#!/bin/bash #Step 1 make /boot writable--------------------------------- sleep 2s filewebsite="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RetroFlag/retroflag-picase/master" mount -o remount, rw /boot mount -o remount, rw / #Step 3) Download Python script----------------------------- mkdir /opt/RetroFlag sleep 2s script=/opt/RetroFlag/SafeShutdown.py if [ -e $script ]; then wget --no-check-certificate -O $script "$filewebsite""/recalbox_SafeShutdown_gpi.py" else wget --no-check-certificate -O $script "$filewebsite""/recalbox_SafeShutdown_gpi.py" fi #----------------------------------------------------------- sleep 2s #Step 4) Enable Python script to run on start up------------ DIR=/etc/init.d/S99RetroFlag if grep -q "python $script &" "S99RetroFlag"; then if [ -x $DIR]; then echo "Executable S99RetroFlag already configured. Doing nothing." else chmod +x $DIR fi else echo "python $script &" >> $DIR chmod +x $DIR echo "Executable S99RetroFlag configured." fi #----------------------------------------------------------- #Step 5) Reboot to apply changes---------------------------- echo "RetroFlag Pi Case Switch installation done. Will now reboot after 3 seconds." sleep 3 reboot #-----------------------------------------------------------