# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= html2text VERSION= 2.2.3 KEYWORDS= textproc VARIANTS= standard SDESC[standard]= Converts HTML documents into plain text HOMEPAGE= http://www.mbayer.de/html2text/ CONTACT= nobody DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= https://github.com/grobian/html2text/releases/download/v2.2.3/ DISTFILE[1]= html2text-2.2.3.tar.gz:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[standard]= single OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= none OPTIONS_STANDARD= none USES= c++:single iconv gmake LICENSE= GPLv2+:single LICENSE_TERMS= single:{{WRKDIR}}/TERMS LICENSE_FILE= GPLv2+:{{WRKSRC}}/COPYING LICENSE_AWK= TERMS:"^\#include" LICENSE_SOURCE= TERMS:{{WRKSRC}}/html2text.cpp LICENSE_SCHEME= solo FPC_EQUIVALENT= textproc/html2text MUST_CONFIGURE= gnu CONFIGURE_ARGS= MANDIR={{MANPREFIX}}/man CXXFLAGS= -Wno-write-strings -Wno-deprecated-declarations post-install: ${RM} -r ${STAGEDIR}${STD_DOCDIR} ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/html2text post-extract: ${TOUCH} ${WRKSRC}/config.guess ${TOUCH} ${WRKSRC}/config.sub [FILE:674:descriptions/desc.single] html2text is a command line utility, written in C++, that converts HTML documents (HTML 3.2) into plain text (ISO 8859-1). Each HTML document is loaded from a location indicated by an URI or read from standard input, and formatted into a stream of plain text characters that is written to standard output or into an output-file. The input-URI may specify a remote site, from that the documents are loaded with the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). The program is even able to preserve the original positions of table fields and accepts also syntactically incorrect input, attempting to interpret it "reasonably". The rendering is largely customisable through an RC file. [FILE:101:distinfo] 859133528b3fd893562e41d84bc1ebc1f9166dd281d0fa8e17e7dd26337f5752 329841 html2text-2.2.3.tar.gz [FILE:76:manifests/plist.single] bin/html2text share/man/man1/html2text.1.gz share/man/man5/html2textrc.5.gz