#include "ProcessManager.hpp" #include "TcpSocket.hpp" #include "Messages.hpp" #include "Constants.hpp" #include "EventManager.hpp" #include "Exceptions.hpp" #include "ErrorStringsExt.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #define GAME_START_INTERVAL ( 2000 ) #define GAME_START_ATTEMPTS ( 30 ) #define PIPE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT ( 60000 ) #define CC_KEY_CONFIG "System\\_App.ini" string ProcessManager::gameDir; string ProcessManager::appDir; ProcessManager::ProcessManager ( Owner *owner ) : owner ( owner ) {} ProcessManager::~ProcessManager() { disconnectPipe(); } void ProcessManager::socketAccepted ( Socket *serverSocket ) { ASSERT ( serverSocket == _ipcSocket.get() ); ASSERT ( serverSocket->isServer() == true ); _ipcSocket = serverSocket->accept ( this ); LOG ( "ipcSocket=%08x", _ipcSocket.get() ); ASSERT ( _ipcSocket->address.addr == "" ); _ipcSocket->send ( new IpcConnected() ); } void ProcessManager::socketConnected ( Socket *socket ) { ASSERT ( socket == _ipcSocket.get() ); ASSERT ( _ipcSocket->address.addr == "" ); _ipcSocket->send ( new IpcConnected() ); } void ProcessManager::socketDisconnected ( Socket *socket ) { ASSERT ( socket == _ipcSocket.get() ); disconnectPipe(); LOG ( "IPC disconnected" ); if ( owner ) owner->ipcDisconnected(); } void ProcessManager::socketRead ( Socket *socket, const MsgPtr& msg, const IpAddrPort& address ) { ASSERT ( socket == _ipcSocket.get() ); ASSERT ( address.addr == "" ); if ( msg && msg->getMsgType() == MsgType::IpcConnected ) { ASSERT ( _connected == false ); _connected = true; _gameStartTimer.reset(); if ( owner ) owner->ipcConnected(); return; } owner->ipcRead ( msg ); } void ProcessManager::timerExpired ( Timer *timer ) { ASSERT ( timer == _gameStartTimer.get() ); if ( _gameStartCount >= GAME_START_ATTEMPTS && !isConnected() ) { disconnectPipe(); LOG ( "Failed to start game" ); if ( owner ) owner->ipcDisconnected(); return; } _gameStartTimer->start ( GAME_START_INTERVAL ); ++_gameStartCount; LOG ( "Trying to start game (%d)", _gameStartCount ); void *hwnd = 0; if ( ! ( hwnd = findWindow ( CC_STARTUP_TITLE, false ) ) ) return; if ( ! ( hwnd = FindWindowEx ( ( HWND ) hwnd, 0, 0, CC_STARTUP_BUTTON ) ) ) return; if ( ! PostMessage ( ( HWND ) hwnd, BM_CLICK, 0, 0 ) ) return; } void ProcessManager::openGame ( bool highPriority, bool isTraining ) { LOG ( "Opening pipe" ); _pipe = CreateNamedPipe ( NAMED_PIPE, // name of the pipe PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, // 2-way pipe PIPE_TYPE_BYTE | PIPE_READMODE_BYTE | PIPE_WAIT, // byte stream + blocking 1, // only allow 1 instance of this pipe 1024, // outbound buffer size 1024, // inbound buffer size 0, // use default wait time 0 ); // use default security attributes if ( _pipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ){ _pipe = CreateNamedPipe ( NAMED_PIPE2, // name of the pipe PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, // 2-way pipe PIPE_TYPE_BYTE | PIPE_READMODE_BYTE | PIPE_WAIT, // byte stream + blocking 1, // only allow 1 instance of this pipe 1024, // outbound buffer size 1024, // inbound buffer size 0, // use default wait time 0 ); // use default security attributes } if ( _pipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) THROW_WIN_EXCEPTION ( GetLastError(), "CreateNamedPipe failed", ERROR_PIPE_OPEN ); LOG ( "appDir='%s'", appDir ); LOG ( "gameDir='%s'", gameDir ); string path = appDir + LAUNCHER; vector stringArgs; stringArgs.push_back ( "\"" + path + "\"" ); stringArgs.push_back ( "\"" + gameDir + MBAA_EXE + "\"" ); stringArgs.push_back ( "\"" + appDir + HOOK_DLL + "\"" ); stringArgs.push_back ( "\"" + appDir + "framestep.dll" + "\"" ); if ( isTraining ) stringArgs.push_back ( "--framestep" ); if ( highPriority ) stringArgs.push_back ( "--high" ); #ifndef DISABLE_LOGGING stringArgs.push_back ( "--popup_errors" ); #endif unique_ptr argsPtr ( new const char *[stringArgs.size() + 1] ); auto *args = argsPtr.get(); for ( size_t i = 0; i < stringArgs.size(); i++ ) args[i] = stringArgs[i].c_str(); args[stringArgs.size()] = NULL; intptr_t returnCode = _spawnv ( _P_DETACH, path.c_str(), args ); if ( returnCode < 0 ) THROW_EXCEPTION ( "errno=%d", ERROR_PIPE_START, errno ); LOG ( "Connecting pipe" ); struct TimeoutThread : public Thread { void run() override { Sleep ( PIPE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT ); HANDLE tmpPipe = CreateFile ( NAMED_PIPE, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0 ); HANDLE tmpPipe2 = CreateFile ( NAMED_PIPE2, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0 ); if ( tmpPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) return; if ( tmpPipe2 == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) return; CloseHandle ( tmpPipe ); CloseHandle ( tmpPipe2 ); } }; ThreadPtr thread ( new TimeoutThread() ); thread->start(); EventManager::get().addThread ( thread ); if ( ! ConnectNamedPipe ( _pipe, 0 ) ) { int error = GetLastError(); if ( error != ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED ) THROW_WIN_EXCEPTION ( GetLastError(), "ConnectNamedPipe failed", ERROR_PIPE_START ); } LOG ( "Pipe connected" ); DWORD bytes; IpAddrPort ipcHost ( "", 0 ); if ( ! ReadFile ( _pipe, &ipcHost.port, sizeof ( ipcHost.port ), &bytes, 0 ) ) THROW_WIN_EXCEPTION ( GetLastError(), "ReadFile failed", ERROR_PIPE_RW ); if ( bytes != sizeof ( ipcHost.port ) ) THROW_EXCEPTION ( "read %d bytes, expected %d", ERROR_PIPE_RW, bytes, sizeof ( ipcHost.port ) ); LOG ( "ipcHost='%s'", ipcHost ); _ipcSocket = TcpSocket::connect ( this, ipcHost ); LOG ( "ipcSocket=%08x", _ipcSocket.get() ); if ( ! ReadFile ( _pipe, &_processId, sizeof ( _processId ), &bytes, 0 ) ) THROW_WIN_EXCEPTION ( GetLastError(), "ReadFile failed", ERROR_PIPE_RW ); if ( bytes != sizeof ( _processId ) ) THROW_EXCEPTION ( "read %d bytes, expected %d", ERROR_PIPE_RW, bytes, sizeof ( _processId ) ); LOG ( "processId=%08x", _processId ); _gameStartTimer.reset ( new Timer ( this ) ); _gameStartTimer->start ( GAME_START_INTERVAL ); _gameStartCount = 0; } void ProcessManager::closeGame() { if ( ! isConnected() ) return; disconnectPipe(); LOG ( "Closing game" ); // Find and close any lingering windows for ( const string& window : { CC_TITLE, CC_STARTUP_TITLE } ) { void *hwnd; if ( ( hwnd = findWindow ( window, false ) ) ) PostMessage ( ( HWND ) hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 ); } } void ProcessManager::disconnectPipe() { _gameStartTimer.reset(); _ipcSocket.reset(); if ( _pipe ) { CloseHandle ( ( HANDLE ) _pipe ); _pipe = 0; } _connected = false; } bool ProcessManager::getIsWindowed() { const string file = gameDir + CC_APP_CONFIG_FILE; LOG ( "Reading: %s", file ); string line, total; ifstream fin ( file ); while ( getline ( fin, line ) ) { vector parts = split ( line, "=" ); if ( parts.size() != 2 || parts[0] != CC_APP_WINDOW_MODE_KEY ) continue; return lexical_cast ( parts[1] ); } return false; } void ProcessManager::setIsWindowed ( bool enabled ) { const string file = gameDir + CC_APP_CONFIG_FILE; LOG ( "Reading: %s", file ); string line, total; ifstream fin ( file ); while ( getline ( fin, line ) ) { vector parts = split ( line, "=" ); if ( parts.size() != 2 || parts[0] != CC_APP_WINDOW_MODE_KEY ) { total += line + "\n"; continue; } total += format ( "%s= %u\n", CC_APP_WINDOW_MODE_KEY, enabled ); } fin.close(); LOG ( "Writing: %s", file ); ofstream fout ( file ); fout.write ( &total[0], total.size() ); fout.close(); } string ProcessManager::fetchGameUserName() { const string file = gameDir + CC_NETWORK_CONFIG_FILE; LOG ( "Reading: %s", file ); string line, buffer; ifstream fin ( file ); while ( getline ( fin, line ) ) { buffer.clear(); if ( line.substr ( 0, sizeof ( CC_NETWORK_USERNAME_KEY ) - 1 ) == CC_NETWORK_USERNAME_KEY ) { // Find opening quote size_t pos = line.find ( '"' ); if ( pos == string::npos ) break; buffer = line.substr ( pos + 1 ); // Find closing quote pos = buffer.rfind ( '"' ); if ( pos == string::npos ) break; buffer.erase ( pos ); break; } } fin.close(); return buffer; } array ProcessManager::fetchKeyboardConfig() { const string file = gameDir + MBAA_EXE; LOG ( "Reading: %s", file ); array config; for ( char& c : config ) c = 0; ifstream fin ( file, ios::binary ); if ( fin.good() ) fin.seekg ( CC_KEYBOARD_CONFIG_OFFSET ); if ( fin.good() ) fin.read ( &config[0], config.size() ); fin.close(); return config; } void *ProcessManager::findWindow ( const string& title, bool exact ) { static string tmpTitle; static HWND tmpHwnd; static bool tmpExact; tmpTitle = title; tmpHwnd = 0; tmpExact = exact; struct _ { static BOOL CALLBACK enumWindowsProc ( HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam ) { if ( hwnd == 0 ) return true; char buffer[4096]; GetWindowText ( hwnd, buffer, sizeof ( buffer ) ); if ( ! tmpHwnd ) { if ( tmpExact ) { if ( trimmed ( buffer ) == tmpTitle ) tmpHwnd = hwnd; } else { if ( trimmed ( buffer ).find ( tmpTitle ) == 0 ) tmpHwnd = hwnd; } } return true; } }; EnumWindows ( _::enumWindowsProc, 0 ); return tmpHwnd; } bool ProcessManager::isWine() { static char isWine = -1; // -1 means uninitialized if ( isWine >= 0 ) return isWine; HMODULE ntdll = GetModuleHandle ( "ntdll.dll" ); if ( ! ntdll ) { isWine = 0; return isWine; } isWine = ( GetProcAddress ( ntdll, "wine_get_version" ) ? 1 : 0 ); return isWine; } bool ProcessManager::isConnected() const { return ( _pipe && _ipcSocket && _ipcSocket->isClient() && _connected ); } bool ProcessManager::ipcSend ( Serializable& msg ) { return ipcSend ( MsgPtr ( &msg, ignoreMsgPtr ) ); } bool ProcessManager::ipcSend ( Serializable *msg ) { return ipcSend ( MsgPtr ( msg ) ); } bool ProcessManager::ipcSend ( const MsgPtr& msg ) { if ( ! isConnected() ) return false; else return _ipcSocket->send ( msg ); }