50 ". "dp100-wh51-ad0 dp100-wh51-ad100 ". "$readingFnAttributes "; $hash->{AutoCreate} = { "BresserTemeo.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", FILTER => "%NAME", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", autocreateThreshold => "2:180"}, "SD_WS_WH2.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", FILTER => "%NAME", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", autocreateThreshold => "2:120"}, "SD_WS37_TH.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", FILTER => "%NAME", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", autocreateThreshold => "2:180"}, "SD_WS50_SM.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", FILTER => "%NAME", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", autocreateThreshold => "2:180"}, "SD_WS71_T.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", FILTER => "%NAME", GPLOT => "temp4:Temp,", autocreateThreshold => "2:180"}, "SD_WS_106_T.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", FILTER => "%NAME", GPLOT => "temp4:Temp,", autocreateThreshold => "5:60"}, "SD_WS_27_TH_.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", FILTER => "%NAME", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", autocreateThreshold => "3:180"}, "SD_WS_33_TH_.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.* model:other", FILTER => "%NAME", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", autocreateThreshold => "2:180"}, "SD_WS_33_T_.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.* model:other", FILTER => "%NAME", GPLOT => "temp4:Temp,", autocreateThreshold => "2:180"}, "SD_WS_38_T_.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", FILTER => "%NAME", GPLOT => "temp4:Temp,", autocreateThreshold => "3:180"}, "SD_WS_51_TH.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", FILTER => "%NAME", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", autocreateThreshold => "3:180"}, "SD_WS_53_TH.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", FILTER => "%NAME", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", autocreateThreshold => "3:180"}, "SD_WS_54_R.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", FILTER => "%NAME", GPLOT => "rain4:Rain,", autocreateThreshold => "3:180"}, "SD_WS_58_TH.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", FILTER => "%NAME", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", autocreateThreshold => "2:90"}, "SD_WS_58_T_.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", FILTER => "%NAME", GPLOT => "temp4:Temp,", autocreateThreshold => "2:90"}, "SD_WS_84_TH_.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", FILTER => "%NAME", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", autocreateThreshold => "2:120"}, "SD_WS_85_THW_.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", FILTER => "%NAME", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", autocreateThreshold => "4:120"}, "SD_WS_89_TH.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", FILTER => "%NAME", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", autocreateThreshold => "3:180"}, "SD_WS_94_T.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", FILTER => "%NAME", GPLOT => "temp4:Temp,", autocreateThreshold => "3:180"}, 'SD_WS_107_H.*' => { ATTR => 'event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*', FILTER => '%NAME', GPLOT => 'temp4:Temp,', autocreateThreshold => '2:180'}, 'SD_WS_108.*' => { ATTR => 'event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*', FILTER => '%NAME', GPLOT => 'temp4:Temp,', autocreateThreshold => '5:120'}, 'SD_WS_110_TR.*' => { ATTR => 'event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*', FILTER => '%NAME', GPLOT => 'temp4:Temp,', autocreateThreshold => '3:180'}, 'SD_WS_111_TL.*' => { ATTR => 'event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*', FILTER => '%NAME', GPLOT => 'temp4:Temp,', autocreateThreshold => '3:600'}, 'SD_WS_113_T.*' => { ATTR => 'event-min-interval:.*:60 event-on-change-reading:.*', FILTER => '%NAME', GPLOT => 'temp4:Temp,', autocreateThreshold => '10:180'}, 'SD_WS_115.*' => { ATTR => 'event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*', FILTER => '%NAME', GPLOT => 'temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,', autocreateThreshold => '5:120'}, 'SD_WS_116.*' => { ATTR => 'event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*', FILTER => '%NAME', autocreateThreshold => '2:180'}, 'SD_WS_120.*' => { ATTR => 'event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*', FILTER => '%NAME', GPLOT => 'temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,', autocreateThreshold => '2:180'}, 'SD_WS_122_T.*' => { ATTR => 'event-min-interval:.*:60 event-on-change-reading:.*', FILTER => '%NAME', GPLOT => 'temp4:Temp,', autocreateThreshold => '10:180'}, 'SD_WS_123_T.*' => { ATTR => 'event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*', FILTER => '%NAME', GPLOT => 'temp4:Temp,', autocreateThreshold => '2:180'}, 'SD_WS_129.*' => { ATTR => 'event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*', FILTER => '%NAME', GPLOT => 'temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,', autocreateThreshold => '2:180'}, 'SD_WS_204.*' => { ATTR => 'event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*', FILTER => '%NAME', GPLOT => 'temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,', autocreateThreshold => '2:180'}, 'SD_WS_205.*' => { ATTR => 'event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*', FILTER => '%NAME', GPLOT => 'temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,', autocreateThreshold => '2:180'}, 'SD_WS_206.*' => { ATTR => 'event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*', FILTER => '%NAME', GPLOT => 'temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,', autocreateThreshold => '2:180'}, 'SD_WS_207.*' => { ATTR => 'event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*', FILTER => '%NAME', GPLOT => 'temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,', autocreateThreshold => '2:180'}, 'SD_WS_125.*' => { ATTR => 'event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*', FILTER => '%NAME', GPLOT => 'temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,', autocreateThreshold => '2:180'}, 'SD_WS_126_R.*' => { ATTR => 'event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*', FILTER => '%NAME', GPLOT => 'rain4:Rain,', autocreateThreshold => '2:180'}, 'SD_WS_214.*' => { ATTR => 'event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*', FILTER => '%NAME', autocreateThreshold => '2:180'} }; return; } ############################# sub SD_WS_Define { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); return "wrong syntax: define SD_WS ".int(@a) if(int(@a) < 3 ); $hash->{CODE} = $a[2]; $hash->{lastMSG} = ""; $hash->{bitMSG} = ""; $modules{SD_WS}{defptr}{$a[2]} = $hash; $hash->{STATE} = "Defined"; my $name= $hash->{NAME}; return; } ############################# sub SD_WS_Undef { my ($hash, $name) = @_; delete($modules{SD_WS}{defptr}{$hash->{CODE}}) if(defined($hash->{CODE}) && defined($modules{SD_WS}{defptr}{$hash->{CODE}})); return; } ############################# sub SD_WS_Parse { my ($iohash, $msg) = @_; my $name = $iohash->{NAME}; my $ioname = $iohash->{NAME}; my ($protocol,$rawData) = split("#",$msg); $protocol=~ s/^[WP](\d+)/$1/; # extract protocol my $dummyreturnvalue= "Unknown, please report"; my $hlen = length($rawData); my $blen = $hlen * 4; my $bitData = unpack("B$blen", pack("H$hlen", $rawData)); my $bitData2; my $defaultMaxDeviation = 1; my $model; # wenn im elsif Abschnitt definiert, dann wird der Sensor per AutoCreate angelegt my $SensorTyp; my $id; my $fixedId; # bei einer festen Id wird immer longId verwendet my $bat; my $batChange; my $batteryPercent; my $batVoltage; my $sendmode; my $channel; my $rawTemp; my $temp; my $temp2; my $temp3; my $temp4; my $noTempCheck; my $hum; my $windspeed; my $windspeedKmh; my $winddir; my $winddirtxt; my @winddirtxtar=('N','NNE','NE','ENE','E','ESE','SE','SSE','S','SSW','SW','WSW','W','WNW','NW','NNW','N'); my $windgust; my $trend; my $trendTemp; my $trendHum; my $rain; my $rain_total; my $rawRainCounter; my $sendCounter; my $beep; my $distance; my $uv; my @uvar=(432, 851, 1210, 1570, 2017, 2450, 2761, 3100, 3512, 3918, 4277, 4650, 5029); my $count; my $ad; # ID 107, Soil Moisture Sensor my $transPerBoost; # ID 107 my @moisture_map=(0, 7, 13, 20, 27, 33, 40, 47, 53, 60, 67, 73, 80, 87, 93, 99); # ID 115 my $lightningRaw; # ID 116, lightning detector my $lightning; # ID 116 my $identified; # ID 116 my $lux; # ID 204, WH24 my $pressure; # ID 205, WH25 my $dcf; # ID 120 my $transmitter; # ID 122 my %decodingSubs = ( 50 => # Protocol 50 # FF550545FF9E # FF550541FF9A # AABCDDEEFFGG # A = Preamble, always FF # B = TX type, always 5 # C = Address (5/6/7) > low 2 bits = 1/2/3 # D = Soil moisture 05% # E = temperature # F = security code, always F # G = Checksum 55+05+45+FF=19E CRC value = 9E { # subs to decode this sensortype => 'XT300', model => 'SD_WS_50_SM', prematch => sub {my $msg = shift; return 1 if ($msg =~ /^FF5[0-9A-F]{5}FF[0-9A-F]{2}/); }, # prematch crcok => sub {my $msg = shift; if ((hex(substr($msg,2,2))+hex(substr($msg,4,2))+hex(substr($msg,6,2))+hex(substr($msg,8,2))&0xFF) != hex(substr($msg,10,2))) { Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_50 Parse - ERROR checksum"; return 0; } return 1; }, id => sub {my $msg = shift; return (hex(substr($msg,2,2)) &0x03 ); }, # id temp => sub {my $msg = shift; return ((hex(substr($msg,6,2)))-40) }, # temp hum => sub {my $msg = shift; return hex(substr($msg,4,2)); }, # hum channel => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return ( SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,12,15)&0x03 ); }, # channel }, 71 => # 5C2A909F792F # 589A829FDFF4 # PiiTTTK?CCCC # P = Preamble (immer 5 ?) # i = ID # T = Temperatur # K = Kanal (B/A/9) # ? = immer F ? # C = Checksum ? { sensortype => 'PV-8644', model => 'SD_WS71_T', prematch => sub {my $msg = shift; return 1 if ($msg =~ /^5[A-F0-9]{6}F[A-F0-9]{2}/); }, # prematch #crcok => sub {return 1; }, # crc is unknown id => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,4,11); }, # id temp => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return ((SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,12,23) - 2448) / 10); }, # temp channel => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,26,27); }, # channel }, 27 => { # Protokollbeschreibung: Temperatur-/Feuchtigkeitssensor EuroChron EFTH-800, EFS-3110A # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 0 4 | 8 12 | 16 20 | 24 28 | 32 36 | 40 44 # 0000 1001 | 0001 0110 | 0001 0000 | 0000 0000 | 0100 1001 | 0100 0000 # ?ccc iiii | iiii iiii | bstt tttt | tttt ???? | hhhh hhhh | xxxx xxxx # c: 3 bit channel valid channels are 0-7 (stands for channel 1-8) # i: 12 bit random id (changes on power-loss) # b: 1 bit battery indicator (0=>OK, 1=>LOW) # s: 1 bit sign temperature (0=>negative, 1=>positive) # t: 10 bit unsigned temperature, scaled by 10 # h: 8 bit relative humidity percentage (BCD) # x: 8 bit CRC8 # ?: unknown (Bit 0, 28-31, always 0000 by EFTH-800, 1000 by EFS-3110A) # The sensor sends two messages at intervals of about 57-58 seconds sensortype => 'EFTH-800, EFS-3110A', model => 'SD_WS_27_TH', # prematch => sub {my $rawData = shift; return 1 if ($rawData =~ /^[0-9A-F]{7}0[0-9]{2}[0-9A-F]{2}$/); }, # prematch 113C49A 0 47 AE (EFTH-800) prematch => sub {my $rawData = shift; return 1 if ($rawData =~ /^[0-9A-F]{7}0|8[0-9]{2}[0-9A-F]{2}$/); }, # prematch 3F94519 8 55 C7 (EFS-3110A) channel => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,1,3) + 1 ); }, id => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,1,3); }, bat => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,16,1) eq "0" ? "ok" : "low";}, temp => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,17,1) eq "0" ? ((SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,18,27) - 1024) / 10.0) : (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,18,27) / 10.0);}, hum => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,32,35) * 10) + (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,36,39));}, crcok => sub {my $rawData = shift; my $rc = eval { require Digest::CRC; Digest::CRC->import(); 1; }; if ($rc) { my $datacheck1 = pack( 'H*', substr($rawData,0,10) ); my $crcmein1 = Digest::CRC->new(width => 8, poly => 0x31); my $rr3 = $crcmein1->add($datacheck1)->hexdigest; if (hex($rr3) == hex(substr($rawData,-2))) { return 1; } else { Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_27 Parse - ERROR CRC8 $rr3 should be 0"; return 0; } } else { Log3 $name, 1, "$name: SD_WS_27 Parse msg $rawData - ERROR CRC not load, please install modul Digest::CRC"; return 0; } } } , 33 => { # Protokollbeschreibung # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 0 4 | 8 12 | 16 20 | 24 28 | 32 36 40 # 1111 1100 | 0001 0110 | 0001 0000 | 0011 0111 | 0100 1001 01 # iiii iiii | iiuu cctt | tttt tttt | tthh hhhh | hhbu uuxx xx # i: 10 bit random id (changes on power-loss) - Bit 0 + 1 every 0 ??? # b: battery indicator (0=>OK, 1=>LOW) # c: Channel (MSB-first, valid channels are 0x00-0x02 -> 1-3) # t: Temperature (MSB-first, BCD, 12 bit unsigned fahrenheit offset by 90 and scaled by 10) # h: Humidity (MSB-first, BCD, 8 bit relative humidity percentage) # u: unknown # x: check # Protokollbeschreibung: Conrad Temperatursensor S522 fuer Funk-Thermometer S521B # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 0 4 | 8 12 | 16 20 | 24 28 | 32 36 | 40 # 0010 0111 | 0100 0100 | 1100 0100 | 1100 0000 | 0000 1011 | 10 # iiii iiii | iiuu cctt | tttt tttt | ttuu uuuu | uuuu TTxx | xx # T: Temperature trend, 00 = consistent, 01 = rising, 10 = falling # u: unknown (always 0) # i: | c: | t: | x: same like default # Protokollbeschreibung: renkforce Temperatursensor E0001PA fuer Funk-Wetterstation E0303H2TPR (Conrad) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 0 4 | 8 12 | 16 20 | 24 28 | 32 36 40 # iiii iiii | iiuu cctt | tttt tttt | tthh hhhh | hhsb uuxx xx # s: sendmode (1=>Test push, send manual 0=>automatic send) # i: | c: | t: | h: | b: | u: | x: same like default # Protokollbeschreibung: Temperatur-/Fechtesensor TX-EZ6 fuer Wetterstation TZS First Austria # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 0 4 | 8 12 | 16 20 | 24 28 | 32 36 40 # iiii iiii | iiHH cctt | tttt tttt | tthh hhhh | hhsb TTxx xx # H: Humidity trend, 00 = equal, 01 = up, 10 = down # T: Temperature trend, 00 = equal, 01 = up, 10 = down # i: | c: | t: | h: | s: | b: | x: same like E0001PA sensortype => 'E0001PA, s014, S522, TCM, TFA 30.3200, TX-EZ6', model => 'SD_WS_33_T', prematch => sub {my $msg = shift; return 1 if ($msg =~ /^[0-9A-F]{11}$/); }, # prematch crcok => sub { my (undef,$bitData) = @_; my $crc = 0; for (my $i=0; $i < 34; $i++) { if (substr($bitData, $i, 1) == ($crc & 1)) { $crc >>= 1; } else { $crc = ($crc>>1) ^ 12; } } $crc ^= SD_WS_bin2dec(scalar(reverse(substr($bitData, 34, 4)))); if ($crc == SD_WS_bin2dec(scalar(reverse(substr($bitData, 38, 4))))) { return 1; } else { Log3 $name, 3, "$name: SD_WS_33 Parse msg $msg - ERROR check $crc != " . SD_WS_bin2dec(scalar(reverse(substr($bitData, 38, 4)))); return 0; } }, id => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,0,9); }, # id temp => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return round(((SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,22,25)*256 + SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,18,21)*16 + SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,14,17)) - 1220) * 5 / 90.0 , 1); }, #temp hum => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,30,33)*16 + SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,26,29)); }, #hum channel => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,12,13)+1 ); }, # channel bat => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,34,1) eq "0" ? "ok" : "low";}, # other or modul orginal } , 38 => { # Protokollbeschreibung: NC-3911, NC-3912 - Rosenstein & Soehne Digitales Kuehl- und Gefrierschrank-Thermometer # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 0 4 | 8 12 | 16 20 | 24 28 | 32 # 0000 1001 | 1001 0110 | 0001 0000 | 0000 0111 | 0100 # iiii iiii | bpcc tttt | tttt tttt | ssss ssss | ???? # i: 8 bit random id (changes on power-loss) # b: 1 bit battery indicator (1=>OK, 0=>LOW) # p: 1 bit beep alarm indicator (1=>ON, 0=>OFF) # c: 2 bit channel, valid channels are 1 and 2 # t: 12 bit unsigned temperature, offset 500, scaled by 10 # s: 8 bit checksum # ?: 4 bit equal sensortype => 'NC-3911', model => 'SD_WS_38_T', prematch => sub {my $msg = shift; return 1 if ($msg =~ /^[0-9A-F]{9}$/); }, id => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,0,2); }, bat => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,8,1) eq "1" ? "ok" : "low";}, beep => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,9,1) eq "1" ? "on" : "off"; }, channel => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,10,11); }, temp => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return ((SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,12,23) - 500) / 10.0); }, crcok => sub {my $msg = shift; my @n = split //, $msg; my $sum1 = hex($n[0]) + hex($n[2]) + hex($n[4]) + 6; my $sum2 = hex($n[1]) + hex($n[3]) + hex($n[5]) + 6 + ($sum1 >> 4); if (($sum1 & 0x0F) == hex($n[6]) && ($sum2 & 0x0F) == hex($n[7])) { return 1; } else { Log3 $name, 3, "$name: SD_WS_38 Parse msg $msg - ERROR checksum " . ($sum1 & 0x0F) . "=" . hex($n[6]) . " " . ($sum2 & 0x0F) . "=" . hex($n[7]); return 0; } }, } , 51 => { # Auriol Message Format (rflink/Plugin_044.c): # 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 # 1011 1111 1001 1010 0110 0001 1011 0100 1001 0001 # B F 9 A 6 1 B 4 9 1 # iiii iiii ???? sbTT tttt tttt tttt hhhh hhhh ??cc # i = ID # ? = unknown (0-15 check?) # s = sendmode (1=manual, 0=auto) # b = possibly battery indicator (1=low, 0=ok) # T = temperature trend (2 bits) indicating temp equal/up/down # t = Temperature => 0x61b (0x61b-0x4c4)=0x157 *5)=0x6b3 /9)=0xBE => 0xBE = 190 decimal! # h = humidity (4x10+9=49%) # ? = unknown (always 00?) # c = channel: 1 (2 bits) sensortype => 'Auriol IAN 275901, IAN 114324, IAN 60107', model => 'SD_WS_51_TH', prematch => sub {my $msg = shift; return 1 if ($msg =~ /^[0-9A-F]{9}[1-3]$/);}, # 10 nibbles, 9 hex chars, only channel 1-3 # prematch => sub {my $msg = shift; return 1 if ($msg =~ /^[0-9A-F]{10}$/);}, # 10 nibbles, all hex chars #crcok => sub {return 1; }, # crc is unknown id => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,0,2);}, # long-id in hex sendmode => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,12,1) eq "1" ? "manual" : "auto";}, bat => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,13,1) eq "1" ? "low" : "ok";}, trend => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return ('consistent', 'rising', 'falling', 'unknown')[SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,14,15)];}, temp => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return round(((SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,16,27)) - 1220) * 5 / 90.0 , 1); }, hum => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,28,31) * 10) + (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,32,35));}, channel => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,38,39) );}, }, 53 => { # AURIOL AHFL 433 B2 IAN 314695 Message Format # ---------------------------------------------------- # 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 # 0000 0111 0000 0000 1101 1111 0111 1010 0100 1110 00 # iiii iiii b?cc tttt tttt tttt hhhh hhh? ???? ssss ss # i: 8 bit random id (changes on power-loss) # b: 1 bit battery indicator (0=>OK, 1=>LOW) # c: 2 bit channel, valid channels are 1-3 # t: 12 bit signed temperature, scaled by 10 # h: 7 bit humidity # s: 6 bit checksum (sum over nibble 0 - 8) # ?: x bit unknown (bit 32-35 always 0100) sensortype => 'Auriol IAN 314695', model => 'SD_WS_53_TH', # prematch => sub {my $msg = shift; return 1 if ($msg =~ /^[0-9A-F]{11}$/); }, # prematch prematch => sub {my $msg = shift; return 1 if ($msg =~ /^[0-9A-F]{8}4[0-9A-F]{2}$/); }, # prematch 0700F276 4 A4 crcok => sub { my (undef,$bitData) = @_; my $sum = 0; for (my $n = 0; $n < 36; $n += 4) { $sum += SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData, $n, $n + 3) } if (($sum &= 0x3F) == SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData, 36, 41)) { return 1; } else { Log3 $name, 3, "$name: SD_WS_53 Parse msg $msg - ERROR checksum $sum != " . SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData, 36, 41); return 0; } }, id => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,0,2);}, # long-id in hex bat => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,8,1) eq "1" ? "low" : "ok";}, channel => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,10,11) + 1);}, temp => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,12,1) eq "1" ? ((SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,12,23) - 4096) / 10.0) : (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,12,23) / 10.0);}, hum => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,24,30) );}, }, 54 => { # TFA Drop Rainmeter 30.3233.01 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 - 01234567890123456 # 00111101 10011100 01000011 00001010 00011011 10101010 00000001 10001001 1000 - 3D9C430A1BAA01898 # 00111101 10011100 01000011 00000110 00011000 10101010 00000001 00110100 0000 - 3D9C430618AA01340 # PPPPIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIII BCUUXXXU RRRRRRRR FFFFFFFF SSSSSSSS MMMMMMMM KKKK # P: 4 bit message prefix, always 0x3 # I: 20 bit Sensor ID # B: 1 bit Battery indicator, 0 if battery OK, 1 if battery is low. # C: 1 bit Device reset, set to 1 briefly after battery insert. # X: 3 bit Transmission counter, rolls over. # R: 8 bit LSB of 16-bit little endian rain counter # F: 8 bit Fixed to 0xaa # S: 8 bit MSB of 16-bit little endian rain counter # M: 8 bit Checksum, compute with reverse Galois LFSR with byte reflection, generator 0x31 and key 0xf4. # K: 4 bit Unknown, either b1011 or b0111. - Distribution: 50:50 ??? # U: Unknown # The rain counter starts at 65526 to indicate 0 tips of the bucket. The counter rolls over at 65535 to 0, which corresponds to 9 and 10 tips of the bucket. # Each tip of the bucket corresponds to 0.254mm of rain. # After battery insertion, the sensor will transmit 7 messages in rapid succession, one message every 3 seconds. After the first message, # the remaining 6 messages have bit 1 of byte 3 set to 1. This could be some sort of reset indicator. # For these 6 messages, the transmission counter does not increase. After the full 7 messages, one regular message is sent after 30s. # Afterwards, messages are sent every 45s. sensortype => 'TFA 30.3233.01', model => 'SD_WS_54_R', prematch => sub {my $rawData = shift; return 1 if ($rawData =~ /^3[0-9A-F]{9}AA[0-9A-F]{4,5}$/); }, # prematch 3 E2E390CF9 AA FF8A0 id => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,1,5); }, bat => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,24,1) eq "0" ? "ok" : "low";}, batChange => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,25,1);}, sendCounter => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,28,30));}, rawRainCounter => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; my $rawRainCounterMessage = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,32,39) + SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,48,55) * 256; if ($rawRainCounterMessage > 65525) { return $rawRainCounterMessage - 65526; } else { return $rawRainCounterMessage + 10; } }, rain => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; my $rawRainCounterMessage = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,32,39) + SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,48,55) * 256; if ($rawRainCounterMessage > 65525) { return ($rawRainCounterMessage - 65526) * 0.254; } else { return ($rawRainCounterMessage + 10) * 0.254; } }, crcok => sub {my $rawData = shift; my $checksum = SD_WS_LFSR_digest8_reflect(7, 0x31, 0xf4, $rawData ); if ($checksum == hex(substr($rawData,14,2))) { return 1; } else { Log3 $name, 3, "$name: SD_WS_54 Parse msg $msg - ERROR checksum $checksum != " . hex(substr($rawData,14,2)); return 0; } }, }, 58 => { # TFA 30.3208.02, TFA 30.3228.02, TFA 30.3229.02, Froggit FT007xx, Ambient Weather F007-xx, Renkforce FT007xx # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 # 0100 0101 1100 0110 1001 0011 1100 1010 0011 0100 1100 0111 0000 # yyyy yyyy iiii iiii bccc tttt tttt tttt hhhh hhhh ssss ssss ???? # y 8 bit sensor type (45=>TH, 46=>T) # i: 8 bit random id (changes on power-loss) # b: 1 bit battery indicator (0=>OK, 1=>LOW) # c: 3 bit channel (valid channels are 1-8) # t: 12 bit temperature (Farenheit: subtract 400 and divide by 10, Celsius: subtract 720 and multiply by 0.0556) # h: 8 bit humidity (only type 45, type 46 changes between 10 and 15) # s: 8 bit check # ?: 4 bit unknown # frames sent every ~1 min (varies by channel), map of channel id to transmission interval: 1: 53s, 2: 57s, 3: 59s, 4: 61s, 5: 67s, 6: 71s, 7: 73s, 8: 79s sensortype => 'TFA 30.3208.02, FT007xx', model => 'SD_WS_58_T', # prematch => sub {my $msg = shift; return 1 if ($msg =~ /^45[0-9A-F]{11}/); }, # prematch prematch => sub {my $msg = shift; return 1 if ($msg =~ /^4[5|6][0-9A-F]{11}/); }, # prematch, 45=FT007TH/TFA 30.3208.02, 46=FT007T/TFA 30.3228.02 crcok => sub { my $msg = shift; # my @buff = split(//,substr($msg,index($msg,"45"),10)); # my $idx = index($msg,"45"); my @buff = split(//,substr($msg,0,10)); my $crc_check = substr($msg,10,2); my $mask = 0x7C; my $checksum = 0x64; my $data; my $nibbleCount; for ( $nibbleCount=0; $nibbleCount < scalar @buff; $nibbleCount+=2) { my $bitCnt; if ($nibbleCount+1 = 0 ; $bitCnt-- ) { my $bit; # Rotate mask right $bit = $mask & 1; $mask = ($mask >> 1 ) | ($mask << 7) & 0xFF; if ( $bit ) { $mask ^= 0x18 & 0xFF; } # XOR mask into checksum if data bit is 1 if ( $data & 0x80 ) { $checksum ^= $mask & 0xFF; } $data <<= 1 & 0xFF; } } if ($checksum == hex($crc_check)) { return 1; } else { Log3 $name, 3, "$name: SD_WS_58 Parse msg $msg - ERROR checksum $checksum != " . hex($crc_check); return 0; } }, id => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,8,15); }, # random id bat => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,16) eq "1" ? "low" : "ok";}, # bat? channel => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,17,19) + 1 ); }, # channel temp => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return round((SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,20,31)-720)*0.0556,1); }, # temp hum => sub {my ($rawData,$bitData) = @_; return substr($rawData,1,1) eq "5" ? (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,32,39)) : 0;}, # hum } , 84 => { # Protokollbeschreibung: Funk Wetterstation Auriol IAN 283582 (Lidl) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 0 4 | 8 12 | 16 20 | 24 28 | 32 36 # 1111 1100 | 0001 0110 | 0001 0000 | 0011 0111 | 0100 1001 # iiii iiii | hhhh hhhh | bscc tttt | tttt tttt | ???? ???? # i: 8 bit id (?) - no change after battery change, i have seen two IDs: 0x03 and 0xfe # h: 8 bit relative humidity percentage # b: 1 bit battery indicator (0=>OK, 1=>LOW) # s: 1 bit sendmode 1=manual (button pressed) 0=auto # c: 2 bit channel valid channels are 0-2 (1-3) # t: 12 bit signed temperature scaled by 10 # ?: unknown # Sensor sends approximately every 30 seconds sensortype => 'Auriol IAN 283582, TV-4848', model => 'SD_WS_84_TH', prematch => sub {my $msg = shift; return 1 if ($msg =~ /^[0-9A-F]{4}[01245689ACDE]{1}[0-9A-F]{5,6}$/); }, # valid channel only 0-2 id => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,0,7); }, hum => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,8,15); }, bat => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,16,1) eq "0" ? "ok" : "low";}, sendmode => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,17,1) eq "1" ? "manual" : "auto"; }, channel => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,18,19)+1 ); }, temp => sub { my (undef,$bitData) = @_; my $tempraw = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,20,31); $tempraw -= 4096 if ($tempraw > 1023); # negative $tempraw /= 10.0; return $tempraw; }, #crcok => sub {return 1;}, # crc test method is so far unknown } , 85 => { # Protokollbeschreibung: Kombisensor TFA 30.3222.02 (TX141TH-Bv2) fuer Wetterstation TFA 35.1140.01, Windmesser TFA 30.3251.10 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 0 4 | 8 12 | 16 20 | 24 28 | 32 36 | 40 44 | 48 52 | 56 60 | 64 # 0000 1001 | 0001 0110 | 0001 0000 | 0000 0111 | 0100 1001 | 0100 0000 | 0100 1001 | 0100 1001 | 1 # 0000 iiii | iiii iiii | iiii iiii | b??? ??yy | tttt tttt | tttt 0000 | hhhh hhhh | CCCC CCCC | ? message 1 TFA 30.3222.02 # 0000 iiii | iiii iiii | iiii iiii | b?cc ??yy | wwww wwww | wwww 0000 | 0000 0000 | CCCC CCCC | ? message 2 TFA 30.3222.02 # 0000 iiii | iiii iiii | iiii iiii | b?cc ??yy | wwww wwww | wwww dddd | dddd dddd | CCCC CCCC | ? message 2 TFA 30.3251.10 # i: 20 bit random id (changes on power-loss) # b: 1 bit battery indicator (0=>OK, 1=>LOW) # c: 2 bit channel valid channels are (always 00 stands for channel 1) # y: 2 bit typ, 01 - thermo/hygro (message 1), 10 - wind (message 2) # t: 12 bit unsigned temperature, offset 500, scaled by 10 - if message 1 # h: 8 bit relative humidity percentage - if message 1 # w: 12 bit unsigned windspeed, scaled by 10 (kmh) - if message 2 # d: 12 bit unsigned winddirection - only TFA 30.3251.10 # C: 8 bit CRC of the preceding 7 bytes (Polynomial 0x31, Initial value 0x00, Input not reflected, Result not reflected) # ?: unknown # The sensor sends at intervals of about 30 seconds # # https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433/blob/master/src/devices/lacrosse_tx141x.c sensortype => 'TFA 30.3222.02, TFA 30.3251.10, LaCrosse TX141W', model => 'SD_WS_85_THW', prematch => sub {my $msg = shift; return 1 if ($msg =~ /^[0-9A-F]{16}/); }, # min 16 nibbles id => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,1,5); }, # 0952CF012B1021DF0 bat => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,24,1) eq "0" ? "ok" : "low";}, channel => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,26,27) + 1 ); }, # unknown temp => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; if (substr($bitData,30,2) eq "01") { # message 1 thermo/hygro return ((SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,32,43) - 500) / 10.0); } else { return; } }, hum => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; if (substr($bitData,30,2) eq "01") { # message 1 thermo/hygro return SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,48,55); } else { return; } }, windspeedKmh => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; if (substr($bitData,30,2) eq "10") { # message 2 windspeed return (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,32,43) / 10.0); } return; }, winddir => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; if (substr($bitData,30,2) eq "10") { # message 2 winddirection $winddir = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,44,55); return ($winddir * 1, $winddirtxtar[round(($winddir / 22.5),0)]); } else { return; } }, crcok => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; my $rc = eval { require Digest::CRC; Digest::CRC->import(); 1; }; if ($rc) { my $datacheck1 = pack( 'H*', substr($rawData,0,14) ); my $crcmein1 = Digest::CRC->new(width => 8, poly => 0x31); my $rr3 = $crcmein1->add($datacheck1)->hexdigest; if (hex($rr3) != hex(substr($rawData,14,2))) { Log3 $name, 3, "$name: SD_WS_85 Parse msg $rawData - ERROR CRC8"; return 0; } } else { Log3 $name, 1, "$name: SD_WS_85 Parse msg $rawData - ERROR CRC not load, please install modul Digest::CRC"; return 0; } return 1; } } , 89 => { # Protokollbeschreibung: Temperatur-/Feuchtesensor TFA 30.3221.02 fuer Wetterstation TFA 35.1140.01 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 0 4 | 8 12 | 16 20 | 24 28 | 32 36 # 0000 1001 | 0001 0110 | 0001 0000 | 0000 0111 | 0100 1001 # iiii iiii | bscc tttt | tttt tttt | hhhh hhhh | ???? ???? # i: 8 bit random id (changes on power-loss) # b: 1 bit battery indicator (0=>OK, 1=>LOW) # s: 1 bit sendmode (0=>auto, 1=>manual) # c: 2 bit channel valid channels are 0-2 (1-3) # t: 12 bit unsigned temperature, offset 500, scaled by 10 # h: 8 bit relative humidity percentage # ?: 8 bit unknown # The sensor sends 3 repetitions at intervals of about 60 seconds sensortype => 'TFA 30.3221.02', model => 'SD_WS_89_TH', prematch => sub {my $msg = shift; return 1 if ($msg =~ /^[0-9A-F]{2}[01245689ACDE]{1}[0-9A-F]{7}$/); }, # valid channel only 0-2 id => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,0,2); }, bat => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,8,1) eq "0" ? "ok" : "low";}, sendmode => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,9,1) eq "1" ? "manual" : "auto"; }, channel => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,10,11) + 1); }, temp => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return ((SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,12,23) - 500) / 10.0); }, hum => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,24,31); }, #crcok => sub {return 1;}, # crc test method is so far unknown } , 94 => { # Sensor sends Bit 0 as "0", Bit 1 as "110" # Protocol after conversion bits (Length varies from minimum 24 to maximum 32 bits.) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 0 4 | 8 12 | 16 20 | 24 28 # 1111 1100 | 0000 0110 | 0001 0000 | 0011 0111 # iiii iiii | ??s? tttt | tttt tttt | ???? ???? # i: 8 bit id # s: 1 bit sign (0 = temperature positive, 1 = temperature negative # t: 12 bit temperature (MSB-first, BCD, 12 bit unsigned celsius scaled by 10) # ?: unknown sensortype => 'Atech', model => 'SD_WS_94_T', prematch => sub { return 1; }, # no precheck known id => sub { # change 110 to 1 in ref bitdata and return id ($_[1] = $_[1]) =~ s/110/1/g; return sprintf('%02X', SD_WS_bin2dec(substr($_[1],0,8))); }, temp => sub { my $rawtemp100 = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($_[1],12,15); my $rawtemp10 = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($_[1],16,19); my $rawtemp1 = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($_[1],20,23); if ($rawtemp100 > 9 || $rawtemp10 > 9 || $rawtemp1 > 9) { Log3 $iohash, 3, "$name: SD_WS_Parse $model ERROR - BCD of temperature ($rawtemp100 $rawtemp10 $rawtemp1)"; return; }; return ($rawtemp100 * 10 + $rawtemp10 + $rawtemp1 / 10) * ( substr($_[1],10,1) == 1 ? -1.0 : 1.0); }, #crcok => sub {return 1;}, # crc test method is so far unknown }, 106 => { # BBQ temperature sensor MODELL: GT-TMBBQ-01s (Sender), GT-TMBBQ-01e (Empfaenger) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 0 4 | 8 12 | 16 20 # 1101 1111 | 0011 0100 | 0100 00 # iiii iiii | tttt tttt | tttt tt # i: 8 bit id, changes each time the sensor is switched on # t: 14 bit unsigned fahrenheit offset by 90 and scaled by 20 sensortype => 'GT-TMBBQ-01', model => 'SD_WS_106_T', noTempCheck => '1', prematch => sub { return 1; }, # no precheck known id => sub { my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,0,2); }, temp => sub { my (undef,$bitData) = @_; my $rawTemp = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,8,21); my $tempFh = $rawTemp / 20 - 90; # Grad Fahrenheit Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_106_T tempraw = $rawTemp, temp = $tempFh Fahrenheit"; return (round((($tempFh - 32) * 5 / 9) , 1)); # Grad Celsius }, #crcok => sub {return 1;}, # CRC test method does not exist }, 107 => { # Fine Offset WH51, ECOWITT WH51, MISOL/1 Soil Moisture Sensor # ------------------------------------------------------------ # 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 # aa aa aa 2d d4 51 00 6b 58 6e 7f 24 f8 d2 ff ff ff 3c 28 # FF II II II TB YY MM ZA AA XX XX XX CC SS # FF: Family code 0x51 (ECOWITT/FineOffset WH51) # IIIIII: ID (3 bytes) # T: Transmission period boost: highest 3 bits set to 111 on moisture change and decremented each transmission; # B: Battery voltage: lowest 5 bits are battery voltage * 10 (e.g. 0x0c = 12 = 1.2V). Transmitter works down to 0.7V (0x07) # YY: ? Fixed: 0x7f # MM: Moisture percentage 0%-100% (0x00-0x64) MM = (AD - 70) / (450 - 70) # Z: ? Fixed: leftmost 7 bit 1111 100 # AAA: 9 bit AD value MSB byte[07] & 0x01, LSB byte[08] # XXXXXX: ? Fixed: 0xff 0xff 0xff # CC: CRC of the preceding 12 bytes (Polynomial 0x31, Initial value 0x00, Input not reflected, Result not reflected) # SS: Sum of the preceding 13 bytes % 256 # # https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433/blob/master/src/devices/fineoffset.c # # MN;D=5100C6BF107F1FF8BAFFFFFF75A818CC;N=6; sensortype => 'WH51', model => 'SD_WS_107_H', fixedId => '1', prematch => sub {return 1; }, id => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,2,6); }, transPerBoost => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,32,34); }, batVoltage => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; my $batvol = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,35,39); return (round($batvol/10,1)); }, ad => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; my $ad = (hex(substr($rawData,15,1)) & 1) * 256 + hex(substr($rawData,16,2)); return $ad; }, hum => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return hex(substr($rawData,12,2)); }, crcok => sub {my $rawData = shift; my $checksumRef = hex(substr($rawData,26,2)); my $checksum = 0; for (my $i=0; $i < 26; $i += 2) { $checksum += hex(substr($rawData,$i,2)); } $checksum &= 255; if ($checksum != $checksumRef) { Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_107 (WH51) Parse - ERROR sum = $checksum, ref = $checksumRef"; return 0; } my $rc = eval { require Digest::CRC; Digest::CRC->import(); 1; }; if ($rc) { my $datacheck1 = pack( 'H*', substr($rawData,0,26) ); my $crcmein1 = Digest::CRC->new(width => 8, poly => 0x31); my $rr3 = $crcmein1->add($datacheck1)->digest; if ($rr3) { Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_107 (WH51) Parse - ERROR CRC8 $rr3 should be 0"; return 0; } Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_107 (WH51) Parse - checksum=$checksum ok, CRC=0 ok"; return 1; } else { Log3 $name, 1, "$name: SD_WS_107 (WH51) Parse - ERROR CRC not load, please perl install modul Digest::CRC"; return 0; } } }, 108 => { # https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433/blob/master/src/devices/bresser_5in1.c # The compact 5-in-1 multifunction outdoor sensor transmits the data on 868.3 MHz. # The device uses FSK-PCM encoding, the device sends a transmission every 12 seconds. # A transmission starts with a preamble of 0xAA. # Preamble: aa aa aa aa aa 2d d4 # Packet payload without preamble (203 bits): # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ed ee 46 ff ff ff ef 9f ff 8b 7d eb ff 12 11 b9 00 00 00 10 60 00 74 82 14 00 00 00 (Rain Gauge) # e9 ee 46 ff ff ff ef 99 ff 8b 8b eb ff 16 11 b9 00 00 00 10 66 00 74 74 14 00 00 00 (Rain Gauge) # e3 fd 7f 89 7e 8a ed 68 fe af 9b fd ff 1c 02 80 76 81 75 12 97 01 50 64 02 00 00 00 (Large Wind Values, Gust=37.4m/s Avg=27.5m/s from https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433/issues/1315) # ef a1 ff ff 1f ff ef dc ff de df ff 7f 10 5e 00 00 e0 00 10 23 00 21 20 00 80 00 00 (low batt +ve temp) # ed a1 ff ff 1f ff ef 8f ff d6 df ff 77 12 5e 00 00 e0 00 10 70 00 29 20 00 88 00 00 (low batt -ve temp -7.0C) # ec 91 ff ff 1f fb ef e7 fe ad ed ff f7 13 6e 00 00 e0 04 10 18 01 52 12 00 08 00 00 (good batt -ve temp) # CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC uu II SS GG DG WW W TT T HH RR R Bt # G-MSB ^ ^ W-MSB (strange but consistent order) # # 1 2 3 4 5 # 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 # -------------------------------------------------------- # EC837FF7FFFBEFDEFF7A89FFFF137C8008000410210085760000 52 Nibble from SIGNALduino # CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCuuIISSGGDGWW WTT THHRR RBt 52 Nibble # C = check, inverted data of 13 byte further # u = checksum (number/count of set bits within bytes 14-25) # I = station ID # S = sensor type, device reset, channel - ??? # Bit: 0 4 # 1000 0000 # r?ss cccc # r: 1 bit device reset, 0 after inserting battery or pressing reset, 1 after 1 hour (checked with Fody E42) # s: 2 bit sensor type, 00 = Bresser_5in1, 01 = Fody_E42, 11 = Bresser_rain_gauge # c: 4 bit channel, 0000 = Bresser_5in1, 0001/0010/0011 = Fody_E42 (changes after reset), 1001 = Bresser_rain_gauge # G = wind gust in 1/10 m/s, normal binary coded, GGxG = 0x76D1 => 0x0176 = 256 + 118 = 374 => 37.4 m/s. MSB is out of sequence. # D = wind direction 0..F = N..NNE..E..S..W..NNW # W = wind speed in 1/10 m/s, BCD coded, WWxW = 0x7512 => 0x0275 = 275 => 27.5 m/s. MSB is out of sequence. # T = temperature in 1/10 °C, BCD coded, TTxT = 1203 => 31.2 °C # t = temperature sign, minus if unequal 0 # H = humidity in percent, BCD coded, HH = 23 => 23 % # R = rain in mm, BCD coded, RRxR = 1203 => 31.2 mm - elektron-bbs changed: RRRR = 1243 => 431.2 mm # B = Battery. 0=Ok, 8=Low. # # Only nibbles 28 to 52 are transferred to the module. Preprocessing in 00_SIGNALduino.pm sub SIGNALduino_Bresser_5in1 # 1 2 # 012345678901234567890123 # ------------------------ # 7C8008000410210085760000 # IISSGGDGWW WTT THHRRRRBt #sensortype => 'Bresser_5in1, Bresser_rain_gauge, Fody_E42, Fody_E43', model => 'SD_WS_108', modelAdd => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; my $modelAdd = ''; my $typ = substr($rawData,3,1); if ($typ eq '9') { $modelAdd = '_R'; } elsif ($typ eq '1' || $typ eq '2' || $typ eq '3') { $modelAdd = '_TH'; } return $modelAdd; }, prematch => sub {my $rawData = shift; return 1 if ($rawData =~ /^[0-9A-F]{8}[0-9]{2}[0-9A-F]{1}[0-9]{3}[0-9A-F]{1}[0-9]{5}[0-9A-F]{1}[0-9]{1}/); }, id => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,0,2); }, sensortype2 => sub {my $rawData = shift; my $ret; my $typ = substr($rawData,3,1); if ($typ eq '0') { $ret = 'Bresser_5in1, Fody_E43'; } elsif ($typ eq '1' || $typ eq '2' || $typ eq '3') { $ret = 'Fody_E42'; } elsif ($typ eq '9') { $ret = 'Bresser_rain_gauge'; } else { $ret = 'Bresser_5in1, Bresser_rain_gauge, Fody_E42, Fody_E43'; } return $ret; }, winddir => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return if (substr($rawData,3,1) =~ /^[1239]$/ ); # 9 = Bresser Professional Rain Gauge, 1, 2, 3 = Fody E42 my $winddirraw = hex(substr($rawData,6,1)); return ($winddirraw * 22.5, $winddirtxtar[$winddirraw]); }, windgust => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return if (substr($rawData,3,1) =~ /^[1239]$/ ); # 9 = Bresser Professional Rain Gauge, 1, 2, 3 = Fody E42 return (hex(substr($rawData,7,1)) * 256 + hex(substr($rawData,4,2))) / 10; }, windspeed => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return if (substr($rawData,3,1) =~ /^[1239]$/ ); # 9 = Bresser Professional Rain Gauge, 1, 2, 3 = Fody E42 return (substr($rawData,11,1) . substr($rawData,8,2)) / 10; }, temp => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; my $sgn = substr($rawData,23,1) eq "0" ? 1 : -1; my $rawTemp = $sgn * (substr($rawData,15,1) . substr($rawData,12,1) . '.' .substr($rawData,13,1)); return $rawTemp; }, hum => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return if (substr($rawData,3,1) eq '9'); # Bresser Professional Rain Gauge return substr($rawData,16,2) + 0; }, rain => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return if (substr($rawData,3,1) =~ /^[123]$/ ); # 1, 2, 3 = Fody E42 my $rain = (substr($rawData,20,2) . substr($rawData,18,2)) / 10; $rain *= 2.5 if (substr($rawData,3,1) eq '9'); # Bresser Professional Rain Gauge return $rain; }, bat => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,22,1) eq '0' ? 'ok' : 'low';}, batChange => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,8, 1) eq '0' ? '1' : '0';}, crcok => sub {return 1;}, # checks are in 00_SIGNALduino.pm sub SIGNALduino_Bresser_5in1 } , 110 => { # ADE WS1907 Weather station with rain gauge # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 # 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 # 1011 1111 1001 1010 0110 0001 1011 0100 1001 0001 1011 1111 1001 1010 0110 0001 01 # iiii iiii iiii iiii bd?? ccc? rrrr rrrr rrrr rrrr tttt tttt tttt tttt ssss ssss ?? # i: 16 bit ID # b: 1 bit battery indicator, 0 if battery ok, 1 if battery is low. # d: 1 bit device reset, set to 1 briefly after battery insert # c: 3 bit transmission counter, rolls over # r: 16 bit rain counter (LSB first) # t: 16 bit temperature (LSB first, unsigned fahrenheit offset by 90 and scaled by 10) # s: 8 bit checksum over byte 0 - 6 & 0xFF # ?: unknown sensortype => 'ADE WS1907', model => 'SD_WS_110_TR', prematch => sub {return 1;}, # no precheck known id => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,0,4);}, # long-id in hex bat => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,16,1) eq "0" ? "ok" : "low";}, batChange => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,17,1);}, sendCounter => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,20,22));}, rawRainCounter => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; my $rawRainCounterMessage = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,32,39) * 256 + SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,24,31); if ($rawRainCounterMessage > 65525) { return $rawRainCounterMessage - 65526; } else { return $rawRainCounterMessage + 10; } }, rain => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; my $rawRainCounterMessage = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,32,39) * 256 + SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,24,31); if ($rawRainCounterMessage > 65525) { return ($rawRainCounterMessage - 65526) * 0.1; } else { return ($rawRainCounterMessage + 10) * 0.1; } }, temp => sub { my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return round(((SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,48,55) * 256 + SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,40,47)) - 1220) * 5 / 90.0 , 1); }, crcok => sub { my (undef,$bitData) = @_; my $sum = 0; for (my $n = 0; $n < 56; $n += 8) { $sum += SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData, $n, $n + 7) } if (($sum &= 0xFF) == SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData, 56, 63)) { return 1; } else { Log3 $name, 3, "$name: SD_WS_110 Parse msg $msg - ERROR checksum $sum != " . SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData, 56, 63); return 0; } }, }, 111 => { # TS-FT002 Water tank level monitor with temperature # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 # 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 - 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 # 0101 1111 0101 1011 1000 1000 0110 0000 1111 0001 0001 0000 1100 0100 0000 0000 1100 1001 - 5F 5B 88 60 F1 10 C4 00 C9 # cccc cccc iiii iiii yyyy yyyy dddd dddd dddd bbbb tttt vvvv tttt tttt rrrr rrrr xxxx xxxx # c: 8 bit sync, always 0x5F # i: 8 bit ID # y: 8 bit type, always 0x88 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 # d: 12 bit distance, med, migh, low (value in hex = cm, fill with 5DC on invalid, range 0 - 15 m) # b: 4 bit battery indicator, (1 = OK, any other value = low) - Not available with TS-FT002! # v: 4 bit interval (bit 3 = 0 180 s, bit 3 = 1 30 s, bit 0-2 = 1 5 s) - Not available with TS-FT002! # t: 12 bit temperature (offset by 400 and scaled by 10) # r: 8 bit rain (not used in XC-0331 and TS-FT002) # x: 8 bit XOR of values from bytes 0 to 8 = 0 # all nibbles reversed, lsb first sensortype => 'TS-FT002', model => 'SD_WS_111_TL', prematch => sub {my $rawData = shift; return 1 if ($rawData =~ /^5F[0-9A-F]{2}88[0-9A-F]{12}/); }, # 5F 01 88 012345678912 id => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,2,2);}, # long-id in hex distance => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return (SD_WS_bin2dec(scalar(reverse(substr($bitData,24,4)))) * 16 + SD_WS_bin2dec(scalar(reverse(substr($bitData,28,4)))) * 256 + SD_WS_bin2dec(scalar(reverse(substr($bitData,32,4)))));}, # bat => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,36,4) eq '0001' ? "ok" : "low";}, # interval => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return '180' if substr($bitData,44,4) eq '0000'; # return '30' if substr($bitData,44,4) eq '1000'; # return '5' if substr($bitData,44,4) eq '0111'; # return '0'; # }, temp => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return ((SD_WS_bin2dec(scalar(reverse(substr($bitData,48,4)))) * 16 + SD_WS_bin2dec(scalar(reverse(substr($bitData,52,4)))) * 256 + SD_WS_bin2dec(scalar(reverse(substr($bitData,40,4)))) - 400 ) / 10);}, crcok => sub { my (undef,$bitData) = @_; my $xor = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData, 0, 7); for (my $n = 8; $n < 72; $n += 8) { $xor ^= SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData, $n, $n + 7); } if ($xor == 0) { return 1; } else { Log3 $name, 3, "$name: SD_WS_111 Parse msg $msg - ERROR check $xor != 0"; return 0; } }, }, 113 => { # Wireless Grill Thermometer, Model name: GFGT 433 B1 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # 0 4 | 8 12 | 16 20 | 24 28 | 32 36 | 40 44 # 0010 1111 | 0000 0110 | 1110 0100 | 0111 0000 | 1101 0001 | 0011 1110 - 2F06E470D13E, T: 201, T2: 279 # iiii iiii | ???? tt22 | tttt tttt | 2222 2222 | ???? ???? | ???? ???? # i: 8 bit id, changes after changing the battery # ?: 4 bit unknown, always 0000 # t: 10 bit unsigned temperature 1 fahrenheit offset by 90 # 2: 10 bit unsigned temperature 2 fahrenheit offset by 90 # ?: 8 bit unknown, changes with id # ?: 8 bit unknown, always changes sensortype => 'GFGT_433_B1', model => 'SD_WS_113_T', noTempCheck => '1', prematch => sub { return 1; }, # no precheck known id => sub { my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,0,2); }, temp => sub { my (undef,$bitData) = @_; my $rawTemp = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,12,13) * 256 + SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,16,23); my $tempFh = $rawTemp - 90; # Grad Fahrenheit Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_113_T tempraw1 = $rawTemp, temp1 = $tempFh Grad Fahrenheit"; return (round((($tempFh - 32) * 5 / 9) , 0)); # Grad Celsius }, temp2 => sub { my (undef,$bitData) = @_; my $rawTemp = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,14,15) * 256 + SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,24,31); my $tempFh = $rawTemp - 90; # Grad Fahrenheit Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_113_T tempraw2 = $rawTemp, temp2 = $tempFh Grad Fahrenheit"; return (round((($tempFh - 32) * 5 / 9) , 0)); # Grad Celsius }, #crcok => sub {return 1;}, # Check could not be determined yet. } , 115 => { # https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433/blob/master/src/devices/bresser_6in1.c # The compact 6-in-1 multifunction outdoor sensor transmits the data on 868.3 MHz. # The device uses FSK-PCM encoding, the device sends a transmission every 12 seconds. # There are at least two different message types: # temperatur, hum, uv and rain (alternating messages) # wind data (every message) # A transmission starts with a preamble of 0xAA. # Preamble: aa aa aa aa aa 2d d4 # # 1 2 3 # 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 # ---------------------------------------- # 3DA820B00C1618FFFFFF1808152294FFF01E0000 Msg 1, 40 Nibble from SIGNALduino, T: 15.2 H: 94 G:0 W: 0 D:180 # CCCCIIIIIIIIFFGGGWWWDDD?TTTfHHVVVXSS Msg 1, 36 Nibble, wind, temperature, humidity, uv # CCCCIIIIIIIIFFGGGWWWDDD?RRRRRR???XSS Msg 2, 36 Nibble, wind, rain # C = CRC16 # I = station ID # F = flags, 8 bit (nibble 12 1: weather station, 2: indoor, 4: soil probe, nibble 13 1 bit battery change, 3 bit channel) # G = wind gust in 1/10 m/s, inverted, BCD coded, GGG = FE6 =~ 019 => 1.9 m/s. # W = wind speed in 1/10 m/s, inverted, BCD coded, LSB first nibble, MSB last two nibble, WWW = EFE =~ 101 => 1.1 m/s. # D = wind direction in grad, BCD coded, DDD = 158 => 158 Grad # ? = unknown # T = temperature in 1/10 C, BCD coded, TTT = 312 => 31.2 °C # f = flags, 4 bit - bit 3 temperature (0=positive, 1=negative), bit 2 ?, bit 1 battery (1=ok, 0=low), bit 0 ? # H = humidity in percent, BCD coded, HH = 23 => 23 % # R = rain counter, inverted, BCD coded # V = uv, inverted, BCD coded # X = message type, 0 = temp, hum, wind, uv, 1 = wind, rain # S = checksum (sum over byte 2 - 17 must be 255) # # Only nibbles 4 to 33 are transferred to the module. Preprocessing in 00_SIGNALduino.pm sub SIGNALduino_Bresser_5in1_neu # # 1 2 # 012345678901234567890123456789 # ------------------------------ # 20B00C1618FFFFFF1808152294FFF0 Msg 1, 30 Nibble from SIGNALduino, T: 15.2 H: 94 G:0 W: 0 D:180 # IIIIIIIIFFGGGWWWDDD?TTTfHHVVVX Msg 1 # IIIIIIIIFFGGGWWWDDD?RRRRRR???X Msg 2 # 197005FD2900000000002126640000 indoor T: 21.2 H: 64 CH: 1 # 187000E346FFFFFF0000317213FFF2 Soil Moisture T: 27.9 H: 99 CH: 6 #sensortype => 'Bresser_6in1, new Bresser_5in1', model => 'SD_WS_115', prematch => sub { return 1; }, # no precheck known id => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,0,8); }, sensortype2 => sub {my $rawData = shift; my $ret; my $typ = substr($rawData,8,1); if ($typ eq '1') { $ret = 'Bresser_6in1, new Bresser_5in1'; } elsif ($typ eq '2') { $ret = 'Bresser_6in1_u_7in1 indoor'; } elsif ($typ eq '3') { $ret = 'Bresser_6in1_u_7in1 Pool Thermometer'; } elsif ($typ eq '4') { $ret = 'Bresser_6in1_u_7in1 Soil Moisture'; } else { $ret = 'Bresser_6in1_u_7in1 other (Typ=' . $typ . ')'; } return $ret; }, bat => sub {my ($rawData,$bitData) = @_; return if (substr($rawData,8,1) eq '1' && substr($rawData,29,1) eq '1'); # not by weather station & rain return substr($bitData,94,1) eq '1' ? 'ok' : 'low'; }, batChange => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,36,1);}, channel => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,37,39));}, windgust => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return if (substr($rawData,8,1) ne '1'); # only weather station my $windgust = substr($rawData,10,3); $windgust =~ tr/0123456789ABCDEF/FEDCBA9876543210/; return if ($windgust !~ m/^\d+$/xms); return $windgust * 0.1; }, windspeed => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return if (substr($rawData,8,1) ne '1'); # only weather station my $windspeed = substr($rawData,14,2) . substr($rawData,13,1); $windspeed =~ tr/0123456789ABCDEF/FEDCBA9876543210/; return if ($windspeed !~ m/^\d+$/xms); return $windspeed * 0.1; }, winddir => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return if (substr($rawData,8,1) ne '1'); # only weather station my $winddir = substr($rawData,16,3); return if ($winddir !~ m/^\d+$/xms); return ($winddir * 1, $winddirtxtar[round(($winddir / 22.5),0)]); }, temp => sub {my ($rawData,$bitData) = @_; return if (substr($rawData,8,1) eq '1' && substr($rawData,29,1) eq '1'); # not by weather station & rain my $rawTemp = substr($rawData,20,3); return if ($rawTemp !~ m/^\d+$/xms); if (substr($bitData,92,1) eq '1') { if ($rawTemp > 600) { $rawTemp -= 1000; # Bresser 6in1 } else { $rawTemp *= -1; # Bresser 3in1 } } return $rawTemp / 10; }, hum => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; my $typ = substr($rawData,8,1); return if (($typ eq '1' && substr($rawData,29,1) eq '1') || $typ eq '3'); # not by weather station & rain or pool my $hum = substr($rawData,24,2); return if ($hum !~ m/^\d+$/xms); $hum *= 1; if ($typ eq '4' && $hum >= 1 && $hum <= 16) { # Soil Moisture return $moisture_map[$hum - 1]; } return $hum; }, rain => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return if (substr($rawData,8,1) ne '1' || substr($rawData,29,1) ne '1' ); # message type || weather station my $rain = substr($rawData,20,6); $rain =~ tr/0123456789ABCDEF/FEDCBA9876543210/; return if ($rain !~ m/^\d+$/xms); return $rain * 0.1; }, uv => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return if (substr($rawData,8,1) ne '1' || substr($rawData,29,1) ne '0' ); # message type || weather station my $uv = substr($rawData,26,3); $uv =~ tr/0123456789ABCDEF/FEDCBA9876543210/; return if ($uv !~ m/^\d+$/xms); return $uv * 0.1; }, crcok => sub {return 1;}, # checks are in 00_SIGNALduino.pm sub SIGNALduino_Bresser_5in1_neu }, 116 => { # Misol WH57, froggit DP60, lightning detector # ------------------------------------------------------------ # 012345678901234567 # FFX?IIII?BYYZZCCSS # # FF: Family code 0x57 # X: is maybe the interrupt register: 1 - Noise level too high, 4 - Disturber detected, 8 - lightning detected # IIII: ID (2 bytes) # B: battery 0 - 5 # YY: lightning distance, 0x3F: no lightning detected # ZZ: lightning count # CC: CRC of the preceding 7 bytes (Polynomial 0x31, Initial value 0x00, Input not reflected, Result not reflected) # SS: Sum of the preceding 8 bytes % 256 # sensortype => 'WH57', model => 'SD_WS_116', fixedId => '1', prematch => sub {return 1; }, id => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,4,4); }, lightningRaw => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,2,1); }, identified => sub { my ($rawData,undef) = @_; my $identified = substr($rawData,2,1); if ($identified eq '0') { $identified = 'nothing'; } elsif ($identified eq '1') { $identified = 'noise'; } elsif ($identified eq '4') { $identified = 'disturbance'; } elsif ($identified eq '8') { $identified = 'lightning'; } return $identified; }, batteryPercent => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return hex(substr($rawData,9,1)) * 20; }, distance => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; my $distance = hex(substr($rawData,10,2)) & 0x3F; if ($distance eq 0x3F) { $distance = 'none'; } return $distance; }, count => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return hex(substr($rawData,12,2)); }, crcok => sub {my $rawData = shift; my $checksumRef = hex(substr($rawData,16,2)); my $checksum = 0; for (my $i=0; $i < 16; $i += 2) { $checksum += hex(substr($rawData,$i,2)); } $checksum &= 255; if ($checksum != $checksumRef) { Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_116 (WH57) Parse - ERROR sum = $checksum, ref = $checksumRef"; return 0; } my $rc = eval { require Digest::CRC; Digest::CRC->import(); 1; }; if ($rc) { my $datacheck1 = pack( 'H*', substr($rawData,0,16) ); my $crcmein1 = Digest::CRC->new(width => 8, poly => 0x31); my $rr3 = $crcmein1->add($datacheck1)->digest; if ($rr3) { Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_116 (WH57) Parse - ERROR CRC8 $rr3 should be 0"; return 0; } Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_116 (WH57) Parse - checksum=$checksum ok, CRC=0 ok"; return 1; } else { Log3 $name, 1, "$name: SD_WS_116 (WH57) Parse - ERROR CRC not load, please install perl modul Digest::CRC"; return 0; } } }, 120 => { # Weather station TFA 35.1077.54.S2 with 30.3151 (T/H-transmitter), 30.3152 (rain gauge), 30.3153 (anemometer) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,119335.msg1221926.html#msg1221926 # 0 4 | 8 12 | 16 20 | 24 28 | 32 36 | 40 44 | 48 52 | 56 60 | 64 68 | 72 76 # 1111 1110 | 1010 1011 | 0000 0100 | 1001 1110 | 1010 1010 | 0000 1000 | 0000 1100 | 0000 1100 | 0101 0011 | 0000 0000 - T: 19.1 H: 85 W: 1.3 R: 473.1 # PPPP PPPW | WWWI IIII | IIIF BTTT | TTTT TTTH | HHHH HHHS | SSSS SSSG | GGGG GGGR | RRRR RRRR | RRRR RRR? | CCCC CCCC # 1111 1110 | 1100 1011 | 0001 0101 | 0011 0000 | 0000 0110 | 0000 1100 | 0100 0100 | 1000 1100 | 0100 1111 | 1011 1000 - 2022-06-27 18:03:06 # PPPP PPPW | WWWI IIII | IIIF ???? | ?hhh hhh? | mmmm mmm? | ssss sssY | YYYY YYY? | ??MM MMM? | ?DDD DDD? | CCCC CCCC # P - 7 bit preamble # W - 4 bit whid, 0101=weather, 0110=time # I - 8 bit ident # F - 1 bit flag, 0=weather, 1=time # B - 1 bit battery # T - 10 bit temperature in 1/10 °C, offset 40 # H - 8 bit humidity in percent # S - 8 bit windspeed in 1/10 m/s, resolution 0.33333 # G - 8 bit windgust in 1/10 m/s, resolution 0.33333 # R - 16 bit rain counter, resolution 0.3 mm # C - 8 bit CRC8 of byte 1-10 bytes, result must be 0 (Polynomial 0x31) # h - 6 bit hour, BCD coded # m - 7 bit minute, BCD coded # s - 7 bit second, BCD coded # Y - 8 bit year, BCD coded # M - 5 bit month, BCD coded # D - 6 bit day, BCD coded # ? - x bit unknown sensortype => 'TFA_35.1077', model => 'SD_WS_120', prematch => sub {return 1;}, # no precheck known id => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,11,18);}, bat => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,20,1) eq '0' ? 'ok' : 'low';}, temp => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return if (substr($bitData,19,1) eq '1'); return SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,21,30) * 0.1 - 40; }, hum => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return if (substr($bitData,19,1) eq '1'); return SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,31,38); }, windspeed => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return if (substr($bitData,19,1) eq '1'); return round((SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,39,46) / 3.0),1); }, windgust => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return if (substr($bitData,19,1) eq '1'); return round((SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,47,54) / 3.0),1); }, rawRainCounter => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return if (substr($bitData,19,1) eq '1'); return SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,55,70); }, rain => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return if (substr($bitData,19,1) eq '1'); return SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,55,70) * 0.3; }, dcf => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return if (substr($bitData,19,1) eq '0'); return '20' . SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,47,50) . SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,51,54) . '-' # year . substr($bitData,58,1) . SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,59,62) . '-' # month . SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,65,66) . SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,67,70) . ' ' # day . SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,25,26) . SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,27,30) . ':' # hour . SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,32,34) . SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,35,38) . ':' # minute . SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,40,42) . SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,43,46) # second }, crcok => sub {my $rawData = shift; my $rc = eval { require Digest::CRC; Digest::CRC->import(); 1; }; if ($rc) { my $datacheck1 = pack( 'H*', substr($rawData,2,length($rawData)-2) ); my $crcmein1 = Digest::CRC->new(width => 8, poly => 0x31); my $rr3 = $crcmein1->add($datacheck1)->digest; if ($rr3) { Log3 $name, 3, "$name: SD_WS_120 Parse msg $rawData - ERROR CRC8 $rr3 should be 0"; return 0; } return 1; } else { Log3 $name, 1, "$name: SD_WS_120 Parse - ERROR CRC not load, please install modul Digest::CRC"; return 0; } } }, 122 => { # TM40, Wireless Grill-, Meat-, Roasting-Thermometer with 4 Temperature Sensors # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 0 4 | 8 12 | 16 20 | 24 28 | 32 36 | 40 44 | 48 52 | 56 60 | 64 68 | 72 76 | 80 84 | 88 92 | 96 100 | 104 # 1001 0010 | 0110 0011 | 0000 0001 | 0011 0110 | 0000 0001 | 0011 0110 | 0000 0001 | 0100 0000 | 0000 0001 | 0110 1000 | 0000 0000 | 0000 0000 | 1011 1000 | 1000 # iiii iiii | iiii iiii | 4444 4444 | 4444 4444 | 3333 3333 | 3333 3333 | 2222 2222 | 2222 2222 | tttt tttt | tttt tttt | ???? ???? | b??? p??? | CCCC CCCC | 1 # i: 16 bit id, changes when the batteries are inserted # 4: 16 bit unsigned temperature 4, 65235 = sensor not connected # 3: 16 bit unsigned temperature 3, 65235 = sensor not connected # 2: 16 bit unsigned temperature 2, 65235 = sensor not connected # t: 16 bit unsigned temperature 1, 65235 = sensor not connected # b: 1 bit battery. 0 = Ok, 1 = Low # p: 1 bit transmitter power. 0 = On, 1 = off # ?: 16 bit flags, 4 bits per sensor, meaning of the lower 3 bits 101 = not connected, 000 = connected # C: 8 bit check???, always changes bit 1-7, bit 0 always 0 # Sensor transmits at intervals of about 3 to 4 seconds sensortype => 'TM40', model => 'SD_WS_122_T', noTempCheck => '1', prematch => sub { return 1; }, # no precheck known id => sub { my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,0,4); }, temp4 => sub { my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return if (substr($bitData,81,3) ne '000'); return SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,16,31) / 10; }, temp3 => sub { my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return if (substr($bitData,85,3) ne '000'); return SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,32,47) / 10; }, temp2 => sub { my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return if (substr($bitData,89,3) ne '000'); return SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,48,63) / 10; }, temp => sub { my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return if (substr($bitData,93,3) ne '000'); return SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,64,79) / 10; }, bat => sub { my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,88,1) eq "0" ? "ok" : "low"; }, transmitter => sub { my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,92,1) eq "0" ? "on" : "off"; }, #crcok => sub {return 1;}, # Check could not be determined yet. }, 123 => { # Inkbird IBS-P01R Pool Thermometer, Inkbird ITH-20R (not tested) # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Nibble 0 4 | 8 12 | 16 20 | 24 28 | 32 # D391 0F80 | 0301 005A | 0655 FA00 | 1405 1405 | 35F6 - IBS-P01R # D391 0F00 | 0103 0120 | 7E43 FF00 | 1405 3F02 | 5CCB - unknown sensor with humidity # SSSS LL33 | 4455 66BB | IIII TTTT | tttt HHHH | CCCC # S: 2 Byte, Sync 2 ??? # L: 1 Byte, Number of bytes from byte 3 to the end ??? # 3: 1 Byte, Flags, IBS-P01R always 0x80, in inkbird_ith20r.c - 00 - normal work , 40 - unlink sensor (button pressed 5s), 80 - battery replaced # 4: 1 Byte, Flags, IBS-P01R always 0x03, in inkbird_ith20r.c - changes from 1 to 2 if external sensor present # 5: 1 Byte, Flags, IBS-P01R always 0x01, in inkbird_ith20r.c - unknown (also seen 0201), sw version? Seen 0x0001 on IBS-P01R # 6: 1 Byte, Flags, IBS-P01R always 0x00, in inkbird_ith20r.c - unknown (also seen 0201), sw version? Seen 0x0001 on IBS-P01R # B: 1 Byte, Battery Percent, IBS-P01R (0, 30, 60, 90), in inkbird_ith20r.c - Battery % 0-100 # I: 2 Byte, Ident, always the same for a sensor but each sensor is different # T: 2 Byte, Temperature in C * 10, little endian, so 0xD200 is 210, 21.0C # t: 2 Byte, Temperature for the external sensor, 0x1405 if not connected # H: 2 Byte, Relative humidity % * 10, little endian, so 0xC501 is 453 or 45.3% # C: 2 Byte, CRC16 over bytes 0-15, poly=0x8005 (0xA001 reflected), init=0x2f61 (0x86F4 reflected) # 0 4 | 8 12 | 16 20 | 24 28 | 32 36 | 40 44 | 48 52 | 56 60 | 64 68 | 72 76 | 80 84 | 88 92 | 96 100 | 104 108 | 112 116 | 120 128 | 132 136 | 140 144 # 1101 0011 | 1001 0001 | 0000 1111 | 1000 0000 | 0000 0011 | 0000 0001 | 0000 0000 | 0001 1110 | 0000 0110 | 0101 0101 | 0001 0100 | 0000 0001 | 0001 0100 | 0000 0101 | 0001 0100 | 0000 0101 | 0001 1100 | 0111 1011 # 1101 0011 | 1001 0001 | 0000 1111 | 0000 0000 | 0000 0001 | 0000 0011 | 0000 0011 | 0010 0001 | 0111 1110 | 0100 0011 | 1010 0101 | 0000 0000 | 0001 0100 | 0000 0101 | 0100 0110 | 0000 0010 | 0111 1111 | 0101 0001 # SSSS SSSS | SSSS SSSS | LLLL LLLL | 3333 3333 | 4444 4444 | 5555 5555 | 6666 6666 | BBBB BBBB | IIII IIII | IIII IIII | TTTT TTTT | TTTT TTTT | tttt tttt | tttt tttt | HHHH HHHH | HHHH HHHH | CCCC CCCC | CCCC CCCC sensortype => 'IBS-P01R, ITH-20R', model => 'SD_WS_123_T', fixedId => '1', prematch => sub { return 1; }, # no precheck known batChange => sub { my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,24,1) eq '0' ? '1' : '0'; }, batteryPercent => sub { my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return hex(substr($rawData,14,2)); }, id => sub { my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,16,4); }, temp => sub { my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return ((((hex(substr($rawData,20,2)) + hex(substr($rawData,22,2)) * 256) ^ 0x8000) - 0x8000) / 10); }, temp2 => sub { my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return if (substr($rawData,24,4) eq '1405'); return ((((hex(substr($rawData,24,2)) + hex(substr($rawData,26,2)) * 256) ^ 0x8000) - 0x8000) / 10); }, hum => sub { my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return if (substr($rawData,28,4) eq '1405'); return ( (hex(substr($rawData,28,2)) + hex(substr($rawData,30,2)) * 256) / 10 ); }, crcok => sub { my ($rawData,undef) = @_; my $calcsum = SD_WS_crc16lsb(16, 0xA001, 0x86F4, $rawData); my $checksum = hex(substr($rawData,32,2)) + hex(substr($rawData,34,2)) * 256; if ($checksum == $calcsum) { return 1; } else { Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_123 Parse - ERROR CRC16 $checksum != $calcsum"; return 0; } }, }, 129 => { # Sainlogic 8in1 und Sainlogic Wifi 7in1 (mit uv und lux), auch von Raddy, Ragova, Nicety Meter, Dema, Cotech # ---- # 1 2 # 0123456789012345678901234567 # ---------------------------- # C0E00E141C0000843340FFFBFBBD # AIIFWWGGDDRRRRfTTTHHSSSSUUCC # # A - 4 bit: ?? Type code?, never seems to change # I - 8 bit: Id, changes when reset # F - 4 bit: b - Battery indicator 0 = Ok, 1 = Battery low # d - MSB of Wind direction # g - MSB of Wind Gust value # w - MSB of Wind Avg value # W - 8 bit: Wind Avg, scaled by 10 # G - 8 bit: Wind Gust, scaled by 10 # D - 8 bit: Wind direction in degrees # R -16 bit: rain in mm, scaled by 10 # f - 4 bit: ?? evtl flags # T -12 bit: Temperature in Fahrenheit, offset 400, scaled by 10 # H - 8 bit: Humidity # S -16 bit: Sunlight intensity, 0 to 200.000 lumens # U - 8 bit: UV index # C - 8 bit: CRC, poly 0x31, init 0xc0 # model => 'SD_WS_129', prematch => sub {return 1; }, id => sub { my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,1,2); }, sensortype2 => sub {my $rawData = shift; my $ret; if (substr($rawData,24,1) eq 'F') { $ret = 'Sainlogic 8in1'; } else { $ret = 'Sainlogic Wifi 7in1'; } return $ret; }, bat => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,12,1) eq '0' ? 'ok' : 'low';}, windspeed => sub {my ($rawData,$bitData) = @_; return ((hex(substr($rawData,4,2)) + substr($bitData,15,1) * 256) / 10); }, windgust => sub {my ($rawData,$bitData) = @_; return ((hex(substr($rawData,6,2)) + substr($bitData,14,1) * 256) / 10); }, winddir => sub {my ($rawData,$bitData) = @_; my $winddir = hex(substr($rawData,8,2)) + substr($bitData,13,1) * 256; return if ($winddir > 360); return ($winddir, $winddirtxtar[round(($winddir / 22.5),0)]); }, rain => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return (hex(substr($rawData,10,4)) / 10); }, temp => sub { my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return round(((hex(substr($rawData,15,3)) - 720) * 5 / 90),1); }, hum => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return hex(substr($rawData,18,2)); }, lux => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return if (substr($rawData,24,1) eq 'F'); return hex(substr($rawData,20,4)); }, uv => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return if (substr($rawData,24,1) eq 'F'); return (round((hex(substr($rawData,24,2)) / 10),1)); }, crcok => sub {my $rawData = shift; my $rc = eval { require Digest::CRC; Digest::CRC->import(); 1; }; if ($rc) { my $datacheck1 = pack( 'H*', $rawData ); my $crcmein1 = Digest::CRC->new(width => 8, init => 0xc0, poly => 0x31); my $rr3 = $crcmein1->add($datacheck1)->digest; if ($rr3) { Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_129 Parse - ERROR CRC8 $rr3 should be 0"; return 0; } Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_129 Parse - CRC8 $rr3 ok"; return 1; } else { Log3 $name, 1, "$name: SD_WS_129 Parse msg $rawData - ERROR CRC not load, please install modul Digest::CRC"; return 0; } } }, 204 => { # WH24 WH65A/B sensortype => 'WH24', model => 'SD_WS_204', prematch => sub {return 1; }, id => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,2,2); }, bat => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,28,1) eq '1' ? 'ok' : 'low';}, winddir => sub {my ($rawData,$bitData) = @_; my $winddir = substr($bitData,24,1) * 256 + hex(substr($rawData,4,2)); return ($winddir, $winddirtxtar[round(($winddir / 22.5),0)]); # 0x1ff if invalid }, temp => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; my $temp = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,29,39); # 0x7ff if invalid return round(($temp - 400) / 10, 1); }, hum => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return hex(substr($rawData,10,2)); }, # 0xff if invalid windspeed => sub {my ($rawData,$bitData) = @_; return (substr($bitData,27,1) * 256 + hex(substr($rawData,12,2))); },# 0x1ff if invalid windgust => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return hex(substr($rawData,14,2)); }, # 0xff if invalid rain => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return hex(substr($rawData,16,4)); }, uv => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; my $uvRaw = hex(substr($rawData,20,4)); # range 0-20000, 0xffff if invalid my $uvidx = 0; while ($uvidx < 13 && $uvar[$uvidx] < $uvRaw) { $uvidx++; } return $uvidx; }, lux => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return hex(substr($rawData,24,6))/10; }, # range 0.0 - 300000.0 Lux crcok => sub {return 1;}, # checks are in 00_SIGNALduino.pm sub SIGNALduino_WH24 }, 205 => { # WH25 und WH25A ab Release 20/14 andere Temp-Darstellung sensortype => 'WH25', model => 'SD_WS_205', #fixedId => '1', prematch => sub {return 1; }, id => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,1,2); }, bat => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,12,1) eq '1' ? 'ok' : 'low';}, temp => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; my $temp = (hex(substr($rawData,3,1)) & 3) * 256 + hex(substr($rawData,4,2)); return round(($temp - 400) / 10, 1); }, hum => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return hex(substr($rawData,6,2)); }, pressure => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return round(hex(substr($rawData,8,4)) / 10, 1); }, crcok => sub {return 1;}, # checks are in 00_SIGNALduino.pm sub SIGNALduino_WH25 }, 206 => { # W136 sensortype => 'W136', model => 'SD_WS_206', prematch => sub {return 1; }, id => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,0,2); }, bat => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,47,1) eq '0' ? 'ok' : 'low';}, temp => sub {my ($rawData,$bitData) = @_; my $temp = (hex(substr($rawData,8,2)) & 0x7F) * 256 + hex(substr($rawData,6,2)); if (substr($bitData,32,1) eq '1') { # neg Temp $temp = -$temp; } return round($temp / 10, 1); }, hum => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,2,2) + 0; }, winddir => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; my $winddirraw = hex(substr($rawData,17,1)); return ($winddirraw * 22.5, $winddirtxtar[$winddirraw]); }, windspeed => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return round(hex(substr($rawData,20,2) . substr($rawData,18,2)) / 10, 1); }, windgust => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return round(hex(substr($rawData,24,2) . substr($rawData,22,2)) / 10, 1); }, rain => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return round(hex(substr($rawData,28,2) . substr($rawData,26,2)) / 4, 1); }, uv => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return round(hex(substr($rawData,32,2)) / 10, 1); }, distance => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; my $distance = hex(substr($rawData,34,2)); if ($distance == 0x3F) { $distance = -1; } return $distance; }, count => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return hex(substr($rawData,40,2) . substr($rawData,38,2)); }, crcok => sub {return 1;}, # checks are in 00_SIGNALduino.pm sub SIGNALduino_W136 }, 207 => { # https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433/blob/master/src/devices/bresser_7in1.c # The 7-in-1 multifunction outdoor sensor transmits the data on 868.3 MHz. # The device uses FSK-PCM encoding, the device sends a transmission every 12 seconds. # # 0CF0A6F5B98A10AAAAAAAAAAAAAABABC3EAABBFCAAAAAAAAAA000000 original message # A65A0C5F1320BA000000000000001016940011560000000000AAAAAA message after all nibbles xor 0xA # CCCCIIIIDDD??FGGGWWWRRRRRR??TTTFHHLLLLLLUUUttttttt # # CCCC LFSR-16 # IIII ID # DDD wind_dir_deg # F flags, 4 bit # Bit: 0123 # r??? # r: 1 bit device reset, 1 after inserting battery # GG.G Wind Gust m/s # WW.W Wind Speed m/s # RRRRR.R rain mm # ?? unknown (always 0?) # TT.T temp # F Flag Bat low # HH hum # LLLLLL Light Lux # UU.U UV index # ttttttt trailer # # Only nibbles 4 to 49 are transferred to the module. Preprocessing in 00_SIGNALduino.pm sub SIGNALduino_Bresser_7in1 # sensortype => 'Bresser_7in1', model => 'SD_WS_207', fixedId => '1', prematch => sub {my $rawData = shift; return 1 if ($rawData =~ /^[0-9A-F]{4}[0-9]{3}[0-9A-F]{3}[0-9]{12}[0-9A-F]{2}[0-9]{15}/); }, id => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,0,4); }, bat => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,109,2) eq '11' ? 'low' : 'ok';}, batChange => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,36, 1);}, winddir => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; my $winddir = substr($rawData,4,3); return if ($winddir !~ m/^\d+$/xms); return ($winddir * 1, $winddirtxtar[round(($winddir / 22.5),0)]); }, windgust => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,10,3) / 10; }, windspeed => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,13,3) / 10; }, rain => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,16,6) / 10; }, temp => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; my $rawTemp = substr($rawData,24,3); if ($rawTemp > 600) {$rawTemp -= 1000}; return $rawTemp / 10; }, hum => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,28,2) + 0; }, lux => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,30,6) + 0; }, uv => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,36,3) / 10; }, crcok => sub {return 1;}, # checks are in 00_SIGNALduino.pm sub SIGNALduino_Bresser_7in1 }, 125 => { # alt 211 # ecowitt WH31, Ambient Weather WH31E, froggit DP50 # https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,111653.msg1212517.html#msg1212517 # https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433/blob/master/src/devices/ambientweather_wh31e.c # # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 # 01234567890123 # YYIICTTTHHXXAA # # Y = a fixed Type Code of 0x30 # I = device ID # C = the Channel number (only the lower 3 bits) and bat (the highest bit) # T = 12bits Temperature in C, scaled by 10, offset 400 # H = Humidity # X = CRC-8, poly 0x31, init 0x00 # A = SUM-8 # sensortype => 'WH31e, WH31b, DP50', model => 'SD_WS_125_TH', #fixedId => '1', prematch => sub {return 1; }, id => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,2,2); }, channel => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,17,19) + 1);}, bat => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return substr($bitData,20,1) eq '0' ? 'ok' : 'low';}, temp => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; my $rawTemp = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,21,31); return round(($rawTemp - 400) / 10, 1); }, hum => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return hex(substr($rawData,8,2)); }, crcok => sub {my $rawData = shift; # alt crc in 00_SIGNALduino sub SIGNALduino_WH31 my $checksum = 0; my $checksumRef = hex(substr($rawData,12,2)); for (my $i=0; $i < 11; $i += 2) { $checksum += hex(substr($rawData,$i,2)); } $checksum &= 0xFF; if ($checksum != $checksumRef) { Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_125 (WH31) Parse - ERROR, sum = $checksum, ref = $checksumRef"; return 0; } my $rc = eval { require Digest::CRC; Digest::CRC->import(); 1; }; if ($rc) { my $calc_crc8 = Digest::CRC->new(width => 8, poly=>0x31); my $crc_digest = $calc_crc8->add( pack 'H*', substr( $rawData, 0, 12 ) )->digest; if ($crc_digest) { Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_125 (WH31) Parse - ERROR CRC8 $crc_digest should be 0"; return 0; } Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_125 (WH31) Parse - checksum=$checksum ok, CRC=0 ok"; return 1; } else { Log3 $name, 1, "$name: SD_WS_125 (WH31) Parse - ERROR CRC not load, please install perl modul Digest::CRC"; return 0; } }, }, 126 => { # alt 213 # rain gauge ecowitt | Fine Offset | Ambient Weather WH40 # https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433/blob/master/src/devices/ambientweather_wh31e.c # # 01 234567 89 0123 45 67 # YY IIIIII BB RRRR XX AA # 40 013E3C 90 0000 10 5B # # Y = a fixed Type Code of 0x40 # I = ID (3 bytes) # B = Voltage of battery is representey by last 5 bits; voltage / 10 => 0F = 15 = 1.5v, Not all models have battery reporting. Firest seen in late 2022 # R = rain bucket tip count, 0.1mm increments # X = CRC-8, poly 0x31, init 0x00, Input not reflected, Result not reflected # A = SUM-8 # sensortype => 'WH40', model => 'SD_WS_126_R', fixedId => '1', prematch => sub {return 1; }, id => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return (substr($rawData,2,6));}, bat => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; my $v = oct('0b'.substr($bitData,35,5)); return $v ne '0' ? $v > 11 ? 'ok' : 'low' : undef; }, batVoltage => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; my $v = oct('0b'.substr($bitData,35,5)); return $v ne '0' ? $v / 10 : undef; }, rain => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return hex(substr($rawData,10,4)) / 10; }, crcok => sub {my $rawData = shift; # alt crc in 00_SIGNALduino sub SIGNALduino_WH40 my $checksum = 0; my $checksumRef = hex(substr($rawData,16,2)); for (my $i=0; $i < 15; $i += 2) { $checksum += hex(substr($rawData,$i,2)); } $checksum &= 0xFF; if ($checksum != $checksumRef) { Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_126 (WH40) Parse - ERROR, sum = $checksum, ref = $checksumRef"; return 0; } my $rc = eval { require Digest::CRC; Digest::CRC->import(); 1; }; if ($rc) { my $calc_crc8 = Digest::CRC->new(width => 8, poly=>0x31); my $crc_digest = $calc_crc8->add( pack 'H*', substr( $rawData, 0, 16 ) )->digest; if ($crc_digest) { Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_126 (WH40) Parse - ERROR CRC8 $crc_digest should be 0"; return 0; } Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_126 (WH40) Parse - checksum=$checksum ok, CRC=0 ok"; return 1; } else { Log3 $name, 1, "$name: SD_WS_126 (WH40) Parse - ERROR CRC not load, please install perl modul Digest::CRC"; return 0; } }, }, 214 => { # ecowitt WS68 Anemometer # https://osswww.ecowitt.net/uploads/20220803/WS68%20Manual.pdf # https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433/blob/master/src/devices/ambientweather_wh31e.c # https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433/issues/1283 # # 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 0 2 4 6 8 0 # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 # YY ??IIII LLLL BB DSSSSS WW dd GG ?? XXAA # 68 0000c5 0000 4b 0fffff 00 5a 00 00 d0af # 68 0000c5 0107 4b 0fffff 00 2e 00 02 a663 # 68 0000c5 0000 4b 2fffff 00 0e 00 00 8033 10e (270)-wind-Direction-West # # Y - fixed Type Code of 0x68 # I - device ID # L - 16 bit, lux # B - 8 bit battery voltage # D - 1 bit windir high # S - 20 bit static? # W - windspeed # d - windir low # G - windgust # X = CRC-8 # A = SUM-8 # sensortype => 'WS68', model => 'SD_WS_214', prematch => sub {return 1; }, id => sub { my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return substr($rawData,4,4); }, windspeedKmh => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return hex(substr($rawData,20,2)); }, windGust_kmh => sub {my ($rawData,undef) = @_; return hex(substr($rawData,24,2)); }, winddir => sub {my ($rawData,$bitData) = @_; my $winddir = hex(substr($rawData,22,2)) + substr($bitData,58,1) * 256; return if ($winddir > 360); return ($winddir, $winddirtxtar[round(($winddir / 22.5),0)]); }, crcok => sub {my $rawData = shift; # alt crc in 00_SIGNALduino sub SIGNALduino_WS68 my $checksum = 0; my $checksumRef = hex(substr($rawData,30,2)); for (my $i=0; $i < 29; $i += 2) { $checksum += hex(substr($rawData,$i,2)); } $checksum &= 0xFF; if ($checksum != $checksumRef) { Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_214 (WH40) Parse - ERROR, sum = $checksum, ref = $checksumRef"; return 0; } my $rc = eval { require Digest::CRC; Digest::CRC->import(); 1; }; if ($rc) { my $calc_crc8 = Digest::CRC->new(width => 8, poly=>0x31); my $crc_digest = $calc_crc8->add( pack 'H*', substr( $rawData, 0, 30 ) )->digest; if ($crc_digest) { Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_214 (WS68) Parse - ERROR CRC8 $crc_digest should be 0"; return 0; } Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_214 (WS68) Parse - checksum=$checksum ok, CRC=0 ok"; return 1; } else { Log3 $name, 1, "$name: SD_WS_214 (WS68) Parse - ERROR CRC not load, please install perl modul Digest::CRC"; return 0; } }, } ); Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_Parse protocol $protocol, rawData $rawData"; # damit es kompatibel mit dem Modul von Sidey ist if ($protocol eq '117') { $protocol = '207'; $rawData = substr($rawData, 4); $bitData = unpack("B$blen", pack("H$hlen", $rawData)); } elsif ($protocol eq '115') { if (substr($iohash->{versionmodul},0,1) ne 'v') { $rawData = substr($rawData, 4); $bitData = unpack("B$blen", pack("H$hlen", $rawData)); } } if ($protocol eq "37") { # Bresser 7009994 # Protokollbeschreibung: # https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433_tests/tree/master/tests/bresser_3ch # The data is grouped in 5 bytes / 10 nibbles # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 0 | 8 12 | 16 | 24 | 32 # 1111 1100 | 0001 0110 | 0001 0000 | 0011 0111 | 0101 1001 0 65.1 F 55 % # iiii iiii | bscc tttt | tttt tttt | hhhh hhhh | xxxx xxxx # i: 8 bit random id (changes on power-loss) # b: battery indicator (0=>OK, 1=>LOW) # s: Test/Sync (0=>Normal, 1=>Test-Button pressed / Sync) # c: Channel (MSB-first, valid channels are 1-3) # t: Temperature (MSB-first, Big-endian) # 12 bit unsigned fahrenheit offset by 90 and scaled by 10 # h: Humidity (MSB-first) 8 bit relative humidity percentage # x: checksum (byte1 + byte2 + byte3 + byte4) % 256 # Check with e.g. (byte1 + byte2 + byte3 + byte4 - byte5) % 256) = 0 $model = "SD_WS37_TH"; $SensorTyp = "Bresser 7009994"; my $checksum = (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,0,7) + SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,8,15) + SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,16,23) + SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,24,31)) & 0xFF; if ($checksum != SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,32,39)) { Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS37 ERROR - checksum $checksum != ".SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,32,39); return ""; } else { Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS37 checksum ok $checksum = ".SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,32,39); $id = substr($rawData,0,2); $bat = int(substr($bitData,8,1)) eq "0" ? "ok" : "low"; # Batterie-Bit konnte nicht geprueft werden $channel = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,10,11); $rawTemp = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,12,23); $hum = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,24,31); my $tempFh = $rawTemp / 10 - 90; # Grad Fahrenheit $temp = (($tempFh - 32) * 5 / 9); # Grad Celsius $temp = sprintf("%.1f", $temp + 0.05); # round Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS37 tempraw = $rawTemp, temp = $tempFh F, temp = $temp C, Hum = $hum"; Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS37 decoded protocol = $protocol ($SensorTyp), sensor id = $id, channel = $channel"; } } elsif ($protocol eq "44" || $protocol eq "44x") # BresserTemeo { # 0 4 8 12 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 52 56 60 # 0101 0111 1001 00010101 0010 0100 0001 1010 1000 0110 11101010 1101 1011 1110 110110010 # hhhh hhhh ?bcc viiiiiii sttt tttt tttt xxxx xxxx ?BCC VIIIIIII Syyy yyyy yyyy # - h humidity / -x checksum # - t temp / -y checksum # - c Channel / -C checksum # - V sign / -V checksum # - i 7 bit random id (aendert sich beim Batterie- und Kanalwechsel) / - I checksum # - b battery indicator (0=>OK, 1=>LOW) / - B checksum # - s Test/Sync (0=>Normal, 1=>Test-Button pressed) / - S checksum $model= "BresserTemeo"; $SensorTyp = "BresserTemeo"; #my $binvalue = unpack("B*" ,pack("H*", $rawData)); my $binvalue = $bitData; if (length($binvalue) != 72) { Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: SD_WS_Parse BresserTemeo length error (72 bits expected)!!!"; return ""; } # Check what Humidity Prefix (*sigh* Bresser!!!) if ($protocol eq "44") { $binvalue = "0".$binvalue; Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: SD_WS_Parse BresserTemeo Humidity <= 79 Flag"; } else { $binvalue = "1".$binvalue; Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: SD_WS_Parse BresserTemeo Humidity > 79 Flag"; } Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: SD_WS_Parse BresserTemeo new bin $binvalue"; my $checksumOkay = 1; my $hum1Dec = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 0, 3); my $hum2Dec = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 4, 7); my $checkHum1 = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 32, 35) ^ 0b1111; my $checkHum2 = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 36, 39) ^ 0b1111; if ($checkHum1 != $hum1Dec || $checkHum2 != $hum2Dec) { Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: SD_WS_Parse BresserTemeo checksum error in Humidity"; } else { $hum = $hum1Dec.$hum2Dec; if ($hum < 1 || $hum > 100) { Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: SD_WS_Parse BresserTemeo Humidity Error. Humidity=$hum"; return ""; } } my $temp1Dec = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 21, 23); my $temp2Dec = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 24, 27); my $temp3Dec = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 28, 31); my $checkTemp1 = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 53, 55) ^ 0b111; my $checkTemp2 = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 56, 59) ^ 0b1111; my $checkTemp3 = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 60, 63) ^ 0b1111; $temp = $temp1Dec.$temp2Dec.".".$temp3Dec; $temp +=0; # remove leading zeros if ($checkTemp1 != $temp1Dec || $checkTemp2 != $temp2Dec || $checkTemp3 != $temp3Dec) { Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: SD_WS_Parse BresserTemeo checksum error in Temperature"; $checksumOkay = 0; } if ($temp > 60) { Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: SD_WS_Parse BresserTemeo Temperature Error. temp=$temp"; return ""; } my $sign = substr($binvalue,12,1); my $checkSign = substr($binvalue,44,1) ^ 0b1; if ($sign != $checkSign) { Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: SD_WS_Parse BresserTemeo checksum error in Sign"; $checksumOkay = 0; } else { if ($sign) { $temp = 0 - $temp; } } $bat = substr($binvalue,9,1); my $checkBat = substr($binvalue,41,1) ^ 0b1; if ($bat != $checkBat) { Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: SD_WS_Parse BresserTemeo checksum error in Bat"; $bat = undef; } else { $bat = ($bat == 0) ? "ok" : "low"; } $channel = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 10, 11); my $checkChannel = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 42, 43) ^ 0b11; $id = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 13, 19); my $checkId = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 45, 51) ^ 0b1111111; if ($channel != $checkChannel || $id != $checkId) { Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: SD_WS_Parse BresserTemeo checksum error in Channel or Id"; $checksumOkay = 0; } if ($checksumOkay == 0) { Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name:SD_WS_Parse BresserTemeo checksum error!!! These Values seem incorrect: temp=$temp, channel=$channel, id=$id"; return ""; } $id = sprintf('%02X', $id); # wandeln nach hex Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: SD_WS_Parse model=$model, temp=$temp, hum=$hum, channel=$channel, id=$id, bat=$bat"; } elsif ($protocol eq "64") # WH2 { #* Fine Offset Electronics WH2 Temperature/Humidity sensor protocol #* aka Agimex Rosenborg 66796 (sold in Denmark) #* aka ClimeMET CM9088 (Sold in UK) #* aka TFA Dostmann/Wertheim 30.3157 (Temperature only!) (sold in Germany) #* aka ... #* #* The sensor sends two identical packages of 48 bits each ~48s. The bits are PWM modulated with On Off Keying # * The data is grouped in 6 bytes / 12 nibbles #* [pre] [pre] [type] [id] [id] [temp] [temp] [temp] [humi] [humi] [crc] [crc] #* #* pre is always 0xFF #* type is always 0x4 (may be different for different sensor type?) #* id is a random id that is generated when the sensor starts #* temp is 12 bit signed magnitude scaled by 10 celcius #* humi is 8 bit relative humidity percentage #* #* https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433/blob/master/src/devices/fineoffset.c #* Based on reverse engineering with gnu-radio and the nice article here: #* http://lucsmall.com/2012/04/29/weather-station-hacking-part-2/ # 0x4A/74 0x70/112 0xEF/239 0xFF/255 0x97/151 | Sensor ID: 0x4A7 | 255% | 239 | OK #{ Dispatch($defs{sduino}, "W64#FF48D0C9FFBA", undef) } #* Message Format: #* .- [0] -. .- [1] -. .- [2] -. .- [3] -. .- [4] -. #* | | | | | | | | | | #* SSSS.DDDD DDN_.TTTT TTTT.TTTT WHHH.HHHH CCCC.CCCC #* | | | || | | | | | | || | | | #* | | | || | | | | | | || | `--------- CRC #* | | | || | | | | | | |`-------- Humidity #* | | | || | | | | | | | #* | | | || | | | | | | `---- weak battery #* | | | || | | | | | | #* | | | || | | | | `----- Temperature T * 0.1 #* | | | || | | | | #* | | | || | | `---------- Temperature T * 1 #* | | | || | | #* | | | || `--------------- Temperature T * 10 #* | | | | `--- new battery #* | | `---------- ID #* `---- START = 9 #* #*/ $msg = substr($msg,0,16); my (undef ,$rawData) = split("#",$msg); my $hlen = length($rawData); my $blen = $hlen * 4; my $msg_vor ="W64#"; #my $bitData20; my $sign = 0; my $rr2; my $vorpre = -1; my $bitData = unpack("B$blen", pack("H$hlen", $rawData)); my $temptyp = substr($bitData,0,8); if( $temptyp eq '11111110' ) { $rawData = SD_WS_WH2SHIFT($rawData); $msg = $msg_vor.$rawData; $bitData = unpack("B$blen", pack("H$hlen", $rawData)); $temptyp = substr($bitData,0,8); Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: SD_WS_WH2_1 msg=$msg length:".length($bitData) ; Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: SD_WS_WH2_1 bitdata: $bitData" ; } else { if ( $temptyp eq '11111101' ) { $rawData = SD_WS_WH2SHIFT($rawData); $rawData = SD_WS_WH2SHIFT($rawData); $msg = $msg_vor.$rawData; $bitData = unpack("B$blen", pack("H$hlen", $rawData)); $temptyp = substr($bitData,0,8); Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: SD_WS_WH2_2 msg=$msg length:".length($bitData) ; Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: SD_WS_WH2_2 bitdata: $bitData" ; } } if( $temptyp eq '11111111' ) { $vorpre = 8; }else{ Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: SD_WS_WH2_4 Error kein WH2: Typ: $temptyp" ; return ""; } my $rc = eval { require Digest::CRC; Digest::CRC->import(); 1; }; if($rc) { # Digest::CRC loaded and imported successfully Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: SD_WS_WH2_1 msg: $msg raw: $rawData " ; $rr2 = SD_WS_WH2CRCCHECK($rawData); if ($rr2 == 0 ){ # 1.CRC OK Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: SD_WS_WH2_1 CRC_OK : CRC=$rr2 msg: $msg check:".$rawData ; }else{ Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: SD_WS_WH2_4 CRC_Error: CRC=$rr2 msg: $msg check:".$rawData ; return ""; } }else { Log3 $iohash, 1, "$name: SD_WS_WH2_3 CRC_not_load: Modul Digest::CRC fehlt" ; return ""; } $bitData = unpack("B$blen", pack("H$hlen", $rawData)); Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: converted to bits WH2 " . $bitData; $model = "SD_WS_WH2"; $SensorTyp = "WH2, WH2A"; $id = SD_WS_bin2dec(substr($bitData,$vorpre + 4,6)); $id = sprintf('%03X', $id); $channel = 0; $bat = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,$vorpre + 24) eq "1" ? "low" : "ok"; $sign = SD_WS_bin2dec(substr($bitData,$vorpre + 12,1)); if ($sign == 0) { # Temp positiv $temp = (SD_WS_bin2dec(substr($bitData,$vorpre + 13,11))) / 10; } else { # Temp negativ $temp = -(SD_WS_bin2dec(substr($bitData,$vorpre + 13,11))) / 10; } Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: decoded protocolid $protocol ($SensorTyp) sensor id=$id, Data:".substr($bitData,$vorpre + 12,12)." temp=$temp"; $hum = SD_WS_bin2dec(substr($bitData,$vorpre + 24,8)); # TFA 30.3157 nur Temp, Hum = 255 Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: SD_WS_WH2_8 $protocol ($SensorTyp) sensor id=$id, Data:".substr($bitData,$vorpre + 24,8)." hum=$hum"; Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: SD_WS_WH2_9 $protocol ($SensorTyp) sensor id=$id, channel=$channel, temp=$temp, hum=$hum"; } elsif (defined($decodingSubs{$protocol})) # durch den hash decodieren { if (!exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{sensortype2})) { $SensorTyp=$decodingSubs{$protocol}{sensortype}; } else { $SensorTyp=$decodingSubs{$protocol}{sensortype2}->($rawData); } if (!$decodingSubs{$protocol}{prematch}->( $rawData )) { Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: SD_WS_Parse $rawData protocolid $protocol ($SensorTyp) - ERROR prematch" ; return ""; } if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{crcok})) { my $retcrc=$decodingSubs{$protocol}{crcok}->( $rawData,$bitData ); return "" if ($retcrc == 0); $defaultMaxDeviation = 5; } $id = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{id}->( $rawData,$bitData ); $fixedId = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{fixedId} if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{fixedId})); $temp = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{temp}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{temp})); $temp2 = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{temp2}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{temp2})); $temp3 = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{temp3}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{temp3})); $temp4 = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{temp4}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{temp4})); $noTempCheck = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{noTempCheck} if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{noTempCheck})); $hum = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{hum}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{hum})); if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{windspeed})) { $windspeed = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{windspeed}->( $rawData,$bitData ); $windspeedKmh = round($windspeed*3.6, 1) if (defined($windspeed)); } elsif (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{windspeedKmh})) { $windspeedKmh = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{windspeedKmh}->( $rawData,$bitData ); $windspeed = round($windspeedKmh/3.6, 1) if (defined($windspeedKmh)); } ($winddir,$winddirtxt) = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{winddir}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{winddir})); $windgust = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{windgust}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{windgust})); $channel = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{channel}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{channel})); $model = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{model}; $model .= $decodingSubs{$protocol}{modelAdd}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{modelAdd})); $bat = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{bat}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{bat})); $batVoltage = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{batVoltage}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{batVoltage})); $batteryPercent = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{batteryPercent}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{batteryPercent})); $batChange = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{batChange}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{batChange})); $rawRainCounter = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{rawRainCounter}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{rawRainCounter})); $rain = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{rain}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{rain})); $rain_total = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{rain_total}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{rain_total})); $sendCounter = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{sendCounter}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{sendCounter})); $beep = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{beep}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{beep})); if ($model eq "SD_WS_33_T" || $model eq "SD_WS_58_T") { # for SD_WS_33 or SD_WS_58 discrimination T - TH $model = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{model}."H" if $hum != 0; # for models with Humidity } $sendmode = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{sendmode}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{sendmode})); $trend = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{trend}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{trend})); $distance = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{distance}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{distance})); $uv = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{uv}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{uv})); $count = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{count}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{count})); $ad = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{ad}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{ad})); $lightningRaw = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{lightningRaw}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{lightningRaw})); $identified = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{identified}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{identified})); $transPerBoost = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{transPerBoost}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{transPerBoost})); $lux = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{lux}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{lux})); $pressure = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{pressure}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{pressure})); $transmitter = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{transmitter}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{transmitter})); $dcf = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{dcf}->( $rawData,$bitData ) if (exists($decodingSubs{$protocol}{dcf})); Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name: SD_WS_Parse decoded protocol-id $protocol ($SensorTyp), sensor-id $id"; } else { Log3 $iohash, 2, "$name: SD_WS_Parse unknown message, please report. converted to bits: $bitData"; return; } if (!defined($model)) { return; } my $deviceCode; my $longids = AttrVal($ioname,'longids',0); if ((($longids ne "0") && ($longids eq "1" || $longids eq "ALL" || (",$longids," =~ m/,$model,/))) || defined $fixedId) { $deviceCode = $model . '_' . $id; # for sensors without channel $deviceCode .= $channel if (defined $channel); # old form of longid if (!defined($modules{SD_WS}{defptr}{$deviceCode})) { $deviceCode = $model . '_' . $id; # for sensors without channel $deviceCode .= '_' . $channel if (defined $channel); # new form of longid } Log3 $iohash,4, "$name: using longid for $longids device $deviceCode"; } else { $deviceCode = $model; # for sensors without channel $deviceCode .= '_' . $channel if (defined $channel); } my $def = $modules{SD_WS}{defptr}{$deviceCode}; $def = $modules{SD_WS}{defptr}{$deviceCode} if(!$def); if(!$def) { Log3 $iohash, 1, "$name: SD_WS_Parse UNDEFINED sensor $model detected, code $deviceCode"; return "UNDEFINED $deviceCode SD_WS $deviceCode"; } my $hash = $def; $name = $hash->{NAME}; return "" if(IsIgnored($name)); if ($protocol eq '85') { # Protocol 85 without wind direction if (AttrVal($name,'model','') ne "TFA_30.3251.10") { $winddir = undef; $winddirtxt = undef; } } elsif ($protocol eq '204') { if (AttrVal($name, 'model', '') eq 'WH24_65B') { $SensorTyp = 'WH65B'; $windspeed*=0.06375; $windgust *=0.51; $rain *=0.254; } else { # WH24 $windspeed*=0.14; $windgust *=1.12; $rain *=0.3; } $windspeedKmh = round($windspeed*3.6, 1); $windspeed = round($windspeed,1); $windgust = round($windgust,1); $rain = round($rain,1); } if (defined $temp) { if (($temp < -30 || $temp > 70) && !defined($noTempCheck)) { # not forBBQ temperature sensor GT-TMBBQ-01s and Wireless Grill Thermometer GFGT 433 B1 Log3 $name, 3, "$ioname: SD_WS_Parse $deviceCode - ERROR temperature $temp"; return ""; } } if (defined $hum) { if ($protocol ne '107') { if ($hum > 99) { Log3 $name, 3, "$ioname: SD_WS_Parse $deviceCode raw $rawData - ERROR humidity $hum"; return ""; } elsif ($hum == 0 && $protocol ne '115') { $hum = undef; } } else { # protocol 107 (Soil Moisture Sensor) my $ad0 = AttrVal($name, 'dp100-wh51-ad0', undef); my $ad100 = AttrVal($name, 'dp100-wh51-ad100', undef); if (defined $ad0 && defined $ad100 && defined $ad) { my $calHum; if ($ad <= $ad0) { $calHum = 0; } else { $calHum = ($ad - $ad0) * 100 / ($ad100 - $ad0); $calHum = round($calHum, 0); #$calHum = ($ad - $ad0) * 200 / ($ad100 - $ad0); # Runden auf 0.5% #$calHum = sprintf("%.1f", int($calHum + 0.5) / 2); } Log3 $name, 4, "$name: SD_WS_Parse protocol 107 hum=$hum calhum=$calHum ad=$ad ad0=$ad0 ad100=$ad100"; $hum = $calHum; } } } # Sanity checks if($def && !defined($noTempCheck)) { # not forBBQ temperature sensor GT-TMBBQ-01s and Wireless Grill Thermometer GFGT 433 B1 my $sanityFlag = 1; # ok # temperature if (defined($temp) && defined(ReadingsVal($name, 'temperature', undef))) { my $maxdeviation = AttrVal($name, 'max-deviation-temp', $defaultMaxDeviation); if (SD_WS_Sanity_checks($ioname, $name, 'temperature', 'temp', $temp, 1, $maxdeviation) == -1) { my $valErr = ReadingsVal($name, 'tempErr', undef); if (!defined($valErr)) { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'tempErr', $temp, 0); # fehlerhafte Temperatur merken $sanityFlag = 0; # Abbruch } else { # die vorherige Temperatur war fehlerhaft -> Differenz zur vorherigen Temperatur pruefen if (SD_WS_Sanity_checks($ioname, $name, 'tempErr', 'tempErr', $temp, 1, $maxdeviation) == -1) { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'tempErr', $temp, 0); $sanityFlag = 0; # Abbruch } else { # temp ok readingsDelete($hash, "tempErr"); } } } else { # temp ok if (defined(ReadingsVal($name, 'tempErr', undef))) { readingsDelete($hash, "tempErr"); } } } # humidity if (defined($hum) && defined(ReadingsVal($name, 'humidity', undef))) { my $maxdeviation = AttrVal($name, 'max-deviation-hum', $defaultMaxDeviation); if (SD_WS_Sanity_checks($ioname, $name, 'humidity', 'hum', $hum, 0, $maxdeviation) == -1) { my $valErr = ReadingsVal($name, 'humErr', undef); if (!defined($valErr)) { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'humErr', $hum, 0); # fehlerhafte humidity merken $sanityFlag = 0; # Abbruch } else { # die vorherige humidity war fehlerhaft -> Differenz zur vorherigen humidity pruefen if (SD_WS_Sanity_checks($ioname, $name, 'humErr', 'humErr', $hum, 0, $maxdeviation) == -1) { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'humErr', $hum, 0); $sanityFlag = 0; # Abbruch } else { # hum ok readingsDelete($hash, "humErr"); } } } else { # hum ok if (defined(ReadingsVal($name, 'humErr', undef))) { readingsDelete($hash, "humErr"); } } } # rain if (defined($rain) && defined(ReadingsVal($name, 'rain', undef))) { my $rainOffset = ReadingsVal($name, ".rainOffset", 0); my $maxdeviation = AttrVal($name, 'max-deviation-rain', $defaultMaxDeviation); if (SD_WS_Sanity_checks($ioname, $name, 'rain', 'rain', $rain, 0, $maxdeviation) == -1) { my $valErr = ReadingsVal($name, 'rainErr', undef); if (!defined($valErr)) { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'rainErr', $rain, 0); # fehlerhafte rain merken $sanityFlag = 0; # Abbruch } else { # die vorherige rain war fehlerhaft -> Differenz zur vorherigen rain pruefen if (SD_WS_Sanity_checks($ioname, $name, 'rainErr', 'rainErr', $rain, 0, $maxdeviation) == -1) { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'rainErr', $rain, 0); $sanityFlag = 0; # Abbruch } else { # rain ok readingsDelete($hash, "rainErr"); my $lastRain = ReadingsVal($name, "rain", 0); # wenn der aktuelle Wert < letzter Wert ist, dann fand ein reset statt # die Differenz "letzter Wert - aktueller Wert" wird dann als offset für zukünftige Ausgaben zu rain addiert # offset wird auch im Reading ".rain_offset" gespeichert if ($rain < $lastRain && $protocol ne '54') { $rainOffset += $lastRain; readingsSingleUpdate($hash, '.rainOffset', $rainOffset, 0); Log3 $hash, 3, "$ioname: $name reset rain, rain: $rain lastrain: $lastRain, new rainOffset: $rainOffset"; } } } } else { # rain ok if (defined(ReadingsVal($name, 'rainErr', undef))) { readingsDelete($hash, "rainErr"); } } $rain_total = $rain + $rainOffset; } return "" if ($sanityFlag == 0); } $hash->{lastReceive} = time(); $hash->{lastMSG} = $rawData; if (defined($bitData2)) { $hash->{bitMSG} = $bitData2; } elsif (length($bitData) < 100) { $hash->{bitMSG} = $bitData; } #my $state = (($temp > -60 && $temp < 70) ? "T: $temp":"T: xx") . (($hum > 0 && $hum < 100) ? " H: $hum":""); my $state = ""; if (defined($temp)) { $state .= "T: $temp"; } if (defined($temp2)) { $state .= ' ' if (length($state) > 0); $state .= "T2: $temp2"; } if (defined($temp3)) { $state .= ' ' if (length($state) > 0); $state .= "T3: $temp3"; } if (defined($temp4)) { $state .= ' ' if (length($state) > 0); $state .= "T4: $temp4"; } if (defined($hum)) { $state .= " " if (length($state) > 0); # es gibt auch Sensoren ohne Temp $state .= "H: $hum"; } if (defined($batVoltage)) { $state .= " Bv: $batVoltage"; } if (defined($windspeed)) { $state .= " " if (length($state) > 0); $state .= "Ws: $windspeed"; } if (defined($windgust)) { $state .= " Wg: $windgust"; } if (defined($winddirtxt)) { $state .= " Wd: $winddirtxt"; } if (defined($lux)) { $state .= " " if (length($state) > 0); $state .= "Lux: $lux"; } if (defined($uv)) { $state .= " " if (length($state) > 0); $state .= "UV: $uv"; } if (defined($pressure)) { $state .= " " if (length($state) > 0); $state .= "P: $pressure"; } if (defined($rain_total)) { $state .= " " if (length($state) > 0); $state .= "R: $rain_total"; } if (defined($distance)) { $state .= " " if (length($state) > 0); $state .= "D: $distance"; } if (defined($count)) { $state .= " " if (length($state) > 0); $state .= "C: $count"; } if (defined($transPerBoost) && $transPerBoost > 0) { $state .= " Tb: $transPerBoost"; } ### protocol 33 has different bits per sensor type if ($protocol eq "33") { if (AttrVal($name,'model',0) eq "S522") { # Conrad S522 $bat = substr($bitData,36,1) eq "0" ? "ok" : "low"; } elsif (AttrVal($name,'model',0) eq "E0001PA") { # renkforce E0001PA $bat = substr($bitData,35,1) eq "0" ? "ok" : "low"; $sendmode = substr($bitData,34,1) eq "1" ? "manual" : "auto"; } elsif (AttrVal($name,'model',0) eq "TX-EZ6") { # TZS First Austria TX-EZ6 $bat = substr($bitData,35,1) eq "0" ? "ok" : "low"; $sendmode = substr($bitData,34,1) eq "1" ? "manual" : "auto"; $trendTemp = ('consistent', 'rising', 'falling', 'unknown')[SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,10,11)]; $trendHum = ('consistent', 'rising', 'falling', 'unknown')[SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,36,37)]; } } elsif ($protocol eq "116") { my $oldCount = ReadingsVal($name, "count", -1); if ($count != $oldCount) { $lightning = "$identified $state"; } } Log3 $name, 4, "$ioname: SD_WS_Parse $name raw=$rawData, state=$state"; readingsBeginUpdate($hash); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", $state); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "temperature", $temp) if (defined($temp)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "temperature2", $temp2) if (defined($temp2) && (($temp2 > -60 && $temp < 70 ) || defined($noTempCheck))); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "temperature3", $temp3) if (defined($temp3)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "temperature4", $temp3) if (defined($temp4)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "humidity", $hum) if (defined($hum)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'windSpeed', $windspeed) if (defined($windspeed)) ; readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'windSpeed_kmh', $windspeedKmh) if (defined($windspeedKmh)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'windDirectionDegree', $winddir) if (defined($winddir)) ; readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'windDirectionText', $winddirtxt) if (defined($winddirtxt)) ; readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'windGust', $windgust) if (defined($windgust)) ; readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'windGust_kmh', round($windgust*3.6, 1)) if (defined($windgust)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "batteryState", $bat) if (defined($bat) && length($bat) > 0) ; readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "batteryVoltage", $batVoltage) if (defined($batVoltage)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "batteryPercent", $batteryPercent) if (defined($batteryPercent)); #readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "batteryChanged", $batChange) if (defined($batChange) && length($batChange) > 0 && $batChange eq "1") ; readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "batteryChanged", $batChange) if (defined($batChange)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "channel", $channel, 0) if (defined($channel)&& length($channel) > 0); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "trend", $trend) if (defined($trend) && length($trend) > 0); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "temperatureTrend", $trendTemp) if (defined($trendTemp) && length($trendTemp) > 0); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "humidityTrend", $trendHum) if (defined($trendHum) && length($trendHum) > 0); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "sendmode", $sendmode) if (defined($sendmode) && length($sendmode) > 0); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "type", $SensorTyp, 0) if (defined($SensorTyp)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "beep", $beep) if (defined($beep)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'rain', $rain) if (defined($rain)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "rawRainCounter", $rawRainCounter) if (defined($rawRainCounter)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "rain_total", $rain_total) if (defined($rain_total)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "sendCounter", $sendCounter) if (defined($sendCounter)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "distance", $distance) if (defined($distance)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "uv", $uv) if (defined($uv)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "count", $count) if (defined($count)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "ad", $ad) if (defined($ad)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "lightningRaw", $lightningRaw) if (defined($lightningRaw)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'identified', $identified) if (defined($identified)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "lightning", $lightning) if (defined($lightning)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "transPerBoost", $transPerBoost) if (defined($transPerBoost)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "lux", $lux) if (defined($lux)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "pressure", $pressure) if (defined($pressure)); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, 'transmitter', $transmitter) if (defined($transmitter)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'dcf', $dcf) if (defined($dcf)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "id", $id) if (defined($id)); # && !defined($channel)); readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); # Notify is done by Dispatch return $name; } ############################# # Pruefsummenberechnung "reverse Galois LFSR with byte reflection" # Wird nur fuer TFA Drop Protokoll benoetigt # TFA Drop Protokoll benoetigt als gen 0x31, als key 0xf4 sub SD_WS_LFSR_digest8_reflect { my ($bytes, $gen, $key, $rawData) = @_; my $sum = 0; my $k = 0; my $i = 0; my $data = 0; for ( $k = $bytes - 1; $k >= 0; $k = $k - 1 ) { $data = hex(substr($rawData, $k*2, 2)); for ( $i = 0; $i < 8; $i = $i + 1 ) { if ( ($data >> $i) & 0x01) { $sum = $sum^$key; } if ( $key & 0x80 ) { $key = ( $key << 1) ^ $gen; } else { $key = ( $key << 1); } } } $sum = $sum & 0xff; return $sum; } sub SD_WS_crc16lsb { my ($nBytes, $polynomial, $init, $rawData) = @_; my $remainder = $init; my $data; for (my $byte = 0; $byte < $nBytes; ++$byte) { $data = hex(substr($rawData, $byte * 2, 2)); $remainder ^= $data; for (my $bit = 0; $bit < 8; ++$bit) { if ($remainder & 1) { $remainder = ($remainder >> 1) ^ $polynomial; } else { $remainder = ($remainder >> 1); } } } return $remainder; } ############################# sub SD_WS_Sanity_checks { my ($ioname, $name, $readingName, $valName, $val, $roundpos, $maxdeviation) = @_; my $timeSinceLastUpdate = abs(ReadingsAge($name, $readingName, 0)); my $oldVal = ReadingsVal($name, $readingName, undef); my $diffVal = abs($val - $oldVal); $diffVal = sprintf("%.1f", $diffVal); my $maxDiffVal = round($timeSinceLastUpdate / 60 + $maxdeviation, $roundpos); # maxdeviation + 1.0 val/Minute Log3 $name, 4, "$ioname: $name old $valName $oldVal, new $valName $val, diff $valName $diffVal, max diff $maxDiffVal, age $timeSinceLastUpdate"; if ($diffVal > $maxDiffVal) { Log3 $name, 3, "$ioname: $name ERROR - $valName diff too large (old $oldVal, new $val, diff $diffVal, age $timeSinceLastUpdate)"; return -1; } return 0; } ############################# sub SD_WS_bin2dec { my $h = shift // return; my $int = unpack("N", pack("B32",substr("0" x 32 . $h, -32))); return sprintf("%d", $int); } ############################# sub SD_WS_binaryToNumber { my $binstr=shift; my $fbit=shift; my $lbit=$fbit; $lbit = shift // $lbit; return oct("0b".substr($binstr,$fbit,($lbit-$fbit)+1)); } ############################# sub SD_WS_WH2CRCCHECK { my $rawData = shift // return; my $datacheck1 = pack( 'H*', substr($rawData,2,length($rawData)-2) ); my $crcmein1 = Digest::CRC->new(width => 8, poly => 0x31); my $rr3 = $crcmein1->add($datacheck1)->hexdigest; $rr3 = sprintf("%d", hex($rr3)); Log3 "SD_WS_CRCCHECK", 4, "SD_WS_WH2CRCCHECK : raw:$rawData CRC=$rr3 " ; return $rr3 ; } ############################# sub SD_WS_WH2SHIFT { my $rawData = shift // return; my $hlen = length($rawData); my $blen = $hlen * 4; my $bitData = unpack("B$blen", pack("H$hlen", $rawData)); my $bitData2 = '1'.unpack("B$blen", pack("H$hlen", $rawData)); my $bitData20 = substr($bitData2,0,length($bitData2)-1); $blen = length($bitData20); $hlen = $blen / 4; $rawData = uc(unpack("H$hlen", pack("B$blen", $bitData20))); $bitData = $bitData20; Log3 "SD_WS_WH2SHIFT", 4, "SD_WS_WH2SHIFT_0 raw: $rawData length:".length($bitData) ; Log3 "SD_WS_WH2SHIFT", 4, "SD_WS_WH2SHIFT_1 bitdata: $bitData" ; return $rawData; } 1; =pod =item summary Supports various weather stations =item summary_DE Unterstützt verschiedene Funk Wetterstationen =begin html

Weather Sensors various protocols

    The SD_WS module processes the messages from various environmental sensors received from an IO device (CUL, CUN, SIGNALDuino, SignalESP etc.).

    Known models:
    • ADE WS1907 Weather station with rain gauge
    • Atech wireless weather station
    • BBQ temperature sensor GT-TMBBQ-01s (transmitter), GT-TMBBQ-01e (receiver)
    • Bresser 5-in-1 and 6-in-1 Comfort Weather Center, 7009994, Professional rain gauge, Temeo
    • Conrad S522
    • EuroChron EFTH-800, EFS-3110A (temperature and humidity sensor)
    • NC-3911, NC-3912 refrigerator thermometer
    • Opus XT300
    • PV-8644 infactory Poolthermometer
    • Renkforce E0001PA
    • Rain gauge DROP TFA 47.3005.01 with rain sensor TFA 30.3233.01
    • TECVANCE TV-4848
    • Thermometer TFA 30.3228.02, TFA 30.3229.02, FT007T, FT007TP, F007T, F007TP
    • Thermo-Hygrometer TFA 30.3208.02, FT007TH, F007TH
    • TS-FT002 Water tank level monitor with temperature
    • TX-EZ6 for Weatherstation TZS First Austria
    • WH2, WH2A (TFA Dostmann/Wertheim 30.3157 (sold in Germany), Agimex Rosenborg 66796 (sold in Denmark),ClimeMET CM9088 (Sold in UK)
    • Weatherstation Auriol IAN 283582 Version 06/2017 (Lidl), Modell-Nr.: HG02832D
    • Weatherstation Auriol AHFL 433 B2, IAN 314695 (Lidl)
    • Weatherstation TFA 35.1140.01 with temperature / humidity sensor TFA 30.3221.02 and temperature / humidity / windspeed sensor TFA 30.3222.02
    • Wireless Grill Thermometer, Model name: GFGT 433 B1


      Newly received sensors are usually automatically created in FHEM via autocreate.
      Sensors that support a channel number are created, for example, in the following form:
      The 1 indicates that the sensor with channel 1 was created. Sensors that do not offer a channel selection are created without a channel number, such as:
      If several sensors with no or the same channel number are received, so you can set the attribute "longids" with the SIGNALduino. It is also possible to set up the devices manually with the following command:

      define <name> SD_WS <code>

      <code> is the channel or individual identifier used to identify the sensor.

    Generated readings:

      Some devices may not support all readings, so they will not be presented
    • batteryChanged (1)
    • batteryState (low or ok)
    • channel (number of channel
    • distance (distance in cm)
    • humidity (humidity (1-100 % only if available)
    • humidityTrend (consistent, rising, falling)
    • sendmode (automatic or manual)
    • rain (l/m²))
    • rain_total (l/m²))
    • state (T: H: W: R:)
    • temperature (°C)
    • temperatureTrend (consistent, rising, falling)
    • type (type of sensor)
    • windDirectionDegree (Wind direction, grad)
    • windDirectionText (Wind direction, N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, ESE, SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, NW, NNW)
    • windGust (Gust of wind, m/s)
    • windSpeed (Wind speed, m/s)


    • do_not_notify

    • ignore

    • max-deviation-hum
      (Default: 1, allowed values: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50)
      Maximum permissible deviation of the measured humidity from the previous value in percent.
      Since many of the sensors handled in the module do not have checksums, etc. send, it can easily come to the reception of implausible values. To intercept these, a maximum deviation from the last correctly received value can be set. Greater deviations are then ignored and result in an error message in the log file, such as an error message like this:
      SD_WS_TH_84 ERROR - Hum diff too large (old 60, new 68, diff 8)
      In addition to the set value, a value dependent on the difference of the reception times is added. This is 1.0% relative humidity per minute. This means e.g. if a difference of 8 is set and the time interval of receipt of the messages is 3 minutes, the maximum allowable difference is 11.
      Instead of the max-deviation-hum and max-deviation-temp attributes, the doubleMsgCheck_IDs attribute of the SIGNALduino can also be used if the sensor is well received. An update of the readings is only executed if the same values ??have been received at least twice.

    • max-deviation-temp
      (Default: 1, allowed values: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50)
      Maximum permissible deviation of the measured temperature from the previous value in Kelvin.
      Explanation see attribute "max-deviation-hum".

    • model
      (Default: other, currently supported sensors: E0001PA, S522)
      The sensors of the "SD_WS_33 series" use different positions for the battery bit and different readings. If the battery bit is detected incorrectly (low instead of ok), then you can possibly adjust with the model selection of the sensor.
      So far, 3 variants are known. All sensors are created by Autocreate as model "other". If you receive a Conrad S522, Renkforce E0001PA or TX-EZ6, then set the appropriate model for the proper processing of readings.

    • readingFnAttributes

    • showtime


=end html =begin html_DE


    Das Modul SD_WS verarbeitet die von einem SIGNALDuino empfangenen Nachrichten verschiedener Umwelt-Sensoren.

    Bei hum, temp und rain gibt es einen 2 stufigen Sanity check:
    • Wenn die Differenz zum vorherigen Wert zu groß ist, dann wird der aktuelle Wert im reading xxxErr gemerkt und abgebrochen

    Stufe2 beim folgenden empfangenen Wert::
    • ist die Differenz zum vorherigen, im reading gespeicherten Wert ok, dann wird der Wert im reading gespeichert und das xxxErr reading gelöscht
    • gibt es ein reading xxxErr und ist die Differenz zum reading xxxErr ok, dann wird der Wert im reading gespeichert und das xxxErr reading gelöscht
    • wenn die Differenz zum reading xxxErr zu groß ist, dann wird abgebrochen

    Bei rain wird der Überlauf und der reset beim Batteriewechsel abgefangen.
    Dafür gibts das reading ".rain_offset" und rain_total = rain + rainOffset

    Unterstützte Modelle:

    • ADE WS1907 Wetterstation mit Regenmesser
    • Atech Wetterstation
    • BBQ Temperatur Sensor GT-TMBBQ-01s (Sender), GT-TMBBQ-01e (Empfaenger)
    • Bresser 5-in-1, 6-in-1, 7-in-1 Wetter Center, 7009994, Profi Regenmesser, Soil Moisture, indoor, Temeo
    • Conrad S522
    • EuroChron EFTH-800, EFS-3110A (Temperatur- und Feuchtigkeitssensor)
    • Fine Offset WH51, aka ECOWITT WH51, aka Froggit DP100, aka MISOL/1 (Bodenfeuchtesensor)
    • Fine Offset WH24, WH25, WH65A/B
    • Fine Offset WH57, aka Froggit DP60, aka Ambient Weather WH31L (Gewittersensor)
    • Fody E42 (Temperatur- und Feuchtigkeitssensor)
    • Kabelloses Grillthermometer, Modellname: GFGT 433 B1
    • NC-3911, NC-3912 digitales Kuehl- und Gefrierschrank-Thermometer
    • Opus XT300
    • PV-8644 infactory Poolthermometer
    • Regenmesser DROP TFA 47.3005.01 mit Regensensor TFA 30.3233.01
    • Renkforce E0001PA
    • TECVANCE TV-4848
    • Temperatur-Sensor TFA 30.3228.02, TFA 30.3229.02, FT007T, FT007TP, F007T, F007TP
    • Temperatur/Feuchte-Sensor TFA 30.3208.02, FT007TH, F007TH
    • TS-FT002 Wassertank Füllstandswächter mit Temperatur
    • TX-EZ6 fuer Wetterstation TZS First Austria
    • Ventus W136
    • WH2, WH2A (TFA Dostmann/Wertheim 30.3157 (Deutschland), Agimex Rosenborg 66796 (Denmark), ClimeMET CM9088 (UK)
    • Wetterstation Auriol IAN 283582 Version 06/2017 (Lidl), Modell-Nr.: HG02832D
    • Wetterstation Auriol AHFL 433 B2, IAN 314695 (Lidl)
    • Wetterstation TFA 35.1140.01 mit Temperatur-/Feuchtesensor TFA 30.3221.02 und Temperatur-/Feuchte- und Windsensor TFA 30.3222.02


      Neu empfangene Sensoren werden in FHEM normalerweise per autocreate automatisch angelegt.
      Sensoren, die eine Kanalnummer unterstützen, werden z.B. in folgender Form angelegt:
      Dabei kennzeichnet die 1 das der Sensor mit Kanal 1 angelegt wurde. Sensoren, die keine Kanalauswahl bieten, werden ohne Kanalnuummer angelegt, wie z.B.:
      Sollten mehrere Sensoren ohne oder mit gleicher Kanalnummer empfangen werden, so kann man beim SIGNALduino das Attribut "longids" setzen. Jeder Sensor bekommt dann eine eindeutige Ident zugeordnet, die sich allerdings beim Batteriewechsel oder Neustart ändern kann.
      Bei Sensoren mit einer festen ID, die sich beim Batteriewechsel nicht ändert, wird die ID immer angehängt.
      Es ist auch möglich, die Geräte manuell mit folgendem Befehl einzurichten:

      define <name> SD_WS_<protocolid><_code>

      <code> ist der Kanal oder eine individuelle Ident, mit dem der Sensor identifiziert wird.

    Generierte Readings:

      (verschieden, je nach Typ des Sensors)
    • batteryChanged (1)
    • batteryState (low oder ok)
    • channel (Sensor-Kanal)
    • distance (Entfernung in cm)
    • humidity (Luftfeuchte, 1-100 %)
    • humidityTrend (Trend Luftfeuchte, gleichbleibend, steigend, fallend)
    • rain (Regenmenge l/m²))
    • rain_total (Regenmenge l/m²))
    • sendmode (Sendemodus, automatic oder manuell mittels Taster am Sender)
    • state (T: H: W: R:)
    • temperature (Temperatur °C)
    • temperatureTrend (Trend Temperatur gleichbleibend, steigend, fallend)
    • type (Sensortypen)
    • windDirectionDegree (Windrichtung, Grad)
    • windDirectionText (Windrichtung, N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, ESE, SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, NW, NNW)
    • windGust (Windboe, m/s)
    • windSpeed (Windgeschwindigkeit, m/s)


    • do_not_notify

    • ignore

    • max-deviation-hum
      (Standard: 1, erlaubte Werte: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50)
      Maximal erlaubte Abweichung der gemessenen Feuchte zum vorhergehenden Wert in Prozent.
      Da viele der in dem Modul behandelten Sensoren keine Checksummen o.ä. senden, kann es leicht zum Empfang von unplausiblen Werten kommen. Um diese abzufangen, kann eine maximale Abweichung zum letzten korrekt empfangenen Wert festgelegt werden. Größere Abweichungen werden dann ignoriert und führen zu einer Fehlermeldung im Logfile, wie z.B. dieser:
      SD_WS_TH_84 ERROR - Hum diff too large (old 60, new 68, diff 8)
      Zusätzlich zum eingestellten Wert wird ein von der Differenz der Empfangszeiten abhängiger Wert addiert. Dieser beträgt 1.0 % relative Feuchte pro Minute. Das bedeutet z.B. wenn eine Differenz von 8 eingestellt ist und der zeitliche Abstand des Empfangs der Nachrichten beträgt 3 Minuten, ist die maximal erlaubte Differenz 11.
      Anstelle der Attribute max-deviation-hum und max-deviation-temp kann bei gutem Empfang des Sensors auch das Attribut doubleMsgCheck_IDs des SIGNALduino verwendet werden. Dabei wird ein Update der Readings erst ausgeführt, wenn mindestens zweimal die gleichen Werte empfangen wurden.

    • max-deviation-temp
      (Standard: 1, erlaubte Werte: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50)
      Maximal erlaubte Abweichung der gemessenen Temperatur zum vorhergehenden Wert in Kelvin.
      Erklärung siehe Attribut "max-deviation-hum".

    • max-deviation-rain
      Maximal erlaubte Abweichung von rain zum vorhergehenden Wert.

    • model
      (Standard: other, zur Zeit unterstützte Sensoren: E0001PA, S522, TX-EZ6)
      Die Sensoren der "SD_WS_33 - Reihe" verwenden unterschiedliche Positionen für das Batterie-Bit und unterstützen verschiedene Readings. Sollte das Batterie-Bit falsch erkannt werden (low statt ok), so kann man mit der Modelauswahl des Sensors das evtl. anpassen.
      Bisher sind 3 Varianten bekannt. Alle Sensoren werden durch Autocreate als Model "other" angelegt. Empfangen Sie einen Sensor vom Typ Conrad S522, Renkforce E0001PA oder TX-EZ6, so stellen Sie das jeweilige Modell für die richtige Verarbeitung der Readings ein.

    • readingFnAttributes

    • showtime


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