# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= libxmlb VERSION= 0.3.21 KEYWORDS= textproc VARIANTS= std SDESC[std]= Library to help create and query binary XML blobs HOMEPAGE= https://github.com/hughsie/libxmlb CONTACT= Michael_Reim[kraileth@elderlinux.org] DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= GITHUB/hughsie:libxmlb:0.3.21 DISTFILE[1]= generated:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[std]= set primary dev man docs tests OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= none OPTIONS_STANDARD= none BUILD_DEPENDS= gtk-doc:single:std snowball:dev:std BUILDRUN_DEPENDS= snowball:libstemmer_c:std USES= meson pkgconfig xz zstd GNOME_COMPONENTS= glib introspection LICENSE= LGPL21+:primary LICENSE_TERMS= primary:{{WRKDIR}}/TERMS LICENSE_FILE= LGPL21+:{{WRKSRC}}/LICENSE LICENSE_AWK= TERMS:"^$$" LICENSE_SOURCE= TERMS:{{WRKSRC}}/src/xmlb.h LICENSE_SCHEME= solo FPC_EQUIVALENT= textproc/libxmlb MESON_ARGS= -Dstemmer=true SOVERSION= 2.0.0 [FILE:1075:descriptions/desc.primary] XML is slow to parse and strings inside the document cannot be memory mapped as they do not have a trailing NUL char. libxmlb takes XML source, and converts it to a structured binary representation with a deduplicated string table -- where the strings have the NULs included. This allows an application to mmap the binary XML file, do an XPath query and return some strings without actually parsing the entire document. This is all done using (almost) zero allocations and no actual copying of the binary data. As each node in the binary XML file encodes the 'next' node at the same level it makes skipping whole subtrees trivial. A 10Mb binary XML file can be loaded from disk and queried in less than a few milliseconds. The binary XML is not supposed to be small. It's usually about half the size of the text XML data where a lot of the tag content is duplicated, but can actually be larger than the original XML file. This isn't important; the fast query speed and the ability to mmap strings without copies more than makes up for the larger on-disk size. [FILE:48:descriptions/desc.tests] This subpackage contains the tests for libxmlb. [FILE:108:distinfo] 5df332c577dc81a5621f0908ed3a087855045a4f4b4170b194fcf1f0f403a97d 132251 hughsie-libxmlb-0.3.21.tar.gz [FILE:132:manifests/plist.primary] bin/xb-tool lib/ libxmlb.so.%%SOMAJOR%% libxmlb.so.%%SOVERSION%% lib/girepository-1.0/Xmlb-2.0.typelib share/gir-1.0/Xmlb-2.0.gir [FILE:411:manifests/plist.dev] include/libxmlb-2/xmlb.h include/libxmlb-2/libxmlb/ xb-builder-fixup.h xb-builder-node.h xb-builder-source-ctx.h xb-builder-source.h xb-builder.h xb-compile.h xb-machine.h xb-node-query.h xb-node-silo.h xb-node.h xb-opcode.h xb-query-context.h xb-query.h xb-silo-export.h xb-silo-query.h xb-silo.h xb-stack.h xb-string.h xb-value-bindings.h xb-version.h lib/libxmlb.so lib/pkgconfig/xmlb.pc [FILE:25:manifests/plist.man] share/man/man1/xb-tool.1 [FILE:706:manifests/plist.docs] share/gtk-doc/html/libxmlb/ annotation-glossary.html api-index-full.html deprecated-api-index.html home.png index.html intro.html left-insensitive.png left.png libxmlb-XbBuilder.html libxmlb-XbBuilderFixup.html libxmlb-XbBuilderNode.html libxmlb-XbBuilderSource.html libxmlb-XbBuilderSourceCtx.html libxmlb-XbMachine.html libxmlb-XbNode.html libxmlb-XbQuery.html libxmlb-XbSilo.html libxmlb-xb-node-query.html libxmlb-xb-opcode.html libxmlb-xb-query-context.html libxmlb-xb-silo-export.html libxmlb-xb-silo-query.html libxmlb-xb-stack.html libxmlb-xb-string.html libxmlb-xb-value-bindings.html libxmlb.html right-insensitive.png right.png style.css up-insensitive.png up.png [FILE:172:manifests/plist.tests] libexec/installed-tests/libxmlb/ test.desktop test.quirk test.xml test.xml.gz.gz.gz test.xml.xz test.xml.zst xb-self-test share/installed-tests/libxmlb/libxmlb.test