IOS Patcher Translation File (c) KcrPL --------------------------------------- Please fill these information: Author of translation: Name of your language in English: Your Discord username#discrim or EMAIL: Please only change the text on the right! (Don't change "set string=". Only the text on the right!) Also, I need your language code on your computer so the patcher can automatically load the language upon startup. Please open cmd.exe and run this command (copy the command below and in cmd.exe on Windows 7, on cmd.exe right click and Paste, on Windows 10 CTRL+V) Your computer must be set to the language that you're translating to! @echo off & FOR /F "tokens=2 delims==" %a IN ('wmic os get OSLanguage /Value') DO set OSLanguage=%a & echo OS Language: %OSLanguage% (If it outputs you %OSLanguage%, please paste it again and hit ENTER) Please fill -> OSLanguage= Without this ^ I won't accept your translation. set string1=Warning: Please run this application without admin privilages. set string2=Warning: patch.bat not found. You may be running this application from unknown and untrusted source. set string3=Start set string4=Send feedback/Report a bug set string5=Please mail us at if you have problems set string6=Type the number that you can see above and hit ENTER set string7=Welcome to the feedback sending/Reporting bugs screen. set string8=Press any key to copy the logs file to the Desktop. set string9=The file has been copied, it's now on your desktop. set string10=Now please send it to And please describe your problem or tell us your feedback! :) set string11=Press any key to continue. set string12=Safe mode set string13=Last BootUp was unsuccessfull. Launching in safe mode. set string14=Updating has been skipped. set string15=Launching powershell set string16=Checking for updates set string17=Please wait set string18=An Update is available set string19=An Update for this program is available. We suggest updating the IOS Patcher to the latest version. set string20=Current version set string21=New version set string22=Update set string23=Dismiss set string24=What's new in this update? set string25=Updating set string26=IOS Patcher will restart shortly set string27=What's new in update set string28=Error. What's new is not available at the moment. set string29=Error set string30=Some files needed to run this program weren't found. set string31=Press any key to redownload these files. set string32=IOS Patcher Update System. set string33=The latest version is installed. set string34=An Update is available. set string35=Safe mode activated. set string36=I don't have access to files on your computer set string37=Update Server is not available. set string38=Press C to read more. set string39=Configuring set string40=Are you gonna be using this patcher for Wii or WiiU? set string41=The latest version of IOS Patcher is now installed. set string42=Safe mode is turned on. Updating has been skipped. Please restart the patcher to disable safe mode. set string43=I don't have access to files on your computer. That doesn't mean that I can't work. set string44=I will try to patch IOS's. But updating has been skipped. set string45=We could not connect to the update server. Please check your internet connection. set string46=It can also mean that the server is under maintance now. set string47=Unfortunately, you cannot use this patcher for Wii U. set string48=We need to download IOS 31 and 80. set string49=Press any button to proceed to download. set string50=Downloading set string51=There was an error while patching. set string52=Error Code set string53=Failing module set string54=Please mail us at and describe your problem to us. set string55=Please check your internet connection. set string56=Please install .NET Framework 3.5, then try to patch again. set string57=Sharpii general failure. set string58=Press any key to return to main menu. set string59=Patching is done. set string60=Do you want to copy patched files to an SD Card? set string61=Yes set string62=No set string63=Copy files to Desktop and exit set string64=Copying set string65=SD Card set string66=An SD card was not found in the system. set string67=Please connect SD Card and press any key to try again. set string68=Current SD Card Letter set string69=Do you want to change SD Card drive letter? set string70=Continue and copy files to SD Card set string71=Change drive letter set string72=Exit set string73=There was an error while copying files. set string74=Thanks for using the Patcher! set string75=Patching is done set string76=Patched IOS files will be in folder called "WAD". set string77=Files has been copied to SD Card to folder called "WAD" set string78=Exiting the patcher in... set string79=Attempt to load diacritic characters [Windows 8.1/10] Done! Please send it back to me on Discord (KcrPL#4625) or send this to our support email (