# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= ruby-zeitwerk VERSION= 2.6.14 KEYWORDS= ruby VARIANTS= v31 v32 v33 SDESC[v31]= Implements constant autoloading (v31) SDESC[v32]= Implements constant autoloading (v32) SDESC[v33]= Implements constant autoloading (v33) HOMEPAGE= https://github.com/fxn/zeitwerk CONTACT= Ruby_Automaton[ruby@ironwolf.systems] DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= RUBYGEMS/ DISTFILE[1]= zeitwerk-2.6.14.gem:main DIST_SUBDIR= ruby DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[v31]= single SPKGS[v32]= single SPKGS[v33]= single OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= RUBY31 RUBY32 RUBY33 OPTIONS_STANDARD= none VOPTS[v31]= RUBY31=ON RUBY32=OFF RUBY33=OFF VOPTS[v32]= RUBY31=OFF RUBY32=ON RUBY33=OFF VOPTS[v33]= RUBY31=OFF RUBY32=OFF RUBY33=ON DISTNAME= zeitwerk-2.6.14 GENERATED= yes [RUBY31].USES_ON= gem:v31 [RUBY32].USES_ON= gem:v32 [RUBY33].USES_ON= gem:v33 [FILE:250:descriptions/desc.single] Zeitwerk implements constant autoloading with Ruby semantics. Each gem and application may have their own independent autoloader, with its own configuration, inflector, and logger. Supports autoloading, reloading, and eager loading. [FILE:103:distinfo] 70d8acedc579d87c508f20c31f6e440753014019e0764fb2bf5f42e87054d92b 39936 ruby/zeitwerk-2.6.14.gem