# Resurrection Remix Nougat Version 5.8.5 Changelog ==================================================== 09-24-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ * 95ba21f PhoneWindowManager: Block screenshots when pocket lock is showing * 51c0f6f PocketService: Adjust light sensor rate to 400ms * 31e374f ActivityManager: Remove POWER_OFF_ALARM intent leftover * 8cf55f1 SystemServer: Don't start widget service when it is alarm boot * 8f62033 Recents: Add accessibility descriptions for lock ImageViews * 65748c4 SystemUI: Revert some Tuner changes * 71bfe49 DUtils: Migrate from broadcasts to API for some action handling [1/2] * f99120e ColorEngine: Fixup themes for our customizations[2/3] *Update Primary and secondary coolors *Update TM Fab bg *Update Stroke accent colors *Thanks to ALtan for control_checkable_material theme issue * e90fec8 Revert "FWB:Update default theme to Pixel Blue [1/2]" * a3d99a6 Themes: Expose manifest styles for themes * a3dab8d Bring back Pixel theme [1/2] * 27dc140 BrightnessSlider: Fix Slider thumb not theming to accent color * 90dfe02 Revert "sysui: New google pixel colors" * ad41af3 Revert "Base : Finalize the pixel theme and prepare for theme engine" * 5c1386f Revert "base: New google pixel colors" * ec7bf0d FWB:Update default theme to Pixel Blue [1/2] * 32ba76a Partially revert "ColorEngine: theme improvements/completeness" * 79a4136 ColorEngine: fix power menu instant theming * 69ca41e TileAdapter: allow styling tile item decoration background * 98726ae ColorEngine: theme improvements/completeness * 2bf21f4 ColorEngine: fwb: keep changed resources footprint low * 17c72a1 ColorEngine: fwb: default to default primary/bg color * 3eca4dd ColorEngine: who wants orange if you can have amber [1/2] * 5b5e499 ColorEngine: fwb: default to teal color accent everywhere * 453e33b ColorEngine: default to teal color accent * ba42305 Introduce color engine. * d796bc5 Revert "FW: Use stock pixel color scheme & improve upcoming CMTE compatibility" #### packages/apps/DUI/ * b79ce98 DUI:Fix up accent colors with color engine[3/3] #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 3c520f0 Settings:Fix up RR configurations theme with color engine[1/3] * bb8b8d3 ColorEngine: Settings: keep changed resources footprint low * 62b94cf ColorEngine: Settings: default to default primary/bg color * 2244d5d ColorEngine: Settings: default to pixel accent everywhere * fe2ff9f Settings: Make shortcut icon colors match settings accent * ec49047 Settings: PreviewPagerAdapter: copy the full theme * 3bbba44 Improve color selection preview * 316b3bb ColorEngine settings: show accent color selection on first open * 7c5a01e Settings: Support color engine #### vendor/cm/ * 5d53e6c Merge remote-tracking branch 'rr/nougat' into HEAD * 3b31d8f Final version for N -> 5.8.5 \m/ * 6d81c3d vendor: sepolicy: Add Color Engine policy * 813d067 Revert "Revert "vendor: cm: sepolicy: Allow rw-access to system_app_data_file"" * c0a7af1 Remove all traces of CMTE policy 09-22-2017 ============ #### device/oneplus/oneplus3/ * b0f8c71 Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/laos/cm-14.1' into HEAD * 81f2976 op3: Update blobs from OB24 / OB15 * 1c89272 op3: Update file extractors to match new template #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 3a81914 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Add missing break * fa1c05e ANDROID: Sdcardfs: Move gid derivation under flag * 6c4ac32 ANDROID: mnt: Fix freeing of mount data * 42f6b0f drivers: staging: Update qcacld-2.0 driver * 70676aa ARM: dts: 15801: Switch back to old sRGB cmds * 148b155 ARM: dts: 15801: Update panel sRGB & DCI-P3 cmd from Open Beta kernel * bb83dc9 ARM: dts: 15801: Nuke redundant panel cmds * 33d3d79 Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/rel/msm-3.18.r5' into nougat #### packages/apps/ResurrectionStats/ * 53fe045 Const: 5.8.5 #### vendor/cm/ * ed3107d RR: v5.8.5 09-21-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ #### vendor/oneplus/ * 2c8740e op3: Update blobs from OB24 / OB15 09-20-2017 ============ #### hardware/cyanogen/ * da0e259 livedisplay: Add msm8998 and sdm660 as SDM targets 09-19-2017 ============ #### frameworks/av/ * 74ff75e Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_av into HEAD #### frameworks/native/ * 47d7223 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_native into HEAD #### hardware/qcom/fm/ #### packages/apps/AudioFX/ #### packages/apps/Bluetooth/ #### packages/apps/Calendar/ #### packages/apps/Camera2/ #### packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/ #### packages/apps/CertInstaller/ #### packages/apps/Eleven/ #### packages/apps/Email/ #### packages/apps/EmergencyInfo/ #### packages/apps/Exchange/ #### packages/apps/FMRadio/ #### packages/apps/Gallery2/ #### packages/apps/Jelly/ #### packages/apps/ManagedProvisioning/ #### packages/apps/Nfc/ #### packages/apps/Recorder/ #### packages/apps/SetupWizard/ #### packages/apps/Snap/ #### packages/apps/Stk/ #### packages/apps/Tag/ #### packages/apps/Terminal/ #### packages/apps/Trebuchet/ #### packages/apps/TvSettings/ #### packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/ #### packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/ #### packages/providers/CalendarProvider/ #### packages/providers/ContactsProvider/ #### packages/providers/DataUsageProvider/ #### packages/providers/DownloadProvider/ #### packages/providers/MediaProvider/ #### packages/providers/TelephonyProvider/ #### packages/resources/devicesettings/ #### packages/screensavers/Basic/ #### packages/screensavers/PhotoTable/ #### packages/wallpapers/LivePicker/ #### system/extras/su/ * 11730a5 correct delivering process return code to caller #### vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/WundergroundWeatherProvider/ #### vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/YahooWeatherProvider/ 09-18-2017 ============ #### device/xiaomi/msm8956-common/ * d7cc29c Enable Night display * fb3b97e Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of github.com:lineageos/android_device_xiaomi_msm8956-common into HEAD #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 9e20a46 Merge f7c5dcccfb048b056efc7b3f85d13335397bfd72 on remote branch #### kernel/xiaomi/msm8956/ * 85d68f6 Bluetooth: Properly check L2CAP config option output buffer length #### packages/apps/Eleven/ * 49b8b9c Eleven: Create one cursor per background task 09-17-2017 ============ #### frameworks/av/ * f80e21a audioflinger: Use offloaded effects in case of PCM offload #### hardware/samsung/ * 298215c audio: Fix WBS sample rate usage #### kernel/moto/shamu/ * 70f3bd9 Bluetooth: Properly check L2CAP config option output buffer length #### packages/apps/Settings/ * efbb78f Add moderator tags to about settings #### vendor/xiaomi/ * 7c41fd5 ido: Build wcnss_service from source 09-16-2017 ============ #### android/ * f0c3b1f manifest: switch to our forks of several repos #### build/ * f6958ef Updating Security String to 2017-09-05 Bug:63846344 #### device/oneplus/oneplus3/ * 2ffb0d2 op3: add google camera and oneplus camera to hal1 package list * fdd4e38 op3: Add OnePlusCamera Service * 67c4d2d Enable Night display * 685db11 oneplus3: fix defconfig for my kernel, show dash charging, show charging current #### external/skia/ * 878b9da Defend against ICOs with large BMPs embedded DO NOT MERGE #### external/sonivox/ * 188ae17 Fix compiler warnings in sonivox and enable -Werror. #### frameworks/av/ * eeff3f6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'lineage/cm-14.1' into HEAD #### frameworks/base/ * bb68d19 Back-port fixes for b/62196835 * cbce7ff Don't disable the GPS prematurely * 8503dcf PrivateStorageInfo: Exclude primary physical volume total space * fe5307e Keyguard: Change fingerprint listening behavior #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * ca4beab oneplus3_defconfig: Set RQBalance as the default CPUQuiet governor * f116b17 oneplus3_defconfig: Enable GCOV kernel profiling * d6596e4 oneplus3_defconfig: Enable CPUQuiet framework * 930c64d oneplus3_defconfig: Enable CONFIG_HARDENED_USERCOPY * 78e2915 oneplus3: regenerate defconfig * 157b7ff arch:arm64: Source the cpuquiet Kconfig * bac9f93 cpuquiet: Use device_{on/off}line(dev) function for up/downcore * fd65fb2 cpuquiet: fix attributes' permission * 3ce1443 rqbalance : ensure MAX cpu is set when storing nr_run_thresholds from userspace * 6eca522 rqbalance: Add missing header inclusion * b61772f cpuquiet: Set max CPUs from Power and Thermal profiles * 3496104 cpuquiet: Add CPUQuiet MSM driver * 137d36b drivers: cpuquiet: update rqbalance * 9c6f2bd drivers: cpuquiet: Add rqbalance governor * 298eace CHROMIUM: cpuquiet: Don't hold cpuquiet_lock in cpuquiet_wake_quiesce_cpu() * 8842a5a CHROMIUM: cpuquiet: Remove useless runnables_lock * e8f0ea5 CHROMIUM: cpuquiet: Get rid of hotplug_timeout attr dead code * f6e29df CHROMIUM:cpuquiet: Get rid of CONFIG_CPU_QUIET_STATS * b9a89a6 CHROMIUM:cpuquiet: Fix syntax errors for cpuquiet_(un)register_attrs() * e3f8fe4 CHROMIUM:cpuquiet: Move definition of cpuquiet_lock * 1f283c1 CHROMIUM: cpuquiet: Export min/max CPUs to userspace * c0f81f2 CHROMIUM: cpuquiet: Clean up CPUQUIET_STATS ifdefs in cpuquiet.c * a8b178d CHROMIUM: cpuquiet: Specify cpuquiet platform info as const * e1ad2e9 CHROMIUM: cpuquiet: Reordering of inits/removes * 377fa04 CHROMIUM: cpuquiet: Fix cpuquiet_add_dev error bug * 8d1fd67 CHROMIUM: cpuquiet: Update/Add documentation to cpuquiet * fd0ccdb CHROMIUM: cpuquiet: Update label name * 9cfff51 CHROMIUM: cpuquiet: Remove useless ret variable * 4cb5c44 CHROMIUM: cpuquiet: Rename to HOTPLUG_TIMEOUT * 89604b0 CHROMIUM: cpuquiet: Move cpuquiet stats code to sysfs.c * 44c1781 CHROMIUM: cpuquiet: Refactor cpuquiet wake, quiesce functions * 551ca02 CHROMIUM: cpuquiet: Extract cpuquiet_{wake,quiesce}_cpu() * 3b38fe4 CHROMIUM: cpuquiet: Make cpuquiet platform agnostic * 12f1fb8 CHROMIUM: cpuquiet: Add support for cpuquiet on X86 devices. * fd803e1 CHROMIUM: cpuquiet: Extract non-arch specific code from cpuquiet-tegra into cpuquiet-common.c. * a9d3a96 CHROMIUM: cpuquiet: Add support for arch specific sampling rate. * 85c1251 CHROMIUM: cpuquiet: Expose hotplug overhead statistics. * 0283fed CHROMIUM: cpuquiet: add Tegra driver * 75d0d08 CHROMIUM: cpuquiet: add sysfs support * e32eaf5 CHROMIUM: cpuquiet: Introduce cpuquiet framework * 801092b CHROMIUM: cpufreq: interactive: calculate load before freq change * 93bf6e5 defconfig: Disable HSL_CONSOLE * e44074d ARM: dts: msm: Rework and unify msm-thermal setup * d2eb363 DTS: Enable wakeup events for the volume keys * 66fb01d i2c-msm-v2: use subsys_initcall to avoid probe fail * 299901d DTS: Disable UART connector * ef3a9ec msm: mdss: install the rel_fence even if retire_fence is skipped * b173526 soc: qcom: rpm: Change driver memory allocation to use GFP_NOIO * 13bf425 power: qpnp-fg: document magic num, continue if check fails * 137b7ba power: qpnp-fg: Check system configuration and fix it * 8b27ec7 power: qpnp-fg: Return error properly when IMA read/write fails * c8f44da power: qpnp-fg: make read_beat a static function * 7480e6f power: qpnp-fg: have sanity check beat once before wakelock * b44e238 fp-boost: Decrease duration to 2 seconds * f429de2 fp-boost: Set priority to max * 141eade cpufreq: Introduce fingerprint boost driver * cc53fdb cpufreq: suspend cpufreq governors on shutdown * 4df2208 cpufreq: Implement CONFIG_MSM_TRACK_FREQ_TARGET_INDEX * 0579e18 slub: add multi-purpose random cookies * 42945a1 add slub free list XOR encryption * 77f87f6 disable slab merging * bdab384 slub: add check for write-after-free * 727697d add slub sanitization * ab071c4 add page sanitization / verification * 02c0979 arm64: zero the leading stack canary byte * 01b8fcb fix qcacld-2.0 buffer overflows * 68f44fa enable useful sanity checks * eb068ba use kernel command-line for early entropy * c95f4a4 gather extra early boot entropy like PaX * f3fd1b6 Properly fix use of uninitialized variables * f79eea6 PM / devfreq: Fix typo that caused an infinite loop * 43d6233 PM / devfreq: Remove null termination in boost_devices * 7aa0ca9 PM / devfreq: Don't boost 624000.ufshc on wake * a17e788 PM / devfreq: Reduce wake boost duration to 5000 ms * 629aebf PM / devfreq: Boost "624000.ufshc" and "soc:qcom,cpubw" on screen wake * ae63eaf PM / devfreq: Add an interface to boost devices when the screen is woken * 8b4259f msm: mdss: Don't constantly fire interrupts for DSI status check * d7cfe20 scsi: ufs: Fix crashes caused by uninitialized completion usage * 8df2943 nfc: Our pn544 does not depend on NFC_HCI * 4f99379 msm: pcie: Fix uninitialized pointer usage in msm_pcie_debug_info() * b1d089e clk: msm: clock-cpu-8996: Use CLKFLAG_NO_RATE_CACHE for perfcl_hf_mux * 7524dfc qcom-cpufreq: Use CLKFLAG_NO_RATE_CACHE * a18f69e UPSTREAM: usercopy: remove page-spanning test for now * f6b4053 UPSTREAM: usercopy: fix overlap check for kernel text * dddcdd2 UPSTREAM: usercopy: avoid potentially undefined behavior in pointer math * d797582 BACKPORT: mm: Hardened usercopy * 1b6bbb8 BACKPORT: mm: Implement stack frame object validation * 5541f60 UPSTREAM: mm: Add is_migrate_cma_page * 163840b mdss: use an interruptible thread on edp to reduce load_average * 68effc7 Squashfs: optimize reading uncompressed data * 59d54cd Squashfs: implement .readpages() * 02e2127 Squashfs: replace buffer_head with BIO * dd0ec1f8 Squashfs: refactor page_actor * fe05040 Squashfs: remove the FILE_CACHE option * 16e68fa enable ARCH_HAS_ELF_RANDOMIZE again * 15d58c5 msm: ipa: Prevent multiple header deletion from user space * bbdeacc writeback: increase bdi_min_ratio to 5 * 3b4849b arm: dts: Remove MSM watchdog IPI ping in msm8996 * 30e40dd BACKPORT: rcu: Optionally run grace-period kthreads at real-time priority * 035d47b BACKPORT: rcu: Unify boost and kthread priorities * 59d5f4f BACKPORT: rcu: Move RCU_BOOST variable declarations, eliminating #ifdef * af3b6c2 drivers:video:msm:mdss: Remove screen invert support from KCal * 9b4895f msm: thermal: Add sysfs nodes to control parameters * 9f2c20a msm: thermal: Check temperature only if probed * f144d3a drivers: media: msm: camera_v2: fix bool-compare warning * 0999b3e Linux 3.18.71 * fea8e84 xfs: XFS_IS_REALTIME_INODE() should be false if no rt device present * 8a1e91a ARM: 8692/1: mm: abort uaccess retries upon fatal signal * 91035da Bluetooth: Properly check L2CAP config option output buffer length * c65a1a2 ALSA: msnd: Optimize / harden DSP and MIDI loops * 1a155af locktorture: Fix potential memory leak with rw lock test * 8b48faa btrfs: resume qgroup rescan on rw remount * b9bcb57 scsi: sg: recheck MMAP_IO request length with lock held * 396fddf scsi: sg: protect against races between mmap() and SG_SET_RESERVED_SIZE * 8108ab6 cs5536: add support for IDE controller variant * f7d54e9 workqueue: Fix flag collision * 25381c1 cma: fix calculation of aligned offset * 6d72062a dlm: avoid double-free on error path in dlm_device_{register,unregister} * 008c92d Input: trackpoint - assume 3 buttons when buttons detection fails * 8d587ee driver core: bus: Fix a potential double free * 28b6c97 staging/rts5208: fix incorrect shift to extract upper nybble * 373d5c2 USB: core: Avoid race of async_completed() w/ usbdev_release() * 1fae927 usb:xhci:Fix regression when ATI chipsets detected * a57e6f5 usb: Add device quirk for Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920-C * c2a2960 USB: serial: option: add support for D-Link DWM-157 C1 * cd60b63 usb: quirks: add delay init quirk for Corsair Strafe RGB keyboard * 8c18317 Linux 3.18.70 * b9f2a30 epoll: fix race between ep_poll_callback(POLLFREE) and ep_free()/ep_remove() * 603e101 drm/ttm: Fix accounting error when fail to get pages for pool * 79f2bd2 wl1251: add a missing spin_lock_init() * 87ad99f CIFS: remove endian related sparse warning * 1e8ba99 CIFS: Fix maximum SMB2 header size * 5ce69fa cpumask: fix spurious cpumask_of_node() on non-NUMA multi-node configs * 3214053 i2c: ismt: Return EMSGSIZE for block reads with bogus length * fad00a1 i2c: ismt: Don't duplicate the receive length for block reads * be7e22f Linux 3.18.69 * fdcecfa scsi: sg: reset 'res_in_use' after unlinking reserved array * 591dcb6 scsi: sg: protect accesses to 'reserved' page array * 3b517b0 clk: si5351: Constify clock names and struct regmap_config * e02a817 x86/tools: Fix gcc-7 warning in relocs.c * 23eeeb7 x86-64: Handle PC-relative relocations on per-CPU data * 0d1a776 arm64: fpsimd: Prevent registers leaking across exec * 14b9b0d arm64: flush FP/SIMD state correctly after execve() * 982e7b5 x86/io: Add "memory" clobber to insb/insw/insl/outsb/outsw/outsl * f4a7117 mm: cma: fix incorrect type conversion for size during dma allocation * 783fc03 mm: cma: constify and use correct signness in mm/cma.c * fa7f273 mm: cma: fix CMA aligned offset calculation * 91fd82b mm: cma: fix totalcma_pages to include DT defined CMA regions * 7c9be7d mm: cma: split cma-reserved in dmesg log * efdcf10 mm/cma: make kmemleak ignore CMA regions * e91d262 mm: cma: align to physical address, not CMA region position * 1b0cf70 lib: bitmap: add alignment offset for bitmap_find_next_zero_area() * f2af316 arm64: mm: abort uaccess retries upon fatal signal * cea54dd p54: memset(0) whole array * 99955e1 gcov: support GCC 7.1 * bc5457d gcov: add support for gcc version >= 6 * 5952c2e gcov: add support for GCC 5.1 * 52e3998 ALSA: au88x0: Fix zero clear of stream->resources * ad91e7f scsi: isci: avoid array subscript warning * bfc9d68 Linux 3.18.68 * dfe046e ACPI / APEI: Add missing synchronize_rcu() on NOTIFY_SCI removal * 2fc613b staging: rtl8188eu: add RNX-N150NUB support * c6c62c2 iio: imu: adis16480: Fix acceleration scale factor for adis16480 * 6219b2c Bluetooth: bnep: fix possible might sleep error in bnep_session * 8163110 Bluetooth: cmtp: fix possible might sleep error in cmtp_session * f0a0111 Bluetooth: hidp: fix possible might sleep error in hidp_session_thread * 8126545 perf/core: Fix group {cpu,task} validation * 28c959b nfsd: Limit end of page list when decoding NFSv4 WRITE * 8b46855 cifs: return ENAMETOOLONG for overlong names in cifs_open()/cifs_lookup() * 4f72349 cifs: Fix df output for users with quota limits * 8985501 tracing: Fix freeing of filter in create_filter() when set_str is false * 0297b10 drm: Release driver tracking before making the object available again * 81090a1 ALSA: hda - Add stereo mic quirk for Lenovo G50-70 (17aa:3978) * cb189b08 ALSA: core: Fix unexpected error at replacing user TLV * 52dd306 Input: trackpoint - add new trackpoint firmware ID * 469f111 net_sched: fix order of queue length updates in qdisc_replace() * 48fb7c7 net: sched: fix NULL pointer dereference when action calls some targets * 5c584f4 irda: do not leak initialized list.dev to userspace * d1a610e tcp: when rearming RTO, if RTO time is in past then fire RTO ASAP * 096f12d sctp: fully initialize the IPv6 address in sctp_v6_to_addr() * a9aae64 dccp: defer ccid_hc_tx_delete() at dismantle time * adfd905 dccp: purge write queue in dccp_destroy_sock() * 03bab2f Linux 3.18.67 * f1a9dde usb: qmi_wwan: add D-Link DWM-222 device ID * cf30029 pids: make task_tgid_nr_ns() safe * 2f20d2b Sanitize 'move_pages()' permission checks * 3ee344e irqchip/atmel-aic: Fix unbalanced refcount in aic_common_rtc_irq_fixup() * 781f2645 irqchip/atmel-aic: Fix unbalanced of_node_put() in aic_common_irq_fixup() * 1551dfe mm/mempolicy: fix use after free when calling get_mempolicy * a7eb61a ALSA: usb-audio: Apply sample rate quirk to Sennheiser headset * 60fe32b parisc: pci memory bar assignment fails with 64bit kernels on dino/cujo * 5eff38d audit: Fix use after free in audit_remove_watch_rule() * 3187776 netfilter: nf_ct_ext: fix possible panic after nf_ct_extend_unregister * b8c5fcb Revert "op3: update versioning for updated script" #### packages/apps/DUI/ #### packages/apps/Dialer/ #### packages/apps/Messaging/ * e0708ed Merge remote-tracking branch 'lineage/cm-14.1' into HEAD #### packages/apps/OmniSwitch/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 6d05ff9 Back-port ag/2491664 * 2214a57 AppOpsDetails: Generate correct summary when changing list prefs * ac086f6 Settings: Allow devices to provide remote gesture preferences * 1b1f6ea Settings: Fix internal storage summary for non-emulated storage devices * 4776440 Settings: Always show Privacy Guard permissions * 02a6349 AppOps: Switch to an HashMap * a3bbfda Settings: Add a shortcut icon for carrier selection * cb1ab8b AppOps: Redesign * 3a0e238 Revert "Settings[Wifi]: fix the input invalid length for WEP encryption." #### vendor/samsung/ * 931afb0 Corrent vendor files list 09-15-2017 ============ #### external/libavc/ * 2170933 Decoder: Fixed allocation of pv_map_ref_idx_to_poc_buf. * 871e2ff Decoder: Fixed overflow in refernce list creation. * 73ff61b Initialize DPB structures to valid values. * 1a4a25a Added error check for output buffer size. #### external/libhevc/ * 2f28765 Limit boundary PU sizes in case of errors * 3008a9a Fix array size for hrd parameters * d2b7822 Check number of output buffers and sizes * 8e3fe3b Return error for invalid crop parameters #### external/libvpx/ * 50bde27 DO NOT MERGE libvpx: Cherry-pick 8b4c315 from upstream #### external/sonivox/ * afc7e48 Fix interpolator #### external/sqlite/ * f55bb7e DO NOT MERGE - fix FTS3 column pointer handling #### external/tremolo/ * 0000b2b Use heap instead of alloca in res012.c #### frameworks/av/ * be42248 MPEG4Source: fix fragmented read. * ac561ef stagefright: fix crash due to bad timestamp index * 47f7228 stagefright: check aac_frame_length to prevent infinite loop * 708ca76 MediaPlayerService: fix access of mPlayer in client * 20a8bdc audio effects: filter reserved effect commands * 1f8cd83 MPEG4Extractor: ensure returned status is checked. * 09ebf66 DO NOT MERGE Check frame handle validity before freeing buffer. * ae74db2 Change MPEG2 reinit Error Handling * 6e05adf Track: Check buffer size of static tracks * e0b8295 MPEG4Extractor: check size for yrrc box * 7a84ae8 AudioFlinger: Fix memory allocation for client-less tracks * b1c91bc Notify Errors Appropriately from SoftMPEG2 * 6dff427 EffectBundle: Check value size for get preset name * 3fcd8ac Fix TOCTOU problem in libstagefright_soft_aacenc #### frameworks/minikin/ * 440e10a Reject unsorted cmap entries. DO NOT MERGE #### hardware/broadcom/wlan/ * 71b070f net: wireless: bcmdhd: update bcm4354/4356 FW ( #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/ * 7a797d4 Equalizer: Check value size for get preset name #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8952/ * 0bf8b30 Equalizer: Check value size for get preset name #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8960/ * 01e8f3b Equalizer: Check value size for get preset name #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/ * f5a8e83 Equalizer: Check value size for get preset name #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8994/ * 7da7e5e Equalizer: Check value size for get preset name #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996/ * 53c7f74 Equalizer: Check value size for get preset name #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8998/ * c736bfe Equalizer: Check value size for get preset name #### hardware/qcom/audio/default/ * 3f7e702 Equalizer: Check value size for get preset name #### kernel/lge/hammerhead/ * 161c71e ASoC: wcd9320: Fix out of bounds for mad input value * 648c247 msm: ipa: fix ioctl input param validation * 0ac0dc1 msm: camera: isp: Fix warning and errors based on static analysis * 6fe493e msm: ipa: fix potential race condition ioctls * efb7f61 ASoC: soc: msm: initialize buffer to prevent kernel data leakage * e0b0d43 Bluetooth: Properly check L2CAP config option output buffer length #### packages/apps/Messaging/ * 87f81d9 37742976 - Catch bad gifs #### packages/apps/Nfc/ * f20aedf Add READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE for file based Uri while beaming. #### system/bt/ * 215d434 Add missing extension length check while parsing BNEP control packets * a61aaf1 Free p_pending_data from tBNEP_CONN to avoid potential memory leaks * 922d50b Add a missing check for PAN buffer size before copying data * c6f7f86 Add missing packet length checks while parsing BNEP control packets * 7e30b79 Add missing continuation offset check for SDP continuation requests * 0700e5b Disable PAN Reverse Tethering when connection originated by the Remote * 8825957 Allocate buffers of the right size when BT_HDR is included #### vendor/motorola/ * b9ed5ef shamu: update blobs from NGI55D factory image #### vendor/oneplus/ * 69a73ed oneplus2: add modem firmware 09-14-2017 ============ #### kernel/moto/shamu/ * ff43140 Merge branch 'aosp/android-msm-shamu-3.10-nougat-mr1.7' into cm-14.1 #### packages/apps/AudioFX/ * 3f7743b AudioFX: use vector drawables * b94e30b AudioFX: set theme accent to white * 00d3381 AudioFX: match control switches color with fragment background * f5d78ad AudioFX: Add Reverb toggle * 9fe5a3a AudioFX: Use default material toggle * 9662067 AudioFX: Apply effects independently of the output flags 09-12-2017 ============ #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8960/ * b28bc21 BACKPORT: mm-video: venc: Protect buffer from being freed while accessing * f65fe19 BACKPORT: mm-video: vdec: Avoid processing ETBs/FTBs in invalid states #### packages/apps/Snap/ * 853e8ee WideAnglePanoramaUI: Show switcher on Stop Capture 09-11-2017 ============ #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8974/ * 209a13c mm-video-v4l2: venc: Protect buffer from being freed while accessing #### vendor/motorola/ * 0bd3865 msm8916-common: Remove unused L1 widevine blobs * a095412 msm8916-common: Remove debugging tools * 7618020 msm8916: Regenerate Makefiles 09-10-2017 ============ #### hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8996/ * 0e4f36e display: Fix ColorMetaData * 837bea4 display-caf: msm8996: Use ColorMetaData in SDM in hwc2 * b57e903 display-caf: 8996: Add color metadata to libgralloc1 * 149b738 hwc2: Only set display_width and display_height when equal to zero * ad7a601 hwc2: Handle empty lists in AcceptDisplayChanges * 8a47e28 msm8996: hwc2: check for null layers in layer map * 934772f hwc2 : Fix layer updating flag * 4d97c5e gralloc: Return an error if the buffer was not mapped * 9f3b96b Revert "Revert "gralloc: Default to 601 color space"" * 0a5444d hwc2: Workaround use after free by surfaceflinger * 5e1a288 hwc2: Update composition types on AcceptDisplayChanges * 066fd9b Revert "gralloc: Default to 601 color space" * 6d28c4b gralloc: Disable UBWC for writeback buffers * 557c5ff hwc2: Initialize color mode to native * 1c5f5a8 hwc2 : Allow only top most cursor layer * fd935a0 Revert "gralloc: Return an error if the buffer was not mapped" * bcd5a49 hwc2: Fix solid fill * 52218dc sdm:hwc2: Store higher order mode id in case of clash * 302a25c gralloc: Return an error if the buffer was not mapped * d42e293 hwc2: Fix retire fences * 0d41f5d hwc2: Always store a release fence if a layer is presented * 2b1d161 hwc2: Use current frames retire fence only for the primary * 2113967 8996/HWC2: Return this frame's retire fence * 8fe4a3b hwc2: Remove default mode application at boot. * 6257c08 hwc2: Support HWC2_CAPABILITY_SKIP_CLIENT_COLOR_TRANSFORM * 36f1973 hwc: Set ioprio for vsync thread #### packages/apps/Jelly/ * 5f25616 Jelly: Reuse DateFormat instance in HistoryAdapter. #### packages/apps/TvSettings/ * acace0c Use new updater activity name for update button 09-09-2017 ============ #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/ * 76a0188 Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BR.1.2.9_rb1.24' into cm-14.1-caf-8916 #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8960/ * 9d1af8a aenc-aac: bounds checking #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996/ * aab6e9f msm8937: hal: Support custom mixer_paths file names * ed2f918 policy_hal: Don't fill in offload information for unsupported streams * c816745 msm8937: acdb: Make acdb reloading optional * 49e5b92 ssr: Fix building with OSS materials * 955bf9d msm8996: ultrasound: Initial open source hal for Elliptic Ultrasound * 821cccf msm8996: audio: Add l/r mic swapping when using stereo mics * ce1ee1d Add special case for stereo camcorder * bd30b5b hal: Featureize APE/VORBIS/WMA offload support * d991672 audio policy: fix capture indication to sound trigger service. * 4944746 hal: Don't try to record using 3-mic unless we mean it * 1a22ffe hal: Haxed header * 62da52b audio: Fix flac offload not working * a819e32 hal: Fix build with HDMI disabled * 3c433f9 audio: Fix complilation warnings under Clang * 0881ab0 msm8996: fix werror when AUDIO_FEATURE_ENABLED_DTS_EAGLE is enabled * 3b00fbd audio: Extend platform parser to allow device name aliasing * fa3ad7e hal: post_proc: enabled / disable volume listener based on prop * 1eafbe7 hal: Support the audio amplifier hook * 93c4733 audio: Use direct project pathmap #### hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8996/ * bb18e78 Fix duplicate copy file rules * cc9a267 Don't build lights module if vendor supplies it * 8c771e6 display: Use project pathmap #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8996/ * e84dcfe Fix duplicated OMX.qcom.audio.decoder.aac entry * 1b85693 media: libOmxSw encoders require prop headers :( * 8adf136 mm-video: Disable proprietary extension * 166864f venc: Fix VQZip issue * 914d3bc media: Avoid collision with FFMPEG plugin * 71d6868 media: Use project pathmap #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * f7c5dcc Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170908.1. #### vendor/samsung/ * b912b0f v1awifi: Updated the license from Lineage to LineageOS * 11a61be Add v1awifi vendor files #### vendor/xiaomi/ * 0ba5be3 msm8996-common: Remove pd-mapper * 6e6c591 msm8996-common: Update to MIUI 7.9.7 Global dev blobs 09-08-2017 ============ #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8994/ * cda376e Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BF64.1.2.3_rb1.16' into cm-14.1-caf-8994 #### hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8994/ * 39bc982 Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BF64.1.2.3_rb1.16' into cm-14.1-caf-8994 #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8994/ * 5142d75 Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BF64.1.2.3_rb1.16' into cm-14.1-caf-8994 #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 47276bd msm: camera: isp: Check null pointer for VFE0 base * c93f44f Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170908. * 22cf74b Merge "soc: qcom: smp2p: spinlock_test: Initialize work item" #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 924a9c6 Add J5H to the list (#864) #### vendor/cm/ * 78774cb Update Magisk to 14.0 and MagiskMansager to 5.3.0 (#99) 09-07-2017 ============ #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 929bd97 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170906.1. #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 2683f89 I've changed my name (#862) #### vendor/oneplus/ * 75327ea op3: Update blobs from OB23 / OB14 #### vendor/samsung/ * 23a26c7 serrano: Remove unused libfactoryutil.so 09-06-2017 ============ #### device/oneplus/oneplus3/ * 2b0b6b7 op3: Update to OB23 / OB14 blobs * a7c91cc op3: Advertize high-speed recording profiles #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/ * 00b7019 aenc-aac: bounds checking #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/apq8084/ * 477e1d7 mm-video-v4l2: venc: Protect buffer from being freed while accessing #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 153bd4d soc: qcom: smp2p: spinlock_test: Initialize work item * 0754056 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170906. * 8a5e091 msm: camera: Return -NOTTY on invalid ioctl command. 09-05-2017 ============ #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 92f25844 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170905. * cffbc06 Merge "usb: gadget: Clear multi_req flag if UDC suspended" * 6269d44 Merge "mmc: core: Use PF_MEMALLOC flag for clock scaling context" * 1e812d7 Merge "mmc: sdhci-msm: Set dll to good phase while sending cmd13 in tuning" * e9b6a1e Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170904. #### vendor/oneplus/ * d15f032 cheeseburger: define second back camera as back and back_aux #### vendor/samsung/ * 2e53be8 gtesqltespr: Remove prebuilt ril * e657fb2 gprimeltexx: Remove prebuilt ril * 9037e02 gprimeltespr: Remove prebuilt ril * 2b5ce29 gprimelte: Remove prebuilt ril * 263c7bb j7ltespr: nuke Mobicore blobs * 188f86e j7ltespr: remove prebuilt RIL blobs * 4028f6e gprimeltexx: Remove nfc_test firmware * 60a60d9 msm8916-common: Remove rfs access * 3178f43 j7ltespr: Hexedit sec-ril libs to allow audioserver connections * 198aefd gprimeltexx: Hexedit sec-ril libs to allow audioserver connections * dea8b0c gprimeltespr: Hexedit sec-ril libs to allow audioserver connections * 5965a9c gprimelte: Hexedit sec-ril libs to allow audioserver connections * ba66f9c j7lte: update blobs from latest stock release 09-04-2017 ============ #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996/ * da13543 Merge 6172a26352b462c0201cf3a2571631a2df8b4df9 on remote branch #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8996/ * b9cc6fd Merge 1a05f07a6fff81aa44d8016f1047d922fbbbce02 on remote branch #### kernel/lge/hammerhead/ * 50b3ffc mm: migrate dirty page without clear_page_dirty_for_io etc * dcac1f3 ALSA: usb-audio: avoid freeing umidi object twice * 1a62ac0 slim-msm: Synchronize SSR callbacks #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 23f60ad Merge "dm ioctl: prevent stack leak in dm ioctl call" * 224ae2c Merge ec3b3f764bc352e6a6b4d21de152f3b25d29b579 on remote branch * b466cf3 Merge "diag: dci: Add NULL pointer checks for dci buffers" * f7b3220 Merge "msm: mdss: hdmi: validate HDMI EDID's max number of CEA blocks" * 223ad8e Merge "soc: qcom: glink: Initialize dummy xprt with dummy functions" * b188ea8 dm ioctl: prevent stack leak in dm ioctl call #### vendor/xiaomi/ * a6df1a8 natrium: Update to MIUI 7.8.24 Global dev blobs * e77035e gemini: Update to MIUI 7.8.31 Global dev blobs * 66ea291 msm8996-common: Update to MIUI 7.8.31 Global dev blobs 09-03-2017 ============ #### packages/apps/SetupWizard/ * f7d9926 SetupWizard: Fix the accessibility services gesture #### packages/apps/Snap/ * fef825d Snap: fix highspeed and high-framerate video recording 09-02-2017 ============ #### frameworks/av/ * be37655 omx: Skip the whole dataspace signaling on legacy QCOM #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * b88f762 usb: gadget: Clear multi_req flag if UDC suspended #### packages/apps/SetupWizard/ * 77ef790 SetupWizard: Remove Themes related code #### vendor/oneplus/ * 9236200 cheeseburger: fix bad extract of 4.5.10 blobs 09-01-2017 ============ #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8994/ * 5e36f42 Merge AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BF64.1.2.3_RB1. on remote branch #### vendor/oneplus/ * 79b3b20 cheeseburger: add tp firmware * 319236a cheeseburger: update blobs from 4.5.10 #### vendor/samsung/ * ba6e186 apq8084-common: update blobs to CQG2 08-31-2017 ============ #### kernel/lge/hammerhead/ * 68db734 crypto: msm: check length before copying to buf in _debug_stats_read * 70fad89 msm-camera: Addressing possible overflow conditions * bd70519 msm: mdss: Correct the format specifiers in sscanf function #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 84d2690 Asus Zenfone 3 (Z012D) Maintainer (#859) #### packages/resources/devicesettings/ * ff0aa81 Add strings for devices' custom gesture handlers 08-30-2017 ============ #### device/xiaomi/msm8956-common/ * 6f1cf1d msm8956: Update extractors to match the latest templates #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8994/ * 0ac114a mm-video-v4l2: venc: Advertise correct output-size for meta-mode #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 57026b9 diag: dci: Add NULL pointer checks for dci buffers #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 67faee0 Piccolo Maintainer (#858) * 7b502c0 D851 Maintainer (#855) #### vendor/samsung/ * 40a9476 klte{,chn}duo*: Regen makefiles 08-29-2017 ============ #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 0b57c2c mmc: core: Use PF_MEMALLOC flag for clock scaling context * b7ddbed mmc: sdhci-msm: Set dll to good phase while sending cmd13 in tuning * ec3b3f7 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170828. #### packages/apps/Jelly/ * 5f4c6b0 Jelly: Add elevation effect to searchBar #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 41bd796 Update maintainer for Galaxy Note 3 Qcom (#854) #### vendor/lge/ * 0ed5c8f v4xx: Move thermal blobs to devices #### vendor/motorola/ * 0de3f66 Revert "falcon/peregrine: Go back to prebuilt AKM daemon" 08-28-2017 ============ #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 4dedd19 msm: mdss: hdmi: validate HDMI EDID's max number of CEA blocks #### vendor/samsung/ * 7a070e9 klte-common: Update blobs 08-27-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ #### packages/apps/DUI/ #### packages/apps/Jelly/ * 8e71ae9 Jelly: Remove the SwipeRefreshLayout #### packages/apps/OmniSwitch/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ #### vendor/lge/ * 17985d5 g2-common: Use widevine from kipper TOS125B #### vendor/oneplus/ * 09fcd69 cheeseburger: camera: change second rear cam from BACK_AUX to BACK 08-26-2017 ============ #### external/DUtils/ * bdd1314 DUtils: Migrate from broadcasts to API for some action handling [2/2] #### kernel/lge/hammerhead/ * 4cd799e udp: properly support MSG_PEEK with truncated buffers * cbfaf4d l2tp: fix racy SOCK_ZAPPED flag check in l2tp_ip{,6}_bind() * 249351a libceph: introduce ceph_crypt() for in-place en/decryption #### packages/apps/Eleven/ * 943d43e Eleven: Fix restoring user settings #### packages/apps/Snap/ * 2cf2582 Snap: fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on setUpCameraOutputs #### packages/services/Telephony/ * 6e6fe97 Allow to ignore presentation indicator of outgoing calls [3/3] #### vendor/oneplus/ * ea00438 cheeseburger: include libdczoom #### vendor/samsung/ * aa0dcd9 klte-common: Hex sensors.msm8974.so to quiet LightSensor logspam * 03a8682 sensors: Hex edit the sensors hal to remove excesive logging * 84223a5 k3gxx: update proprietary files 08-25-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ * 756f3e0 Allow to ignore presentation indicator of outgoing calls [1/3] * 89fc8fd Use SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() to calc TTFF * d1cb955 Tweak Privacy Guard dialog layout * 20d80eb PowerManager: Allow to distinguish different keypresses * 8b63de6 Add @hide annotation to the privacy guard ops set * 4193207 Change visibility of the Privacy Guard ops set * 6ab7b90 Camera: ignore torch status update for aux or compsite camera * be1d6ba base: audioservice: Set BT_SCO status #### frameworks/native/ * 9cb6681 Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/laos/cm-14.1' into HEAD #### frameworks/opt/telephony/ * b231815 Allow to ignore presentation indicator of outgoing calls [2/3] #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 1744abc Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170825. * 8326e3f qcacld-2.0: Update to LA.UM.5.5.r1-05700-8x96.0 * ee4bfef Merge CAF's LA.UM.5.5.r1-05700-8x96.0 into Derp * bf01854 ASoC: msm: qdspv2: initialize struct member before being used #### packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/ * 2dd00df Email: Fix led notification settings #### vendor/lge/ * 50a3b8c v4xx-common: Update libwvm to _ZN7android16MediaBufferGroupC1Ej * 3b6f969 v4xx-common: Hexedit libqc-opt to support _56 08-24-2017 ============ #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996/ * 6172a26 Promotion of audio-userspace.lnx.2.1.c1-00038. #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8996/ * 1a05f07 Promotion of video-userspace.lnx.2.1.c1-00048. #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 559eb1f Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170824. * 0e3afcd soc: qcom: glink: Initialize dummy xprt with dummy functions * c049c21 Merge "tracing : fix race condition reading saved tgids" * 7f9294a Merge "diag: Synchronize msg mask read and write on a peripheral" * 71b2e49 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170823.1. * d5883d5 Merge "msm: ipa3: Fix IPA aggregation force close call" #### packages/apps/CMParts/ * 3a7fa97 CMParts: Make some icon colors match settings accent * b938daa CMParts: Use vector drawables for most system icons * 5a86b65 CMParts: remove extra padding from app light preference * 56e049f Set android:configChanges for .PartsActivity * b4fb41f CMParts: Support color engine 08-23-2017 ============ #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996/ * b3fea85 Merge "Fix security vulnerability: Equalizer setParameter memory overflow" into audio-userspace.lnx.2.1.c1-dev * bdb5650 Promotion of audio-userspace.lnx.2.1.c1-00037. * 577263d Merge "policy_hal: adjust bitrate restriction for wma" into audio-userspace.lnx.2.1.c1-dev #### hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8994/ * dfb291d libmemtrack: Fix fd leak in kgsl function #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8994/ * 931b371 Merge "mm-video-v4l2: Fix input buffer release in deinit" #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 41e4f88 msm: ipa3: Fix IPA aggregation force close call * 84a5df1 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170823. * 3b165a4 Merge "thermal: tsens: Disable Tsens interrupts during driver initialization" * 993865b tracing : fix race condition reading saved tgids * 76c5249 Merge "FROMLIST: f2fs: sanity check checkpoint segno and blkoff" * 23a6cb2 Merge "f2fs: sanity check segment count" * f49145a Merge "timerfd: Protect the might cancel mechanism proper" #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 3c8b4d4 Responsible arrangement for the Seed device. (#851) #### vendor/motorola/ * 1adcf9e omap4: regenerate makefiles and remove old unused stuff 08-22-2017 ============ #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996/ * 1d8f162 Fix security vulnerability: Equalizer setParameter memory overflow #### kernel/lge/hammerhead/ * d0acbfe netlink: Fix dump skb leak/double free * b6a6877 netlink: add reference of module in netlink_dump_start * b0829c5 sysrq: FIQ and sysrq default deauthorized #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 98b503a FROMLIST: f2fs: sanity check checkpoint segno and blkoff * 3b96134 f2fs: sanity check segment count * 0a07cde timerfd: Protect the might cancel mechanism proper * 9bdf72b BACKPORT: f2fs: sanity check log_blocks_per_seg * 358dfe8 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170821. 08-21-2017 ============ #### device/oneplus/oneplus3/ * e9af47b op3: Fix 3T front camera crash with Snap * aa1d874 op3: Add VR-ready power HAL * 72ddc7a op3: Added Sustained and VR perf mode powerhints in xml * e0e423f op3: Set config_sustainedPerformanceModeSupported * 8250815 op3: Add permissions for accessing thermal-engine * e004535 op3: Kang VR HAL from marlin * 1cd6a38 op3: thermal-engine: Add thermal client library header * 5dd2539 op3: Kang thermal HAL from marlin * 09e69d7 op3: Kang marlin thermal config file * 35873ec op3: Kang perfd stack from marlin * 6912c56 op3: Address wcnss_service denial * 51813e8 op3: Update blobs from OB22 / OB13 #### frameworks/native/ * 9fe7f3c InputDispatcher_test: fix pokeUserActivity after afbd1c1265de317f5ecf44cd400586c53a001ee7 #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8998/ * eba183e Merge tag 'LA.UM.5.7.r1-10500-8x98.0' into cm-14.1-caf-8998 #### kernel/lge/hammerhead/ * 7b91973 BACKPORT: fiq_debugger: restrict access to critical commands. #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 1cc58ff Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170820. #### packages/apps/Jelly/ * 2a6aa75 Fix NPE. #### vendor/oneplus/ * 2e1e140 op3: Kang perfd stack from marlin * b3e9cba op3: Remove vendor thermal-engine.conf * 564b739 op3: Update to OB22 / OB13 blobs * 5ace225 cheeseburger: include libhwdaphal 08-20-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ #### hardware/ril-caf/ * d8290dd ril: Allow targets to disable Clang #### kernel/lge/hammerhead/ * 64c70cf msm: remote_spinlock: swp{b} is deprecated for ARM>v5 * d433131 ARM: 8160/1: drop warning about return_address not using unwind tables * f4c6270 ppp: defer netns reference release for ppp channel #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 5db02769 qseecom: use strnlen in qseecom_start_app #### packages/apps/AudioFX/ #### packages/apps/Eleven/ #### packages/apps/Jelly/ #### packages/apps/Messaging/ #### packages/apps/OmniSwitch/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 14513f5 Update s7 edge maintainer * 3bb44bb Transfer maintainership of Galaxy S7 series to schwabe93 #### packages/apps/SetupWizard/ #### packages/apps/Snap/ #### packages/apps/Terminal/ #### packages/apps/Trebuchet/ #### packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/ #### packages/resources/devicesettings/ 08-19-2017 ============ #### build/ * 6a081e1 envsetup: stop jack server once build completed #### kernel/lge/hammerhead/ * 829e958 ARM: 7743/1: compressed/head.S: work around new binutils warning #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 7dce677 tracing: fix race condition reading saved tgids * 7c96af3 fs/exec: fix use after free in execve * b45caf0 xfrm: policy: check policy direction value * e6ae7ae soc: qcom: secure_buffer: Fix memory leak * dbf066f FROMLIST: f2fs: add ioctl to expose current features * 5bb0e03 FROMLIST: f2fs: don't give partially written atomic data from process crash * 224fa97 FROMLIST: f2fs: give a try to do atomic write in -ENOMEM case * c78e4df ANDROID: sdcardfs: override credential for ioctl to lower fs * 25e55a1 ANDROID: keychord: Fix for a memory leak in keychord. * 30178ac ANDROID: keychord: Fix races in keychord_write. * 9baf2b6 Use %zu to print resid (size_t). * 82f3829 ANDROID: keychord: Fix a slab out-of-bounds read. * edd5754 mdss: livedisplay: Add support for DCI-P3 mode * 17d2977 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170818. * 870bfc0 Merge "qbt1000: Validate FP app name before qseecom_start_app" * 3c11f91 Merge "msm: kgsl: Protect the event->handle with spinlock" #### packages/apps/CMParts/ * f763660 CMParts: Add strings for DCI-P3 color profile 08-18-2017 ============ #### device/qcom/sepolicy/ * 96615af msm8974: Do not grant DAC override permission to netmgrd * c631819 Use set_prop() macro for property sets #### frameworks/native/ * afbd1c1 InputDispatcher: On keypress, deliver keycode to pokeUserActivity * 766d692 PowerManager.h: Define USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG values * c1f311b native: Increase ART heap limit to 192MB for 1024MB RAM devices #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/ * 61a2343 Merge AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BR.1.2.9_RB1. on remote branch #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996/ * 229fe55 Merge 7b398779d82912cdaaf10a549f228c38f7b2e5f6 on remote branch #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * f7f55eb Merge 8498c2cd15113964bc07a47f8f7803ab4c4f525a on remote branch * 13d11f9 Merge "msm:ipa: Fix to incorrect structure access" * 7320d93 Merge "drm/msm: Fix potential buffer overflow issue" * 3c7b724 qbt1000: Validate FP app name before qseecom_start_app * 756be8d Merge "msm: mdss: Check htotal for calculating programmable fetch" * 7b0aefc Merge "msm: mdss: Add check for ioctl calls" * d4e1af3 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170817. * f358fc7 Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/uck/rel/msm-3.18.r5-redone' into nougat #### kernel/xiaomi/msm8956/ * 03b032e enable PM_SYNC_BEFORE_SUSPEND * 69171d3 Revert "Dynamic Fsync 1.2" * 4918364 Revert "Forward port Dynamic Fsync to Linux 3.10" * c4ad19e USB: f_fs: change wait as freezable * bdead10 power: make sync on suspend optional On embedded devices with built-in batteries, it is not so important to sync the file systems before suspend. The chance of losing power during suspend are no greater than they are when the system is awake. The sync operations can greatly increase suspend latency when the system has accrued many dirty pages and/or the target storage devices are not particularly fast. * 218125c sched/loadavg: Fix loadavg artifacts on fully idle and on fully loaded systems * 38cf5a9 arch:arm: disable bcl hotplug #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 4dccd0d Changing Galaxy s7 edge Maintainer (#846) #### vendor/lge/ * 5d2909b rs988: Update bluetooth firmware name * 9e9d1d6 rs988: Add initial blobs and add to build guard 08-17-2017 ============ #### device/oneplus/oneplus3/ * 6a0aba5 op3: Add DCI-P3 entry to color profiles #### device/xiaomi/msm8956-common/ * b103508 msm8956: Remove BCL hotplug disable/enable from init #### hardware/qcom/wlan-caf/ * 93c8631 WifiHAL: Free the stats received so far if requestResponse() fails * eabd5a6 Wifi-HAL: Move llstats freeing to a common API #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 8f0ab2d drm/msm: Fix potential buffer overflow issue * 627cf6c msm:ipa: Fix to incorrect structure access * a577ecd msm: kgsl: Protect the event->handle with spinlock * 53a72780 msm: kgsl: Fix the syncpoint_fence trace * 578e155 Merge "msm: sensor: Add mutex lock during ois power down operations" * 00fa1cd Merge "qseecom: Fix accessing userspace memory in kernel space" * 11f2629 Merge "ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Check out-of-bound access in put functions" * 84bd52e Linux 3.18.66 * aef7403 pinctrl: samsung: Remove bogus irq_[un]mask from resource management * b68813e pinctrl: sunxi: add a missing function of A10/A20 pinctrl driver * 7910729 pnfs/blocklayout: require 64-bit sector_t * 13bc5d4 iio: adc: vf610_adc: Fix VALT selection value for REFSEL bits * b1d344e usb:xhci:Add quirk for Certain failing HP keyboard on reset after resume * 3f4042a usb: quirks: Add no-lpm quirk for Moshi USB to Ethernet Adapter * 75ee62c USB: Check for dropped connection before switching to full speed * 6a0ce6a uas: Add US_FL_IGNORE_RESIDUE for Initio Corporation INIC-3069 * 46139df iio: light: tsl2563: use correct event code * 4bdf854 staging:iio:resolver:ad2s1210 fix negative IIO_ANGL_VEL read * 90471e6 USB: hcd: Mark secondary HCD as dead if the primary one died * a9da48b usb: musb: fix tx fifo flush handling again * 4403e31 USB: serial: cp210x: add support for Qivicon USB ZigBee dongle * 8af909a USB: serial: option: add D-Link DWM-222 device ID * 6315b31 fuse: initialize the flock flag in fuse_file on allocation * 5eb8894 mm: ratelimit PFNs busy info message #### packages/apps/Settings/ * aca49e9 Add Co Maintainer for Jalebi (#845) #### vendor/motorola/ * 9b2c996 msm8610-common: regenerate vendor makefiles 08-16-2017 ============ #### hardware/cyanogen/ * e2f8e45 livedisplay: SDM: Add support for DCI-P3 display mode #### hardware/qcom/bt-caf/ * 328d8af Revert "Merge tag 'LA.UM.5.5.r1-04900-8x96.0' into HEAD" #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8996/ * 98e495d mm-video-v4l2: venc: Advertise correct output-size for meta-mode #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * e4909cd Merge "msm: camera: Avoid deadlock for vb2 operations using separate lock" * 9dbac2e msm: mdss: Check htotal for calculating programmable fetch * d9a1d7b msm: mdss: Add check for ioctl calls * 2e33286 qseecom: Fix accessing userspace memory in kernel space * e5d491b msm: sensor: Add mutex lock during ois power down operations * 94ce602 msm: camera: Avoid deadlock for vb2 operations using separate lock * 25a1ee2 ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Check out-of-bound access in put functions * add9c95 msm: sensor: Fix crash when ioctl VIDIOC_MSM_SENSOR_INIT_CFG #### packages/apps/Jelly/ * 21b9d05 Jelly: Check for onChanged in history data observer #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 115a541 added helium (#843) 08-15-2017 ============ #### device/xiaomi/msm8956-common/ * 8830c43 msm8965: Give suitable permission to graphic nodes * d538cd3 msm8956: commonize thermal sepolicy * a0765f5 msm8956: Since we are shipping aptx blobs enable it * c20fef8 msm8956: remove displayfeature * aae6c3d msm8956: Remove soundTrigger configs #### kernel/lge/hammerhead/ * 646ee0b net: wireless: bcmdhd: fix buffer overrun in wlfc reordering * ccb2420 net: wireless: bcmdhd: fix overrun in wl_run_escan * 6ee59da net: wireless: bcmdhd: fix hotlist index in wl_cfgvendor_hotlist_cfg * ed16a3e net: wireless: bcmdhd: adding boundary check in SWC gscan config * 5a2d7ff net: wireless: bcmdhd: fix buffer overrun in wl_cfgvendor_hotlist_cfg * aca2550 net: wireless: bcmdhd: Heap overflow in wl_run_escan. * 8870c6e net: wireless: bcmdhd: fix buffer overrun in private command path * 78e37c6 net: wireless: bcmdhd: fix buffer overrun in wl_cfg80211_add_iw_ie * cc112de net: wireless: bcmdhd: adding boundary check in wl_cfg80211_mgmt_tx * 1dfc2fa net: wireless: bcmdhd: additional length check for BRCM EVENT frame. #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 9c5c248 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170815. * 8498c2c Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170814. * 396e8a1d Merge "trace: ipc_logging: Avoid buffer overflow in ipc_log_string()" #### kernel/xiaomi/msm8956/ * 67205da def: regen and disable mousedev * bb880c3 arch:arm:dtsi: Increase default max brightness #### packages/apps/Jelly/ * 1ea2382 Jelly: Improve URL bar behavior #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 7d771ca Fix i9500 maintainer dont show (#842) * df1f26e Fix i9500 maintainer dont show (#840) #### vendor/asus/ * 9c045bc Z00D: regenerate makefiles and blobs 08-14-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 02d1218 ARM: dts: msm: Enable USB type-c support for PMI8940/PMI8937 #### kernel/xiaomi/msm8956/ * 8b4275f BACKPORT: fs: limit filesystem stacking depth * 4b5533c drivers:led: Fix maximum flash brightness #### packages/apps/DUI/ #### packages/apps/OmniSwitch/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 72deb12 Fix land device position (#839) * f6cc7a7 Add Redmi 4X device maintainer (#838) #### packages/services/OmniJaws/ #### vendor/lge/ * 332e3fa v521: Update blobs from v521 v20i * fcd6a8b us997: Update adreno firmware from v14a * 6d4709e g5: Update camera and fingerprint from h830 v20k * 0ca4373 h870: Update adreno firmware from v10t * fa95a57 h830: Update adreno firmware from v20k #### vendor/samsung/ * 4fd6088 hlte*: Move QC Framework blobs to -common * 9676d51 klte-common: Update GPS blob stack * 62026c5 klte*: Move QC Framework blobs to -common 08-13-2017 ============ #### device/lge/hammerhead/ * f126d24 hammerhead: remove deprecated/unused board flags #### device/xiaomi/kenzo/ * fc942cf kenzo: Remove unused acdb files #### device/xiaomi/msm8956-common/ * 3544d46 Revert "msm8956-common: Nuke sdcardfs" * 96fd5fc msm8956: Let ffmpeg take care of flac #### frameworks/base/ * 63df1f1 PowerManagerService: fix HW button illumination timeout * 87a1af4 SystemUI: Fix battery meter view blacklist handling #### hardware/broadcom/wlan/ * 5ef057d Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r28' into cm-14.1 #### hardware/samsung/ * 231dc65 wifiloader: Load kernel module if present #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 3664574 Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/uck/rel/msm-3.18.r5-redone' into nougat * a0a4a11 Linux 3.18.65 * d0f8d04 ipv4: Should use consistent conditional judgement for ip fragment in __ip_append_data and ip_finish_output * 232b452 udp: consistently apply ufo or fragmentation * 78b47e4 revert "ipv4: Should use consistent conditional judgement for ip fragment in __ip_append_data and ip_finish_output" * b5077ed packet: fix tp_reserve race in packet_set_ring * ed28473 net: avoid skb_warn_bad_offload false positives on UFO * 58a9d1a tcp: fastopen: tcp_connect() must refresh the route * 3f55a27 net: sched: set xt_tgchk_param par.nft_compat as 0 in ipt_init_target * d6fdab3 net: fix keepalive code vs TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT * 5bf6624 tcp: avoid setting cwnd to invalid ssthresh after cwnd reduction states #### kernel/xiaomi/msm8956/ * 44ea054 regen def and enable sdcardfs * 1d0898b time: Remove CONFIG_TIMER_STATS * 0bd1a70 Increase maximum charging current * 263a8af random32: include missing header file * c25c04d ARM64: Wire up getrandom. * 0fa5773 BACKPORT: ARM: wire up getrandom syscall * c8c1a02 BACKPORT: random: Wake up all getrandom(2) callers when pool is ready * da546ae BACKPORT: random: introduce getrandom(2) system call * 8c5fcc7 BACKPORT: random32: add prandom_reseed_late() and call when nonblocking pool becomes initialized * 5b5557c BACKPORT: random32: add periodic reseeding * 5196c2b gitignore: add output directory to list * 8d69213 Sorry, you looked a bit out of place :P * dd1ae9f kenzo: enable console, disable modules, regenerate * 99148aa Dominator: appended dtb ftw! * 06d92ab prima: Update to LA.BR.1.3.6_rb1.19 * 5be4d0b kenzo: regenerate defconfig * 495e36a Revert "ASoC: wcd9335: add analog headphone gain" * 621ee4d ASoC: wcd-mbhc: correct lineout detection * 34fe041 Revert "ASoC: wcd-mbhc: Don't report headphone until timout" * f1acc92 kenzo: fix reboot to recovery for guys who had issue * 1dda45d kenzo: update versioning for my build script * 9fb0f80 Dominator: regenerate defconfig * a52e321 staging: prima: Fix non-debug build and switch to it * d45c299 msm: qpnp-haptic: Process haptics asynchronously * 264b0c9 qpnp-haptic: Dejank the haptics * 1d16b41 Makefile: set ARCH * 340a8f4 Fix GCC6 Compilation Errors & Warnings * 270f9a5 Disable "maybe-uninitialized" warning globally * 70bd1ff Makefile: Use ccache for compilation * 5178808 Makefile: Disable unused constant variable warning * daa545e ARM: DTS: kenzo: Re-enable appsbl qseecom support flag * 91b6afb kenzo: Fix & enable Goodix GF318M fingerprint support * c890135 uapi: export lirc.h header * a663f54 lirc.h: remove several unused ioctls * 6214168 bz#75751: Move internal header file lirc.h to uapi/ * 9cc9d55 Makefile: remove REAL_CC and calls to gcc wrapper script * 13f98d9 staging: prima: Fix non-debug build and switch to it * b329542 net: rmnet_data: Silence "Unkown IOCTL" log spam * 8205e6b panel dtsi changes * 75a9728 Fix reboot issue after aboot update 7.3.9 * 6753391 [dnm]: Merge dtsi changes from latest miui * d6b4858d kenzo: Use caf hall driver * 54eade2 kenzo: enable_spk_ext_pa STFU!! * 8d4174b3 kenzo: Remove useless charging debugging * c6f278b kenzo: Enable cpuset * 6127555 cpuset: Make cpusets restore on hotplug * 7c3628b cpuset: Add allow_attach hook for cpusets on android. * cb87f0c kenzo: Disable goodix * 8f3c60c include/linux/compiler-gcc.h: improve __visible documentation * abf54f0 include/linux/compiler-gcc.h: hide assume_aligned attribute from sparse * 4e75a6d compiler.h: add support for function attribute assume_aligned * 406ac33 compiler-gcc: disable -ftracer for __noclone functions * a4267cd compiler-gcc: integrate the various compiler-gcc[345].h files * 5972b50 media: Use balika code to support kate cam sensor * c98a290 derp * 2029e2b Revert "fingerprint: Initial Goodix Support" * 3867a1f media: Add support for s5k5e8_yx13 sensor * 1c7d93a input: Handle an additional framebuffer hint * 75d7a7d fix base path * c29ab2d defconfig: Change Stack Protector to 'REGULAR' * a3f24a9 Dominator: set version in Makefile * 822a261 Update prima * a07e4d2 Revert "arm:dts:increase max curent" * b39d024 mobicore: Fix section mismatch * e2deedd remove dual decleration * 61fca68 update build script * ba722733 fingerprint: Initial Goodix Support * ec82e4e enable sound control and gestures * a6a446c DTS: Fix Qualcomm Typo Error * 142d4e7 Fix s5k3p3_f3p3man support * 37d47ae cpufreq: cache tunables for ondemand and conservative governors * 9ce9d89 xiaomi: lct_tp_fm_info: fix warning about existing sysfs/procfs entries * 39b19c4 platform/msm: haptic: expose vibrate function * 4eee6ff wake_gestures: add sweep2wake, doubletap2wake and sweep2sleep for Redmi Note 3 * f820e7d input: atmel_mxt_ts: Add double tap sysfs symlink * 4a09ed9 input: Create shared procfs nodes * feb3899 input: atmel_mxt_ts: Add option to disable keypad * 1402838 input: ft5x06: Add option to disable keypad * e7042c5 usb: gadget: mass_storage: added sysfs entry for cdrom to LUNs * 65e1ffa sound_control: add speaker gain * cb07888 ASoC: wcd9335: add analog headphone gain * 0917ef1 ASoC: wcd9335: Sound control * d8a2dbd power: qpnp-fg: Coulomb Counting Error * f73688e fix qpnp_fg_cap_learning wake lock no release * ccf4f0e drivers:power: Fix the soc update delay * e12f0b8 drivers:power: fix -2% bug * e6fe1ee Revert partial xiaomi changes * 1cf7ef8 arm:dts: adapt to new aw2013 driver * ea73dd7 leds-aw2013: Don't reset values when nothing has changed * 11ed2a6 leds: aw2013: Reduce logging level * 6c8c3da leds: aw2013: Use an ordered workqueue for command processing * 1828e30 leds: aw2013_led: Don't reset the brightness level when setting blink * 6438a51 revert xiaomi changes * 95857f6 kobject: Fix "add_uevent_var: too many keys" warn. * 68f670e power: qpnp-smbcharger: Fix the BMD algo. disable logic * 6737857 arm:dts:we want faster bootup * cf18678 Revert "msm: thermal: add a module param to change the thermal throttle temperature point to userspace" * 141de34 config:enable exfat * 71ee514 Add exFAT support * a1c658c config;Enable crc32 module * 57983fc crypto: arm64/crc32 - bring in line with generic CRC32 * 32f2013 crypto: crc32 - Add ARM64 CRC32 hw accelerated module * 1492a01 regenerate defconfig * a8e452b underp merge * f2a1dff fix f2fs compile * 5c275bc Fix Cam for all * ddaaa85 dominator:enable frandom * 2faeec4 upgrade frandom to latest * 2d0ca08 drivers: Upgrade frandom from staging * 6611655 staging: frandom: Clear up checkpatch conflicts * e47d974 staging: frandom: Dynamically allocate the char device numbers * ddbc286 staging: Add frandom RNG driver * dd713df drivers: camera: Fix camera sensor detection * ca63e0a Revert "msm: mdss: kcal: Use PCC for negative display mode" * 3830502 Time to dominate * 8f7acb7 dominator: Enable Powersuspend * 2e56f89 kernel/power/powersuspend: cumulative update to version 1.5 * 7d89b43 kernel/power/powersuspend: LCD screen on/off hooks (Yank555.lu) * 4eb61ea kernel/power/powersuspend: default to userspace for now * 74c4e3ee kernel/power/powersuspend: add back userpace control w/ default kernel control * 3a8542f kernel/power/powersuspend: remove userspace dependency from powersuspend * a8acc1f powersuspend: fix logci derps :p * e9ceab5 powersuspend: new PM kernel driver for Android w/o early_suspend * b1c89f2 mdss: use an interruptible thread on edp to reduce load_average * d3a7a8a msm: Fix high load average from uninterruptible waits * 56b7adf config:enable f2fs * remove unused touchscreen * remove ext2 and ext3 * 5c7aff3 Sysfs interface to Enable/Disable CRC [@Pafcholini] Signed-off-by: placiano * 3837627 dominator: Enable DYNAMIC FSYNC * 48ba317 dominator: Add NTFS Support * 177b243 Forward port Dynamic Fsync to Linux 3.10 * 1a4b5a5 Dynamic Fsync 1.2 * 4d960a0 msm: kgsl: Report correct GPU frequency in sysfs * cf517ef PM: devfreq: Use high priority workqueue * 5afd4aa dominator: Enable Arch Power * 7ee7481 msm: thermal: add a module param to change the thermal throttle temperature point to userspace * 33eb40b dominator: Enable FIOPS * 1218a88 FIOPS: forward port for use on 3.10 Linux * 023c21e block: fiops ioscheduler core * f3435af Remove '+' symbol from kernel version string * 04b2b61 tick: don't update idle time if cpu offline * 7cd30ee config:enable kcal * b36c5a0 msm: mdss: kcal: Only apply updates on index 0 * fcfa2a2 msm: mdss: kcal: Use PCC for negative display mode * c463749 msm: mdss: KCAL: Send a pp display commit when changes are made * 0b2082a msm: mdss: KCAL: Do not read from picture adjustment registers * 42d8aa4 msm: mdss: KCAL: Read values from MDP registers wherever possible * 1c04b0f msm: mdss: KCAL: Apply default values on boot * c1f340c msm: mdss: KCAL: Queue changes when panel is powered off * 9e6ba45 msm: mdss: KCAL: Remove MODULE_DESCRIPTION * cb235e6 msm: mdss: KCAL: Update Kconfig description * 7b94842 msm: mdss: KCAL: Update according to linux guidelines and checkpatch.pl * 155cb5c msm: mdss: KCAL: Check panel power state before applying values * 8437923 msm: mdss: KCAL: Allow kcal_enable to control all post-processing features * 5a3aa61 msm: mdss: Keep KCAL within its own source file * 63bda47 msm: mdss: Remove deprecated __dev* markings * 5acbc29 msm: mdss: Add pa_v2 support to KCAL * e278f64 msm: mdss: Replace PGC implementation with PCC for KCAL * 632c7a1 msm: mdss: Add KCAL support for post processing control [v2] * d66a889 config:Expand def and remove unwanted modules * bc855a8 msm: qpnp-haptic: set up sysfs interface for common cmhw implementation * b78f4d8 qpnp-haptic: Add sysfs interface to control intensity * 4b198c3 arm:dts:let xiaomi be partial * We are mankind's angel so will offer everyone equal freq * e89222b arm:dts:increase max curent * Therefore adjust thermal mitigation * 2ffc0cf scripts/sortextable: suppress warning: `relocs_size' may be used uninitialized * 8c0ea4b asoc: fix warning * 2ff0570 misc: Fix Kconfig warnings * 9e02f66 devfreq_devbw: Assign labels to devbw nodes. * 06054fc block, bfq: add Early Queue Merge (EQM) to BFQ-v7r8 for 3.10.8+ * 734898b block: introduce the BFQ-v7r8 I/O sched for 3.10.8+ * a014630 block: cgroups, kconfig, build bits for BFQ-v7r8-3.10.8+ * d05425d kenzo: defconfig: Update * 15c47fb ARM: dts: pstore: Match motorola configuration * 86f7d2d arch/arm: dts: Add pstore DT * 5a1ef5a fs: pstore: Import Motorola pstore config * 6d98f55 power: reset: Allow device to preserve memory on restart * d97e186 ARM: dts: kenzo: Only build device specific dtb * 6fec396 prima: Import QC prima wireless driver * 606f39d fpc: Update fingerprint driver for MM HAL * f6979bb dominator:add Dtbtool * Also Add buildscript * e7ea665 Import RN3 misc changes * d1234de sound: wcd9335: Set correct wcd_ext_clk for HM Note 3 * d6d8204 sound: soc: Import Xiaomi code * 0648202 drivers:video:Import RN3 video changes * 05479db drivers:power:Import RN3 power changes * 7c1591d drivers:mmc:Import RN3 mmc changes * 303837d drivers:media:Import RN3 media changes * d511a80 drivers:led:Import RN3 led changes * ca71de1 drivers:input:Import RN3 input changes * f0e034a arm:Import RN3 dts changes * 9f7460a arm64:Import RN3 changes * ff851bb update git ignore * we need touch firmware files * we dont need dt.img to be uploaded evey now and then * e4940c4 ANDROID: sdcardfs: override credential for ioctl to lower fs * 672d8ca ANDROID: sdcardfs: Remove unnecessary lock * 53caa66 ANDROID: sdcardfs: use mount_nodev and fix a issue in sdcardfs_kill_sb * 336ebf2 ANDROID: sdcardfs: remove dead function open_flags_to_access_mode() * e3a710e sdcardfs: limit stacking depth * 5265ccf sdcardfs: Fix build for linux-3.10.y * d40a5d3 ANDROID: sdcardfs: d_splice_alias can return error values * a1747ea ANDROID: sdcardfs: Check for NULL in revalidate * f818071 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Add linux/kref.h include * 1752cbb ANDROID: sdcardfs: Move top to its own struct * bad15dd ANDROID: sdcardfs: fix sdcardfs_destroy_inode for the inode RCU approach * b4e2e61 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Don't iput if we didn't igrab * ddce070 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Call lower fs's revalidate * 51ff2e2f ANDROID: sdcardfs: Avoid setting GIDs outside of valid ranges * 86e0b3c Revert "Revert "Android: sdcardfs: Don't do d_add for lower fs"" * 039ce7c ANDROID: sdcardfs: Use filesystem specific hash * bb944d2 Revert "Android: sdcardfs: Don't do d_add for lower fs" * 55812c9 Android: sdcardfs: Don't complain in fixup_lower_ownership * 57d61dd Android: sdcardfs: Don't do d_add for lower fs * 02791fe ANDROID: sdcardfs: ->iget fixes * 96f7bc4 Android: sdcardfs: Change cache GID value * 49de975 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Directly pass lower file for mmap * 059c40d ANDROID: sdcardfs: update module info * 6384ed6 ANDROID: sdcardfs: use d_splice_alias * 5ce649a ANDROID: sdcardfs: fix ->llseek to update upper and lower offset * 2511ce7 ANDROID: sdcardfs: copy lower inode attributes in ->ioctl * 6b6c715 ANDROID: sdcardfs: remove unnecessary call to do_munmap * 0f22848 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Fix style issues in macros * 5bdb7c0 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Use seq_puts over seq_printf * 95de34b ANDROID: sdcardfs: Use to kstrout * 01c4dda ANDROID: sdcardfs: Use pr_[...] instead of printk * a18c3bc ANDROID: sdcardfs: remove unneeded null check * 94bda08 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Fix style issues with comments * 522c7f9 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Fix formatting * b18d7ac ANDROID: sdcardfs: correct order of descriptors * 250e39e ANDROID: sdcardfs: Fix gid issue * cf23d84 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Use tabs instead of spaces in multiuser.h * 4d71533 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Remove uninformative prints * ad833b7 ANDROID: sdcardfs: move path_put outside of spinlock * e9504bc ANDROID: sdcardfs: Use case insensitive hash function * 7ec5fb3 ANDROID: sdcardfs: declare MODULE_ALIAS_FS * db76865 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Get the blocksize from the lower fs * c4a73ad ANDROID: sdcardfs: Use d_invalidate instead of drop_recurisve * 25618e6 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Switch to internal case insensitive compare * a973475 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Use spin_lock_nested * 0688e8a ANDROID: sdcardfs: Replace get/put with d_lock * baad829 ANDROID: sdcardfs: rate limit warning print * 2514f71 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Fix case insensitive lookup * 04815bb ANDROID: sdcardfs: support direct-IO (DIO) operations * 6c199a3 ANDROID: sdcardfs: implement vm_ops->page_mkwrite * cc1da69 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Don't bother deleting freelist * 27d298b ANDROID: sdcardfs: Add missing path_put * 8e792e0 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Fix incorrect hash * 767a6e8 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Switch strcasecmp for internal call * a7d0c55 ANDROID: sdcardfs: switch to full_name_hash and qstr * 833f586 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Add GID Derivation to sdcardfs * af43eec ANDROID: sdcardfs: Remove redundant operation * 128e37a ANDROID: sdcardfs: add support for user permission isolation * 58b6147 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Refactor configfs interface * f50915d ANDROID: sdcardfs: Allow non-owners to touch * b4d95b8 ANDROID: mnt: remount should propagate to slaves of slaves * 0c3977c ANDROID: sdcardfs: Fix locking issue with permision fix up * cacb170 ANDROID: vfs: Missed updating truncate to truncate2 * fc8bd9c sdcardfs: Use per mount permissions * fb3fb6c sdcardfs: Add gid and mask to private mount data * 65003eca sdcardfs: User new permission2 functions * 26e2595 vfs: Add setattr2 for filesystems with per mount permissions * e748f9e vfs: Add permission2 for filesystems with per mount permissions * 74ab256 vfs: Allow filesystems to access their private mount data * 001d5df mnt: Add filesystem private data to mount points * f5df084 sdcardfs: Move directory unlock before touch * 3aad6c9 sdcardfs: fix external storage exporting incorrect uid * ed29ffc sdcardfs: Added top to sdcardfs_inode_info * f84a38c sdcardfs: Switch package list to RCU * 61bfc3a sdcardfs: Fix locking for permission fix up * e5f79f6 sdcardfs: Check for other cases on path lookup * deb4e9e sdcardfs: override umask on mkdir and create * 694aac7 ANDROID: sdcardfs: fix itnull.cocci warnings * 434ae28 sdcardfs: Truncate packages_gid.list on overflow * 2ae682d fuse: Add support for d_canonical_path * 8357693 vfs: change d_canonical_path to take two paths * eefb621 sdcardfs: remove unneeded __init and __exit * f684cfb sdcardfs: Remove unused code * a400f36 sdcardfs: remove effectless config option * 115df66 inotify: Fix erroneous update of bit count * 2f49616 sdcardfs: Add support for d_canonicalize * 277911f vfs: add d_canonical_path for stacked filesystem support * 9c04b7d sdcardfs: Bring up to date with Android M permissions: * c065088 sdcardfs: Changed type-cast in packagelist management * c75b045 sdcardfs: port to 3.10 * 19b4af8 Initial port of sdcardfs * 87a906b BACKPORT: smarter propagate_mnt() * 78cd90c BACKPORT: don't bother with propagate_mnt() unless the target is shared * 97faa1d f2fs: switch to using fscrypt_match_name() * 3b1837a fscrypt: introduce helper function for filename matching * ed060bc fscrypt: fix context consistency check when key(s) unavailable * dcc0aa1 fscrypt: Move key structure and constants to uapi * a64be1a fscrypt: remove unnecessary checks for NULL operations * 039424f fscrypt: eliminate ->prepare_context() operation * 32d0e10 fscrypt: remove broken support for detecting keyring key revocation * 0452605 fscrypt: avoid collisions when presenting long encrypted filenames * af4a8a0 f2fs: check entire encrypted bigname when finding a dentry * 5e67523 f2fs: sync f2fs_lookup() with ext4_lookup() * 5803d8c f2fs: fix a mount fail for wrong next_scan_nid * aaaec3e f2fs: relocate inode_{,un}lock in F2FS_IOC_SETFLAGS * f89ecaa f2fs: show available_nids in f2fs/status * 3935202 f2fs: flush dirty nats periodically * 310e7c1 f2fs: introduce CP_TRIMMED_FLAG to avoid unneeded discard * b933c86 f2fs: allow cpc->reason to indicate more than one reason * 7831965 f2fs: release cp and dnode lock before IPU * 8f36127 f2fs: shrink size of struct discard_cmd * 20de1b9 f2fs: don't hold cmd_lock during waiting discard command * 47feec7 f2fs: nullify fio->encrypted_page for each writes * 89e067f f2fs: sanity check segment count * f570e7d f2fs: introduce valid_ipu_blkaddr to clean up * 7a92cd9 f2fs: lookup extent cache first under IPU scenario * f1026eb f2fs: reconstruct code to write a data page * 7c93b24 f2fs: introduce __wait_discard_cmd * 8eb28da f2fs: introduce __issue_discard_cmd * 4a2b5bd f2fs: enable small discard by default * 53f9e28 f2fs: delay awaking discard thread * b34db78 f2fs: seperate read nat page from nat_tree_lock * d1f6a99 f2fs: fix multiple f2fs_add_link() having same name for inline dentry * 6eb951a f2fs: skip encrypted inode in ASYNC IPU policy * 124be16 f2fs: fix out-of free segments * b71d4e8 f2fs: improve definition of statistic macros * 9b319de f2fs: assign allocation hint for warm/cold data * 8b71b87 f2fs: fix _IOW usage * 0acfd8c f2fs: add ioctl to flush data from faster device to cold area * 439c8f5 f2fs: introduce async IPU policy * d2e8290 f2fs: add undiscard blocks stat * 040ce6f f2fs: unlock cp_rwsem early for IPU writes * c2d2e50 f2fs: introduce __check_rb_tree_consistence * 4772f59 f2fs: trace __submit_discard_cmd * f0a6b97 f2fs: in prior to issue big discard * 43d363b f2fs: clean up discard_cmd_control structure * 4af5a2c f2fs: use rb-tree to track pending discard commands * 0eba216 f2fs: avoid dirty node pages in check_only recovery * 8452360 f2fs: fix not to set fsync/dentry mark * 8a79561 f2fs: allocate hot_data for atomic writes * add083c f2fs: give time to flush dirty pages for checkpoint * c682cc9 f2fs: fix fs corruption due to zero inode page * 17c0897 f2fs: shrink blk plug region * f953103 f2fs: extract rb-tree operation infrastructure * 4f647d9 f2fs: avoid frequent checkpoint during f2fs_gc * 7693096 f2fs: clean up some macros in terms of GET_SEGNO * 347675a f2fs: clean up get_valid_blocks with consistent parameter * 92c1b4a f2fs: use segment number for get_valid_blocks * 252ddcd f2fs: guard macro variables with braces * 06e4ef6 f2fs: fix comment on f2fs_flush_merged_bios() after 86531d6b * a8c665d f2fs: prevent waiter encountering incorrect discard states * d8c1d60 f2fs: introduce f2fs_wait_discard_bios * 979c34d f2fs: split discard_cmd_list * fb3fc1c Revert "f2fs: put allocate_segment after refresh_sit_entry" * 4f8a50b f2fs: split make_dentry_ptr() into block and inline versions * 90e67c0 f2fs: submit bio of in-place-update pages * 220cb9d1 f2fs: remove the redundant variable definition * 4d090d7 f2fs: avoid IO split due to mixed WB_SYNC_ALL and WB_SYNC_NONE * cb3b4c7 f2fs: write small sized IO to hot log * 1af84fe f2fs: use bitmap in discard_entry * 19bd2eb f2fs: clean up destroy_discard_cmd_control * 738b811 f2fs: count discard command entry * 820d342 f2fs: show issued flush/discard count * 2c376a8 f2fs: relax node version check for victim data in gc * a2f61b5 f2fs: start SSR much eariler to avoid FG_GC * 962709a f2fs: allocate node and hot data in the beginning of partition * dab3f28 f2fs: fix wrong max cost initialization * 8bfc07f f2fs: allow write page cache when writting cp * a49a6be f2fs: don't reserve additional space in xattr block * 6950edc f2fs: clean up xattr operation * b70f25d f2fs: don't track volatile file in dirty inode list * 639d9b1 f2fs: show the max number of volatile operations * 39ff9c0 f2fs: fix race condition in between free nid allocator/initializer * 1d828cf f2fs: use set_page_private marcro in f2fs_trace_pid * 33a6a1b f2fs: fix recording invalid last_victim * aa7f8c7 f2fs: more reasonable mem_size calculating of ino_entry * 7f12879 f2fs: calculate the f2fs_stat_info into base_mem * 564dc9f f2fs: avoid stat_inc_atomic_write for non-atomic file * 51e1671 f2fs: sanity check of crc_offset from raw checkpoint * 1dcfe92 f2fs: cleanup the disk level filename updating * edfdc75 f2fs: cover update_free_nid_bitmap with nid_list_lock * 5586da1 f2fs: fix bad prefetchw of NULL page * 4b33058 f2fs: clear FI_DATA_EXIST flag in truncate_inline_inode * 8a9a01e f2fs: move mnt_want_write_file after arguments checking * a145419 f2fs: check new size by inode_newsize_ok in f2fs_insert_range * 8e8983d f2fs: avoid copy date to user-space if move file range fail * 341f7d2 f2fs: drop duplicate new_size assign in f2fs_zero_range * c936173 f2fs: adjust the way of calculating nat block * 71573ae f2fs: add fault injection on f2fs_truncate * 05b88bd f2fs: check range before defragment * 8bb1bce f2fs: use parameter max_items instead of PIDVEC_SIZE * 3a85975 f2fs: add a punch discard command function * 48fe17e f2fs: allocate a bio for discarding when actually issuing it * c7542a2 f2fs: skip writeback meta pages if cp_mutex acquire failed * 3317a37 f2fs: show more precise message on orphan recovery failure * db36693 f2fs: remove dead macro PGOFS_OF_NEXT_DNODE * 29faacd f2fs: drop duplicate radix tree lookup of nat_entry_set * fc4e011 f2fs: make sure trace all f2fs_issue_flush * 2b94aae f2fs: don't allow volatile writes for non-regular file * 307322b f2fs: don't allow atomic writes for not regular files * 4a9c72c f2fs: fix stale ATOMIC_WRITTEN_PAGE private pointer * f322e9b f2fs: build stat_info before orphan inode recovery * fa502eb f2fs: fix the fault of calculating blkstart twice * 3a7c154 f2fs: fix the fault of checking F2FS_LINK_MAX for rename inode * 9d7df74 f2fs: don't allow to get pino when filename is encrypted * b42769e f2fs: fix wrong error injection for evict_inode * 3d54be1 f2fs: le32_to_cpu for ckpt->cp_pack_total_block_count * 75d2483 f2fs: combine nat_bits and free_nid_bitmap cache * 8a503d8 f2fs: skip scanning free nid bitmap of full NAT blocks * 4e37af5 f2fs: use __set{__clear}_bit_le * d7a2e45 f2fs: update_free_nid_bitmap() can be static * 2da8451 f2fs: __update_nat_bits() can be static * 68dff3c f2fs: le16_to_cpu for xattr->e_value_size * 0825988 f2fs: don't overwrite node block by SSR * 133cca1 f2fs: don't need to invalidate wrong node page * a9e4496 f2fs: fix an error return value in truncate_partial_data_page * 49a4b6c fscrypt: catch up to v4.11-rc1 * 2d81bec f2fs: avoid to flush nat journal entries * 75f4d64 f2fs: avoid to issue redundant discard commands * fad9678 f2fs: fix a plint compile warning * 57761c8 f2fs: add f2fs_drop_inode tracepoint * b5ed960 f2fs: Fix zoned block device support * 5bc0d94 f2fs: remove redundant set_page_dirty() * 803fb61 f2fs: fix to enlarge size of write_io_dummy mempool * b7943a4 f2fs: fix memory leak of write_io_dummy mempool during umount * c3f0d2b f2fs: fix to update F2FS_{CP_}WB_DATA count correctly * a25bb1a f2fs: use MAX_FREE_NIDS for the free nids target * dc15d53 f2fs: introduce free nid bitmap * 2b293fa f2fs: new helper cur_cp_crc() getting crc in f2fs_checkpoint * 8d1f088 f2fs: update the comment of default nr_pages to skipping * 6d6a660 f2fs: drop the duplicate pval in f2fs_getxattr * 92d9d03b f2fs: Don't update the xattr data that same as the exist * a071b6f f2fs: kill __is_extent_same * e100912 f2fs: avoid bggc->fggc when enough free segments are avaliable after cp * a6d11ea f2fs: select target segment with closer temperature in SSR mode * a0332d3 f2fs: show simple call stack in fault injection message * 9173d66 fscrypt: catch fscrypto_get_policy in v4.10-rc6 * 29f4d98 f2fs: use __clear_bit_le * c15e77d f2fs: no need lock_op in f2fs_write_inline_data * f37931f f2fs: add bitmaps for empty or full NAT blocks * 3659b0e f2fs: replace rw semaphore extent_tree_lock with mutex lock * f102c59 f2fs: avoid m_flags overlay when allocating more data blocks * 7ea0bfb f2fs: remove unsafe bitmap checking * fc052f7 f2fs: init local extent_info to avoid stale stack info in tp * f9554ba f2fs: remove unnecessary condition check for write_checkpoint in f2fs_gc * ba1ec06 f2fs: do SSR for node segments more aggresively * 58f8ead f2fs: check discard alignment only for SEQWRITE zones * e23efb7 f2fs: wait for discard completion after submission * bb545ac f2fs: much larger batched trim_fs job * 974fb72 f2fs: avoid very large discard command * 7906d64 f2fs: find data segments across all the types * 04378d5 f2fs: do SSR in higher priority * 17d30d6 f2fs: do SSR for data when there is enough free space * 558ae36 f2fs: node segment is prior to data segment selected victim * 40efd05 f2fs: put allocate_segment after refresh_sit_entry * 2904b4c f2fs: add ovp valid_blocks check for bg gc victim to fg_gc * cd94822 f2fs: do not wait for writeback in write_begin * 732368d f2fs: replace __get_victim by dirty_segments in FG_GC * 831e3b6 f2fs: fix multiple f2fs_add_link() calls having same name * 78f6723 f2fs: show actual device info in tracepoints * 931cac1 f2fs: use SSR for warm node as well * 9036e1c f2fs: enable inline_xattr by default * bc0e4f8 f2fs: introduce noinline_xattr mount option * a6826a4 f2fs: avoid reading NAT page by get_node_info * 054f188 f2fs: remove build_free_nids() during checkpoint * 1c39a18 f2fs: change recovery policy of xattr node block * d80e647 f2fs: super: constify fscrypt_operations structure * eb5658a f2fs: show checkpoint version at mount time * 809874b f2fs: remove preflush for nobarrier case * 789604b f2fs: check last page index in cached bio to decide submission * 8016886 f2fs: check io submission more precisely * 6fc2d3f f2fs: fix missing bio_alloc(1) * 59c8e31 f2fs: call internal __write_data_page directly * c13dafa f2fs: avoid out-of-order execution of atomic writes * f2b5d5a f2fs: move write_node_page above fsync_node_pages * fd8ef36 f2fs: move flush tracepoint * a895077 f2fs: show # of APPEND and UPDATE inodes * 0696807 f2fs: fix 446 coding style warnings in f2fs.h * d173e90 f2fs: fix 3 coding style errors in f2fs.h * 6ebf603 f2fs: declare missing static function * f4cfbf3 f2fs: show the fault injection mount option * f6506640 f2fs: fix null pointer dereference when issuing flush in ->fsync * cdf7ea4 f2fs: fix to avoid overflow when left shifting page offset * 1f65294 f2fs: enhance lookup xattr * 3b5b5d0 f2fs: fix a dead loop in f2fs_fiemap() * 19445d8 f2fs: show # of on-going flush and discard bios * b77268a f2fs: add a kernel thread to issue discard commands asynchronously * a68c86a f2fs: factor out discard command info into discard_cmd_control * 3a07080 f2fs: reorganize stat information * 8624236 f2fs: clean up flush/discard command namings * f954b62 f2fs: check in-memory sit version bitmap * 03ea41d f2fs: check in-memory nat version bitmap * c58c1d21 f2fs: check in-memory block bitmap * f98bcac f2fs: introduce FI_ATOMIC_COMMIT * 111b0f2 f2fs: clean up with list_{first, last}_entry * 885dec8 f2fs: return fs_trim if there is no candidate * ba74c87 f2fs: avoid needless checkpoint in f2fs_trim_fs * 6a0d308 f2fs: relax async discard commands more * 99b2d64 f2fs: drop exist_data for inline_data when truncated to 0 * 784c5a3 f2fs: don't allow encrypted operations without keys * 71a6b92 f2fs: add tmpfile and rename2 to avoid code conflict * 97ea0f6 f2fs: show the max number of atomic operations * a0cb3d2 f2fs: get io size bit from mount option * 093af4e f2fs: support IO alignment for DATA and NODE writes * 22e4f3f f2fs: add submit_bio tracepoint * 1dc2129 f2fs: reassign new segment for mode=lfs * 9104df1 f2fs: fix a missing discard prefree segments * 2125078 f2fs: use rb_entry_safe * 1b21ec3 f2fs: add a case of no need to read a page in write begin * 9a3de0d f2fs: fix a problem of using memory after free * a429a73 f2fs: remove unneeded condition * 628ac13 f2fs: don't cache nat entry if out of memory * 6103741 f2fs: remove unused values in recover_fsync_data * 202efb9 f2fs: add migrate_page to avoid patch conflicts * 6cb25be Revert "f2fs: use percpu_counter for # of dirty pages in inode" * 535661e f2fs: support async discard based on v4.9 * 63c9362 f2fs: resolve op and op_flags confilcts * ae175ef f2fs: use file pointer for fscrypt_notsupp_process_policy * 61e722c f2fs: fix a missing size change in f2fs_setattr * b2dfa63 fs/super.c: fix race between freeze_super() and thaw_super() * 76d8b84 scripts/tags.sh: catch 4.9-rc6 * 8efdf09 f2fs: fix to access nullified flush_cmd_control pointer * 536424b f2fs: free meta pages if sanity check for ckpt is failed * 525ab02 f2fs: detect wrong layout * 9ad8fcf f2fs: call sync_fs when f2fs is idle * 0abaef9 f2fs: return AOP_WRITEPAGE_ACTIVATE for writepage * d597403 f2fs: do not activate auto_recovery for fallocated i_size * 791aad8 f2fs: fix to determine start_cp_addr by sbi->cur_cp_pack * ff51ad9 f2fs: fix 32-bit build * 20ee2d2 f2fs: set ->owner for debugfs status file's file_operations * 9b03891 f2fs: fix incorrect free inode count in ->statfs * 12c81f2 f2fs: drop duplicate header timer.h * dda7ab2 f2fs: fix wrong AUTO_RECOVER condition * 5e81f12 f2fs: do not recover i_size if it's valid * 4135c51 f2fs: fix fdatasync * dbf677d f2fs: fix to account total free nid correctly * 514fc58 f2fs: fix an infinite loop when flush nodes in cp * a6a04bf f2fs: don't wait writeback for datas during checkpoint * 935ddc8 f2fs: fix wrong written_valid_blocks counting * 15df78d f2fs: avoid BG_GC in f2fs_balance_fs * e3761ff f2fs: fix redundant block allocation * 3f7ef7d f2fs: use err for f2fs_preallocate_blocks * 46a70eb f2fs: support multiple devices * a6b3d54 f2fs: allow dio read for LFS mode * ef42d75 f2fs: revert segment allocation for direct IO * 77c46f2 f2fs: return directly if block has been removed from the victim * 4f5fa5d Revert "f2fs: do not recover from previous remained wrong dnodes" * a82b043 f2fs: remove checkpoint in f2fs_freeze * 7e1928b f2fs: assign segments correctly for direct_io * 50b00c6 f2fs: fix wrong i_atime recovery * 58c0300 f2fs: record inode updating status correctly * c5659b2 f2fs: Trace reset zone events * 4990ef0 f2fs: Reset sequential zones on zoned block devices * bcac71a f2fs: Cache zoned block devices zone type * 43f5cac f2fs: Do not allow adaptive mode for host-managed zoned block devices * 5cfdfde f2fs: Always enable discard for zoned blocks devices * bb08ffd f2fs: Suppress discard warning message for zoned block devices * 5d33071 f2fs: Check zoned block feature for host-managed zoned block devices * 5c6e29c f2fs: Use generic zoned block device terminology * 0ab5da6 f2fs: Add missing break in switch-case * 631641a f2fs: avoid infinite loop in the EIO case on recover_orphan_inodes * 2519514 f2fs: report error of f2fs_fill_dentries * 45ca5d6 fs/crypto: catch up 4.9-rc2 * e03b8f5 f2fs: hide a maybe-uninitialized warning * ca9b0ff f2fs: remove percpu_count due to performance regression * 34af7de f2fs: make clean inodes when flushing inode page * 5f2bc3a f2fs: keep dirty inodes selectively for checkpoint * aa47b85 f2fs: Replace CURRENT_TIME_SEC with current_time() for inode timestamps * 868b010 f2fs: use BIO_MAX_PAGES for bio allocation * be25f92 f2fs: declare static function for __build_free_nids * efe6a07 f2fs: call f2fs_balance_fs for setattr * 416bdc5 f2fs: count dirty inodes to flush node pages during checkpoint * ac7d7bd f2fs: avoid casted negative value as shrink count * 58e64f6 f2fs: don't interrupt free nids building during nid allocation * 52ad2be f2fs: clean up free nid list operations * 04d4d70 f2fs: split free nid list * c1bbf69 f2fs: clear nlink if fail to add_link * 6dbf0a1 f2fs: fix sparse warnings * 991dc2d f2fs: fix error handling in fsync_node_pages * 9422ca4 f2fs: fix to update largest extent under lock * 5d27c55 f2fs: be aware of extent beyond EOF in fiemap * e9ad2e6 f2fs: don't miss any f2fs_balance_fs cases * 4e3e181 f2fs: add missing f2fs_balance_fs in f2fs_zero_range * 96ee0e9 ASoC: wcd-mbhc: Don't report headphone until timout * 3e2e373 f2fs: give a chance to detach from dirty list * 2490028 f2fs: fix to release discard entries during checkpoint * 1c5f63a f2fs: exclude free nids building and allocation * b25edc5 f2fs: fix wrong sum_page pointer in f2fs_gc * e55b222 f2fs: fix overflow due to condition check order * b928b0c f2fs: introduce update_ckpt_flags to clean up * e6627b3 f2fs: don't submit irrelevant page * b1990dd f2fs: fix to commit bio cache after flushing node pages * afdb98a f2fs: introduce get_checkpoint_version for cleanup * 7c8602c f2fs: remove dead variable * b526558 f2fs: remove redundant io plug * 5bb2cbe f2fs: support checkpoint error injection * b7e29c6 f2fs: fix to recover old fault injection config in ->remount_fs * ac04bf7 f2fs: do fault injection initialization in default_options * eb40fea f2fs: remove redundant value definition * 0b25455 f2fs: support configuring fault injection per superblock * 437fd77 f2fs: adjust display format of segment bit * e8a15b7 f2fs: remove dirty inode pages in error path * 2eb2e29 f2fs: do not unnecessarily null-terminate encrypted symlink data * 848be0b f2fs: handle errors during recover_orphan_inodes * 985bc47 f2fs: avoid gc in cp_error case * c3805a4 f2fs: should put_page for summary page * 887df34 f2fs: assign return value in f2fs_gc * e30e6ae f2fs: introduce cp_lock to protect updating of ckpt_flags * 14511a4 f2fs: fix to avoid race condition when updating sbi flag * f2bcadb f2fs: put directory inodes before checkpoint in roll-forward recovery * d7fda77 f2fs: use crc and cp version to determine roll-forward recovery * 7caa15c f2fs: preallocate blocks for encrypted file * 22aa1c8 f2fs: show dirty inode number * 6dd4235 f2fs: support IO error injection * 109d090 f2fs: fix to return error number of read_all_xattrs correctly * e846637 f2fs: make f2fs_filetype_table static * c801935 f2fs: handle error in recover_orphan_inode * 546fe6c f2fs: remove dead code f2fs_check_acl * 99d3fe6 f2fs: exclude special cases for f2fs_move_file_range * 1c8e0b7 f2fs: fix to set PageUptodate in f2fs_write_end correctly * 8436ce3 f2fs: fix parameters of __exchange_data_block * bc98dae f2fs: avoid ENOMEM during roll-forward recovery * 172400d f2fs: add common iget in add_fsync_inode * 51f11c3 f2fs: check free_sections for defragmentation * 480b4fe f2fs: forbid to do fstrim if fs has some error * 25363a4 f2fs: avoid page allocation for truncating partial inline_data * bac4961 f2fs: no need to make zeros beyond i_size * feaa8af f2fs: fix to detect temporary name of multimedia file * 1fd520d f2fs: set dentry bits on random location in memory * 2c72e45 f2fs: fix to set superblock dirty correctly * e62cef7 f2fs: add roll-forward recovery process for encrypted dentry * 75a60ba f2fs: fix lost xattrs of directories * 52b7910 f2fs: set encryption name flag in add inline entry path * 9a6589a f2fs crypto: avoid unneeded memory allocation in ->readdir * 5470fcc f2fs: fix to do security initialization of encrypted inode with original filename * d306418 f2fs: do in batch synchronously readahead during GC * 4938f4b f2fs: schedule in between two continous batch discards * 1cbdaac f2fs: enable inline_dentry by default and add noinline_dentry option * 759e299 f2fs: fix a bug when using namehash to locate dentry bucket * edd9c9e f2fs: fix to preallocate block only aligned to 4K * 913715b f2fs: fix non static symbol warning * 15ec31f f2fs: remove unnecessary initialization * b7e6b56 f2fs: remove redundant judgement condition in available_free_memory * 75e4c4d f2fs: check return value of write_checkpoint during fstrim * 5202de4 f2fs: fix to do f2fs_balance_fs in f2fs_map_blocks correctly * 90d007b f2fs: avoid unneeded loop in build_sit_entries * 64e43e0 f2fs: clean up foreground GC flow * 0f303c0 f2fs: set dirty state for filesystem only when updating meta data * 08e8c24 f2fs: skip new checkpoint when doing fstrim without fs change * e1c2d96 f2fs: add discard info to sys entry of f2fs status * 040613c f2fs: reduce batch size of fstrim * d56d15e f2fs: do not use discard_map for hard disks * a8c158f f2fs: not allow to write illegal blkaddr * ee58f62 Revert "f2fs: move i_size_write in f2fs_write_end" * 4a9a019 f2fs: fix build for v3.10 * 2d6b396 f2fs: adjust other changes * f31ff8b f2fs: get victim segment again after new cp * 3786bba f2fs: handle error case with f2fs_bug_on * 7988d70 f2fs: avoid data race when deciding checkpoin in f2fs_sync_file * d312409 f2fs: support an ioctl to move a range of data blocks * b0ceac6 f2fs: fix to report error number of f2fs_find_entry * 1ef69f6 f2fs: avoid memory allocation failure due to a long length * ad92b62 f2fs: reset default idle interval value * 1621400 f2fs: use blk_plug in all the possible paths * 49323d0 f2fs: fix to avoid data update racing between GC and DIO * 78f655f f2fs: add maximum prefree segments * d3137ef f2fs: disable extent_cache for fcollapse/finsert inodes * 6bdff97 f2fs: refactor __exchange_data_block for speed up * d70a5d4 f2fs: fix ERR_PTR returned by bio * 2bdca1b f2fs: avoid mark_inode_dirty * d4627e3 f2fs: move i_size_write in f2fs_write_end * 5d072ef f2fs: fix to avoid redundant discard during fstrim * e668a10 f2fs: avoid mismatching block range for discard * 00beb09 f2fs: fix incorrect f_bfree calculation in ->statfs * 127a3d8 f2fs: skip to check the block address of node page * b2b14ab f2fs: shrink critical region in spin_lock * 65b38e0 f2fs: call SetPageUptodate if needed * bf47e3c f2fs: introduce f2fs_set_page_dirty_nobuffer * f37a3cd f2fs: remove unnecessary goto statement * cdc9567 f2fs: add nodiscard mount option * 91ba159 f2fs: fix to redirty page if fail to gc data page * c32f677 f2fs: fix to detect truncation prior rather than EIO during read * f7eb95b f2fs: fix to avoid reading out encrypted data in page cache * 8477949 f2fs: avoid latency-critical readahead of node pages * 2069808 f2fs: avoid writing node/metapages during writes * a44e2d7 f2fs: produce more nids and reduce readahead nats * ccc8e9c f2fs: detect host-managed SMR by feature flag * aa92264 f2fs: call update_inode_page for orphan inodes * 9fc9fee f2fs: report error for f2fs_parent_dir * a2c9231 f2fs: find parent dentry correctly * 0e099f5 f2fs: fix deadlock in add_link failure * fbe0d53 f2fs: introduce mode=lfs mount option * aa22d80 f2fs: skip clean segment for gc * 8869ae3 f2fs: drop any block plugging * 5f41f59 f2fs: avoid reverse IO order for NODE and DATA * 5a90f76 f2fs: set mapping error for EIO * 6269adf f2fs: control not to exceed # of cached nat entries * 2d09586 f2fs: fix wrong percentage * 2cf70eb f2fs: avoid data race between FI_DIRTY_INODE flag and update_inode * 27d9437 f2fs: remove obsolete parameter in f2fs_truncate * 1cf6da2 f2fs: avoid wrong count on dirty inodes * 9c29b55 f2fs: remove deprecated parameter * 87cf7d4 f2fs: handle writepage correctly * 606320b f2fs: return error of f2fs_lookup * 498f79a f2fs: return the errno to the caller to avoid using a wrong page * e86c850 f2fs: remove two steps to flush dirty data pages * b968631 f2fs: do not skip writing data pages * 05149e5 f2fs: inject to produce some orphan inodes * a393df8 f2fs: propagate error given by f2fs_find_entry * d9d7c91 f2fs: remove writepages lock * 055e587 f2fs: set flush_merge by default * b31dc69 f2fs: detect congestion of flush command issues * c881cbb f2fs: avoid unnecessary updating inode during fsync * b9cb41c f2fs: remove syncing inode page in all the cases * 326f021 f2fs: flush inode metadata when checkpoint is doing * e41f121 f2fs: call mark_inode_dirty_sync for i_field changes * 26864b4 f2fs: introduce f2fs_i_links_write with mark_inode_dirty_sync * 70de9de f2fs: introduce f2fs_i_blocks_write with mark_inode_dirty_sync * 3f9577e f2fs: introduce f2fs_i_size_write with mark_inode_dirty_sync * 7bbb638 f2fs: use inode pointer for {set, clear}_inode_flag * 495e93f Revert "f2fs: no need inc dirty pages under inode lock" * e728165 f2fs: adjust other changes * 8274d9d f2fs: fix to update dirty page count correctly * c144c54 f2fs: flush pending bios right away when error occurs * 276f2a2 f2fs: avoid ENOSPC fault in the recovery process * 0382555 f2fs: make exit_f2fs_fs more clear * 8b69174 f2fs: use percpu_counter for total_valid_inode_count * a25fb4f f2fs: use percpu_counter for alloc_valid_block_count * fdbb98e f2fs: use percpu_counter for # of dirty pages in inode * 3ec0f9d f2fs: use percpu_counter for page counters * 1cf35db f2fs: use bio count instead of F2FS_WRITEBACK page count * b3a7cfe f2fs: manipulate dirty file inodes when DATA_FLUSH is set * 4707caa f2fs: add fault injection to sysfs * dfa249a f2fs: no need inc dirty pages under inode lock * 8302ad9 f2fs: fix incorrect error path handling in f2fs_move_rehashed_dirents * dcc45d0 f2fs: fix i_current_depth during inline dentry conversion * 9983870 f2fs: correct return value type of f2fs_fill_super * 3df6be4 f2fs: fix deadlock when flush inline data * 04134b7 f2fs: avoid f2fs_bug_on during recovery * 289ab3b f2fs: show # of orphan inodes * 02384c4 f2fs: support in batch fzero in dnode page * 34332f9 f2fs: support in batch multi blocks preallocation * 0aec10b f2fs: make atomic/volatile operation exclusive * e9c6bde f2fs: use mnt_{want,drop}_write_file in ioctl * 6a385d8 f2fs: do not preallocate block unaligned to 4KB * ab64baa f2fs: read node blocks ahead when truncating blocks * 17bdfb2 f2fs: fallocate data blocks in single locked node page * ee5bfba f2fs: fix inode cache leak * 45c48a5 fscrypto/f2fs: allow fs-specific key prefix for fs encryption * 3ec4da6 f2fs: avoid panic when truncating to max filesize * 19530d0 f2fs: fix incorrect mapping in ->bmap * bd18b02 f2fs: remove an obsolete variable * 44bd857 f2fs: don't worry about inode leak in evict_inode * f30f970 f2fs: shrink size of struct seg_entry * 8aab7dc f2fs: reuse get_extent_info * 646d6a6 f2fs: remove unneeded memset when updating xattr * 9764b9d f2fs: remove unneeded readahead in find_fsync_dnodes * 578ccf7 f2fs: retry to truncate blocks in -ENOMEM case * a91e0d9 f2fs: fix leak of orphan inode objects * 2ab6cea f2fs: revisit error handling flows * eb89357 f2fs: inject ENOSPC failures * b16af8d f2fs: inject page allocation failures * 2801300 f2fs: inject kmalloc failure * c13ae5b f2fs: add mount option to select fault injection ratio * 3fa4e10 f2fs: use f2fs_grab_cache_page instead of grab_cache_page * fbc6ddd f2fs: introduce f2fs_kmalloc to wrap kmalloc * cd42b60 f2fs: add proc entry to show valid block bitmap * 0fa7b41 f2fs: introduce macros for proc entries * 3b060b9 f2fs: factor out fsync inode entry operations * 5ff2b9c f2fs: fix to clear page private flag * cd038c7 f2fs: fix to clear private data in page * 45224e1 f2fs: fix to return 0 if err == -ENOENT in f2fs_readdir * ab9b416 f2fs: move node pages only in victim section during GC * cc5e84a f2fs: be aware of invalid filename length * 35306bf f2fs: issue cache flush on direct IO * bbde797 f2fs: set fsync mark only for the last dnode * 46ee697 f2fs: report unwritten status in fsync_node_pages * b4978ed f2fs: split sync_node_pages with fsync_node_pages * 3652680d f2fs: avoid writing 0'th page in volatile writes * 5eddb65 f2fs: avoid needless lock for node pages when fsyncing a file * bd146c7 f2fs: flush dirty pages before starting atomic writes * d929732 f2fs: don't invalidate atomic page if successful * ef8c728 f2fs: give -E2BIG for no space in xattr * ae96945 f2fs: remove redundant condition check * 7f2470e f2fs: unset atomic/volatile flag in f2fs_release_file * c601147 f2fs: fix dropping inmemory pages in a wrong time * 91f97b7 f2fs: add BUG_ON to avoid unnecessary flow * 67f2362 f2fs: fix to convert inline directory correctly * 18ed2e9 f2fs: show current mount status * 1c688fe f2fs: treat as a normal umount when remounting ro * 6e7ba60 f2fs: give -EINVAL for norecovery and rw mount * 67ef28c f2fs: recover superblock at RW remounts * b54802c f2fs: give RO message when recovering superblock * f26d976 ext4/fscrypto: avoid RCU lookup in d_revalidate * 572fdb9 fscrypto: don't let data integrity writebacks fail with ENOMEM * 091501b f2fs: use dget_parent and file_dentry in f2fs_file_open * 049eb83 fscrypto: use dget_parent() in fscrypt_d_revalidate() * cb9d592 f2fs: retrieve IO write stat from the right place * b795c27 f2fs crypto: fix corrupted symlink in encrypted case * c746b38 f2fs: cover large section in sanity check of super * 034bf89 f2fs/crypto: fix xts_tweak initialization * 05b4541 f2fs: submit node page write bios when really required * 2333ca8 f2fs: add missing argument to f2fs_setxattr stub * fbbafd4 f2fs: fix to avoid unneeded unlock_new_inode * a95e24d f2fs: clean up opened code with f2fs_update_dentry * 13552bc f2fs: declare static functions * a494529 f2fs: use cryptoapi crc32 functions * 5b98290 f2fs: modify the readahead method in ra_node_page() * f7e6231 f2fs crypto: sync ext4_lookup and ext4_file_open * 93374a3 f2fs: define not-set fallocate flags * da8867b fs crypto: move per-file encryption from f2fs tree to fs/crypto * fbeae33 f2fs: mutex can't be used by down_write_nest_lock() * ad8ec76 f2fs: recovery missing dot dentries in root directory * 65cce13 f2fs: fix to avoid deadlock when merging inline data * 0649083 f2fs: introduce f2fs_flush_merged_bios for cleanup * e973163 f2fs: introduce f2fs_update_data_blkaddr for cleanup * e540449 f2fs crypto: fix incorrect positioning for GCing encrypted data page * 9214732 f2fs: fix incorrect upper bound when iterating inode mapping tree * a278e70 f2fs: avoid hungtask problem caused by losing wake_up * 36b982b f2fs: trace old block address for CoWed page * 49c1c12 f2fs: try to flush inode after merging inline data * be86d81 f2fs: show more info about superblock recovery * 6e52058 f2fs: fix the wrong stat count of calling gc * 499ddc9 f2fs: remain last victim segment number ascending order * 14086ca f2fs: reuse read_inline_data for f2fs_convert_inline_page * 183ec53 f2fs: fix to delete old dirent in converted inline directory in ->rename * 075765a f2fs: detect error of update_dent_inode in ->rename * 2869695 f2fs: move sanity checking of cp into get_valid_checkpoint * 67fbb71 f2fs: slightly reorganize read_raw_super_block * f06682b f2fs: reorder nat cache lock in cache_nat_entry * 6839c61 f2fs: split journal cache from curseg cache * 9588261 f2fs: enhance IO path with block plug * f2c4023 f2fs: introduce f2fs_journal struct to wrap journal info * a9e26b8 f2fs crypto: avoid unneeded memory allocation when {en/de}crypting symlink * 1f5ce18 f2fs crypto: handle unexpected lack of encryption keys * f0af3c6 f2fs crypto: make sure the encryption info is initialized on opendir(2) * 6713194 f2fs: support revoking atomic written pages * c6979e6 f2fs: split drop_inmem_pages from commit_inmem_pages * f96ee2a f2fs: avoid garbage lenghs in dentries * fdfa0ff f2fs crypto: sync with ext4's fname padding * 7ff8530 f2fs: use correct errno * 2bdc7ad f2fs crypto: add missing locking for keyring_key access * 46be469 f2fs crypto: check for too-short encrypted file names * 162f25f f2fs crypto: f2fs_page_crypto() doesn't need a encryption context * 55f160a f2fs crypto: fix spelling typo in comment * 72fd2d3 f2fs crypto: replace some BUG_ON()'s with error checks * ba1a420 f2fs: increase i_size to avoid missing data * e532b62 f2fs: preallocate blocks for buffered aio writes * 7a06743 f2fs: move dio preallocation into f2fs_file_write_iter * d42e59a f2fs: fix missing skip pages info * cb9ef62 f2fs: introduce f2fs_submit_merged_bio_cond * e8a8ce9 f2fs: fix conflict on page->private usage * ed2da28 f2fs: flush bios to handle cp_error in put_super * 7e30937 f2fs: wait on page's writeback in writepages path * 13e2ef6 f2fs: fix endianness of on-disk summary_footer * 0f64e81 f2fs: speed up handling holes in fiemap * e93d01c f2fs: introduce get_next_page_offset to speed up SEEK_DATA * 07271ee f2fs: remove unneeded pointer conversion * 11deb6d f2fs: simplify __allocate_data_blocks * 003d0fd f2fs: simplify f2fs_map_blocks * b2f6340 f2fs: introduce lifetime write IO statistics * 04ff0f5 f2fs: give scheduling point in shrinking path * 8c570df f2fs: improve shrink performance of extent nodes * 56a857e f2fs: don't set cached_en if it will be freed * ae91e43 f2fs: move extent_node list operations being coupled with rbtree operation * 2d93989 f2fs: reconstruct the code to free an extent_node * 91761c0 f2fs: use wq_has_sleeper for cp_wait wait_queue * 723988e f2fs: avoid unnecessary search while finding victim in gc * e300552 f2fs: delete unnecessary wait for page writeback * 879c6d3 f2fs: use wait_for_stable_page to avoid contention * 68e8c58 f2fs: enhance foreground GC * 51df6f9 f2fs: don't need to call set_page_dirty for io error * 27b6434d f2fs: avoid needless sync_inode_page when reading inline_data * af81361 f2fs: don't need to sync node page at every time * d03f93b f2fs: avoid multiple node page writes due to inline_data * d0f4de3 f2fs: do f2fs_balance_fs when block is allocated * 5c8b17e f2fs: fix to overcome inline_data floods * 8ad81d1 f2fs: use writepages->lock for WB_SYNC_ALL * 142cdd2 f2fs: remove needless condition check * 072d00f f2fs: correct search area in get_new_segment * 73c3377 f2fs: export dirty_nats_ratio in sysfs * 797bf2d f2fs: flush dirty nat entries when exceeding threshold * 4eb362f f2fs: relocate is_merged_page * acb1ee2 f2fs: should unset atomic flag after successful commit * 52cad43 f2fs: fix wrong memory condition check * 187c3ce f2fs: monitor the number of background checkpoint * c4b8aae f2fs: detect idle time depending on user behavior * 5baa6de f2fs: introduce time and interval facility * e7fe176 f2fs: skip releasing nodes in chindless extent tree * 46b9b75 f2fs: use atomic type for node count in extent tree * 72bb3d3 f2fs: recognize encrypted data in f2fs_fiemap * 7cbca7a f2fs: clean up f2fs_balance_fs * c123660 f2fs: remove redundant calls * 2a4e6c2 f2fs: avoid unnecessary f2fs_balance_fs calls * 7c92510 f2fs: check the page status filled from disk * abd1c95 f2fs: introduce __get_node_page to reuse common code * b571146 f2fs: check node id earily when readaheading node page * 2a1f54f f2fs: read isize while holding i_mutex in fiemap * 3a1ee55 Revert "f2fs: check the node block address of newly allocated nid" * 759fdca f2fs: cover more area with nat_tree_lock * bd9412d f2fs: introduce max_file_blocks in sbi * 7078195 f2fs crypto: check CONFIG_F2FS_FS_XATTR for encrypted symlink * a17c3ea f2fs: introduce zombie list for fast shrinking extent trees * 681d877 f2fs: monitor zombie_tree count * 3039754 f2fs: use IPU for fdatasync * 9332697 f2fs: write pending bios when cp_error is set * bc83de0 f2fs: remove f2fs_bug_on in terms of max_depth * 4fa4eb6 f2fs: fix f2fs_ioc_abort_volatile_write * d04ca71 f2fs: fix to skip recovering dot dentries in a readonly fs * e56dc3f f2fs: load largest extent all the time * ba57246 f2fs: use i_size_read to get i_size * 3fb1af8 f2fs: early check broken symlink length in the encrypted case * a7264b2 f2fs: clean up f2fs_ioc_write_checkpoint * 30f025d f2fs: add a max block check for get_data_block_bmap * 64b4c6d f2fs: fix bugs and simplify codes of f2fs_fiemap * d28becd f2fs: let user being aware of IO error * 8824d8c f2fs: add missing f2fs_balance_fs in __recover_dot_dentries * a1c8e12 f2fs: declare static function * d75ea30 f2fs: avoid f2fs_lock_op in f2fs_write_begin * 4976ce6 f2fs: return early when trying to read null nid * 5746d47 f2fs: introduce prepare_write_begin to clean up * 6e853534 f2fs: don't convert inline inode when inline_data option is disable * c60b742 f2fs: report error of do_checkpoint * 00cde8a f2fs: call f2fs_balance_fs only when node was changed * a1d6b68 f2fs: reduce covered region of sbi->cp_rwsem in f2fs_map_blocks * a14a205 f2fs: record node block allocation in dnode_of_data * 28ee782 f2fs: avoid unnecessary f2fs_gc for dir operations * 6d0c5cf f2fs: check inline_data flag at converting time * be27814 f2fs: speed up shrinking extent tree entries * ab2cc25 f2fs: use atomic variable for total_extent_tree * 91bad8b f2fs: add a tracepoint for sync_dirty_inodes * 89c076c f2fs: optimize the flow of f2fs_map_blocks * 7eaca64 f2fs: support data flush in background * 201ce51 f2fs: stat dirty regular/symlink inodes * 3a7341a f2fs: introduce new option for controlling data flush * 0cac98d f2fs: record dirty status of regular/symlink inode * 141be4e f2fs: introduce __f2fs_commit_super * c051e99 f2fs: relocate tracepoint of write_checkpoint * b1c302b f2fs: don't grab super block buffer header all the time * 063ba4a f2fs: backup raw_super in sbi * 7b6204f f2fs: fix to reset variable correctlly * 3834101 f2fs: introduce __remove_dirty_inode * c7fc338 f2fs: introduce dirty list node in inode info * 266572d f2fs: rename {add,remove,release}_dirty_inode to {add,remove,release}_ino_entry * 0a02a4a f2fs: add symbol to avoid any confusion with tools * 15794a3 f2fs: do more integrity verification for superblock * 9b0d67b f2fs: fix to update variable correctly when skip a unmapped block * 284d376 f2fs: write only the pages in range during defragment * 43109ba f2fs: clean up node page updating flow * 5fb96f3 f2fs: use lock_buffer when changing superblock * 679fdf1 f2fs: refactor f2fs_commit_super * 9f1d028 f2fs: enhance the bit operation for SSR * 7c132ee f2fs: fix to convert inline inode in ->setattr * 612107d f2fs: use sbi->blocks_per_seg to avoid unnecessary calculation * 4194c54 f2fs: kill f2fs_drop_largest_extent * 6520fa6 f2fs: clean up argument of recover_data * e2c9821 f2fs: clean up code with __has_cursum_space * a70eca0 f2fs: clean up error path in f2fs_readdir * 31d282d f2fs: do not recover from previous remained wrong dnodes * 45b05b3 f2fs: avoid deadlock in f2fs_shrink_extent_tree * 226501b f2fs: fix to report error in f2fs_readdir * e6966a7 f2fs: clear page uptodate when dropping cache for atomic write * 69ad9f6 f2fs: optimize __find_rev_next_bit * 4f744f7 f2fs: fix to remove directory inode from dirty list * aa03eb9 f2fs: fix to enable missing ioctl interfaces in ->compat_ioctl * 0873928 f2fs: fix memory leak of kobject in error path of fill_super * 3e21275 f2fs: support file defragment * 35575b7 f2fs: commit atomic written page in LFS mode * 07e4a41 f2fs: report error of f2fs_create_root_stats * 178cc1a f2fs: Fix a system panic caused by f2fs_follow_link * 5a8e5bd f2fs: catch up to v4.4-rc1 #### packages/apps/Snap/ * 70dbc05 Snap: add missing null check on isCamera2Supported #### vendor/lge/ * c9aebdb g6/msm8996: Update blobs from us997 v14a * b1b8729 us997: Update bluetooth firmware from us997 v13a 08-12-2017 ============ #### hardware/qcom/bt-caf/ * b60954a libbt-qcom: Allow reading BT address from property #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 1bbe1ce Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170811.1. #### packages/services/Telephony/ * 3933dac VoicemailSettingsActivity: Fix some NPEs * f824b46 Telephony: Correct missing italian translation * 2c3c9b0 PhoneToggler: Update preferred network mode setting #### vendor/lge/ * fa5a2aa msm8996: Use source built consumerir HAL * 5056760 msm8996: Add missing HDR lib and 32bit SDM * da73a25 msm8996: "borrow" Verizon and Sprint frameworks from marlin * 82239af msm8996: Use stock qcrilmsgtunnel * 8d76b8a msm8996: Update thermals from us997 v13a * b9f7b58 msm8996: Update time services from us997 v13a * dfe38c9 g6: Set back camera to BACK not BACK_AUX * 74ec377 msm8996: Update sensors from us997 v13a * 443196e msm8996/g6: Update camera stack from us997 v13a * ac345dc g6: Update fingerprint stack from us997 v13a * 1605054 msm8996: Use rmt_storage from us9997 v13a #### vendor/oneplus/ * 87a6df8 cheeseburger: generate makefiles, add blobs from 4.5.8 #### vendor/samsung/ * db18113 msm8976-common: Update blobs from T813XXS2BQG3 08-11-2017 ============ #### kernel/lge/hammerhead/ * c8574ab BACKPORT: f2fs: sanity check checkpoint segno and blkoff * 6d78b2e UPSTREAM: f2fs: sanity check segment count * cb65b07 BACKPORT: UPSTREAM: sg_start_req(): make sure that there's not too many elements in iovec #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 5a156c1 Linux 3.18.64 * 19ce50b workqueue: implicit ordered attribute should be overridable * b8d1bf8 net: phy: Fix PHY unbind crash * 02b8308 ipv4: Should use consistent conditional judgement for ip fragment in __ip_append_data and ip_finish_output * 1e04352 mm: don't dereference struct page fields of invalid pages * 3c4b280 signal: protect SIGNAL_UNKILLABLE from unintentional clearing. * c10f2ba lib/Kconfig.debug: fix frv build failure * 335ed71 mm, slab: make sure that KMALLOC_MAX_SIZE will fit into MAX_ORDER * 5937b4b ARM: 8632/1: ftrace: fix syscall name matching * 70bd0c6 scsi: qla2xxx: Get mutex lock before checking optrom_state * 192f9b2 x86/boot: Add missing declaration of string functions * eb22299 tg3: Fix race condition in tg3_get_stats64(). * c1860f0d sh_eth: R8A7740 supports packet shecksumming * c5a03ad wext: handle NULL extra data in iwe_stream_add_point better * 448fd6e xen-netback: correctly schedule rate-limited queues * 58164ff net: phy: Correctly process PHY_HALTED in phy_stop_machine() * 069659a sctp: fix the check for _sctp_walk_params and _sctp_walk_errors * 20dc531 sctp: don't dereference ptr before leaving _sctp_walk_{params, errors}() * bfd9ff7 dccp: fix a memleak for dccp_feat_init err process * 4aa4ac7 packet: fix use-after-free in prb_retire_rx_blk_timer_expired() * 6c89de7 mcs7780: Fix initialization when CONFIG_VMAP_STACK is enabled * 1e0dbed rtnetlink: allocate more memory for dev_set_mac_address() * 0b00926 ipv4: initialize fib_trie prior to register_netdev_notifier call. * 80ddff3 ipv6: avoid overflow of offset in ip6_find_1stfragopt * 67fa459 net: Zero terminate ifr_name in dev_ifname(). * 5c73064 f2fs: sanity check checkpoint segno and blkoff * e6012d4 iscsi-target: Fix delayed logout processing greater than SECONDS_FOR_LOGOUT_COMP * fb365f0 iscsi-target: Fix initial login PDU asynchronous socket close OOPs * b33cd3c iscsi-target: Fix early sk_data_ready LOGIN_FLAGS_READY race * b8070d1 iscsi-target: Always wait for kthread_should_stop() before kthread exit * 233824c target: Avoid mappedlun symlink creation during lun shutdown * c650307 media: platform: davinci: return -EINVAL for VPFE_CMD_S_CCDC_RAW_PARAMS ioctl * 46e04ae ext4: fix overflow caused by missing cast in ext4_resize_fs() * d8a2bc2 ext4: fix SEEK_HOLE/SEEK_DATA for blocksize < pagesize * a08ea47 mm/page_alloc: Remove kernel address exposure in free_reserved_area() * aeb3f9d KVM: async_pf: make rcu irq exit if not triggered from idle task * 3224299 ALSA: hda - Fix speaker output from VAIO VPCL14M1R * 91827f2 workqueue: restore WQ_UNBOUND/max_active==1 to be ordered * a9fcfb3 libata: array underflow in ata_find_dev() * 42343f9 tile: use global strscpy() rather than private copy * d6e9a0b arch/powerpc: provide zero_bytemask() for big-endian * 6396337 Make asm/word-at-a-time.h available on all architectures * b2c68f9 word-at-a-time.h: support zero_bytemask() on alpha and tile * d87a780 tile: add and enable support functions * cdaa126 xfrm: Don't use sk_family for socket policy lookups * d4aa04f vlan: Propagate MAC address to VLANs * 1973e6c spi: dw: Make debugfs name unique between instances * fcd7e46 ASoC: tlv320aic3x: Mark the RESET register as volatile * d75c36e vfio-pci: use 32-bit comparisons for register address for gcc-4.5 * 02afca4 drm/msm: Verify that MSM_SUBMIT_BO_FLAGS are set * e65ee40 drm/msm: Ensure that the hardware write pointer is valid * bc065e1 net/mlx4: Remove BUG_ON from ICM allocation routine * c91a26e ipv6: Should use consistent conditional judgement for ip6 fragment between __ip6_append_data and ip6_finish_output * 995b84c ARM: dts: n900: Mark eMMC slot with no-sdio and no-sd flags * e126875 r8169: add support for RTL8168 series add-on card. * 3368b6e x86/mce/AMD: Make the init code more robust * 178eb07 tpm: fix a kernel memory leak in tpm-sysfs.c * 5647c27 net: skb_needs_check() accepts CHECKSUM_NONE for tx * 9bd18ad pstore: Use dynamic spinlock initializer * 5964ff5 pstore: Correctly initialize spinlock and flags * adcd624 pstore: Allow prz to control need for locking * 224652a v4l: s5c73m3: fix negation operator * dd87323 dentry name snapshots * 0d90aa3 ipmi/watchdog: fix watchdog timeout set on reboot * 0206e94 net, sched: fix soft lockup in tc_classify * ed67fc0 sh_eth: Fix ethtool operation crash when net device is down * b7baa48 net: sctp: fix race for one-to-many sockets in sendmsg's auto associate * 8f4e75c ipv6: fix possible deadlock in ip6_fl_purge / ip6_fl_gc * c4c8e87 kaweth: fix oops upon failed memory allocation * 344942c kaweth: fix firmware download * 4df9e36 mpt3sas: Don't overreach ioc->reply_post[] during initialization * 0382f10 mailbox: handle empty message in tx_tick * 8e99c29 mailbox: skip complete wait event if timer expired * 9e1fb10 mailbox: always wait in mbox_send_message for blocking Tx mode * 8c80149 wil6210: fix deadlock when using fw_no_recovery option * 2ea794b isdn/i4l: fix buffer overflow * 1ca64e3 strscpy: zero any trailing garbage bytes in the destination * 2cbf173 string: provide strscpy() * d996484 isdn: Fix a sleep-in-atomic bug * 04e2a2a net: phy: Do not perform software reset for Generic PHY * b208e83 Bluetooth: cmtp: cmtp_add_connection() should verify that it's dealing with l2cap socket * 4f3b6b0 Bluetooth: Fix potential NULL dereference * e252c29 Bluetooth: bnep: bnep_add_connection() should verify that it's dealing with l2cap socket * 6452c76 Staging: comedi: comedi_fops: Avoid orphaned proc entry * 0224337 Revert "powerpc/numa: Fix percpu allocations to be NUMA aware" * 4b73849 KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Save/restore host values of debug registers * 4dbef89 KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Reload HTM registers explicitly * 844d4de8 KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Restore critical SPRs to host values on guest exit * 1afcad6 drm/vmwgfx: Fix gcc-7.1.1 warning * 2fd95f2 md/raid5: add thread_group worker async_tx_issue_pending_all * 1167efb powerpc/pseries: Fix of_node_put() underflow during reconfig remove * 75c0ec4 net: reduce skb_warn_bad_offload() noise * 0b6551b pstore: Make spinlock per zone instead of global * f33555c af_key: Add lock to key dump * 3a2bcbf Merge "msm: ipa3: Verify IPA client id before using it" * 6b26156 msm: ipa3: Verify IPA client id before using it * fdc0578 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170811. * a17a7d2 Merge "ARM: dts: msm: add support of PMI8937/PMI8940 for MSM8953" * c78f8c6 usb-gadget: support USB keyboard #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 6a459f6 Edit Moto G4 Plus Maintainer name (added full name) (#836) 08-10-2017 ============ #### device/oneplus/oneplus3/ * 1fec70f op3: Update to OB21 / OB12 blobs * c46f9bd op3: Add shim to make front camera not take 4 MP pics in bright light * ec5325b op3: Add shim to fix front facing camera crash in bright light * 7eaff84 op3: Use shim to set camera package name in the HAL to OnePlus Camera * 4fe0ea5 op3: Automatically sed camera HAL symbol changes needed for shim * e820f33 op3: Remove duplicate time_daemon service definition #### frameworks/av/ * 2b7a3aa Camera: Add NULL check on mDevice to avoid crash. * 069679b Camera: Add null check on mDevice to avoid crash #### frameworks/base/ * 558ad5d FWB:Single tap tile add switch [1/2] * ced6494 Allow user to add/remove QS with one click * 9059f7a Merge pull request #206 from ashoksoni/dataswitch #### frameworks/native/ * bdafb32 SF: Improve hwrotation handling #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996/ * 7b39877 Promotion of audio-userspace.lnx.2.1.c1-00036. #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * beb9db9 ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: clear address on error * 065c130 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170809.1. * 1199cb0 Merge "cpufreq: flush queued work before freeing policy" #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 37c5cff Add maintainer for Xiaomi RedMi 3s (#835) * fabd9ef Settings:Single tap tile add switch [2/2] #### vendor/lge/ * 2fcb962 g4: remove deprecated makefile * 610a1c1 g4: cleanup, regen makefiles * ca0de1e g4: libcir is needed to build consumerir hal * 4d8137b g4: regenerate makefiles #### vendor/oneplus/ * 824470b op3: Update to OB21 / OB12 blobs 08-09-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ * e5d459f Drop-down data switch through Cellular tile. * db1dea3 SystemUI: add telephony-ext so that imports can be resolved * 198fc03 DUI: Left in landscape navbar API [1/3] #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 45dbdf3 Merge "msm: sensor: ois: add conditional check for ioctl" * bb227ff Merge "msm: mdss: Avoid direct dereference user input in pp cache config" * a1772c6 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170809. * 8083abc msm: sensor: ois: add conditional check for ioctl * b666c99 ARM: dts: msm: add support of PMI8937/PMI8940 for MSM8953 * ff622ee Merge "fbdev: core: Initialise structure to prevent kernel information leak" * 9ef0fdf Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170808. #### packages/apps/AudioFX/ #### packages/apps/Bluetooth/ #### packages/apps/CMBugReport/ #### packages/apps/Calendar/ #### packages/apps/Camera2/ #### packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/ #### packages/apps/DUI/ * 84de443 Fling logo on pulse: add transparency instead of hiding it * f8f8b22 Fling: if KB is showing, double tap right/left to move text cursor * ac4d117 DUI: Left in landscape navbar API [3/3] * ab65f5a Revert "Pulse: Navbar left in landscape support" [2/3] * 009b591 Revert "DUI:Uncomment Navbar Left in Landscape [1/2]" #### packages/apps/Gallery2/ #### packages/apps/Jelly/ * d76965a Jelly: Improve incognito mode privacy * 6767c48 Jelly: Enable more HTML5 features * 2e53eb0 Jelly: Don't crash on non-http downloads * 3347ed4 Jelly: Avoid Url bar interraction when focused * f67c692 Jelly: The app should not close when search is active and back-button is pressed. #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 0afef7a Settings:remove Selinux Switch * d2d91c9 Updated Hydrogen Maintainer (#834) * b739eec Add galaxy s4 i9500 maintainer (#833) #### packages/apps/Snap/ #### packages/apps/Terminal/ #### packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/ #### packages/resources/devicesettings/ 08-08-2017 ============ #### android/ * ed7d67a cm.xml: sync caf 8998 hals * 59201a1 manifest: android-7.1.2_r24 -> android-7.1.2_r29 #### build/ * 401a4a1 Merge 7.1.2_r29 into nougat #### external/skia/ * 08bdeaf Merge 7.1.2_r29 into nougat #### frameworks/av/ * 3a63a17 Merge 7.1.2_r29 into nougat * 6529b27 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r29' into cm-14.1 #### frameworks/base/ * e56d646 FWB: Sensor block per-package switch (1/2) * a8e139f SystemSensorManager: sensor block per-package * 5966600 base: Update flags for edge gesture service from AOSPA * 5029476 Silence a memory leak warning from the static analyzer * 88fd564 GC in heapDumpFinished to cleanup hprof fd * 9b11fe2 Add null check for Wi-Fi command * 9b8df66 Fix static analyzer complaints * 3a939a6 Merge 7.1.2_r29 into nougat #### frameworks/native/ * f298a32 Merge 7.1.2_r29 into nougat * 99f5e57 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r29' into cm-14.1 #### frameworks/opt/net/wifi/ * 1f8fc74 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r29' into cm-14.1 #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/ * 7fcca3e Fix security vulnerability: Equalizer setParameter memory overflow #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8937/ * 9dbd062 Fix security vulnerability: Equalizer setParameter memory overflow #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8952/ * 34f4914 Fix security vulnerability: Equalizer setParameter memory overflow #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8960/ * e248666 Fix security vulnerability: Equalizer setParameter memory overflow #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/ * 0d8579c Fix security vulnerability: Equalizer setParameter memory overflow #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8994/ * 9dcddd7 Fix security vulnerability: Equalizer setParameter memory overflow #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8998/ * c519e1a Fix security vulnerability: Equalizer setParameter memory overflow #### hardware/qcom/audio/default/ * a4f1bc5 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r29' into cm-14.1 #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8996/ * 58ffd77 mm-video-v4l2: Protect buffer lifecycle with lock #### kernel/moto/shamu/ * 518881a Merge branch 'aosp/android-msm-shamu-3.10-nougat-mr1.6' into cm-14.1 #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 16335ef Merge "msm: kgsl: Fix integer overflow in _load_gpmu_firmware" * 14b8ab1 Merge "cfg80211: Define nla_policy for NL80211_ATTR_LOCAL_MESH_POWER_MODE" * 6f26ff2 fbdev: core: Initialise structure to prevent kernel information leak * 8f3e564 msm: mdss: Avoid direct dereference user input in pp cache config * bff011f msm: camera: Instead of read_lock use read_lock_irqsave. * cb932c0 Merge "dwc3: Do not perform core reinitialisation for host only mode" #### packages/apps/CarrierConfig/ * ea0ad38 Fix up incorrect domestic roaming and non-roaming cases #### packages/apps/Jelly/ * f20c0a4 Jelly: Add Yandex search engine #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 9f245e7 Settings:Sensor block per-package switch[2/2] #### system/bt/ * 80cca31 Revert "Merge tag 'LA.UM.5.5.r1-05300-8x96.0' into cm-14.1" #### vendor/lge/ * e025aed bullhead: update blobs from N2G48C factory image #### vendor/motorola/ * 0c91324 shamu: update blobs from N8I11B factory image 08-07-2017 ============ #### device/samsung/i9300/ * 7e51e14 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of https://github.com/LineageOS/android_device_samsung_i9300 into nougat #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8994/ * 1eab97d mm-video-v4l2: Fix input buffer release in deinit #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * e8015a1 thermal: tsens: Disable Tsens interrupts during driver initialization * 7f7cc32 msm: kgsl: Fix integer overflow in _load_gpmu_firmware * c84d655 cfg80211: Define nla_policy for NL80211_ATTR_LOCAL_MESH_POWER_MODE #### packages/apps/ResurrectionStats/ * 6b6f3b3 Stats: RR v5.8.4 #### packages/services/OmniJaws/ * 271b581 Update config.xml * 3f47dbd Use our key #### vendor/cm/ * e74670c Update changelog to 5.8.4 08-06-2017 ============ #### device/moto/shamu/ * 121c04a Comment out ledCanPulse for now * 0c0fabf Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of https://github.com/LineageOS/android_device_moto_shamu into nougat #### device/oneplus/oneplus3/ * 6d47496 op3: Add the high performance VR feature #### device/xiaomi/kenzo/ * bef93e5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/laos/cm-14.1' into HEAD #### device/xiaomi/msm8956-common/ * 6d9dc32 Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/laos/cm-14.1' into HEAD #### frameworks/base/ * 509aaf9 AppOps: Fix yet another deadlock * 7dbfbeb Frameworks Cleanups * 10874b8 pocket: introduce pocket bridge * 42af8ad policy: introduce pocket lock * abd6b0e pocket: introduce pocket judge * 9c2bc7e base: Introduce Accidental Touch * 5a0945c frameworks: PIE 3.0 (nougat) * 4df7925 Revert "Forward Port: PIE 3.0 (1/2)" #### hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8996/ * d75c8b5 Merge 5640ae3f2748f0791f980cedf6a180a5987b581c on remote branch #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * cf3d6c3 Revert some incorrect fixes from 3.18.40 * bb47dc4 Merge b9a4f0c17fd9046afff86418f85513da4db7a24d on remote branch * 939fec9 Fix MTP issue from 3.18.40 #### packages/apps/DUI/ #### packages/apps/Dialer/ #### packages/apps/OmniSwitch/ #### packages/apps/PackageInstaller/ #### packages/apps/ResurrectionOTA/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 3701c92 Dslv: Fix FC when adding duplicate shortcuts * c1348a0 Settings:Add preference for pocket judge [2/2] * e090493 PieSettings: Add support for Pie Gravity * 9749d2d ButtonsSettings: Add preference for Accidental Touch * 5fd64be Update PIE settings to 3.0 #### vendor/cm/ * f869205 Bump version to 5.8.4 * 8272685 vendor: Fix a user profile data denial * be1cf97 vendor: Add selinux policy for pocket bridge * 5ea6f1c vendor:Add sysfs permissions for pocket bridge * 2771188 pa: Add pocket judge selinux policy #### vendor/oneplus/ * 2ad6aea onyx: Update hci_qcomm_init from bacon 08-05-2017 ============ #### hardware/qcom/display-caf/apq8084/ * e2f4340 cec: Fix breakage due to API change #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/apq8084/ * 02e5750 videopp: fix include paths for lineage #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * a42567a oneplus3: regenerate defconfig * 6d46d35 Merge remote-tracking branch 'uck/rel/msm-3.18.r5-redone' into nougat * e60f49c f2fs: avoid cpu lockup * f178bfb ANDROID: sdcardfs: Remove unnecessary lock * 5a168ba op3: Disable unneeded functions * dda7a3388 op3: Run all RCU threads at RT prio 2 * 396a3f3 op3: enable RCU_BOOST * f15e002 BACKPORT: rcu: Optionally run grace-period kthreads at real-time priority * c8afe0a BACKPORT: rcu: Unify boost and kthread priorities * e65ce8d BACKPORT: rcu: Move RCU_BOOST variable declarations, eliminating #ifdef * 9436f45 drivers/Kconfig: remove duplicate entry for soc * 9dda95d Merge tag 'LA.UM.5.5.r1-05400-8x96.0' into nougat * 36a119d qcacld-2.0: Update to LA.UM.5.5.r1-05400-8x96.0 * dabdc21 ARM: dts: 15801: Move 0x29 to dsi on command #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 6c960c2 Merge branch 'nougat' of https://github.com/ResurrectionRemix/Resurrection_packages_apps_Settings into nougat * 40bdde5 Fix settings FC and freezes after reboot on enforcing mode #### vendor/motorola/ * 68a2007 msm8916-common: move gps.conf to device #### vendor/samsung/ * 353fbc3 apq8084-common: update blobs to latest (last?) G901FXXU1CQE3 08-04-2017 ============ #### device/xiaomi/kenzo/ * c9ffb05 kenzo: Add time service blobs * 47d40e6 kenzo: Remove modem assert #### device/xiaomi/msm8956-common/ * 743eb8b msm8956: Decommonize time service blobs * 02b7712 msm8956: Remove modem assertion check #### hardware/qcom/fm/ #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8916/ * ec78924 Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BR.1.2.9_rb1.23' into cm-14.1-caf-8916 #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8994/ * 1afe59f Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BF64.1.2.3_rb1.15' into cm-14.1-caf-8994 #### hardware/samsung/ * 2a40024 secril-client: close fds on I/O errors #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * ad28d7b Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170804. * bf3a9f1 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170803. #### packages/apps/AudioFX/ #### packages/apps/Bluetooth/ #### packages/apps/Calendar/ #### packages/apps/Camera2/ #### packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/ #### packages/apps/Eleven/ #### packages/apps/Email/ #### packages/apps/EmergencyInfo/ #### packages/apps/Gallery2/ #### packages/apps/HTMLViewer/ #### packages/apps/Jelly/ #### packages/apps/ManagedProvisioning/ #### packages/apps/Messaging/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 1bed82a Add Maintainer For Android One 1st gen. (sprout) (#832) #### packages/apps/SetupWizard/ #### packages/apps/Snap/ #### packages/apps/Tag/ #### packages/apps/Trebuchet/ #### packages/apps/TvSettings/ #### packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/ #### packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/ #### packages/providers/CalendarProvider/ #### packages/providers/DownloadProvider/ #### packages/resources/devicesettings/ #### vendor/asus/ * 86bf0bd mofd: update houdini blobs from fugu n2g48b * d314fc0 mofd: update bt/tele fw from release #### vendor/xiaomi/ * 7960020 msm8956-common: Decommonize time service blobs 08-03-2017 ============ #### device/qcom/sepolicy/ * 415717e sepolicy: Add qpnp-smbcharger battery supply contexts * 6ff8a5f sepolicy: Add new dc_supply sysfs #### frameworks/opt/telephony/ * b1a8579 Telephony: Keep preferred SMS Sim #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * f247dcb Merge "msm: camera: fix off-by-one overflow in msm_isp_get_bufq" * b597e86 Merge "diag: dci: Add protection while querying event status" * 2dd97d3 Merge "msm: pcie: add bounds check for debugfs register write" * b7b6f9f Merge "msm: camera: Instead of read_lock use read_lock_irqsave." * 537b01c Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170802. 08-02-2017 ============ #### device/samsung/smdk4412-common/ * 7fa112b smdk4412-common: camera: Handle preview_video_size seperately #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * ef91378 Merge "cnss_pci: fix the race condition bug in WLAN firmware table config" * cd65c57 Merge "SoC: msm: audio-effects: return directly to avoid integer overflow" * 3dcdac8 Merge "osq_lock: avoid live-lock issue for RT task" * 50c6482 Merge "osq_lock: fix osq_lock queue corruption" * efa2b4c cnss_pci: fix the race condition bug in WLAN firmware table config * ffd590e Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170801.1. * 8dbae65 Merge "defconfig: disable cp_access" * b9a4f0c Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170801. #### kernel/xiaomi/msm8956/ * 2b2ad6d Revert "Revert "ARM: dts: msm: update memory map for msm8976/8956/8952 for External release"" * c9cc7c1 Merge AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BR.1.3.6_RB1. on remote branch #### packages/apps/OmniSwitch/ * 31d0a4a Fixing a NullPointerException (#8) 08-01-2017 ============ #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8994/ * 45c9e3b mm-video-v4l2: Use correct buffer header while freeing buffers #### kernel/lge/hammerhead/ * dbd1c67 ASoC: msm-lsm-client: free lsm client data in msm_lsm_close * 7744f14 ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: check param length for EAC3 format * 565143e ASoC: msm: initialize the params array before using it * 9579dd3 ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: fix possible integer overflow * 44fb515 qdsp6v2: blacklist %p kptr_restrict * 6da174b Kconfig: msm: disable ultrasound driver * 0f630d8 net: wireless: bcmdhd: remove unsed WEXT file. #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 316421f msm: camera: fix off-by-one overflow in msm_isp_get_bufq * ae5355d diag: dci: Add protection while querying event status * e083ac1 msm: pcie: add bounds check for debugfs register write * 7f8a8d6 Merge "msm: mdss: fix the use after free problem in rotator ioctl" * 4ec9d1e Merge "msm: camera: Make use of mutex lock to avoid race condition" * 7d686ee SoC: msm: audio-effects: return directly to avoid integer overflow * 2fbd61f Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170731.1. * ec301ea Merge "msm: ipa: fix security issues in ipa wan driver" * ef47223 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170731. #### packages/apps/Eleven/ * 1cc8b9e Eleven: Add WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE permission * 083e7f9 Eleven: Promote to privileged app * 5301693 Eleven: allow artwork to scale down #### packages/apps/Gallery2/ * c88c572 Gallery2: Fix various issues and glitches #### packages/apps/Snap/ * a206d75 Snap: fix low resolution front camera switch icon #### vendor/lge/ * 0558e88 msm8996: Add tinyxml2_1 for UM5.7 SDM * a849224 msm8996: Update graphics blobs from oneplus/cheeseburger * f7fd1c5 g6: Properly deodex DolbyVisionService * 9d22958 msm8996: Add libgpustats for PQ metadata encoding * 257256b msm8996: Add support for widevine L1 * 0ae74c8 h870: Remove unused bcm4359 firmware * 1080c0b g6: Add some camera postproc blobs 07-31-2017 ============ #### device/qcom/sepolicy/ * 08a5a42 sepolicy: Allow untrusted_apps to read usb power supply stats #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8998/ * f0d3d91 Merge f95d37dc8a1259ecdb28e33bbc0a4d8b051994f6 on remote branch #### hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8996/ * 5640ae3 Promotion of display.lnx.3.0.c2-00026. #### hardware/samsung/ * fb5669e power: Keep boost fd opened as well #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 8ffda51 Merge "crypto: msm: Fix several race condition issues in crypto drivers" * 8846590 Merge "power: qpnp-fg: Fix Rslow charger compensation workaround" * 4bf9e1d msm: ipa: fix security issues in ipa wan driver * 68ccd6e msm: camera: Make use of mutex lock to avoid race condition * 7043c6b crypto: msm: Fix several race condition issues in crypto drivers * 7aa8d06 msm: mdss: fix the use after free problem in rotator ioctl * 7b5995d Merge "msm: camera: Bound check for num_of_stream." * 097410f Merge "msm: camera: isp: Support dualcamera overflow" * 6a6f4db Merge "coresight: tmc: Fix the unbalanced lock in tmc_read()" * 94022fe power: qpnp-fg: Fix Rslow charger compensation workaround #### kernel/xiaomi/msm8956/ * 7d9cfb4 Merge "msm: ipa: prevent string buffer overflows" * f32fe96 coresight: tmc: Fix use after free issue with tmc read * 4af7ad8 msm: ipa: prevent string buffer overflows #### packages/apps/Gallery2/ * d74ca5a Gallery2: Fix potential crash * 7e1b2d2 Gallery2: Switch to navigationbar from support libs * 82b6848 Gallery2: Fix can't parse documents uri * eceb1ed Gallery2: Fix views overlap * 8c7fe64 Gallery2: Support GIF animation * b923c25 Gallery2: Increase the size of the tiles when decoding images * ccaf2e4 Gallery2: Support the newly added media file types in MTP mode * ebce130 Gallery2: Fix use of uninitialized stack variables * 1fbe342 Gallery2: Remove unused renderscript class * 40fe6d2 Gallery2: Fix spelling error * 5a0501d Gallery2: Properly declare the own permissions * 9c69a82 Gallery2: Remove more possible NPEs * 4288cf9 Gallery2: Enable frames in the editor * 09a950e Gallery2: Remove slideshow option if there are only videos * 75e883a Gallery2: Remove 3D overscroll effect * 4cbaf64 Gallery2: Disable dummy starting window * 7aeaefc Gallery2: Fix up audio effects dialog * cc80b1b Gallery2: Everyone or no one * a0dc1b8 Gallery2: Replace hamburger menu with bottom bar * ae2d5c1 Gallery2: Change all share intents to chooser style * 1b893a4 Gallery2: Update menu * b091264 Gallery2: Update theme * 7eb847c Gallery2: Move & improve CAF strings * 81e24fe Gallery2: Make sure no NPE happens * 9c735ae Gallery2: Remove invalid comment from manifest * 5b0141c Gallery2: Cleanup renderscript flags in Android.mk * 108756a Gallery2: Reduce logspam in video player * e0c0ac0 Gallery2: Store DATE_TAKEN as milliseconds * bb16314 Gallery2: Modify AOSP EL translations * 3861e97 Gallery2: Remove CAF translations * 3bf31b2 Gallery2: Add record time to details view * c1cf324 Gallery2: Fix crash of gallery on showing details * 880d507 Gallery2: Fix crash when Bluetooth service is disabled * 2c75f40 Gallery2: Try to open existing camera * db84f5b Gallery2: New icon * 5f5c892 Gallery2: Bump minsdk and targetsdk version * 6587213 Gallery: FilterShowActivity: Fix loading spinner being show forever * 55bf17f Gallery: TileImageView: fix NPE * be9357b FaceDetect: Catch more linker errors during initialization * 8beb6f9 FaceDetect: Catch linker errors during initialization * ea5a309 Bump API to match dependencies. * 1a3f292 Add missing includes. * 5c74612 Cleanup warnings in jni. * b7d08f9 Fix misc-macro-parentheses warnings in Gallery2. * 9110325 Float.NaN != ... always evaluates to true, use Float.isNaN. * 69f87c4 Rename app back to Gallery #### vendor/samsung/ * 4c38820 hltechn: Initial blob import 07-30-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ * c4a83cf Allow to disable battery light when in DND mode [1/2] * 20dce16 SystemUI: Store value of lockscreen media art * 3dff8ca AppOps: Prevent deadlock when making note of applications * 0e93f34 KernelCpuSpeedReader: Account for missing sysfs nodes * 33c6d4f Revert "KernelCpuSpeedReader: Account for missing sysfs nodes" * 6f93f57 slim recents: Be sure to catch all exceptions for startActivityFromRecents * da27683 slim recents: Favlist creation: use HashSet instead of Arraylist * c46b63c SystemUI: locked tasks should have a valid view #### packages/apps/DUI/ #### packages/apps/Dialer/ #### packages/apps/Jelly/ * 083e503 Jelly: remove 'Mobile' from desktop user agent #### packages/apps/OmniSwitch/ #### packages/apps/ResurrectionOTA/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 648e102 MSIM: Fix user set DDS sub in hotswap cases. * 5a56b01 Allow to disable battery light when in DND mode[2/2] #### packages/services/OmniJaws/ #### vendor/xiaomi/ * 57a46a7 mido: Update blobs 07-29-2017 ============ #### kernel/lge/hammerhead/ * 6221246 fs/exec: fix use after free in execve #### kernel/moto/shamu/ * aac0d52 fs/exec: fix use after free in execve #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 9fb8748 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170729. * 92340d3 Merge "ARM: dts: msm: Add AF support for Rear Aux Camera on msm8937" * 19f9cf2 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170728. #### kernel/xiaomi/msm8956/ * 0ee94ed Merge "usb: phy: msm: Disable runtime PM for root hub upon usb disconnect" #### packages/apps/SetupWizard/ * d261c7a SetupWizard: Don't show ChooseDataSimActivity on single sim devices #### packages/apps/Snap/ * db73354 Revert "Revert "SnapdragonCamera: Adding PRIVILEGED true"" 07-28-2017 ============ #### external/chromium-webview/ * e205b2a Update webview #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996/ * a11fed7 policy_hal: adjust bitrate restriction for wma #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * ff6026a Merge "msm: mdss: Add check for fence count" * fe22031 Merge "msm: mdss: Fix possible memory overwrite in pgc config" * e5425e3 Merge "msm: mdss: Fix possible integer overflow" * 66b7afc msm: camera: Bound check for num_of_stream. * 919a55d dwc3: Do not perform core reinitialisation for host only mode * 90a9f5b msm: camera: isp: Support dualcamera overflow * 69650e9 msm: camera: Instead of read_lock use read_lock_irqsave. * 7037134 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170727. * 90a0a4d Linux 3.18.63 * 1bd0ac1 MIPS: Send SIGILL for BPOSGE32 in `__compute_return_epc_for_insn' * 398efae alarmtimer: don't rate limit one-shot timers * 9cbc732 tracing: Fix kmemleak in instance_rmdir * a77c36d spmi: Include OF based modalias in device uevent * 3bcfc1d of: device: Export of_device_{get_modalias, uvent_modalias} to modules * 26fbaaf KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Context-switch EBB registers properly * 0faeceb drm/mst: Avoid processing partially received up/down message transactions * e9cc877 drm/mst: Avoid dereferencing a NULL mstb in drm_dp_mst_handle_up_req() * d31447f drm/mst: Fix error handling during MST sideband message reception * ab157ba staging: rtl8188eu: add TL-WN722N v2 support * 7bf2f3d Revert "perf/core: Drop kernel samples even though :u is specified" * d0f9c38 perf annotate: Fix broken arrow at row 0 connecting jmp instruction to its target * 170900b target: Fix COMPARE_AND_WRITE caw_sem leak during se_cmd quiesce * 29115d1 udf: Fix deadlock between writeback and udf_setsize() * 83ee48f NFS: only invalidate dentrys that are clearly invalid. * 14b9b0b Input: i8042 - fix crash at boot time * 8b76082 MIPS: math-emu: Prevent wrong ISA mode instruction emulation * 18f516f MIPS: Fix unaligned PC interpretation in `compute_return_epc' * 24f4ad7 MIPS: Actually decode JALX in `__compute_return_epc_for_insn' * 0f168d0 MIPS: Save static registers before sysmips * 4a8ec22 x86/acpi: Prevent out of bound access caused by broken ACPI tables * ae296a4 MIPS: Negate error syscall return in trace * bbde267 MIPS: Fix mips_atomic_set() with EVA * f3ff36a MIPS: Fix mips_atomic_set() retry condition * ed351df vfio: New external user group/file match * b528619 vfio: Fix group release deadlock * d23a169 f2fs: Don't clear SGID when inheriting ACLs * 391ffdd drm/radeon/ci: disable mclk switching for high refresh rates (v2) * b5f70e9 s390/syscalls: Fix out of bounds arguments access * 02396d7 Raid5 should update rdev->sectors after reshape * 038b2df md: don't use flush_signals in userspace processes * c1a2cd6 usb: renesas_usbhs: fix usbhsc_resume() for !USBHSF_RUNTIME_PWCTRL * c73d66a USB: cdc-acm: add device-id for quirky printer * f67f65b usb: storage: return on error to avoid a null pointer dereference * 6358c71 xhci: Fix NULL pointer dereference when cleaning up streams for removed host * c5b6b11 xhci: fix 20000ms port resume timeout * 3e2b952 PCI/PM: Restore the status of PCI devices across hibernation * 7ea142b af_key: Fix sadb_x_ipsecrequest parsing * 2af1f82 powerpc/asm: Mark cr0 as clobbered in mftb() * 94661e9 powerpc: Fix emulation of mfocrf in emulate_step() * d818e21 powerpc: Fix emulation of mcrf in emulate_step() * db5d8b6 powerpc/64: Fix atomic64_inc_not_zero() to return an int * ae4d9be scsi: ses: do not add a device to an enclosure if enclosure_add_links() fails. * 051c6e6 PM / Domains: Fix unsafe iteration over modified list of domain providers * 624e488 PM / Domains: Fix unsafe iteration over modified list of device links * a11330d ASoC: compress: Derive substream from stream based on direction * 3325a47 Bluetooth: use constant time memory comparison for secret values * e5c2547 NFC: Add sockaddr length checks before accessing sa_family in bind handlers * d79f70d stddef.h: move offsetofend inside #ifndef/#endif guard, neaten * 38cf241 include/stddef.h: Move offsetofend() from vfio.h to a generic kernel header * 6c27db1 nfc: Fix the sockaddr length sanitization in llcp_sock_connect * 39733cb nfc: Ensure presence of required attributes in the activate_target handler * 83817b3 NFC: fix broken device allocation * 7323096 ath9k: fix tx99 bus error * 1e907f9 ath9k: fix tx99 use after free * 34a2178 CIFS: Fix handle_cancelled_mid callback initialization * 90f85f8 ir-core: fix gcc-7 warning on bool arithmetic * 072f56a x86/rtc: Remove duplicate const specifier * ef96ca5 kvm: x86: memset whole irq_eoi * 13d79b7 disable new gcc-7.1.1 warnings for now * 4427982 op3: update versioning for updated script * 742af97 defconfig: netfilter cleanup * abb3a02 oneplus3: regenerate defconfig * 8edb595 drivers/staging: upgrade qcacld-2.0 to LA.UM.5.5.r1-05300-8x96.0 * 9fc73da gitignore: add output directory to list * 4f63905 GCC 7.x: Makefile: Disable format-truncation globally * d6972a5 qcacld-2.0: Update to LA.UM.5.5.r1-05100-8x96.0 * d24ba8c sdcardfs: Change magic value * 9d4ba25 ANDROID: sdcardfs: use mount_nodev and fix a issue in sdcardfs_kill_sb * 5e5b19c Revert "proc: smaps: Allow smaps access for CAP_SYS_RESOURCE" * 31ca50b f2fs: include seq_file.h for sysfs.c * a5d4ab1 f2fs: Don't clear SGID when inheriting ACLs * 31e00b0 f2fs: remove extra inode_unlock() in error path * 66c8c70 fscrypt: add support for AES-128-CBC * efbedb8 fscrypt: inline fscrypt_free_filename() * 26ce5a6 f2fs: make more close to v4.13-rc1 * d2b2b86 f2fs: support plain user/group quota * 8f76263 f2fs: avoid deadlock caused by lock order of page and lock_op * a93186f f2fs: use spin_{,un}lock_irq{save,restore} * 583cb75 f2fs: relax migratepage for atomic written page * 9513d79 f2fs: don't count inode block in in-memory inode.i_blocks * 8e9f22e Revert "f2fs: fix to clean previous mount option when remount_fs" * 4a9cc49 f2fs: do not set LOST_PINO for renamed dir * 5dd70a6 f2fs: do not set LOST_PINO for newly created dir * 7f9bfa6 f2fs: skip ->writepages for {mete,node}_inode during recovery * 0f793f0 f2fs: introduce __check_sit_bitmap * 0fb8194 f2fs: stop gc/discard thread in prior during umount * f9cee3d f2fs: introduce reserved_blocks in sysfs * bce29ba f2fs: avoid redundant f2fs_flush after remount * ce69e95 f2fs: report # of free inodes more precisely * d88d2ca f2fs: add ioctl to do gc with target block address * 329de58 f2fs: don't need to check encrypted inode for partial truncation * 6c06886 f2fs: measure inode.i_blocks as generic filesystem * 71270c0 f2fs: set CP_TRIMMED_FLAG correctly * a7ff73a f2fs: require key for truncate(2) of encrypted file * ad4d5a7 f2fs: move sysfs code from super.c to fs/f2fs/sysfs.c * a5f676a f2fs: clean up sysfs codes * 8cedb4a f2fs: fix wrong error number of fill_super * 92780fb f2fs: fix to show injection rate in ->show_options * 141806b f2fs: Fix a return value in case of error in 'f2fs_fill_super' * 827df0e f2fs: use proper variable name * c798ede f2fs: fix to avoid panic when encountering corrupt node * d1e800f f2fs: don't track newly allocated nat entry in list * c3a52ad f2fs: add f2fs_bug_on in __remove_discard_cmd * 0d43cd4 f2fs: introduce __wait_one_discard_bio * 084c224 f2fs: dax: fix races between page faults and truncating pages * 1fb6b1f f2fs: simplify the way of calulating next nat address * 5942b5f f2fs: sanity check size of nat and sit cache * 9e63347 f2fs: fix a panic caused by NULL flush_cmd_control * d70cdec f2fs: remove the unnecessary cast for PTR_ERR * 071f20e f2fs: remove false-positive bug_on * cee435e f2fs: Do not issue small discards in LFS mode * 4c2fb72 f2fs: don't bother checking for encryption key in ->write_iter() * 05b8ec0 f2fs: don't bother checking for encryption key in ->mmap() * 38d69c2 f2fs: wait discard IO completion without cmd_lock held * fe392a5 f2fs: wake up all waiters in f2fs_submit_discard_endio * daea460 f2fs: show more info if fail to issue discard * 4266523 f2fs: introduce io_list for serialize data/node IOs * 4b99474 f2fs: split wio_mutex * 67bae07 f2fs: combine huge num of discard rb tree consistence checks * e9344e4 f2fs: fix a bug caused by NULL extent tree * 3372f86 f2fs: try to freeze in gc and discard threads * 3455688 f2fs: add a new function get_ssr_cost * 2853678 f2fs: declare load_free_nid_bitmap static * 303f909 f2fs: avoid f2fs_lock_op for IPU writes * f4b602b f2fs: split bio cache * 8a9ed26 f2fs: use fio instead of multiple parameters * fa786a8 f2fs: remove unnecessary read cases in merged IO flow * 254b938 f2fs: use f2fs_submit_page_bio for ra_meta_pages * 15dce23 f2fs: make sure f2fs_gc returns consistent errno * ea6f859 f2fs: load inode's flag from disk * 6ff12e5 f2fs: sanity check checkpoint segno and blkoff * 7e06f90 f2fs, block_dump: give WRITE direction to submit_bio * 99d62eb sched: always use blk_schedule_flush_plug in io_schedule_out * 5a6da08 sched: Prevent recursion in io_schedule() * 00d924b f2fs: use WRITE_SYNC for REQ_SYNC * 5160548 f2fs: enable f2fs_migrate_page * c57ce24 UPSTREAM: ext4: fix fencepost in s_first_meta_bg validation * 96f8e2e ext4: fix condition of validate s_first_meta_bg * b863c84 UPSTREAM: packet: fix races in fanout_add() * 7eaad45 cpu-hotplug: convert cpu_hotplug_disabled to a counter #### packages/apps/Calendar/ #### packages/apps/Camera2/ #### packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/ #### packages/apps/Eleven/ #### packages/apps/Email/ #### packages/apps/Exchange/ #### packages/apps/Jelly/ #### packages/apps/Messaging/ #### packages/apps/SetupWizard/ * 6971663 SetupWizard: Fix crash when sims are absent * b1dd429 SetupWizard: Fix a few possible NPEs #### packages/apps/TvSettings/ #### vendor/cm/ * cfcd5e2 Fix build scripts color format 07-27-2017 ============ #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8994/ * 846e534 Merge AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BF64.1.2.3_RB1. on remote branch #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996/ * 26005ac hal: fix no sound issue in voice call #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8996/ * 46b0abe Promotion of video-userspace.lnx.2.1.c1-00046. #### hardware/samsung/ * a322ea2 macloader: Drop semcove case and enum #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 2516de6 Makefile: Fix device not booting with GCC 7.x and above * 9dc2ba7 blu_active: Reset last evaluated jiffy in idle callback and make window alignment optional * 8669088 blu_active: sync up with android-4.4 linux, bring back fastlane (revamped) * dad1c13 camera: shut up actuator, I don't want to know when you're focusing * c2f0630 cpufreq: cpu-boost: don't boost over user set max freq * 5f92c94 qcom: msm-core: uninterruptible wait - you can kiss my arse goodbye * 2f12c37 staging: qcacld-2.0: remove some debug * bf139f2 printk: Ignore LOG_USER messages in kmsg * 43d483e msm: Use interruptible wait to not affect load average * b57aa7e msm: Use interruptible wait to not affect load average * b7dbad3 msm: Fix high load average from uninterruptible waits * 714e0df2 usb: gadget: f_mtp: simplify ptp NULL pointer check * 15f05d2 binder: set binder_debug_mask=0 to suppress logging * df60dc4 irqchip: Silence log spam * 65fcc84 tcp_output: set initial TCP window size to 64K (speed improvement) * 0d6498d msm_bus_arb/msm_bus_arb_adhoc: Make update_request_legacy/update_request_adhoc functions less chatty * ce15bcb msm: mpm: disable debugging * 86c1883 arm64: irq: remove affinity logging. Makes it hard to use dmesg with this spam * b04cf87 selinux: just shut up * cd28741 msm: vidc: disable debug logs * 023f7a0 drivers: cpu-boost: optimize policy update loop on input cpufreq boost * 78329da cpufreq: cpu-boost: set interval between consecutive boosts to be at least the duration of the boost instead of a bigger value * fca6e24 blu_active: upstream changes * 2423331 blu_active: reduce low freq ripple effect * 13bc921 blu_active: updates and fixes * dc2e653 blu_active: dynamic cpufreq policy governor designed for latency-sensitive workloads * f24d454 usb: dwc3-msm: Don't issue power supply change for invalid charger * 482de69 drivers: misc: implement usb fast charge mode * af7ce0b fs: default to noatime * 6f40b84 block: deadline: Optimize for non-rotational * 3161e2d mm: Set vm_swappiness to 0 * eac15d5 sound: tfa9890: rip more log spam * 86c7892 drivers: synaptics_s3320: silence more log spam * fcee3b9 sound: tfa9890: rip spam * 6450eac sound: tfa9890: silence log crap * d0ac5e9 Makefile: Silence x.509 warning * 756d93a tfa9890: change spammy pr_err() ones to pr_debug() * 5deb22a tfa9890: disable log spams from pr_debug() * 31a20e9 qcacld-2.0: Force disable DPTRACE * 4ecc5b9 sound: msm8996: silence more log spam * fd31d8f sound: msm8996: silence log crap * b75d768 ANDROID: sdcardfs: remove dead function open_flags_to_access_mode() * 68d2b02 ARM: dts: 15801: Disable core hotplugging, up the mitigation freq * ec5ceec random: Remove kernel blocking API * bc3e338 random: Add callback API for random pool readiness * 4b81173 random: Blocking API for accessing nonblocking_pool * 9bffb9f random: Wake up all getrandom(2) callers when pool is ready * efea56c writeback: fix writeback cache thrashing * 6488eec qdsp6v2: extend compilation with Os * 3e626db sound: soc: optimize for size * 817cda2 sound: msm: qdsp6v2: optimize for size * 5128895 cfq-iosched: fix the setting of IOPS mode on SSDs * 2b48a89 block: add fifo scheduler * 57914f3 block: Maple.iosched: Fix Compiler Errors * 08d8148 block: maple: Stop abusing csd.list for fifo_time * 27a5a6c maple-iosched: Fix the -Wdeclaration-after-statement warnings * aa0e247 block: maple: Fix inverted logic * ccbb9aa block: maple: Make bools constant across functions * bbf5dd3 block: maple: Use native display state instead of PowerSuspend * 5042259 block: maple: Serve asynchronous requests before synchronous ones * e504dfb block: maple: Fix some logic, import former/latter request logic from SIO, and use some improved bits of SIO * a874df5 block: maple: Catch writes_starved sooner, increase limit. * 1d839f3 block: maple: Clean up and add patchlevel macro to keep track of commits * 0fd5f3a block: maple: Remove CONFIG_HZ dependency, assume 300 for interrupt frequency * d96fbb2 block: [Introduded for 3.18.y] Add Maple I/O Scheduler * f61721d proc: Remove additional SafetyNet flags from /proc/cmdline * c7ef4b4 msm: Fix Kconfig warnings * b2252dd arch: Unbreak mrproper/clean * ec3bbfa drivers: video: Add bounds checking in fb_cmap_to_user * 29da09e net: ping: check minimum size on ICMP header length * 19e7e5d net: add length argument to skb_copy_and_csum_datagram_iovec * 5229456 sysctl: Drop reference added by grab_header in proc_sys_readdir * 945d4a7 ipv6/dccp: do not inherit ipv6_mc_list from parent * 6a89003 ext4: fix data exposure after a crash * 99ebc96 bpf: don't let ldimm64 leak map addresses on unprivileged * fd4ab1b ANDROID: sdcardfs: d_splice_alias can return error values * 60fcfef UPSTREAM: merge d_materialise_unique() into d_splice_alias() * 26a54b78 ANDROID: mnt: Fix next_descendent * 9cdcbc4 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Check for NULL in revalidate * c6bee30 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Add linux/kref.h include * b7250e5 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Move top to its own struct * 90b9768 ANDROID: sdcardfs: fix sdcardfs_destroy_inode for the inode RCU approach * c68a09a ANDROID: sdcardfs: Don't iput if we didn't igrab * 5266d2f ANDROID: sdcardfs: Call lower fs's revalidate * a67bb82 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Avoid setting GIDs outside of valid ranges * 75dba7d ANDROID: sdcardfs: Copy meta-data from lower inode * 6e9f503 Revert "Revert "Android: sdcardfs: Don't do d_add for lower fs"" * 7561f49 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Use filesystem specific hash * 25525db Revert "Android: sdcardfs: Don't do d_add for lower fs" * 1a40e44 Android: sdcardfs: Don't complain in fixup_lower_ownership * d8e7554 Android: sdcardfs: Don't do d_add for lower fs * 602319d ANDROID: sdcardfs: ->iget fixes * 1e39ef3 Android: sdcardfs: Change cache GID value * 139e47d ANDROID: sdcardfs: Directly pass lower file for mmap * 4919a36 ANDROID: sdcardfs: update module info * 5a0feb9 ANDROID: sdcardfs: use d_splice_alias * 068251e ANDROID: sdcardfs: add read_iter/write_iter opeations * f177ee1 ANDROID: sdcardfs: fix ->llseek to update upper and lower offset * 75d9db6 ANDROID: sdcardfs: copy lower inode attributes in ->ioctl * ad66349 ANDROID: sdcardfs: remove unnecessary call to do_munmap * a58928f ANDROID: fs: Export vfs_rmdir2 * e16adc8 ANDROID: fs: Export free_fs_struct and set_fs_pwd * a8fd95b ANDROID: sdcardfs: Fix style issues in macros * 627cf64 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Use seq_puts over seq_printf * 81c18cb ANDROID: sdcardfs: Use to kstrout * 09840b2 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Use pr_[...] instead of printk * c24d2b1 ANDROID: sdcardfs: remove unneeded null check * d97d2b5 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Fix style issues with comments * bc39c60 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Fix formatting * 0684ac1 ANDROID: sdcardfs: correct order of descriptors * 89a9534 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Fix gid issue * 01593a2 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Use tabs instead of spaces in multiuser.h * a79fcc1 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Remove uninformative prints * 5b954c4 ANDROID: sdcardfs: move path_put outside of spinlock * 02f68ed ANDROID: sdcardfs: Use case insensitive hash function * 699627f ANDROID: sdcardfs: declare MODULE_ALIAS_FS * 916cb01 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Get the blocksize from the lower fs * 4f84756 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Use d_invalidate instead of drop_recurisve * 2763c3a ANDROID: sdcardfs: Switch to internal case insensitive compare * 6cb1d92 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Use spin_lock_nested * 084c402 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Replace get/put with d_lock * e0f723b ANDROID: sdcardfs: rate limit warning print * 4fed46c ANDROID: sdcardfs: Fix case insensitive lookup * 23fdfef mm: Export do_munmap * 10d9985 power: Synchronize with OxygenOS 4.1.5 * d8a5a67 UPSTREAM: fscrypt: avoid collisions when presenting long encrypted filenames * 57f2cfa UPSTREAM: fscrypt: fix context consistency check when key(s) unavailable * d5316ae UPSTREAM: ext4 crypto: fix some error handling * fc8dd69 UPSTREAM: ext4 crypto: don't let data integrity writebacks fail with ENOMEM * e3f11e6 UPSTREAM: ext4/fscrypto: avoid RCU lookup in d_revalidate * 3a9a631 UPSTREAM: ext4 crypto: use dget_parent() in ext4_d_revalidate() * ab02a51 UPSTREAM: ext4 crypto: revalidate dentry after adding or removing the key * 33956cd UPSTREAM: fscrypt: remove broken support for detecting keyring key revocation * fedabb1 UPSTREAM: fscrypto: lock inode while setting encryption policy * b8f2e99 UPSTREAM: fscrypt: fix renaming and linking special files * 001f041 UPSTREAM: fscrypto: require write access to mount to set encryption policy * dc2fefc UPSTREAM: fscrypto: add authorization check for setting encryption policy * 0024a07 UPSTREAM: ext4: enforce online defrag restriction for encrypted files * 3589c9b UPSTREAM: ext4 crypto: add missing locking for keyring_key access * 3016d3e qcacld-2.0: disable -Werror flag * b37cb34 Disable "maybe-uninitialized" warning globally * 7bd7d99 Makefile: Use ccache for compilation * bf59779 tri_state_key: allow more key codes for extra modes * c23cbf4 ion: adjust system heap pool orders * 27564dd ANDROID: mmc: move to a SCHED_FIFO thread * decaf98 sched: avoid migrating when softint on tgt cpu should be short * 4e1643b sched: avoid scheduling RT threads on cores currently handling softirqs * 130e88f sched/rt: Avoid moving rt task if destination CPU does not run low priority task. * 3d2bf9e lowmemorykiller: account for unevictable pages * 7bf0ba0 android: binder: remove useless preemption disable on target_wait * aca0d35 kernel: Fix potential refcount leak in su check * b36d82c kernel: Only expose su when daemon is running * 807b0da drivers: staging: Update qcacld-2.0 driver * 85f6ecb Kconfig: msm: disable ultrasound driver * 8ff496b mm: migrate dirty page without clear_page_dirty_for_io etc * 28c7d7e input: synaptics: s1302: Stop keypad when touchscreen is in use * 04ec5b7 misc: fpc1020: Ignore home key presses when touchscreen is in use * 2e26dcd drivers: wakeup: allow to request and count wakelocks with screen on. * 0fc04b5 drivers: wakeup: allow 1 wakeup from IPA_WS every now and then * 0e35627 drivers: wakeup: be more thorough with blocking wakelocks * eab7ea6 drivers: wakeup: it's pointless to output the active wakeup sources during screen on, no need to go through the rcu locks and list iterations every now and then * 31a3f6a drivers: wakeup: there's no much point in running the blockers during screen on * c33e9ef drivers: wakeup: run the wakelock blockers during wakeup_source activation and every resume * 9262ff6 drivers: wakeup: more thoroughly deactivation of wakelocks * 24000aa display: add a simple api to query the display state (on/off) at any point in time * dc336bd drivers: wakeup: add options to disable timerfd, netlink and wlan wakelocks * c1968c8 drivers: wakeup: bypass two WiFi wakelocks * 7f49ec5 power: wakeup: prevent IPA_WS wakelock from being acquired by default * 785d4ba cpufreq: cache tunables for ondemand and conservative governors * 8b23518 wake_gestures: add s2w and dt2w * 30694fa msm: mdss: KCAL: disable igc update * ad11836 msm: mdss: KCAL: Send a pp display commit when changes are made * ad90248 mdss mdp: kcal for mdss_mdp_v1_7 * ac0f9d2 sweep2sleep: fix device name * 5a00815 sweep2sleep: don't create input device * 7d8be32 touch: sweep2sleep * f8180e8 block: Make CFQ default to IOPS mode on SSDs * 804bb47 ASoC: wcd9335: prevent speaker gain from being reset * 3f5cad7 ASoC: wcd9335: add analog headphone gain * acd3148 ASoC: wcd9335: fix speaker gain controls * 07f89b7 ASoC: wcd9335: add mic gain and speaker gain for OnePlus3 * 5274027 ASoC: wcd9335: Sound control * ab0f669 cfq-iosched: fix the setting of IOPS mode on SSDs * f7ff503 proc: Remove verifiedbootstate flag from /proc/cmdline * ec0ead5 net: sch_generic: Allow devices to opt-out net watchdog * d23e231 block: Make CFQ default to IOPS mode on SSDs * 5eedc66 zen-iosched: change fifo_batch to 16 * 8878188 msm_performance: Make input boosting optional * 5fb2ca7 adrenoboost: disable by default * af3abb1 adrenoboost: finetuning algorithm - scale it a bit down * 5d85c6b msm_adreno_tz: add adrenoboost parameter * f27c616 cpufreq; add elementalx governor * ebd461c block: add zen scheduler * 2b39c96 mdss_fb: add backlight dimmer option * 2a908bc platform/msm: haptic: expose vibrate function * c77ea73 PM: devfreq: Use high priority workqueue * 3b838d5 AIO: Don't plug the I/O queue in do_io_submit() * 6786ff0 SIO: update for linux 3.18 * 42f67d4 FIOPS: update for linux 3.18 * bbf799d Add SIO and FIOPS i/o schedulers * cd1f615 Added fsync on/off support. * 0aba390 mm: slub: Default slub_max_order to 0 * 7c9cc2b fs: Workaround the compiler's bad optimization * 6271026 mmc: move to a SCHED_FIFO thread * 8514b7d binfmt_elf.c: use get_random_int() to fix entropy depleting * 6644190 disable crc check * c7c6c63 cpuidle: don't disable cpuidle when entering suspend * 7db4e93 mdss: Fix solid fill unpack pattern * 280f1a3 mdss: move to a kthread for vsync_retire_work_handler * 29bdc71 msm: mdss: avoid scheduling pp work during continuous updates * b86ce3d mdss: Do not wait for kickoff in display commit * 0d84b39 kgsl: convert some workqueues to use kthreads * 93e1288 input: synaptics: Ditch oneplus virtual abs code * 2613132 perf:arm64: fix lockdep warning when handling CPU_STARTING. * 60f9788 perf:arm64: fix pmu percpu irq handling at hotplug. * a32a7ec perf: arm64: fix RCU usage on pmu resume from low-power * 7a865e87 perf: arm64: implement CPU_PM notifier * 28551aa Revert "Perf: arm64: support hotplug and power collapse" * efec211 Revert "Perf: arm64: fix disable of pmu irq during hotplug" * 816707c Revert "Perf: arm64: restore registers after reset" * 7b775ed Revert "Perf: arm64: stop counters when going into hotplug" * 91e40b7 input: synaptics: fw_update: Fix various memory leaks * 2577230 shmem: fix shm fallocate() list corruption * 1d8c4b3 UPSTREAM: USB: iowarrior: fix oops with malicious USB descriptors * 6e235fd UPSTREAM: USB: usb_driver_claim_interface: add sanity checking * 3ab5f76 synaptics_driver: Fix transposed memset() arguments * 761e431 blk-mq: update hardware and software queues for sleeping alloc * 1227362 drivers: video: Add bounds checking in fb_cmap_to_user * 3167bcf diag: dci: avoid out of bounds memory access * f2c6bd7 arm64: lib: improve copy_page to deal with 128 bytes at a time * ad4614c qcacld-2.0: Remove obsolete set/reset ssid hotlist * efe4a0a removing msm calls to trace_printk * 95e9c35 power: oneplus_fastcg: Silence log spam * d4f1f2d mdss: livedisplay: Fix memory leaks in mdss_livedisplay_update() * 87d7ae1 op3: Remove CONFIG_TIMER_STATS * da63772 misc: fpc1020: Increase fingerprintd nice value when screen is off * eded50d input: synaptics: s3320: Don't run baseline after first touch * b8321a1 input: synaptics: s1302: Clean up PM routines and move them into worker * e71c1d5 input: synaptics: s3320: Make interrupt handling more robust * ba0caa6 ARM: dts: 15801: Configure ramoops memory * b27a465 fs/pstore: fix compilation warning * 49148dd pstore: Fix the ramoops module parameters update * d4f6b39 fs/pstore: initialize pmsg from device tree * 2164453 fs:pstore:ramoops: config mem from dt * 850713c input: synaptics_s3320: Support all gestures * a79bcf3 input: synaptics_s3320: Clean up gesture handling * 06a59c5 input: synaptics_s3320: Commonize gesture flags * c394698 ARM: dts: 15811: Target different GPU firmware image name * ef2da10 op3: Preserve memory on restart * 6c49433 power: reset: Allow device to preserve memory on restart * fdd66c9 FROMLIST: pstore: drop pmsg bounce buffer * 12252d7 op3: Update defconfig * 4b0db51 misc: fpc1020: Wait for uevent to send before exiting IRQ handler * 9df0606 misc: fpc1020: Simplify proximity shut-off * 6fdf5bb misc: fpc1020: Honor proximity state * 233f8e2 usb: gadget: mass_storage: added sysfs entry for cdrom to LUNs * 599a5db power: oneplus_fastcg: Remove project_info dependency * 0ca6ab8 misc: fpc1020: Clean up interrupt handler * 0ee7f6b misc: fpc1020: Set fingerprintd priority to max when screen is off * e6ae48e misc: fpc1020: Report key input when interrupt is fired with screen off * 8a4feef misc: fpc1020: Clean up PM routines and move them into dedicated worker * 3933f73 input: synaptics: s3320: Silence log spam * 24b7671 input: synaptics: s3320: Clean up PM routines and move them into worker * 00e77e1 input: synaptics: s3320: Don't run baseline on resume * 26ee1de msm: qpnp-haptic: Process haptics asynchronously * d4a6f75 power: bq27541: Silence log spam * 393a9bc power: bq27541: Don't queue work onto a specific CPU * c48e648 op3: CONFIG_HZ_300 * 69c6d5a asoc/msm: Disable unwanted modules in arch config * cbe4332 Silences WLAN, PCIe, and CPU suspend state kernel messages * 2ef0212 asoc/msm: Reduce min capture size * 7f4db6b arm64: crypto: reduce priority of core AES cipher * 08bb7be arm64/crypto: use crypto instructions to generate AES key schedule * 394e64b arm64: crypto: increase AES interleave to 4x * cdc1904 arm64/crypto: issue aese/aesmc instructions in pairs * 80db6b9 arm64: crypto: Change priority of arm64 aes cipher. * d81bb58 crypto: arm64/crc32 - bring in line with generic CRC32 * 0614055 crypto: crc32 - Add ARM64 CRC32 hw accelerated module * bed26d1 ARM: dts: 15801: Adjust display power settings for s6e3fa5 panel * 50c20b7 op3: Adjust display power settings * 4de3447 asoc: msm: Add async ops for SLIMBUS_6 backend * 10a1a31 ARM: dts: 15801: Fix and optimize SRGB commands for s6e3fa5 panel * b30d20e op3: Fix and optimize SRGB commands * 5a4f34a ARM: dts: 15801: Enable SRGB for s6e3fa5 panel * 44b324d mdss: livedisplay: Add commands to enable SRGB mode * 0e681fe qpnp-haptic: Dejank the haptics * fd1ac64 input: synaptics_s3320: Report nanosecond timestamps to improve accuracy * 42720ef input: add new input event code to pass timestamp to userspace * 2bdaa0d op3: Enable partial update mode for Samsung display * b53f850 op3: Fix display brightness * 66d316f video: mdss: LiveDisplay driver * 5112bc4 cpuset: Make cpusets restore on hotplug * e584475 cpuset: Add allow_attach hook for cpusets on android. * 66ceb42 block, bfq: add Early Queue Merge (EQM) to BFQ-v7r8 for 3.18.0 * 7e6789f block, bfq: add Early Queue Merge (EQM) to BFQ-v7r7 for 3.18.0 * 6d43542 block: introduce the BFQ-v7r7 I/O sched for 3.18 * 2044409 block: cgroups, kconfig, build bits for BFQ-v7r7-3.18 * 60fe341 msm: qpnp-haptic: set up sysfs interface for common cmhw implementation * fca568b qpnp-haptic: Add sysfs interface to control intensity * c92348d input: tri-state-key: Get it ready for CM * 3e82deb input: synpatics_s3320: Get gestures ready for CM * 21c3609 input: synaptics_s3320: Clean up oneplus' logic * 896d201 op3: Adjust LEDs configuration slightly * b8a2e17 ARM: dts: 15801: Add add synchronized RGB blink params * 77ea1d6 leds: leds-qpnp: add synchronized rgb control * c73a206 pwm: qpnp-pwm: add api for synchronous enable of pwms * 8bef112 ARM: dts: 15801: Correct MPP4 behaviour * 1197043 staging: Import LA.UM.5.5.r1-04000-8x96.0 qcacld-2.0 driver * c7345bf op3: Add initial defconfig * beba531 misc: Import OnePlus 7.1 kernel release * b65461d Revert "msm: camera: isp: Handle standby mode for B+M" * 3793a74 Revert "msm: isp: Add support for VFE resolution limit" * bfae88b msm: camera: sensor: Fix memory leaks when sensor probe fails * 3d96ee3 cpufreq: stats: Fix memory leaks when updating stats table * 1598967 msm: camera: isp: Fix memory leaks in vfe probe * 55379a9 msm: mdss: Don't cache the address of a stack variable in timings init * 55bbfd3 soc: qcom: glink: Fix memory leak in driver probe * cf28b71 net: ipc_router: Fix memory leaks when releasing a remote port * 749fbf0 time: Remove CONFIG_TIMER_STATS * f5c03bf irda: Fix lockdep annotations in hashbin_delete(). * 87eaaad perf/core: Fix concurrent sys_perf_event_open() vs. 'move_group' race * 936e65e ipc/shm: Fix shmat mmap nil-page protection * 8cc617d ext4: validate s_first_meta_bg at mount time * 453cd63 tmpfs: clear S_ISGID when setting posix ACLs * 7b6160f ANDROID: video: adf: Avoid directly referencing user pointers * bcf55ca ANDROID: trace: net: use %pK for kernel pointers * 080db89 sched: Fix integer overflow in sched_update_nr_prod() * 53533bd USB: cdc-acm: more sanity checking * 19d7e8a Input: aiptek - fix crash on detecting device without endpoints * 8acab65 ALSA: hrtimer: Fix stall by hrtimer_cancel() * 31532f1 Merge "wcnss: fix the potential buffer flow issue in firmware setup" * 322f203 msm: mdss: Add check for fence count * 8460c41 netfilter: x_tables: check for size overflow * 3a724d5 net: llc: use correct size for sysctl timeout entries * a394a10 ANDROID: ext4 crypto: Disables zeroing on truncation when there's no key * 28377a9 ext4 crypto: fix bugs in ext4_encrypted_zeroout() * b1ef0a9 ext4 crypto: replace some BUG_ON()'s with error checks * 477097a ext4 crypto: ext4_page_crypto() doesn't need a encryption context * 16608d7 ext4: optimize ext4_writepage() for attempted 4k delalloc writes * f37af32 ext4 crypto: fix memory leak in ext4_bio_write_page() * 25e965b ext4: disable zeroout optimization when encryption is enabled * 24513b3 ext4 crypto: remove duplicate header file * ac5be8a ext4 crypto: fix spelling typo in comment * 4cf2f0c ext4 crypto: exit cleanly if ext4_derive_key_aes() fails * e48a2e6 ext4 crypto: check for too-short encrypted file names * 15c4cd4 ext4 crypto: use a jbd2 transaction when adding a crypto policy * b465660 ext4 crypto: fail the mount if blocksize != pagesize * 3ae6eed ext4 crypto: fix sparse warnings in fs/ext4/ioctl.c * 318cedc ext4 crypto: fix ext4_get_crypto_ctx()'s calling convention in ext4_decrypt_one * b6d19f7 ext4 crypto: allocate bounce pages using GFP_NOWAIT * b83e1bd ext4 crypto: release crypto resource on module exit * 9f4e056 ext4 crypto: handle unexpected lack of encryption keys * 2dfed1e ext4 crypto: allocate the right amount of memory for the on-disk symlink * efe816d ext4 crypto: clean up error handling in ext4_fname_setup_filename * bdc59ab ext4 crypto: policies may only be set on directories * 23b0dee ext4 crypto: enforce crypto policy restrictions on cross-renames * 7df602c ext4 crypto: encrypt tmpfile located in encryption protected directory * 03f441b ext4 crypto: make sure the encryption info is initialized on opendir(2) * 2e715cd ext4 crypto: set up encryption info for new inodes in ext4_inherit_context() * 5bad74a ext4 crypto: fix memory leaks in ext4_encrypted_zeroout * e97fe79 ext4 crypto: use per-inode tfm structure * 7cc895f ext4 crypto: require CONFIG_CRYPTO_CTR if ext4 encryption is enabled * 5f83aed ext4 crypto: shrink size of the ext4_crypto_ctx structure * 5ce87fe ext4 crypto: get rid of ci_mode from struct ext4_crypt_info * ee56198 ext4 crypto: use slab caches * f08429a ext4: clean up superblock encryption mode fields * f35b446 ext4 crypto: reorganize how we store keys in the inode * 263445cd ext4 crypto: separate kernel and userspace structure for the key * d8ee9df ext4 crypto: don't allocate a page when encrypting/decrypting file names * 7c7f562 ext4 crypto: optimize filename encryption * 8b2a34d ext4 crypto: Do not select from EXT4_FS_ENCRYPTION * 0a0e8c3 ext4 crypto: add padding to filenames before encrypting * 6b22173 ext4 crypto: simplify and speed up filename encryption * c323150 ext4 crypto: enable encryption feature flag * d013738 ext4 crypto: Add symlink encryption * 9375a2c ext4 crypto: enable filename encryption * dfad635 ext4 crypto: filename encryption modifications * 64ddd96 ext4 crypto: partial update to namei.c for fname crypto * a03132d ext4 crypto: insert encrypted filenames into a leaf directory block * f48b3e2 ext4 crypto: teach ext4_htree_store_dirent() to store decrypted filenames * 467a70f ext4 crypto: filename encryption facilities * 6d04fee ext4 crypto: implement the ext4 decryption read path * 4bdd761 ext4 crypto: implement the ext4 encryption write path * dcacc39 ext4 crypto: inherit encryption policies on inode and directory create * c2e5557 ext4 crypto: enforce context consistency * dddee59 ext4 crypto: add encryption key management facilities * 4f60fa7 ext4 crypto: add ext4 encryption facilities * 154b824 ext4 crypto: add encryption policy and password salt support * 1af5654 ext4 crypto: add encryption xattr support * 60c6fd8 ext4 crypto: export ext4_empty_dir() * d6518dc ext4 crypto: add ext4 encryption Kconfig * c5ebc1e ext4 crypto: reserve codepoints used by the ext4 encryption feature * 932470b ext4 crypto: add ext4_mpage_readpages() * 7891b4c ANDROID: mnt: remount should propagate to slaves of slaves * 9ca5fc6 ANDROID: sdcardfs: support direct-IO (DIO) operations * 11fbb5f ANDROID: sdcardfs: implement vm_ops->page_mkwrite * a158291 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Don't bother deleting freelist * a9f940a ANDROID: sdcardfs: Add missing path_put * d3bf5c5 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Fix incorrect hash * 5484e3c ANDROID: sdcardfs: Switch strcasecmp for internal call * 42ba5e8 ANDROID: sdcardfs: switch to full_name_hash and qstr * 214c6c1 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Add GID Derivation to sdcardfs * 622c9b6 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Remove redundant operation * 953520a ANDROID: sdcardfs: add support for user permission isolation * 9739dc7 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Refactor configfs interface * 85c4f75 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Allow non-owners to touch * 18ecc9e vfs: Add setattr2 for filesystems with per mount permissions * 7b84809 vfs: Allow filesystems to access their private mount data * 2ee373f mnt: Add filesystem private data to mount points * f70255a vfs: Add permission2 for filesystems with per mount permissions * 91f2a35 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Fix locking issue with permision fix up * 2efe11f sdcardfs: Use per mount permissions * 30e8ac6 sdcardfs: Add gid and mask to private mount data * 0a1066a sdcardfs: User new permission2 functions * 24ccb8b sdcardfs: Move directory unlock before touch * 59cd8ab sdcardfs: fix external storage exporting incorrect uid * d7ea150 sdcardfs: Added top to sdcardfs_inode_info * c23f25d sdcardfs: Switch package list to RCU * 3d8e10e sdcardfs: Fix locking for permission fix up * 4bcc223 sdcardfs: Check for other cases on path lookup * 2ce0154 sdcardfs: override umask on mkdir and create * 424757c ANDROID: sdcardfs: fix itnull.cocci warnings * 0c39411 sdcardfs: Truncate packages_gid.list on overflow * d16c4cb vfs: change d_canonical_path to take two paths * 11f2efe Merge commit '396a2965850160ca5427239d9af56ec42fe4774f' into nougat * aed334f Merge branch 'uck/rel/msm-3.18.r5-redone' into nougat * 5a7a26d Revert "BACKPORT: f2fs: add a max block check for get_data_block_bmap" * 5ed5176 msm: mdss: Fix possible memory overwrite in pgc config * 7bea133 msm: mdss: Fix possible leaks in PP LUT get functions * 06e6cc1 coresight: tmc: Fix the unbalanced lock in tmc_read() * cdff0f9 defconfig: disable cp_access * c508555 osq_lock: avoid live-lock issue for RT task * ee78128 osq_lock: fix osq_lock queue corruption * f6ed3f6 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170726. #### kernel/xiaomi/msm8956/ * 2b33089 wcnss: fix the potential buffer flow issue in firmware setup * 603f4b8 Merge "diag: Add proper checks to fix possible out-of-bound issue" * be8b2f4 Merge "diag: Add protection while processing non-hdlc packets" #### packages/apps/Snap/ * bbb6ee1 Revert "SnapdragonCamera: Adding PRIVILEGED true" #### system/bt/ * b30e393 Merge tag 'LA.UM.5.5.r1-05300-8x96.0' into cm-14.1 #### vendor/samsung/ * 2b2c648 msm8916-common: remove unneeded firmware * 0aefc1f j7lte: decommonize qcom framework blobs 07-26-2017 ============ #### frameworks/native/ * a3768a9 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_native into nougat #### hardware/qcom/fm/ #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 604ec70 Merge "msm: mdss: information leak during buffer copy from userspace" * 8c28f11 Merge "msm: mdss: Increase fbmem buf ref count before use" * 53e9c90 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170725. * 3caa15f Merge "msm: sensor: Fix to validate the settings size in flash" * 3f64114 Merge "diag: Add protection while processing non-hdlc packets" * eb2db8b Merge "sched/idle: Add missing checks to the exit condition of cpu_idle_poll()" #### kernel/xiaomi/msm8956/ * fb8449f Merge "msm: mdss: information leak during buffer copy from userspace" * 7ab9459 Merge "msm: mdss: Increase fbmem buf ref count before use" * 9d4be10 Merge "msm: camera: sensor:validating the flash initialization parameters" * b69bebc Merge "msm:ipa: Fix to kasan use-after-free issue" * 7c8fe043c Merge "msm: sensor: actuator: add conditional check for ioctl" * f202e4a diag: Add proper checks to fix possible out-of-bound issue * 54d9ba2 diag: Add protection while processing non-hdlc packets * ef8faaf usb: phy: msm: Disable runtime PM for root hub upon usb disconnect * 04ef9c6 Merge "soc: qcom: glink_pkt: Use spinlock to protect Rx data packet list" #### packages/apps/Email/ #### packages/apps/Jelly/ #### packages/apps/Messaging/ * cf5278b Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Messaging into nougat #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 48eecf4 Add Maintainer for LG G2 (Sprint) LS980 variant (#830) * 213c4d9 Settings: Allow our root options to work with LineageSu as well #### packages/apps/SetupWizard/ #### packages/apps/Snap/ #### packages/resources/devicesettings/ #### system/netd/ * b2d5c79 SoftAp: Fix compilation in netd if LIBWPA_CLIENT_EXISTS undefined. 07-25-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ * 8454510 Fix and cleanup dui protected broadcasts [2/2] * 242cf2c base: SystemUI: add OmniSwitch hide on home #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/ * caa4936 Merge AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BR.1.2.9_RB1. on remote branch #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996/ * 7edece6 Merge fcf7e505e325e3327f81a24b85809369d010f089 on remote branch #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8996/ * 9867003 mm-video-v4l2: Protect buffer lifecycle with lock * afde996 Merge f1c74e169ad6e500b749d40d75ea02aae39479e8 on remote branch #### kernel/google/msm/ * af49df4 Merge branch 'nougat' of https://github.com/apascual89/flo into nougat * 1a4199a Merge branch 'ElementalX-6.00-cm' of https://github.com/flar2/flo into nougat #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 59ca4eb Merge "msm: ipa3: Protect access to ipa3_qmi_ctx variable by lock" * d1e28b4 Merge "coresight: tmc: Fix use after free issue with tmc read" * 79619eb Merge "Revert "proc: smaps: Allow smaps access for CAP_SYS_RESOURCE"" * 14d3aeb Merge "net/packet: fix overflow in check for tp_reserve" * c274291 Merge "ipv4: keep skb->dst around in presence of IP options" * b0ed1e7 Merge "dccp: fix freeing skb too early for IPV6_RECVPKTINFO" * f8dc42b Merge b3b5cc2b1a9f0f75057824b350651a04c92a904e on remote branch * 114b49a Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170724. * 1ec330b net/packet: fix overflow in check for tp_reserve #### kernel/xiaomi/msm8956/ * 5af8335 Merge "cpu: send KOBJ_ONLINE event when enabling cpus" * 8dcdae3 msm: mdss: information leak during buffer copy from userspace * a239a42 msm: mdss: Increase fbmem buf ref count before use * 11972e5 msm: sensor: actuator: add conditional check for ioctl * 814e714 msm: camera: sensor:validating the flash initialization parameters * 10a74f4 msm:ipa: Fix to kasan use-after-free issue * ea3ed3e qcdev: Check the digest length during the SHA operations * 0051528 soc: qcom: glink_pkt: Use spinlock to protect Rx data packet list * befd353 ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: add size check to fix out of bounds issue #### packages/apps/OmniSwitch/ * 89e029a Fix potential FC in the async task * 083543e OmniSwitch: bring back hide broadcast * 0f4b052 OmniSwitch: add unchanged recent task list * a58f458 OmniSwitch: round corners are sexy * 89e9691 OmniSwitch: transparents also wants to see locked apps :) * 92f3ac7 OmniSwitch: locked apps support * 006ea5a OmniSwitch: add force stop in context menu * b51a26c OmniSwitch: icon pack loading needs an early start * 423639f OmniSwitch: fix terrible wrong resizing on compose icons * 908e593 OmniSwitch: better safe then sorry #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 2bdc971 Fix and cleanup dui protected broadcasts [1/2] * c3e7f21 Utils: Fix onboot crash until magisk is found * 4856b02 Update LG G3 (D855) Maintainer. (#829) 07-24-2017 ============ #### device/qcom/common/ * d1dacc6 power: Add msm8998 hal #### frameworks/base/ * 12fb6d6 Base: Fix global actions menu emergency button position #### hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8996/ * 6b4e747 sdm: Revalidate layer stack on layer reconfig. #### kernel/moto/shamu/ * 2def3b3 Merge branch 'android-msm-shamu-3.10-security-next' into android-msm-shamu-3.10 #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * cd99d3a Merge "qseecom: add bus scaling support for GP operations" * 344309c net/packet: fix overflow in check for tp_frame_nr * 8f14375 msm: sensor: Fix to validate the settings size in flash * 154f27b msm: mdss: Increase fbmem buf ref count before use * 9a3a66c msm: mdss: information leak during buffer copy from userspace * 7ef3264 msm: ipa3: Protect access to ipa3_qmi_ctx variable by lock * 734aabe coresight: tmc: Fix use after free issue with tmc read * baf3b7b ARM: dts: msm: Add AF support for Rear Aux Camera on msm8937 * 1d8f4d8 wcnss: fix the potential buffer flow issue in firmware setup #### kernel/xiaomi/msm8956/ * 5729208 cpu: send KOBJ_ONLINE event when enabling cpus #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 51a82c8 Add Maintainer for ZTE BLADE A610 (a610) (#826) * b7e811c Add Co-Maintainer for Lettuce (#827) #### vendor/cm/ * d235a41 Update Changelog 07-23-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ #### hardware/qcom/fm/ #### packages/apps/AudioFX/ #### packages/apps/Bluetooth/ #### packages/apps/CMBugReport/ #### packages/apps/Camera2/ #### packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/ #### packages/apps/DUI/ #### packages/apps/Dialer/ #### packages/apps/Eleven/ #### packages/apps/Jelly/ #### packages/apps/PackageInstaller/ #### packages/apps/Recorder/ #### packages/apps/ResurrectionOTA/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ #### packages/apps/SetupWizard/ #### packages/apps/Snap/ #### packages/apps/Terminal/ #### packages/providers/WeatherProvider/ #### packages/resources/devicesettings/ #### packages/services/OmniJaws/ #### vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/YahooWeatherProvider/ 07-22-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ * 963b2ad Fix custom button icon making touch and animation area smaller [2/3] #### kernel/google/msm/ * 39f27c1 update defconfig * e819089 Merge remote-tracking branch 'lineageos/cm-14.1' into ElementalX-6.00-cm #### kernel/moto/shamu/ * 67581c4 Revert "dm ioctl: prevent stack leak in dm ioctl call" * f3f848d Revert "UPSTREAM: ALSA: timer: Fix missing queue indices reset at SNDRV_TIMER_IOCTL_SELECT" * ab0d46d Revert "BACKPORT: ALSA: timer: Fix race between read and ioctl" * 6e1ce98d7 Revert "msm: sensor: Validationg function pointers before using them" * 48c3d3a Revert "BACKPORT: crypto: msm: Fix buffer overflow issue" * 022a171 Revert "msm: sps: Fix race condition in SPS debugfs APIs" * 611cad9 Revert "msm: camera: validate num_streams in stream_cfg_cmd before using it" * 6b54f55 Revert "msm: camera: isp: Avoid information leak in ISPIF" #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 19737d4 Linux 3.18.62 * f9969e7 tracing: Use SOFTIRQ_OFFSET for softirq dectection for more accurate results * caa4d0f PM / QoS: return -EINVAL for bogus strings * 1b5445d sched/topology: Fix overlapping sched_group_mask * 5385447 sched/topology: Optimize build_group_mask() * 0a4bada crypto: caam - fix signals handling * a566bf5 crypto: sha1-ssse3 - Disable avx2 * 3ef911d crypto: atmel - only treat EBUSY as transient if backlog * 7b45bb8 crypto: talitos - Extend max key length for SHA384/512-HMAC and AEAD * 65e71b3 mm: fix overflow check in expand_upwards() * 90173a1 vt: fix unchecked __put_user() in tioclinux ioctls * eeca58a exec: Limit arg stack to at most 75% of _STK_LIM * 6fc28b1 checkpatch: silence perl 5.26.0 unescaped left brace warnings * bfd9bc4 fs/dcache.c: fix spin lockup issue on nlru->lock * fd2b401 kernel/extable.c: mark core_kernel_text notrace * 7c6e4e0 tools/lib/lockdep: Reduce MAX_LOCK_DEPTH to avoid overflowing lock_chain/: Depth * d17e462 parisc/mm: Ensure IRQs are off in switch_mm() * 9f71ab9 parisc: DMA API: return error instead of BUG_ON for dma ops on non dma devs * fc66588 parisc: use compat_sys_keyctl() * a3cfeda parisc: Report SIGSEGV instead of SIGBUS when running out of stack * 89d80de irqchip/gic-v3: Fix out-of-bound access in gic_set_affinity * 07ab94b cfg80211: Check if PMKID attribute is of expected size * a5316fc cfg80211: Validate frequencies nested in NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_FREQUENCIES * 2e8fdbe cfg80211: Define nla_policy for NL80211_ATTR_LOCAL_MESH_POWER_MODE * 70a2a85 brcmfmac: fix possible buffer overflow in brcmf_cfg80211_mgmt_tx() * 0dc1cda ipv6: dad: don't remove dynamic addresses if link is down * d2a7f44 net: prevent sign extension in dev_get_stats() * cb39bce tcp: reset sk_rx_dst in tcp_disconnect() * 4f94a4c ipv6: avoid unregistering inet6_dev for loopback * 48ed145 Linux 3.18.61 * f012e7b saa7134: fix warm Medion 7134 EEPROM read * 5b1dfa4 staging: comedi: fix clean-up of comedi_class in comedi_init() * 8cca706 staging: vt6556: vnt_start Fix missing call to vnt_key_init_table. * 05cd422 md: fix super_offset endianness in super_1_rdev_size_change * 93e09c0 mqueue: fix a use-after-free in sys_mq_notify() * a1bb705 KEYS: Fix an error code in request_master_key() * 3ddd2b1 USB: serial: qcserial: new Sierra Wireless EM7305 device ID * 5e9290c USB: serial: option: add two Longcheer device ids * d7f79c5 pinctrl: sh-pfc: Update info pointer after SoC-specific init * d7d309e pinctrl: mxs: atomically switch mux and drive strength config * 8d0861e usb: Fix typo in the definition of Endpoint[out]Request * a9b8838 usb: usbip: set buffer pointers to NULL after free * 90114a2 Add USB quirk for HVR-950q to avoid intermittent device resets * 7778612 USB: serial: cp210x: add ID for CEL EM3588 USB ZigBee stick * 1acd839 usb: dwc3: replace %p with %pK * 1d6947a tracing/kprobes: Allow to create probe with a module name starting with a digit * d970d67 usb: ehci-orion: fix probe for !GENERIC_PHY * 6c05500 bgmac: reset & enable Ethernet core before using it * c7efb9b bgmac: fix device initialization on Northstar SoCs (condition typo) * c9dcff3 MIPS: UAPI: Ignore __arch_swab{16,32,64} when using MIPS16 * 223e55d driver core: platform: fix race condition with driver_override * d49e63d Linux 3.18.60 * ff62885 KVM: nVMX: Fix exception injection * 1183ec3 KVM: x86: zero base3 of unusable segments * d3bdebe cpufreq: s3c2416: double free on driver init error path * f03fa97 iommu/amd: Fix incorrect error handling in amd_iommu_bind_pasid() * 75ff6b0 iommu/vt-d: Don't over-free page table directories * 103d2c2 ARM: 8685/1: ensure memblock-limit is pmd-aligned * be8e6e4 watchdog: bcm281xx: Fix use of uninitialized spinlock. * b1e2e09 xfrm: Oops on error in pfkey_msg2xfrm_state() * ca1ebe8 xfrm: NULL dereference on allocation failure * 2c5e64b xfrm: fix stack access out of bounds with CONFIG_XFRM_SUB_POLICY * ff27b3e mtd: bcm47xxpart: limit scanned flash area on BCM47XX (MIPS) only * fbd534d net: korina: Fix NAPI versus resources freeing * 6cf19d7 ARM: dts: BCM5301X: Correct GIC_PPI interrupt flags * adac92f mm: numa: avoid waiting on freed migrated pages * ead50c3 sysctl: enable strict writes * e5f7f3d drm/vmwgfx: Free hash table allocated by cmdbuf managed res mgr * 1dec2a0 ALSA: hda - set input_path bitmap to zero after moving it to new place * 667fc0b MIPS: Fix IRQ tracing & lockdep when rescheduling * eba953d MIPS: pm-cps: Drop manual cache-line alignment of ready_count * 45e62a0 MIPS: Avoid accidental raw backtrace * 66b53bb net: 8021q: Fix one possible panic caused by BUG_ON in free_netdev * b4aa748 decnet: always not take dst->__refcnt when inserting dst into hash table * b7fca04 ipv6: fix calling in6_ifa_hold incorrectly for dad work * 54cc083 igmp: add a missing spin_lock_init() * 83c4037 igmp: acquire pmc lock for ip_mc_clear_src() * f5ee01c net: caif: Fix a sleep-in-atomic bug in cfpkt_create_pfx * a151e6e Fix an intermittent pr_emerg warning about lo becoming free. * 593ae11 decnet: dn_rtmsg: Improve input length sanitization in dnrmg_receive_user_skb * 5db3afd net: don't call strlen on non-terminated string in dev_set_alias() * 1860ed7 netfilter: synproxy: fix conntrackd interaction * 009e1f9 netfilter: xt_TCPMSS: add more sanity tests on tcph->doff * ade49dd ipv6: release dst on error in ip6_dst_lookup_tail * f76a9e2 xhci: fix deadlock at host remove by running watchdog correctly * 38d388c Linux 3.18.59 * 8bd7b2e mac80211/wpa: use constant time memory comparison for MACs * fa075e4 net: phy: fix marvell phy status reading * 48a25ce usb: gadget: f_fs: avoid out of bounds access on comp_desc * 0409ce4 powerpc/slb: Force a full SLB flush when we insert for a bad EA * 0e14b6b mtd: spi-nor: fix spansion quad enable * 34e98a35 of: Add check to of_scan_flat_dt() before accessing initial_boot_params * a1e52dc rxrpc: Fix several cases where a padded len isn't checked in ticket decode * d07882b target: Fix kref->refcount underflow in transport_cmd_finish_abort * c478141 Input: i8042 - add Fujitsu Lifebook AH544 to notimeout list * 099a5e2 powerpc/kprobes: Pause function_graph tracing during jprobes handling * 0c4d7f5 signal: Only reschedule timers on signals timers have sent * 0dc9cd3 CIFS: Improve readdir verbosity * b549dbc KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Preserve userspace HTM state properly * efdb51a lib/cmdline.c: fix get_options() overflow while parsing ranges * 9c493d7 autofs: sanity check status reported with AUTOFS_DEV_IOCTL_FAIL * c68d51d fs/exec.c: account for argv/envp pointers * 3174d66 Linux 3.18.58 * ade0154 mm: fix new crash in unmapped_area_topdown() * 27e14cf Allow stack to grow up to address space limit * 12c7efb mm: larger stack guard gap, between vmas * 57b1d02 alarmtimer: Rate limit periodic intervals * e951f45 genirq: Release resources in __setup_irq() error path * fce94b1 swap: cond_resched in swap_cgroup_prepare() * 0272733 mm/memory-failure.c: use compound_head() flags for huge pages * c3ee990 usb: xhci: ASMedia ASM1042A chipset need shorts TX quirk * b388334 drivers/misc/c2port/c2port-duramar2150.c: checking for NULL instead of IS_ERR() * 2e80b35 usb: r8a66597-hcd: decrease timeout * 95faa98 usb: r8a66597-hcd: select a different endpoint on timeout * 04565c9 USB: gadget: dummy_hcd: fix hub-descriptor removable fields * 5587fb8 pvrusb2: reduce stack usage pvr2_eeprom_analyze() * 3b7056d usb: core: fix potential memory leak in error path during hcd creation * 8db315b USB: hub: fix SS max number of ports * 0d0bd62 iio: proximity: as3935: recalibrate RCO after resume * e743b72 staging: rtl8188eu: prevent an underflow in rtw_check_beacon_data() * c48cb74 mfd: omap-usb-tll: Fix inverted bit use for USB TLL mode * fafde8c x86/mm/32: Set the '__vmalloc_start_set' flag in initmem_init() * fa2ed8e serial: efm32: Fix parity management in 'efm32_uart_console_get_options()' * fe27328 mac80211: don't look at the PM bit of BAR frames * 4521408 vb2: Fix an off by one error in 'vb2_plane_vaddr' * e9a4d73 cpufreq: conservative: Allow down_threshold to take values from 1 to 10 * 5916c36 can: gs_usb: fix memory leak in gs_cmd_reset() * aae4cf9 configfs: Fix race between create_link and configfs_rmdir * eedacb5 sparc64: make string buffers large enough * a4305a3 log2: make order_base_2() behave correctly on const input value zero * 2f042ce ipv6: Inhibit IPv4-mapped src address on the wire. * 71f0a4f ipv6: Handle IPv4-mapped src to in6addr_any dst. * 2ed06bf net: xilinx_emaclite: fix receive buffer overflow * 67681c0 net: xilinx_emaclite: fix freezes due to unordered I/O * 7a2c70d Call echo service immediately after socket reconnect * fa082ab partitions/msdos: FreeBSD UFS2 file systems are not recognized * 1eadc88 s390/vmem: fix identity mapping * b0438b7 Linux 3.18.57 * 6a8e844 ALSA: timer: Fix race between read and ioctl * 0f34ef7 mlx5: stop including * 946543e arm64: ensure extension of smp_store_release value * 88b63ab usercopy: Adjust tests to deal with SMAP/PAN * 68c6d42 RDMA/qib,hfi1: Fix MR reference count leak on write with immediate * 1209ce7 arm64: entry: improve data abort handling of tagged pointers * f18f905 arm64: hw_breakpoint: fix watchpoint matching for tagged pointers * dc20ca3 serial: sh-sci: Fix panic when serial console and DMA are enabled * 6cd78f2 drivers: char: mem: Fix wraparound check to allow mappings up to the end * 1177402 ASoC: Fix use-after-free at card unregistration * 3525c0d ALSA: timer: Fix missing queue indices reset at SNDRV_TIMER_IOCTL_SELECT * c3dfd6e drm/vmwgfx: limit the number of mip levels in vmw_gb_surface_define_ioctl() * c0e396c drm/vmwgfx: Handle vmalloc() failure in vmw_local_fifo_reserve() * c860952 perf/core: Drop kernel samples even though :u is specified * 0ff8aa5 powerpc/numa: Fix percpu allocations to be NUMA aware * e7a9d8d5 powerpc/eeh: Avoid use after free in eeh_handle_special_event() * 81caf28a scsi: qla2xxx: don't disable a not previously enabled PCI device * 6581d75 btrfs: fix memory leak in update_space_info failure path * b885b83 btrfs: use correct types for page indices in btrfs_page_exists_in_range * b569ac5 stackprotector: Increase the per-task stack canary's random range from 32 bits to 64 bits on 64-bit platforms * 8697645 random: properly align get_random_int_hash * 1a36093 iio: proximity: as3935: fix AS3935_INT mask * e8ea276 staging/lustre/lov: remove set_fs() call from lov_getstripe() * f46845c usb: chipidea: debug: check before accessing ci_role * 72e0fe5 usb: chipidea: udc: fix NULL pointer dereference if udc_start failed * 3d3576cd usb: gadget: f_mass_storage: Serialize wake and sleep execution * f11f1d2 ext4: keep existing extra fields when inode expands * 7defd65 ext4: fix SEEK_HOLE * 877f5dd dmaengine: ep93xx: Always start from BASE0 * 8fcebbe arm: KVM: Allow unaligned accesses at HYP * dc1c3d7 KVM: cpuid: Fix read/write out-of-bounds vulnerability in cpuid emulation * d127c2c kvm: async_pf: fix rcu_irq_enter() with irqs enabled * ce89b3f nfsd4: fix null dereference on replay * 07ea151 crypto: gcm - wait for crypto op not signal safe * bc7410d KEYS: fix freeing uninitialized memory in key_update() * 94a30f7 KEYS: fix dereferencing NULL payload with nonzero length * df3c64e serial: ifx6x60: fix use-after-free on module unload * c0ad7f0 net: ethoc: enable NAPI before poll may be scheduled * 036db51 net: ping: do not abuse udp_poll() * 5e1f500 ipv6: Fix leak in ipv6_gso_segment(). * 066c73d tcp: disallow cwnd undo when switching congestion control * 66848d46 cxgb4: avoid enabling napi twice to the same queue * 7ff4555 ipv6: xfrm: Handle errors reported by xfrm6_find_1stfragopt() * 5724203 bnx2x: Fix Multi-Cos * d7522f1 Linux 3.18.56 * b2e72ff xfs: fix unaligned access in xfs_btree_visit_blocks * e7003e6 xfs: bad assertion for delalloc an extent that start at i_size * e66bee4 xfs: fix indlen accounting error on partial delalloc conversion * 91c8e65 xfs: fix up quotacheck buffer list error handling * 30851f4 xfs: prevent multi-fsb dir readahead from reading random blocks * 0e80cad xfs: handle array index overrun in xfs_dir2_leaf_readbuf() * b3533a6 xfs: fix over-copying of getbmap parameters from userspace * 20548f3 xfs: fix off-by-one on max nr_pages in xfs_find_get_desired_pgoff() * 6de523f xfs: Fix missed holes in SEEK_HOLE implementation * 46b513a mlock: fix mlock count can not decrease in race condition * 04b658c mm/migrate: fix refcount handling when !hugepage_migration_supported() * c5bfd0b drm/gma500/psb: Actually use VBT mode when it is found * 3fd40e8 slub/memcg: cure the brainless abuse of sysfs attributes * 000520d ALSA: hda - apply STAC_9200_DELL_M22 quirk for Dell Latitude D430 * 5da52d4 pcmcia: remove left-over %Z format * 19c5d63 drm/radeon/ci: disable mclk switching for high refresh rates (v2) * 5210451 i2c: i2c-tiny-usb: fix buffer not being DMA capable * 790c006 sctp: fix ICMP processing if skb is non-linear * fdfb79c tcp: avoid fastopen API to be used on AF_UNSPEC * 032c9f9 ipv6: fix out of bound writes in __ip6_append_data() * 30f31ab qmi_wwan: add another Lenovo EM74xx device ID * f3a4472 ipv6: Check ip6_find_1stfragopt() return value properly. * ee3cbf8 ipv6: Prevent overrun when parsing v6 header options * ce1c090 tcp: eliminate negative reordering in tcp_clean_rtx_queue * f9c533b sctp: do not inherit ipv6_{mc|ac|fl}_list from parent * af5c4ca sctp: fix src address selection if using secondary addresses for ipv6 * 3158403 tcp: avoid fragmenting peculiar skbs in SACK * 756eeb1 s390/qeth: avoid null pointer dereference on OSN * 39b1b3b s390/qeth: unbreak OSM and OSN support * 41eda89 s390/qeth: handle sysfs error during initialization * c1ce301 dccp/tcp: do not inherit mc_list from parent * c36550b netem: fix skb_orphan_partial() * a00e12f Revert "stackprotector: Increase the per-task stack canary's random range from 32 bits to 64 bits on 64-bit platforms" * 741a7de Linux 3.18.55 * 930ec76 usb: misc: legousbtower: Fix memory leak * 2fbf002 drivers: char: mem: Check for address space wraparound with mmap() * c8d07a5 PCI: Freeze PME scan before suspending devices * ab9299a PCI: Fix pci_mmap_fits() for HAVE_PCI_RESOURCE_TO_USER platforms * 1bc624b tracing/kprobes: Enforce kprobes teardown after testing * 730b4b1 osf_wait4(): fix infoleak * c0f061c uwb: fix device quirk on big-endian hosts * 1a5173a stackprotector: Increase the per-task stack canary's random range from 32 bits to 64 bits on 64-bit platforms * 38e6eef metag/uaccess: Check access_ok in strncpy_from_user * 2d542e4 metag/uaccess: Fix access_ok() * 248c65f mm/huge_memory.c: respect FOLL_FORCE/FOLL_COW for thp * 41ac9b9 xc2028: Fix use-after-free bug properly * 9521d62 arm64: documentation: document tagged pointer stack constraints * c848888 arm64: uaccess: ensure extension of access_ok() addr * b0eba93 ARM: dts: at91: sama5d3_xplained: not all ADC channels are available * 87f8fdb ARM: dts: at91: sama5d3_xplained: fix ADC vref * 83d9ec7 powerpc/pseries: Fix of_node_put() underflow during DLPAR remove * 4628afb cx231xx-audio: fix NULL-deref at probe * b6b37bb cx231xx-cards: fix NULL-deref at probe * 921258d zr364xx: enforce minimum size when reading header * 3887527 dib0700: fix NULL-deref at probe * c221e1f s5p-mfc: Fix unbalanced call to clock management * b3b3064 gspca: konica: add missing endpoint sanity check * 9408b8a iio: proximity: as3935: fix as3935_write * 26cdae5 ipx: call ipxitf_put() in ioctl error path * f66887f USB: hub: fix non-SS hub-descriptor handling * e78ac70 USB: hub: fix SS hub-descriptor handling * 04d668a USB: serial: io_ti: fix div-by-zero in set_termios * 2c3d66c USB: serial: mct_u232: fix big-endian baud-rate handling * c5615ac USB: serial: qcserial: add more Lenovo EM74xx device IDs * 7c45f33 usb: serial: option: add Telit ME910 support * b673590 USB: iowarrior: fix info ioctl on big-endian hosts * 602dc74 usb: musb: tusb6010_omap: Do not reset the other direction's packet size * 905af50 ttusb2: limit messages to buffer size * 389824b mceusb: fix NULL-deref at probe * 43d8f79 usbvision: fix NULL-deref at probe * ad2f89d net: irda: irda-usb: fix firmware name on big-endian hosts * e7e9bfc usb: host: xhci-mem: allocate zeroed Scratchpad Buffer * 640f212 usb: host: xhci-plat: propagate return value of platform_get_irq() * a5fc1e9 USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add Olimex ARM-USB-TINY(H) PIDs * 4df5726 USB: serial: ftdi_sio: fix setting latency for unprivileged users * 59c8541 pid_ns: Sleep in TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE in zap_pid_ns_processes * f5d72a6 iio: dac: ad7303: fix channel description * e4808f0 of: fdt: add missing allocation-failure check * 6ea52e0 of: fix sparse warning in of_pci_range_parser_one * 61787c6 cdc-acm: fix possible invalid access when processing notification * d1794be ath9k_htc: fix NULL-deref at probe * d82ccac regulator: tps65023: Fix inverted core enable logic. * d0a9a49 ima: accept previously set IMA_NEW_FILE * 74f93a6 mwifiex: pcie: fix cmd_buf use-after-free in remove/reset * c984d91 dm space map disk: fix some book keeping in the disk space map * 015f7e5 dm thin metadata: call precommit before saving the roots * f5cd413 dm bufio: avoid a possible ABBA deadlock * 9b46aaa dm btree: fix for dm_btree_find_lowest_key() * 6b69e5b char: lp: fix possible integer overflow in lp_setup() * 22f2942 watchdog: pcwd_usb: fix NULL-deref at probe * 04c1a07 USB: ene_usb6250: fix DMA to the stack * 49a814d Linux 3.18.54 * 77417cb ppp: defer netns reference release for ppp channel * 2f1bd28 ipv6: sctp: fix lockdep splat in sctp_v6_get_dst() * d9dd7da ipv6: sctp: add rcu protection around np->opt * 73d578c Bluetooth: Fix user channel for 32bit userspace on 64bit kernel * 358d3a9 serial: omap: suspend device on probe errors * b56a9bb serial: omap: fix runtime-pm handling on unbind * 339c311 md/raid1: avoid reusing a resync bio after error handling. * f96c854 padata: free correct variable * e08ac2c CIFS: add misssing SFM mapping for doublequote * 5944d2f CIFS: fix mapping of SFM_SPACE and SFM_PERIOD * e33f10d SMB3: Work around mount failure when using SMB3 dialect to Macs * 8822828 Set unicode flag on cifs echo request to avoid Mac error * d18d1f4 fs/block_dev: always invalidate cleancache in invalidate_bdev() * 15dd644 ceph: fix memory leak in __ceph_setxattr() * 255d8f5 fs/xattr.c: zero out memory copied to userspace in getxattr * addfaba IB/mlx4: Fix ib device initialization error flow * da6f1ca IB/IPoIB: ibX: failed to create mcg debug file * ca4e27d dm era: save spacemap metadata root after the pre-commit * 548281a um: Fix PTRACE_POKEUSER on x86_64 * ce85275 x86/boot: Fix BSS corruption/overwrite bug in early x86 kernel startup * 2507505 usb: misc: legousbtower: Fix buffers on stack * 6fad9cf usb: hub: Do not attempt to autosuspend disconnected devices * b5f46ef usb: misc: add missing continue in switch * b8e1abc staging: comedi: jr3_pci: cope with jiffies wraparound * 7ce7623 staging: comedi: jr3_pci: fix possible null pointer dereference * 968972b staging: gdm724x: gdm_mux: fix use-after-free on module unload * 0ccba0e staging: vt6656: use off stack for out buffer USB transfers. * d2fe59f staging: vt6656: use off stack for in buffer USB transfers. * 6d9b1ef USB: Proper handling of Race Condition when two USB class drivers try to call init_usb_class simultaneously * f9e2da0 USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add device ID for Microsemi/Arrow SF2PLUS Dev Kit * 70751ec usb: host: xhci: print correct command ring address * 5970c1b target/fileio: Fix zero-length READ and WRITE handling * bfb5a342 Linux 3.18.53 * 111eeb8 ARM: 8452/3: PJ4: make coprocessor access sequences buildable in Thumb2 mode * fbece23 drm/ttm: fix use-after-free races in vm fault handling * 59ba179 f2fs: sanity check segment count * 0e11706 tcp: fix wraparound issue in tcp_lp * bc210f1 ipv6: reorder ip6_route_dev_notifier after ipv6_dev_notf * 2bc2137 ipv6: initialize route null entry in addrconf_init() * abeeeb1 ipv4, ipv6: ensure raw socket message is big enough to hold an IP header * a2c0a55 tcp: do not underestimate skb->truesize in tcp_trim_head() * d5f40ad staging: emxx_udc: remove incorrect __init annotations * 309c22b brcmfmac: Make skb header writable before use * 0b059f4 brcmfmac: Ensure pointer correctly set if skb data location changes * 75f1887 USB: serial: io_edgeport: fix descriptor error handling * cd5f609 USB: serial: mct_u232: fix modem-status error handling * e9afd0b USB: serial: quatech2: fix control-message error handling * 97b7495 USB: serial: ftdi_sio: fix latency-timer error handling * 052ef68 USB: serial: ark3116: fix open error handling * 5436de0 USB: serial: ti_usb_3410_5052: fix control-message error handling * 25ad57d USB: serial: io_edgeport: fix epic-descriptor handling * efd7052 USB: serial: ssu100: fix control-message error handling * 8039e9e USB: serial: digi_acceleport: fix incomplete rx sanity check * dead2da USB: serial: keyspan_pda: fix receive sanity checks * 4e5a1c3 usb: host: ohci-exynos: Decrese node refcount on exynos_ehci_get_phy() error paths * ec5674b usb: host: ehci-exynos: Decrese node refcount on exynos_ehci_get_phy() error paths * 985754f Revert "KVM: nested VMX: disable perf cpuid reporting" * bd7a1f1 x86/platform/intel-mid: Correct MSI IRQ line for watchdog device * aa94a52 kprobes/x86: Fix kernel panic when certain exception-handling addresses are probed * 51695c2 x86/pci-calgary: Fix iommu_free() comparison of unsigned expression >= 0 * 90c6e87 mwifiex: Avoid skipping WEP key deletion for AP * 27de440 mwifiex: debugfs: Fix (sometimes) off-by-1 SSID print * 2eeffc6 power: supply: bq24190_charger: Call set_mode_host() on pm_resume() * 8da2263 power: supply: bq24190_charger: Fix irq trigger to IRQF_TRIGGER_FALLING * 404aa95 powerpc/powernv: Fix opal_exit tracepoint opcode * ac3db6f cpupower: Fix turbo frequency reporting for pre-Sandy Bridge cores * 84e4f46 mtd: cfi: reduce stack size * d6b4919 tty: remove platform_sysrq_reset_seq * 055b6e6 9p: fix a potential acl leak * aae1e8e Linux 3.18.52 * 2c1c5ba dm ioctl: prevent stack leak in dm ioctl call * 9f9cd29 kbuild: mergeconfig: fix "jobserver unavailable" warning * d63132c gfs2: remove IS_ERR_VALUE abuse * 2754c20 e1000e: fix call to do_div() to use u64 arg * c337f08 cpumask_set_cpu_local_first => cpumask_local_spread, lament * 2894bc1 modpost: don't emit section mismatch warnings for compiler optimizations * ef4b014 modpost: expand pattern matching to support substring matches * 75b8d57 scsi: advansys: remove #warning message * bea9664 i2o: hide unsafe ioctl on 64-bit * a83a642 staging: unisys: correctly handle return value from queue_delayed_work() * f583336 MIPS: elf2ecoff: Fix warning due to dead code. * abc18c1 MIPS: elf2ecoff: Ignore PT_MIPS_ABIFLAGS program headers. * d0501bc MIPS: jz4740: fix build error in irq.h * 47c3c81 mm/cma: silence warnings due to max() usage * 1c35cc8 arm64: build vdso without libgcov * 06793cc mISDN: avoid arch specific __builtin_return_address call * d694e4e ips: remove pointless #warning * b933aec infiniband: mlx5: avoid a compile-time warning * 4762114 tty/isicom: fix big-endian compile warning * 4adbd2c IB/ehca: fix maybe-uninitialized warnings * caba113 IB/qib: rename BITS_PER_PAGE to RVT_BITS_PER_PAGE * 53c8abe staging: bcm: add 32-bit host dependency * 13741f1 staging: imx-drm: fix indentation warning * 3b174ba staging: vt6655: fix overly large stack usage * 6ce6922 ARM: cns3xxx: shut up frame size warning * 405c4bf posix_acl: Clear SGID bit when setting file permissions * 0d7c55f Revert backported ACL patches * b28cbf4 Handle mismatched open calls * 0b5c11f timerfd: Protect the might cancel mechanism proper * 4d46480 net: tg3: avoid uninitialized variable warning * e4fd75c cred/userns: define current_user_ns() as a function * 2a31976 ALSA: ppc/awacs: shut up maybe-uninitialized warning * 8c46b90 PCI: xilinx: Fix harmless format string warning * 41e1e3f mlx5: avoid build warnings on 32-bit * 6e4d79b mtd: avoid stack overflow in MTD CFI code * 20b65b6 IB/iser: Fix sparse warnings * 5b0b833 drbd: avoid redefinition of BITS_PER_PAGE * 984ab21 powerpc/ptrace: Fix out of bounds array access warning * 5ad8e15 ftrace/x86: Fix triple fault with graph tracing and suspend-to-ram * e68550f nfsd: check for oversized NFSv2/v3 arguments * 8422f70 Input: i8042 - add Clevo P650RS to the i8042 reset list * 5eca63b p9_client_readdir() fix * b380e47 MIPS: KGDB: Use kernel context for sleeping threads * 263c8fd ALSA: seq: Don't break snd_use_lock_sync() loop by timeout * f983917 ip6mr: fix notification device destruction * 512ff42 netpoll: Check for skb->queue_mapping * e79f39f sctp: listen on the sock only when it's state is listening or closed * 7ef49ad net/packet: fix overflow in check for tp_reserve * ab8cbb7 net/packet: fix overflow in check for tp_frame_nr * 6b42a1a l2tp: purge socket queues in the .destruct() callback * f53a711 net: phy: handle state correctly in phy_stop_machine * cd4155e net: neigh: guard against NULL solicit() method * 96a4c4a sparc64: Fix kernel panic due to erroneous #ifdef surrounding pmd_write() * e1f96a4 sparc64: kern_addr_valid regression * 811d126 xen/x86: don't lose event interrupts * 092de2f usb: gadget: f_midi: Fixed a bug when buflen was smaller than wMaxPacketSize * a068467 RDS: Fix the atomicity for congestion map update * 4393a5e MIPS: Fix crash registers on non-crashing CPUs * f053e68 md:raid1: fix a dead loop when read from a WriteMostly disk * 46745e2 ext4: check if in-inode xattr is corrupted in ext4_expand_extra_isize_ea() * 1141fdf xc2028: unlock on error in xc2028_set_config() * 483eed7 f2fs: do more integrity verification for superblock * e0aef46 Linux 3.18.51 * fb013a1 ping: implement proper locking * b041676 vfio/pci: Fix integer overflows, bitmask check * 14006dd ARM: 8383/1: nommu: avoid deprecated source register on mov * 7a6d95d kconfig: tinyconfig: provide whole choice blocks to avoid warnings * d2800ca MIPS: ralink: Cosmetic change to prom_init(). * b13b350 aic94xx: Skip reading user settings if flash is not found * a5a9ba8 ARM: 8296/1: cache-l2x0: clean up aurora cache handling * e6f0ab0 btrfs: fix state->private cast on 32 bit machines * 53b2084 gfs2: avoid uninitialized variable warning * 9941b86 mmc: sunxi: avoid invalid pointer calculation * ec53f36 net: tulip: turn compile-time warning into dev_warn() * 8831132 MIPS: MSP71xx: remove odd locking in PCI config space access code * 698bdaf hostap: avoid uninitialized variable use in hfa384x_get_rid * 1316853 misc: ioc4: simplify wave period measurement in clock_calibrate * 978ed06 net: vxge: avoid unused function warnings * a28065f tty: nozomi: avoid a harmless gcc warning * dd1ec93 brcmfmac: avoid gcc-5.1 warning * d600b08 Fix signed/unsigned pointer warning * f67f5f4 nfsd: work around a gcc-5.1 warning * 147440b MIPS: asm: compiler: Add new macros to set ISA and arch asm annotations * 4a050c2 net: ti: cpmac: Fix compiler warning due to type confusion * 655259b mm/init: fix zone boundary creation * 068c488 iommu/vt-d: Remove unused variable * 376058a fs/nfs: fix new compiler warning about boolean in switch * f2f9c63 perf: Avoid horrible stack usage * 4a62a9b MIPS: Fix the build on jz4740 after removing the custom gpio.h * 0966ca6 dm bufio: hide bogus warning * 9429f4a gadgetfs: fix uninitialized variable in error handling * 3b85516 clk: at91: usb: fix determine_rate prototype again * 0b7cf14 arm64: avoid returning from bad_mode * 8886f0f kvm: arm/arm64: Fix locking for kvm_free_stage2_pgd * f6d2af1 x86/mce/AMD: Give a name to MCA bank 3 when accessed with legacy MSRs * 4b93186 powerpc/kprobe: Fix oops when kprobed on 'stdu' instruction * 958189f ubi/upd: Always flush after prepared for an update * 8967e8f mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: increase the pad I/O drive strength for DDR50 card * bd09297 ACPI / power: Avoid maybe-uninitialized warning * ef6b6dc Input: elantech - add Fujitsu Lifebook E547 to force crc_enabled * 8570abc s390/mm: fix CMMA vs KSM vs others * 7bf9ea4 CIFS: remove bad_network_name flag * 9d0d909 cifs: Do not send echoes before Negotiate is complete * ea930ac ring-buffer: Have ring_buffer_iter_empty() return true when empty * 5878fbc tracing: Allocate the snapshot buffer before enabling probe * f0fe186 KEYS: fix keyctl_set_reqkey_keyring() to not leak thread keyrings * 5cd945f KEYS: Change the name of the dead type to ".dead" to prevent user access * a40d0e5 KEYS: Disallow keyrings beginning with '.' to be joined as session keyrings * d7d8b73 Linux 3.18.50 * 332ebf9 give up on gcc ilog2() constant optimizations * 8c5c5d4 metag/usercopy: Add missing fixups * 5ca8e46 metag/usercopy: Fix src fixup in from user rapf loops * 1fec666 metag/usercopy: Set flags before ADDZ * 23731c2 metag/usercopy: Zero rest of buffer from copy_from_user * 9520e3b metag/usercopy: Add early abort to copy_to_user * f6a3c42 metag/usercopy: Fix alignment error checking * 67d7bf1 metag/usercopy: Drop unused macros * 15547c6 ring-buffer: Fix return value check in test_ringbuffer() * d524c51 mm/mempolicy.c: fix error handling in set_mempolicy and mbind. * f123345 mtd: bcm47xxpart: fix parsing first block after aligned TRX * 4410a84 mm, hugetlb: use pte_present() instead of pmd_present() in follow_huge_pmd() * 37db1dd Revert "pinctrl: qcom: Don't clear status bit on irq_unmask" * 782087f pinctrl: qcom: Don't clear status bit on irq_unmask * d4a073b virtio_balloon: init 1st buffer in stats vq * 89fd456 block: allow WRITE_SAME commands with the SG_IO ioctl * 19405cb uvcvideo: uvc_scan_fallback() for webcams with broken chain * 7fb9124 serial: 8250_pci: Detach low-level driver during PCI error recovery * ec50b87 ACPI: Do not create a platform_device for IOAPIC/IOxAPIC * 6f00ea6 ACPI: Fix incompatibility with mcount-based function graph tracing * c1494b2 xfs: clear _XBF_PAGES from buffers when readahead page * 3a7b6ec xfs: fix up xfs_swap_extent_forks inline extent handling * 6d54784 xfs: don't allow di_size with high bit set * c18c640 igb: add i211 to i210 PHY workaround * d5c2d7b igb: Workaround for igb i210 firmware issue * 259d34c iommu/vt-d: Fix NULL pointer dereference in device_to_iommu * 3ea75a5 ext4: mark inode dirty after converting inline directory * 2ed39c9 iio: adc: ti_am335x_adc: fix fifo overrun recovery * d4a4754 USB: usbtmc: add missing endpoint sanity check * f2e0fb9 uwb: i1480-dfu: fix NULL-deref at probe * d273a5c uwb: hwa-rc: fix NULL-deref at probe * 98b3aec mmc: ushc: fix NULL-deref at probe * f4ccb7f tcp: initialize icsk_ack.lrcvtime at session start time * add1389 socket, bpf: fix sk_filter use after free in sk_clone_lock * e0f0014 net: unix: properly re-increment inflight counter of GC discarded candidates * d048b6a net: properly release sk_frag.page * 0f5d49b net: bcmgenet: Do not suspend PHY if Wake-on-LAN is enabled * 38b6251 net/mlx5: Increase number of max QPs in default profile * abd2b7c ACM gadget: fix endianness in notifications * 3313de0 Input: sur40 - validate number of endpoints before using them * fd5fb44 Input: kbtab - validate number of endpoints before using them * ed24cd0 Input: cm109 - validate number of endpoints before using them * 90fce4a Input: yealink - validate number of endpoints before using them * e007a77 Input: hanwang - validate number of endpoints before using them * df14eba Input: ims-pcu - validate number of endpoints before using them * 5cc1d8f Input: iforce - validate number of endpoints before using them * bb6e8be Input: i8042 - add noloop quirk for Dell Embedded Box PC 3000 * 8873ef1 ipv4: provide stronger user input validation in nl_fib_input() * c171eb9 percpu: acquire pcpu_lock when updating pcpu_nr_empty_pop_pages * 2f0cc7c isdn/gigaset: fix NULL-deref at probe * a0fff28 target: Fix VERIFY_16 handling in sbc_parse_cdb * 2a2ce02 md/raid1/10: fix potential deadlock * fd28638 perf/core: Fix event inheritance on fork() * e9e8eb6 arm/arm64: KVM: Take mmap_sem in kvm_arch_prepare_memory_region * 724d403 KVM: kvm_io_bus_unregister_dev() should never fail * bd75394 KVM: x86: clear bus pointer when destroyed * 6eaeac3 KVM: PPC: Book3S PR: Fix illegal opcode emulation * 268ef0a net sched actions: decrement module reference count after table flush. * 8e45905 sctp: deny peeloff operation on asocs with threads sleeping on it * 69303d9 net: ipv6: check route protocol when deleting routes * 1a8335b catc: Use heap buffer for memory size test * 1232dd7 catc: Combine failure cleanup code in catc_probe() * 62a18e1 rtl8150: Use heap buffers for all register access * 3aef183 pegasus: Use heap buffers for all register access * a1e2fd8 virtio-console: avoid DMA from stack * c6c367a dvb-usb-firmware: don't do DMA on stack * 1831163 dvb-usb: don't use stack for firmware load * b098dde mm: Tighten x86 /dev/mem with zeroing reads * 7df2741 rtc: tegra: Implement clock handling * e2e9aff platform/x86: acer-wmi: setup accelerometer when machine has appropriate notify event * 51dd098 dvb-usb-v2: avoid use-after-free * 095fac1 crypto: ahash - Fix EINPROGRESS notification callback * febcb0a powerpc: Disable HFSCR[TM] if TM is not supported * eed8c93 zram: do not use copy_page with non-page aligned address * 4e9c0d2 tty/serial: atmel: fix race condition (TX+DMA) * 8fb31b2 crypto: caam - fix RNG deinstantiation error checking * 213967f xen/acpi: upload PM state from init-domain to Xen * 7dc3d34 scsi: libsas: fix ata xfer length * c584604 scsi: sg: check length passed to SG_NEXT_CMD_LEN * 0113472 scsi: libiscsi: add lock around task lists to fix list corruption regression * 20839b1 scsi: lpfc: Add shutdown method for kexec * 44e4081 target/pscsi: Fix TYPE_TAPE + TYPE_MEDIMUM_CHANGER export * 93ac2d5 powerpc/boot: Fix zImage TOC alignment * 4fd0518 powerpc: Don't try to fix up misaligned load-with-reservation instructions * 1a55434 powerpc/mm: Add missing global TLB invalidate if cxl is active * 1470cda ALSA: seq: Fix race during FIFO resize * d409635 ALSA: seq: Fix racy cell insertions during snd_seq_pool_done() * 75c481c rtc: s35390a: improve irq handling * a628231 rtc: s35390a: implement reset routine as suggested by the reference * 5d27414 rtc: s35390a: make sure all members in the output are set * 717bb1f rtc: s35390a: fix reading out alarm * bdea9d4 Drivers: hv: balloon: don't crash when memory is added in non-sorted order * 7122ea7 ptrace: fix PTRACE_LISTEN race corrupting task->state * 99e5dac Reset TreeId to zero on SMB2 TREE_CONNECT * b52823e s390/uaccess: get_user() should zero on failure (again) * d344c365 s390/decompressor: fix initrd corruption caused by bss clear * 3c0efc9 metag/ptrace: Reject partial NT_METAG_RPIPE writes * 9cc9d1b metag/ptrace: Provide default TXSTATUS for short NT_PRSTATUS * fbe74c8 metag/ptrace: Preserve previous registers for short regset write * 1d2ea4f sparc/ptrace: Preserve previous registers for short regset write * 872708b mips/ptrace: Preserve previous registers for short regset write * b62be6d c6x/ptrace: Remove useless PTRACE_SETREGSET implementation * 90bcc11 drm/vmwgfx: fix integer overflow in vmw_surface_define_ioctl() * 22d450f drm/vmwgfx: Remove getparam error message * ab77506 drm/ttm, drm/vmwgfx: Relax permission checking when opening surfaces * 7476974 drm/vmwgfx: avoid calling vzalloc with a 0 size in vmw_get_cap_3d_ioctl() * d1f87bb drm/vmwgfx: NULL pointer dereference in vmw_surface_define_ioctl() * ae44891 drm/vmwgfx: Type-check lookups of fence objects * 8deb129 kvm: fix page struct leak in handle_vmon * 868d737 Revert "ARM: 8457/1: psci-smp is built only for SMP" * 9ff9e57 char: lack of bool string made CONFIG_DEVPORT always on * 36ec920 char: Drop bogus dependency of DEVPORT on !M68K * f303379 ftrace: Fix removing of second function probe * 8229e18 xen, fbfront: fix connecting to backend * 06b6c89 scsi: sd: Fix capacity calculation with 32-bit sector_t * 3b2851b scsi: sr: Sanity check returned mode data * 72b4079 iscsi-target: Drop work-around for legacy GlobalSAN initiator * 293a586 iscsi-target: Fix TMR reference leak during session shutdown * d08e0e9 x86/vdso: Ensure vdso32_enabled gets set to valid values only * 57fa84c x86/vdso: Plug race between mapping and ELF header setup * 704e049 perf/x86: Avoid exposing wrong/stale data in intel_pmu_lbr_read_32() * 83a3580 Input: xpad - add support for Razer Wildcat gamepad * 8d1a9ad CIFS: store results of cifs_reopen_file to avoid infinite wait * 7c80e18 Linux 3.18.49 * 6cc4c22 Input: gscps2 - fix MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE invocation * 7cfe3d7 dccp: fix memory leak during tear-down of unsuccessful connection request * f9b3455 dccp/tcp: fix routing redirect race * 673bd3b uapi: fix linux/packet_diag.h userspace compilation error * c809a37 net: fix socket refcounting in skb_complete_tx_timestamp() * ce53a55 net: fix socket refcounting in skb_complete_wifi_ack() * 27a8fc0 tcp: fix various issues for sockets morphing to listen state * 80f67be libceph: don't set weight to IN when OSD is destroyed * 3f111f8 powerpc: Emulation support for load/store instructions on LE * 09a2ed3 MIPS: DEC: Avoid la pseudo-instruction in delay slots * 34a8c7b MIPS: ip22: Fix ip28 build for modern gcc * 7f4ff32 MIPS: ip27: Disable qlge driver in defconfig * f0a04a0 USB: fix linked-list corruption in rh_call_control() * 6fb6abe usb: hub: Fix crash after failure to read BOS descriptor * 639e7b4 USB: wusbcore: fix NULL-deref at probe * efd80d5 USB: idmouse: fix NULL-deref at probe * 8a28ab9 USB: lvtest: fix NULL-deref at probe * 586fd64 USB: uss720: fix NULL-deref at probe * 559b631 usb-core: Add LINEAR_FRAME_INTR_BINTERVAL USB quirk * 949fa66 usb: gadget: f_uvc: Fix SuperSpeed companion descriptor's wBytesPerInterval * 06749de USB: serial: qcserial: add Dell DW5811e * 16668b1 KVM: s390: Fix guest migration for huge guests resulting in panic * d93cb9c s390: use correct input data address for setup_randomness * 55de78b s390: make setup_randomness work * ef9ea1a s390: TASK_SIZE for kernel threads * f923c0f s390/qdio: clear DSCI prior to scanning multiple input queues * 3420338 crypto: ghash-clmulni - Fix load failure * df7a4b5 crypto: algif_hash - avoid zero-sized array * 17058e1 crypto: mcryptd - Fix load failure * 34cbaaa crypto: cryptd - Assign statesize properly * 8b742a6 futex: Add missing error handling to FUTEX_REQUEUE_PI * 15026a3 futex: Fix potential use-after-free in FUTEX_REQUEUE_PI * 0272b79 net/mlx4_core: Fix when to save some qp context flags for dynamic VST to VGT transitions * 03fa878 net/mlx4_core: Fix racy CQ (Completion Queue) free * 664edf0 net/mlx4_en: Fix bad WQE issue * d647e4f usb: hub: Wait for connection to be reestablished after port reset * ad10edf net/packet: fix overflow in check for priv area size * e3e2d1e dccp: Unlock sock before calling sk_free() * 5123b0c net: don't call strlen() on the user buffer in packet_bind_spkt() * ca6b6e4 l2tp: avoid use-after-free caused by l2tp_ip_backlog_recv * 50d26bb ipv4: mask tos for input route * 2a3eb2f vti6: return GRE_KEY for vti6 * 040b187 vxlan: correctly validate VXLAN ID against VXLAN_N_VID * cc4eeab netlink: remove mmapped netlink support * 7ba59fc tracing: Add #undef to fix compile error * b17af0d cpmac: remove hopeless #warning * 0d89edf drm/ttm: Make sure BOs being swapped out are cacheable * d9083e2 drm/ast: Fix AST2400 POST failure without BMC FW or VBIOS * 804dfd1 drm/ast: Call open_key before enable_mmio in POST code * bee8267 drm/ast: Fix test for VGA enabled * 9ddc80c samples: move mic/mpssd example code from Documentation * c5128bc padata: avoid race in reordering * 9c06cbe dm: flush queued bios when process blocks to avoid deadlock * 14b985c2 mvsas: fix misleading indentation * 156fa98 USB: serial: io_ti: fix information leak in completion handler * af5f955 USB: serial: io_ti: fix NULL-deref in interrupt callback * fcf49ee USB: iowarrior: fix NULL-deref in write * 42cd53d USB: iowarrior: fix NULL-deref at probe * 57ce894 USB: serial: omninet: fix reference leaks at open * 73b0864 USB: serial: safe_serial: fix information leak in completion handler * 8ace9f3 usb: gadget: function: f_fs: pass companion descriptor along * 6a412f3 usb: dwc3: gadget: make Set Endpoint Configuration macros safe * 974cb83 usb: gadget: dummy_hcd: clear usb_gadget region before registration * 6a6dda1 mtd: pmcmsp: use kstrndup instead of kmalloc+strncpy * 795c864 crypto: improve gcc optimization flags for serpent and wp512 * db7b6cf ktest: Fix child exit code processing * 5ef4b80 fat: fix using uninitialized fields of fat_inode/fsinfo_inode * 606bb6b libceph: use BUG() instead of BUG_ON(1) * af28758 mac80211: flush delayed work when entering suspend * 7d9e53d xtensa: move parse_tag_fdt out of #ifdef CONFIG_BLK_DEV_INITRD * 70c0631 nlm: Ensure callback code also checks that the files match * d5a1c3f USB: serial: digi_acceleport: fix OOB-event processing * 9795db8 USB: serial: digi_acceleport: fix OOB data sanity check * 772f321 IB/ipoib: Fix deadlock between rmmod and set_mode * aa0b7ba Bluetooth: Add another AR3012 04ca:3018 device * 6d77ce0 KVM: s390: Disable dirty log retrieval for UCONTROL guests * b760eab serial: 8250_pci: Add MKS Tenta SCOM-0800 and SCOM-0801 cards * 28d40ef staging: android: ashmem: lseek failed due to no FMODE_LSEEK. * 55cadeb xfrm: policy: init locks early * ce14d87 raid10: increment write counter after bio is split * 58b2c1f cancel the setfilesize transation when io error happen * fa87fee tty: n_hdlc: get rid of racy n_hdlc.tbuf * 0c5e544 TTY: n_hdlc, fix lockdep false positive * 40bde04 lib/vsprintf.c: improve sanity check in vsnprintf() * f8fc669 net: socket: fix recvmmsg not returning error from sock_error * 8c419e4 dccp: fix freeing skb too early for IPV6_RECVPKTINFO * ec4901c net/llc: avoid BUG_ON() in skb_orphan() * 4aff292 drbd: Fix kernel_sendmsg() usage - potential NULL deref * 26e250d USB: cdc-acm: fix TIOCMIWAIT * 87cfefe Revert "staging: nvec: ps2: change serio type to passthrough" * 0842fd0 drivers: staging: nvec: remove bogus reset command for PS/2 interface * 0c51560 staging: iio: ad5933: avoid uninitialized variable in error case * 916fbc8 coredump: fix unfreezable coredumping task * 0127ef9 swapfile: fix memory corruption via malformed swapfile * 10cec47 dib0700: fix nec repeat handling * 4ebb28d ASoC: cs4270: fix DAPM stream name mismatch * 139dd3f netlink: do not enter direct reclaim from netlink_dump() * 70c7850 packet: on direct_xmit, limit tso and csum to supported devices * 386c17d sctp: validate chunk len before actually using it * 834589f net: sctp, forbid negative length * 16ad13c ipv4: disable BH in set_ping_group_range() * 82237fe net: pktgen: remove rcu locking in pktgen_change_name() * 0a2cf45 ipv6: correctly add local routes when lo goes up * 5ddf701 packet: call fanout_release, while UNREGISTERING a netdev * 4f68116 net: Add netdev all_adj_list refcnt propagation to fix panic * b3dd414 ipmr, ip6mr: fix scheduling while atomic and a deadlock with ipmr_get_route * 4172d7b ip6_gre: fix flowi6_proto value in ip6gre_xmit_other() * 32ee697 tcp: fix a compile error in DBGUNDO() * 44298ad tcp: fix wrong checksum calculation on MTU probing * 59797a7 fbdev: color map copying bounds checking * f40e643 video: fbdev: Revert two commits for cleaner upstream solution * 9a7d1c9 selinux: fix off-by-one in setprocattr * 61be139 HID: usbhid: add ATEN CS962 to list of quirky devices * f88bdd2 pwm: Unexport children before chip removal * e5a7a3d UBI: fastmap: scrub PEB when bitflips are detected in a free PEB EC header * 4efe8c5 smc91x: avoid self-comparison warning * 7845ae1 drm/exynos: fix error handling in exynos_drm_subdrv_open * 5342864 ARM: 8584/1: floppy: avoid gcc-6 warning * 491982a tty: vt, fix bogus division in csi_J * a8d5344 Fix potential infoleak in older kernels * cdc1eb0 ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Syntek STK1160 * e6399f6 tcp: fix overflow in __tcp_retransmit_skb() * 64fec6e usb: chipidea: move the lock initialization to core file * 5dc7e47 iommu/vt-d: Fix IOMMU lookup for SR-IOV Virtual Functions * b61743a tcp: avoid infinite loop in tcp_splice_read() * 97872df ipv6: tcp: add a missing tcp_v6_restore_cb() * b010814 ipv6: tcp: restore IP6CB for pktoptions skbs * 7a0266c ip6_gre: fix ip6gre_err() invalid reads * da9aa5e l2tp: do not use udp_ioctl() * d6545d0 ping: fix a null pointer dereference * e22ecd1 sit: fix a double free on error path * 4c8889f sctp: avoid BUG_ON on sctp_wait_for_sndbuf * 3626ebd mlx4: Invoke softirqs after napi_reschedule * 5e843d5 netlabel: out of bound access in cipso_v4_validate() * 90567ff ipv4: keep skb->dst around in presence of IP options * bec4363 net: use a work queue to defer net_disable_timestamp() work * 1750ce8 tcp: fix 0 divide in __tcp_select_window() * 4e5d84c ipv6: pointer math error in ip6_tnl_parse_tlv_enc_lim() * 9cdca85 ipv6: fix ip6_tnl_parse_tlv_enc_lim() * 59464d5 can: Fix kernel panic at security_sock_rcv_skb * 5b6920e Revert "Revert "net: unix: Fix uninitialized warnings when building for ARCH=um"" * 8a1cd11 Revert "af_unix: Fix splice-bind deadlock" * 1b9d4e6 Linux 3.18.48 * 25c038c Fix "qla2xxx: terminate exchange when command is aborted by LIO" * 131a570 Fix "tunnels: Don't apply GRO to multiple layers of encapsulation." * d40a920 Fix "crypto: algif_hash - Require setkey before accept(2)" * 56d84c2 Documentation: Remove ZBOOT MMC/SDHI utility and docs * 09a1f9d drm/i915: cleanup some indenting * 463517c net:Add sysctl_max_skb_frags * e92cd06 Revert "net: sysctl_net_core: resolve "warning: 'one' defined but not used"" * d6d6ff5 blk: rq_data_dir() should not return a boolean * dcc12c4 spi: dw-mid: refactor to use helpers * e2c408a x86/boot: Add CONFIG_PARAVIRT_SPINLOCKS quirk to arch/x86/boot/compressed/misc.h * 378044c usb: renesas_usbhs: fix build warning if 64-bit architecture * b7019c4 staging: rtl8723au: core: rtw_wlan_util: fix misleading indentation * f411b36 Staging: lustre: missing curly braces in ll_setattr_raw() * cdbb605 xilinx usb2 gadget: get rid of incredibly annoying compile warning * 79f4a4f Staging: iio: adc: fix indent on break statement * 005f101 bfa: Fix indentation * c2687f4 i40e: Reduce stack in i40e_dbg_dump_desc * e5feff6 be2iscsi: Fix bogus WARN_ON length check * b0de3d2 iwlegacy: avoid warning about missing braces * ea00c9f drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/uli526x.c: fix misleading indentation in uli526x_timer * 7d3a910 mtd: blkdevs: fix switch-bool compilation warning * c9c7891 netfilter; Add some missing default cases to switch statements in nft_reject. * d4211cc s3c-camif: fix compiler warnings * 9137ae8 x86/xen: fix upper bound of pmd loop in xen_cleanhighmap() * be3a391 ALSA: oxygen: Fix logical-not-parentheses warning * 90ef205 HID: hid-input: Add parentheses to quell gcc warning * b28e344 ata: hpt366: fix constant cast warning * bbb4985 Bluetooth: make hci_test_bit's addr const * 75619f6 netfilter: Fix switch statement warnings with recent gcc. * ecfb303 Disable "frame-address" warning * 4e9f05e net: caif: fix misleading indentation * 69f3030 paride: fix the "verbose" module param * de98984 atm: iphase: fix misleading indention * 561ae5f Linux 3.18.47 * f886c56 gro: Allow tunnel stacking in the case of FOU/GUE * c400180 tunnels: Don't apply GRO to multiple layers of encapsulation. * 47b13cd net: Use more bit fields in napi_gro_cb * ae2c312 net: ipv4: Convert IP network timestamps to be y2038 safe * 6fb8b00 ipip: Properly mark ipip GRO packets as encapsulated. * ca2b1d6 sg_write()/bsg_write() is not fit to be called under KERNEL_DS * b16dc15 fs: exec: apply CLOEXEC before changing dumpable task flags * d6d757f IB/cma: Fix a race condition in iboe_addr_get_sgid() * 705d686 Revert "ALSA: usb-audio: Fix race at stopping the stream" * 7dda3ed drivers/gpu/drm/ast: Fix infinite loop if read fails * 40e3eb0 target/user: Fix use-after-free of tcmu_cmds if they are expired * a8cc661 scsi: avoid a permanent stop of the scsi device's request queue * b85e8c9 IPoIB: Avoid reading an uninitialized member variable * f7b4d09 block_dev: don't test bdev->bd_contains when it is not stable * 9922a9b Input: drv260x - fix input device's parent assignment * 46f63f3 libceph: verify authorize reply on connect * 8248c70 ALSA: hiface: Fix M2Tech hiFace driver sampling rate change * 28b3e34 s390/vmlogrdr: fix IUCV buffer allocation * 5faca64 kconfig/nconf: Fix hang when editing symbol with a long prompt * bcb6633 SUNRPC: fix refcounting problems with auth_gss messages. * 0ecc495 ext4: return -ENOMEM instead of success * f5242ab nfs_write_end(): fix handling of short copies * f32aaf3 fgraph: Handle a case where a tracer ignores set_graph_notrace * 085150d USB: serial: option: add dlink dwm-158 * 9ffdb56 USB: serial: option: add support for Telit LE922A PIDs 0x1040, 0x1041 * abf5d0f ALSA: usb-audio: Add QuickCam Communicate Deluxe/S7500 to volume_control_quirks * 5af0055 dm space map metadata: fix 'struct sm_metadata' leak on failed create * cce7af2 arm/xen: Use alloc_percpu rather than __alloc_percpu * 66c4e40 drm/radeon: add additional pci revision to dpm workaround * 423a68e CIFS: Fix a possible memory corruption during reconnect * d3d4de2 CIFS: Fix a possible memory corruption in push locks * 9b70668 CIFS: Fix missing nls unload in smb2_reconnect() * 6b771a0 USB: cdc-acm: add device id for GW Instek AFG-125 * e85ac9b mmc: sdhci: Fix recovery from tuning timeout * c648e52 ALSA: usb-audio: Fix race at stopping the stream * 785ec8c xfs: set AGI buffer type in xlog_recover_clear_agi_bucket * cd0d45d block: protect iterate_bdevs() against concurrent close * eeba3aa Btrfs: fix tree search logic when replaying directory entry deletes * 8b18c32 powerpc/ps3: Fix system hang with GCC 5 builds * 470fcef USB: serial: kl5kusb105: fix open error path * 5b3b25d thermal: hwmon: Properly report critical temperature in sysfs * 8ef04cb md/raid5: limit request size according to implementation limits * 1770fa0 f2fs: set ->owner for debugfs status file's file_operations * 1427217 ALSA: hda - fix headset-mic problem on a Dell laptop * 045660f dm crypt: mark key as invalid until properly loaded * dbc2cc6 KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Save/restore XER in checkpointed register state * 48fca21 ext4: add sanity checking to count_overhead() * c4407de ext4: use more strict checks for inodes_per_block on mount * 3e6aedb ext4: sanity check the block and cluster size at mount time * 9432096 usb: hub: Fix auto-remount of safely removed or ejected USB-3 devices * a9c8f86 ssb: Fix error routine when fallback SPROM fails * 6734dd4 staging: comedi: ni_mio_common: fix M Series ni_ai_insn_read() data mask * 605ad4e ext4: fix stack memory corruption with 64k block size * 61a0176 ext4: fix mballoc breakage with 64k block size * 6dd6200 crypto: caam - fix AEAD givenc descriptors * 4ddb63a regulator: stw481x-vmmc: fix ages old enable error * 1965808 USB: UHCI: report non-PME wakeup signalling for Intel hardware * 44e3003 PCI: Check for PME in targeted sleep state * 28f6a1d scsi: megaraid_sas: For SRIOV enabled firmware, ensure VF driver waits for 30secs before reset * b84f481 drm/gma500: Add compat ioctl * 254da5e usb: gadget: composite: correctly initialize ep->maxpacket * 5a29377 Linux 3.18.46 * b253b40 scsi: arcmsr: Buffer overflow in arcmsr_iop_message_xfer() * 06f69fc nfsd: Disable NFSv2 timestamp workaround for NFSv3+ * 8c36f3f fuse: Propagate dentry down to inode_change_ok() * 31e601c x86/kexec: add -fno-PIE * 6c5835c scripts/has-stack-protector: add -fno-PIE * f844d6d x86/init: Fix cr4_init_shadow() on CR4-less machines * fe53065 ARM: 8617/1: dma: fix dma_max_pfn() * 5ce9144 mm,ksm: fix endless looping in allocating memory when ksm enable * f378375 can: dev: fix deadlock reported after bus-off * 963294a cpuset: handle race between CPU hotplug and cpuset_hotplug_work * b16905c mtd: nand: davinci: Reinitialize the HW ECC engine in 4bit hwctl * 26c8ad1 drm/msm: fix use of copy_from_user() while holding spinlock * 047738d bus: arm-ccn: Fix PMU handling of MN * 61e1cde bus: arm-ccn: Provide required event arguments * 113d3a8 scsi: megaraid_sas: fix macro MEGASAS_IS_LOGICAL to avoid regression * 09dcbf1 Linux 3.18.45 * c6dd6da kbuild: add -fno-PIE * b6cda7e firewire: net: fix fragmented datagram_size off-by-one * a426900 firewire: net: guard against rx buffer overflows * a0dc096 parisc: Ensure consistent state when switching to kernel stack at syscall entry * d91731c ovl: fsync after copy-up * 10ae439 virtio: console: Unlock vqs while freeing buffers * e5cacf7 md: be careful not lot leak internal curr_resync value into metadata. -- (all) * 1c77aca md: sync sync_completed has correct value as recovery finishes. * 181cab4 scsi: arcmsr: Send SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE command to firmware * 4ce6e78 scsi: scsi_debug: Fix memory leak if LBP enabled and module is unloaded * abe3523 drm/radeon/si_dpm: workaround for SI kickers * 8f411a9 KVM: MIPS: Make ERET handle ERL before EXL * 5e11535 drm/radeon: drop register readback in cayman_cp_int_cntl_setup * 6f82dbe scsi: megaraid_sas: Fix data integrity failure for JBOD (passthrough) devices * 3b91587 powerpc: Convert cmp to cmpd in idle enter sequence * 75b3838 drm/radeon/si_dpm: Limit clocks on HD86xx part * e6b3f80 drm/radeon/si/dpm: add workaround for for Jet parts * f600860 USB: serial: cp210x: fix tiocmget error handling * 1acb736 Input: i8042 - add XMG C504 to keyboard reset table * b6667f2 mac80211: discard multicast and 4-addr A-MSDUs * 09507e9 GenWQE: Fix bad page access during abort of resource allocation * e380721 btrfs: fix races on root_log_ctx lists * c7ee635 vt: clear selection before resizing * 65852fd tty: limit terminal size to 4M chars * c0483c4 ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Syntek STK1160 * 45594c1 hv: do not lose pending heartbeat vmbus packets * cac6f89 mei: txe: don't clean an unprocessed interrupt cause. * d930ea4 dm table: fix missing dm_put_target_type() in dm_table_add_target() * 6956d86 usb: increase ohci watchdog delay to 275 msec * e2fe004 USB: serial: fix potential NULL-dereference at probe * f4277da xhci: add restart quirk for Intel Wildcatpoint PCH * 6187320 libxfs: clean up _calc_dquots_per_chunk * 8aa21fb target: Don't override EXTENDED_COPY xcopy_pt_cmd SCSI status code * 9148b10 ubifs: Fix xattr_names length in exit paths * f353fef powerpc/mm: Prevent unlikely crash in copro_calculate_slb() * e1c682b isofs: Do not return EACCES for unknown filesystems * 5f098d0 USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add support for Infineon TriBoard TC2X7 * 28bf0be memstick: rtsx_usb_ms: Manage runtime PM when accessing the device * 612aa42 memstick: rtsx_usb_ms: Runtime resume the device when polling for cards * 02aee8c mmc: rtsx_usb_sdmmc: Handle runtime PM while changing the led * 5582018 mmc: rtsx_usb_sdmmc: Avoid keeping the device runtime resumed when unused * d6d5371 irqchip/gicv3: Handle loop timeout proper * 7bdd9bd drm/radeon: change vblank_time's calculation method to reduce computational error. * 6652f0e jbd2: fix incorrect unlock on j_list_lock * ae7abc2 scsi: Fix use-after-free * 3e9e304 mmc: core: Annotate cmd_hdr as __le32 * 5a988a56 Linux 3.18.44 * 6c20654 xhci: fix usb2 resume timing and races. * 313c1b6 x86/cpu: Fix SMAP check in PVOPS environments * 48a39ed Linux 3.18.43 * 0d3037b openrisc: fix the fix of copy_from_user() * f0c44c8 avr32: fix 'undefined reference to `___copy_from_user' * bb6a52c hexagon: Fix build failures in linux-next * f3625e1 block: Do a full clone when splitting discard bios * 0c22172 btrfs: ensure that file descriptor used with subvol ioctls is a dir * 8b39dab8 fix fault_in_multipages_...() on architectures with no-op access_ok() * 4f8dca4 ocfs2: fix start offset to ocfs2_zero_range_for_truncate() * 20a7aaf fanotify: fix list corruption in fanotify_get_response() * 23da270 fsnotify: add a way to stop queueing events on group shutdown * 72d85c9 autofs: use dentry flags to block walks during expire * 640bd3e autofs races * b735110 ocfs2/dlm: fix race between convert and migration * 6d7b87f can: flexcan: fix resume function * c28b58f USB: change bInterval default to 10 ms * 78c6b57 fix minor infoleak in get_user_ex() * 0d57500 avr32: fix copy_from_user() * 6c320f6 microblaze: fix __get_user() * e546406 microblaze: fix copy_from_user() * b077750 m32r: fix __get_user() * 73a76d6 blackfin: fix copy_from_user() * f5292a5 sparc32: fix copy_from_user() * 563145d sh: fix copy_from_user() * 9ea0d47 sh64: failing __get_user() should zero * 030127b score: fix copy_from_user() and friends * 334d33e score: fix __get_user/get_user * 9e0a544 s390: get_user() should zero on failure * d2822db ppc32: fix copy_from_user() * e570bb0 parisc: fix copy_from_user() * a6be093 openrisc: fix copy_from_user() * 1d4cc7d mn10300: copy_from_user() should zero on access_ok() failure... * c22a2ca mn10300: failing __get_user() and get_user() should zero * 7d23b0e mips: copy_from_user() must zero the destination on access_ok() failure * 7699873 ARC: uaccess: get_user to zero out dest in cause of fault * 44b67fa metag: copy_from_user() should zero the destination on access_ok() failure * 04ae109 ia64: copy_from_user() should zero the destination on access_ok() failure * 1272111 hexagon: fix strncpy_from_user() error return * 2cb06b8 frv: fix clear_user() * f9b798c asm-generic: make get_user() clear the destination on errors * 4a0c72d asm-generic: {get,put}_user ptr argument evaluate only 1 time * 4308d66 nl80211: validate number of probe response CSA counters * 17c7678 MIPS: Add a missing ".set pop" in an early commit * e6216c2 genirq: Provide irq_gc_{lock_irqsave,unlock_irqrestore}() helpers * f654a59 MIPS: paravirt: Fix undefined reference to smp_bootstrap * d42609c crypto: arm64/aes-ctr - fix NULL dereference in tail processing * 838cf2c crypto: skcipher - Fix blkcipher walk OOM crash * 9ca6960 USB: serial: simple: add support for another Infineon flashloader * bce7335 asm-generic: make copy_from_user() zero the destination properly * db099a0 arm64: spinlocks: implement smp_mb__before_spinlock() as smp_mb() * 2d27ba20 kvm-arm: Unmap shadow pagetables properly * 387d3ff ALSA: timer: Fix zero-division by continue of uninitialized instance * b5c7952 ALSA: timer: Call notifier in the same spinlock * 85f801f xhci: fix null pointer dereference in stop command timeout function * 063ec3b powerpc/mm: Don't alias user region to other regions below PAGE_OFFSET * 00b7df4 crypto: cryptd - initialize child shash_desc on import * ceaa61f ipv6: addrconf: fix dev refcont leak when DAD failed * 81bc9ee Btrfs: remove root_log_ctx from ctx list before btrfs_sync_log returns * 1aab1ad Btrfs: add missing blk_finish_plug in btrfs_sync_log() * 93a1bd3 usb: renesas_usbhs: fix clearing the {BRDY,BEMP}STS condition * 2e7184c sched/core: Fix a race between try_to_wake_up() and a woken up task * 3963f98 iio: accel: kxsd9: Fix scaling bug * aa13bd6f ALSA: fireworks: accessing to user space outside spinlock * 631484b ARM: imx6: add missing BM_CLPCR_BYPASS_PMIC_READY setting for imx6sx * 2df7b6d ALSA: usb-audio: Add sample rate inquiry quirk for B850V3 CP2114 * d2c05b9 ALSA: timer: fix NULL pointer dereference on memory allocation failure * 1dfda3f ALSA: timer: fix division by zero after SNDRV_TIMER_IOCTL_CONTINUE * 385c434 ARM: kirkwood: ib62x0: fix size of u-boot environment partition * bdc7d78 bus: arm-ccn: Fix XP watchpoint settings bitmask * c0e1b4d bus: arm-ccn: Do not attempt to configure XPs for cycle counter * 834d5fe Revert "wext: Fix 32 bit iwpriv compatibility issue with 64 bit Kernel" * 04aef3f ARM: OMAP3: hwmod data: Add sysc information for DSI * 8e8003f ovl: fix workdir creation * f0ee9ac MIPS: KVM: Check for pfn noslot case * 791d27b Linux 3.18.42 * 3436b4c Revert "ARC: mm: don't loose PTE_SPECIAL in pte_modify()" * 4ca8267 x86/AMD: Apply erratum 665 on machines without a BIOS fix * eee393e x86/paravirt: Do not trace _paravirt_ident_*() functions * b1b156f ovl: listxattr: use strnlen() * 7d53675 ovl: remove posix_acl_default from workdir * 9a20900 kernfs: don't depend on d_find_any_alias() when generating notifications * eaa5b4a dm crypt: fix free of bad values after tfm allocation failure * 953a128 dm crypt: fix error with too large bios * d405347 NFSv4.x: Fix a refcount leak in nfs_callback_up_net * 6480de1 xfs: fix superblock inprogress check * b07d347 USB: serial: option: add WeTelecom 0x6802 and 0x6803 products * ec6d927 USB: serial: option: add WeTelecom WM-D200 * 99c46fd USB: avoid left shift by -1 * 81e7637 iio: accel: kxsd9: Fix raw read return * 8d6a179 staging: comedi: ni_mio_common: fix AO inttrig backwards compatibility * ee46267 staging: comedi: ni_mio_common: fix wrong insn_write handler * eb2a0ab staging: comedi: daqboard2000: bug fix board type matching code * 48e558c USB: serial: mos7840: fix non-atomic allocation in write path * 587d5fb USB: serial: mos7720: fix non-atomic allocation in write path * 82f394d cpuset: make sure new tasks conform to the current config of the cpuset * b362990 ovl: don't copy up opaqueness * 344e1bd ext4: validate that metadata blocks do not overlap superblock * 73d6023 Linux 3.18.41 * 607d894 PCI: Limit config space size for Netronome NFP4000 * d8cd224 PCI: Add Netronome NFP4000 PF device ID * a936f0f0 PCI: Limit config space size for Netronome NFP6000 family * 9efef1b PCI: Add Netronome vendor and device IDs * 06aaed5 PCI: Support PCIe devices with short cfg_size * d06baea net: fec: fix NULL pointer dereference in fec_enet_timeout_work * e94c466 fs/seq_file: fix out-of-bounds read * 519da87 clocksource/drivers/sun4i: Clear interrupts after stopping timer in probe function * 777b0a2 dm flakey: fix reads to be issued if drop_writes configured * 030534e xenbus: don't look up transaction IDs for ordinary writes * 9ff8429 timekeeping: Cap array access in timekeeping_debug * 0c1f128 ubifs: Fix assertion in layout_in_gaps() * fd23537 Input: tegra-kbc - fix inverted reset logic * bb4e7e0 drm: Reject page_flip for !DRIVER_MODESET * 8d25786 parisc: Fix order of EREFUSED define in errno.h * b6e994b ARC: export __udivdi3 for modules * dad568a ARC: Support syscall ABI v4 * 6ac36ae ARC: use correct offset in pt_regs for saving/restoring user mode r25 * 64efe14 ARCv2: STAR 9000808988: signals involving Delay Slot * da81150 Input: i8042 - set up shared ps2_cmd_mutex for AUX ports * 996aec6 drm/radeon: fix radeon_move_blit on 32bit systems * ba0d12a gpio: Fix OF build problem on UM * b5aa406 bcache: RESERVE_PRIO is too small by one when prio_buckets() is a power of two. * f189b5c bcache: register_bcache(): call blkdev_put() when cache_alloc() fails * fa9ce6b drm/radeon: only apply the SS fractional workaround to RS[78]80 * 98b3e3c drm/radeon: don't use fractional dividers on RS[78]80 if SS is enabled * 17f5ade uprobes: Fix the memcg accounting * 964defa ARC: Elide redundant setup of DMA callbacks * 10e1e0a ARC: Call trace_hardirqs_on() before enabling irqs * 846bd0b usb: xhci: Fix panic if disconnect * d21b7be xhci: always handle "Command Ring Stopped" events * 8c9a611 cdc-acm: fix wrong pipe type on rx interrupt xfers * 8cd6104 usb: misc: usbtest: add fix for driver hang * 97b5b10 drm/i915: fix aliasing_ppgtt leak * 087409c usb: dwc3: gadget: always cleanup all TRBs * d786eb8 usb: dwc3: gadget: fix for short pkts during chained xfers * 13630f1 Revert "dwc3: gadget: Avoid processing of trb if HWO bit is set" #### kernel/xiaomi/msm8956/ * cb5b5db Merge "mmc: cmdq_hci: Increase HAC interrupt wait time in halt path" #### packages/apps/Jelly/ * b8270d7 Jelly: Allow to display pages in full screen mode #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 2353503 Fix custom button icon making touch and animation area smaller [3/3] #### vendor/cm/ * 982208b DeskClock: switch to version 5.0.1 (3745617) #### vendor/samsung/ * 86bdfad hlte: Move to variant blobs * 9eb26ef msm8916-common: add j7ltechn and j7ltespr to guard * 49ef16d Import j7ltespr blobs * bd0863a Import j7lte-common blobs #### vendor/xiaomi/ * 5e3d088 lithium: Update to 7.7.20 dev blobs 07-21-2017 ============ #### device/samsung/i9300/ * 3a0d5fe i9300: add setup-makefiles #### frameworks/base/ * 6f90390 Merge pull request #204 from AndropaX/patch-4 * 51cc188 DeviceInfoUtils: decentralize processor Regex #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8994/ * a21d861 Merge "mm-video-v4l2: Protect buffer lifecycle with lock" #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 635723a usb: dwc3: gadget: increment request->actual once * 5538ca2 Revert "usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix calculation of request.actual for SG" * c7748a6 s390/dasd: fix hanging device after clear subchannel * 726f89a usb: hub: Fix unbalanced reference count/memory leak/deadlocks * 062f92e crypto: caam - fix non-hmac hashes * 2156038 aacraid: Check size values after double-fetch from user * 9099ce7 USB: serial: fix memleak in driver-registration error path * d9c9844 USB: serial: option: add support for Telit LE920A4 * 5185d72 USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add device ID for WICED USB UART dev board * 9c8fa5b USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add PIDs for Ivium Technologies devices * 87f2fc5 USB: serial: option: add D-Link DWM-156/A3 * 1def6eb mac80211: fix purging multicast PS buffer queue * db71de0 powerpc/eeh: eeh_pci_enable(): fix checking of post-request state * 0a91bf4 Linux 3.18.40 * ad9e4cf perf/x86: Fix undefined shift on 32-bit kernels * 15d38bd nfsd: check permissions when setting ACLs * f40e7fe posix_acl: Add set_posix_acl * 4f19c66 powerpc/pseries: Fix PCI config address for DDW * 13f2381 powerpc/iommu: Remove the dependency on EEH struct in DDW mechanism * 2978cda metag: Fix __cmpxchg_u32 asm constraint for CMP * b39970c ALSA: hda: add AMD Bonaire AZ PCI ID with proper driver caps * aa952d2 sysv, ipc: fix security-layer leaking * 5f2a110 mm/hugetlb: avoid soft lockup in set_max_huge_pages() * fa5ca40 dm flakey: error READ bios during the down_interval * 1aa11d3 ftrace/recordmcount: Work around for addition of metag magic but not relocations * 9b90570 balloon: check the number of available pages in leak balloon * f02adf0 x86/syscalls/64: Add compat_sys_keyctl for 32-bit userspace * 3e26150 ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable HP amp and mute LED on HP Folio 9480m [v3] * 84f57c6 drm/nouveau/fbcon: fix font width not divisible by 8 * 831e917 ubi: Make volume resize power cut aware * 363f16f ubi: Fix race condition between ubi device creation and udev * f07677e fuse: fix wrong assignment of ->flags in fuse_send_init() * 9af9158 fuse: fuse_flush must check mapping->flags for errors * c32681b fuse: fsync() did not return IO errors * 2d68de0 ARC: mm: don't loose PTE_SPECIAL in pte_modify() * dfe5db2 drm/radeon: fix firmware info version checks * 0b4e5ef KEYS: 64-bit MIPS needs to use compat_sys_keyctl for 32-bit userspace * 844137a KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Save/restore TM state in H_CEDE * 1125959 KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Pull out TM state save/restore into separate procedures * 6cbcf9e CIFS: Fix a possible invalid memory access in smb2_query_symlink() * 87f24d6 fs/cifs: make share unaccessible at root level mountable * 4ff7ff5 Input: i8042 - break load dependency between atkbd/psmouse and i8042 * 4dc3ce7 Documentation/module-signing.txt: Note need for version info if reusing a key * fcca88c module: Invalidate signatures on force-loaded modules * 8205d28 net/irda: fix NULL pointer dereference on memory allocation failure * b0a0bc7 fs/dcache.c: avoid soft-lockup in dput() * eef05e9 dcache: let the dentry count go down to zero without taking d_lock * 0293b71 nfs: don't create zero-length requests * 017b4ad gpio: intel-mid: Remove potentially harmful code * bdbfb8e iscsi-target: Fix panic when adding second TCP connection to iSCSI session * c4ca4cd cifs: fix crash due to race in hmac(md5) handling * 901aba3 target: Fix race between iscsi-target connection shutdown + ABORT_TASK * dcfa22d target: Fix missing complete during ABORT_TASK + CMD_T_FABRIC_STOP * 1a791d4 mtd: nand: fix bug writing 1 byte less than page size * 54e07b3 arm64: debug: unmask PSTATE.D earlier * 884779f crypto: scatterwalk - Fix test in scatterwalk_done * 35f0423 Bluetooth: Fix l2cap_sock_setsockopt() with optname BT_RCVMTU * a939e4e USB: serial: option: add support for Telit LE910 PID 0x1206 * 0857fc5 powerpc/tm: Fix stack pointer corruption in __tm_recheckpoint() * e45ccb5 powerpc/tm: Avoid SLB faults in treclaim/trecheckpoint when RI=0 * 365e0bf ext4: short-cut orphan cleanup on error * 1e6bc8b drm/radeon: support backlight control for UNIPHY3 * 3706f67 KVM: nVMX: Fix memory corruption when using VMCS shadowing * 50e031c usb: quirks: Add no-lpm quirk for Elan * 60e5f8f USB: quirks: Fix another ELAN touchscreen * 0a09ba3 s390/mm: fix gmap tlb flush issues * 26e1a94 cifs: Check for existing directory when opening file with O_CREAT * 21d79c7 [media] media: usbtv: prevent access to free'd resources * 6e01553 Bluetooth: Add support of 13d3:3490 AR3012 device * 4e3f980 Bluetooth: Add USB ID 13D3:3487 to ath3k * 4a1d8c9 [media] Fix RC5 decoding with Fintek CIR chipset * 783d28c [media] media: dvb_ringbuffer: Add memory barriers * 66440dd drm/radeon: Poll for both connect/disconnect on analog connectors * 546416d drm/radeon: add a delay after ATPX dGPU power off * 42eb02d ext4: validate s_reserved_gdt_blocks on mount * 308969e ARM: dts: sunxi: Add a startup delay for fixed regulator enabled phys * d99c69e ext4: don't call ext4_should_journal_data() on the journal inode * 8c37a7d ext4: fix deadlock during page writeback * 0220978 ext4: check for extents that wrap around * 9092c79 usb: renesas_usbhs: protect the CFIFOSEL setting in usbhsg_ep_enable() * be7cd1f usb: renesas_usbhs: fix NULL pointer dereference in xfer_work() * 2a09c61 usb: renesas_usbhs: fix the sequence in xfer_work() * f604068 hp-wmi: Fix wifi cannot be hard-unblocked * a405bfb serial: samsung: Fix ERR pointer dereference on deferred probe * cc45097 of: fix memory leak related to safe_name() * 6cbbd02 crypto: gcm - Filter out async ghash if necessary * dd15a68 usb: dwc3: fix for the isoc transfer EP_BUSY flag * 5556841 Revert "Revert "usb: dwc3: gadget: always enable IOC on bulk/interrupt transfers"" * f8c95b1 Update my main e-mails at the Kernel tree * 0a38ea5 gpio: pca953x: Fix NBANK calculation for PCA9536 * 2fe8cb6 PCI: Mark Atheros AR9485 and QCA9882 to avoid bus reset * 30eb437 netlabel: add address family checks to netlbl_{sock,req}_delattr() * 42d9ae9 s5p-mfc: Add release callback for memory region devs * ad71c79 s5p-mfc: Set device name for reserved memory region devs * a91a97e HID: uhid: fix timeout when probe races with IO * f062907 Revert "drm/i915/ilk: Don't disable SSC source if it's in use" * a1b1e0c Linux 3.18.39 * 77066df x86/quirks: Reintroduce scanning of secondary buses * dc55d9b x86/quirks: Apply nvidia_bugs quirk only on root bus * 4114309 pps: do not crash when failed to register * 6195176 radix-tree: fix radix_tree_iter_retry() for tagged iterators. * 6f1882f libceph: apply new_state before new_up_client on incrementals * 6b00910 libceph: set 'exists' flag for newly up osd * b1a5301 ovl: verify upper dentry in ovl_remove_and_whiteout() * d71bb8d tty/vt/keyboard: fix OOB access in do_compute_shiftstate() * 142afc6 mmc: block: fix packed command header endianness * 97be3e7 media: fix airspy usb probe error path * 0853dc4 ALSA: hda: add AMD Stoney PCI ID with proper driver caps * 6c2db0f ALSA: hda: add new AMD PCI IDs with proper driver caps * 90b0679 ALSA: hda - fix use-after-free after module unload * 48c386c posix_cpu_timer: Exit early when process has been reaped * 9acf8e0 x86/quirks: Add early quirk to reset Apple AirPort card * 75c6c1c net: mvneta: set real interrupt per packet for tx_done * cf0443c ALSA: hda/realtek - add new pin definition in alc225 pin quirk table * 630b78c ovl: Copy up underlying inode's ->i_mode to overlay inode * e858c88 ovl: handle ATTR_KILL* * 3f39533 drm/ttm: Make ttm_bo_mem_compat available * f585453 Input: xpad - validate USB endpoint count during probe * e448469 ARM: mvebu: fix HW I/O coherency related deadlocks * 66852fa netfilter: x_tables: speed up jump target validation * dfd76a5 Revert "sparc64: Fix numa node distance initialization" * b8d8ed5 Revert "MIPS: Reserve nosave data for hibernation" * 50bb5b3 Linux 3.18.38 * a26307c 4.1.28 Fix bad backport of 8f182270dfec "mm/swap.c: flush lru pvecs on compound page arrival" * 8dccc8e powerpc: Fix build break due to missing PPC_FEATURE2_HTM_NOSC * a2095ac xen/acpi: allow xen-acpi-processor driver to load on Xen 4.7 * ef1b721 xenbus: don't bail early from xenbus_dev_request_and_reply() * d04a3a5 Revert "ecryptfs: forbid opening files without mmap handler" * ef5f17b xenbus: don't BUG() on user mode induced condition * 1899cec xenbus: Add proper handling of XS_ERROR from Xenbus for transactions. * 2efc352 MIPS: Fix page table corruption on THP permission changes. * e22d601 qeth: delete napi struct when removing a qeth device * 9371ede ALSA: timer: Fix negative queue usage by racy accesses * faaab5f x86/amd_nb: Fix boot crash on non-AMD systems * 0e57d6b ALSA: au88x0: Fix calculation in vortex_wtdma_bufshift() * aa6a086 ipr: Clear interrupt on croc/crocodile when running with LSI * 6ddcd6d ALSA: echoaudio: Fix memory allocation * 566b44e Linux 3.18.37 * 21d71ee tmpfs: fix regression hang in fallocate undo * 3e0ccf6 netfilter: x_tables: introduce and use xt_copy_counters_from_user * 0f86ba4 netfilter: x_tables: do compat validation via translate_table * 2c7aa58 netfilter: x_tables: xt_compat_match_from_user doesn't need a retval * d48f7e7 netfilter: ip6_tables: simplify translate_compat_table args * 5454913 netfilter: ip_tables: simplify translate_compat_table args * 3029278 netfilter: arp_tables: simplify translate_compat_table args * 579a616 netfilter: x_tables: don't reject valid target size on some architectures * 72fc3e2 netfilter: x_tables: validate all offsets and sizes in a rule * 264175a netfilter: x_tables: check for bogus target offset * 9557934 netfilter: x_tables: check standard target size too * f83f0fb netfilter: x_tables: add compat version of xt_check_entry_offsets * a043e92 netfilter: x_tables: assert minimum target size * e742fe8 netfilter: x_tables: kill check_entry helper * cce772a netfilter: x_tables: add and use xt_check_entry_offsets * 8a7369c netfilter: x_tables: validate targets of jumps * e6461db netfilter: x_tables: don't move to non-existent next rule * 1ae25f5 MIPS: Fix 64k page support for 32 bit kernels. * 319f5a6 sparc64: Fix return from trap window fill crashes. * 3e09380 sparc: Harden signal return frame checks. * 41896ac sparc64: Take ctx_alloc_lock properly in hugetlb_setup(). * 52ba218 sparc/PCI: Fix for panic while enabling SR-IOV * 9221d99 sparc64: Fix sparc64_set_context stack handling. * ce2a210 sparc64: Fix numa node distance initialization * 01eb260 sparc64: Fix bootup regressions on some Kconfig combinations. * a38764f sparc: Fix system call tracing register handling. * 301766b tcp: record TLP and ER timer stats in v6 stats * 9ddf754 sfc: on MC reset, clear PIO buffer linkage in TXQs * d5e6177 tuntap: correctly wake up process during uninit * f39102a netlink: Fix dump skb leak/double free * b305cc9 xfs: print name of verifier if it fails * d97405c pipe: limit the per-user amount of pages allocated in pipes * d26e737 MIPS: Reserve nosave data for hibernation * e5add2f serial: samsung: Reorder the sequence of clock control when call s3c24xx_serial_set_termios() * ca82a1c tty: vt, return error when con_startup fails * 1034444 Btrfs: don't use src fd for printk * 7813fa8 drm/radeon: fix PLL sharing on DCE6.1 (v2) * 4a7842b tcp: refresh skb timestamp at retransmit time * c7dc964 net: fix a kernel infoleak in x25 module * 6ae2bfd net: bridge: fix old ioctl unlocked net device walk * 0c7a7af VSOCK: do not disconnect socket when peer has shutdown SEND only * 1afdf67 net: fix infoleak in llc * fea0011 net: fec: only clear a queue's work bit if the queue was emptied * af61bf7 netem: Segment GSO packets on enqueue * 2f9c986 sch_dsmark: update backlog as well * 4d62b3c sch_htb: update backlog as well * 602613e net_sched: update hierarchical backlog too * 6fde3b4 net_sched: introduce qdisc_replace() helper * d69e19b bpf: fix double-fdput in replace_map_fd_with_map_ptr() * d72c2aa net/mlx4_en: fix spurious timestamping callbacks * 998e84b atl2: Disable unimplemented scatter/gather feature * 790ca71 net: sched: do not requeue a NULL skb * 0e09abf packet: fix heap info leak in PACKET_DIAG_MCLIST sock_diag interface * 7ea1d4e route: do not cache fib route info on local routes with oif * 58d80fd decnet: Do not build routes to devices without decnet private data. * 3e0908e batman-adv: Reduce refcnt of removed router when updating route * 074fa11 batman-adv: Fix broadcast/ogm queue limit on a removed interface * 4b1eb3a batman-adv: Check skb size before using encapsulated ETH+VLAN header * c06aea6 Input: zforce_ts - fix dual touch recognition * adcc23d lpfc: fix misleading indentation * c6790a5 clk: qcom: msm8960: Fix ce3_src register offset * 9f9c456 clk: versatile: sp810: support reentrance * 8db6157 clk: qcom: msm8960: fix ce3_core clk enable register * 6ee0a28 clk: rockchip: free memory in error cases when registering clock branches * 7e15d89 nbd: ratelimit error msgs after socket close * dd79182 ipvs: correct initial offset of Call-ID header search in SIP persistence engine * cf65375 megaraid_sas: add missing curly braces in ioctl handler * 3e4b501 sunrpc/cache: drop reference when sunrpc_cache_pipe_upcall() detects a race * 6f3a9a0 jme: Fix device PM wakeup API usage * 52f3046 jme: Do not enable NIC WoL functions on S0 * 682fb76 ARM: OMAP3: Add cpuidle parameters table for omap3430 * 0bc3b72 perf stat: Document --detailed option * 43de835 perf tools: handle spaces in file names obtained from /proc/pid/maps * 4ba20bc ext4: fix NULL pointer dereference in ext4_mark_inode_dirty() * 0608160 x86/mm/kmmio: Fix mmiotrace for hugepages * b561397 drivers/misc/ad525x_dpot: AD5274 fix RDAC read back errors * 9255feb rtc: max77686: Properly handle regmap_irq_get_virq() error code * 264a90e rtc: vr41xx: Wire up alarm_irq_enable * 3599688 rtc: hym8563: fix invalid year calculation * 59c5795 misc/bmp085: Enable building as a module * a82e3ff fbdev: da8xx-fb: fix videomodes of lcd panels * 33c14b9 paride: make 'verbose' parameter an 'int' again * 000d83e regulator: s5m8767: fix get_register() error handling * 5ce21a1 spi/rockchip: Make sure spi clk is on in rockchip_spi_set_cs * 96e1585 USB: usbip: fix potential out-of-bounds write * 1f9d2b7 efi: Expose non-blocking set_variable() wrapper to efivars * 72392a0 ASoC: ssm4567: Reset device before regcache_sync() * 3bc2b8c ASoC: s3c24xx: use const snd_soc_component_driver pointer * f2e72ef i2c: exynos5: Fix possible ABBA deadlock by keeping I2C clock prepared * 32b7b99 pinctrl: single: Fix pcs_parse_bits_in_pinctrl_entry to use __ffs than ffs * 2b3bc53 xen kconfig: don't "select INPUT_XEN_KBDDEV_FRONTEND" * 70b6f16 Input: pmic8xxx-pwrkey - fix algorithm for converting trigger delay * ab8152e powerpc: Update TM user feature bits in scan_features() * b872704 futex: Acknowledge a new waiter in counter before plist * da4bde9 mac80211: fix unnecessary frame drops in mesh fwding * 0dd8345 [media] v4l: vsp1: Set the SRU CTRL0 register when starting the stream * 8d70c29 pinctrl: nomadik: fix pull debug print inversion * 6d8571b ip6_tunnel: set rtnl_link_ops before calling register_netdevice * 2371efd ipv6: l2tp: fix a potential issue in l2tp_ip6_recv * cdd566e ipv4: l2tp: fix a potential issue in l2tp_ip_recv * 7cf2e86 qmi_wwan: add "D-Link DWM-221 B1" device id * 94c2c4d ipv4: fix broadcast packets reception * 2cf2081 net: bcmgenet: fix dma api length mismatch * 5b91417 qlge: Fix receive packets drop. * 42909e3 ppp: ensure file->private_data can't be overridden * b195b7d ath9k: fix buffer overrun for ar9287 * c0f8f04 farsync: fix off-by-one bug in fst_add_one * b569b14 mlx4: add missing braces in verify_qp_parameters * 5da2e4d ipv4: Don't do expensive useless work during inetdev destroy. * 47ed5f1 qlcnic: Fix mailbox completion handling during spurious interrupt * dff8e25 qlcnic: Remove unnecessary usage of atomic_t * bc3e9a6 sh_eth: fix RX buffer size alignment * 99e6fd2 sh_eth: Fix DMA-API usage for RX buffers * fd77554 sh_eth: Remove redundant alignment adjustment * 515f529 sh_eth: fix NULL pointer dereference in sh_eth_ring_format() * 2fcc259 udp6: fix UDP/IPv6 encap resubmit path * 3d9b5f9 usbnet: cleanup after bind() in probe() * 1bcba7f cdc_ncm: toggle altsetting to force reset before setup * 9a71f2f ipv6: re-enable fragment header matching in ipv6_find_hdr * 6acc40b qmi_wwan: add Sierra Wireless EM74xx device ID * 92239cb sctp: lack the check for ports in sctp_v6_cmp_addr * 5e25339 net: qca_spi: clear IFF_TX_SKB_SHARING * d457adf net: qca_spi: Don't clear IFF_BROADCAST * 5cd8a26 net: jme: fix suspend/resume on JMC260 * ea49467 tcp: convert cached rtt from usec to jiffies when feeding initial rto * fe4850e drm/radeon: add a dpm quirk for all R7 370 parts * 3d4e5ca drm/radeon: add a dpm quirk for sapphire Dual-X R7 370 2G D5 * 465cdb8 drm/udl: Use unlocked gem unreferencing * c311d26 mm: fix invalid node in alloc_migrate_target() * eb360a1 ALSA: timer: Use mod_timer() for rearming the system timer * 6de93f0 PKCS#7: pkcs7_validate_trust(): initialize the _trusted output argument * eaf024c hwmon: (max1111) Return -ENODEV from max1111_read_channel if not instantiated * 256c06c mtip32xx: Fix broken service thread handling * bfb000e mtip32xx: Fix for rmmod crash when drive is in FTL rebuild * bebe512 8250: use callbacks to access UART_DLL/UART_DLM * 6efad2c HID: logitech: fix Dual Action gamepad support * f298299 ALSA: usb-audio: Fix double-free in error paths after snd_usb_add_audio_stream() call * 2c423c5 ALSA: usb-audio: Minor code cleanup in create_fixed_stream_quirk() * 527375e Revert "ALSA: usb-audio: Fix double-free in error paths after snd_usb_add_audio_stream() call" * 7ccc647 ASoC: samsung: pass DMA channels as pointers * 5cda5c0 PCI: Allow a NULL "parent" pointer in pci_bus_assign_domain_nr() * 4fbf4a8 PCI: Move domain assignment from arm64 to generic code * 7e94a1a locks: use file_inode() * 7a9d3eb namespace: update event counter when umounting a deleted dentry * 4f3fe2d NFS: Fix another OPEN_DOWNGRADE bug * 56c14c5 Revert "s390/kdump: Clear subchannel ID to signal non-CCW/SCSI IPL" * 898504b arc: unwind: warn only once if DW2_UNWIND is disabled * 232a440 ARC: unwind: ensure that .debug_frame is generated (vs. .eh_frame) * f14a171 USB: don't free bandwidth_mutex too early * c670a2c make nfs_atomic_open() call d_drop() on all ->open_context() errors. * b25c4f2 KVM: arm/arm64: Stop leaking vcpu pid references * d88785b powerpc/tm: Always reclaim in start_thread() for exec() class syscalls * 081d5de fs/nilfs2: fix potential underflow in call to crc32_le * 0719cb1 mm, compaction: abort free scanner if split fails * ecce25d mm, compaction: skip compound pages by order in free scanner * e9838f9 mm/swap.c: flush lru pvecs on compound page arrival * 6d43714 mm: rename deactivate_page to deactivate_file_page * 28d9810 tmpfs: don't undo fallocate past its last page * dbfeb6ae3 USB: EHCI: declare hostpc register as zero-length array * 6ffdc33 File names with trailing period or space need special case conversion * cc82410 Fix reconnect to not defer smb3 session reconnect long after socket reconnect * c84b312 ALSA: dummy: Fix a use-after-free at closing * 1b594ac ALSA: hda - remove one pin from ALC292_STANDARD_PINS * 09eabc6 HID: hiddev: validate num_values for HIDIOCGUSAGES, HIDIOCSUSAGES commands * cb939e5 Revert "hid: usbhid: Changes to prevent buffer overflow" * 256a58d cifs: dynamic allocation of ntlmssp blob * f3f2d0f [SMB3] Fix sec=krb5 on smb3 mounts * eb0111d decode_negTokenInit had wrong calling sequence * ac7f44c drm/nouveau: fix for disabled fbdev emulation * bf28f3f Input: elantech - add more IC body types to the list * 1c40c46 Input: elantech - add new icbody type * 58a287d Input: wacom_w8001 - w8001_MAX_LENGTH should be 13 * ea8278c xen/pciback: Fix conf_space read/write overlap check. * bcd2a9d can: fix oops caused by wrong rtnl dellink usage * 59b7adb3 can: fix handling of unmodifiable configuration options fix * b72770a UBIFS: Implement ->migratepage() * e95ab56 mm: Export migrate_page_move_mapping and migrate_page_copy * 16b28dc pinctrl: single: Fix missing flush of posted write for a wakeirq * 38ec378 pinctrl: imx: Do not treat a PIN without MUX register as an error * e99ad38 arm64: mm: remove page_mapping check in __sync_icache_dcache * aa1badc tracing: Handle NULL formats in hold_module_trace_bprintk_format() * 3592303 can: at91_can: RX queue could get stuck at high bus load * 7abfd7b can: c_can: Update D_CAN TX and RX functions to 32 bit - fix Altera Cyclone access * 5e1cfda IB/mlx4: Properly initialize GRH TClass and FlowLabel in AHs * 4000d51 btrfs: account for non-CoW'd blocks in btrfs_abort_transaction * 8f42176 Btrfs: make btrfs_abort_transaction consider existence of new block groups * 5d36c4b kvm: Fix irq route entries exceeding KVM_MAX_IRQ_ROUTES * 25d24eb base: make module_create_drivers_dir race-free * 593e631 nfsd4/rpc: move backchannel create logic into rpc code * 9549a5e drm/i915/ilk: Don't disable SSC source if it's in use * 332a049 kernel/sysrq, watchdog, sched/core: Reset watchdog on all CPUs while processing sysrq-w * 290655e kprobes/x86: Clear TF bit in fault on single-stepping * 1dea46e spi: sunxi: fix transfer timeout * afa37db spi: sun4i: allow transfers to set transmission speed * c2b6a22 spi: sun4i: fix FIFO limit * 033c500 MIPS: KVM: Fix modular KVM under QEMU * bc5e0c0 usb: common: otg-fsm: add license to usb-otg-fsm * 7b32073 drm/radeon: fix asic initialization for virtualized environments * 5066f4f crypto: ux500 - memmove the right size * 9d45735 ARM: 8579/1: mm: Fix definition of pmd_mknotpresent * 4fff0a0 ARM: 8578/1: mm: ensure pmd_present only checks the valid bit * bf44c7e scsi: fix race between simultaneous decrements of ->host_failed * 71f0fff usb: host: ehci-tegra: Grab the correct UTMI pads reset * 51017a0 usb: musb: Stop bulk endpoint while queue is rotated * b4e49dd usb: musb: Ensure rx reinit occurs for shared_fifo endpoints * 8580168 USB: xhci: Add broken streams quirk for Frescologic device id 1009 * a252bf3 usb: quirks: Add no-lpm quirk for Acer C120 LED Projector * 99d1505 usb: quirks: Fix sorting * 4c4976c usb: xhci-plat: properly handle probe deferral for devm_clk_get() * 6642129 xhci: Fix handling timeouted commands on hosts in weird states. * 0f1332d HID: elo: kill not flush the work * b9a372d usb: gadget: fix spinlock dead lock in gadgetfs * 4e7078c usb: dwc3: exynos: Fix deferred probing storm. * fc986c7 usb: dwc3: exynos: Remove local variable for clock from probe * 8816e0a cgroup: remove redundant cleanup in css_create * 2d60051 af_unix: Fix splice-bind deadlock * 59e2403 Revert "net: unix: Fix uninitialized warnings when building for ARCH=um" * 089a1ad diag: Synchronize msg mask read and write on a peripheral * 1e42c2f Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170720.1. * 6a426c4 VFS: AF_UNIX sockets should call mknod on the top layer only * 466e0ef VFS: net/unix: d_backing_inode() annotations * 7a8ea09 Linux 3.18.36 * 5b75348 ecryptfs: forbid opening files without mmap handler * 66c9438 wext: Fix 32 bit iwpriv compatibility issue with 64 bit Kernel * f96ea49 gpio: bcm-kona: fix bcm_kona_gpio_reset() warnings * 14cbd6f gpiolib: Fix NULL pointer deference * 5f49f3e fix d_walk()/non-delayed __d_free() race * 2facd09 cpufreq: intel_pstate: Fix ->set_policy() interface for no_turbo * 014d3d4 of: fix autoloading due to broken modalias with no 'compatible' * 962a7d5 x86, build: copy ldlinux.c32 to image.iso * eddce76 mnt: fs_fully_visible test the proper mount for MNT_LOCKED * cb028fd mnt: If fs_fully_visible fails call put_filesystem. * bd3554e parisc: Fix pagefault crash in unaligned __get_user() call * 72e1fe7 of: irq: fix of_irq_get[_byname]() kernel-doc * a6f0c92 ALSA: hda - Fix headset mic detection problem for Dell machine * a048c829a locking/ww_mutex: Report recursive ww_mutex locking early * 911c449 irqchip/gic-v3: Fix ICC_SGI1R_EL1.INTID decoding mask * 29ea179 arm64: GICv3: introduce symbolic names for GICv3 ICC_SGI1R_EL1 fields * f7d04ac KVM: x86: fix OOPS after invalid KVM_SET_DEBUGREGS * d6ae974 KVM: irqfd: fix NULL pointer dereference in kvm_irq_map_gsi * cfa428a ARM: fix PTRACE_SETVFPREGS on SMP systems * 8761cb8 drm/nouveau/fbcon: fix out-of-bounds memory accesses * 5546e6b drm/fb-helper: Propagate errors from initial config failure * 6d42f1b scsi: Add QEMU CD-ROM to VPD Inquiry Blacklist * 88dc9b4 mac80211: mesh: flush mesh paths unconditionally * b939d65 mac80211_hwsim: Add missing check for HWSIM_ATTR_SIGNAL * 79305eb powerpc: Use privileged SPR number for MMCR2 * 1d8ae6c powerpc: Fix definition of SIAR and SDAR registers * b4bab2a powerpc/pseries/eeh: Handle RTAS delay requests in configure_bridge * aa5718a crypto: ccp - Fix AES XTS error for request sizes above 4096 * 10c6892 scsi_lib: correctly retry failed zero length REQ_TYPE_FS commands * 2669472 crypto: public_key: select CRYPTO_AKCIPHER * 818941f Linux 3.18.35 * f6a9383 dma-debug: avoid spinlock recursion when disabling dma-debug * a3dcf32 UBI: Fix static volume checks when Fastmap is used * 938a2ce xen/events: Don't move disabled irqs * 6a02132 xen/x86: actually allocate legacy interrupts on PV guests * afd9628 x86/xen: Override ACPI IRQ management callback __acpi_unregister_gsi * f084a9d wait/ptrace: assume __WALL if the child is traced * 7d9c9bd sunrpc: fix stripping of padded MIC tokens * a0537f9 mmc: sdhci-acpi: Remove MMC_CAP_BUS_WIDTH_TEST for Intel controllers * 7bc7496 mmc: sdhci-acpi: Add two host capabilities for Intel * 04eb842 mmc: longer timeout for long read time quirk * f5023c0 drm/i915: Don't leave old junk in ilk active watermarks on readout * a96eaf9 PM / sleep: Handle failures in device_suspend_late() consistently * 062aaea Input: uinput - handle compat ioctl for UI_SET_PHYS * 4545e13 cifs: Create dedicated keyring for spnego operations * f33fa45 ASoC: ak4642: Enable cache usage to fix crashes on resume * 4524cc7 ASoC: ak4642: Fix up max_register setting * 8089c2c xfs: skip stale inodes in xfs_iflush_cluster * ac0e22f xfs: fix inode validity check in xfs_iflush_cluster * 2e92014 xfs: xfs_iflush_cluster fails to abort on error * 52e8efd cpuidle: Fix cpuidle_state_is_coupled() argument in cpuidle_enter() * 8457d7c remove directory incorrectly tries to set delete on close on non-empty directories * 162a4b7 fs/cifs: correctly to anonymous authentication for the NTLM(v2) authentication * 4f61109 fs/cifs: correctly to anonymous authentication for the NTLM(v1) authentication * 5cc7d67 fs/cifs: correctly to anonymous authentication for the LANMAN authentication * 6f1f4fa fs/cifs: correctly to anonymous authentication via NTLMSSP * d20a5c7 drm/fb_helper: Fix references to dev->mode_config.num_connector * 09e6380 MIPS: MSA: Fix a link error on `_init_msa_upper' with older GCC * aa54211 PCI: Disable all BAR sizing for devices with non-compliant BARs * e6eb87c mmc: mmc: Fix partition switch timeout for some eMMCs * 25f455c ring-buffer: Use long for nr_pages to avoid overflow failures * 89593f9 ring-buffer: Move recursive check to per_cpu descriptor * 22ae8a3 ring-buffer: Remove duplicate use of '&' in recursive code * 8970f69 ring-buffer: Add unlikelys to make fast path the default * d439bfe MIPS: math-emu: Fix jalr emulation when rd == $0 * 807940c powerpc/eeh: Restore initial state in eeh_pe_reset_and_recover() * e6b9d2d powerpc/eeh: Don't report error in eeh_pe_reset_and_recover() * f3f52df sched/loadavg: Fix loadavg artifacts on fully idle and on fully loaded systems * 99c00ed rtlwifi: pci: use dev_kfree_skb_irq instead of kfree_skb in rtl_pci_reset_trx_ring * 76dea5c rtlwifi: Fix logic error in enter/exit power-save mode * 435d6b2 kbuild: move -Wunused-const-variable to W=1 warning level * 2b2b0d2 irqchip/gic: Ensure ordering between read of INTACK and shared data * f28074e gcov: disable tree-loop-im to reduce stack usage * 0e1142f MIPS: KVM: Fix timer IRQ race when writing CP0_Compare * b61002d7 MIPS: KVM: Fix timer IRQ race when freezing timer * 9069a26 crypto: caam - fix caam_jr_alloc() ret code * d1d39b1 USB: serial: quatech2: fix use-after-free in probe error path * b2bcb26 USB: serial: mxuport: fix use-after-free in probe error path * d53b9bf USB: serial: keyspan: fix use-after-free in probe error path * 3c1205e USB: serial: io_edgeport: fix memory leaks in probe error path * e3a2cf6 USB: serial: io_edgeport: fix memory leaks in attach error path * 5cf42fd mfd: omap-usb-tll: Fix scheduling while atomic BUG * b871342 MIPS: Avoid using unwind_stack() with usermode * 8bd66c8 MIPS: Don't unwind to user mode with EVA * aff9404 MIPS: Fix siginfo.h to use strict posix types * f8574e4 can: fix handling of unmodifiable configuration options * efd8951 arm64: Ensure pmd_present() returns false after pmd_mknotpresent() * 187210d mm: fix huge zero page accounting in smaps report * 919b58b ext4: silence UBSAN in ext4_mb_init() * 4b72e1f ext4: address UBSAN warning in mb_find_order_for_block() * 934203a ext4: fix oops on corrupted filesystem * 8f5d4d1 USB: serial: cp210x: fix hardware flow-control disable * dc01707 USB: cp210x: relocate private data from USB interface to port * 2ac57cdf ACPI / osi: Fix an issue that acpi_osi=!* cannot disable ACPICA internal strings * 3bad57a USB: serial: option: add even more ZTE device ids * 92b1119 USB: serial: option: add more ZTE device ids * 90849a3 mcb: Fixed bar number assignment for the gdd * 4479c3d usb: misc: usbtest: fix pattern tests for scatterlists. * 53e0b34 usb: misc: usbtest: format the data pattern according to max packet size * 749be26 USB: leave LPM alone if possible when binding/unbinding interface drivers * 5c0a558 USB: serial: option: add support for Cinterion PH8 and AHxx * aab60cc thunderbolt: Fix double free of drom buffer * b22e554 QE-UART: add "fsl,t1040-ucc-uart" to of_device_id * caf91c3 MIPS: ath79: make bootconsole wait for both THRE and TEMT * b72ba73 ext4: clean up error handling when orphan list is corrupted * a752869 ext4: fix hang when processing corrupted orphaned inode list * dd5accb aacraid: Fix for aac_command_thread hang * e8b1f77 aacraid: Relinquish CPU during timeout wait * 56d6ea5 arm/arm64: KVM: Enforce Break-Before-Make on Stage-2 page tables * 89d962b TTY: n_gsm, fix false positive WARN_ON * fe78b6e usb: core: hub: hub_port_init lock controller instead of bus * 53c117e btrfs: bugfix: handle FS_IOC32_{GETFLAGS,SETFLAGS,GETVERSION} in btrfs_ioctl * f3c2a46 pinctrl: exynos5440: Use off-stack memory for pinctrl_gpio_range * bcc50b1 ath9k: Fix LED polarity for some Mini PCI AR9220 MB92 cards. * 0260fc6 crypto: s5p-sss - Fix missed interrupts when working with 8 kB blocks * 0c8ed11 crypto: s5p-sss - Remove useless hash interrupt handler * 7221eb2 PM / Runtime: Fix error path in pm_runtime_force_resume() * 820fab3 powerpc/book3s64: Fix branching to OOL handlers in relocatable kernel * 78c5532 Bluetooth: vhci: Fix race at creating hci device * 3da1e4f cpuidle: Indicate when a device has been unregistered * da39221 Bluetooth: vhci: purge unhandled skbs * c7cd9b8 Bluetooth: vhci: fix open_timeout vs. hdev race * 5a9b88e drm/gma500: Fix possible out of bounds read * e9a081f rtlwifi: rtl8723be: Fix module parameter initialization * f91ddfc xfs: disallow rw remount on fs with unknown ro-compat features * c7c50ee xfs: disallow ro->rw remount on norecovery mount * 6ab6a8e ath5k: Change led pin configuration for compaq c700 laptop * 7027e16 regulator: core: Use class device list for regulator_list in late init * f1b9fbc dmaengine: imx-sdma: switch to dynamic context mode after script loaded * 669b4f1 Linux 3.18.34 * 7793b8a ocfs2: fix posix_acl_create deadlock * 1bc99ba ocfs2: revert using ocfs2_acl_chmod to avoid inode cluster lock hang * be093a1 ocfs2: dereferencing freed pointers in ocfs2_reflink() * 037e4d7 ocfs2: fix SGID not inherited issue * 39ebd61 workqueue: fix rebind bound workers warning * 14bb482 tools lib traceevent: Do not reassign parg after collapse_tree() * 811dc00 tools lib traceevent: Free filter tokens in process_filter() * 98c8451 ALSA: usb-audio: Yet another Phoneix Audio device quirk * f0517ac ALSA: hda - Fix subwoofer pin on ASUS N751 and N551 * 858260a ALSA: hda - Fix white noise on Asus N750JV headphone * ad089e4 ALSA: hda - Asus N750JV external subwoofer fixup * b708eac drm/i915: Bail out of pipe config compute loop on LPT * 3618237 Input: max8997-haptic - fix NULL pointer dereference * 62b2823 ALSA: hda - Fix white noise on Asus UX501VW headset * 4d67fda ALSA: hda - Apply fix for white noise on Asus N550JV, too * da20ca4 ALSA: hda - Fix bass pin fixup for ASUS N550JX * 42627a5 get_rock_ridge_filename(): handle malformed NM entries * d438e09 parisc: fix a bug when syscall number of tracee is __NR_Linux_syscalls * 016f291 parisc: Fix ptrace syscall number and return value modification * ad7bac7 x86/tsc: Read all ratio bits from MSR_PLATFORM_INFO * 2296acb mm, cma: prevent nr_isolated_* counters from going negative * 954f053 propogate_mnt: Handle the first propogated copy being a slave * b5c1c53 fs/pnode.c: treat zero mnt_group_id-s as unequal * 655974e x86/sysfb_efi: Fix valid BAR address range check * 239bde6 crypto: hash - Fix page length clamping in hash walk * 2a1863c ACPICA: Dispatcher: Update thread ID for recursive method calls * 92cd48f MAINTAINERS: Remove asterisk from EFI directory names * 7327cc3 drm/radeon: make sure vertical front porch is at least 1 * 642de07 tracing: Don't display trigger file for events that can't be enabled * 625c09f Minimal fix-up of bad hashing behavior of hash_64() * 9ebe39e powerpc: Fix bad inline asm constraint in create_zero_mask() * 1d8b29c Drivers: hv: vmbus: Fix signaling logic in hv_need_to_signal_on_read() * 0a5a916 Drivers: hv_vmbus: Fix signal to host condition * 3b49dc5 Drivers: hv: ring_buffer.c: fix comment style * 1ab2e89 atomic_open(): fix the handling of create_error * 5d595b4 EDAC: i7core, sb_edac: Don't return NOTIFY_BAD from mce_decoder callback * beb00e3 ALSA: usb-audio: Quirk for yet another Phoenix Audio devices (v2) * 315cde5 mm/huge_memory: replace VM_NO_THP VM_BUG_ON with actual VMA check * e3b4076 IB/security: Restrict use of the write() interface * 2eb4e58 ARM: SoCFPGA: Fix secondary CPU startup in thumb2 kernel * e047efd drm/i915/ddi: Fix eDP VDD handling during booting and suspend/resume * 93e77a9 drm/i915: Read out the power sequencer port assignment on resume on vlv/chv * d0ed081 cxl: Keep IRQ mappings on context teardown * 1b7b0ba drm/dp/mst: Restore primary hub guid on resume * f562714 drm/dp/mst: Get validated port ref in drm_dp_update_payload_part1() * bc22176 workqueue: fix ghost PENDING flag while doing MQ IO * a2a84d8 ALSA: hda - Add dock support for ThinkPad X260 * e7c0d28 MD: make bio mergeable * 6facfde [media] v4l2-dv-timings.h: fix polarity for 4k formats * bb8b218 USB: serial: cp210x: add Straizona Focusers device ids * d575771 USB: serial: cp210x: add ID for Link ECU * 7136eb1 efi: Fix out-of-bounds read in variable_matches() * d898956 iio: ak8975: Fix NULL pointer exception on early interrupt * b2b613e regmap: spmi: Fix regmap_spmi_ext_read in multi-byte case * a650c01 ata: ahci-platform: Add ports-implemented DT bindings. * 1ddcb82 libahci: save port map for forced port map * 1e67c86 regulator: s2mps11: Fix invalid selector mask and voltages for buck9 * 1fce356 ASoC: rt5640: Correct the digital interface data select * 25d7127 timers: Use proper base migration in add_timer_on() * 19bcaf9 Linux 3.18.33 * 7330556 x86 EDAC, sb_edac.c: Repair damage introduced when "fixing" channel address * 8838e41 x86/mm/xen: Suppress hugetlbfs in PV guests * 9f88d4b s390/hugetlb: add hugepages_supported define * ed1aeaf mm: hugetlb: allow hugepages_supported to be architecture specific * a7e077c drm: Loongson-3 doesn't fully support wc memory * 460ddee drm/radeon: forbid mapping of userptr bo through radeon device file * 005d309 ALSA: pcxhr: Fix missing mutex unlock * 82ca5e6 futex: Handle unlock_pi race gracefully * f6e686c Revert "drm/radeon: disable runtime pm on PX laptops without dGPU power control" * 9789929 drm/radeon: add a quirk for a XFX R9 270X * dad36d2f drm/radeon: add another R7 370 quirk * 0c136c6 drm/radeon: add quirk for ASUS R7 370 * dc89b19 drm/radeon: add quirk for MSI R7 370 * 5a77573d powerpc: Update cpu_user_features2 in scan_features() * 99d5e8a powerpc: scan_features() updates incorrect bits for REAL_LE * 26fb4f0 powerpc: Disable CPU_FTR_TM if TM is disabled by firmware * 106841a crypto: ccp - Prevent information leakage on export * bfbc855 crypto: sha1-mb - use corrcet pointer while completing jobs * a8ca252 nl80211: check netlink protocol in socket release notification * cc59894 Input: gtco - fix crash on detecting device without endpoints * c28583f Linux 3.18.32 * 7c17061 tcp_cubic: do not set epoch_start in the future * 9d6574c Btrfs: fix list transaction->pending_ordered corruption * 1e4e09d usb: musb: cppi41: correct the macro name EP_MODE_AUTOREG_* * 9d785bd tcp_cubic: better follow cubic curve after idle period * 719cab4 usb: hcd: out of bounds access in for_each_companion * c54841b USB: uas: Add a new NO_REPORT_LUNS quirk * 89f8ab4 usb: xhci: fix wild pointers in xhci_mem_cleanup * 6f2c326 usb: host: xhci: add a new quirk XHCI_NO_64BIT_SUPPORT * a4ae199 xhci: resume USB 3 roothub first * ebace5d usb: xhci: applying XHCI_PME_STUCK_QUIRK to Intel BXT B0 host * 788de5c lib: lz4: fixed zram with lz4 on big endian machines * 45ed705 dmaengine: dw: fix master selection * dcdc8e5 ALSA: usb-audio: Skip volume controls triggers hangup on Dell USB Dock * 2daad0a ALSA: hda - fix front mic problem for a HP desktop * 7a24d1b kvm: x86: do not leak guest xcr0 into host interrupt handlers * b86a1a2 parisc: Unbreak handling exceptions from kernel modules * 543b0da parisc: percpu: update comments referring to __get_cpu_var * a9118b7 parisc: Fix kernel crash with reversed copy_from_user() * 7630f7b parisc: Avoid function pointers for kernel exception routines * 30dca2d gpio: pca953x: Use correct u16 value for register word write * 2344c59 USB: option: add "D-Link DWM-221 B1" device id * 6f16248 USB: serial: cp210x: Adding GE Healthcare Device ID * f9a9cdf USB: serial: ftdi_sio: Add support for ICP DAS I-756xU devices * 080612a Btrfs: fix file/data loss caused by fsync after rename and new inode * aebd5a7 Btrfs: fix fsync after truncate when no_holes feature is enabled * ba1978f Btrfs: fix fsync xattr loss in the fast fsync path * 00ad654 Btrfs: fix fsync data loss after append write * 7a544a6 ALSA: usb-audio: Add a quirk for Plantronics BT300 * f44ce86 rbd: use GFP_NOIO consistently for request allocations * 10d7141 compiler-gcc: disable -ftracer for __noclone functions * 7d0ad70 usb: renesas_usbhs: fix to avoid using a disabled ep in usbhsg_queue_done() * 3160f4f usb: renesas_usbhs: fix spinlock suspected in a gadget complete function * 810b55e xen/events: Mask a moving irq * 875efc0 ALSA: usb-audio: Add a sample rate quirk for Phoenix Audio TMX320 * 3de3177 ALSA: usb-audio: Add sample rate inquiry quirk for AudioQuest DragonFly * 2fb7446 ALSA: usb-audio: don't try to get Outlaw RR2150 sample rate * 4ddca47 ext4: ignore quota mount options if the quota feature is enabled * 2911d12 KVM: x86: Inject pending interrupt even if pending nmi exist * d4b36e5 ext4: add lockdep annotations for i_data_sem * 35816fa sd: Fix excessive capacity printing on devices with blocks bigger than 512 bytes * fa2a23f USB: digi_acceleport: do sanity checking for the number of ports * 643627e USB: cypress_m8: add endpoint sanity check * 8016755 USB: mct_u232: add sanity checking in probe * 5af5329 drm/qxl: fix cursor position with non-zero hotspot * 0495574 usb: renesas_usbhs: disable TX IRQ before starting TX DMAC transfer * e3ee122 usb: renesas_usbhs: avoid NULL pointer derefernce in usbhsf_pkt_handler() * fbd6b16 ARM: OMAP2+: hwmod: Fix updating of sysconfig register * a75499e HID: usbhid: fix inconsistent reset/resume/reset-resume behavior #### kernel/samsung/smdk4412/ * fa8fa33 i9100: Set PegasusQ as default governor * dfd40dd i9100: Enable PegasusQ-Boost * 0e800d6 cpufreq: pegasusq: Add to dbs_tuners: freq_for_responsiveness, up_threshold_at_min_freq * 1cbe56e cpuidle-exynos4: Include onlining CPU's only for ondemand governor. * 06735ca stand-hotplug: Disable when PegasusQ governor is active #### kernel/xiaomi/msm8956/ * bf86cf1 mmc: cmdq_hci: Increase HAC interrupt wait time in halt path * 4e2cb52 mmc: cmdq_hci: Enable legacy interrupts immediately after halt #### packages/apps/DUI/ * 6515568 Fix custom button icon making touch and animation area smaller [1/3] #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 4f8d736 Merge pull request #825 from AndropaX/patch-2 * 5cd394f Add processor model in device info screen (2/2) * 88342d3 Add maintainer for lenovo k6/power (#824) #### vendor/asus/ * c464f73 msm8916-common: Update to latest ASUS release 07-20-2017 ============ #### android/ * eedb930 Remove ahbottomnavigation #### device/moto/shamu/ * bd8f03d shamu: Fix camera-daemon cpuset #### frameworks/base/ * 021e65a DeviceInfoUtils: Expand Processor string #3 * a700be4 Fix new Processor regex in Nexus 4 * 3aa1c51 BootReceiver: check console-ramoops-0 * f27f73e Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/rr/nougat' into HEAD * 7e09920 PowerProfile: allow overriding default power profile * e5e8dad Revert "PowerProfile: allow reading from a file instead of resource" * 3008b48 Add processor info in device info screen (1/2) #### kernel/lge/hammerhead/ * f75e583 BACKPORT: fs: limit filesystem stacking depth #### kernel/moto/shamu/ * daf6cdf Merge branch 'android-msm-shamu-3.10-security-next' into android-msm-shamu-3.10 * 637d1d5 msm: camera: isp: fix for out of bound access array * dcc5cd8 ASoC: msm: remove unused msm-compr-q6-v2 * 82bbf01 msm: camera: Allow driver file to be opend only once. * 7ef8f85 BACKPORT: ipv6/dccp: do not inherit ipv6_mc_list from parent * b0fe3a5 UPSTREAM: ALSA: timer: Fix missing queue indices reset at SNDRV_TIMER_IOCTL_SELECT * 35797c3 BACKPORT: ALSA: timer: Fix race between read and ioctl * 2573e16 BACKPORT: ext4: fix data exposure after a crash * cd3a10e BACKPORT: dccp/tcp: do not inherit mc_list from parent * 9ba1700 UPSTREAM: mm: fix new crash in unmapped_area_topdown() * d220a96 BACKPORT: mm: larger stack guard gap, between vmas * f46e20a ion: Fix unprotected userspace access * 700c28e msm: camera: isp: Handle array out of bounds * 63764a2 mm: Fix incorrect type conversion for size during dma allocation * 6f14882 ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: extend validation of virtual address * 866c001 msm: sensor: Validationg function pointers before using them * c006c9b UPSTREAM: tcp: avoid infinite loop in tcp_splice_read() * 96c9873 UPSTREAM: packet: fix races in fanout_add() * ecf42ba BACKPORT: ip6_gre: fix ip6gre_err() invalid reads * e84ce9f UPSTREAM: mm/mempolicy.c: fix error handling in set_mempolicy and mbind. * ae96e58 net: wireless: bcmdhd: adding boundary check for pfn events * 417d2ab net: wireless: bcmdhd: Remove "dhd_handle_swc_evt" from dhd. * 0dede9d BACKPORT: crypto: msm: Fix buffer overflow issue * ba303ff net: wireless: bcmdhd: add boundary check in GSCAN full result handler * 25068b3 net: wireless: bcmdhd: adding boudary check in wl_escan_handler * 723eb58 net: wireless: bcmdhd: adding boundary check in wl_notify_rx_mgmt_frame * b470493 net: wireless: bcmdhd: add boundary check in dhd_rtt_event_handler * a6840dc msm: camera: isp: Avoid information leak in ISPIF * eaf0f7f msm: ipa: fix security issues in ipa wan driver * e1d73802 msm:camera: correct stats query out of boundary * be82753 msm: camera: validate num_streams in stream_cfg_cmd before using it * db91427 msm: camera: fix off-by-one overflow in msm_isp_get_bufq * 22d8e80 Prevent potential double frees in sg driver * 164de57 dm ioctl: prevent stack leak in dm ioctl call #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * b3b5cc2 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170720. * 94d7a07 Merge "msm: kgsl: Fix a dead loop issue while changing gpu frequency" * e5a36c3 Merge "usb: f_mtp: Check number of iterations before division" * 0ed4a6b Revert "proc: smaps: Allow smaps access for CAP_SYS_RESOURCE" * 851ee84 net/packet: fix overflow in check for priv area size * f3b16e8 ipv4: keep skb->dst around in presence of IP options * dbc0e5b dccp: fix freeing skb too early for IPV6_RECVPKTINFO * 0ff0760 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170719. * ff81fed Merge "Perf: arm64: avoid use of uninitialized variable" * ab3d1307 Merge "cnss_pci: fix the race condition in firmware file setup" * e028d19 Merge "usb: gadget: Fix incorrect ISOC data transfer PIDs" * 0e9ee33 Merge "msm: isp: Fix Ub allocation for image WM" #### kernel/xiaomi/msm8956/ * 40899df msm: kgsl: Perform cache operation with kernel address #### packages/apps/Jelly/ * 54d8d10 Jelly: Remove unused variable in SearchBarController * 063d6a9 Jelly: Use proper popup background attr * ca27881 Jelly: Add "search in page" feature #### system/sepolicy/ * 34cc176 interfacer: Allow interfacer to find content_service * 72d06e9 Add policy to fix interfacer derp on boot * 458839a sepolicy: Allow system_server to set theme_prop * 86e3f9d sepolicy: add file and domain trans to interfacer * caa8674 Welcome to Theme Interfacer! [2/2] * 3890c0e sepolicy: Redo masquerade rules * 1f43bf4 sepolicy: Fix application of bootanimation * d9cc632 sepolicy: allow masquerade to read and write theme assets * 0a3d0fc sepolicy: rename masquerade domain and allow JobService in system_server * 5ac375f initial policy edits for masquerade to operate rootless * 2965e98 sepolicy: fix themed sounds * 8edd6b3 sepolicy: fix themed boot animation * a03a002 Introduce sepolicy exceptions for theme assets * 13c7a73 OMS7-N: Add service 'overlay' to service_contexts * 39875f9 Add policy to SELinux to allow ViPER4Android in enforcing mode * 1820ef3 RR: 7.1 fix * 40ebd92 sepolicy: Allow platform_app to run su_exec() (1/2) * 6606f8c sepolicy: Allow system_server to run su_exec() (1/2) * 1f5ad77 sepolicy: Allow system_app to run su_exec() * f73b438 sepolicy: Allow remount /system #### vendor/cm/ * 715986b Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/rr/nougat' into HEAD * bc96cad repopick: Add 'reset' option * 5a5e439 kernel: Add savedefconfig target * 4438599 qcom: Enable TARGET_USES_QCOM_MM_AUDIO * 5b71695 repopick: don't bail on drafts * 82a5e5a prebuilt: update Magisk Manager 5.1.1 (#96) #### vendor/motorola/ * 80a8a5d athene: Remove 'Device is HD Capable' notification when VoLTE is enabled 07-19-2017 ============ #### device/oneplus/oneplus3/ * aa65a3d op3: Add 3T specific power profile #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8998/ * f95d37d Promotion of audio-userspace.lnx.2.2.c2-00045. #### hardware/qcom/fm/ * 165ef42 FM: Use some sane colors #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8994/ * 70174f0 mm-video-v4l2: venc: Protect buffer from being freed while accessing * 2343434 mm-video-v4l2: Protect buffer lifecycle with lock #### kernel/lge/hammerhead/ * 685db7f msm: vidc: Check validity of userspace address #### kernel/moto/shamu/ * 6ae1f0c msm: camera: Fix Use after free bug in msm_vb2.c. * 00cd887 msm: camera: Use mutex lock to avoid race condition #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 28d874c msm: kgsl: Fix a dead loop issue while changing gpu frequency * ee80595 Perf: arm64: avoid use of uninitialized variable * 0362003 msm: mdss: Fix possible integer overflow * 7419d03 usb: f_mtp: Check number of iterations before division #### kernel/samsung/smdk4412/ * 7b0c1c8 t0lte: Enable MDNIE rgb adjustment #### vendor/cm/ * ac577f3 Update prebuilts to latest versions (#95) #### vendor/lge/ * 4543622 g6: Add iris module 07-18-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ * 8320284 SEEMP: Adding auth framework for outgoing SMS messages. #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/ * 7a97f3f policy_hal: Force device switch on Primary Output first #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8916/ * 508bb0e mm-video-v4l2: Protect buffer lifecycle with lock #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8996/ * f1c74e1 Promotion of video-userspace.lnx.2.1.c1-00045. * 7c20056 Merge "mm-video-v4l2 : venc: Protect buffer from being freed while accessing" into video-userspace.lnx.2.1.c1-dev #### hardware/samsung/ * 72aac79 secril-client: Fix RIL client token management in SendOemRequestHookRaw() #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 8fe33c6 Merge "msm: mdss: Do not apply bl scale if current back light is zero" * c7a45fb sched/idle: Add missing checks to the exit condition of cpu_idle_poll() #### vendor/lge/ * f43adfb g6: Add missing blob for camera * 3d65d39 h870: Update adreno firmware #### vendor/samsung/ * 54728d5 msm8916-common: update graphics blobs * cf62efe hltetmo: Move to variant blobs * 32d3fb8 hlte-common: Update to Adreno blobs from LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.12 * 4de14ad klte-common: Update to Adreno blobs from LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.12 #### vendor/xiaomi/ * aa206db capricorn: Update blobs from latest 7.0 release * 4d449fd msm8996-common / gemini: Update to MIUI 7.7.13 Global dev blobs 07-17-2017 ============ #### device/moto/shamu/ * cc137a1 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of https://github.com/LineageOS/android_device_moto_shamu into nougat #### device/oneplus/oneplus3/ * c707c3a op3: Pin camera HAL blob * 4dab60e op3: Add camera shim to always disable QuadraCfa mode * 23bcbdb op3: Update from OB19 * 9fd9351 op3: Assert on modem build time-stamp * ea2917a recovery: Use project pathmap for recovery * 9fdd488 op3: Calculate TrustZone size at runtime * 2dd0506 op3: Adapt recovery updater lib to new recovery code. * 8abb422 op3: assert: Add support for bootdevice symlinks * f710096 op3: Fix multi version TrustZone support * eb46898 op3: Remove useless parameter * 50b35b1 op3: Add assertions on TrustZone version #### frameworks/base/ * 7490b95 SEEMP: Adding auth framework for outgoing SMS messages. * bdfc59e ScreenCap : Add jpeg support * df6580a Configurable Keyguard alpha and Keyguard Bouncer alpha [1/2] inspired by the BrightLockscreen xposed module: https://github.com/Generalbrus/BrightLockscreen * 33fb4dd RecentsView: Hiding membar, memtext and fab on drag start. * b66c326 Connectivity: Fix format arguments * 9fcae18 SystemUI: Fix Notification Background Color Issue * 73d5dc4 Fix keyguard prompt reason showing with fingerprint reboot enabled #### kernel/google/msm/ * 6046979 ipv4: keep skb->dst around in presence of IP options * 383328a ALSA: timer: Fix race between read and ioctl * 0fad971 ALSA: timer: Fix missing queue indices reset at SNDRV_TIMER_IOCTL_SELECT * b49074e hid: usbhid: Changes to prevent buffer overflow #### kernel/xiaomi/msm8956/ * 7bb37fb cnss_pci: fix the race condition in firmware file setup #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 2fdd40f MiscSettings: Remove SElinux Switch & System App remover if no Magisk * 61a20bc Fix up Suspend actions fragment summary string value * 09611a0 Settings:Configurable Keyguard & bouncer alpha [2/2] #### vendor/cm/ * e4a1100 Add Proper Magisk 13.2 zip * a860ae3 Delete this corrupt zip #### vendor/lge/ * 9b57061 h870: Use correct bluetooth firmware * 8fad791 Add h870 Vendor Files * f81fc55 msm8996: Regenerate makefiles and add us997 and h870 to build guard * 2e72101 Initial us997 blobs #### vendor/oneplus/ * d86f1a8 op3: Hex-edit camera HAL for QuadraCfa shim #### vendor/samsung/ * 01091ec manta: update widevine 07-16-2017 ============ #### kernel/lge/hammerhead/ * 6e325ba udf: Check path length when reading symlink * 8b7fe89 ALSA: control: Make sure that id->index does not overflow * afeef23 filter: prevent nla extensions to peek beyond the end of the message #### packages/apps/Dialer/ #### packages/apps/OmniSwitch/ #### packages/apps/PackageInstaller/ #### packages/apps/ResurrectionOTA/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 3dec931 Bring back some physical keyboard settings * 582837b Add maintainer for samsung galaxy s5(k3gxx) (#823) * 9d7e6ca Add maintainer Yu Yreka Black(garlic) (#820) #### packages/services/OmniJaws/ #### packages/services/ThemeInterfacer/ * 0fded63 JobService: Use a ContentObserver to check for force authorisation of packages #### vendor/cm/ * fb83d97 Fix magisk 13.2 Location 07-15-2017 ============ #### frameworks/native/ * d461e7a Surface: Use async lock/unlock in copyBlt * c8aefcf Surface: Ensure synchronisation of copyBlt * a3b93a7 surfaceflinger: Validate setposition parameters * 96d3138 sf: Fix GPU coordinates computation. * 0adab82 sf: Limit co-ordinates difference fix for high res panel * db0e94b surfaceflinger: Fix continuous SF dump. #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8998/ * d6bd77c Merge "hal: fix acdb data corruption when both voice and voip are active" #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * e866e46 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170715. * c2b792b Merge "mmc: sdhci-msm: Don't turnoff Vcc during initialization" #### vendor/cm/ * ac623bd Update Magisk Binary to v13.2 and Magisk Manager to v5.0.6 (#93) #### vendor/oneplus/ * c98fad7 op3: Update to Open Beta 19 blobs 07-14-2017 ============ #### device/xiaomi/kenzo/ * bb93dcf kenzo: show correct charging current value on lockscreen * f1fa16c kenzo: Pin qcrilmsgtunnel * ad233a9 kenzo: Disable fluence on voicerec * 232db11 kenzo: Enable 24bit offload * 5836588 kenzo: All hail Dominator #### device/xiaomi/msm8956-common/ * b9f4292 msm8956: Add aanc_tuning_mixer_wcd9335 * f4591d5 Revert "msm8956: Re-enable XML audio policy" * 78daa18 msm8956: Fix Fingerprintd Denial * ec856c8 msm8956-common: Nuke sdcardfs #### hardware/samsung/ * 338942b secril-client: return exact error code from blockingWrite() * 1146f1a Revert "power: Temporary logging fix" * 7ad73bc power: Allow for a dynamic cluster configuration #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * ab63df5 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170714. * f8e3d57 qseecom: add bus scaling support for GP operations * 87e3dfa mmc: sdhci-msm: Don't turnoff Vcc during initialization * 0421d49 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170713. * db752dd Merge "msm: kgsl: Use vma_area_struct with proper locks" * 9fc8675 Merge "MMC : card: Check for card status incase of timeout error" * ac98c53 Merge "MMC : cmdq_hci: clear interrupt after halt in case of error" * d1ba676 Merge "drm/msm: Fix possible overflow issue in submit_cmd" #### packages/apps/Jelly/ * 4d40bf7 Jelly: Remove unneeded parameter type in addResult * 69f2dad Jelly: Remove redundant character escape * 55f3a05 Jelly: Make suggestion provider "None" translatable * c3794c5 Hide Sheet Menu after clicking on an entry * 4e7e82e Jelly: Query an already ordered favorite list #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 089a928 Official support for Moto E3 Power(taido_row) (#818) * 93a2c68 Official support for Moto E3 Power(taido_row) (#819) #### packages/apps/Snap/ * 5c51d47 Revert some permissions related changes #### vendor/samsung/ * cd70dd1 hlte-common: Kill liboemcrypto.so * e8ca251 msm8916-common: update GPS blobs 07-13-2017 ============ #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 0bb6ed9 cnss_pci: fix the race condition in firmware file setup * 7c52617 Merge "usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix start transfer errors for ISOC endpoints" * cc11e6c Merge "usb: dwc3: Fix assignment of EP transfer resources" * cb3edd0 Merge "msm: camera: sensor:validating the flash initialization parameters" * 59059a5 Merge "coresight: tmc: Fix use after free issue with tmc read" * d72cf62 Merge "mmc: core: Remove unused variable" * 704512a msm: kgsl: Use vma_area_struct with proper locks * 7623f8c MMC : card: Check for card status incase of timeout error * 1fc0c53 MMC : cmdq_hci: clear interrupt after halt in case of error * e0b57df Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170712.1. * 6ceb7f2 usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix start transfer errors for ISOC endpoints #### packages/apps/Jelly/ * 6934a68 Jelly: use Google as default all the things #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 809857c Add maintainer for Xiaomi RedMi 3 (#817) #### packages/apps/Snap/ * 0dbf891 Add overlay for restarting camera preview for additional cameras #### vendor/xiaomi/ * 75a5a4a mido: camera: Revert ov13855 blobs to pre 7.5.25 state (7.4.24) * 0600f74 mido: drop Camera HAL blobs, use OSS 07-12-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ * b0a68f3 PowerManagerService:Allow Device to set default value for hw keys light up[1/2] #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8998/ * ddedc50 hal: Allow building hardware audio encoders * 64be284 audio: Use direct project pathmap #### hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8998/ * 7f20a06 Don't build lights module if vendor supplies it * 338b2bb display: Use project pathmap #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8998/ * 2784e0e mm-video: Disable proprietary extension * 4d37518 venc: Fix VQZip issue * 6c90e81 media: Avoid collision with FFMPEG plugin * f7322c0 vidc: Fix makefiles * 227174f media: Use project pathmap #### kernel/moto/shamu/ * a72a005 msm: sps: Fix race condition in SPS debugfs APIs #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 6e9c00a Merge "diag: Add proper checks to fix possible out-of-bound issue" * 5b071e2 Merge "msm: mdss: fix null pointer dereferencing" * bd328e7 drm/msm: Fix possible overflow issue in submit_cmd * 65de277 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170712. * 23f0da87 diag: Add protection while processing non-hdlc packets * 3c067d6 cpufreq: flush queued work before freeing policy * 6d44a27 usb: dwc3: Fix assignment of EP transfer resources * 49529a8 Merge "USB: phy-msm-qusb: Enable autoresume only when device is connected" * fd5b360 Merge "ARM: dts: msm: Use override mem-acc settings for msm8940" * dabe09d Merge "regulator: mem-acc: Add range check based override fuse version map" #### packages/apps/Settings/ * e79d383 Settings:Allow Device to set default value for hw keys light up[2/2] 07-11-2017 ============ #### device/lge/hammerhead/ * 109887d hammerhead: revert unused aosp testing changes * 213ccb2 hammerhead: lower the slow charging threshold #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 85c3a1b Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170711. * 5ac202d diag: Add proper checks to fix possible out-of-bound issue * f43e2f0 msm: camera: sensor:validating the flash initialization parameters * b541413 coresight: tmc: Fix use after free issue with tmc read * d95557c Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170710. * c854ece Merge "ASoC: msm: Fix kernel crash in "Speaker Function" mixer control" #### vendor/cm/ * 3fa356a Magisk,Manager: update to v13.1 stable 07-10-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ * f1c724e Base: make button backlight light up user configurable [1/2] * 2a7f84f Fix a crashed when clicking list item and button meanwhile * c2d809b Camera2: Fix Error Callback if buffer lost. * fb62603 [ams]set the resultTo to null started by a finishing activity * 5b8f52d remove the lock-use for prunePrintService in case blocking main thread * 0246757 Move screen on message to new thread * 6d688cd FlashlightTile: Retry opening camera later on if it failed before * 6bcd55e hwui: Remove deprecated compiler flag * 6d2489c SystemUI: move time tick to bg handler #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996/ * fcf7e50 Promotion of audio-userspace.lnx.2.1.c1-00035. * d288e6d Merge "hal: restore device for other active usecases when VOICE stopped" into audio-userspace.lnx.2.1.c1-dev #### hardware/samsung/ * ff86846 power: Temporary logging fix * 775bce8 power: Print information on boot * 0da5fbf power: sysfs_read: Do not store newlines #### kernel/google/msm/ * 6f25be1 udf: Check path length when reading symlink * 14d798d USB: iowarrior: fix NULL-deref at probe * 4c83bc5 USB: iowarrior: fix oops with malicious USB descriptors * 39034b2 Input: gtco - fix crash on detecting device without endpoints * 044c0da Input: powermate - fix oops with malicious USB descriptors * 5177232 Input: ati_remote2 - fix crashes on detecting device with invalid descriptor #### kernel/lge/hammerhead/ * 8b7f2a9 qseecom: remove entry from qseecom_registered_app_list * 902ef71 net: wireless: bcmdhd: fix use-after-free in _dhd_pno_get_for_batch() * 0aaba22 fs/proc/array.c: make safe access to group_leader * 1e9f2ca Input: gtco - fix crash on detecting device without endpoints * 057ebb2 Input: ati_remote2 - fix crashes on detecting device with invalid descriptor * 13e19ce Input: powermate - fix oops with malicious USB descriptors * 92d8948 USB: cdc-acm: more sanity checking * ec0ca49 USB: usb_driver_claim_interface: add sanity checking * 4184a35 USB: iowarrior: fix NULL-deref at probe * 1fa1784 USB: iowarrior: fix oops with malicious USB descriptors * cf027de USB: digi_acceleport: do sanity checking for the number of ports * 552ca4d USB: cypress_m8: add endpoint sanity check * ac1c2ca USB: mct_u232: add sanity checking in probe * fc17a40 ALSA: hrtimer: Fix stall by hrtimer_cancel() * 4264397 ALSA: timer: Harden slave timer list handling * 55e9c8f ALSA: timer: Fix double unlink of active_list * 0890f1d pipe: limit the per-user amount of pages allocated in pipes * 786c600 [media] media-device: fix infoleak in ioctl media_enum_entities() #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * c95c60d Merge "ARM: dts: msm: Adding AF support for Rear Aux Camera" * c7f703f Merge "ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: add size check to fix out of bounds issue" * 0cfd69d Merge "msm: sensor: actuator: add conditional check for ioctl" * 4412695 Merge "msm: sensor: Fix for variable being de-referenced without proper check" * 07e94ce Merge "ion: fix logical-not comparison warning" * 2157974 Merge "fbdev: msm: Allocate fd with O_CLOEXEC flag" * 84b8f8a Merge "input: synaptics_dsx: validate bounds of intr_reg_num" * 7d30159 Merge "compat_qcedev: Fix accessing userspace memory in kernel space" * 56980a6 msm: isp: Fix Ub allocation for image WM #### packages/apps/DUI/ * 5198175 DUI:Smartbar longpress delay:make it more configurable [1/2] #### packages/apps/Settings/ * fbdd17e Settings: make hw keys light up user configurable [2/2] * 8ffe089 Smartbar longpress delay:make it more configurable [2/2] #### vendor/oneplus/ * c2845b9 oneplus2: Import from OnePlus2Oxygen_14_OTA_030_all_1704191749 #### vendor/xiaomi/ * a2ac7bc libra: update proprietary files from MIUI 07-09-2017 ============ #### bionic/ * d207f78 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r24' into cm-14.1 #### device/oneplus/oneplus3/ * 3e7b3d4 op3: Light up buttons only when pressed #### frameworks/base/ #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996/ * 23d91de Merge 69af59b8962261e89d3309fd17b28425a3c0170f on remote branch #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8996/ * c62bab1 Merge 04555962a06fe17ba83f2419951b30482f5f7d1f on remote branch #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * e52e75f Merge b99bb1b5259d26c42658613a2b78643b5da23b2e on remote branch #### packages/apps/OmniSwitch/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ #### packages/services/OmniJaws/ #### system/bt/ * 8bca380 Merge 61578191af535415104b2b1a5c9b9691430d289a on remote branch #### vendor/motorola/ * 186f369 victara: Update adreno blobs to LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.12 07-08-2017 ============ #### android/ * 61a497f manifest: don't track themeengine related repos * dafbf6a rr: don't track MusicFX #### build/ * 75e05d5 core: Makefile: Correct package signature disable * 72cd3b1 core: assume non-release recoveries to skip signature check * b101356 core: use 0 compression when creating the target_files package * 912e52a releasetools: silence binary info printed by blockimgdiff * 189d8fd Create 0 compression ratio jar files #### device/samsung/smdk4412-common/ * 5989a07 smdk4412-common: camera: Fix front camera camcorder preview * 1427472 smdk4412-common: camera: Fixes for the back camera preview #### device/xiaomi/kenzo/ * 0434d31 kenzo: Pin sharp qdcm config * 5c1a9e0 kenzo: Use extractors from msm8956-common * 22eb81f kenzo: Allow installation on newer kenzo modem #### frameworks/base/ * 79e9a27 aapt: enforce 0 compression * 2ca4ef8 aapt: allow opting out of uncompressed aapt * f6ef9b2 aapt: default to 0 compression * 6c9941d PowerManagerService: add a config to light up buttons only when pressed #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 18dff16 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170708. * c52651b Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170707. * 88dccb7 Merge "qpnp-fg: fix integer overflow" #### packages/apps/AudioFX/ #### packages/apps/Jelly/ #### packages/apps/SetupWizard/ #### packages/apps/Terminal/ #### packages/providers/WeatherProvider/ #### vendor/cm/ * fbb261c sensitive_pn: Enter full list of Indian MCC codes * a736075 sensitive_pn: Enter full list of GB MCC codes * 8388b24 sensitive_pn: Enter full list of US MCC codes #### vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/YahooWeatherProvider/ #### vendor/xiaomi/ * d35c461 kenzo: Start using msm8956-common * 5383248 hydrogen: Start using msm8956-common * f0f9528 msm8956-common: Add initial common blobs * 14a28b8 natrium: Update fpc blobs 07-07-2017 ============ #### device/moto/shamu/ * d7b8d13 shamu: Add and use a cpuset for the camera-daemon #### device/samsung/smdk4412-common/ * 5ecc52a smdk4412-common: camera: Remove the unsupported preview_format_values #### frameworks/base/ * 7359783 SmartBar: make button longpress delay configurable [2/3] * 0f18cce fingerprint: Speed up wake-and-unlock scenario * 10484a5 [1/2] Add support for pulsing battery icon when charging #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 5fa1a2f Merge "wil6210: protect against invalid length of tx management frame" * 8df45ec Merge "msm:ipa: Fix to kasan use-after-free issue" * f042c07 Merge "msm: ipa: prevent string buffer overflows" #### kernel/xiaomi/msm8956/ * fc75be7 Merge "input: synaptics_dsx: validate bounds of intr_reg_num" * 451fa11 Merge "net: Copy ndisc_nodetype from original skb in skb_clone" * 1a5c6ad input: touchscreen: validate bounds of intr_reg_num * 74c10a9 input: synaptics_dsx: validate bounds of intr_reg_num #### packages/apps/DUI/ * 0e7263f SmartBar: make button longpress delay configurable [1/3] #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 1f19428 SmartBar: make button longpress delay configurable [3/3] * a9a780d Edit a string * a9bba60 [2/2] Add support for pulsing battery icon regardless of style #### vendor/xiaomi/ * 4616884 msm8996-common / gemini: Update to MIUI 7.7.6 Global dev blobs 07-06-2017 ============ #### android/ * 095f157 manifest: android-7.1.2_r17 -> android-7.1.2_r24 #### build/ * 5bd5c1f Don't build MusicFX * 01f92d6 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r24' into nougat #### device/moto/shamu/ * cca39ea shamu: update build fingerprint & description to N6F27H #### device/oneplus/oneplus3/ * 4eaa7b3 op3: Abandon TARGET_UNIFIED_DEVICE flag * a0b69b4 op3: Allow vendor init to override props #### external/boringssl/ * c9d9e0b Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r24' into cm-14.1 #### external/skia/ * d41b284 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r24' into nougat #### frameworks/av/ * 4d87ec3 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r24' into nougat * 9295880 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r24' into cm-14.1 #### frameworks/base/ * 7cc34a0 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r24' into nougat #### frameworks/native/ * cfac6d5 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r24' into nougat * f83381f Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r24' into cm-14.1 #### hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8996/ * 2c36a1f Promotion of display.lnx.3.0.c2-00025. #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8996/ * 29fad0e mm-video-v4l2 : venc: Protect buffer from being freed while accessing #### kernel/moto/shamu/ * c8029ea Merge branch 'aosp/android-msm-shamu-3.10-nougat-mr1.5' into cm-14.1 #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 7abce33 ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: add size check to fix out of bounds issue * dad7956 msm: sensor: actuator: add conditional check for ioctl * 1146111 msm: sensor: Fix for variable being de-referenced without proper check * 1fa0f78 msm: mdss: fix null pointer dereferencing * 84c0c54 wil6210: protect against invalid length of tx management frame * c2fd287 msm:ipa: Fix to kasan use-after-free issue * a9457ba msm: ipa: prevent string buffer overflows * fb19c62 msm: ispif: fix device crash during dumping io register * 9262263 USB: phy-msm-qusb: Enable autoresume only when device is connected #### kernel/xiaomi/msm8956/ * 72b4e4b Merge "compat_qcedev: Fix accessing userspace memory in kernel space" * 0d6e8c4 Merge "Revert "Revert "ARM: dts: msm: update memory map for msm8976/8956/8952 for External release""" into LA.BR.1.3.6_rb1.20 * 7c65d06 Merge "drivers: soc: qcom: rpm_stats: Add mutex lock for shared data" into LA.BR.1.3.6_rb1.20 * 82e96be Merge "ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: make audio debugfs read and release exclusive" into LA.BR.1.3.6_rb1.20 * e48aa4d Revert "Revert "ARM: dts: msm: update memory map for msm8976/8956/8952 for External release"" * 5c51588 drivers: soc: qcom: rpm_stats: Add mutex lock for shared data * 5c719ba ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: make audio debugfs read and release exclusive * b1edaf5 Merge "ion: fix logical-not comparison warning" #### libcore/ * 30ff118 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r24' into cm-14.1 #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 15be728 DeviceInfoSettings: don't hardcode tag/build id * 658c831 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r24' into nougat * 77bc9ec Change Oneplus2 maintainer (#816) #### packages/providers/DownloadProvider/ * d20a3a2 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r24' into cm-14.1 #### packages/providers/MediaProvider/ * 03abed5 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r24' into cm-14.1 #### system/sepolicy/ * e6105f1 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r24' into cm-14.1 #### vendor/cm/ * 44d782b vendor: add a prop to get the AOSP tag from manifest #### vendor/lge/ * f2979e9 bullhead: update blobs from N2G47Z factory image #### vendor/motorola/ * a6a84d3 shamu: update blobs from N6F27H factory image #### vendor/samsung/ * f826279 hltetmo: Update blobs 07-05-2017 ============ #### hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8996/ * 4125294 Merge "sdm: GPU fallback for primary if secure is present on external" #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 80e323d3 ARM: dts: msm: Use override mem-acc settings for msm8940 * fa601f1 regulator: mem-acc: Add range check based override fuse version map * abb0491 usb: gadget: Fix incorrect ISOC data transfer PIDs * b2ac371 ion: fix logical-not comparison warning * 08b7936 qpnp-fg: fix integer overflow * c65dfb5 trace: ipc_logging: Avoid buffer overflow in ipc_log_string() * 8f88106 input: synaptics_dsx: validate bounds of intr_reg_num * 20958e1 compat_qcedev: Fix accessing userspace memory in kernel space #### kernel/xiaomi/msm8956/ * fc5eaf3 Merge AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BR.1.3.6_RB1. on remote branch * 35dba44 Merge "drivers: soc: qcom: rpm_stats: Add mutex lock for shared data" * f6dd76d ion: fix logical-not comparison warning * 9f5d4c4 compat_qcedev: Fix accessing userspace memory in kernel space * f0129ef fbdev: msm: Allocate fd with O_CLOEXEC flag * a9dcbcf3 drivers: soc: qcom: rpm_stats: Add mutex lock for shared data * fa173fa Merge "ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: make audio debugfs read and release exclusive" #### packages/apps/Jelly/ * fa0b42a Jelly: Don't save form data in incognito mode #### system/core/ * 01a7186 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_core into nougat #### vendor/cm/ * 3739625 Add LTE support for China Telecom Macau. * 3f2013a qcom_utils: Cleanup supported QCOM_BOARD_PLATFORMS * 3177211 build: qcom_target: Define MASTER_SIDE_CP_TARGET_LIST 07-04-2017 ============ #### hardware/qcom/fm/ #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8916/ * 22979e3 mm-video-v4l2: venc: Protect buffer from being freed while accessing #### kernel/google/msm/ * 4a56b88 lockdep: Silence warning if CONFIG_LOCKDEP isn't set * 159eb10 mm: Tighten x86 /dev/mem with zeroing reads * a4a1f98 mm/mempolicy.c: fix error handling in set_mempolicy and mbind. * cbc7977 net/packet: fix overflow in check for tp_frame_nr * eafa224 net/packet: fix overflow in check for tp_reserve * fd3eaa5 KEYS: Change the name of the dead type to ".dead" to prevent user access * 1a8c07a packet: fix races in fanout_add() * ecac447 irda: Fix lockdep annotations in hashbin_delete(). * ad0f565 selinux: fix off-by-one in setprocattr * b48a26f fs/exec.c: account for argv/envp pointers * 9d4b4f7 ANDROID: ion: Protect kref from userspace manipulation * 63299b9 sctp: validate chunk len before actually using it #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * b99bb1b Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170703. #### kernel/samsung/smdk4412/ * 132101c cypress: BLN: Allow BLN to override touchkey leds #### kernel/xiaomi/msm8956/ * b9faf02 ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: make audio debugfs read and release exclusive * 40a7548 Merge "msm: mdss: hdmi: check up-bound of CEC frame size" * 7ff0e9a msm: mdss: hdmi: check up-bound of CEC frame size * f73e8eb msm: pcie: add bounds check for debugfs register write #### packages/apps/Jelly/ #### packages/apps/Profiles/ #### packages/apps/Terminal/ #### packages/providers/DataUsageProvider/ #### packages/providers/WeatherProvider/ #### packages/resources/devicesettings/ #### vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/YahooWeatherProvider/ #### vendor/oneplus/ * d8da28e bacon: Update adreno blobs to LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.12 #### vendor/samsung/ * 9986046 gprimelte-common: Update audio blobs from J500HXXU1APE5 * fbc1abd gprimelte-common: Remove unneeded firmware blobs 07-03-2017 ============ #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/ * 5578c76 Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BR.1.2.9_rb1.22' into cm-14.1-caf-8916 #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8994/ * 9cddbb8 Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BF64.1.2.3_rb1.14' into cm-14.1-caf-8994 #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8998/ * 254b38f Merge 09831c884650139ce13a93fc7f58045fe5e326bb on remote branch #### hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8998/ * b5cbbc2 Merge 390c27426d24024665bea2faa0a94d7b3350b334 on remote branch #### hardware/qcom/fm/ * 7a29d93 FM: Fix helium hal build * 0df98d3 Change rename_dialog background color to default * f62c66a FMStats: fix GetFMStatsForFreq error for non-cherokee #### kernel/google/msm/ * 1f98cbd update defconfig * bfd257d Merge remote-tracking branch 'lineageos/cm-14.1' into ElementalX-6.00-cm #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 7c10f03 fbdev: msm: Allocate fd with O_CLOEXEC flag * cfa089a mmc: core: Remove unused variable * 413aa5f Merge "msm: ADSPRPC: Null check for file session context during device release" * be15384 Merge "ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: extend validation of virtual address" #### vendor/oneplus/ * abe2e88 onyx: Regen makefiles to fix Copyright * 0b83a67 onyx: Regen Blobs #### vendor/samsung/ * dd46113 gtesqltespr: Add qcom framework libs * cf05435 gprimeltespr: Add qcom framework libs * cc7f38f gprimelte: Add qcom framework libs * 662e631 gprimeltexx: Add qcom framework libs * 83984de gprimeltexx: Remove unnecessary firmware * c8050cd gprimeltexx: Remove unnecessary libs * ee462bd gtelwifiue: Add qcom framework libs * 98b4461 gtelwifiue: Remove unnecessary library (libQjpeg) * 5ba3f8f gte-common: Decommonise qcom framework libs * aa996d7 gprimelte-common: Decommonise qcom framework libs 07-02-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ #### kernel/google/msm/ * 631cf80 Allow stack to grow up to address space limit * 45c60e5 mm: larger stack guard gap, between vmas * 5ff7bc8 tcp: do not lock listener to process SYN packets * 5a3a309 flo: regen defconfig * 7b25909 time: Remove CONFIG_TIMER_STATS * af582b6 ping: implement proper locking * 95b56ff tty: n_hdlc: get rid of racy n_hdlc.tbuf * deb598f TTY: n_hdlc, fix lockdep false positive * 549fe02 net: ipc_router: Register services only on client port #### packages/apps/DUI/ #### packages/apps/Jelly/ * b8109ec Jelly: Update suggestions provider API URLs #### packages/apps/OmniSwitch/ #### packages/apps/PackageInstaller/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ #### packages/services/OmniJaws/ #### vendor/oneplus/ * 1af6d4c bacon: Update adreno blobs #### vendor/samsung/ * f20d44a hlte{,-common}: Update blobs #### vendor/xiaomi/ * 83a7464 cancro: Use widevine from kipper TOS125B 07-01-2017 ============ #### hardware/qcom/fm/ #### hardware/ti/omap4/ * 030bec5 BUGBASH-733 Memory leak in system_server caused by suspend / color fade #### kernel/lge/hammerhead/ * 79d000a arm: oabi compat: add missing access checks * 12232d1 ipv4: Don't do expensive useless work during inetdev destroy. * bccd7bf ALSA: seq: Fix race at timer setup and close * 3cfea91 ALSA: compress: fix an integer overflow check * 18fc002 mac80211: fix fragmentation code, particularly for encryption * 234673a mac80211: fix AP powersave TX vs. wakeup race * e9f40a3 unix: correctly track in-flight fds in sending process user_struct * 936a575 unix: properly account for FDs passed over unix sockets * 9100a48 UPSTREAM: proc: actually make proc_fd_permission() thread-friendly * 7eb8ae7 UPSTREAM: proc: make proc_fd_permission() thread-friendly * 5f995be qcrypto: protect potential integer overflow. #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * af5491d Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170701. #### packages/apps/AudioFX/ #### packages/apps/Camera2/ #### packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/ #### packages/apps/Eleven/ #### packages/apps/Jelly/ * a7659df Jelly: Make UrlResolvedReceiver final * b15286f Jelly: Move bing suggestions provider to https * f50b7e9 Jelly: Fix Suggestions Provider strings (suggestion / uggestion) * 697e32d Jelly: Remove unused parameter * 66d1b83 Jelly: Allow launching external apps * 9d693cc Jelly: Remove unneeded getApplicationContext call #### packages/apps/Recorder/ #### packages/apps/SetupWizard/ #### packages/apps/Snap/ #### packages/apps/Terminal/ #### packages/providers/DataUsageProvider/ #### packages/providers/WeatherProvider/ #### packages/resources/devicesettings/ #### vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/WundergroundWeatherProvider/ #### vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/YahooWeatherProvider/ #### vendor/motorola/ * 43757cb addison: Add proprietary GPS stack * 9a5e9c8 addison: Update proprietary blobs (NPN26.107) #### vendor/oneplus/ * dd66582 bacon: Use widevine from kipper TOS125B * b5240ee bacon: Regenerate makefiles 06-30-2017 ============ #### build/ * d98d8e5 Version bump to NJH47F #### frameworks/av/ * 0e7e3ed Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_av into nougat #### frameworks/base/ * 9265366 Fix potential KeyguardMonitor FC on unlock * b2edd93 Revert "BluetoothTile: Fix in the off state while entering the detail view" #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 7c0fe15b Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170630. * b874853 ASoC: msm: Fix kernel crash in "Speaker Function" mixer control * 0d72928 Merge "ASoC: wcd-mbhc: disable electrical interrupts when cable type is NONE" * 7f3b205 Promotion of kernel.lnx.3.18.c5-170629. #### kernel/xiaomi/msm8956/ * bf1349b Merge "msm: mdss: validate the buffer size before allocating memory" * e226864 Merge "msm: mdss: validate page id before reading from edid buffer" * 8f1d157 Merge "msm: vidc: Allocate memory dynamically for debugfs info_reads" * 98f1dda Merge "diag: Synchronize command registration table access" * bb88fe7 Merge "msm: sps: Fix race condition in SPS debugfs APIs" * 4b4a037 Merge "msm : mdss: fix unaligned access problem" * e78a267 Merge "msm: camera: Use mutex lock to avoid race condition" * 0faf706 Merge "msm: camera: validate num_streams in stream_cfg_cmd before using it" * 29280a5 Merge "msm: vidc: Copy user buffers to kernel memory before access" * 1c96584 msm: mdss: validate the buffer size before allocating memory * b64d3a8 msm: mdss: validate page id before reading from edid buffer * 080f4cf diag: Synchronize command registration table access * 223ab33 msm : mdss: fix unaligned access problem * 4b577f2 msm: camera: Use mutex lock to avoid race condition * ee01597 msm: vidc: Allocate memory dynamically for debugfs info_reads * 69ddd8a msm: camera: validate num_streams in stream_cfg_cmd before using it * 3f95a82 msm: sps: Fix race condition in SPS debugfs APIs * 8777c60 msm: vidc: Copy user buffers to kernel memory before access * 1e82d2a usb : dwc3: Initialize kernel stack variables properly #### packages/apps/DUI/ * 08efc6c Fix button size not refreshing after a dpi change * f758ef8 Media arrows: hide them on keyguard bouncer #### packages/apps/Jelly/ * d6b3b84 Jelly: Add non encrypted google search engine * 897fa20 Jelly: Propagate custom request headers to WebClient * 58c2aed Jelly: Add suggestions #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 3e1184d Enable some more power menu actions #### packages/apps/WallpaperPicker/ * 2b021c4 WallpaperPicker: Update for wallpaper API changes #### system/bt/ * 6157819 Promotion of bt.lnx.2.1.c1-00059. * 9dfb545 Merge "AV: Use separate AV sig timeout timer for dual connections." into bt.lnx.2.1.c1-dev 06-29-2017 ============ #### build/ * a2f759c Disable recovery resource warning * 29849f1 Revert "Preventing default locale from being overridden because of buildinfo.sh" * 13505f0 Revert "build: skip 'ro.product.device' using new macro "TARGET_SKIP_PRODUCT_DEVICE"" * dbe4d61 Makefile: Add the missing dependency on FUTILITY. * 14e6c9f Build FUTILITY tool from futility-host. #### device/oneplus/oneplus3/ * 946754c op3: Update ramdisk to LA.UM.5.5.r1-05100-8x96.0 #### frameworks/base/ * 2924709 ActivityStarter: Fix protected app intents * 7d5b280 SystemUI: Make play queue toggle more visible * c41bff4 Volume Panel: Fix Bluetooth music stream icon when muted * 0679fa4 Add support for the .opus file format #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * bd88991 Merge "input: touchscreen: validate bounds of intr_reg_num" * 5ce33e2 Merge "usb: bam: Remove inactivity_timer sysfs attribute" * bec292b Merge "msm: camera: Fix NULL pointer dereference in msm_vb2.c." * a741f2b Merge "power: qpnp-smbcharger: Release wakeup source on USB removal" * 33dc4bd Merge "qcdev: Check the digest length during the SHA operations" * c5bdb4d Merge "soc: qcom: Initialize message pointer with NULL" * 0c8c475 input: touchscreen: validate bounds of intr_reg_num * 1ed113a usb: bam: Remove inactivity_timer sysfs attribute #### kernel/xiaomi/msm8956/ * f2a4824 net: usb: rmnet_usb_ctrl:Make sure list_head operate atomically #### packages/apps/Settings/ * dffe3ae Settings: Hide disabled lockscreen blur from search index * d033a65 Settings: handle decrypting larger pattern sizes for sw600dp * cc69056 Revert "Settings: Fix internal storage summary for non-emulated storage" * afac342 Settings: Fix automatic hotspot turn off summary * 962926d Settings: Make string untranslatable #### vendor/cm/ * 94925ac apns-conf: Add Japan Umobile APNs * 65227e7 sensitive_pn: Add sensitive numbers for Greece * 980082e sensitive_pn: fix Czech Republic MCC * 93c4774 sensitive_pn: Add Taiwanese sensitive numbers * 0d0b4a0 Add sensitive numbers for Ukraine. * 25aa89e Add Virgin Media Ireland to APN's * 0d7863e sensitive_pn: Add additional FR number * ea6ec70 sensitive_pn: Add additional GB numbers * 5cdcee9 sensitive_pn: Add additional PT numbers * 5873f8b sensitive_pn: add missing phone number for Brazil * 1498b34 roomservice: Search for repos in lineage snippet too * e0f8cfc roomservice: Remove support for devices in main manifest * eb80e6f Add sensitive numbers for Israel. * a632682 sensitive_pn: Add sensitive phone numbers for Czech Republic * a0723e8 sensitive_pn: Add Canadian sensitive numbers * 3483b70 sensitive_pn: Add more numbers from the Netherlands #### vendor/xiaomi/ * 95ed7e4 capricorn: Update blobs from latest 7.0 release 06-28-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8996/ * bfbb965 mm-video-v4l2: vdec: Do not reset c2d init success variable. #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 12c21b0 msm: camera: Fix NULL pointer dereference in msm_vb2.c. #### kernel/samsung/smdk4412/ * b553e0e cypress: BLN: Fix missing bln_enabled check #### packages/apps/DUI/ #### packages/apps/Jelly/ * 69173dd Jelly: Add show/hide keyboard utilities #### packages/apps/Messaging/ * d1e7aec Messaging: Don't crash on unsupported shared content type * 53b0ba3 Messaging: Request external storage permission before handling shared files #### packages/apps/OmniSwitch/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ 06-27-2017 ============ #### device/asus/deb/ * 233d9cc deb:enable night light #### device/moto/shamu/ * 814bcef shamu: Set correct cpuset for all services #### external/stagefright-plugins/ * 931ae6b FFmpegExtractor: Fix "supported" typo in logs #### frameworks/av/ * eb9cc20 CameraService: Fix cameraId type of onDeviceStatusChanged #### hardware/samsung/ * f6e983c AdvancedDisplay: Refactor #### kernel/google/msm/ * 862c1fd ring-buffer: Prevent overflow of size in ring_buffer_resize() * 42fa2aa KEYS: Disallow keyrings beginning with '.' to be joined as session keyrings * 939b274 splice: introduce FMODE_SPLICE_READ and FMODE_SPLICE_WRITE * 8bdb86f mpi: Fix NULL ptr dereference in mpi_powm() [ver #3] * 612813a msm: camera: sensor: Validate eeprom_name string length * 7a939ce qseecom: add mutex around qseecom_set_client_mem_param * 06f8886 ipv6: Check ip6_find_1stfragopt() return value properly. * 060af5e ipv6: Prevent overrun when parsing v6 header options * 5d5a14d fs: fuse: Add replacment for CMA pages into the LRU cache * 3c52ce1 prima: Use heap memory for station_info instead of stack * b293354 ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: set pointer to NULL after free. * 1feb1d1 usb: diag: change %p to %pK in debug messages #### kernel/lge/hammerhead/ * d462ad5 ext4: fix fencepost in s_first_meta_bg validation * 4283989 fs: fuse: Add replacment for CMA pages into the LRU cache * 1c388d3 net: wireless: bcmdhd: fix overrun in dhd_pno_set_cfg_gscan * fcfc79d ext4: validate s_first_meta_bg at mount time #### kernel/oneplus/msm8996/ * 033997c power: qpnp-smbcharger: Release wakeup source on USB removal * 7800bf5 msm: ADSPRPC: Null check for file session context during device release * 95d439a qcdev: Check the digest length during the SHA operations * d260684 soc: qcom: Initialize message pointer with NULL * 8c75fde msm: sensor: validating the flash initialization parameters * 583be4a ASoC: wcd-mbhc: disable electrical interrupts when cable type is NONE * b5b3abd msm: mdss: Ensure mdp splash cleanup before initiating rotation request #### packages/apps/Jelly/ * 9a5fcdd Jelly: Search on Enter key * 74c7e51 Jelly: Don't reload on keyboard changes #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 7470d86 Add device Samsung Galaxy S4 VE GT-I9515 jfvelte (#813) #### vendor/samsung/ * 13e36de Revert "apq8084-common: move camera.vendor.apq8084.so to camera.apq8084.so" #### vendor/xiaomi/ * 4896765 natrium: Update ACDB data