# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= kakoune VERSION= 2023.08.05 KEYWORDS= editors VARIANTS= standard SDESC[standard]= Modal code editor with a focus on interactivity HOMEPAGE= https://kakoune.org/ CONTACT= M_B[mb@64k.by] DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= GITHUB/mawww:kakoune:v2023.08.05 DISTFILE[1]= generated:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[standard]= complete primary docs man OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= none OPTIONS_STANDARD= none USES= c++:primary gmake ncurses LICENSE= PUBDOM:primary LICENSE_FILE= PUBDOM:{{WRKSRC}}/UNLICENSE LICENSE_SCHEME= solo FPC_EQUIVALENT= editors/kakoune MAKE_ARGS= debug=no static=no MAKE_ENV= CXX="{{CXX}}" MANDIRS= {{PREFIX}}/share/kak/man/man1 CXXFLAGS= -I{{NCURSESINC}} -Wno-init-list-lifetime post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/kak [FILE:953:descriptions/desc.primary] Kakoune is a code editor that implements Vi's "keystrokes as a text editing language" model. As it's also a modal editor, it is somewhat similar to the Vim editor (after which Kakoune was originally inspired). Kakoune can operate in two modes, normal and insertion. In insertion mode, keys are directly inserted into the current buffer. In normal mode, keys are used to manipulate the current selection and to enter insertion mode. Kakoune has a strong focus on interactivity, most commands provide immediate and incremental results, while still being competitive (as in keystroke count) with Vim. Kakoune works on selections, which are oriented, inclusive range of characters, selections have an anchor and a cursor character. Most commands move both of them, except when extending selection where the anchor character stays fixed and the cursor one moves around. See https://vimeo.com/82711574 for a short demo video. WWW: http://kakoune.org [FILE:110:distinfo] 1ad7bfe9e1d861115cd418cb500990ea5fa63726e998df13702e5caa8fc84356 694458 mawww-kakoune-2023.08.05.tar.gz [FILE:2260:manifests/plist.primary] bin/kak libexec/kak/kak share/kak/ autoload kakrc share/kak/colors/ base16.kak black-on-white.kak default.kak desertex.kak github.kak greyscale.kak gruvbox-dark.kak gruvbox-light.kak kaleidoscope-dark.kak kaleidoscope-light.kak lucius.kak palenight.kak plain.kak red-phoenix.kak reeder.kak solarized-dark-termcolors.kak solarized-dark.kak solarized-light-termcolors.kak solarized-light.kak tomorrow-night.kak zenburn.kak share/kak/rc/detection/ editorconfig.kak file.kak modeline.kak share/kak/rc/filetype/ apl.kak arch-linux.kak asciidoc.kak awk.kak c-family.kak cabal.kak clojure.kak cmake.kak coffee.kak conf.kak coq.kak crystal.kak css.kak cucumber.kak cue.kak d.kak dart.kak dhall.kak diff.kak dockerfile.kak elixir.kak elm.kak elvish.kak erlang.kak eruby.kak etc.kak exherbo.kak fennel.kak fidl.kak fish.kak fsharp.kak gas.kak gdscript.kak gentoo-linux.kak git.kak github.kak gluon.kak go.kak graphql.kak haml.kak hare.kak haskell.kak hbs.kak html.kak i3.kak ini.kak janet.kak java.kak javascript.kak jinja.kak json.kak julia.kak just.kak kakrc.kak kickstart.kak kotlin.kak latex.kak ledger.kak lisp.kak lua.kak mail.kak makefile.kak markdown.kak mercurial.kak mercury.kak meson.kak mlb.kak moon.kak nim.kak ninja.kak nix.kak ocaml.kak pascal.kak perl.kak php.kak pony.kak protobuf.kak pug.kak purescript.kak python.kak r.kak ragel.kak restructuredtext.kak ruby.kak rust.kak sass.kak scala.kak scheme.kak scss.kak sh.kak sml.kak sql.kak svelte.kak swift.kak systemd.kak taskpaper.kak terraform.kak toml.kak troff.kak tupfile.kak twig.kak vhdl.kak void-linux.kak yaml.kak zig.kak share/kak/rc/tools/ autorestore.asciidoc autorestore.kak autowrap.kak clang.kak comment.kak ctags.kak doc.asciidoc doc.kak format.kak git.kak grep.kak lint.asciidoc lint.kak make.kak man.kak spell.kak share/kak/rc/tools/go/gopls.kak share/kak/rc/tools/python/jedi.kak share/kak/rc/tools/rust/racer.kak share/kak/rc/windowing/ detection.kak iterm.kak kitty.kak new-client.kak screen.kak sway.kak tmux.kak wayland.kak wezterm.kak x11.kak zellij.kak share/kak/rc/windowing/repl/ dtach.kak kitty.kak tmux.kak x11.kak [FILE:374:manifests/plist.docs] share/doc/kak/README.asciidoc share/kak/doc/ buffers.asciidoc changelog.asciidoc command-parsing.asciidoc commands.asciidoc execeval.asciidoc expansions.asciidoc faces.asciidoc faq.asciidoc highlighters.asciidoc hooks.asciidoc keymap.asciidoc keys.asciidoc mapping.asciidoc modes.asciidoc options.asciidoc regex.asciidoc registers.asciidoc scopes.asciidoc [FILE:24:manifests/plist.man] share/man/man1/kak.1.gz [FILE:1047:patches/patch-src_Makefile] --- src/Makefile.orig 2023-08-05 01:02:11 UTC +++ src/Makefile @@ -57,29 +57,7 @@ sharedir := $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/ka docdir := $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/doc/kak mandir := $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1 -os := $(shell uname) - -ifeq ($(os),Darwin) - CPPFLAGS += -I/opt/local/include - LDFLAGS += -L/opt/local/lib -else ifeq ($(os),FreeBSD) - CPPFLAGS += -I/usr/local/include - LDFLAGS += -L/usr/local/lib -else ifeq ($(os),Haiku) - LIBS += -lnetwork -lbe -else ifeq ($(os),OpenBSD) - CPPFLAGS += -D'KAK_BIN_PATH="$(bindir)/kak"' -I/usr/local/include - LDFLAGS += -L/usr/local/lib - mandir := $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/man/man1 -else ifneq (,$(findstring _NT,$(os))) - # Both Cygwin and MSYS2 have "_NT" in their uname. - CPPFLAGS += -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=700 - LIBS += -ldbghelp -else ifeq ($(os),SunOS) - LDFLAGS += -lsocket -rdynamic -else - LDFLAGS += -rdynamic -endif +LIBS += -ltinfo -lncurses CXXFLAGS += -pedantic -std=c++2a -g -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-address