--[[ ReaScript name: js_Fit all selected events to time selection in lane under mouse.lua Version: 2.00 Author: juliansader Website: http://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=176878 REAPER version: 5.32 or later Donation: https://www.paypal.me/juliansader About: # Description Move and stretch selected events in the lane under the mouse (notes, sysex, pitchwheel, CCs etc) to fit precisely into time selection. # Instructions The script can be linked to a shortcut key, or it can be included in the CC lane context menu. ]] --[[ Changelog: * v1.0 (2016-06-11) + Initial Release * v2.00 (2017-01-10) + Much faster execution when working in large tracks with hundreds of thousands of MIDI events. + Script will work in looped takes. + Requires REAPER v5.32 or later. ]] -- USER AREA -------------------------- -- Settings that the user can customize lane_to_use = "under mouse" -- "all", "last clicked" or "under mouse" -- End of USER AREA ------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[function main() -- Define variables as local to improve speed. -- However, this script is rather quick and simple, so probably not necessary. -- Keeping variables global makes debugging easier. local window, segment, editor, take, timeSelectStart, timeSelectEnd, eventsStartPPQ, eventsEndPPQ, notesEndPPQ, stretchFactor ]] -- Simply calling the defer function is a 'trick' to prevent REAPER from automatically creating an undo point function avoidUndo() end reaper.defer(avoidUndo) -------------------------------------------------------- -- Check whether required version of REAPER is available version = tonumber(reaper.GetAppVersion():match("(%d+%.%d+)")) if version == nil or version < 5.32 then reaper.ShowMessageBox("This version of the script requires REAPER v5.32 or higher." .. "\n\nOlder versions of the script will work in older versions of REAPER, but may be slow in takes with many thousands of events" , "ERROR", 0) return(false) end ------------------------------------ -- Find editor, active take and item editor = reaper.MIDIEditor_GetActive() if editor == nil then reaper.ShowMessageBox("No active MIDI editor found.", "ERROR", 0) return(false) end take = reaper.MIDIEditor_GetTake(editor) if take == nil then reaper.ShowMessageBox("No active take found in MIDI editor.", "ERROR", 0) return(false) end item = reaper.GetMediaItemTake_Item(take) if not reaper.ValidatePtr(item, "MediaItem*") then reaper.ShowMessageBox("Could not determine the item to which the active take belongs.", "ERROR", 0) return(false) end ------------------------------- -- Determine the target lane(s) if lane_to_use == "all" then laneIsALL = true else if lane_to_use == "under mouse" then if not reaper.APIExists("BR_GetMouseCursorContext") then reaper.ShowMessageBox('To use the "under mouse" option, this script requires the SWS/S&M extension.\n\nThe SWS/S&M extension can be downloaded from www.sws-extension.org.', "ERROR", 0) return(false) end window, segment, details = reaper.BR_GetMouseCursorContext() if not (segment == "notes" or details == "cc_lane") then reaper.ShowMessageBox('Mouse is not correctly positioned.\n\nIf the "lane_to_use" parameter is set to "under mouse", the mouse must be positioned over either a CC lane or the notes area of a MIDI editor', "ERROR", 0) return(false) end -- SWS version 2.8.3 has a bug in the crucial function "BR_GetMouseCursorContext_MIDI()" -- https://github.com/Jeff0S/sws/issues/783 -- For compatibility with 2.8.3 as well as other versions, the following lines test the SWS version for compatibility _, testParam1, _, _, _, testParam2 = reaper.BR_GetMouseCursorContext_MIDI() if type(testParam1) == "number" and testParam2 == nil then SWS283 = true else SWS283 = false end if type(testParam1) == "boolean" and type(testParam2) == "number" then SWS283again = false else SWS283again = true end if SWS283 ~= SWS283again then reaper.ShowMessageBox("Could not determine compatible SWS version.", "ERROR", 0) return(false) end if SWS283 == true then _, _, targetLane, _, _ = reaper.BR_GetMouseCursorContext_MIDI() else _, _, _, targetLane, _, _ = reaper.BR_GetMouseCursorContext_MIDI() end elseif lane_to_use == "last clicked" then targetLane = reaper.MIDIEditor_GetSetting_int(editor, "last_clicked_cc_lane") if targetLane == -1 then reaper.ShowMessageBox('Could not determine the last clicked CC lane', "ERROR", 0) return(false) end else reaper.ShowMessageBox('The setting "lane_to_use" must be either "all", "last clicked" or "under mouse".', "ERROR", 0) return(false) end -- Change targetLane into a more readable format if segment == "notes" then laneIsPIANOROLL, laneIsNOTES = true, true elseif 0 <= targetLane and targetLane <= 127 then -- CC, 7 bit (single lane) laneIsCC7BIT = true elseif targetLane == 0x200 then laneIsVELOCITY, laneIsNOTES = true, true elseif targetLane == 0x201 then laneIsPITCH = true elseif targetLane == 0x202 then laneIsPROGRAM = true elseif targetLane == 0x203 then laneIsCHPRESS = true elseif targetLane == 0x204 then laneIsBANKPROG = true elseif 256 <= targetLane and targetLane <= 287 then -- CC, 14 bit (double lane) laneIsCC14BIT = true elseif targetLane == 0x205 then laneIsTEXT = true elseif targetLane == 0x206 then laneIsSYSEX = true elseif targetLane == 0x207 then laneIsOFFVEL, laneIsNOTES = true, true else -- not a lane type in which script can be used. reaper.ShowMessageBox('In the "This script will work in the following MIDI lanes: \n* 7-bit CC, \n* 14-bit CC, \n* Velocity, \n* Channel Pressure, \n* Pitch, \n* Program select,\n* Bank/Program,\n* Text or Sysex,\n* or in the "notes area" of the piano roll.', "ERROR", 0) return(0) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The source length will be saved and checked again at the end of the script, -- to check that no inadvertent shifts in PPQ position happened. sourceLengthTicks = reaper.BR_GetMidiSourceLenPPQ(take) ------------------------------------ -- Is there a usable time selection? timeSelectStart, timeSelectEnd = reaper.GetSet_LoopTimeRange(false, false, 0.0, 0.0, false) if type(timeSelectStart) ~= "number" or type(timeSelectEnd) ~= "number" or timeSelectEnd<=timeSelectStart then reaper.ShowMessageBox("A time range must be selected (within the active item's own time range).", "ERROR", 0) return(false) end -- Find PPQ positions of time selection and calculate corrected values (relative to first iteration) if take is looped destPPQstart_Uncorrected = reaper.MIDI_GetPPQPosFromProjTime(take, timeSelectStart) destPPQend_Uncorrected = reaper.MIDI_GetPPQPosFromProjTime(take, timeSelectEnd) -- May be changed later if rightmost event is not a note PPQofLoopStart = (destPPQstart_Uncorrected//sourceLengthTicks)*sourceLengthTicks if not (PPQofLoopStart == ((destPPQend_Uncorrected-1)//sourceLengthTicks)*sourceLengthTicks) then reaper.ShowMessageBox("The selected time range fall within a single loop iteration.", "ERROR", 0) return(false) end local destPPQstart = math.ceil(destPPQstart_Uncorrected - PPQofLoopStart) destPPQend_Unrounded = destPPQend_Uncorrected - PPQofLoopStart -- destPPQend will be rounded later -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Now, find all targeted selected events, extract their info and determine their PPQ range. reaper.MIDI_Sort(take) local gotAllOK, MIDIstring = reaper.MIDI_GetAllEvts(take, "") -- The info of selected events will be stored in these tables until theu are re-assembled at their new positions local tableMsg = {} local tablePPQs = {} local tableFlags = {} -- The remaining events and the newly assembled events will be stored in these table local tableRemainingEvents = {} -- The moved events will be re-assembled in this table local tableMovedEvents = {} -- Indices inside tables local r = 0 local t = 0 local MIDIlen = MIDIstring:len() local stringPos = 1 local runningPPQpos = 0 local lastNoteOffPPQpos = -math.huge while stringPos < MIDIlen do local mustExtract = false local offset, flags, msg offset, flags, msg, stringPos = string.unpack("i4Bs4", MIDIstring, stringPos) runningPPQpos = runningPPQpos + offset -- Find selected events in the target lane(s) if flags&1 == 1 then if laneIsALL then mustExtract = true elseif msg:len() > 1 then if laneIsCC7BIT then if msg:byte(1)>>4 == 11 and msg:byte(2) == targetLane then mustExtract = true end elseif laneIsPITCH then if msg:byte(1)>>4 == 14 then mustExtract = true end elseif laneIsCC14BIT then if msg:byte(1)>>4 == 11 and (msg:byte(2) == targetLane-224 or msg:byte(2) == targetLane-256) then mustExtract = true end elseif laneIsNOTES then if msg:byte(1)>>4 == 8 or msg:byte(1)>>4 == 9 then mustExtract = true end elseif laneIsPROGRAM then if msg:byte(1)>>4 == 12 then mustExtract = true end elseif laneIsCHPRESS then if msg:byte(1)>>4 == 13 then mustExtract = true end elseif laneIsBANKPROG then if msg:byte(1)>>4 == 12 or (msg:byte(1)>>4 == 11 and (msg:byte(2) == 0 or msg:byte(2) == 32)) then mustExtract = true end elseif laneIsTEXT then if msg:byte(1) == 0xFF and not (msg2 == 0x0F) then mustExtract = true end elseif laneIsSYSEX then if msg:byte(1)>>4 == 0xF and not (msg:byte(1) == 0xFF) then mustExtract = true end end end end -- Notation events are unfortunately not selected, even if the matching note-on is selected if (laneIsALL or laneIsNOTES) and msg:byte(1) == 0xFF -- MIDI text event and msg:byte(2) == 0x0F -- REAPER's notation event type then -- REAPER v5.32 changed the order of note-ons and notation events. So must search backwards as well as forward. local notationChannel, notationPitch = msg:match("NOTE (%d+) (%d+) ") if notationChannel then notationChannel = tonumber(notationChannel) notationPitch = tonumber(notationPitch) -- First, backwards through notes that have already been parsed. for i = #tablePPQs, 1, -1 do if tablePPQs[i] ~= runningPPQpos then break -- Go on to forward search else if tableMsg[i]:byte(1) == 0x90 | notationChannel and tableMsg[i]:byte(2) == notationPitch then mustExtract = true goto completedNotationSearch end end end -- Search forward through following events, looking for a selected note that match the channel and pitch -- (Probably not necessary in v5.32 or later, but just in case...) local evPos = nextPos -- Start search at position of nmext event in MIDI string local evOffset, evFlags, evMsg repeat -- repeat until an offset is found > 0 evOffset, evFlags, evMsg, evPos = string.unpack("i4Bs4", MIDIstring, evPos) if evOffset == 0 then if evFlags&1 == 1 -- Only match *selected* events and evMsg:byte(1) == 0x90 | notationChannel -- Match note-ons and channel and evMsg:byte(2) == notationPitch -- Match pitch and evMsg:byte(3) ~= 0 -- Note-ons with velocity == 0 are actually note-offs then mustExtract = true goto completedNotationSearch end end until evOffset ~= 0 ::completedNotationSearch:: end end if mustExtract then -- Store this event's info t = t + 1 tableMsg[t] = msg tablePPQs[t] = runningPPQpos tableFlags[t] = flags -- Replace with empty event (which simply changes offset) r = r + 1 tableRemainingEvents[r] = string.pack("i4Bs4", offset, flags, "") else r = r + 1 tableRemainingEvents[r] = string.pack("i4Bs4", offset, flags, msg) end end ----------------------- -- Determine PPQ ranges if #tablePPQs == 0 then return end local eventsPPQstart = tablePPQs[1] local eventsPPQrange = tablePPQs[#tablePPQs] - eventsPPQstart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- If the rightmost selected event is a CC or sysex, not a note, the events must be stretched to -- destPPQend - 1 to ensure that all events fall inside the time selection. -- (Events that fall on the exact PPQ of the time selection endpoint actually falls outside the -- time selection.) -- If the rightmost event is a note, the note end will fall exactly on destPPQend. -- Take into account however, that the time selection does not necessarily fall exactly on a PPQ position. for i = #tablePPQs, 1, -1 do if tablePPQs[i] < tablePPQs[#tablePPQs] then break elseif not (tableMsg[i]:len() == 3 and (tableMsg[i]:byte(1)>>4 == 8 or (tableMsg[i]:byte(1) == 9 and tableMsg[i]:byte(3) == 0))) then selectedEventsEndIncludesSomethingElseThanNoteOff = true end end if selectedEventsEndIncludesSomethingElseThanNoteOff then destPPQend = math.ceil(destPPQend_Unrounded-1) else destPPQend = math.floor(destPPQend_Unrounded) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Calculate the factor by which the event positions will be stretched. local stretchFactor if eventsPPQrange == 0 then stretchFactor = 1 -- Value doesn't really matter, as long as it is not infinite else stretchFactor = (destPPQend - destPPQstart) / eventsPPQrange end ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Re-assemble the selected events into a table with their new offsets. local lastPPQpos = 0 for i = 1, #tablePPQs do local newPPQpos = math.floor(destPPQstart + (tablePPQs[i]-eventsPPQstart)*stretchFactor + 0.5) tableMovedEvents[i] = string.pack("i4Bs4", newPPQpos-lastPPQpos, tableFlags[i], tableMsg[i]) lastPPQpos = newPPQpos end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Upload everything into the take, using an empty event to "reset" offset between the tables. reaper.MIDI_SetAllEvts(take, table.concat(tableMovedEvents) .. string.pack("i4Bs4", -lastPPQpos, 0, "") .. table.concat(tableRemainingEvents)) reaper.MIDI_Sort(take) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Check that there were no inadvertent shifts in the PPQ positions of unedited events. if not (sourceLengthTicks == reaper.BR_GetMidiSourceLenPPQ(take)) then reaper.MIDI_SetAllEvts(take, MIDIstring) -- Restore original MIDI reaper.ShowMessageBox("The script has detected inadvertent shifts in the PPQ positions of unedited events." .. "\n\nThis may be due to a bug in the script, or in the MIDI API functions." .. "\n\nPlease report the bug in the following forum thread:" .. "\nhttp://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=176878" .. "\n\nThe original MIDI data will be restored to the take.", "ERROR", 0) end ------------------- -- End and clean-up reaper.Undo_OnStateChange_Item(0, "Fit all selected events to time selection in lane under mouse", item) --end -- end main() ----------------- -- Run the script --main()