#!/bin/bash -e # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # Should we run as interactive mode ? (-s non interactive mode) INTERACTIVE=1 while getopts ":s" OPTION do case ${OPTION} in s) INTERACTIVE=0;; *) echo "Unknown option, exiting..."; exit 1;; # DEFAULT esac done echo 'Hi there ! Please read carefully the following (not long)'. echo 'This script will attempt to install PaSSHport on this system.' echo 'This script works on Centos 7, WITH EPEL repos configured !!' echo '' echo 'PLEASE enable EPEL repository BEFORE running this script !!' echo '' echo 'What this script will do to your existing system:' echo '- install "python34-pip", "git" and "openssl" packages.' echo '- update PIP via pip3 script, installed previously' echo '- install virtualenv via pip3 script' echo '- add a "passhport" system user' echo '- create an "/etc/passhport" directory' echo '- create a "/var/lib/passhport" directory' echo '- create a "/var/log/passhport" directory' echo '' echo 'The remaining process will only create and/or modify files and' echo 'directories WITHIN the directories mentionned above, so which includes:' echo '- /home/passhport' echo '- /etc/passhport' echo '- /var/lib/passhport' echo '- /var/log/passhport' echo '' echo 'If you want to remove passhportd from this system, run the following,' echo 'as root:' echo 'userdel passhport' echo 'rm -rf /home/passhport' echo 'rm -rf /etc/passhport' echo 'rm -rf /var/lib/passhport' echo 'rm -rf /var/log/passhport' echo 'rm /usr/bin/passhport-admin' echo 'rm /usr/sbin/passhportd' echo 'rm /etc/bash_completion.d/passhport-admin' echo '' echo 'You may also remove virtualenv that has been installed by pip3 :' echo '# pip3.4 uninstall virtualenv' echo '' echo 'Remove the systemd service :' echo '# systemctl disable passhportd' echo '# rm /etc/systemd/system/passhportd.service' echo '# systemctl daemon-reload' echo '' echo "Finally you may also purge the following packages if you don't need them" echo 'anymore:' echo 'python34-pip git openssl (# yum remove python34-pip git openssl)' echo '' if [ ${INTERACTIVE} -eq 1 ] then echo 'Once you read and understood the above lines, you may proceed by typing' echo '"yes", or exit by the famous "CTRL+C" :' read ANSWER; else ANSWER='yes' fi while [ "${ANSWER}" != 'yes' ] do echo 'Please type excatly "yes" or exit by pressing "CTRL+C".' read ANSWER done echo '##############################################################' echo '# Installing EPEL repository…' echo '##############################################################' yum install -y epel-release echo '##############################################################' echo '# Installing python34-pip, git and openssl package…' echo '##############################################################' yum install -y python34-pip git openssl python34-devel gcc echo '##############################################################' echo '# Installing virtualenv with pip…' echo '##############################################################' pip3.4 install virtualenv echo '##############################################################' echo '# Creating "passhport" system user' echo '##############################################################' useradd --home-dir /home/passhport --shell /bin/bash --create-home passhport echo '##############################################################' echo '# Creating the virtual-env for passhport…' echo '##############################################################' su - passhport -c "virtualenv -p python3.4 passhport-run-env" echo '##############################################################' echo '# Installing mandatory packages in the virtual environment…' echo '##############################################################' su - passhport -c "/home/passhport/passhport-run-env/bin/pip install sqlalchemy-migrate flask-migrate requests docopt configparser tabulate flask-login ldap3 psutil cryptography" echo '##############################################################' echo '# Cloning passhport git from github' echo '##############################################################' su - passhport -c "git clone https://github.com/LibrIT/passhport.git" echo '##############################################################' echo '# Creating "/var/log/passhport" log directory' echo '##############################################################' mkdir -p /var/log/passhport/ chown passhport:passhport /var/log/passhport/ echo '##############################################################' echo '# Creating "/etc/passhport" conf directory ' echo '##############################################################' mkdir /etc/passhport cp /home/passhport/passhport/passhportd/passhportd.ini /etc/passhport/. cp /home/passhport/passhport/passhport/passhport.ini /etc/passhport/. cp /home/passhport/passhport/passhport-admin/passhport-admin.ini /etc/passhport/. cp /home/passhport/passhport/passhportd/passhportd.ini /etc/passhport/. echo '##############################################################' echo '# Generating PaSSHport RSA (4096b) and ecdsa (521b) keys…' echo '##############################################################' su - passhport -c '/usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N "" -f "/home/passhport/.ssh/id_rsa"' su - passhport -c '/usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 521 -N "" -f "/home/passhport/.ssh/id_ecdsa"' echo '##############################################################' echo '# Creating PaSSHport database directory…' echo '##############################################################' mkdir -p /var/lib/passhport chown -R passhport:passhport /var/lib/passhport/ echo '##############################################################' echo '# Editing PaSSHport conf files…' echo '##############################################################' sed -i -e 's#SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_DIR\s*=.*#SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_DIR = /var/lib/passhport/#' /etc/passhport/passhportd.ini sed -i -e 's#LISTENING_IP\s*=.*#LISTENING_IP =' /etc/passhport/passhportd.ini sed -i -e 's#SQLALCHEMY_MIGRATE_REPO\s*=.*#SQLALCHEMY_MIGRATE_REPO = /var/lib/passhport/db_repository#' /etc/passhport/passhportd.ini sed -i -e 's#SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI\s*=.*#SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = sqlite:////var/lib/passhport/app.db#' /etc/passhport/passhportd.ini sed -i -e "s#PASSHPORTD_HOSTNAME\s*=.*#PASSHPORTD_HOSTNAME = localhost#" /etc/passhport/passhport-admin.ini sed -i -e "s#PASSHPORTD_HOSTNAME\s*=.*#PASSHPORTD_HOSTNAME = localhost#" /etc/passhport/passhport.ini echo '##############################################################' echo '# Creating database for PaSSHport (SQLite)…' echo '##############################################################' su - passhport -c "/home/passhport/passhport-run-env/bin/python /home/passhport/passhport/passhportd/db_create.py" echo '##############################################################' echo '# Creating bash_completion file for passhport-admin script…' echo '##############################################################' if [ ! -d "/etc/bash_completion.d/" ] then mkdir "/etc/bash_completion.d/" fi cp /home/passhport/passhport/tools/passhport-admin.bash_completion /etc/bash_completion.d/passhport-admin . /etc/bash_completion.d/passhport-admin echo '##############################################################' echo '# Creating symbolink links to binaries…' echo '##############################################################' ln -s /home/passhport/passhport/tools/passhport-admin.sh /usr/bin/passhport-admin ln -s /home/passhport/passhport/tools/passhportd.sh /usr/sbin/passhportd echo '##############################################################' echo '# Creating Web-API cert directory…' echo '##############################################################' su - passhport -c "mkdir /home/passhport/certs" su - passhport -c "chmod 700 /home/passhport/certs" echo '##############################################################' echo '# Generating Web-API RSA key (4096b)' echo '##############################################################' su - passhport -c "openssl genrsa -out "/home/passhport/certs/key.pem" 4096" echo '##############################################################' echo '# Adding choosen IP to the certificate…' echo '##############################################################' sed -i -e "s#^\(DNS.*\s*=\s*\)TO_CHANGE#\1`hostname -f`#g" /home/passhport/passhport/tools/openssl-for-passhportd.cnf echo '##############################################################' echo '# Generating Web-API certificate…' echo '##############################################################' openssl req -new -key "/home/passhport/certs/key.pem" \ -config "/home/passhport/passhport/tools/openssl-for-passhportd.cnf" \ -out "/home/passhport/certs/cert.pem" \ -subj "/C=FR/ST=Ile De France/L=Ivry sur Seine/O=LibrIT/OU=DSI/CN=passhport.librit.fr" \ -x509 \ -days 365 \ -sha256 \ -extensions v3_req # We try to detect if we run on a systemd OS. if (stat /proc/1/exe | head -n 1 | grep systemd &>/dev/null) then echo '##############################################################' echo '# Importing passhportd service in systemd…' echo '##############################################################' cp /home/passhport/passhport/tools/passhportd.service /etc/systemd/system/passhportd.service systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable passhportd echo "passhportd has been enabled at startup." systemctl start passhportd echo "passhportd has been started." echo 'Please use systemctl to start/stop service.' fi echo '##############################################################' echo '# Adding root@localhost target…' echo '##############################################################' # Sleep 2 seconds so passhportd has enough time to start sleep 2 [ ! -d "/root/.ssh" ] && mkdir "/root/.ssh" && chmod 700 "/root/.ssh" cat "/home/passhport/.ssh/id_ecdsa.pub" >> "/root/.ssh/authorized_keys" su - passhport -c 'passhport-admin target create root@localhost --comment="Localhost target added during the PaSSHport installation process."' if [ ${INTERACTIVE} -eq 1 ] then echo 'Do you want to add your first user now ? Y/n' read DO_CREATE_USER else DO_CREATE_USER='n' fi while [ "${DO_CREATE_USER,,}" != "y" ] && [ ! -z "${DO_CREATE_USER}" ] && [ "${DO_CREATE_USER,,}" != "n" ] do echo 'Do you want to add your first user now ? Y/n' read DO_CREATE_USER done if [ "${DO_CREATE_USER,,}" == "y" ] || [ -z "${DO_CREATE_USER}" ] then echo 'Remember : no space in the user name!' su - passhport -c "passhport-admin user create" echo 'Do you want to link this user to the target root@localhost ? Y/n' read DO_LINK_USER while [ "${DO_LINK_USER,,}" != "y" ] && [ ! -z "${DO_LINK_USER}" ] && [ "${DO_LINK_USER,,}" != "n" ] do echo 'Do you want to link this user to the target root@localhost ? Y/n' read DO_LINK_USER done if [ "${DO_LINK_USER,,}" == "y" ] || [ -z "${DO_LINK_USER}" ] then FIRST_USER=`su - passhport -c "passhport-admin user list"` su - passhport -c "passhport-admin target adduser ${FIRST_USER} root@localhost" fi fi echo "PaSSHport is now installed on your system." echo '##############################################################' echo '# You can test that passhportd is running by running :' echo '# curl -s --insecure https://localhost:5000' echo '# if it displays : ' echo '# "passhportd is running, gratz!"' echo '# you successfuly installed PaSSHport. Well done !' if [ ${INTERACTIVE} -eq 1 ] then echo '# If you created your first user, you can connect to PaSSHport' echo '# using "ssh -i the_key_you_used passhport@PASSHPORT_HOST"' fi echo '##############################################################'