@echo off set BinPath=Engine\Binaries\Win64 set BinUnrealPak=UnrealPak.exe set PAKARGS=-compress set FILEARGS=-compress set MountPoint=../../../UnrealTournament/ set CustomRoot= set overwrite=1 set force=0 set uncompress=0 set newversion= :: ----------------------------------------------------- set script_no_wait=1 set script_silent=0 set UE4Root=%~dp0 if NOT ["%CustomRoot%"] == [""] set UE4Root=%CustomRoot%\ :: Normalize paths set UE4Root=%UE4Root:\\=\% set UE4Root=%UE4Root:"=% set OutDir=%TEMP%\%~n1 set NewPak=%~dp0%~nx1 set UnrealPak=%UE4Root%%BinPath%\%BinUnrealPak% :: Normalize UnrealPak bin set OutDir=%OutDir:\\=\% set OutDir=%OutDir:"=% set PakDir=%OutDir%\Pak set PakResponseFile=%OutDir%\list.txt :: Normalize UnrealPak bin set UnrealPak=%UnrealPak:\\=\% set UnrealPak=%UnrealPak:"=% : Check if opened from CMD setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set testl=%cmdcmdline:"=% set testr=!testl:%~nx0=! set FromDrop=0 if not "%testl%" == "%testr%" ( :: opened from drag'n'drop set script_no_wait=0 set FromDrop=1 ) else ( :: opened from CMD set overwrite=0 ) :: check for silent mode for %%x in (%*) do ( if "%%x"=="-s" ( set script_silent=1 ) ) call :NullLine call :Header ######################################################################### call :Header ========================================================================= call :Msg UE4 pak file compressing script v0.6 call :Msg by RattleSN4K3 call :Header ------------------------------------------------------------------------- call :Msg A small command line script allowing to re-compress pak files call :Header ------------------------------------------------------------------------- call :Header call :Wait 1000 if not exist "%UnrealPak%" goto :Error_BatchFileInWrongLocation if %1.==. GOTO :Error_NoParameters if not exist %1 goto :Error_NoPakFile %1 SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS ECHO.%~a1 | find "d" >NUL 2>NUL && ( goto :Error_IsDir %1 ) :: Remove first argument from command line SET allargs=%* CALL SET restargs=%%allargs:*%1=%% SET restargs=%restargs:~1% :: parse command line arguments. see AssignKeyValue call :SplitArgs %restargs% if %uncompress% == 1 ( set PAKARGS= set FILEARGS= ) :: Info call :Msg Processing: call :Msg %~n1 call :Msg (%~dp1) call :Msg call :Msg Options: if %uncompress% == 1 ( call :Msg - Uncompress file ) else if "%newversion%" NEQ "" ( call :Msg - Overwrite network version: %newversion% call :Msg ) if %overwrite% == 1 ( call :Msg - Overwrite original file ) else ( set TempVar1= set TempVar2= call :GetPath TempVar1="%NewPak%" call :GetFilename TempVar2="%NewPak%" call :Msg - Output file: !TempVar2! call :Msg - Output dir: !TempVar1! if %force% == 0 ( if exist "%NewPak%" GOTO :Error_Exists ) else ( call :Msg - Force overwrite output file ) ) call :Msg :: Process options set PakFile=%~1 if %overwrite% == 1 ( set NewPak=%~1 if %FromDrop% == 1 ( echo. echo.Press any key to continue... pause > nul ) ) :: Clean up old temp files if exist "%OutDir%" ( call :Msg Clean up old temp files... rmdir "%OutDir%" /s /q call :Msg Clean up old temp files done. ) :: Extracting call :Msg Extracting... "%UnrealPak%" "%PakFile%" -extract "%PakDir%" > nul call :Msg Extracting done. :: Count path depth set count=0 call :countdepth "%PakDir%" :: Check mounting pushd %PakDir% set subpath= for /f "tokens=%count%* delims=\" %%f in ('dir /b /s /a-h-s *-AssetRegistry.bin') do ( set subpath=/%%g set subpath=!subpath:%%~nxg=! ) set subpath=%subpath:\=/% if NOT "%subpath%" == "/" ( set MountPoint=!MountPoint:%subpath%=/! ) popd :: Check network version set networkversion= if "%newversion%" NEQ "" ( pushd %PakDir% set versionfile= for /r %PakDir% %%f in (*-version.txt) do ( set versionfile=%%f set /p networkversion=<%%f ) popd call :Msg call :Msg Current network version: !networkversion! call :Msg Overwrite with: %newversion% echo %newversion%>!versionfile! call :Msg Version set. call :Msg ) :: Creating response file :: preserve pak order (kinda) set orderfile=%OutDir%\order.txt "%UnrealPak%" "%PakFile%" -list > %orderfile% for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (%orderfile%) do ( set InFile= call :ParseOutputList InFile=%%A if NOT "!InFile!" == "" ( echo "%PakDir%\!InFile!" "%MountPoint%!InFile!" %FILEARGS%>>%PakResponseFile% ) ) :: !!! OLD CODE BELOW :: pushd %PakDir% :: for /f "tokens=%count%* delims=\" %%f in ('dir /b /s /a-d-h-s') do ( :: echo "%PakDir%\%%g" "%MountPoint%%%g" %FILEARGS%>>%PakResponseFile% :: ) :: popd :: !!! OLD CODE END :: Compressing if %overwrite% == 1 ( call :Msg Overwriting old pak file ) call :Msg Compressing... "%UnrealPak%" "%NewPak%" -create="%PakResponseFile%" %PAKARGS% > nul call :Msg Compressing done. :: Deleting temp files if exist "%OutDir%" ( call :Msg Deleting temp files... rmdir "%OutDir%" /s /q call :Msg Deleting temp files done. ) call :Msg call :Msg Process done. call :Wait 5000 goto :Exit :Error_BatchFileInWrongLocation call :Msg ERROR: call :Msg The batch file does not appear to be located in the root UE4 directory. call :Msg This script must be run from within that directory. call :Msg call :Msg or specify 'CustomRoot' in the top of this file. call :Msg if %FromDrop% == 1 pause goto Exit :Error_NoParameters call :Msg ERROR: call :Msg No parameter set. call :Msg call :Wait 500 goto Exit :Error_NoPakFile call :Msg ERROR: call :Msg No valid pak file given. Unable to find given file: call :Msg %~1 call :Msg call :Wait 1000 goto Exit :Error_IsDir call :Msg ERROR: call :Msg Input file is a directory: call :Msg %~1 call :Msg call :Wait 1000 goto Exit :Error_Exists call :Msg call :Msg ERROR: call :Msg Output file already exists. call :Msg Use the force option (-f) to overwrite or delete the file. call :Msg call :Wait 2000 goto Exit :Header if %script_silent% == 0 echo #%* goto :EOF :Msg if %script_silent% == 0 echo # %* goto :EOF :NullLine if %script_silent% == 0 echo. goto :EOF :Wait if %script_no_wait% == 0 @ping -n 1 -w %1 > nul goto :EOF :countdepth set list=%1 set list=%list:"=% FOR /f "tokens=1* delims=\" %%a IN ("%list%") DO ( if not "%%a" == "" call Set /A count+=1 if not "%%b" == "" call :countdepth "%%b" ) goto :EOF :GetFilename set %~1=%~n2 goto :EOF :GetPath set %~1=%~dp2 goto :EOF :ParseOutputList :: setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set string=%* set "find=*Display: " call set string=%%string:!find!=%% set "find=* offset: " call set delete=%%string:!find!=%% call set string=%%string:!delete!=%% :: remove " offset: " set string=%string:~0,-9% set first=%string:~0,1% set first=%first:"=% if "%first%" == "" ( :: remove quotes set string=%string:~1,-1% set %~1=!string! ) else ( set %~1= ) goto :EOF :ParseOutputTest :: setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set string=%* set "find=*Display: " call set string=%%string:!find!=%% :: remove " OK." set string=%string:~0,-4% set first=%string:~0,1% set first=%first:"=% if "%first%" == "" ( :: remove quotes set string=%string:~1,-1% set %~1=!string! ) else ( set %~1= ) goto :EOF :SplitArgs REM recursive procedure to split off the first two tokens from the input if "%*" NEQ "" ( REM %%i = KEY, %%j = VALUE, %%k = remainder of input REM delimiters are space character and equals character for /F "tokens=1,2,* delims== " %%i in ("%*") do ( call :AssignKeyValue %%i %%j & call :SplitArgs %%j %%k ) ) goto :eof :AssignKeyValue REM KEY %1, VALUE %2 if "%1" EQU "-o" ( SET overwrite=1 ) else if "%1" EQU "-f" ( SET force=1 ) else if "%1" EQU "-u" ( SET uncompress=1 ) else if "%1" EQU "-n" ( SET newversion=%2 ) else ( REM Append unrecognised [key,value] to BADARGS REM echo Unknown KEY %1 REM SET BADARGS=%BADARGS%[%1, %2] ) goto :eof :Exit