from multiprocessing.connection import wait import os import sys import platform import webbrowser import subprocess import os.path import string import time #from tkinter import * from pathlib import Path # If a password error occurs, you need to prune the atlas volumes that may be stranded "docker volume prune " # Use Pip3 and Python3 if Python3 and Python2 are both installed. Some of the libraries won't download on Python2 #There may be modules that don't exist so need to set up try/except and install them with pip3 # Import secrets if it doesn't exist try: import secrets except ModuleNotFoundError: os.system("pip3 install secrets") import secrets # Import requests if it doesn't exist try: import requests except ModuleNotFoundError: os.system("pip3 install requests") import requests # Import Docker if it doesn't exist try: import docker except ModuleNotFoundError: os.system("pip3 install docker") import docker def config_and_deploy(): # Install RegScale # Step 1: Pull Docker Container print("\nPulling Latest Regscale Docker Container") try: if platform.system() in "Windows": os.system("docker pull regscale/regscale:latest") else: os.system("sudo docker pull regscale/regscale:latest") print("Pulling Docker Container Complete") except: print("Error pulling Docker Container. Please install Docker rerun this script. Exiting script") sys.exit() # URLs for config files atlas_env = "" atlas_local_file = "atlas.env" db_env = "" db_local_file = "db.env" docker_compose_yml = "" docker_compose_local_file = "docker-compose.yml" regScale_Local = "http://localhost:81" # Step 2: Download and Install Config Files # To Do: Create a function to download the files instead of putting all in here print("\nDownloading Config Files") try: # Check if atlas.env local file exists if os.path.exists(atlas_local_file): print("atlas.env file already exists") else: print("Create atlas.env file") data = requests.get(atlas_env) with open(atlas_local_file, "wb") as file: file.write(data.content) except: print("Error downloading atlas.env file\n") # Check if db.env file exists try: if os.path.exists(db_local_file): print("db.env file already exists") else: print("Create db.env file") data = requests.get(db_env) with open(db_local_file, "wb") as file: file.write(data.content) except: print("Error downloading db.env file\n") # Check if docker-compose.yml file exists try: if os.path.exists(docker_compose_local_file): print("docker-compose.yml file already exists") else: print("Create docker-compose.yml file") data = requests.get(docker_compose_yml) with open(docker_compose_local_file, "wb") as file: file.write(data.content) except: print("Error downloading docker-compose.yml file\n") # Step 3: Auto-Create a valid SQL Server PW and write to db.env print("Creating SQL Server PW and writing to db.env and atlas.env") key_alphabet = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '!%' while True: SQL_Server_PW = ''.join(secrets.choice(key_alphabet) for i in range(10)) if (sum(c.islower() for c in SQL_Server_PW) >=1 and sum(c.isupper() for c in SQL_Server_PW) >=1 and sum(c.isdigit() for c in SQL_Server_PW) >=1): break print("SQL_Server_PW = ", SQL_Server_PW) try: path = Path(db_local_file) text = path.read_text() text = text.replace("YourDBPassword1234WithoutSpecialChars", SQL_Server_PW) path.write_text(text) print("SQL_Server_PW successfully written to db.env") except: print("Error writing SQL Server PW to db.env") # Step 4: Save PW to atlas.env try: path = Path(atlas_local_file) text = path.read_text() text = text.replace("YourDBPassword1234WithoutSpecialChars", SQL_Server_PW) path.write_text(text) print("SQL_Server_PW successfully written to atlas.env") except: print("Error writing SQL Server PW to atlas.env") # Step 5: Auto-Generate a valid JWT Secret Key and save to atlas.env print("\nCreating JWT Secret Key, Encryption Key and writing keys to atlas.env") while True: JWT_Secret_Key = ''.join(secrets.choice(key_alphabet) for i in range(32)) if (sum(c.islower() for c in JWT_Secret_Key) >=1 and sum(c.isupper() for c in JWT_Secret_Key) >=1 and sum(c.isdigit() for c in JWT_Secret_Key) >=1): break print("JWT_Secret_Key = ", JWT_Secret_Key) try: path = Path(atlas_local_file) text = path.read_text() text = text.replace("JWTSecretKeyFromSomeWhere6789012", JWT_Secret_Key) path.write_text(text) print("JWT Secret Key successfully written to atlas.env\n") except: print("\nError writing JWT Secret Key to atlas.env") # Step 6: Auto-Generate a valid Encryption Key Secret Key and save to atlas.env while True: Encryption_Key = ''.join(secrets.choice(key_alphabet) for i in range(32)) if (sum(c.islower() for c in Encryption_Key) >=1 and sum(c.isupper() for c in Encryption_Key) >=1 and sum(c.isdigit() for c in Encryption_Key) >=1): break print("Encryption_Key =", Encryption_Key) try: path = Path(atlas_local_file) text = path.read_text() text = text.replace("YourEncryptionKeyFromSomeWhere12", Encryption_Key) path.write_text(text) print("Encryption Key successfully written to atlas.env\n") except: print("\nError writing Encryption Key to atlas.env\n") # Step 7: Convert files for ARM64 platform (Macs with M1, M2 chips) if platform.machine() == 'arm64': print("Updating files for Mac ARM64 platform\n") update_docker_compose_arm64(docker_compose_local_file) update_db_env_arm64(db_local_file) # Step 8: Start Docker-Compose to bring RegScale container and SQL server container up print("Running RegScale using Docker-compose\n") try: if platform.system() in "Windows": os.system("docker-compose up -d") else: # Run behind the scenes -- Linux and Mac need sudo os.system("sudo docker-compose up -d") #print("\nWaiting for RegScale to start a browser will open soon") #time.sleep(5) #Open Local version of RegScale, new=2) except: print("Docker Compose Error\n") return def deploy_RegScale_Windows(): dockerDesktopWindows = "" dockerDesktopMac = "" dockerDesktopLinux = "" dockerIsInstalled = False dockerIsRunning = False # Check for Docker Installation print("Deploying RegScale in Windows") try: # Is Docker Installed? subprocess.check_output('docker --version', shell=True) dockerIsInstalled = True print ("Docker Is Installed = ", dockerIsInstalled) # Docker is Installed, but is it Running? try: subprocess.check_output('docker ps', shell=True) dockerIsRunning = True print ("Docker Is Running = ", dockerIsRunning) except: dockerIsRunning = False print("Docker is installed, but not running. Start Docker Desktop and rerun this script. Exiting script") sys.exit() except: dockerIsRunning = False dockerIsInstalled = False print("Docker Error. Please install Docker Desktop for Windows and rerun this script. Exiting script") sys.exit() if dockerIsInstalled: config_and_deploy() return def deploy_RegScale_Mac(): # Check for Docker Installation print("Deploying RegScale in Mac") try: # Is Docker Installed? subprocess.check_output('sudo docker version', shell=True) dockerIsInstalled = True print ("Docker Is Installed = ", dockerIsInstalled) # Docker is Installed, but is it Running? try: subprocess.check_output('docker ps', shell=True) dockerIsRunning = True print ("Docker Is Running = ", dockerIsRunning) except: dockerIsRunning = False print("Docker is installed, but not running. Start Docker Desktop and rerun this script") print("Exiting script") except: dockerIsRunning = False dockerIsInstalled = False print("Docker is not installed. Please install Docker Desktop for Mac and rerun this script") print("Exiting script") sys.exit() if dockerIsInstalled: config_and_deploy() return def deploy_RegScale_Linux(): # Check for Docker Installation print("Deploying RegScale in Linux") try: # Is Docker Installed? subprocess.check_output('docker --version', shell=True) dockerIsInstalled = True print ("Docker Is Installed = ", dockerIsInstalled) # Docker is Installed, but is it Running? try: subprocess.check_output('docker ps', shell=True) dockerIsRunning = True print ("Docker Is Running = ", dockerIsRunning) except: dockerIsRunning = False print("Docker is installed, but not running. Starting Docker") # START DOCKER IN LINUX os.system("sudo service docker start") #os.system("sudo systemctl docker start") except: dockerIsRunning = False dockerIsInstalled = False print("Docker Error. Exiting script") sys.exit() if dockerIsInstalled: config_and_deploy() return def update_docker_compose_arm64(env_file): """Update docker-compose.yml to use Azure SQL Edge instead of MS SQL""" try: path = Path(env_file) text = path.read_text() text = text.replace("", "") path.write_text(text) print("Updated docker-compose to use Azure SQL Edge\n") except: print("Updating docker-compose to use Azure SQL Edge Error\n") return def update_db_env_arm64(env_file): """Update db.env to use Azure SQL Edge instead of MS SQL""" try: path = Path(env_file) text = path.read_text() text = text.replace("ACCEPT_EULA=Y", "ACCEPT_EULA=1") text = text.replace("MSSQL_PID=Express", "MSSQL_PID=Developer") path.write_text(text) print("Updated db.env to use Azure SQL Edge\n") except: print("Updating db.env to use Azure SQL Edge Error\n") return # Check for OS Windows, Mac, Linux def check_os(): platformName = platform.system() if platformName in "Windows": #print("platform.system:",platformName) print("Deploy RegScale in Windows") deploy_RegScale_Windows() elif platformName in "Darwin": print("Deploy RegScale in Mac") deploy_RegScale_Mac() elif platformName in "Linux": print("Deploy RegScale in Linux") deploy_RegScale_Linux() else: print("Operating system unknown\n RegScale can be installed on Windows, Mac, or Linux\n") print("Exiting script") sys.exit() #print("platform.release:",platform.release()) return # Run check_os function and deploy in the current platform check_os()