#include "MainUpdater.hpp" #include "Logger.hpp" #include "ProcessManager.hpp" #include #include #include using namespace std; // Main update archive file name #define UPDATE_ARCHIVE_FILE "update.zip" // Timeout for update version check #define VERSION_CHECK_TIMEOUT ( 1000 ) static const vector updateServers = { "" }; MainUpdater::MainUpdater ( Owner *owner ) : owner ( owner ) { if ( ProcessManager::isWine() ) { _downloadDir = ProcessManager::appDir; return; } char buffer[4096]; if ( GetTempPath ( sizeof ( buffer ), buffer ) ) _downloadDir = normalizeWindowsPath ( buffer ); if ( _downloadDir.empty() ) _downloadDir = ProcessManager::appDir; } void MainUpdater::fetch ( const Type& type ) { _type = type; _currentServerIdx = 0; doFetch ( type ); } void MainUpdater::doFetch ( const Type& type ) { string url = updateServers[_currentServerIdx]; switch ( type.value ) { case Type::Version: _targetVersion.code = ""; url += getVersionFilePath(); _httpGet.reset ( new HttpGet ( this, url, VERSION_CHECK_TIMEOUT ) ); _httpGet->start(); break; case Type::ChangeLog: url += CHANGELOG; _httpDownload.reset ( new HttpDownload ( this, url, _downloadDir + CHANGELOG ) ); _httpDownload->start(); break; case Type::Archive: if ( _targetVersion.empty() ) { std::string name = getTargetDescName(); name[0] = std::toupper(name[0]); LOG(name + " version is unknown"); if ( owner ) owner->fetchFailed ( this, Type::Archive ); return; } url += format ( "cccaster.v%s.zip", _targetVersion.code ); _httpDownload.reset ( new HttpDownload ( this, url, _downloadDir + UPDATE_ARCHIVE_FILE ) ); _httpDownload->start(); break; default: break; } } bool MainUpdater::openChangeLog() const { unordered_set folders = { _downloadDir, ProcessManager::appDir }; for ( const string& folder : folders ) { const DWORD val = GetFileAttributes ( ( folder + CHANGELOG ).c_str() ); if ( val != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES ) { if ( ProcessManager::isWine() ) system ( ( "notepad " + folder + CHANGELOG ).c_str() ); else system ( ( "\"start \"Viewing change log\" notepad " + folder + CHANGELOG + "\"" ).c_str() ); return true; } LOG ( "Missing: %s", folder + CHANGELOG ); } LOG ( "Could not open any change logs" ); return false; } bool MainUpdater::extractArchive() const { DWORD val = GetFileAttributes ( ( _downloadDir + UPDATE_ARCHIVE_FILE ).c_str() ); if ( val == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES ) { LOG ( "Missing: %s", _downloadDir + UPDATE_ARCHIVE_FILE ); return false; } if ( _targetVersion.empty() ) { std::string name = getTargetDescName(); name[0] = std::toupper(name[0]); LOG(name + " version is unknown"); return false; } const string srcUpdater = ProcessManager::appDir + FOLDER + UPDATER; string tmpUpdater = _downloadDir + UPDATER; if ( srcUpdater != tmpUpdater && ! CopyFile ( srcUpdater.c_str(), tmpUpdater.c_str(), FALSE ) ) tmpUpdater = srcUpdater; const string binary = format ( "cccaster.v%s.%s.exe", _targetVersion.major(), _targetVersion.minor() ); const string command = format ( "\"" + tmpUpdater + "\" %d %s %s %s", GetCurrentProcessId(), binary, _downloadDir + UPDATE_ARCHIVE_FILE, ProcessManager::appDir ); LOG ( "Binary: %s", binary ); LOG ( "Command: %s", command ); system ( ( "\"start \"Updating...\" " + command + "\"" ).c_str() ); exit ( 0 ); return true; } std::string MainUpdater::getVersionFilePath() const { switch (_channel.value) { case Channel::Stable: switch (_temporal.value) { case Temporal::Latest: return "LatestVersion"; case Temporal::Previous: return "PreviousVersion"; default: break; } case Channel::Dev: switch (_temporal.value) { case Temporal::Latest: return "LatestVersionDev"; case Temporal::Previous: return "PreviousVersionDev"; default: break; } break; default: break; } return "LatestVersion"; } std::string MainUpdater::getChannelName() const { switch (_channel.value) { case Channel::Dev: return "dev"; case Channel::Stable: return "stable"; default: return "unknown-channel"; } } std::string MainUpdater::getTemporalName() const { switch (_temporal.value) { case Temporal::Latest: return "latest"; case Temporal::Previous: return "previous"; default: return "unknown-temporal"; } } std::string MainUpdater::getTargetDescName() const { return getTemporalName() + " " + getChannelName(); } void MainUpdater::httpResponse ( HttpGet *httpGet, int code, const string& data, uint32_t remainingBytes ) { ASSERT ( _httpGet.get() == httpGet ); ASSERT ( _type == Type::Version ); Version version; vector versiondata; switch (_channel.value) { case Channel::Stable: version = Version( trimmed ( data ) ); break; case Channel::Dev: versiondata = split( data, "\n" ); LOG( versiondata[0] ); LOG( versiondata[1] ); LOG( versiondata[2] ); version = Version ( trimmed ( versiondata[0] ), trimmed ( versiondata[1] ), trimmed ( versiondata[2] ) ); break; default: version = Version( trimmed ( data ) ); break; } if ( code != 200 || version.major().empty() || version.minor().empty() ) { httpFailed ( httpGet ); return; } _httpGet.reset(); _targetVersion = version; if ( owner ) owner->fetchCompleted ( this, Type::Version ); } void MainUpdater::httpFailed ( HttpGet *httpGet ) { ASSERT ( _httpGet.get() == httpGet ); ASSERT ( _type == Type::Version ); _httpGet.reset(); ++_currentServerIdx; if ( _currentServerIdx >= updateServers.size() ) { if ( owner ) owner->fetchFailed ( this, Type::Version ); return; } doFetch ( Type::Version ); } void MainUpdater::downloadComplete ( HttpDownload *httpDownload ) { ASSERT ( _httpDownload.get() == httpDownload ); ASSERT ( _type == Type::ChangeLog || _type == Type::Archive ); _httpDownload.reset(); if ( owner ) owner->fetchCompleted ( this, _type ); } void MainUpdater::downloadFailed ( HttpDownload *httpDownload ) { ASSERT ( _httpDownload.get() == httpDownload ); ASSERT ( _type == Type::ChangeLog || _type == Type::Archive ); _httpDownload.reset(); ++_currentServerIdx; if ( _currentServerIdx >= updateServers.size() ) { if ( owner ) owner->fetchFailed ( this, _type ); return; } doFetch ( _type ); // Reset the download progress to zero downloadProgress ( _httpDownload.get(), 0, 1 ); } void MainUpdater::downloadProgress ( HttpDownload *httpDownload, uint32_t downloadedBytes, uint32_t totalBytes ) { if ( owner ) owner->fetchProgress ( this, _type, double ( downloadedBytes ) / totalBytes ); LOG ( "%u / %u", downloadedBytes, totalBytes ); }