"""SCPI access to Red Pitaya.""" import socket import struct import numpy as np __author__ = "Luka Golinar, Iztok Jeras, Miha Gjura" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2023, Red Pitaya" class scpi (object): """SCPI class used to access Red Pitaya over an IP network.""" delimiter = '\r\n' def __init__(self, host, timeout=None, port=5000): """Initialize object and open IP connection. Host IP should be a string in parentheses, like ''. """ self.host = host self.port = port self.timeout = timeout try: self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) if timeout is not None: self._socket.settimeout(timeout) self._socket.connect((host, port)) except socket.error as e: print('SCPI >> connect({!s:s}:{:d}) failed: {!s:s}'.format(host, port, e)) def __del__(self): if self._socket is not None: self._socket.close() self._socket = None def close(self): """Close IP connection.""" self.__del__() def rx_txt(self, chunksize = 4096): """Receive text string and return it after removing the delimiter.""" msg = '' while 1: chunk = self._socket.recv(chunksize).decode('utf-8') # Receive chunk size of 2^n preferably msg += chunk if (len(msg) >= 2 and msg[-2:] == self.delimiter): return msg[:-2] def rx_txt_check_error(self, chunksize = 4096,stop = True): msg = self.rx_txt(chunksize) self.check_error(stop) return msg def rx_arb(self): """ Recieve binary data from scpi server""" numOfBytes = 0 data=b'' while len(data) != 1: data = self._socket.recv(1) if data != b'#': return False data=b'' while len(data) != 1: data = self._socket.recv(1) numOfNumBytes = int(data) if numOfNumBytes <= 0: return False data=b'' while len(data) != numOfNumBytes: data += (self._socket.recv(1)) numOfBytes = int(data) data=b'' while len(data) < numOfBytes: r_size = min(numOfBytes - len(data),4096) data += (self._socket.recv(r_size)) return data def rx_arb_check_error(self,stop = True): data = self.rx_arb() self.check_error(stop) return data def tx_txt(self, msg): """Send text string ending and append delimiter.""" return self._socket.sendall((msg + self.delimiter).encode('utf-8')) # was send(().encode('utf-8')) def tx_txt_check_error(self, msg,stop = True): self.tx_txt(msg) self.check_error(stop) def txrx_txt(self, msg): """Send/receive text string.""" self.tx_txt(msg) return self.rx_txt() def check_error(self,stop = True): res = int(self.stb_q()) if (res & 0x4): while 1: err = self.err_n() if (err.startswith('0,')): break print(err) n = err.split(",") if (len(n) > 0 and stop and int(n[0]) > 9500): exit(1) # SCPI command functions def sour_set( self, chan: int, func: str = "sine", volt: float = 1, freq: float = 1000, offset: float = 0, phase: float = 0, dcyc: float = 0.5, data: np.ndarray = None, burst: bool = False, ncyc: int = 1, nor: int = 1, period: int = None, trig: str = "int", sdrlab: bool = False, siglab: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Set the parameters for signal generator on one channel. Parameters ----------- chan (int) : Output channel (either 1 or 2). func (str, optional) : Waveform of the signal (SINE, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, SAWU, SAWD, PWM, ARBITRARY, DC, DC_NEG). Defaults to `sine`. volt (int, optional) : Amplitude of signal {-1, 1} Volts. {-5, 5} for SIGNALlab 250-12. Defaults to 1. freq (int, optional) : Frequency of signal. Not relevant if 'func' is "DC" or "DC_NEG". Defaults to 1000. offset (int, optional) : Signal offset {-1, 1} Volts. {-5, 5} for SIGNALlab 250-12. Defaults to 0. phase (int, optional) : Phase of signal {-360, 360} degrees. Defaults to 0. dcyc (float, optional) : Duty cycle, where 1 corresponds to 100%. Defaults to 0.5. data (ndarray, optional) : Numpy ``ndarray`` of max 16384 values, floats in range {-1,1} (or {-5,5} for SIGNALlab). Define the custom waveform if "func" is "ARBITRARY". Defaults to `None`. burst (bool, optional) : Enable/disable Burst mode. (`True` - BURST, `False` - CONINUOUS) Generate "nor" number of "ncyc" periods with total time "period". Defaults to `False`. ncyc (int, optional) : Number of periods in one burst. Defaults to 1. nor (int, optional) : Number of repeated bursts. Defaults to 1. period (_type_, optional) : Total time of one burst in µs {1, 5e8}. Includes the signal and delay. Defaults to `None`. trig (str, optional): Trigger source (EXT_PE, EXT_NE, INT, GATED). Defaults to `int` (internal). sdrlab (bool, optional): `True` if operating with SDRlab 122-16. Defaults to `False`. siglab (bool, optional): `True` if operating with SIGNALlab 250-12. Defaults to `False`. The settings will work on any Red Pitaya board. If operating on a board other than STEMlab 125-14, change the bool value of the appropriate parameter to true (sdrlab, siglab) Raises ------ Raises errors if the input parameters are out of range. """ ### Constants ### waveform_list = ["SINE","SQUARE","TRIANGLE","SAWU","SAWD","PWM","ARBITRARY","DC","DC_NEG"] trigger_list = ["EXT_PE","EXT_NE","INT","GATED"] buff_size = 16384 ### Limits ### volt_lim = 1 offs_lim = 1 phase_lim = 360 freq_up_lim = 50e6 # 50 MHz freq_down_lim = 0 if siglab: volt_lim = 5 offs_lim = 5 elif sdrlab: freq_down_lim = 300e3 # 300 kHz ### CHECK FOR ERRORS ### try: assert chan in (1,2) except AssertionError as channel_err: raise ValueError("Channel needs to be either 1 or 2") from channel_err try: assert func.upper() in waveform_list except AssertionError as waveform_err: raise ValueError(f"{func.upper()} is not a defined waveform") from waveform_err try: assert freq_down_lim < freq <= freq_up_lim except AssertionError as freq_err: raise ValueError(f"Frequency is out of range {freq_down_lim, freq_up_lim} Hz") from freq_err try: assert abs(volt) <= volt_lim except AssertionError as ampl_err: raise ValueError(f"Amplitude is out of range {-volt_lim, volt_lim} V") from ampl_err try: assert abs(offset) <= offs_lim except AssertionError as offs_err: raise ValueError(f"Offset is out of range {-offs_lim, offs_lim} V") from offs_err try: assert 0 <= dcyc <= 1 except AssertionError as dcyc_err: raise ValueError(f"Duty Cycle is out of range {0, 1}") from dcyc_err try: assert abs(phase) <= phase_lim except AssertionError as phase_err: raise ValueError(f"Phase is out of range {-phase_lim, phase_lim} deg") from phase_err if data is not None: try: assert data.shape[0] <= buff_size except AssertionError as data_err: raise ValueError(f"Data array is too long. Max length is {buff_size}") from data_err #try: # assert max(absolute(data)) <= volt_lim #except AssertionError: # raise ValueError(f"Amplitude of data is out of range {-volt_lim, volt_lim}") try: assert ncyc >= 1 except AssertionError as ncyc_err: raise ValueError("NCYC minimum is 1") from ncyc_err try: assert nor >= 1 except AssertionError as nor_err: raise ValueError("NOR minimum is 1") from nor_err if period is not None: try: assert period >= 1 except AssertionError as period_err: raise ValueError("Minimal burst period 1 µs") from period_err try: assert trig.upper() in trigger_list except AssertionError as trig_err: raise ValueError(f"{trig.upper()} is not a defined trigger source") from trig_err try: assert not((siglab is True) and (sdrlab is True)) except AssertionError as board_err: raise ValueError("Please select only one board option. 'siglab' and 'sdrlab' cannot be true at the same time.") from board_err ### Variables ### wf_data = [] ### SEND COMMANDS TO RP ### self.tx_txt(f"SOUR{chan}:FUNC {func.upper()}") self.tx_txt(f"SOUR{chan}:VOLT {volt}") if func.upper() not in waveform_list[7:9]: self.tx_txt(f"SOUR{chan}:FREQ:FIX {freq}") self.tx_txt(f"SOUR{chan}:VOLT:OFFS {offset}") self.tx_txt(f"SOUR{chan}:PHAS {phase}") if func.upper() == "PWM": self.tx_txt(f"SOUR{chan}:DCYC {dcyc}") if (data is not None) and (func.upper() == "ARBITRARY"): for n in data: wf_data.append(f"{n:.5f}") cust_wf = ", ".join(map(str, wf_data)) self.tx_txt(f"SOUR{chan}:TRAC:DATA:DATA {cust_wf}") if burst: self.tx_txt(f"SOUR{chan}:BURS:STAT BURST") self.tx_txt(f"SOUR{chan}:BURS:NCYC {ncyc}") self.tx_txt(f"SOUR{chan}:BURS:NOR {nor}") if period is not None: self.tx_txt(f"SOUR{chan}:BURS:INT:PER {period}") else: self.tx_txt(f"SOUR{chan}:BURS:STAT CONTINUOUS") self.tx_txt(f"SOUR{chan}:TRIG:SOUR {trig.upper()}") #print(f"SOUR{chan} set successfully") def acq_set( self, dec: int = 1, trig_lvl: float = 0, trig_delay: int = 0, trig_delay_ns: bool = False, units: str = None, sample_format: str = None, averaging: bool = True, gain: list = None, # 2 channels (double the length if 4-input) coupling: list = None, # 2 channels ext_trig_lvl: float = 0, siglab: bool = False, input4: bool = False ) -> None: """ Set the parameters for signal acquisition. Parameters ----------- dec (int, optional) : Decimation (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536) Defaults to 1. trig_lvl (float, optional) : Trigger level in Volts. {-1, 1} Volts on LV gain or {-20, 20} Volts on HV gain. Defaults to 0. trig_delay (int, optional) : Trigger delay in samples (if trig_delay_ns = True, then the delay is in ns) Defaults to 0. trig_delay_ns (bool, optional) : Change the trigger delay to nanoseconds instead of samples. Defaults to False. units (str, optional) : The units in which the acquired data will be returned. Defaults to "VOLTS". sample_format (str, optional) : The format in which the acquired data will be returned. Defaults to "ASCII". averaging (bool, optional) : Enable/disable averaging. When True, if decimation is higher than 1, each returned sample is the average of the taken samples. For example, if dec = 4, the returned sample will be the average of the 4 decimated samples. Defaults to True. gain (list(str), optional) : HV / LV - (High (1:20) or Low (1:1 attenuation)) The first element in list applies to the SOUR1 and the second to SOUR2. Refers to jumper settings on Red Pitaya fast analog inputs. (1:20 and 1:1 attenuator for SIGNALlab 250-12) Defaults to ["LV","LV"]. coupling (list(str), optional) : AC / DC - coupling mode for fast analog inputs. The first element in list applies to the SOUR1 and the second to SOUR2. (Only SIGNALlab 250-12) Defaults to ["DC","DC"]. ext_trig_lvl (float, optional) : Set trigger external level in V. (Only SIGNALlab 250-12) Defaults to 0. siglab (bool, optional) : Set to True if operating with SIGNALlab 250-12. Defaults to False. input4 (bool, optional) : Set to True if operating with STEMlab 125-14 4-Input. Defaults to False. The settings will work on any Red Pitaya board. If operating on SIGNALlab 250-12 or STEMlab 125-14 4-Input change the bool value of the appropriate parameter to true (siglab, input4). This will change the available range of input parameters. Raises ------ Raises errors if the input parameters are out of range. """ ### Constants ### #decimation_list = [1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192,16384,32768,65536] gain_list = ["LV","HV"] coupling_list = ["DC","AC"] units_list = ["RAW","VOLTS"] format_list = ["BIN", "ASCII"] ### Limits ### if input4: # Set number of channels n = 4 else: n = 2 trig_lvl_lim = 1.0 gain_lvl = "LV" if gain is not None: for i in gain: if i.upper() == "HV": trig_lvl_lim = 20.0 gain_lvl = "HV" ### CHECK FOR ERRORS ### #try: # assert dec in decimation_list #except AssertionError as dec_err: # raise ValueError(f"Decimation needs to be a power of 2 {1, 65536}") try: assert abs(trig_lvl) <= trig_lvl_lim except AssertionError as trig_err: raise ValueError(f"Trigger level out of range {-trig_lvl_lim, trig_lvl_lim} V", f"for gain {gain_lvl}") from trig_err try: assert trig_delay >= 0 except AssertionError as trig_dly_err: raise ValueError("Trigger delay cannot be less that 0") from trig_dly_err if units is not None: try: assert units.upper() in units_list except AssertionError as unit_err: raise ValueError(f"{units.upper()} is not a defined unit") from unit_err if sample_format is not None: try: assert sample_format.upper() in format_list except AssertionError as format_err: raise ValueError(f"{sample_format.upper()} is not a defined format") from format_err if gain is not None: try: assert (gain[0].upper() in gain_list) and (gain[1].upper() in gain_list) except AssertionError as gain_err: raise ValueError(f"{gain[0].upper()} or {gain[1].upper()} is not a defined gain") from gain_err if siglab and coupling is not None: try: assert (coupling[0].upper() in coupling_list) and (coupling[1].upper() in coupling_list) except AssertionError as coupling_err: raise ValueError(f"{coupling[0].upper()} or {coupling[1].upper()}", "is not a defined coupling") from coupling_err try: assert abs(ext_trig_lvl) <= trig_lvl_lim except AssertionError as ext_trig_err: raise ValueError("External trigger level out of range", f"{-trig_lvl_lim, trig_lvl_lim} V") from ext_trig_err try: assert not((siglab is True) and (input4 is True)) except AssertionError as board_err: raise ValueError("Please select only one board option.", "'siglab' and 'input4' cannot be true at the same time.") from board_err ### SEND COMMANDS TO RP ### self.tx_txt(f"ACQ:DEC {dec}") if averaging: self.tx_txt("ACQ:AVG ON") else: self.tx_txt("ACQ:AVG OFF") if trig_delay_ns: self.tx_txt(f"ACQ:TRIG:DLY:NS {trig_delay}") else: self.tx_txt(f"ACQ:TRIG:DLY {trig_delay}") if units is not None: self.tx_txt(f"ACQ:DATA:UNITS {units.upper()}") if sample_format is not None: self.tx_txt(f"ACQ:DATA:FORMAT {sample_format.upper()}") if gain is not None: for i in range(n): self.tx_txt(f"ACQ:SOUR{i+1}:GAIN {gain[i].upper()}") self.tx_txt(f"ACQ:TRIG:LEV {trig_lvl}") if siglab and coupling is not None: for i in range(n): self.tx_txt(f"ACQ:SOUR{i+1}:COUP {coupling[i].upper()}") self.tx_txt(f"ACQ:TRIG:EXT:LEV {ext_trig_lvl}") #print("ACQ set successfully") def get_settings( self, siglab: bool = False, input4: bool = False ) -> str: """ Retrieves the settings from Red Pitaya, prints them in console and returns them as an array with the following sequence: [decimation, avearge, trig_dly, trig_dly_ns, trig_lvl, buf_size, gain_ch1, gain_ch2, coup_ch1, coup_ch2, ext_trig_lvl] , gain_ch3, gain_ch4 Decimation - Current decimation Average - Current averaging status (ON/OFF) Trig_dly - Current trigger delay in samples Trig_dly_ns - Current trigger delay in nanoseconds Trig_lvl - Current triger level in Volts Buf_size - Buffer size Gain_ch1-4 - Current gain on channels (CH3 and CH4 STEMlab 125-14 4-Input only) Coup_ch1/2 - Current coupling mode for both channels (AC/DC) (SIGNALlab only) Ext_trig_lvl - Current external trigger level in Volts (SIGNALlab only) Note: The last three array elements won't exist if siglab = False Gain of channels 3 and 4 only if input4 = True Parameters ---------- siglab (bool, optional): Set to True if operating with SIGNALlab 250-12. Defaults to False. input4 (bool, optional): Set to True if operating with STEMlab 125-14 4-Input. Defaults to False. """ try: assert not((siglab is True) and (input4 is True)) except AssertionError as board_err: raise ValueError("Please select only one board option. 'siglab' and 'input4' cannot be true at the same time.") from board_err settings = [] if input4: # Set number of channels n = 4 else: n = 2 settings.append(self.txrx_txt("ACQ:DEC?")) settings.append(self.txrx_txt("ACQ:AVG?")) settings.append(self.txrx_txt("ACQ:TRIG:DLY?")) settings.append(self.txrx_txt("ACQ:TRIG:DLY:NS?")) settings.append(self.txrx_txt("ACQ:TRIG:LEV?")) settings.append(self.txrx_txt("ACQ:BUF:SIZE?")) for i in range(n): settings.append(self.txrx_txt(f"ACQ:SOUR{i+1}:GAIN?")) if siglab: for i in range(2): settings.append(self.txrx_txt(f"ACQ:SOUR{i+1}:COUP?")) settings.append(self.txrx_txt("ACQ:TRIG:EXT:LEV?")) print(f"Decimation: {settings[0]}") print(f"Averaging: {settings[1]}") print(f"Trigger delay (samples): {settings[2]}") print(f"Trigger delay (ns): {settings[3]}") print(f"Trigger level (V): {settings[4]}") print(f"Buffer size: {settings[5]}") if input4: print(f"Gain CH1/CH2/CH3/CH4: {settings[6]}, {settings[7]}, {settings[8]}, {settings[9]}") else: print(f"Gain CH1/CH2: {settings[6]}, {settings[7]}") if siglab: print(f"Coupling CH1/CH2: {settings[8]}, {settings[9]}") print(f"External trigger level (V): {settings[10]}") return settings def acq_data( self, chan: int, start: int = None, end: int = None, num_samples: int = None, old: bool = False, lat: bool = False, binary: bool = False, convert: bool = False, input4: bool = False ) -> list: """ Returns the acquired data on a channel from the Red Pitaya, with the following options (for a specific channel): - only channel => returns the whole buffer - start and end => returns the samples between them - start and n => returns 'n' samples from the start position - old and n => returns 'n' oldest samples in the buffer - lat and n => returns 'n' latest samples in the buffer Parameters ---------- chan (int) : Input channel (either 1 or 2). (1-4 for STEMlab 125-14 4-Input) start (int, optional): Start position of acquired data in the buffer {0,1,...16384} Defaults to None. end (int, optional): End position of acquired data in the buffer {0,1,...16384} Defaults to None. n (int, optional): Number of samples read. old (bool, optional): Read oldest samples in the buffer. lat (bool, optional): Read latest samples in the buffer. bin (bool, optional): Set to True if working with Binary data. Defaults to False. convert (bool, optional): Set to True to convert data to a list of floats (VOLTS) or integers (RAW). Otherwise returns a list of str (VOLTS) or int (RAW). Defaults to False. input4 (bool, optional) : Set to True if operating with STEMlab 125-14 4-Input. Defaults to False. Raises ------ Raises errors if the input parameters do not match one of the options. """ low_lim = 0 up_lim = 16384 # Check input data for errors if input4: try: assert chan in (1,2,3,4) except AssertionError as chanel_err: raise ValueError("Channel needs to be either 1, 2, 3 or 4") from chanel_err else: try: assert chan in (1,2) except AssertionError as chanel_err: raise ValueError("Channel needs to be either 1 or 2") from chanel_err try: assert not((old is True) and (lat is True)) except AssertionError as arg_err: raise ValueError("Please select only one. 'old' and 'lat' cannot be True at the same time.") from arg_err if start is not None: try: assert 16384 >= start >= 0 except AssertionError as start_err: raise ValueError(f"Start position out of range {low_lim, up_lim}") from start_err if end is not None: try: assert 16384 >= end >= 0 except AssertionError as end_err: raise ValueError(f"End position out of range {low_lim, up_lim}") from end_err if num_samples is not None: try: assert 16384 >= num_samples >= 0 except AssertionError as sample_err: raise ValueError(f"Sample number out of range {low_lim, up_lim}") from sample_err # Get data type from Red Pitaya units = self.txrx_txt('ACQ:DATA:UNITS?') # format = self.txrx_txt("ACQ:DATA:FORMAT?") # Determine the output data if(start is not None) and (end is not None): self.tx_txt(f"ACQ:SOUR{chan}:DATA:STA:END? {start},{end}") elif(start is not None) and (num_samples is not None): self.tx_txt(f"ACQ:SOUR{chan}:DATA:STA:N? {start},{num_samples}") elif old and (num_samples is not None): self.tx_txt(f"ACQ:SOUR{chan}:DATA:OLD:N? {num_samples}") elif lat and (num_samples is not None): self.tx_txt(f"ACQ:SOUR{chan}:DATA:LAT:N? {num_samples}") else: self.tx_txt(f"ACQ:SOUR{chan}:DATA?") # Convert data if binary: buff_byte = self.rx_arb() if convert: if units == "VOLTS": buff = [struct.unpack('!f',bytearray(buff_byte[i:i+4]))[0] for i in range(0, len(buff_byte), 4)] elif units == "RAW": buff = [struct.unpack('!h',bytearray(buff_byte[i:i+2]))[0] for i in range(0, len(buff_byte), 2)] else: buff = buff_byte else: buff_string = self.rx_txt() if convert: buff_string = buff_string.strip('{}\n\r').replace(" ", "").split(',') buff = list(map(float, buff_string)) else: buff = buff_string return buff def uart_set( self, speed: int = 9600, bits: str = "CS8", parity: str = "NONE", stop: int = 1, timeout: int = 0 ) -> None: """ Configures the provided settings for UART. Args: speed (int, optional): Baud rate/speed of UART connection (bits per second). Defaults to 9600. bits (str, optional): Character size in bits (CS6, CS7, CS8). Defaults to "CS8". parity (str, optional): Parity (NONE, EVEN, ODD, MARK, SPACE). Defaults to "NONE". stop (int, optional): Number of stop bits (1 or 2). Defaults to 1. timeout (int, optional): Timeout for reading from UART (in 1/10 of seconds) {0,...255}. Defaults to 0. """ # Constants speed_list = [1200,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400,57600,115200,230400,576000,921000,1000000,1152000,1500000,2000000,2500000,3000000,3500000,4000000] database_list = ["CS6","CS7","CS8"] parity_list = ["NONE","EVEN","ODD","MARK","SPACE"] # Input Limits Check try: assert speed in speed_list except AssertionError as speed_err: raise ValueError(f"{speed} is not a defined speed for UART connection. Please check the speed table.") from speed_err try: assert bits in database_list except AssertionError as bits_err: raise ValueError(f"{bits} is not a defined character size.") from bits_err try: assert parity in parity_list except AssertionError as parity_err: raise ValueError(f"{parity} is not a defined parity.") from parity_err try: assert stop in (1,2) except AssertionError as stop_err: raise ValueError("The number of stop bits can only be 1 or 2") from stop_err try: assert 0 <= timeout <= 255 except AssertionError as timeout_err: raise ValueError(f"Timeout {timeout} is out of range [0, 255]") from timeout_err # Configuring UART self.tx_txt("UART:INIT") self.tx_txt(f"UART:SPEED {speed}") self.tx_txt(f"UART:BITS {bits.upper()}") self.tx_txt(f"UART:STOPB STOP{stop}") self.tx_txt(f"UART:PARITY {parity.upper()}") self.tx_txt(f"UART:TIMEOUT {timeout}") self.tx_txt("UART:SETUP") print("UART is configured") def uart_get_settings( self ) -> str: """ Retrieves the settings from Red Pitaya, prints them in console and returns them as an array with the following sequence: [speed, databits, stopbits, parity, timeout] """ # Configuring UART settings = [] settings.append(self.txrx_txt("UART:SPEED?")) settings.append(self.txrx_txt("UART:BITS?")) stop = self.txrx_txt("UART:STOPB?") if stop == "STOP1": settings.append("1") elif stop == "STOP2": settings.append("2") settings.append(self.txrx_txt("UART:PARITY?")) settings.append(self.txrx_txt("UART:TIMEOUT?")) print(f"Baudrate/Speed: {settings[0]}") print(f"Databits: {settings[1]}") print(f"Stopbits: {settings[2]}") print(f"Parity: {settings[3]}") print(f"Timeout (0.1 sec): {settings[4]}") return settings def uart_write_string( self, string: str, word_length: bool = False ) -> None: """ Sends a string of characters through UART. Args: string (str, optional): String that will be sent. word_length (bool, optional): Set to True if UART word lenght is set to 7 (ASCII) or False if UART word length is set to 8 (UTF-8). Defaults to False. """ if word_length: # word length 7 / ASCII code = "ascii" else: # word length 8 / UTF-8 code = "utf-8" # transforming and writing to UART arr = ',#H'.join(format(x, 'X') for x in bytearray(string, f"{code}")) self.tx_txt(f"UART:WRITE{len(string)} #H{arr}") print("String sent") def uart_read_string( self, length: int ) -> str: """ Reads a string of data from UART and decodes it from ASCII to string. Args: length (int): Length of data to read from UART. Returns: str: Read data in string format. """ # Check for errors try: assert length > 0 except AssertionError as length_err: raise ValueError("Length must be greater than 0.") from length_err self.tx_txt(f"UART:READ{length}") res = self.rx_txt() res = res.strip('{}\n\r').replace(" ", "").split(',') string = "".join(chr(int(x)) for x in res) # int(x).decode("utf8") return string def spi_set( self, spi_mode: str = None, cs_mode: str = None, speed: int = None, word_len: int = None ) -> None: """ Configures the provided settings for SPI. Args: spi_mode (str, optional): Sets the mode for SPI; - LISL (Low Idle level, Sample Leading edge) - LIST (Low Idle level, Sample Trailing edge) - HISL (High Idle level, Sample Leading edge) - HIST (High Idle level, Sample Trailing edge) Defaults to LISL. cs_mode (str, optional): Sets the mode for CS: - NORMAL (After message transmission, CS => HIGH) - HIGH (After message transmission, CS => LOW) Defaults to NORMAL. speed (int, optional): Sets the speed of the SPI connection. Defaults to 5e7. word_len (int, optional): Character size in bits (CS6, CS7, CS8). Defaults to "CS8". """ # Constants speed_max_limit = 100e6 speed_min_limit = 1 cs_mode_list = ["NORMAL","HIGH"] order_list = ["MSB","LSB"] spi_mode_list = ["LISL","LIST","HISL","HIST"] bits_min_limit = 7 # Input Limits Check try: assert spi_mode.upper() in spi_mode_list except AssertionError as spi_mode_err: raise ValueError(f"{spi_mode} is not a defined SPI mode.") from spi_mode_err try: assert cs_mode.upper() in cs_mode_list except AssertionError as cs_err: raise ValueError(f"{cs_mode} is not a defined CS mode.") from cs_err try: assert speed_min_limit <= speed <= speed_max_limit except AssertionError as speed_err: raise ValueError(f"{speed} is out of range [{speed_min_limit},{speed_max_limit}].") from speed_err try: assert word_len >= bits_min_limit except AssertionError as bits_err: raise ValueError(f"Word length must be greater than {bits_min_limit}. Current word length: {word_len}") from bits_err # Configuring SPI self.tx_txt(f"SPI:SET:MODE {spi_mode.upper()}") self.tx_txt(f"SPI:SET:CSMODE {cs_mode.upper()}") self.tx_txt(f"SPI:SET:SPEED {speed}") self.tx_txt(f"SPI:SET:WORD {word_len}") self.tx_txt("SPI:SET:SET") print("SPI is configured") def spi_get_settings( self ) -> str: """ Retrieves the SPI settings from Red Pitaya, prints them in console and returns them as an array with the following sequence: [mode, csmode, speed, word_len, msg_size] """ # Configuring SPI self.tx_txt("SPI:SET:GET") settings = [] settings.append(self.txrx_txt("SPI:SET:MODE?")) settings.append(self.txrx_txt("SPI:SET:CSMODE?")) settings.append(self.txrx_txt("SPI:SET:SPEED?")) settings.append(self.txrx_txt("SPI:SET:WORD?")) settings.append(self.txrx_txt("SPI:MSG:SIZE?")) print(f"SPI mode: {settings[0]}") print(f"CS mode: {settings[1]}") print(f"Speed: {settings[2]}") print(f"Word length: {settings[3]}") print(f"Message queue length: {settings[4]}") return settings # IEEE Mandated Commands def cls(self): """Clear Status Command""" return self.tx_txt('*CLS') def ese(self, value: int): """Standard Event Status Enable Command""" return self.tx_txt(f'*ESE {value}') def ese_q(self): """Standard Event Status Enable Query""" return self.txrx_txt('*ESE?') def esr_q(self): """Standard Event Status Register Query""" return self.txrx_txt('*ESR?') def idn_q(self): """Identification Query""" return self.txrx_txt('*IDN?') def opc(self): """Operation Complete Command""" return self.tx_txt('*OPC') def opc_q(self): """Operation Complete Query""" return self.txrx_txt('*OPC?') def rst(self): """Reset Command""" return self.tx_txt('*RST') def sre(self): """Service Request Enable Command""" return self.tx_txt('*SRE') def sre_q(self): """Service Request Enable Query""" return self.txrx_txt('*SRE?') def stb_q(self): """Read Status Byte Query""" return self.txrx_txt('*STB?') # :SYSTem def err_c(self): """Error count.""" return self.txrx_txt('SYST:ERR:COUN?') def err_n(self): """Error next.""" return self.txrx_txt('SYST:ERR:NEXT?')