Lambda Behave Release Changelog =============================== 0.4 - 09/07/2014 ---------------- * Move to the Junit 4 model of re-initialising objects before each test to improve test isolation. * Fix a dependency issue with cglib that was blocked usage of Mockito 2.2 * Added more power to exception expectation matching (thanks Robert Firek) * and syntactic sugar to bounded expectations on (thanks Colin Vipurs) * Improved String matchin (thanks Ross Binden) * Fix README errors. (thanks Ross Binden) * Clarify the license in the Readme. * rename randomNumbers(long) to deterministicNumbers(long) 0.3 - 13/08/2014 ---------------- * Rename the methods that run before and after specifications. This is an incompatible change and end users will need to update their code bases appropriately. * Integrate and simplify the random number generation and the data driven testing APIs. * Add the ability to reset mocks. * Add combinators for using business domain objects in property based testing. * Start logging seed numbers for random number generators used in property based testing. * Improve the Javadoc due to feedback from the Great folks at the LJC. * Add integration with ScalaTest so that you can run lambda-behave tests through the scala-test infrastructure. * Fix several bugs related to API corner cases. * Reintegrate the examples project into the maven multi-module project. See for more details. 0.2 - 06/07/2014 ---------------- * Adds automatic test-case generation & property based testing. * Bans multiple specifications with the same name * Fixes stack traces being incorrectly reported in errors * Adds in more fluent expectations API with more overloads and support for arrays and exceptions 0.1 - 26/06/2014 ---------------- * Initial Release * Adds declaring and running specifications * Adds parameterised specifications * completes first cut of fluent expectations API