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} section .container .user .formBx form input[type='submit'] { max-width: 100px; background: #677eff; color: #fff; cursor: pointer; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 500; letter-spacing: 1px; transition: 0.5s; } section .container .user .formBx form .signup { position: relative; margin-top: 20px; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #555; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 300; } section .container .user .formBx form .signup a { font-weight: 600; text-decoration: none; color: #677eff; } section .container .signupBx { pointer-events: none; } section .container.active .signupBx { pointer-events: initial; } section .container .signupBx .formBx { left: 100%; } section .container.active .signupBx .formBx { left: 0; } section .container .signupBx .imgBx { left: -100%; } section .container.active .signupBx .imgBx { left: 0%; } section .container .signinBx .formBx { left: 0%; } section .container.active .signinBx .formBx { left: 100%; } section .container .signinBx .imgBx { left: 0%; } section .container.active .signinBx .imgBx { left: -100%; } @media (max-width: 991px) { section .container { max-width: 400px; } section .container .imgBx { display: none; } section .container .user .formBx { width: 100%; } }