# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= potrace VERSION= 1.16 KEYWORDS= graphics VARIANTS= standard SDESC[standard]= Transfer bitmaps into vector graphics HOMEPAGE= https://potrace.sourceforge.net/ CONTACT= Michael_Reim[kraileth@elderlinux.org] DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= SF/potrace/1.16 DISTFILE[1]= potrace-1.16.tar.gz:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[standard]= complete primary library docs OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= METRIC A4 OPTIONS_STANDARD= METRIC A4 OPT_ON[all]= METRIC A4 USES= cpe libtool zlib mbsdfix LICENSE= GPLv2:primary LICENSE_TERMS= primary:{{WRKDIR}}/TERMS LICENSE_FILE= GPLv2:{{WRKSRC}}/COPYING LICENSE_AWK= TERMS:"^$$" LICENSE_SOURCE= TERMS:{{WRKSRC}}/src/main.h LICENSE_SCHEME= solo CPE_VENDOR= potrace_project FPC_EQUIVALENT= graphics/potrace MUST_CONFIGURE= gnu CONFIGURE_ARGS= --with-libpotrace INSTALL_TARGET= install-strip SOVERSION= 0.0.6 [A4].DESCRIPTION= Use A4 as the default papersize [A4].CONFIGURE_ENABLE_BOTH= a4 [METRIC].DESCRIPTION= Use metric units (cm) as default [METRIC].CONFIGURE_ENABLE_BOTH= metric [FILE:831:descriptions/desc.primary] Potrace(TM) is a tool for tracing a bitmap, which means, transforming a bitmap into a smooth, scalable image. The input is a bitmap (PBM, PGM, PPM, or BMP format), and the output is one of several vector file formats. A typical use is to create SVG or PDF files from scanned data, such as company or university logos, handwritten notes, etc. The resulting image is not "jaggy" like a bitmap, but smooth. It can then be rendered at any resolution. Potrace can currently produce the following output formats: SVG, PDF, EPS, PostScript, DXF, GeoJSON, PGM (for easy antialiasing of pixel-based images), Gimppath, and XFig. Additional backends might be added in the future. Mkbitmap is a program distributed with Potrace which can be used to pre-process the input for better tracing behavior on greyscale and color images. [FILE:60:descriptions/desc.library] Libpotrace is the library component of the Potrace project. [FILE:98:distinfo] be8248a17dedd6ccbaab2fcc45835bb0502d062e40fbded3bc56028ce5eb7acc 657314 potrace-1.16.tar.gz [FILE:69:manifests/plist.primary] bin/ mkbitmap potrace share/man/man1/ mkbitmap.1.gz potrace.1.gz [FILE:111:manifests/plist.library] include/potracelib.h lib/ libpotrace.a libpotrace.so libpotrace.so.%%SOMAJOR%% libpotrace.so.%%SOVERSION%% [FILE:32:manifests/plist.docs] share/doc/potrace/placement.pdf