#! /bin/bash ## ## Description: List of variables used to configure RestComm ## Author : Lefteris Banos ## #Manual Configuration. #If set no automatic configuration will done. Everything needs to be set manually. MANUAL_SETUP='FALSE' #Used to configure RestComm manually and not take under consideration restcomm.conf & advanced.conf files. #Secure SSL configuration. #Allowed values FALSE, SELF, AUTH. #If SELF set self-signed certificate will be created. #If AUTH, Authorized certificate will be used.Need to place the certificate at "$RESTCOMM_HOME/standalone/configuration/" #To Disable use 'FALSE' SECURESSL=FALSE TRUSTSTORE_FILE='restcomm-crt.jks' #File should be located at $RESTCOMM_HOME/standalone/configuration folder. Provide just the name of the trustore file. TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD='changeme' #Password for the trustore file TRUSTSTORE_ALIAS='restcomm' #The certificate alias #comma separated protocols to set on SSLEngine, if empty use stack defaults SSL_PROTOCOLS='' #comma separated cipher suites to set on SSLEngine, if empty use stack defaults SSL_CIPHER_SUITES='' #HTTPS Settings DISABLE_HTTP='false' #Control HTTP connector behavior. Values, TRUE=HTTP connector will be disable, FALSE=HTTP Connector will be active, REDIRECT= http -> https redirection will be enabled (For CLI RestAPI requests when redirect is active https needs to be used). #Control whether or not Restcomm will accept self-signed certificates. SSL_MODE='strict' #Values allowall=allow self-signed certificates, strict=don't allow self signed certificates. If SECURESSL=SELF set to "allowall" automatically. #JAVA Options #JVM Options used to RUN RC and RMS. #RestComm JAVA_OPTS #RC_JAVA_OPTS='-Xms1024m -Xmx4096m -Xmn512m -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:CMSIncrementalDutyCycle=100 -XX:CMSIncrementalDutyCycleMin=100 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -Dorg.jboss.server.bootstrap.maxThreads=1 -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=../../restcomm_dumpfile-$(date +%b_%d_%Y_%H_%M_%S).bin' RC_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms1048m -Xmx4096m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=8 -XX:ConcGCThreads=8 -XX:G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent=10 -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=4m -XX:G1HeapWastePercent=5 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=85 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent=85 -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:+UseCompressedOops -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=../../restcomm_dumpfile-$(date +%b_%d_%Y_%H_%M_%S).bin -Dtelscale.license.dir=../ -Dtelscale.license.key.location=../" #Additional Connectors #Add extra connectors if needed. Need to use the following rule: #ADDITIONAL_CONNECTOR_X=CONNECTOR_NAME:PORT #Available names:sip-tcp,sip-tcp,sip-tls,sip-ws,sip-wss #More Info Here: http://documentation.telestax.com/core/sip_servlets/SIP_Servlets_Server_User_Guide.html #Example: #ADDITIONAL_CONNECTOR_1=second-sip-udp:5090 #ADDITIONAL_CONNECTOR_2=second-sip-tcp:5090 #MYSQL support. #Default: false. If not configured HSQL will be used. ENABLE_MYSQL='false' MYSQL_USER='' MYSQL_PASSWORD='' MYSQL_HOST='' MYSQL_SCHEMA='' MYSQL_SNDHOST='' #Used for DB redundancy. If set RestComm (Jboss) will point to it if principal DB fails. #Amazon S3 Bucket. #Used to store Recordings. #Default: false. If not configured internal recordings directory will be used. ACTIVATE_S3_BUCKET='FALSE' S3_BUCKET_NAME='' S3_ACCESS_KEY='' S3_SECURITY_KEY='' S3_FOLDER_NAME='' S3_BUCKET_REGION='' #If not set, "us-east-1" will be used. #SMTP Configuration #Used for system email notifications (When system errors occur). #As well used for Restcomm email service (Email Verb). SMTP_USER='' SMTP_PASSWORD='' SMTP_HOST='' SMTP_PORT='' #If not set default Port will be used. Port 25. # Configure Load Balancer ACTIVATE_LB='FALSE' #Set to TRUE to activate and make Restcomm register with LB, the default is FALSE, LB_PUBLIC_IP='' #The "external" IP of the Telestax LB. Is used for the incoming traffic. LB_INTERNAL_IP='' #The "internal" IP of the LB. Is used for RC to connect to the LB. If not set LB_PUBLIC_IP will be used. #Ports that used for interchange between RestComm and Load Balancer #LB INTERNAL PORTS !!IMPORTANT!!: need to be set same values as LB is configured for the corresponding transport internal Ports. LB_INTERNAL_PORT_UDP='5080' #LB internal port used from RC for UDP traffic. Default is 5080 LB_INTERNAL_PORT_TCP='5080' #LB internal port used from RC for TCP traffic. Default is 5080 LB_INTERNAL_PORT_TLS='5081' #LB internal port used from RC for TLS traffic. Default is 5081 LB_INTERNAL_PORT_WS='5082' #LB internal port used from RC for WS traffic. Default is 5082 LB_INTERNAL_PORT_WSS='5083' #LB internal port used from RC for WSS traffic. Default is 5083 LB_RMI_PORT='2000' #The port used from RMI connection between RC and LB. Default is 2000. #LB External Ports !!IMPORTANT!!: Need to be set same values as LB is configured for the corresponding transport external Ports. LB_EXTERNAL_PORT_UDP='5060' #LB external port of LB for UDP traffic. Default is 5060. LB_EXTERNAL_PORT_TCP='5060' #LB external port of LB for UDP traffic. Default is 5060. LB_EXTERNAL_PORT_TLS='5061' #LB external port of LB for TLS traffic. Default is 5061. LB_EXTERNAL_PORT_WS='5062' #LB external port of LB for WS traffic. Default is 5062. LB_EXTERNAL_PORT_WSS='5063' #LB external port of LB for WSS traffic. Default is 5063. (Port used for Olympus) #Load Balancer external HOSTNAME/IP. Must be set if RC under LB. #Used to configure DID provider.This way PSTN calls going through LB. #DID_URIPORT will be used for the DID provider PORT configuration. LBHOST='' #Obligatory to set if Load Balancer is used for PSTN (DID provider configuration). #RVD configuration #RVD workspace path. (If not set default will be used). #Default: leave empty. RVD_LOCATION='' RVD_UNDEPLOY='false' RVD_URL='' # override if RVD is not under the same domain with restcomm. Use a base url like http://myrvd.restcomm.com . No path included. This affects restcomm.xml/ RVD_VIDEO_SUPPORT='false' # Toggle RVD Video RCML generation and UI RVD_MAX_MEDIA_FILE_SIZE=4194304 # Limit media file size when uploading. For video should probably be greater RVD_HTTP_TIMEOUT='' # Timeout (ms) for http connections in rvd http client. It mainly affects connections to restcomm (create calls, fetch account etc.). It does not affect ES. #RMS pool size (Un-comment the resource that you want to set the pool size) #RMS pool size (Should calculated from number of concurrent calls expected). #RESOURCE_IVR=50 #max conc calls * 2 #RESOURCE_CNF=50 #max concurrent calls #RESOURCE_Bridge=50 #max concurrent calls #RESOURCE_Relay=0 #Not used #RestComm Monitoring #Enabling following means that there is Graylog server running somewhere as well. GRAYLOG_SERVER="" #IP of the Graylog server to send data. To disable please use empty string SERVERLABEL="" #RestComm server Label, used to recognise server at Graylog server. HD_MONITOR=false #Enable HD usage monitoring. RCJVM_MONITOR=false #Enable JVM (Memory, CPU) usage monitoring for RC. Make sure that $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar exist RMSJVM_MONITOR=false #Enable JVM (Memory, RAM, CPU) usage monitoring for RMS. Make sure that $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar exist RAM_MONITOR=false #Enable overall RAM system monitoring. #Management User/Password configuration. Used for RestComm statistics consultation (Graylog). #Jboss Management interface. More info https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS7/Management+resources #Used for RestComm statistics consultation (Graylog). MGMT_USER='' #Management Interface User configuration. MGMT_PASS='' #Management Interface Password configuration. #Other #Other General configuration Options #Directory where HSQL database will exist. If leave empty default value will be used. #Default: leave empty. HSQL_DIR='' #Set Adminitrator User & Password when RestComm run first time. #If not set default User ("adminitrator@company.com") will be used. INITIAL_ADMIN_USER='' #If not set default password ("RestComm") will be used. INITIAL_ADMIN_PASSWORD='' #SNI is to be an equivalent of Virtual Hosting but in HTTPS. #It allows many different domains to be served over a single IP. #Used in some cases that ES of RVD is not working. (Issue #725) SSLSNI=TRUE #Enable/disable SNI (Server Name Indication). #USSD GATEWAY CONFIGURATION USSDGATEWAYURI='' USSDGATEWAYUSER='' USSDGATEWAYPASSWORD='' #Used to set HTTP Response timeout for RC to download the RCML. HTTP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT=6000 #Maximum P2P call length configuration. Unit is munite MAX_P2P_CALL_LENGTH=60 # If set to true RestComm will NOT use cache for *.wav files playback.If set to false RestComm will use cache for *.wav files playback. CACHE_NO_WAV=false #Path in FS to where the cache will be hosted. CACHE_PATH=${restcomm:home}/cache #MSS Configuration TLS_CLIENT_AUTH_TYPE="Disabled" #Possible values Enabled, Want, Disabled,DisabledAll #USESBC: Option to disable all patch for NAT (Includes patch-for-nat-b2bua-sessions,disable-sdp-patching-on-updating-mediasession) RCUSESBC=false #Domain to be used in the SIP URI @. If not defined, it will default to the webapp host name. WebOlympusDomain=""