#visual studio code for quick code editing(cannot used to manage ASP.NET site, needs visual studio for that) Write-Output "choco install vscode -y" choco install vscode -y # .NET 4.6.2 devpack # required for installer compilation(can either be here or prerequisite) # https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53321 # Write-Output "choco install netfx-4.6.2-devpack -y" # choco install netfx-4.6.2-devpack -y # .NET 4.8 devpack # required (can either be here or prerequisite) # https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-framework/net48 Write-Output "choco install netfx-4.8-devpack -y" choco install netfx-4.8-devpack -y #Write-Output "choco install adobereader -y" #choco install adobereader -y #Write-Output "choco install googlechrome -y" #choco install googlechrome -y #stick to nodejs 10.x #this is much more light weight than 12.x which requires visual studio build tools #12.x is needed for other react development, say react-native or expo but not Rintagi react #Write-Output "choco install nodejs --version=10.16.3 -y" #choco install nodejs --version=10.16.3 -y #this is nodejs 12.x as of 7/6/2020 Write-Output "choco install nodejs-lts -y" choco install nodejs-lts -y #force reloading of path after nodejs installation $env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User") #below is a must for nodejs 12+ as node-sass require build from source instead of avaiable binary packages #no longer needed as there are now binary package available for node-sass via npm install don't need to build locally #Write-Output "npm install --global windows-build-tools" #npm install --global windows-build-tools #git for windows #for version control, not required by highly recommended Write-Output "choco install git -y" choco install git -y #helpful and recommended even for non-developer and most likely needed when using SQL express(non-enterprise use) #SQL Server Management Sutdio 18.10(to support newer SQL server) #Write-Output "choco install sql-server-management-studio --version=15.0.18390.0 -y" #choco install sql-server-management-studio --version=15.0.18390.0 #can't specify version as choco remove package from time to time Write-Output "choco install sql-server-management-studio" choco install sql-server-management-studio # crystal report viewer runtime(this take a long time as it is a full VS package for both 32/64 bit) # below are the 'main site' # https://origin.softwaredownloads.sap.com/public/site/index.html # 64 bit runtime (SP 33) # https://origin-az.softwaredownloads.sap.com/public/file/0020000001649962022 # 32 bit runtime (SP 33) # https://origin-az.softwaredownloads.sap.com/public/file/0020000001649922022 # 32 bit for VS(VS2019 or lower) must have VS installed # https://origin-az.softwaredownloads.sap.com/public/file/0020000001649932022 # 64 bit for VS(VS2022 only) must have VS installed(at the time of writing only SP32 works, not SP33) # https://origin-az.softwaredownloads.sap.com/public/file/0020000000661582022 # all version should have 13.0.4000.0 as the assembly version if required in web.config Write-Output "use browser and go to https://origin-az.softwaredownloads.sap.com/public/file/0020000000661582022 to download crystal report for VS(64 bit, SP32 VS2022 only)" Write-Output "then run the exe" Write-Output "the assembly version number is 13.0.4000.0" Write-Output "or visit https://origin.softwaredownloads.sap.com/public/site/index.html if above fails(and find correct version, must be under crystal report for visual studio)" Write-Output "must also install the 32 bit runtime(part of the package) if you want to use the designer" Write-Output "must reboot to have the installation take effect" Write-Output "install msvc++ 2013 re-dist" Write-Output "this is needed if you need to use crystal report designer 64 bit for vs 2022" choco install MSVisualCplusplus2013-redist 1.1 Write-Output "You have to reboot for nodejs installation to be initialized properly"