set cut_paste_input [stack 0] version 6.3 v4 push $cut_paste_input Group { name auto_cleanplate4 help knobChanged "\nn = nuke.thisNode()\nk = nuke.thisKnob()\n#print n\['customframerange'].getValue()\nif\"customframerange\":\n n\['framerangestart'].setEnabled((n\['customframerange'].getValue())!=0)\n n\['framerangeend'].setEnabled(n\['customframerange'].getValue()!=0)\n n\['numberframes'].setEnabled((1-n\['customframerange'].getValue())!=0)\nif\"invertalpha\":\n n\['defaultinvert'].setValue((n\['invertalpha'].getValue())!=0)\nif\"method\":\n n\['vectordetail'].setVisible((n\['method'].getValue())==2)\n n\['smooth'].setVisible(n\['method'].getValue()==2)\n n\['differencegain'].setVisible((n\['method'].getValue())==1)\n n\['differencetimeoffset'].setVisible(n\['method'].getValue()==1)\n if n\['method'].getValue()==0:\n n\['invertalpha'].setValue(n\['defaultinvert'].getValue())\n if n\['method'].getValue()==2:\n n\['invertalpha'].setValue(0)\n" selected true xpos 3467 ypos 1307 addUserKnob {20 User} addUserKnob {26 text1 l "" +STARTLINE T "Foreground mask\n"} addUserKnob {4 method M {"Input alpha" "Difference Key" "Auto generated (Warning - HEAVY!)" "" ""}} addUserKnob {7 vectordetail l "Vector detail" +HIDDEN} vectordetail 1 addUserKnob {3 differencegain l "Difference Gain" +HIDDEN} differencegain 2000 addUserKnob {3 differencetimeoffset l "Time offset" +HIDDEN} differencetimeoffset 1 addUserKnob {7 smooth l Smoothness +HIDDEN} smooth 0.1 addUserKnob {6 invertalpha l "Invert alpha" +STARTLINE} invertalpha true addUserKnob {6 defaultinvert l INVISIBLE -STARTLINE +INVISIBLE} defaultinvert true addUserKnob {7 blur l "blur alpha" R 0 100} blur 15 addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {26 text2 l "" +STARTLINE T "Frame blend\n"} addUserKnob {3 numberframes l "Number of frames" +DISABLED} numberframes 20 addUserKnob {3 framerangestart l "Frame Range"} framerangestart 1 addUserKnob {3 framerangeend l "" -STARTLINE} framerangeend 100 addUserKnob {6 customframerange l Custom -STARTLINE} customframerange true addUserKnob {22 InputRange l "Input Range" -STARTLINE T "n = nuke.thisNode()\nf = n.firstFrame()\nl = n.lastFrame() \n\nn\['framerangestart'].setValue(f)\nn\['framerangeend'].setValue(l)"} addUserKnob {20 About} addUserKnob {26 textabout l "" +STARTLINE T "Auto Cleanplate v1.1\nby Richard Frazer 2015\n\nCleans foreground objects from the background \nto create a cleanplate. \nThe image must be stabilized so that the \nbackground is locked.\nRequires a matte for the foreground objects, \nwhich can either be the input alpha channel or \nautomatically generated using a differnce key or motion vectors.\n\nFull tutorial at"} } Input { inputs 0 name Input1 xpos -1386 ypos 934 } Dot { name Dot63 xpos -1352 ypos 1003 } set N2a267fa0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot1 xpos -987 ypos 1055 } set N2a254a10 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot2 xpos -849 ypos 1055 } { vectorDetail {{parent.vectordetail i}} smoothness {{parent.smooth i}} output Foreground matteComponent None Advanced 0 blockSize 6 oversmooth false Tolerances 0 weightRed 0.3 weightGreen 0.6 weightBlue 0.1 cacheBreaker false name F_VectorGenerator1 xpos -883 ypos 1117 } Shuffle { in forward blue black alpha black name Shuffle1 xpos -883 ypos 1155 } Expression { expr3 1-(r==0&&g==0?0:1) name Expression2 xpos -883 ypos 1196 } push $N2a254a10 ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 name ShuffleCopy8 xpos -1021 ypos 1196 } Dot { name Dot4 xpos -987 ypos 1272 } push $N2a267fa0 Dot { name Dot17 xpos -1230 ypos 1062 } set N57ae1c0 [stack 0] push $N57ae1c0 TimeOffset { time_offset {{parent.differencetimeoffset i}} name TimeOffset2 xpos -1170 ypos 1078 } Difference { inputs 2 gain {{parent.differencegain i}} name Difference2 xpos -1170 ypos 1139 } Invert { channels alpha name Invert7 xpos -1170 ypos 1182 } push $N57ae1c0 ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 name ShuffleCopy1 xpos -1256 ypos 1261 } push $N2a267fa0 Switch { inputs 3 which {{parent.method i}} name Switch1 xpos -1386 ypos 1337 } Dot { name Dot3 xpos -1352 ypos 1375 } set N2a280e90 [stack 0] Invert { channels alpha name Invert2 xpos -1490 ypos 1435 } push $N2a280e90 Switch { inputs 2 which {{parent.invertalpha}} name Switch2 xpos -1386 ypos 1516 } Blur { channels alpha size {{parent.blur}} name Blur1 xpos -1386 ypos 1649 } Premult { name Premult1 xpos -1386 ypos 1705 } FrameBlend { numframes {{parent.numberframes x1014 100}} startframe {{parent.framerangestart}} endframe {{parent.framerangeend}} userange {{parent.customframerange}} name FrameBlend3 xpos -1386 ypos 1751 } Unpremult { name Unpremult4 xpos -1386 ypos 1843 } Output { name Output1 xpos -1386 ypos 1942 } end_group