# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= fox VERSION= 1.6.57 KEYWORDS= x11_toolkits VARIANTS= standard SDESC[standard]= Fast, frugal and portable C++ GUI toolkit HOMEPAGE= http://fox-toolkit.org/ CONTACT= Michael_Reim[kraileth@elderlinux.org] DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= http://fox-toolkit.org/ftp/ DISTFILE[1]= fox-1.6.57.tar.gz:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[standard]= complete primary dev docs OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= none OPTIONS_STANDARD= none BUILD_DEPENDS= bzip2:dev:standard libGLU:dev:standard BUILDRUN_DEPENDS= bzip2:primary:standard libGLU:primary:standard USES= freetype jpeg libtool mbsdfix pkgconfig png tiff zlib XORG_COMPONENTS= x11 xft xrender xext xcursor xrandr xfixes xi LICENSE= LGPL21+:primary CUSTOM1:primary LICENSE_TERMS= primary:{{WRKDIR}}/TERMS LICENSE_NAME= CUSTOM1:"Fox Relinking Exemption" LICENSE_FILE= LGPL21+:{{WRKSRC}}/LICENSE CUSTOM1:{{WRKSRC}}/LICENSE_ADDENDUM LICENSE_AWK= TERMS:"^$$" LICENSE_SOURCE= TERMS:{{WRKSRC}}/src/fxpriv.h LICENSE_SCHEME= dual FPC_EQUIVALENT= x11-toolkits/fox16 MUST_CONFIGURE= gnu CONFIGURE_ARGS= --enable-release INSTALL_REQ_TOOLCHAIN= yes SOVERSION= 0.0.57 CPPFLAGS= -I{{PREFIX}}/include/freetype2 post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/*.so [FILE:1975:descriptions/desc.primary] FOX is a C++ based Toolkit for developing Graphical User Interfaces easily and effectively. It offers a wide, and growing, collection of Controls, and provides state of the art facilities such as drag and drop, selection, as well as OpenGL widgets for 3D graphical manipulation. FOX also implements icons, images, and user-convenience features such as status line help, and tooltips. Tooltips may even be used for 3D objects! Considerable importance has been placed on making FOX one of the fastest toolkits around, and to minimize memory use:- FOX uses a number of techniques to speed up drawing and spatial layout of the GUI. Memory is conserved by allowing programmers to create and destroy GUI elements on the fly. Even though FOX offers a large collection of Controls already, FOX leverages C++ to allow programmers to easily build additional Controls and GUI elements, simply by taking existing controls, and creating a derived class which simply adds or redefines the desired behavior. One of the prime design goals of FOX is the ease of programming; thus, most controls can be created using a single line of C++ code; most parameters have sensible default values, so that they may be omitted, and layout managers ensure that designers of GUI's do not have to worry about precise alignments. Another nice feature of FOX which significantly reduces the number of lines of code which have to be written is FOX's ability to have widgets connect to each other, and passing certain commands between them; for example, a menu entry Hide Toolbar can be directly connected to the Toolbar, and cause it to hide. Finally, FOX makes it easy to maintain the state of the GUI in an application by having the GUI elements automatically updating themselves by interrogating the application's state. This feature eliminates the large amount of effort that may go into sensitizing, graying out, checking/unchecking etc. depending on the application state. 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FXCP1258Codec.h FXCP437Codec.h FXCP850Codec.h FXCP852Codec.h FXCP855Codec.h FXCP856Codec.h FXCP857Codec.h FXCP860Codec.h FXCP861Codec.h FXCP862Codec.h FXCP863Codec.h FXCP864Codec.h FXCP865Codec.h FXCP866Codec.h FXCP869Codec.h FXCP874Codec.h FXCURCursor.h FXCanvas.h FXCheckButton.h FXChoiceBox.h FXColorBar.h FXColorDialog.h FXColorList.h FXColorRing.h FXColorSelector.h FXColorWell.h FXColorWheel.h FXComboBox.h FXComposeContext.h FXComposite.h FXCursor.h FXDC.h FXDCPrint.h FXDCWindow.h FXDLL.h FXDataTarget.h FXDate.h FXDebugTarget.h FXDelegator.h FXDial.h FXDialogBox.h FXDict.h FXDir.h FXDirBox.h FXDirDialog.h FXDirList.h FXDirSelector.h FXDockBar.h FXDockHandler.h FXDockSite.h FXDockTitle.h FXDocument.h FXDragCorner.h FXDrawable.h FXDriveBox.h FXElement.h FXException.h FXExpression.h FXExtentd.h FXExtentf.h FXFile.h FXFileDialog.h FXFileDict.h FXFileList.h FXFileSelector.h FXFileStream.h FXFoldingList.h FXFont.h FXFontDialog.h FXFontSelector.h FXFrame.h FXGIFCursor.h FXGIFIcon.h 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FXProgressBar.h FXProgressDialog.h FXQuatd.h FXQuatf.h FXRASIcon.h FXRASImage.h FXRGBIcon.h FXRGBImage.h FXRadioButton.h FXRanged.h FXRangef.h FXRealSlider.h FXRealSpinner.h FXRecentFiles.h FXRectangle.h FXRegion.h FXRegistry.h FXReplaceDialog.h FXRex.h FXRootWindow.h FXRuler.h FXRulerView.h FXScrollArea.h FXScrollBar.h FXScrollPane.h FXScrollWindow.h FXSearchDialog.h FXSeparator.h FXSettings.h FXShell.h FXShutter.h FXSize.h FXSlider.h FXSocket.h FXSphered.h FXSpheref.h FXSpinner.h FXSplashWindow.h FXSplitter.h FXSpring.h FXStat.h FXStatusBar.h FXStatusLine.h FXStream.h FXString.h FXStringDict.h FXSwitcher.h FXSystem.h FXTGAIcon.h FXTGAImage.h FXTIFIcon.h FXTIFImage.h FXTabBar.h FXTabBook.h FXTabItem.h FXTable.h FXText.h FXTextCodec.h FXTextField.h FXThread.h FXToggleButton.h FXToolBar.h FXToolBarGrip.h FXToolBarShell.h FXToolBarTab.h FXToolTip.h FXTopWindow.h FXTranslator.h FXTreeList.h FXTreeListBox.h FXTriStateButton.h FXURL.h FXUTF16Codec.h FXUTF32Codec.h FXUTF8Codec.h FXUndoList.h FXVec2d.h FXVec2f.h FXVec3d.h FXVec3f.h FXVec4d.h FXVec4f.h FXVerticalFrame.h FXVisual.h FXWindow.h FXWizard.h FXXBMIcon.h FXXBMImage.h FXXPMIcon.h FXXPMImage.h fx.h fx3d.h fxascii.h fxdefs.h fxkeys.h fxunicode.h fxver.h xincs.h include/fox-1.6/chart/FXChart.h lib/ libCHART-1.6.a libCHART-1.6.so libFOX-1.6.a libFOX-1.6.so lib/pkgconfig/fox.pc [FILE:2250:manifests/plist.docs] share/doc/fox-1.6/html/ adie.html app.html calc.html clipboard.html consulting.html datatarget.html doc.html download.html doxygen.cfg draganddrop.html faq.html filefuncs.html filter.pl focus.html fonts.html footer.html foreword.html fox.html goals.html gpgkey.html guiupdate.html header.html home.html icons.html install.html introduction.html layout.html license.html menu.css menu.html messages.html news.html news1.html news2.html news3.html page.css pathfinder.html projects.html references.html registry.html rex.html screenshots.html serialization.html styles.css timers.html top.html widgets.html win32.html 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