# Learning MD like h1 tag ## Sub heading like h2 tag ### h3 tag #### h4 tag ##### h5 tag ###### h6 tag just a sample text to view in markdown language. next line, keep two lines break in between. To make a list use the following keys(-, +, \* and space to enter content) - first list item * second list item - Third list item - Indent content 1. inner content 1. inner content line two content keys used to make text _Italic_ and **Bold** and ~~strike text~~ To use a inline highlighted `variable` in paragraph Paragraph text below > to quote text like this. ````html some random text in a block, using ```open and ```close, in between write your content ```` ```CSS #btn-click { font-size: 1.5rem; padding: 0.5rem 2rem; cursor: pointer; color: #fbbf24; } ``` ```JavaScript console.log(Hello); ``` To Create a table view, keep space '---' in between pipes like this | --- | | CEO | CompanyName | HQ | | ------------- | ----------- | ----------------- | | Satya Nadella | Microsoft | Redmond, WA | | Sundar Pichai | Google | Mountain View, CA | [url description like href](https://www.google.com/) ![input stackoverflow image](http://lmsotfy.com/so.png)