SHELL := /bin/bash PWD ?= pwd_unknown TIME := $(shell date +%s) export TIME OS :=$(shell uname -s) export OS OS_VERSION :=$(shell uname -r) export OS_VERSION ARCH :=$(shell uname -m) export ARCH ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64) TRIPLET :=x86_64-linux-gnu export TRIPLET endif ifeq ($(ARCH),arm64) TRIPLET :=aarch64-linux-gnu export TRIPLET endif ifeq ($(ARCH),arm64) TRIPLET :=aarch64-linux-gnu export TRIPLET endif HOMEBREW := $(shell type -P brew) export HOMEBREW PYTHON := $(shell which python) export PYTHON PYTHON2 := $(shell which python2) export PYTHON2 PYTHON3 := $(shell which python3) export PYTHON3 PIP := $(notdir $(shell which pip)) export PIP PIP2 := $(notdir $(shell which pip2)) export PIP2 PIP3 := $(notdir $(shell which pip3)) export PIP3 ifeq ($(PYTHON3),/usr/local/bin/python3) PIP := pip PIP3 := pip export PIP export PIP3 endif PYTHON_VENV := $(shell python -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write('1') if hasattr(sys, 'base_prefix') else sys.stdout.write('0')") PYTHON3_VENV := $(shell python3 -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write('1') if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix') else sys.stdout.write('0')") export PYTHON_VENV export PYTHON3_VENV ifeq ($(PYTHON_VENV),0) USER_FLAG:=--user else USER_FLAG:= endif ifeq ($(project),) PROJECT_NAME := $(notdir $(PWD)) else PROJECT_NAME := $(project) endif export PROJECT_NAME TWITTER_API=$(PWD)/TwitterAPI export TWITTER_API ifeq ($(port),) PORT := 0 else PORT := $(port) endif export PORT #GIT CONFIG GIT_USER_NAME := $(shell git config || echo $(PROJECT_NAME)) export GIT_USER_NAME GH_USER_NAME := $(shell git config || echo $(PROJECT_NAME)) #MIRRORS GH_USER_REPO := $(GH_USER_NAME) GH_USER_SPECIAL_REPO := $(GH_USER_NAME) KB_USER_REPO := $(GH_USER_NAME) #GITHUB RUNNER CONFIGS ifneq ($(ghuser),) GH_USER_NAME := $(ghuser) GH_USER_SPECIAL_REPO := $(ghuser)/$(ghuser) endif ifneq ($(kbuser),) KB_USER_NAME := $(kbuser) KB_USER_REPO := $(kbuser) endif export GIT_USER_NAME export GH_USER_REPO export GH_USER_SPECIAL_REPO export KB_USER_REPO GIT_USER_EMAIL := $(shell git config || echo $(PROJECT_NAME)) export GIT_USER_EMAIL GIT_SERVER := export GIT_SERVER GIT_SSH_SERVER := export GIT_SSH_SERVER GIT_PROFILE := $(shell git config || echo $(PROJECT_NAME)) export GIT_PROFILE GIT_BRANCH := $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null || echo $(PROJECT_NAME)) export GIT_BRANCH GIT_HASH := $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>/dev/null || echo $(PROJECT_NAME)) export GIT_HASH GIT_PREVIOUS_HASH := $(shell git rev-parse --short master@{1} 2>/dev/null || echo $(PROJECT_NAME)) export GIT_PREVIOUS_HASH GIT_REPO_ORIGIN := $(shell git remote get-url origin 2>/dev/null || echo $(PROJECT_NAME)) export GIT_REPO_ORIGIN GIT_REPO_NAME := $(PROJECT_NAME) export GIT_REPO_NAME GIT_REPO_PATH := $(HOME)/$(GIT_REPO_NAME) export GIT_REPO_PATH BASENAME := $(shell basename -s .git `git config --get remote.origin.url` || echo $(PROJECT_NAME)) export BASENAME NODE_VERSION :=v14.21.3 export NODE_VERSION NODE_ALIAS :=v14.21.0 export NODE_ALIAS NVM_DIR :=$(HOME)/.nvm export NVM_DIR PACKAGE_MANAGER :=yarn export PACKAGE_MANAGER PACKAGE_INSTALL :=add export PACKAGE_INSTALL # Force the user to explicitly select public - public=true # export KB_PUBLIC=public && make keybase-public ifeq ($(public),true) KB_PUBLIC := public else KB_PUBLIC := private endif export KB_PUBLIC ifeq ($(libs),) LIBS := ./libs else LIBS := $(libs) endif export LIBS SPHINXOPTS = SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build PAPER = BUILDDIR = _build PRIVATE_BUILDDIR = _private_build # Internal variables. PAPEROPT_a4 = -D latex_paper_size=a4 PAPEROPT_letter = -D latex_paper_size=letter ALLSPHINXOPTS = -d $(BUILDDIR)/doctrees $(PAPEROPT_$(PAPER)) $(SPHINXOPTS) . PRIVATE_ALLSPHINXOPTS = -d $(PRIVATE_BUILDDIR)/doctrees $(PAPEROPT_$(PAPER)) $(SPHINXOPTS) . # the i18n builder cannot share the environment and doctrees with the others I18NSPHINXOPTS = $(PAPEROPT_$(PAPER)) $(SPHINXOPTS) . -: @awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?##/ {printf "\033[36m%-15s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) .PHONY: init .ONESHELL: init:venv## @echo $(PYTHON) @echo $(PYTHON2) @echo $(PYTHON3) @echo $(PIP) @echo $(PIP2) @echo $(PIP3) #@echo PATH=$(PATH):/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/bin #@echo PATH=$(PATH):$(HOME)/Library/Python/3.8/bin #@echo PATH=$(PATH):/usr/local/opt/python@3.10/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/bin #@echo PATH=$(PATH):$(HOME)/Library/Python/3.10/bin test -d .venv || $(PYTHON3) -m virtualenv .venv ( \ source .venv/bin/activate; pip install -q -r requirements.txt; \ $(PYTHON3) -m pip install $(USER_FLAG) --upgrade pip; \ $(PYTHON3) -m pip install $(USER_FLAG) -r requirements.txt; \ $(PYTHON3) -m pip install -q omegaconf \ pip install -q --upgrade pip; \ ); ( \ while ! docker system info > /dev/null 2>&1; do\ echo 'Waiting for docker to start...';\ if [[ '$(OS)' == 'Linux' ]]; then\ systemctl restart docker.service;\ fi;\ if [[ '$(OS)' == 'Darwin' ]]; then\ open --background -a /./Applications/;\ fi;\ sleep 1;\ done\ ) @bash -c ". .venv/bin/activate &" twitter-api:pyjq## twitter-api #@echo pip3 install $(USER_FLAG) twint echo pip3 install $(USER_FLAG) TwitterAPI [ -d "$(PWD)/TwitterAPI" ] && pushd $(PWD)/TwitterAPI && $(PYTHON3) install $(USER_FLAG) || git clone && pushd $(PWD)/TwitterAPI && $(PYTHON3) install $(USER_FLAG) pyjq:## install pyjq AND/OR jq $(PYTHON3) -m pip install $(USER_FLAG) pyjq || echo "failed to install pyjq" $(PYTHON3) -m pip install $(USER_FLAG) jq || echo "failed to install jq" $(PYTHON3) -m pip install $(USER_FLAG) markdown || echo "failed to install markdown" help:## verbose help @echo verbose $@ @sed -n 's/^##//p' ${MAKEFILE_LIST} | column -t -s ':' | sed -e 's/^/ /' .PHONY: report report: @echo '' @echo '[ENV VARIABLES] ' @echo '' @echo 'TIME=${TIME}' @echo 'BASENAME=${BASENAME}' @echo 'PROJECT_NAME=${PROJECT_NAME}' @echo 'TWITTER_API=${TWITTER_API}' @echo 'PYTHON_VENV=${PYTHON_VENV}' @echo 'PYTHON3_VENV=${PYTHON3_VENV}' @echo '' @echo 'NODE_VERSION=${NODE_VERSION} ' @echo 'NODE_ALIAS=${NODE_ALIAS} ' @echo '' @echo 'HOMEBREW=${HOMEBREW}' @echo '' @echo 'GIT_USER_NAME=${GIT_USER_NAME}' @echo 'GH_USER_REPO=${GH_USER_REPO}' @echo 'GH_USER_SPECIAL_REPO=${GH_USER_SPECIAL_REPO}' @echo 'KB_USER_REPO=${KB_USER_REPO}' @echo 'GIT_USER_EMAIL=${GIT_USER_EMAIL}' @echo 'GIT_SERVER=${GIT_SERVER}' @echo 'GIT_PROFILE=${GIT_PROFILE}' @echo 'GIT_BRANCH=${GIT_BRANCH}' @echo 'GIT_HASH=${GIT_HASH}' @echo 'GIT_PREVIOUS_HASH=${GIT_PREVIOUS_HASH}' @echo 'GIT_REPO_ORIGIN=${GIT_REPO_ORIGIN}' @echo 'GIT_REPO_NAME=${GIT_REPO_NAME}' @echo 'GIT_REPO_PATH=${GIT_REPO_PATH}' .PHONY: super super: ifneq ($(shell id -u),0) @echo switch to superuser @echo cd $(TARGET_DIR) #sudo ln -s $(PWD) $(TARGET_DIR) #.ONESHELL: sudo -s endif .PHONY: git-add .ONESHELL: git-add: remove git config advice.addIgnoredFile false #git add * mkdir -p .github git add .github git add --ignore-errors GNUmakefile git add --ignore-errors git add --ignore-errors sources/*.md #git add --ignore-errors sources/*.html #git add --ignore-errors CNAME git add --ignore-errors *.py git add --ignore-errors index.html git add --ignore-errors .gitignore .PHONY: push .ONESHELL: push: remove touch-time touch-block-time git-add @echo push git push --set-upstream origin master || echo bash -c "git commit --allow-empty -m '$(TIME)'" bash -c "git push -f $(GIT_REPO_ORIGIN) +$(GIT_BRANCH):$(GIT_BRANCH)" .PHONY: branch .ONESHELL: branch: remove git-add docs touch-time touch-block-time @echo branch git add --ignore-errors GNUmakefile TIME GLOBAL .github *.sh *.yml git add --ignore-errors .github git commit -m 'make branch by $(GIT_USER_NAME) on $(TIME)' git branch $(TIME) git push -f origin $(TIME) .PHONY: time-branch .ONESHELL: time-branch: remove git-add docs touch-time touch-block-time @echo time-branch bash -c "git commit -m 'make time-branch by $(GIT_USER_NAME) on time-$(TIME)'" git branch time-$(TIME) git push -f origin time-$(TIME) .PHONY: trigger trigger: remove git-add touch-block-time touch-time touch-global .PHONY: touch-time .ONESHELL: touch-time: remove git-add touch-block-time @echo touch-time # echo $(TIME) $(shell git rev-parse HEAD) > TIME echo $(TIME) > TIME .PHONY: touch-global .ONESHELL: touch-global: remove git-add touch-block-time @echo touch-global echo $(TIME) $(shell git rev-parse HEAD) > GLOBAL .PHONY: touch-block-time .ONESHELL: touch-block-time: remove git-add @echo touch-block-time @echo $(PYTHON3) #$(PYTHON3) ./ BLOCK_TIME=$(shell ./ export BLOCK_TIME echo $(BLOCK_TIME) git add .gitignore *.md GNUmakefile *.yml *.sh BLOCK_TIME *.html *.txt TIME git commit --allow-empty -m $(TIME) git branch $(BLOCK_TIME) #git push -f origin $(BLOCK_TIME) .PHONY: automate automate: touch-time git-add @echo automate ./.github/workflows/ .PHONY: docs docs: git-add docker-start## docs #@echo docs bash -c 'if pgrep MacDown; then pkill MacDown; fi' bash -c 'cat $(PWD)/sources/ > $(PWD)/' bash -c 'cat $(PWD)/sources/ >> $(PWD)/' bash -c 'cat $(PWD)/sources/ >> $(PWD)/' @if hash pandoc 2>/dev/null; then \ bash -c 'pandoc -s -o index.html'; \ fi || if hash docker 2>/dev/null; then \ docker run --rm --volume "`pwd`:/data" --user `id -u`:`id -g` pandoc/latex:2.6; \ fi git add --ignore-errors sources/*.md git add --ignore-errors *.md #git ls-files -co --exclude-standard | grep '\.md/$\' | xargs git .PHONY: awesome awesome: @echo awesome $(HOMEBREW) install curl gnu-sed bash -c "curl -o bitcoin.pdf && rm -f bitcoin.pdf" .PHONY: remove remove: # rm -rf dotfiles # rm -rf legit #.PHONY: bitcoin-test-battery #bitcoin-test-battery: # ./ v22.0rc3 .PHONY: dotfiles dotfiles: @echo dotfiles @if [ -d ~/dotfiles ]; then pushd ~/dotfiles && make vim && popd && exit; else git clone ~/dotfiles; fi @pushd ~/dotfiles && make vim && popd .PHONY: bitcoin-test-battery .ONESHELL: bitcoin-test-battery: if [ -f $(TIME)/ ]; then pushd $(TIME) && ./ && ./configure && make && popd ; else git clone -b master --depth 3 $(TIME) && \ pushd $(TIME) && ./ && ./configure --disable-wallet --disable-bench --disable-tests && make deploy; fi checkbrew:## checkbrew ifeq ($(HOMEBREW),) @/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" else @type -P brew endif submodules: checkbrew## submodules @git submodule init -- firmware && git submodule update -- firmware @git submodule update --init --recursive # @git submodule foreach --recursive "git submodule update --init --recursive" .PHONY: legit .ONESHELL: legit:## legit @git submodule init -- $@ && git submodule update -- $@ if [ ! -d "$@" ]; then make submodules; fi if [ -d "$@" ]; then pushd $@ && make $@; popd; fi if [ -d "$@" ]; then pushd $@ && make cargo-install; popd; fi .PHONY: nvm .ONESHELL: nvm: ## nvm @curl -o- | bash || git pull -C $(HOME)/.nvm && export NVM_DIR="$(HOME)/.nvm" && [ -s "$(NVM_DIR)/" ] && \. "$(NVM_DIR)/" && [ -s "$(NVM_DIR)/bash_completion" ] && \. "$(NVM_DIR)/bash_completion" && nvm install $(NODE_VERSION) && nvm use $(NODE_VERSION) @source ~/.bashrc && nvm alias $(NODE_ALIAS) $(NODE_VERSION) tag: @git tag $(OS)-$(OS_VERSION)-$(ARCH)-$(shell date +%s) @git push -f --tags clean-nvm: ## clean-nvm @rm -rf ~/.nvm .PHONY: clean .ONESHELL: clean: touch-time touch-global## clean bash -c "rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)" .PHONY: serve .ONESHELL: serve:## serve bash -c "$(PYTHON3) -m http.server $(PORT) -d . &" ####################### .ONESHELL: docker-start:## start docker test -d .venv || $(PYTHON3) -m virtualenv .venv ( \ source .venv/bin/activate; pip install -q -r requirements.txt; \ python3 -m pip install -q omegaconf \ pip install -q --upgrade pip; \ ); ( \ while ! docker system info > /dev/null 2>&1; do\ echo 'Waiting for docker to start...';\ if [[ '$(OS)' == 'Linux' ]]; then\ systemctl restart docker.service;\ fi;\ if [[ '$(OS)' == 'Darwin' ]]; then\ open --background -a /./Applications/;\ fi;\ sleep 1;\ done\ ) docker-install:## Download Docker.amd64.93002.dmg for MacOS Intel Compatibility @[[ '$(shell uname -s)' == 'Darwin' ]] && echo "is Darwin" || echo "not Darwin"; @[[ '$(shell uname -m)' == 'x86_64' ]] && echo "is x86_64" || echo "not x86_64"; @[[ '$(shell uname -p)' == 'i386' ]] && echo "is i386" || echo "not i386"; @[[ '$(shell uname -s)' == 'Darwin' ]] && [[ '$(shell uname -m)' == 'x86_64' ]] && echo "is Darwin AND x86_64" || echo "not Darwin AND x86_64"; @[[ '$(shell uname -s)' == 'Darwin' ]] && [[ ! '$(shell uname -m)' == 'x86_64' ]] && echo "is Darwin AND NOT x86_64" || echo "is NOT (Darwin AND NOT x86_64)"; #@[[ '$(shell uname -s)' != 'Darwin' ]] && echo "not Darwin" || echo "is Darwin"; #@[[ '$(shell uname -m)' != 'x86_64' ]] && echo "not x86_64" || echo "is x86_64"; #@[[ '$(shell uname -p)' != 'i386' ]] && echo "not i386" || echo "is i386"; @[[ '$(shell uname -s)' == 'Darwin'* ]] && sudo -S chown -R $(shell whoami):admin /Users/$(shell whoami)/.docker/buildx/current || echo @[[ '$(shell uname -s)' == 'Darwin'* ]] && echo "Install Docker.amd64.93002.dmg if MacOS Catalina - known compatible version!" @[[ '$(shell uname -s)' == 'Darwin'* ]] && curl -o Docker.amd64.93002.dmg -C - @[[ '$(shell uname -s)' == 'Darwin'* ]] && echo "Using: $(shell type -P openssl)" @[[ '$(shell uname -s)' == 'Darwin'* ]] && openssl dgst -sha256 -r Docker.amd64.93002.dmg | sed 's/*Docker.amd64.93002.dmg//' @[[ '$(shell uname -s)' == 'Darwin'* ]] && echo "Using: $(shell type -P sha256sum)" @[[ '$(shell uname -s)' == 'Darwin'* ]] && sha256sum Docker.amd64.93002.dmg | sed 's/Docker.amd64.93002.dmg//' @[[ '$(shell uname -s)' == 'Darwin'* ]] && echo "Expected hash:" @[[ '$(shell uname -s)' == 'Darwin'* ]] && echo "bee41d646916e579b16b7fae014e2fb5e5e7b5dbaf7c1949821fd311d3ce430b" @[[ '$(shell uname -s)' == 'Darwin'* ]] && type -P open 2>/dev/null && open Docker.amd64.93002.dmg .PHONY: failure failure: @-/usr/bin/false && ([ $$? -eq 0 ] && echo "success!") || echo "failure!" .PHONY: success success: @-/usr/bin/true && ([ $$? -eq 0 ] && echo "success!") || echo "failure!" venv:## default venv-3-11 $(MAKE) -f $(PWD)/ venv-3-11 @echo -include -include -include -include -include -include