# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= xorg-xcb-util-cursor VERSION= 0.1.5 KEYWORDS= x11 VARIANTS= std SDESC[std]= XCB cursor library HOMEPAGE= https://xcb.freedesktop.org/ CONTACT= nobody DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= XORG/individual/lib DISTFILE[1]= xcb-util-cursor-0.1.5.tar.xz:main DIST_SUBDIR= xorg DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[std]= set primary dev OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= none OPTIONS_STANDARD= none BUILD_DEPENDS= gperf:primary:std EXRUN[dev]= xorg-xcb-render-util:dev:std xorg-xcb-util-image:dev:std USES= libtool gmake solaris-funcs XORG_COMPONENTS= xorgproto xcb xcb-render-util xcb-util xcb-util-image DISTNAME= xcb-util-cursor-0.1.5 LICENSE= MIT:primary LICENSE_FILE= MIT:{{WRKSRC}}/COPYING LICENSE_SCHEME= solo FPC_EQUIVALENT= x11/xcb-util-cursor SOL_FUNCTIONS= asprintf:cursor/cursor.c asprintf:cursor/load_cursor.c MUST_CONFIGURE= gnu INSTALL_TARGET= install-strip [FILE:514:descriptions/desc.primary] The xcb-util module provides a number of libraries which sit on top of libxcb, the core X protocol library, and some of the extension libraries. These experimental libraries provide convenience functions and interfaces which make the raw X protocol more usable. Some of the libraries also provide client-side code which is not strictly part of the X protocol but which have traditionally been provided by Xlib. The util-cursor module implements the XCB cursor library, which is th XCB replacement for libXcursor. [FILE:112:distinfo] 0caf99b0d60970f81ce41c7ba694e5eaaf833227bb2cbcdb2f6dc9666a663c57 266788 xorg/xcb-util-cursor-0.1.5.tar.xz [FILE:49:manifests/plist.primary] lib/ libxcb-cursor.so.0 libxcb-cursor.so.0.0.0 [FILE:93:manifests/plist.dev] include/xcb/xcb_cursor.h lib/ libxcb-cursor.a libxcb-cursor.so lib/pkgconfig/xcb-cursor.pc [FILE:544:patches/patch-cursor__shape_to_id.gperf] --- cursor/shape_to_id.gperf.orig 2022-10-18 17:09:55 UTC +++ cursor/shape_to_id.gperf @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ struct shape_mapping { const char *name; int number; }; -const int cursor_shape_to_id(const char *name); +int cursor_shape_to_id(const char *name); %% X_cursor,0 arrow,1 @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ ur_angle,74 watch,75 xterm,76 %% -const int cursor_shape_to_id(const char *name) { +int cursor_shape_to_id(const char *name) { struct shape_mapping *mapping = in_word_set(name, strlen(name)); return (mapping ? (mapping->number * 2) : -1); } [FILE:404:patches/patch-cursor_cursor.h] --- cursor/cursor.h.orig 2022-10-18 17:09:55 UTC +++ cursor/cursor.h @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ typedef struct xcint_image_t { } __attribute__((packed)) xcint_image_t; /* shape_to_id.c */ -const int cursor_shape_to_id(const char *name); +int cursor_shape_to_id(const char *name); /* parse_cursor_file.c */ int parse_cursor_file(xcb_cursor_context_t *c, const int fd, xcint_image_t **images, int *nimg);