#!/bin/bash RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[1;32m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' NC='\033[0m' BLUE='\033[1;34m' CYAN='\033[1;36m' #Intro clear echo -e "${GREEN} ---------------ESBC Updater v2.3.0.0----------------+ | |:: | |:: | ___ __ ___ __ |:: | |__ /__ |__) / |:: | |___ .__/ |__) \__ |:: | |:: | ${YELLOW}ESBC Updater v which check your ${GREEN}|:: | ${YELLOW}version and force update ${GREEN} |:: | ${YELLOW}By ${CYAN}RasmonT ${GREEN} |:: +------------------------------------------------+:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::S${NC}" echo -e "${GREEN}Processing... ${NC}" sleep 2s #Checking Server status if ! /usr/local/bin/esbcoin-cli getinfo >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo -e "${GREEN}I will start ESBC server, then i check for Daemon version... ${NC}" esbcoind sleep 10s else echo -e "${GREEN}Server is running, i will check if version is correct! ${NC}" sleep 2s fi #Version Checking /usr/local/bin/esbcoin-cli --version if [ "$(/usr/local/bin/esbcoin-cli --version)" = "ESBC Core RPC client version" ]; then echo -e "${GREEN}Version of Daemon is correct! ${NC}" else echo -e "${YELLOW}Version of Daemon is Incorrect! ${NC}" sleep 1s echo -e "${YELLOW}I will force update of the daemon! ${NC}" sleep 1s echo -e "${GREEN}Stopping ESBC Server and will update Daemon! ${NC}" esbcoin-cli stop sleep 4s rm -rf .esbcoin/mncache.dat .esbcoin/mnpayments.dat .esbcoin/peers.dat rm -rf /usr/local/bin/esbcoin* rm -rf esbc-daemon-linux-x86_64* wget https://github.com/BlockchainFor/ESBC2/releases/download/ tar -xvf esbc-daemon-linux-x86_64-static.tar.gz sudo chmod -R 755 esbcoin-cli sudo chmod -R 755 esbcoind cp -p -r esbcoind /usr/local/bin cp -p -r esbcoin-cli /usr/local/bin rm -rf esbc-daemon-linux-x86_64-static.tar.gz esbcoind -daemon esbcoin-cli --version echo -e "${GREEN}Daemon Succesfully updated! ${NC}" echo -e "${GREEN}Confirming Daemon status... ${NC}" fi #Checked Status sleep 3s echo -e "${GREEN}Status Checked! ${NC}" sleep 1s #Bootstrap Installation echo "Do you want me to install Bootstrap?[y/n]" read DOSETUP if [[ $DOSETUP =~ "n" ]] ; then echo -e "${YELLOW}Bootstrap Installation is aborted... ${NC}" rm -rf esbc-updatepro.sh sleep 2s echo -e "${GREEN}Checking the masternode status... ${NC}" sleep 2s /usr/local/bin/esbcoin-cli masternode status if [[ "$(/usr/local/bin/esbcoin-cli masternode status)" == "{"* ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}Masternode is running! ${NC}" sleep 1s echo -e "${BLUE}Exitting updater... ${NC}" sleep 2s exit 1 else echo -e "${RED}ERROR: MN is not running! ${NC}" sleep 2s echo -e "${YELLOW}YOU NEED TO START YOUR MASTERNODE FROM WALLET${NC}" sleep 1s echo -e "${YELLOW}Press ${CYAN}Start Allias ${YELLOW}to run your masternode... ${NC}" sleep 1s echo -e "${YELLOW}This will take one minute... ${NC}" sleep 60s /usr/local/bin/esbcoin-cli masternode status if [[ "$(/usr/local/bin/esbcoin-cli masternode status)" == "{"* ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}Masternode is running! ${NC}" sleep 1s echo -e "${BLUE}Exitting updater... ${NC}" sleep 2s exit 1 else echo -e "${RED}ERROR: MN is not running! ${NC}" sleep 1s echo -e "${RED}ERROR: Make sure you filled ${BLUE}Masternode.conf ${YELLOW}correctly... ${NC}" sleep 1s echo -e "${RED}ERROR: If you see this message please contact us at ${CYAN}Discord... ${NC}" echo -e "${BLUE}Exitting updater... ${NC}" sleep 2s exit 1 fi fi fi if [[ $DOSETUP =~ "y" ]] ; then echo -e "${GREEN}I will install bootstrap, will stop Server soon ... ${NC}" sleep 1s echo -e "${GREEN}Stopping Server and preparing installation... ${NC}" esbcoin-cli stop sleep 2s rm -rf .esbcoin/blocks .esbcoin/chainstate .esbcoin/how-to-use.txt echo -e "${GREEN}Removing the current blockchain data... ${NC}" sleep 2s echo -e "${GREEN}I will start downloading the blockchain files in 5 seconds... ${NC}" sleep 5s wget https://files.esbc.pro/bootstrap.zip sleep 2s echo -e "${GREEN}Now i will install the actual blockchain data! ${NC}" sleep 1s sudo apt-get install unzip unzip bootstrap.zip -d .esbcoin echo -e "${GREEN}Files succesfully installed! ${NC}" sleep 1s echo -e "${GREEN}Removing .zip file from your directory ${NC}" rm -rf bootstrap.zip echo -e "${GREEN}Starting the Server... ${NC}" sleep 1s esbcoind -daemon esbcoin-cli --version rm -rf esbc-updatepro.sh sleep 2s else echo -e "${RED}ERROR: Bootstrap Installation has failed... ${NC}" sleep 2s esbcoin-cli --version rm -rf esbc-updatepro.sh echo -e "${RED}If this error happened please contact us at ${CYAN}Discord! ${NC}" sleep 2s fi #Masternode Checking after installation of bootstrap echo -e "${GREEN}Loading the daemon after bootstrap installation... ${NC}" sleep 35s echo -e "${GREEN}Checking the masternode status... ${NC}" sleep 2s /usr/local/bin/esbcoin-cli masternode status if [[ "$(/usr/local/bin/esbcoin-cli masternode status)" == "{"* ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}Masternode is running! ${NC}" sleep 1s echo -e "${BLUE}Exitting updater... ${NC}" sleep 2s exit 1 else echo -e "${RED}ERROR: MN is not running! ${NC}" sleep 2s echo -e "${YELLOW}YOU NEED TO START YOUR MASTERNODE FROM WALLET${NC}" sleep 1s echo -e "${YELLOW}Press ${CYAN}Start Allias ${YELLOW}to run your masternode... ${NC}" sleep 1s echo -e "${YELLOW}This will take one minute... ${NC}" sleep 60s /usr/local/bin/esbcoin-cli masternode status if [[ "$(/usr/local/bin/esbcoin-cli masternode status)" == "{"* ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}Masternode is running! ${NC}" sleep 1s echo -e "${BLUE}Exitting updater... ${NC}" sleep 2s exit 1 else echo -e "${RED}ERROR: MN is not running! ${NC}" sleep 1s echo -e "${RED}ERROR: Make sure you filled ${BLUE}Masternode.conf ${YELLOW}correctly... ${NC}" sleep 1s echo -e "${RED}ERROR: If you see this message please contact us at ${CYAN}Discord... ${NC}" echo -e "${BLUE}Exitting updater... ${NC}" sleep 2s exit 1 fi fi