#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script will install the 3rd party script installer # for Hursty's Themes. # These themes are to be used on a Raspberry Pi / RetroPie build # It also includes the Motion Blue Unified ES bootup themes randomizer script # Download repository rm -rf "/tmp/hursty" mkdir -p "/tmp/hursty" git clone "https://github.com/RetroHursty69/HurstyThemes.git" "/tmp/hursty" # Move files to proper directory cp /tmp/hursty/hurstythemes.sh /home/pi/RetroPie/retropiemenu chmod 777 /home/pi/RetroPie/retropiemenu/hurstythemes.sh cp /tmp/hursty/hurstythemes.png /home/pi/RetroPie/retropiemenu/icons if [[ -d "/home/pi/scripts" ]]; then echo "exists" > /dev/null else mkdir /home/pi/scripts fi cp /tmp/hursty/themerandom.sh /home/pi/scripts chmod 777 /home/pi/scripts/themerandom.sh # Update RetroPie gamelist.xml to add new entry cp /opt/retropie/configs/all/emulationstation/gamelists/retropie/gamelist.xml /opt/retropie/configs/all/emulationstation/gamelists/retropie/gamelist.xml.bkp cp /opt/retropie/configs/all/emulationstation/gamelists/retropie/gamelist.xml /tmp cat /tmp/gamelist.xml |grep -v "" > /tmp/templist.xml ifexist=`cat /tmp/templist.xml |grep hurstythemes |wc -l` if [[ ${ifexist} > 0 ]]; then echo "already in gamelist.xml" > /tmp/exists else echo " " >> /tmp/templist.xml echo " ./hurstythemes.sh" >> /tmp/templist.xml echo " Hursty's Themes" >> /tmp/templist.xml echo " Install, uninstall, or update RetroHursty69's EmulationStation themes. It also includes an ES bootup theme randomizer to automatically switch themes on bootup." >> /tmp/templist.xml echo " ./icons/hurstythemes.png" >> /tmp/templist.xml echo " 1" >> /tmp/templist.xml echo " " >> /tmp/templist.xml echo " " >> /tmp/templist.xml echo "" >> /tmp/templist.xml cp /tmp/templist.xml /opt/retropie/configs/all/emulationstation/gamelists/retropie/gamelist.xml fi