#! /bin/bash ## ## Description: List of variables used to configure RestComm ## Author : Henrique Rosa ## Author : George Vagenas ## # Network configuration NET_INTERFACE='' PRIVATE_IP='' SUBNET_MASK='' NETWORK='' BROADCAST_ADDRESS='' # PUBLIC IP ADDRESS STATIC_ADDRESS='' #hostname of the server to be used at restcomm.xml. If not set the STATIC_ADDRESS will be used. RESTCOMM_HOSTNAME='' # Media Server #Media server running external (different node than Restcomm)] MS_EXTERNAL=false #MS IP ADDRESS if using different IP from RestComm MS_ADDRESS='' #Values rms: RestComm Media Server, xms: Dialogic Media Server MS_COMPATIBILITY_MODE=rms # The IP address that the MGCP `media-server-manager` is using to contact the Media Server. MGCP_LOCAL_ADDRESS='' LOCALMGCP=2727 REMOTEMGCP=2427 MGCP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT=500 RECORDINGS_PATH='' # Activate music on conference when participants==1 PLAY_WAIT_MUSIC='TRUE' # Address for outbound calls OUTBOUND_PROXY='' #Provide port if different than 5060 OUTBOUND_PROXY_USERNAME='' OUTBOUND_PROXY_PASSWORD='' # Push notification server PUSH_NOTIFICATION_SERVER_ENABLED=false PUSH_NOTIFICATION_SERVER_URL='' PUSH_NOTIFICATION_SERVER_DELAY='' # Outbound proxy for SMS SMS_PREFIX='#' #For VoipInnovation you will need the '#' character for SMS Prefix SMS_OUTBOUND_PROXY='' #Please provide port if different than 5060 # Connection details for SMPP Restcomm integration SMPP_ACTIVATE='false' #default SMPP activate is always false. Set to true to activate SMPP SMPP_SYSTEM_ID='' SMPP_PASSWORD='' SMPP_SYSTEM_TYPE='' SMPP_PEER_IP='' #use IP or DNS name of peer SMPP server SMPP_PEER_PORT='' SMPP_SOURCE_MAP='' SMPP_DEST_MAP='' SMPP_INBOUND_ENCODING='' SMPP_OUTBOUND_ENCODING='' SMPP_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD_FLAG='false' SMPP_AUTO_DETECT_DCS_FLAG='false' # DID Provision provider variable declarations PROVISION_PROVIDER='' # values: VI (VoipInnovation), BW (Bandwidth), NX (Nexmo), VB (Voxbone) #Username and password for all supported DID provision providers DID_LOGIN='' DID_PASSWORD='' # VoipInnovation Endpoint ID DID_ENDPOINT='' #Bandwidth SiteId and AccountId DID_SITEID='' DID_ACCOUNTID='' #Port to be used at the DID URI from provider when buying number. Empty for SRV records. #Normally set same as the external TCP-SIP port. DID_URIPORT='' # Interfax variable declarations. INTERFAX_USER='' INTERFAX_PASSWORD='' # ISpeech variable declarations. ISPEECH_KEY='' #Configure TTS system to use. Accepted values:voicerss,acapela TTSSYSTEM='voicerss' # VoiceRSS variable declarations VOICERSS_KEY='' # Acapela variable declarations. ACAPELA_APPLICATION='' ACAPELA_LOGIN='' ACAPELA_PASSWORD='' # AWS Polly variable declarations. AWS_ACCESS_KEY='' AWS_SECRET_KEY='' AWS_REGION='' #RestComm PORT configuration HTTP_PORT='8080' #Port used for HTTP. Default 8080 HTTPS_PORT='8443' #Port used for HTTPS. Default 8443 #Connectors port configuration. !!IMPORTANT!! If LB is used this ports will be used from LB to send traffic to RC.Under LB this port SIP_PORT_UDP='5080' #LB UDP port. Default is 5080 SIP_PORT_TCP='5080' #LB TCP port. Default is 5080 SIP_PORT_TLS='5081' #LB TLS port. Default is 5081 SIP_PORT_WS='5082' #LB WS port. Default is 5082 SIP_PORT_WSS='5083' #LB WSS port. Default is 5083 #Port Offset Used when more that one RC is running on the same machine. To avoid port conflicts #E.g. If set PORT_OFFSET='100' all configured ports will be accessible from PORT+100. PORT_OFFSET='0' #Port offset configurations. Default '0'. #LOGS level. Usual values : WARN,INFO,DEBUG LOG_LEVEL='INFO' #Used for RMS & RC console-handler. LOG_LEVEL_COMPONENT_GOVNIST='INFO' #Log level for "gov.nist" module LOG_LEVEL_COMPONENT_SIPSERVLET='INFO' #Log level for "org.mobicents.servlet.sip" module LOG_LEVEL_COMPONENT_SIPRESTCOMM='INFO' #Log level for "org.mobicents.servlet.sip.restcomm" module LOG_LEVEL_COMPONENT_RESTCOMM='INFO' #Log level for "org.restcomm.connect" module #AKKA log level. Set the Log level for the AKKA actor system. AKKA_LOG_LEVEL='INFO' #ASR drivers #list of drivers divided with comma, for example: "driver1,driver2,driver3" MG_ASR_DRIVERS="" #default asr driver to use. It has to be included to MG_ASR_DRIVERS MG_ASR_DRIVER_DEFAULT="" #DNS Provisioning configuration, for more info read configuration documentation #http://documentation.telestax.com/connect/configuration/index.html#Configuration DNS_PROVISIONING_CLASS="" DNS_PROVISIONING_ENABLED="FALSE" DNS_PROVISIONING_AWS_ROUTE53_A_VALUE="" DNS_PROVISIONING_AWS_ROUTE53_SRV_VALUE="" DNS_PROVISIONING_AWS_ROUTE53_ACCESS_KEY="" DNS_PROVISIONING_AWS_ROUTE53_SECRET_KEY="" DNS_PROVISIONING_AWS_ROUTE53_REGION="" DNS_PROVISIONING_AWS_ROUTE53_TTL="" DNS_PROVISIONING_AWS_ROUTE53_HOSTED_ZONE_ID="" DNS_PROVISIONING_AWS_ROUTE53_IS_ALIAS="" DNS_PROVISIONING_AWS_ROUTE53_ALIAS_EVALUATE_TARGET_HEALTH="" DNS_PROVISIONING_AWS_ROUTE53_ALIAS_HOSTED_ZONE_ID="" #CONFERENCE_TIMEOUT is allowed life of a conference in restcomm #after that all participants will be asked to leave and conference will be closed. #default value is 14400 seconds/(4 hours).Please provide value in seconds CONFERENCE_TIMEOUT="14400" #SDR Service configuration SDR_SERVICE_CLASS='' SDR_SERVICE_HTTP_URI='' SDR_SERVICE_AMQP_URI=''