--[[ * ReaScript Name: Set time selection to selected events in lane under mouse. * Description: Set time selection to selected events in lane under mouse. * Instructions: The script should be linked to a shortcut key (instead of a menu button), since the * mouse must be positioned over the target lane when the script is activated. * In the script's USER AREA (below the Changelog), the user can customize the following settings: * - lane_to_use: "last clicked" or "under mouse" * - set_time_end_to: "exact PPQ" or "next PPQ" * - verbose: "true" or "false" to show error messages when, for example, there are no selected events. * In the case of notes, the endpoint of the time selection will be set to the exact PPQ of the rightmost * note's "note off". * In the case of other events however, moving the time selection endpoint to the exact PPQ of the * rightmost event will mean that that event actually falls outside the time selection. The * script therefore offers two alternatives: * - "exact PPQ": move the time selection endpoint to the exact PPQ of the rightmost event, which * means that the event will fall outside the time selection. * - "next PPQ": move the time selection endpoint to the last event's PPQ + 1. This gives the tightest * positioning of the time selection around the events. * * Screenshot: * Notes: * Category: * Author: juliansader * Licence: GPL v3 * Forum Thread: * Forum Thread URL: http://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=176878 * Version: 1.0 * REAPER: 5.20 * Extensions: SWS/S&M 2.8.3 ]] --[[ Changelog: * v1.0 (2016-06-11) + Initial Release ]] -- USER AREA -------------------------- -- Settings that the user can customize set_time_end_to = "next PPQ" -- "exact PPQ" or "next PPQ" lane_to_use = "under mouse" -- "last clicked" or "under mouse" verbose = true -- "true" or "false" -- End of USER AREA ------------------- ------------------------------- function showErrorMsg(errorMsg) if verbose == true and type(errorMsg) == "string" then reaper.ShowConsoleMsg("\n\nERROR:\n" .. errorMsg .. "\n\n" .. "(To prevent future error messages, set 'verbose' to 'false' in the USER AREA near the beginning of the script.)" .. "\n\n") end end -- showErrorMsg(errorMsg) ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[function main() -- Define variables as local to improve speed. -- However, this script is rather quick and simple, so probably not necessary. -- Keeping variables global makes debugging easier. local window, segment, editor, take, details, targetLane, QNperGrid, mouseQNpos, events, count, eventIndex, eventPPQpos, msg, msg1, msg2, eventType, tempFirstPPQ, tempLastPPQ, firstPPQpos, lastPPQpos, density, timeSelectStart, timeSelectEnd, destEndPPQ, destStartPPQ, eventsStartPPQ, eventsEndPPQ ]] -- Trick to prevent REAPER from automatically creating an undo point function avoidUndo() end reaper.defer(avoidUndo) -- Test whether user settings are usable if not (type(verbose) == "boolean") then reaper.ShowConsoleMsg("\n\nERROR: \nThe setting 'verbose' must be either 'true' of 'false'.\n") return(false) end if not (lane_to_use == "last clicked" or lane_to_use == "under mouse") then reaper.ShowConsoleMsg('\n\nERROR: \nThe setting "lane_to_use" must be either "last clicked" or "under mouse".\n') return(false) end if not (set_time_end_to == "exact PPQ" or set_time_end_to == "next PPQ") then reaper.ShowConsoleMsg('\n\nERROR: \nThe setting "set_time_end_to" must be either "exact PPQ" or "next PPQ"\n') return(false) end -- Mouse must be positioned in MIDI editor editor = reaper.MIDIEditor_GetActive() if editor == nil then showErrorMsg("No active MIDI editor found.") return(false) end take = reaper.MIDIEditor_GetTake(editor) if take == nil then showErrorMsg("No active take found in MIDI editor.") return(false) end -- Get target lane if lane_to_use == "under mouse" then window, segment, details = reaper.BR_GetMouseCursorContext() if not (details == "cc_lane" or details == "cc_selector" or segment == "notes") then showErrorMsg('If lane_to_use == "under mouse", the mouse must be positioned over a CC lane or over the piano roll of an active MIDI editor.') return(false) end if details == "cc_lane" or details == "cc_selector" then -- SWS version 2.8.3 has a bug in the crucial function "BR_GetMouseCursorContext_MIDI()" -- https://github.com/Jeff0S/sws/issues/783 -- For compatibility with 2.8.3 as well as other versions, the following lines test the SWS version for compatibility _, testParam1, _, _, _, testParam2 = reaper.BR_GetMouseCursorContext_MIDI() if type(testParam1) == "number" and testParam2 == nil then SWS283 = true else SWS283 = false end if type(testParam1) == "boolean" and type(testParam2) == "number" then SWS283again = false else SWS283again = true end if SWS283 ~= SWS283again then reaper.ShowConsoleMsg("\n\nERROR:\nCould not determine compatible SWS version.\n\n") return(false) end if SWS283 == true then _, _, targetLane, _, _ = reaper.BR_GetMouseCursorContext_MIDI() else _, _, _, targetLane, _, _ = reaper.BR_GetMouseCursorContext_MIDI() end end else -- lane_to_use == "last clicked" targetLane = reaper.MIDIEditor_GetSetting_int(editor, "last_clicked_cc_lane") end -- Assume that if target CC lane could not be determined, the intended target is notes -- Alternatively: -- then showErrorMsg("The target lane could not be determined.") return(false) end if type(targetLane) ~= "number" or targetLane < 0 or targetLane > 0x207 then targetLane = -1 segment = "notes" end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Find selected events in target lane. -- sysex and text events are weird, so use different "Get" function -- -- targetLane = "CC lane under mouse cursor (CC0-127=CC, 0x100|(0-31)=14-bit CC, -- 0x200=velocity, 0x201=pitch, 0x202=program, 0x203=channel pressure, -- 0x204=bank/program select, 0x205=text, 0x206=sysex, 0x207=off velocity)" -- -- eventType is the MIDI event type: 11=CC, 14=pitchbend, etc -- reaper.MIDI_Sort(take) -- events = {} -- All selected events in lane will be stored in an array eventsStartPPQ = math.huge eventsEndPPQ = 0 countEvents = 0 -- Note events can actually be found using MIDI_GetEvt, but this script will use MIDI_GetNote in case -- the latter is more reliable if segment == "notes" or targetLane == 0x200 or targetLane == 0x207 then -- Velocity, off-velocity, or piano roll noteIndex = reaper.MIDI_EnumSelNotes(take, -1) while(noteIndex ~= -1) do _, _, _, startppqpos, endppqpos, _, _, _ = reaper.MIDI_GetNote(take, noteIndex) --[[table.insert(events, {index = noteIndex, PPQstart = startppqpos, PPQend = endppqpos}) ]] if startppqpos < eventsStartPPQ then eventsStartPPQ = startppqpos end if endppqpos > eventsEndPPQ then eventsEndPPQ = endppqpos end countEvents = countEvents + 1 noteIndex = reaper.MIDI_EnumSelNotes(take, noteIndex) end elseif targetLane == 0x206 or targetLane == 0x205 then -- sysex and text events eventIndex = reaper.MIDI_EnumSelTextSysexEvts(take, -1) while(eventIndex ~= -1) do _, _, _, eventPPQpos, eventType, msg = reaper.MIDI_GetTextSysexEvt(take, eventIndex) if (targetLane == 0x206 and eventType == -1) -- only sysex or (targetLane == 0x205 and eventType ~= -1) -- only text events then --[[table.insert(events, {index = eventIndex, PPQ = eventPPQpos, msg = msg, type = 0xF}) ]] if eventPPQpos < eventsStartPPQ then eventsStartPPQ = eventPPQpos end if eventPPQpos > eventsEndPPQ then eventsEndPPQ = eventPPQpos end countEvents = countEvents + 1 end eventIndex = reaper.MIDI_EnumSelTextSysexEvts(take, eventIndex) end else -- all other event types that are not sysex or text eventIndex = reaper.MIDI_EnumSelEvts(take, -1) while(eventIndex ~= -1) do _, _, _, eventPPQpos, msg = reaper.MIDI_GetEvt(take, eventIndex, true, true, 0, "") msg1=tonumber(string.byte(msg:sub(1,1))) msg2=tonumber(string.byte(msg:sub(2,2))) eventType = msg1>>4 -- eventType is CC (11), pitch (14), etc... -- Now, select only event types that correspond to targetLane: if (0 <= targetLane and targetLane <= 127 -- CC, 7 bit (single lane) and msg2 == targetLane and eventType == 11) or (256 <= targetLane and targetLane <= 287 -- CC, 14 bit (double lane) and (msg2 == targetLane-256 or msg2 == targetLane-224) and eventType ==11) -- event can be from either MSB or LSB lane --or ((targetLane == 0x200 or targetLane == 0x207) -- Velocity or off-velocity -- and (eventType == 9 or eventType == 8)) -- note on or note off or (targetLane == 0x201 and eventType == 14) -- pitch or (targetLane == 0x202 and eventType == 12) -- program select or (targetLane == 0x203 and eventType == 13) -- channel pressure (after-touch) or (targetLane == 0x204 and eventType == 12) -- Bank/Program select - Program select or (targetLane == 0x204 and eventType == 11 and msg2 == 0) -- Bank/Program select - Bank select MSB or (targetLane == 0x204 and eventType == 11 and msg2 == 32) -- Bank/Program select - Bank select LSB then --[[table.insert(events, {index = eventIndex, PPQ = eventPPQpos, --QN = reaper.MIDI_GetProjQNFromPPQPos(take, eventPPQpos), msg = msg, type = eventType}) ]] if eventPPQpos < eventsStartPPQ then eventsStartPPQ = eventPPQpos end if eventPPQpos > eventsEndPPQ then eventsEndPPQ = eventPPQpos end countEvents = countEvents + 1 end eventIndex = reaper.MIDI_EnumSelEvts(take, eventIndex) end end if countEvents == 0 then if segment == "notes" or targetLane == 0x200 or targetLane == 0x207 then -- Velocity or off-velocity showErrorMsg("No selected events found in target lane: Notes.") elseif type(targetLane) ~= "number" then showErrorMsg("No selected events found in target lane.") elseif targetLane == 0x206 then showErrorMsg("No selected events found in target lane: Sysex.") elseif targetLane == 0x205 then showErrorMsg("No selected events found in target lane: Text events.") elseif 0 <= targetLane and targetLane <= 127 then -- CC, 7 bit (single lane) showErrorMsg("No selected events found in target lane: 7 bit CC, lane ".. tostring(targetLane) ..".") elseif 256 <= targetLane and targetLane <= 287 then -- CC, 14 bit (double lane) showErrorMsg("No selected events found in target lane: 14 bit CC, lanes ".. tostring(targetLane-256) .. "/" .. tostring(targetLane-224) ..".") elseif targetLane == 0x201 then -- pitch showErrorMsg("No selected events found in target lane: Pitchwheel.") elseif targetLane == 0x202 then -- program select showErrorMsg("No selected events found in target lane: Program Select.") elseif targetLane == 0x203 then -- channel pressure (after-touch) showErrorMsg("No selected events found in target lane: Channel Pressure.") elseif targetLane == 0x204 then -- Bank/Program select - Program select showErrorMsg("No selected events found in target lane: Bank/Program Select.") else showErrorMsg("No selected events found in target lane") end return(false) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- If set_time_end_to == "next PPQ" and target events are NOT notes, add one PPQ to endpoint -- grid position immediately before (to the left of) the time selection endpoint. if not (segment == "notes" or targetLane == 0x200 or targetLane == 0x207) -- NOT velocity or off-velocity and set_time_end_to == "next PPQ" then eventsEndPPQ = eventsEndPPQ + 1 end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- OK, tests done so things will start to happen. Start undo block. reaper.Undo_BeginBlock() local timeSelStart = reaper.MIDI_GetProjTimeFromPPQPos(take, eventsStartPPQ) local timeSelEnd = reaper.MIDI_GetProjTimeFromPPQPos(take, eventsEndPPQ) reaper.GetSet_LoopTimeRange2(0, true, false, timeSelStart, timeSelEnd, true) -- End and clean-up if segment == "notes" or targetLane == 0x200 or targetLane == 0x207 then -- Velocity or off-velocity undoString = "Set time selection to selected events: Notes" elseif type(targetLane) ~= "number" then undoString = "Set time selection to selected events" elseif targetLane == 0x206 then undoString = "Set time selection to selected events: Sysex" elseif targetLane == 0x205 then undoString = "Set time selection to selected events: Text events" elseif 0 <= targetLane and targetLane <= 127 then -- CC, 7 bit (single lane) undoString = "Set time selection to selected events: 7 bit CC, lane ".. tostring(targetLane) elseif 256 <= targetLane and targetLane <= 287 then -- CC, 14 bit (double lane) undoString = "Set time selection to selected events: 14 bit CC, lanes ".. tostring(targetLane-256) .. "/" .. tostring(targetLane-224) elseif targetLane == 0x201 then -- pitch undoString = "Set time selection to selected events: Pitchwheel" elseif targetLane == 0x202 then -- program select undoString = "Set time selection to selected events: Program Select" elseif targetLane == 0x203 then -- channel pressure (after-touch) undoString = "Set time selection to selected events: Channel Pressure" elseif targetLane == 0x204 then -- Bank/Program select - Program select undoString = "Set time selection to selected events: Bank/Program Select" else undoString = "Set time selection to selected events" end -- if targetLane == reaper.Undo_EndBlock(undoString, -1) --end -- end main() ----------------- -- Run the script --main()