/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 RePod Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ //The license information above is also available in PSDLE's GitHub repository located here: https://github.com/RePod/psdle var repod = {}; repod.psdle = { autocomplete_cache : [], gamelist : [], gamelist_cur : [], e_inject_cache : [], id_cache : {}, lang : {}, pid_cache : {}, sys_cache : {}, type_cache : {}, lang_cache : { "en": { "def": "us", "us":{"local":"English","startup":{"apis":"Select which APIs you would like to use, hover for more details.
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Algunos APIs no pueden ser deshabilitados.","wait":"Por favor espere...","start":"Inicio"},"columns":{"icon":"Ícono","name":"Nombre","platform":"Plataforma","size":"Tamaño","date":"Fecha"},"labels":{"export_view":"Exportar vista","page":"Página"},"categories":{"downloadable_game":"Juegos","demo":"Demos","add_on":"Complementos","unlock":"Desbloqueables","unlock_key":"Llaves","avatar":"Avatares","theme":"Temas","other":"Otros","other_game_related":"Otros","game_content":"Contenidos","tumbler_index":"tumbler_index","home":"Home","ungrouped_game":"No Clasificados","promo_content":"Promociones","beta":"Betas","application":"Aplicaciones","extras":"Extras","unknown":"Desconocido"},"strings":{"delimiter":"Ingrese delimitador:","stringify_error":"Error: Navegador no tiene JSON.stringify.","yes":"Sí","no":"No","search":"Búsqueda por título del juego","dlQueue":"Cola de Descargas","dlList":"Lista de Descargas","plus":"Alterna la visibilidad de los títulos de PS Plus.","queue_all":"Todos","queue_to":"Descargar a $SYS$"},"apis":[{"internal_id":"api_entitle","name":"Licencias","desc":"No puede ser deshabilitado. Accede a la información de las compras y se utiliza para construir la lista de descargas, determinar el estado de PS Plus y otras cosas."},{"internal_id":"api_game","name":"Catálogo","desc":"Accede a información adicional para determinar la consola adecuada, reparar imágenes rotas, y más."},{"internal_id":"api_queue","name":"Cola de Descargas","desc":"Permite añadir y remover entradas a la cola de descargas. Lee la información de la cola de descargas y el número de consolas activadas en la cuenta."},{"internal_id":"api_pstv","name":"PS TV","desc":"Detecta títulos compatibles con PS TV. Sólo soportado en la tienda de la región \"en-us\" (región, no idioma de PSDLE).","disabled":true}]} //Positronic-Brain }, "de": { "def": "de", "de":{"local":"Deutsch","startup":{"wait":"Seite wird geladen, bitte warten."},"columns":{"icon":"Symbol","name":"Name","platform":"Plattform","size":"Größe","date":"Datum"},"labels":{"export_view":"Exportiere Ansicht","page":"Seite"},"categories":{"downloadable_game":"Spiele","demo":"Demos","add_on":"Erweiterungen","unlock":"Freischaltbares","avatar":"Spielerbilder","theme":"Themen","application":"Anwendungen","unknown":"Unbekannt",},"strings":{"delimiter":"Geben sie ein Trennzeichen ein","stringify_error":"Fehler: Browser fehlt \"JSON.stringify\".","yes":"Ja","no":"Nein","search":"Spiele titel eingeben für direkte suche"}} // Provided by /u/_MrBubbles }, "fr": { "def": "fr", "fr":{"local":"Français","startup":{"apis":"Sélectionner l'API à utiliser; Survoler pour plus de détails.
Certaines APIs ne peuvent pas être désactivées.","wait":"Merci de patienter.","start":"Commencer"},"columns":{"icon":"Icône","name":"Nom","platform":"Plate-forme","size":"Taille","date":"Date"},"labels":{"export_view":"Exporter la vue","page":"Page"},"categories":{"downloadable_game":"Jeux","demo":"Démos","add_on":"DLCs","unlock":"Codes de déverouillage","avatar":"Avatars","theme":"Thèmes","application":"Applications","unknown":"Inconnu"},"strings":{"delimiter":"Entrer le délimiteur:","stringify_error":"Erreur: votre navigateur ne supporte pas JSON.stringify.","yes":"Oui","no":"Non","search":"Rechercher par titre de jeu","dlQueue":"Queue","dlList":"Liste","plus":"Afficher/cacher les titres PS+.","queue_all":"Tous","queue_to":"Télécharger sur $SYS$"},"apis":[{"internal_id":"api_entitle","name":"Droits","desc":"Ne peut pas être désactivée. Accède aux informations d'achat afin de créer la liste de téléchargement, et déterminer le statut PS+, ainsi que d'autres choses."},{"internal_id":"api_game","name":"Catalogue","desc":"Accède aux informations supplémentaires des jeux pour déterminer la plate-forme, corriger les liens d'images cassés, et plus."},{"internal_id":"api_queue","name":"Liste de téléchargement","desc":"Permet d'ajouter ou de retirer des articles de la liste de téléchargement. Lit les informations de la liste de téléchargement et le nombre de consoles activées sur le compte."},{"internal_id":"api_pstv","name":"PS TV","desc":"Détecte les titres compatibles PS TV. Ne marche que sur le store \"en-us\" (différent de la langue choisie pour PSDLE).","disabled":true}]} // Provided by @cramoisan }, "ru": { "def":"ru", "ru":{"local":"Русский","startup":{"wait":"Ожидание загрузки страниц..."},"columns":{"icon":"Иконка","name":"Название","platform":"Платформа","size":"Размер","date":"Дата"},"labels":{"export_view":"Export View","page":"Страница"},"categories":{"downloadable_game":"Игры","demo":"Демо-версии","add_on":"Дополенния","unlock":"Разблокировки","avatar":"Аватары","theme":"Темы","application":"Приложения","unknown":"Неизвестно"},"strings":{"delimiter":"Введите разделитель:","stringify_error":"Ошибка: в браузере отсутствует JSON.stringify.","yes":"Да","no":"Нет","search":"Поиск по названию игры"}} //Provided by MorbertDou (issue #2) }, "ps": { "def": "ha", "ha":{"local":"H4ker","startup":{"apis":"import.APIs (hover: man)","wait":"...","start":"make"},"columns":{"icon":"1con","name":"H4ndle","platform":"P|a+f0rm","size":"S1z3","date":"D4t3"},"labels":{"export_view":"D0x","page":"P4g3"},"categories":{"downloadable_game":"W4rez","demo":"Freeware","add_on":"Add-0ns","unlock":"Cracks","avatar":"4va+ar","theme":"Themes","other":"other","beta":"Betas","application":"S0f+w4r3","unknown":"?"},"strings":{"delimiter":"5pli+ by:","yes":"Y","no":"N","search":"grep","queue_all":"wget all","queue_to":"wget $SYS$"}} //Caaz } }, determineLanguage: function(e,f) { e = (e) ? e.split("-") : this.config.language.split("-"); if (f === true) { this.lang = {}; this.lang = this.lang_cache.en.us; } if (e[0] in this.lang_cache) { if (e[1] in this.lang_cache[e[0]]) { if (f === true) { $.extend(true,this.lang,this.lang_cache[e[0]][e[1]]); this.sanitizeLanguage(); } e = e[0]+"-"+e[1]; } else { if (f === true) { $.extend(true,this.lang,this.lang_cache[e[0]][this.lang_cache[e[0]].def]); this.sanitizeLanguage(); } e = e[0]+"-"+this.lang_cache[e[0]].def; } } else { e = "en-us"; } return e; }, sanitizeLanguage: function() { //Send help. var a = JSON.stringify(this.lang, function(key, value) { if(typeof value === "string") { return value.replace(/'/g, "'"); } return value; }); this.lang = JSON.parse(a); }, generateLangBox: function(e) { var temp = ""; return temp; }, init: function() { console.log("PSDLE | Init."); var that = this, l = chihiro.getUrlCultureCode().toString().toLowerCase(); this.config = { logoBase64 : "", game_page : chihiro.getBaseUrl() + "#!/" + l + "/cid=", game_api : SonyChi_SessionManagerSingleton.getBaseCatalogURL() + "/", lastsort : "", lastsort_r : false, language : l, deep_search : false, deep_waiting : 0, deep_current : 0, last_search : "", dlQueue : { base : SonyChi_SessionManagerSingleton.getDLQueueBaseURL(), status : SonyChi_SessionManagerSingleton.getDLQueueStatusURL(), status2 : SonyChi_SessionManagerSingleton.getDLQueueStatusURL2() }, use_queue : 0, active_consoles : {}, tag_line : "
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'; } if (!dlQueue) { temp += ""; } temp += "
"; temp += '
'; return temp; }, sortGamelist: function(sort_method) { var that = this, rev = true; if (sort_method == "noreverse") { rev = false; sort_method = (this.config.lastsort) ? this.config.lastsort : "sort_date" } else { sort_method = (sort_method) ? $(sort_method).attr("id") : (this.config.lastsort) ? this.config.lastsort : "sort_date"; } switch (sort_method) { default: case "sort_date": this.gamelist_cur.sort(function (a, b) { return (a.date > b.date)?-1:(a.date < b.date)?1:0 }); break; case "sort_name": this.gamelist_cur.sort(function (a, b) { return (a.name.toLocaleLowerCase() > b.name.toLocaleLowerCase())?1:(a.name.toLocaleLowerCase() < b.name.toLocaleLowerCase())?-1:0 }); break; case "sort_size": this.gamelist_cur.sort(function (a, b) { return (a.size > b.size)?1:(a.size < b.size)?-1:0 }); break; } if (rev == true) { if (sort_method == this.config.lastsort) { if (!this.config.lastsort_r) { this.gamelist_cur.reverse(); } this.config.lastsort_r = !this.config.lastsort_r; } else { this.config.lastsort_r = false; } } else { if (this.config.lastsort_r) { this.gamelist_cur.reverse(); } } $("#psdle_sort_display").remove(); $("#"+sort_method).append(""); this.config.lastsort = sort_method; this.table.regen(); }, safeSystemCheck: function() { var temp = []; $("span[id^=system_]:not('.toggled_off')").each(function() { temp.push($(this).text()); }); return temp; }, safeGuessSystem: function(sys_in) { //Quick, dirty, and easy. Rewrite. var sys = (typeof(sys_in) == "object") ? sys_in.join(" ") : sys_in; sys = sys.replace(/[^\w\d ]/g,""); if (sys == "PS3 PSP PS Vita" || sys == "PS3 PSP" || sys == "PS Vita PSP" || sys.indexOf("PSP") > -1) { sys = "PSP"; } if (sys == "PS3 PS Vita" || sys.indexOf("PS Vita") > -1) { sys = "PS Vita"; } return sys; }, injectCSS: function() { var temp = /* Startup */ "#muh_games_container { display:none;position:fixed;top:0px;right:0px;left:0px;color:#000;z-index:9001;text-align:center } #sub_container { padding:20px;background-color:#fff; } #psdle_progressbar { overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;width:400px;height:16px;border:1px solid #999;margin:10px;border-radius:10px; } #psdle_bar { background-color:#2185f4;width:0%;height:100%;border-radius:10px; } .psdle_btn { cursor:pointer;border-radius:13px;background-color:#2185f4;color:#fff;padding:1px 15px;display:inline-block;margin:5px auto; } .psdle_tiny_link { line-height:0px;cursor:pointer;color:#7F6D75 !important; font-size:x-small; 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} span[id^=system_], span[id^=filter_], span#export_view, span[id^=dl_], .psdle_fancy_bar > span { font-weight:bold; text-transform:uppercase;font-size:small;color:#fff;background-color:#2185f4;display:inline-block;margin-right:2px;margin-bottom:5px;padding:1px 15px;cursor:pointer; } .psdle_fancy_but { border-radius:12px; } .psdle_fancy_bar > span:first-of-type { border-top-left-radius:12px; border-bottom-left-radius:12px; } .psdle_fancy_bar span:last-of-type { border-top-right-radius:12px; border-bottom-right-radius:12px; } .toggled_off { opacity:0.4; }" + /* Content icons */ ".psdle_game_icon { max-width:100%;vertical-align:middle;padding:3px;min-width:42px;min-height:42px; }" + /* Sorting */ ".psdle_sort_asc { float:right; width: 0; height: 0; border-left: 5px solid transparent; border-right: 5px solid transparent; border-bottom:5px solid #fff; } .psdle_sort_desc { float:right; width: 0; height: 0; border-left: 5px solid transparent; border-right: 5px solid transparent; border-top: 5px solid #fff; }" + /* Newbox */ "#dlQueueAsk { width:400px;height:400px; } #dlQAN { cursor:move;background-color:rgba(33,133,244,0.8);padding:7px 15px;color:#fff;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;text-overflow:ellipsis; } #dlQASys { position:absolute;bottom:0px;padding:7px 0px;color:#FFF;display:table;width:100%;table-layout:fixed; } #dlQASys > div { display:table-cell; } #dlQASys > div > div { cursor:pointer;background-color:rgba(33,133,244,0.8);border-radius:10px;padding:2px;margin:0px 10px; } #dlQAStat { color:#fff;background-color:rgba(33,133,244,0.8);border-bottom-left-radius:20px;padding:0px 10px 0px 15px;font-size:small;float:right; } #dlQARating { color:#fff;background-color:rgba(33,133,244,0.8);border-bottom-right-radius:20px;padding:0px 15px 0px 10px;font-size:small;float:left; } " + /* Newbox Extended */ "#dlQueueExt { overflow: hidden; position: absolute; left: 10px; right: 10px; bottom: 40px; font-size: 0.8em; background-color: rgba(33, 133, 244, 0.8); padding: 10px; border-radius: 9px; top: 66px; text-align: left; }" + /* Overlays */ ".cover { z-index:9001;position:fixed;top:0px;left:0px;width:100%;height:100%;display:table;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.25);background-size:cover;background-position:center; } .cover > div { display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle;height:inherit;text-align:center; } .cover > div > div { box-shadow: 0px 0px 30px #000;display:inline-block;#background-color:#FFF;border-radius:20px;overflow:hidden;position:relative;background-size:cover; }" + /* Export */ "#export_select { padding:10px;width:250px;background-color:#fff;color:#000; }"+ /* PS+ switch */ "#slider { vertical-align: bottom;display:inline-block;cursor:pointer;border-radius:100%;width:30px;height:12px;border-radius:10px;border:2px solid #F0F0F0; } .handle_container { text-align:center;width:100%;height:100%; } .handle { width:10px;height:10px;border-radius:100%;margin:0px 2px 6px;border:1px solid #FFF;display:inline-block;background-color:#85C107; }" + /* Tooltips */ ".tooltip-inner { background-color:#2185F4 !important; border: 5px solid #2185F4 !important; } .tooltip-arrow { border-top-color:#2185F4 !important; } .tooltip.in { opacity:1 !important; }" + /* Tooltips 2 */ ".ui-tooltip { background-color:#2185F4; max-width: 234px; z-index: 9002; background-color: #2185F4; font-size: 11px; text-align: center; line-height: 1.4em; padding: 12px; border-radius: 4px; }" + /* Autocomplete */ ".ui-autocomplete { z-index: 9002; max-width:590px; max-height:200px; overflow-y:auto; overflow-x:hidden; } .ui-menu { position:fixed; border:2px solid #F0F0F0; border-top: none; background-color:#fff; } .ui-menu > .ui-menu-item * { color:#000; text-decoration:none; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; cursor:pointer; } .ui-menu > .ui-menu-item:nth-child(even) { background-color:#e6e6e6; } .ui-menu-item .ui-state-focus { display:inline-block; width:100%; color:#000; background-color: rgba(33, 133, 244, 0.7); }" + /* PS TV */ ".psdletv { font-style: italic;font-weight: bold;font-size: 0.6em;vertical-align: text-top;position: absolute;top: 4px; }" + /* PSP2 */ ".psp3 { border-left: 2px solid #2185F4; border-right: 2px solid #2185F4; } .psp2 { background-color:rgba(33,133,244,0.15) !important; }"; $("head").append(""); }, exportList: { config: { name: true, platform: true, can_vita: true, size: true, date: true, plus: false }, tl: {}, configure: function() { var that = this, temp = { name: repod.psdle.lang.columns.name, platform: repod.psdle.lang.columns.platform, can_vita: "Vita?", size: repod.psdle.lang.columns.size, date: repod.psdle.lang.columns.date, plus: "PS+", } if (repod.psdle.config.check_tv) { this.config.tv = false; temp.tv = "PS TV"; } this.tl = temp; /* Gen input */ var w = "
"; $.each(this.config, function(key,val) { var c = (val)?' checked':''; w += " "+that.tl[key]+"
" }); w += "
"; /* Gen output */ w += '
'+repod.psdle.lang.labels.export_view+'CSV' //Generate window. $("
").append(w)).appendTo("body"); //Bind $("#sel_export_view").off("click").on("click", function () { that.saveConfig(); that.delimited.handle(); $("#export_configure").remove(); }); $("#sel_export_csv").off("click").on("click", function () { that.saveConfig(); that.csv.handle(); $("#export_configure").remove(); }); $("#export_configure").off("click").one("click", function() { $(this).remove(); repod.psdle.newbox.bind("off"); }); $("#export_select").off("click").on("click", function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); }); }, saveConfig: function() { var that = this; $("#export_select input[type=checkbox]").each(function() { that.config[$(this).attr("value")] = $(this).prop("checked"); }); }, json: function() { return (!!JSON.stringify) ? JSON.stringify(repod.psdle.gamelist_cur) : repod.psdle.lang.strings.stringify_error; }, delimited: { gen: function(sep) { var sep = (sep) ? sep : "\t", t = repod.psdle.exportList.formatRow(sep); $(repod.psdle.gamelist_cur).each(function(i) { t += repod.psdle.exportList.formatRow(sep,i); }); t += repod.psdle.exportList.formatRow(sep,-1); return t; }, handle: function() { this.destroy(); var w = 600; $("#search_options").append(""); $("#sotextarea > textarea").css({"width":w,"max-width":w}).text(this.gen(prompt(repod.psdle.lang.strings.delimiter,"\t"))).select().parent().delay(500).slideDown(); repod.psdle.table.margin(); }, destroy: function () { $("#sotextarea").remove(); repod.psdle.table.margin(); } }, csv: { gen: function(sep) { var that = this, sep = (sep) ? sep : ",", csv = repod.psdle.exportList.formatRow(sep); $.each(repod.psdle.gamelist_cur,function(i) { csv += repod.psdle.exportList.formatRow(sep,i); }); csv += repod.psdle.exportList.formatRow(sep,-1); return csv; }, handle: function() { var that = this; $("",{ "download" : "psdle_"+(new Date().toISOString())+".csv", "href" : "data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,"+encodeURIComponent(this.gen()) })[0].dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click")); } }, formatRow: function(sep,index) { //Use this.config{} and this.tl{}. var that = this, out = "", sep = (sep) ? sep : ","; if (index >= 0) { var b = repod.psdle.gamelist_cur[index]; $.each(this.config, function(key,val) { if (val) { switch (key) { case "name": out += (b.name.indexOf(","))?"\""+b.name+"\"":b.name; break; case "platform": out += repod.psdle.safeGuessSystem(b.platform); break; case "size": out += b.size_f; break; case "date": out += b.pdate; break; case "plus": out += (b.plus) ? repod.psdle.lang.strings.yes : ""; break; case "can_vita": out += ($.inArray("PS Vita",b.platform_og) > -1) ? repod.psdle.lang.strings.yes : ""; break; case "tv": out += (repod.psdle.config.check_tv && repod.psdle.id_cache[b.pid].tvcompat && repod.psdle.safeGuessSystem(b.platform) == "PS Vita")?"Yes":""; break; } out += sep; } }); out += "\n"; } else if (index == -1) { //To-do: Reimplement totals based on selected columns. //out = sep+sep+$("#psdle_totals").children().eq(3).text()+sep+"\n"; } else { $.each(this.config, function(key,val) { if (val) { out += that.tl[key]+sep; } }); out += "\n"; } return out; } }, game_api: { batch: [], queue: function(index,pid) { var that = this, a = {pid:pid,index:index}; /* Do some queue/delay magic here. */ if (index == "pid_cache") { this.batch.push(a) } else { this.batch.unshift(a); } }, run: function() { var that = this; if (this.batch.length > 0) { var a = this.batch.pop(); $.getJSON(repod.psdle.config.game_api+a.pid) .success(function(data) { that.process(a.index,data); }) .fail(function() { if (a.index !== "pid_cache") { if (repod.psdle.gamelist[a.index]) { var pid = repod.psdle.gamelist[a.index].pid; if (repod.psdle.pid_cache[pid] && pid !== a.pid) { var temp = $.extend({}, repod.psdle.pid_cache[pid]); $.extend(temp, repod.psdle.gamelist[a.index]); repod.psdle.gamelist[a.index] = temp; } else { repod.psdle.type_cache.unknown = true; } repod.psdle.type_cache.unknown = true; } } that.run(); }); } else { repod.psdle.table.gen(); } }, process: function(index,data) { var parse = this.parse(data), l = Math.abs(repod.psdle.gamelist.length - this.batch.length), r = repod.psdle.gamelist.length, w = $('#psdle_bar').width(), pW = $('#psdle_bar').parent().width(), p = Math.round(100*w/pW), q = Math.round(100*l/r); if (q > p) { $("#psdle_progressbar > #psdle_bar").stop().animate({"width":q+"%"}); } $("#psdle_status").text(l+" / "+r); repod.psdle.type_cache[parse.deep_type] = true; if (index == "pid_cache") { repod.psdle.pid_cache[data.id] = parse; } else { index--; $.extend(repod.psdle.gamelist[index],parse); } this.run(); }, parse: function(data) { var extend = {}, type = "unknown", sys, r = /^(PS(?:1|2)).+Classic$/i; if (data.default_sku && data.default_sku.entitlements.length == 1) { if (data.metadata) { if (data.metadata.secondary_classification && !!data.metadata.secondary_classification.values[0].match(r)) { sys = data.metadata.secondary_classification.values[0].match(r).pop(); } //else if (!!data.metadata.game_subtype.values[0].match(r)) { sys = data.metadata.game_subtype.values[0].match(r).pop(); } else if (data.metadata.primary_classification && !!data.metadata.primary_classification.values[0].match(r)) { sys = data.metadata.primary_classification.values[0].match(r).pop(); } else if (!!data.metadata.playable_platform) { sys = []; $.each(data.metadata.playable_platform.values,function(i,val) { sys.push(val.replace(/[^\w\d ]/g,"")) }); } } if (sys) { extend.platform = sys; } } if (data.top_category == "tumbler_index") { //We must go deeper. if (data.metadata.secondary_classification && data.metadata.secondary_classification.values[0] == "ADD-ON") { type = "add_on"; } } else { type = (data.top_category) ? data.top_category : "unknown"; } extend.deep_type = type; if (data.star_rating && data.star_rating.score) { extend.rating = data.star_rating.score } if (data.promomedia && data.promomedia[0]) { extend.images = [], extend.videos = []; $.each(data.promomedia[0].materials, function(i,v) { if (v.urls && v.urls[0]) { var a = v.urls[0].url; if (/\.(png|jpg)$/ig.test(a)) { extend.images.push(a); } else if (/\.mp4$/ig.test(a.split("?")[0])) { extend.videos.push(a); } } }); } if (data.metadata) { extend.metadata = data.metadata; } if (data.long_desc) { extend.long_desc = data.long_desc; } return extend; } }, dlQueue: { batch: { cache: {}, get: function(prev_sys) { if (!prev_sys) { this.cache = {"ps3":[], "ps4":[], "vita":[]} } var that = this, base_url = repod.psdle.config.dlQueue.status+"/?status=notstarted&status=stopped&status=waitfordownload&platformString=$$1&size=100", consoles = []; for (var i in repod.psdle.config.active_consoles) { consoles.push(i) } var index = $.inArray(prev_sys,consoles) + 1, n = consoles[index]; if (n) { $.getJSON(base_url.replace("$$1",n)) .fail(function() { console.error("PSDLE | DL Queue parse error for \""+n+"\". Is it activated on the account?"); }) .success(function(data) { that.cache[n] = data.data.notifications; }) .complete(function() { that.get(n); }); } else { repod.psdle.dlQueue.generate.table(); } }, send: function(sys,id,cancel,completeCb,errorCb) { var dat = {"platformString":sys,"contentId":id}, base_url = (cancel) ? repod.psdle.config.dlQueue.status : repod.psdle.config.dlQueue.base; if (cancel) { dat.status = "usercancelled"; } $.ajax({ type:'POST', url: base_url, contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', dataType: 'json', data: JSON.stringify([dat]), complete: completeCb, error: function(d) { var m = "PSDLE | Download Queue | Error\n"+d.responseJSON.header.status_code+" - "+d.responseJSON.header.message_key+" ("+sys+" / "+id+")"; alert(m); console.error(m); errorCb(d); } }); }, add: { parse: function(index,sys) { var that = this, game = repod.psdle.gamelist[index]; switch (sys) { case "ps4": case "ps3": case "vita": this.go(sys,game.id); break; case "all": var temp = game.platform_og.slice(0), i = $.inArray("PSP", temp); if(i != -1) { temp.splice(i, 1); } /* Make sure we don't have PSP */ $.each(temp,function(a,b) { that.go(b.replace(/ps /i,"").toLowerCase(),game.id); }); break; } }, ask: function(e) { //Ask which system to queue for. (cannot validate outside of this.go() response, if we care) //See notes for determining active consoles, probably the way to go. $("body").append(repod.psdle.newbox.generate(e)).promise().done(function() { repod.psdle.newbox.bind(); }); }, go: function(sys,id) { //Add game to batch. repod.psdle.dlQueue.batch.send(sys,id,false,function() { $("div[id^=dla_"+sys+"]").animate({"background-color":"green"}); },function(a) { $("div[id^=dla_"+sys+"]").stop().animate({"background-color":"red"}); }); }, }, remove: { parse: function(e) { repod.psdle.dlQueue.batch.remove.go($(e).children("td:eq(3)").text().replace("PS ","").toLowerCase(),repod.psdle.gamelist[Number($(e).attr("id").split("_").pop())].id); }, go: function(sys,id) { //Remove game from batch. repod.psdle.dlQueue.batch.send(sys,id,true,repod.psdle.dlQueue.batch.get()) } } }, generate: { bindings: function () { repod.psdle.newbox.bind("off"); //$(document).on("click","span[id^=system_], span[id^=filter_]", function() { $(this).toggleClass("toggled_off"); repod.psdle.table.regen(); }); //$(document).on("click","th[id^=sort_]", function() { repod.psdle.sortGamelist($(this)); }); $(document).one("click","#dl_list", function() { repod.psdle.table.gen(); }); $(document).off("click","[id^=psdle_index_]").on("click","[id^=psdle_index_]", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); repod.psdle.dlQueue.batch.remove.parse(this); }); }, table: function() { var temp = ""; $("#muh_table").remove(); $("#sub_container").append("
"+repod.psdle.lang.columns.icon+""+repod.psdle.lang.columns.name+""+repod.psdle.lang.columns.platform+" > "+repod.psdle.lang.columns.size+""+repod.psdle.lang.columns.date+"
"); $.each(repod.psdle.dlQueue.batch.cache, function(key,value) { if (value.length) { $.each(value, function(index,val) { $.each(repod.psdle.gamelist, function(a,b) { if (b.id == val.contentId) { var c = val; c.to_sys = key; temp += repod.psdle.table_utils.gen.row(b,c); } }); }); } }); $("#muh_table > tbody").html(temp); repod.psdle.table.margin(); }, display: function() { this.bindings(); $("#sub_container").html("").append(repod.psdle.genSearchOptions(true)); repod.psdle.dlQueue.batch.get(); }, destroy: function() { $("#sub_container").html(""); } } }, table_utils: { random: function(index) { index = (index) ? Number(index) : Math.floor((Math.random() * repod.psdle.gamelist_cur.length)); index = repod.psdle.gamelist_cur[index].index - 1; repod.psdle.dlQueue.batch.add.ask(index); }, gen: { row: function(val,dlQueue) { var u = repod.psdle.config.game_page+val.id, pg = (chihiro.isMobile()) ? 50 : 24, icon = (val.safe_icon) ? val.icon : "", is_plus = (val.plus) ? "is_plus" : "", sys = repod.psdle.safeGuessSystem(val.platform), //style='background-image:url(\""+bg+"\")' bg = (val.images && val.images.length > 0) ? val.images[0] : "", iS = repod.psdle.config.iconSize+"px", temp = "
"+""+val.name+""; var can_vita = (sys == "PS Vita") ? false : ($.inArray("PS Vita",val.platform_og) > -1) ? true : false; can_vita = (can_vita) ? "class='psp2'" : ""; if (dlQueue) { temp += ""+sys+""+dlQueue.to_sys.toUpperCase().replace("VITA","PS Vita")+""+val.size_f+""+convertToNumericDateSlashes(convertStrToDateObj(dlQueue.createdTime))+"" } else { temp += ""+sys+((repod.psdle.config.check_tv && repod.psdle.id_cache[val.pid].tvcompat && sys == "PS Vita")?"TV":"")+""+val.size_f+""+val.pdate+""; } temp += ""; return temp; }, totals: function() { var a = 0; $.each(repod.psdle.gamelist_cur, function(b,c) { a += c.size; }); return ""+formatFileSizeDisplayStr(a)+""; } } }, newbox: { generate: function(e) { var plus = "", i = (isNaN(e)) ? Number($(e).attr("id").split("_").pop()) : Number(e), game = repod.psdle.gamelist[i], id = (game.index -1), dialog = $("
", { id:'dlQueueAsk', style:'background-image:url("'+game.icon.replace(/(w|h)=\d+/g,"$1=400")+'");' }); try { if (game.plus) { plus = $("#psdleplus").clone()[0].outerHTML+" "; } } catch(e) {} dialog.append($("
", {id:'dlQAN'} ).append(plus+game.name)); if (repod.psdle.config.use_queue) { var temp = $.grep(game.platform_og.slice(0), function(V) { return V !== "PSP" }), /* Make sure we don't have PSP */ t = $("
", {id:"dlQASys"} ); if (temp.length > 1) { t.append($("
", {id:"dla_all_"+id,text:repod.psdle.lang.strings.queue_all} ))); $.each(temp,function(a,b) { var c = b.replace(/ps /i,"").toLowerCase(), d = (repod.psdle.config.active_consoles.hasOwnProperty(c)) ? "" : "toggled_off"; t.append($("
", {id:"dla_"+c+"_"+id,class:d,text:b} ))) }); } else { var c = temp[0].slice(0).replace(/ps /i,"").toLowerCase(), d = (repod.psdle.config.active_consoles.hasOwnProperty(c)) ? "" : "toggled_off"; t.html($("
",{id:"dla_"+c+"_"+id,class:d,text:repod.psdle.lang.strings.queue_to.replace("$SYS$",game.platform_og[0].slice(0))}))) } dialog.append(t); } try { if (game.rating) { var star = $("
", {class:"star-rating rater-0 ratingStarGeneric star-rating-applied star-rating-readonly star-rating-on",style:"display:inline-block !important;float:none !important;vertical-align:text-top"} ).append($("",{text:""}))[0].outerHTML; dialog.append($("
", {id:"dlQARating"} ).append(star+" "+game.rating+" / 5")); } } catch (e) { } dialog.append($("
", {id:"dlQAStat",text:repod.psdle.safeGuessSystem(game.platform)+" | "+game.size_f+" | "+game.pdate} )); dialog = $("
", {id:"dlQueue_newbox",class:"cover"} ).append($("
").append(dialog[0].outerHTML)); if (game.images && game.images.length > 0) { $(dialog).css("background-image","url('"+game.images[Math.floor(Math.random() * game.images.length)]+"')"); } //else if (!chihiro.isMobile() && game.videos && game.videos.length > 0) {$(dialog).prepend('
'); } return dialog[0].outerHTML; }, bind: function(e) { switch (e) { case "on": default: $("#dlQueueAsk").draggable({handle:"#dlQAN",containment:"parent"}); $("#dlQueue_newbox").one("click", function() { $(this).remove(); repod.psdle.newbox.bind("off"); }); $("#dlQueueAsk").on("click", function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); }); $("div[id^=dla_]:not('.toggled_off')").on("click", function() { repod.psdle.dlQueue.batch.add.parse($(this).attr("id").split("_")[2],$(this).attr("id").split("_")[1]); }); break; case "off": $("div[id^=dla_]").off("click"); $("#dlQueueAsk").off("click"); break; } } }, autocomplete: { bind: function() { if ($(".ui-autocomplete-input").length) { $("#psdle_search_text").autocomplete("close"); $("#psdle_search_text").autocomplete("option", { source : repod.psdle.autocomplete_cache } ); } else { $("#psdle_search_text").autocomplete({ source : repod.psdle.autocomplete_cache, position : { my : "center top", at : "center bottom" }, messages : { noResults: '', results: function() {} }, select : function(e,u) { repod.psdle.config.last_search = u.item.value; repod.psdle.table.regen(true); } }) } } }, tv: { url_cache: [], init: function() { $.each(repod.psdle.gamelist, function(index,val) { repod.psdle.id_cache[val.pid] = {"tvcompat": false}; }); this.fetchList(); }, fetchList: function() { var that = this; $.getJSON(repod.psdle.config.tv_url,function(a) { $.each(a.links,function(c,b) { that.url_cache.push(b.url + "?size=30&start=0"); if (c = a.links.length) { that.run(); } }); }); }, run: function() { var that = this, url = this.url_cache.pop(); if (url) { $.getJSON(url) .success(function(a) { that.parse(url,a); }) .fail(function() { that.run(); }); } else { if (!repod.psdle.config.deep_search) { repod.psdle.table.gen(); } } }, parse: function(url,a) { var next = url.replace(/start=\d+/,"start="+(Number(url.match(/start=(\d+)/).pop()) + Number(url.match(/size=(\d+)/).pop()))); if (a.total_results && a.start + a.size < a.total_results) { this.url_cache.push(next); } $.each(a.links, function(index,val) { if (repod.psdle.id_cache[val.id]) { repod.psdle.id_cache[val.id].tvcompat = true; } }); this.run(); } }, debug: { die: function() { /* Obviously. */ $("#muh_games_container").remove(); /* CSS */ $("#psdle_css").remove(); /* Just 'psdle' */ delete repod.psdle; // Kappa }, inject_lang: function() { var lang = prompt("Insert JSON formatted language: (current below)",JSON.stringify(repod.psdle.lang)); try { lang = JSON.parse(lang); repod.psdle.lang = {}; repod.psdle.lang = repod.psdle.lang_cache.en.us; $.extend(true,repod.psdle.lang,lang); repod.psdle.genDisplay(); } catch (e) { alert(e); } }, fake_list: function() { //Generate a fake download list based on currently viewable items. //Dates are generated randomly. //Best used on a page showing only game content. if ($(".cellGridGameStandard").length > 0) { $.each($(".cellGridGameStandard"), function(index) { var temp = {}; temp.deep_type = "unknown"; temp.pid = $(this).find(".permalink").attr("href").split("cid=").pop(); temp.id = temp.pid; temp.index = repod.psdle.gamelist.length + 1; temp.name = $(this).find(".cellTitle").text(); temp.platform = [ $(this).find(".pforms").text().split("|").pop() ]; /* Random values */ temp.size = Math.floor(Math.random() * 19999994000); //Size, in bytes. temp.plus = (Math.random() < 0.5); if (temp.plus) { repod.psdle.config.has_plus = true; } //PS+ min = new Date(); min.setDate(min.getDate() - 365*4); min = min.getTime(); temp.date = new Date(min + Math.random() * (Date.now() - min)).toISOString(); //Date temp.icon = SonyChi_SessionManagerSingleton.buildBaseImageURLForProductId(temp.pid)+"&w=42&h=42"; temp.size_f = formatFileSizeDisplayStr(temp.size); temp.url = repod.psdle.config.game_page+temp.pid temp.platform_og = temp.platform.slice(0); temp.pdate = convertToNumericDateSlashes(convertStrToDateObj(temp.date)); repod.psdle.gamelist.push(temp); if (repod.psdle.config.deep_search) { repod.psdle.game_api.queue(temp.index,temp.pid); } }); repod.psdle.postList(); } else { alert("Not on a valid page."); } }, checkParse: function(pid) { pid = (pid) ? pid : prompt("Enter (product) ID:"); $.getJSON(repod.psdle.config.game_api+pid) .success(function(data) { console.log(repod.psdle.game_api.parse(data)); }) .fail(function(data) { console.log(data); }); }, difference: function(regen) { repod.psdle.gamelist_cur = $.grep(repod.psdle.gamelist,function(x) {return $.inArray(x, repod.psdle.gamelist_cur) < 0}); if (regen) { repod.psdle.table.regen(); } }, entitlement: function(input,type) { //Probably want to have this store results in an array and return that instead, eventually. input = (input) ? input : prompt("Search for:"); input = input.toLowerCase(); type = (type) ? type : "name"; $.each(gEntitlementManager.getAllEntitlements(),function(index,obj) { if (repod.psdle.isValidContent(obj)) { var match = false; switch (type) { case "id": match = !!~obj.id.toLowerCase().indexOf(input); break; case "name": default: var name = (obj.drm_def) ? obj.drm_def.contentName : obj.game_meta.name; match = !!~name.toLowerCase().indexOf(input); break; } if (match) { var platform, pids = 0; if (obj.game_meta) { platform = ["PS4"] } else { pids = obj.drm_def.drmContents[0].platformIds; platform = repod.psdle.determineSystem(pids); } //Remove personal information (such as dates) and extraneous URLs. var safe = JSON.stringify(obj, function(k,v) { if(/[\d\-]+T.+Z$/.test(v) || /^http/.test(v)) { return "~" } return v; }); console.log(index,platform,pids,safe) } } }); }, findBad: function() { //Optimize eventually. var bad = []; $.each(repod.psdle.gamelist, function(index,obj) { if (!obj.pid || obj.pid.length == 0 || !obj.id || obj.id.length == 0 || !obj.name || obj.name.length == 0 || !obj.size || obj.size.length == 0 || !obj.platform || obj.platform.length == 0 || !obj.platform_og || obj.platform_og.length == 0 || !obj.date) { bad.push(index); } }); return bad; }, makeBad: function() { //Totally safe. $.each(repod.psdle.gamelist, function(i,o) { var num = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10), victim = ["pid", "id", "name", "platform", "platform_og", "date", "size", "", "", ""]; delete o[victim[num]]; }); }, injectEntitlement: function(ENTITLEMENT) { //ENTITLEMENT should be valid Entitlement data or an array containing multiple. //This should be called before generating the list as it is appended to the end of the original Entitlements list. ENTITLEMENT = ENTITLEMENT || prompt("Enter valid Entitlement data:"); if (typeof ENTITLEMENT == "object") { $.each(ENTITLEMENT, function(index,value) { repod.psdle.e_inject_cache.push(value); }); } else { repod.psdle.e_inject_cache.push(JSON.parse(ENTITLEMENT)); } //if (ENTITLEMENT !== null && typeof ENTITLEMENT !== "array") { this.injectEntitlement(); } return repod.psdle.e_inject_cache.length; } }, grid: { generate: { cell: function(index) { var item = repod.psdle.gamelist[index], out = $("
",{class:"cell"}) .append($("",{class:"cell_icon",src:item.icon.replace(/(w|h)=\d+/g,"$1=124")})) .append($("
",{class:"title psdle_blue",text:item.name})) .append($("
",{class:"top"}).append( $("
",{class:"psdle_blue",text:repod.psdle.safeGuessSystem(item.platform)+" | "+item.size_f}) )) .append($("
",{class:"date psdle_blue",text:item.pdate})) return out[0].outerHTML; } } } }; var a = setInterval(function(a){ if (chihiro.appReady === true) { clearInterval(repod.psdle.config.timerID); repod.psdle.init(); } },500); repod.psdle.config = {"timerID":a}; console.log("PSDLE | Ready.");