{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# Python for SAS Users" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# Chapter orginization\n", "\n", "These chapters are meant to be read in order as they start with foundational concepts used to build up more complex ideas. \n", "\n", "Chapter 00 -- Motivation \n", "\n", "Chapter 01 -- Introduction \n", "\n", "Chapter 02 -- Data Sctructures \n", "\n", "       list \n", "\n", "       indexing \n", "\n", "       tuple \n", "\n", "       dictionary \n", "\n", "       sequences \n", "\n", "       set \n", "\n", "       Resources\n", " \n", "Chapter 03 -- Data Types and Formatting \n", "\n", "       Numerics \n", "\n", "       Boolean \n", "\n", "       Numerical Precision\n", "\n", "       Strings \n", "\n", "       String Slicing \n", "\n", "       String Formatting \n", "\n", "       Resources \n", "\n", "\n", "Chapter 04 -- Pandas, Part 1 \n", "\n", "       Importing Packages\n", "\n", "       Series \n", "\n", "       DataFrames \n", "\n", "       Read .csv files \n", "\n", "       Inspection \n", "\n", "       Missing Values Identification\n", "\n", "       Missing Value Replacement \n", "\n", "       Resources \n", " \n", "\n", "Chapter 05 -- Understanding Indexes\n", " \n", "       Indices \n", "\n", "       .iloc indexer \n", "\n", "       Setting and resetting Indicies\n", "\n", "       .loc indexer \n", "\n", "        Mixing .loc indexer with Boolean Operations \n", "\n", "        Altering DataFrame values using the .loc indexer \n", "\n", "       Conditionaly Apply Values Based on Another Column Value \n", "\n", "        .ix indexer \n", "\n", "        Indexing Issues \n", "\n", "        Resources \n", " \n", "\n", "Chapter 06 Hierarchical Indexing \n", "\n", "       Multi Indexed Selection\n", "\n", "       xs() method for Cross-sections\n", "\n", "       Advanced Indexing with .loc Indexer\n", "\n", "       Using Boolean Operators with .loc Indexer\n", "\n", "       stack() and unstack() methods\n", "\n", "       Resources\n", "\n", "\n", "Chapter 07 -- Pandas, Part 2\n", "\n", "       SAS Sort/Merge with by-groups\n", "\n", "       Inner Join\n", "\n", "       Right Outer Join\n", "\n", "       Left Outer Join\n", "\n", "       Full Outer Join\n", "\n", "       Outer Join no Matched Keys\n", "\n", "       Outer Join no Matched Keys in Right\n", "\n", "       No Matched Keys in Left\n", "\n", "       Many-to-Many Join\n", "\n", "\n", "       GroupBy: Split-Apply-Combine Introduction\n", "\n", "       Replace Missing Values with Group Mean\n", "\n", "       FIRST.variable and LAST.variable Processing\n", "\n", "        Resources\n", "\n", "Chapter 08 -- Date, Time and Timepart Objects\n", "\n", "       String Literal Mapped to datetime timestamp\n", "\n", "       date objects\n", "\n", "       strfime() and strptime() methods\n", "\n", "       dateutil.parser\n", "\n", "       time objects\n", "\n", "       timedelta objects\n", "\n", "       Resources\n", "\n", "Chapter 09 -- Panda Time Series and Date Handling\n", "\n", "       Creating and Manipulating a Fixed Frequency of Dates and Time Spans\n", "\n", "       Time-Series Walk-through\n", "\n", "       Returning Unique Levels of Categories\n", "\n", "       Return a Row Using a Minimum Value\n", "\n", "\n", "       Return a Row Using a Maximum Value\n", "\n", "       Convert Time-Series from one Frequency to Another \n", "\n", "       Plotting with bokeh\n", "\n", "       Resources\n", "\n", "Chapter 10 -- GroupBy\n", "\n", "       Setting Display Options\n", " \n", "       Read 'pickled' DataFrame\n", "\n", "       Create GroupBy Object\n", "\n", "       GroupBy with Aggregations\n", "\n", "       Understanding Binning\n", "\n", "       Applying Functions to Groups\n", "\n", "       Applying Transformations to Groups\n", "\n", "        Top/Bottom N Processing\n", "\n", "       Resources\n", "\n", " Chapter 11 -- Panda Readers \n", "\n", "       pd.read_csv(URL) method\n", "\n", "       SQLAlchemy Under the Covers\n", "\n", "       read_sql_table() method\n", "\n", "       read_sql_query()method\n", "\n", "       DataFrame.to_sql() method\n", "\n", "       pd.read_sas() method\n", "\n", "       Resources\n", "\n", "Chapter 12 -- Additional Data Handling\n", "\n", "       Sort and Sort Sequences\n", "\n", "       Drop/Keep Columns\n", "\n", "       Rename Columns\n", "\n", "       Find Duplicate Values\n", "\n", "       Drop Duplicate Rows\n", "\n", "       Extract Duplicate Values\n", "\n", "       Add a New DataFrame Column\n", "\n", "       Cast Strings to Float\n", "\n", "       Concatenating DataFrames (Join)\n", "\n", "       Crosstabs\n", "\n", "       Sampling\n", "\n", "       Binning Continous Values\n", "\n", "       Save to Disk ('pickling')\n", "\n", "       Resources\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Navigation\n", "\n", " Return to Chapter List " ] } ], "metadata": { "anaconda-cloud": {}, 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