import os import sys from struct import unpack as st_unpack from collections import namedtuple UT4_GAME_DIRECTORY = r"UnrealTournament/Content/" UE4_PACKAGE_MAGIC = 0x5A6F12E1 # for Python 2/3 compatibility: try: xrange except NameError: xrange = range class Pak(object): import os def __init__(self,stream): def initialize(self,version,index_offset,index_size,footer_offset,index_sha1,mount_point=None,records=None): self.version = version self.index_offset = index_offset self.index_size = index_size self.footer_offset = footer_offset self.index_sha1 = index_sha1 self.mount_point = mount_point self.records = records or [] def read(self,stream):, 2) footer_offset = stream.tell() footer = magic, version, index_offset, index_size, index_sha1 = st_unpack(' footer_offset: raise ValueError('Corrupt pak file'), 0) mount_point = self.read_string(stream) entry_count = st_unpack(' footer_offset: raise ValueError('Records exceed size') def read_string(self,stream): path_len, = st_unpack(' 1: out.write("Maps (%d):\n" % maps) elif maps == 0: out.write("No maps found.\n") index = 1 for record in self.records: if record.filename.endswith(".umap"): # sanitize names map = self.sanitize_map(record.filename) mappath = record.filename.replace("\\", "/") mapfile = map.rsplit("/")[-1] mapname = mapfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0] mapurl = map.rsplit(".", 1)[0] if detailed: if maps > 1: out.write(" [%3s]\tMap name: %s\n" % (index, mapname)) out.write("\tMap path: %s\n" % mappath) out.write("\tMap URL: %s\n" % mapurl) else: out.write("Map name: %s\n" % mapname) out.write("Map path: %s\n" % mappath) out.write("Map URL: %s\n" % mapurl) elif maps == 1: out.write("%s\n" % (mapurl)) else: out.write("%s %s = %s\n" % (index, mapname, mapurl)) index += 1 out.write("="*headersize+"\n") if batch: out.write("\n") return True def sanitize_map(self,map,out=sys.stdout): # correct path map = os.path.join(self.mount_point,map) map = map.replace("\\", "/") # remove trailing directory traversal map = map.strip("./") # replace game directory if self.game_dir and map.startswith(self.game_dir): map = map.replace(self.game_dir, "Game/") # add trailing slash if not map.startswith("/"): map = "/"+map return map class Record_(namedtuple('RecordBase', [ 'filename', 'offset', 'compressed_size', 'uncompressed_size', 'compression_method', 'timestamp', 'sha1', 'compression_blocks', 'encrypted', 'compression_block_size'])): pass class Record(Record_): def __new__(cls, filename, offset=0, compressed_size=0, uncompressed_size=0, compression_method=0, sha1=[20], compression_blocks=[20], encrypted=0, compression_block_size=0): return Record_.__new__(cls, filename, offset, compressed_size, uncompressed_size, compression_method, None, sha1, compression_blocks, encrypted, compression_block_size) def main(argv): args = len(argv) help = (args == 0) print(""); if not help: # normalize args argc = [] for arg in argv: if arg.startswith("-"): argc.append(arg.lower().replace("--", "-")) if args < 1: raise SyntaxWarning('Missing file name') elif args > 1 and not argv[1].startswith("-"): raise SyntaxWarning('Missing quotes') elif not argv[0]: raise SyntaxWarning('Empty parameters') pakfile = argv[0]; if pakfile.startswith("-"): raise SyntaxWarning('Unknown option/parameter: %s' % pakfile) if not os.path.exists(pakfile): raise SyntaxWarning('Invalid path') elif not os.access(pakfile, os.R_OK): raise SyntaxWarning('Unable to read given file/folder') else: optfull = ("-full" in argc) if os.path.isfile(pakfile): with open(pakfile,"rb") as stream: pak = Pak(stream) pak.print_info(pakfile,UT4_GAME_DIRECTORY, detailed=optfull) else: count = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(pakfile, followlinks=True): for file in files: fullpath = os.path.join(root, file) if fullpath.endswith(".pak") and os.access(fullpath, os.R_OK): with open(fullpath,"rb") as stream: pak = Pak(stream) printpath = fullpath.replace(pakfile, "", 1).strip("/\\") if pak.print_info(printpath,UT4_GAME_DIRECTORY, batch=True, detailed=optfull): count += 1 if count < 1: print("No packages with maps found.\n") else: # if not help print("Retrieve map names from UT4 packages") print("-------------------------------------") print("Usage: %s " % os.path.basename(__file__)) # just wait for keypress to support drag'n'drop in Windows (from Explorer) print("") os.system('pause') #windows if __name__ == '__main__': try: main(sys.argv[1:]) except SyntaxWarning as syn: sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % syn) os.system('pause') #windows sys.exit(1) except (ValueError, NotImplementedError, IOError) as exc: sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % exc) os.system('pause') #windows sys.exit(1)