#!/bin/bash # Checkra1n Installer for All Architectures # GitHub Repository: https://github.com/Randomblock1/checkra1n-linux # shellcheck disable=SC2034,SC1091,SC2089 SCRIPT_VERSION=3.1 # Set terminal colors BLACK=$(tput setaf 0) RED=$(tput setaf 1) GREEN=$(tput setaf 2) YELLOW=$(tput setaf 3) LIME_YELLOW=$(tput setaf 190) BLUE=$(tput setaf 4) MAGENTA=$(tput setaf 5) CYAN=$(tput setaf 6) WHITE=$(tput setaf 7) BRIGHT=$(tput bold) NORMAL=$(tput sgr0) BLINK=$(tput blink) REVERSE=$(tput smso) UNDERLINE=$(tput smul) # Set whiptail dialog size LINES=$(tput lines) COLUMNS=$(tput cols) LISTHEIGHT=6 # Prints a line with color using terminal codes Print_Style() { printf "%s\n" "${2}$1${NORMAL}" } # This is a bash script. Can also run in zsh. if [[ "$BASH_VERSION" == '' && "$ZSH_VERSION" == '' ]]; then whiptail --msgbox "ERROR: this script must be run in bash/zsh!" 20 30 --ok-button "Exit" echo "ERROR: this script must be run in bash/zsh!" exit fi # We need root. if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then whiptail --msgbox "YOU AREN'T RUNNING AS ROOT! This script needs root, use sudo!" $((LINES * 3 / 4)) $((COLUMNS * 7 / 10)) --ok-button "Exit" Print_Style "ERROR: You need to run this as root, use sudo!" "$RED" exit fi # Check system architecture CPUArch=$(uname -m) Print_Style "System Architecture: $CPUArch" "$YELLOW" # Get Linux distribution # https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/6348 if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then # freedesktop.org and systemd . /etc/os-release OS=$NAME VER=$VERSION_ID elif type lsb_release >/dev/null 2>&1; then # linuxbase.org OS=$(lsb_release -si) VER=$(lsb_release -sr) elif [ -f /etc/lsb-release ]; then # For some versions of Debian/Ubuntu without lsb_release command . /etc/lsb-release OS=$DISTRIB_ID VER=$DISTRIB_RELEASE elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then # Older Debian/Ubuntu/etc. OS=Debian VER=$(cat /etc/debian_version) else # Fall back to uname, e.g. "Linux ", also works for BSD, etc. OS=$(uname -s) VER=$(uname -r) fi # This script and Checkra1n requires some things to work properly. CheckDep() { if dpkg -s "$1" &>/dev/null || which "$1" || sudo -u "$SUDO_USER" brew list "$1"; then Print_Style "Dependency check: $1 installed." "$GREEN" else Print_Style "Dependency check: $1 NOT installed. Installing..." "$RED" if [ "$OS" != "Darwin" ]; then apt install -y "$1" -qq >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || ( Print_Style "WARNING: $1 failed to install." "$RED" exit ) else sudo -u "$SUDO_USER" brew install "$1" -q >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || ( Print_Style "WARNING: $1 failed to install." "$RED" exit ) fi Print_Style "$1 installed." "$GREEN" fi } CheckDep curl CheckDep grep CheckDep usbmuxd if [ "$OS" = "Darwin" ]; then CheckDep newt CheckDep libimobiledevice else CheckDep whiptail CheckDep libimobiledevice6 CheckDep libimobiledevice-utils fi # We need Internet if ! curl -sI http://google.com >/dev/null; then Print_Style "No internet connection!" "$RED" exit fi # Find latest checkra1n version (for autoupdate). CHECKRA1NVERSION=$(curl https://checkra.in/ -s | grep "checkra1n .\..*\.." -oE | grep ".\..*\.." -oE) # Automatically find latest checkra1n for correct architecture. GetDL() { FindDL() { DL_LINK=$(curl -s https://checkra.in/releases/ | grep "https:\/\/assets.checkra.in\/downloads\/linux\/cli\/$1\/.*\/checkra1n" -o) } Print_Style "Getting latest download..." "$YELLOW" if [[ "$CPUArch" == "aarch64*" || "$CPUArch" == "arm64" ]]; then Print_Style "ARM64 detected!" "$YELLOW" FindDL arm64 elif [[ "$CPUArch" == "armhf" || "$CPUArch" == "armv*" ]]; then Print_Style "ARM detected!" "$YELLOW" FindDL arm elif [[ "$CPUArch" == "x86_64" ]]; then Print_Style "x86_64 detected!" "$YELLOW" FindDL x86_64 elif [[ "$CPUArch" == "x86" || "$CPUArch" == "i*86" ]]; then Print_Style "x86 detected!" "$YELLOW" FindDL i486 else Print_Style "ERROR: Unknown/Unsupported architecture! Make sure your architecture is supported by checkra1n." "$RED" Print_Style "Manually select architecture. Options are arm64, armv7, x86_64 and x86." "$RED" read -rp "Architecture: " CPUArch="$REPLY" GetDL fi } # Automatic script self-update logic ScriptUpdate() { ONLINE_VERSION="$(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Randomblock1/checkra1n-linux/master/installer.sh | head -n 5 | tail -c 4)" if (($(echo "$ONLINE_VERSION > $SCRIPT_VERSION" | bc -l))); then Print_Style "Script needs to be updated! Updating..." "$GREEN" sudo -u "$SUDO_USER" wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Randomblock1/checkra1n-linux/master/installer.sh -O installer.sh chmod 755 installer.sh Print_Style "Completed!" "$GREEN" whiptail --title "Script Updated" --msgbox "This script has been automatically updated to version $ONLINE_VERSION!" $((LINES * 3 / 4)) $((COLUMNS * 7 / 10)) ./installer.sh exit else Print_Style "Script is already up to date!" "$GREEN" fi } # Is our checkra1n up to date? Checkra1nChecker() { if ! test "$HOME/.cache"; then mkdir ~/.cache fi if test -f ~/.cache/checkra1n-version; then INSTALLEDVERSION=$(cat ~/.cache/checkra1n-version) if [ "$CHECKRA1NVERSION" != "$INSTALLEDVERSION" ]; then if (whiptail --title "Checkra1n Update" --yesno "An update for checkra1n is available ($(cat ~/.cache/checkra1n-version) to $CHECKRA1NVERSION). Update?" $((LINES * 3 / 4)) $((COLUMNS * 7 / 10))); then DirectDL fi else Print_Style "Checkra1n is up to date!" "$GREEN" fi else # If checkra1n exists, assume we are up-to-date. Otherwise, let it autoupdate. if test -f /usr/bin/checkra1n; then echo "$CHECKRA1NVERSION" >~/.cache/checkra1n-version else echo 0.00.0 >~/.cache/checkra1n-version fi fi } # Installs Procursus bootstrap interactively. Procursify() { if (whiptail --title "Procursify" --yesno "Would you like to install the Procursus/odysseyra1n bootstrap?\n\ This will allow you to use libhooker, a replacement for Substrate, and the Procursus repo tools.\n\ Procursus tools are more up-to-date than other repos.\n\ Libhooker is slightly more stable and efficient than Substrate and Substitute." $((LINES * 3 / 4)) $((COLUMNS * 7 / 10))); then if ! command -v iproxy &>/dev/null; then Print_Style "iproxy could not be found, attempting to install" "$RED" apt install -y libusbmuxd-tools fi sudo -u "$SUDO_USER" /bin/bash -c "./procursify.sh" whiptail --title "Procursify" --msgbox "Success! Enjoy your libhooker." $((LINES * 3 / 4)) $((COLUMNS * 7 / 10)) fi } # Called when we want to directly download checkra1n. DirectDL() { GetOS GetDL Print_Style "Getting checkra1n..." "$GREEN" curl "$DL_LINK" -o /usr/bin/checkra1n chmod 755 /usr/bin/checkra1n Print_Style "Done! Marked as executable!" "$GREEN" echo "$CHECKRA1NVERSION" >~/.cache/checkra1n-version Print_Style "All done!" "$BLINK" } # Check if we can use the repo; otherwise, exit. InstallRepo() { if [[ "$CPUArch" == *"x86_64"* ]]; then Print_Style "x86_64 detected!" "$GREEN" else Print_Style "ERROR:You aren't on x86_64! You can't use this! Exiting..." "$RED" exit fi echo "Adding repo..." echo "deb https://assets.checkra.in/debian /" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list sudo apt-key adv --fetch-keys https://assets.checkra.in/debian/archive.key sudo apt update echo "Installing..." sudo apt install checkra1n echo "All done!" } # Save blobs using 1Conan TSSSaver API TssSaver() { Print_Style "TSS Saver Activated!" "$PURPLE" Print_Style "Getting info about your device..." "$PURPLE" if ! ideviceinfo -s -k ProductVersion; then Print_Style "No device detected!" "$RED" Print_Style "Check that your device is plugged in!" "$RED" exit fi device="$(ideviceinfo -s -k ProductType)" board="$(ideviceinfo -s -k HardwareModel)" ecid="$(ideviceinfo -s -k UniqueChipID)" Print_Style "Device: $device" "$PURPLE" Print_Style "Board: $board" "$PURPLE" Print_Style "ECID (decimal): $ecid" "$PURPLE" Print_Style "Requesting https://tsssaver.1conan.com to save our blobs..." "$WHITE" request="{\"boardConfig\":\"$board\",\"ecid\":\"$ecid\",\"deviceIdentifier\":\"$device\"}" sleep 1 curl -X POST -d "$request" https://tsssaver.1conan.com/v2/api/save.php || exit Print_Style "Success! View your saved blobs at https://tsssaver.1conan.com/shsh/$ecid" "$GREEN" Print_Style "If you want to save blobs for your device without this tool, just run this command:" "$GREEN" Print_Style "curl -X POST -d $request https://tsssaver.1conan.com/v2/api/save.php" "$WHITE" } # Print credits. GetCredits() { if dpkg -s "net-tools" &>/dev/null; then NET_IP=$(ifconfig | grep -Eo 'inet (addr:)?([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -Eo '([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -v '' | head -1) else NET_IP=N/A fi whiptail --title "Checkra1n GUI Installer" --msgbox "Checkra1n GUI Installer made by Randomblock1.\n\ This project is open source! Check out https://github.com/Randomblock1/Checkra1n-Linux! \n\ Follow me on Twitter @randomblock1_! \n\ Please report all bugs in the GitHub issue tracker and feel free to make pull requests! \n\ INFO: $OS $(uname -mo) \n\ VERSION: $SCRIPT_VERSION \n\ Local IP: $NET_IP" $((LINES * 3 / 4)) $((COLUMNS * 7 / 10)) $((LISTHEIGHT)) MainMenu } # Main menu. Uses whiptail. function MainMenu() { CHOICE=$(whiptail \ --title "Checkra1n GUI Installer on $(uname -m)" \ --menu "Choose an option" $((LINES * 3 / 4)) $((COLUMNS * 7 / 10)) $((LISTHEIGHT)) \ "Install Repo" "Install the repo. x86_64 ONLY!" \ "Direct Download" "Use on any architecture." \ "Procursify" "Install Procursus bootstrap." \ "Save Blobs" "Save SHSH blobs for up/downgrading." \ "Credits" "This tool is open-source!" \ "Update/Reinstall" "Update this tool." 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) case $CHOICE in "Install Repo") InstallRepo ;; "Direct Download") DirectDL ;; "Procursify") Procursify ;; "Save Blobs") TssSaver ;; "Credits") GetCredits ;; "Update/Reinstall") whiptail --title "Checkra1n GUI Installer" --yesno "Force update to latest version?" $((LINES * 3 / 4)) $((COLUMNS * 7 / 10)) case $? in 1) MainMenu ;; 0) SCRIPT_VERSION=0.0 ScriptUpdate ;; esac ;; esac } # Main function. Check script, then checkra1n, then enter the main menu. ScriptUpdate Checkra1nChecker MainMenu