#!/bin/bash #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# # # # RIPA Commander Script # # by tharude a.k.a The Forging Penguin # # thanks ViperTKD for the helping hand # # 21/03/2018 RIPA Team # # # #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# ### Adding some color ### # Line coloring functions function red { echo -e "$(tput bold; tput setaf 1)$1$(tput sgr0)" } function igreen { echo -e "$(tput bold; tput setaf 0; tput setab 2)$1$(tput sgr0)" } function ired { echo -e "$(tput bold; tput setaf 3; tput setab 1)$1$(tput sgr0)" } function green { echo -e "$(tput bold; tput setaf 2)$1$(tput sgr0)" } function yellow { echo -e "$(tput bold; tput setaf 3)$1$(tput sgr0)" } function orange { echo -e "$(tput bold; tput setaf 5; tput setab 3)$1$(tput sgr0)" } ### Checking if the script is started as root ### if [ "$(id -u)" = "0" ]; then clear echo -e "\n$(ired " !!! This script should NOT be started using sudo or as the root user !!! ") " echo -e "\nUse $(green "bash RIPAShell_mainnet.sh") as a REGULAR user instead" echo -e "Execute ONCE $(green "chmod +x RIPA_commander_mainnet.sh") followed by $(green "ENTER")" echo -e "and start it only by $(green "./RIPA_commander_mainnet.sh") as regular user after\n" exit 1 fi ### Checking the Virtualization Environment ### if [ $(systemd-detect-virt -c) != "none" ]; then clear echo "$(ired " ")" echo "$(ired " OpenVZ / LXC / Virtuoso Container detected! ")" echo "$(ired " ")" echo "$(ired " Running RIPA Node on a Container based virtual system is not recommended! ")" echo "$(ired " Please change your VPS provider with one that uses hardware Virtualization. ")" echo "$(ired " ")" echo "$(ired " This script will now exit! ")" echo "$(ired " ")" exit 1 fi # TEMP N # sudo apt-get install npm # sudo npm install -g n # sudo n 6.9.2 # ---------------------------------- # Variables # ---------------------------------- EDIT=nano GIT_ORIGIN=master LOC_SERVER="http://localhost:5500" ADDRESS="" SNAPDIR="$HOME/snapshots" SNAPURL="https://snapshot.ripaex.io/current" DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" re='^[0-9]+$' # For numeric checks #pubkey="0369093c456fd8704ae4e401f3b3a3ad1581453cf7feb34c513a2f599f9adf6aac" # Logfile log="install_ripa.log" #~ SEED NODES ~# seed0=("" "seed01") #seed1=("" "seed02") #seed2=("" "seed03") #seed3=("" "seed04") #seed4=("" "seed05") #~ API CALL ~# apicall="/api/loader/status/sync" # ---------------------------------- # Arrays # ---------------------------------- # Install prereq packages array declare -a array=("postgresql" "postgresql-contrib" "libpq-dev" "build-essential" "python" "git" "curl" "jq" "libtool" "autoconf" "locales" "automake" "locate" "wget" "zip" "unzip" "htop" "nmon" "iftop") #~ Network height checker ~# #declare -a nodes=(seed0[@] seed1[@] seed2[@] seed3[@] seed4[@]) declare -a nodes=(seed0[@]) declare -a height=() # Get array length arraylength=${#nodes[@]} # ---------------------------------- # Functions # ---------------------------------- # ASCII Art function function asciiart { clear tput bold; tput setaf 6 cat << "EOF" 8888888b. 8888888 8888888b. d8888 888b 888 .d88888b. 8888888b. 8888888888 888 Y88b 888 888 Y88b d88888 8888b 888 d88P" "Y88b 888 "Y88b 888 888 888 888 888 888 d88P888 88888b 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 d88P 888 888 d88P d88P 888 888Y88b 888 888 888 888 888 8888888 8888888P" 888 8888888P" d88P 888 888 Y88b888 888 888 888 888 888 888 T88b 888 888 d88P 888 888 Y88888 888 888 888 888 888 888 T88b 888 888 d8888888888 888 Y8888 Y88b. .d88P 888 .d88P 888 888 T88b 8888888 888 d88P 888 888 Y888 "Y88888P" 8888888P" 8888888888 W E L C O M E T O T H E R I P A P 2 P E X C H A N G E N E T W O R K! EOF tput sgr0 } pause(){ read -p "$(yellow " Press [Enter] key to continue...")" fakeEnterKey } # Current Network Height function net_height { # Spawning curl netheight processes loop for n in {1..$arraylength..$arraylength}; do for (( i=1; i<${arraylength}+1; i++ )); do saddr=${!nodes[i-1]:0:1} echo $i $(curl -m 3 -s $saddr$apicall | cut -f 5 -d ":" | sed 's/,.*//' | sed 's/}$//') >> $HOME/tout.txt & done wait done # Array read while read ind line; do height[$ind]=$line # assign array values done < $HOME/tout.txt rm $HOME/tout.txt # Finding the highest seednodes block IFS=$'\n' highest=($(sort -nr <<<"${height[*]}")) unset IFS } # Find parent PID function top_level_parent_pid { # Look up the parent of the given PID. pid=${1:-$$} if [ "$pid" != "0" ]; then stat=($(&1` # Forever Process ID forever_process=`forever --plain list | grep $node | sed -nr 's/.*\[(.*)\].*/\1/p'` # Node process work directory nwd=`pwdx $node 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $2}'` } #PSQL Queries query() { PUBKEY="$(psql -d ripa_mainnet -t -c 'SELECT ENCODE("publicKey",'"'"'hex'"'"') as "publicKey" FROM mem_accounts WHERE "address" = '"'"$ADDRESS"'"' ;' | xargs)" DNAME="$(psql -d ripa_mainnet -t -c 'SELECT username FROM mem_accounts WHERE "address" = '"'"$ADDRESS"'"' ;' | xargs)" PROD_BLOCKS="$(psql -d ripa_mainnet -t -c 'SELECT producedblocks FROM mem_accounts WHERE "address" = '"'"$ADDRESS"'"' ;' | xargs)" MISS_BLOCKS="$(psql -d ripa_mainnet -t -c 'SELECT missedblocks FROM mem_accounts WHERE "address" = '"'"$ADDRESS"'"' ;' | xargs)" #BALANCE="$(psql -d ripa_mainnet -t -c 'SELECT (balance/100000000.0) as balance FROM mem_accounts WHERE "address" = '"'"$ADDRESS"'"' ;' | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//')" BALANCE="$(psql -d ripa_mainnet -t -c 'SELECT to_char(("balance"/100000000.0), '"'FM 999,999,999,990D00000000'"' ) as balance FROM mem_accounts WHERE "address" = '"'"$ADDRESS"'"' ;' | xargs)" FORGED="$(psql -d ripa_mainnet -t -c 'SELECT to_char((("fees" + "rewards")/100000000.0), '"'FM 999,999,999,990D00000000'"' ) as total_forged FROM mem_accounts WHERE "address" = '"'"$ADDRESS"'"' ;' | xargs)" HEIGHT="$(psql -d ripa_mainnet -t -c 'SELECT height FROM blocks ORDER BY HEIGHT DESC LIMIT 1;' | xargs)" RANK="$(psql -d ripa_mainnet -t -c 'WITH RANK AS (SELECT DISTINCT "publicKey", "vote", "round", row_number() over (order by "vote" desc nulls last) as "rownum" FROM mem_delegates where "round" = (select max("round") from mem_delegates) ORDER BY "vote" DESC) SELECT "rownum" FROM RANK WHERE "publicKey" = '"'"$PUBKEY"'"';' | xargs)" } # Stats Address Change change_address() { echo "$(yellow " Enter your delegate address for Stats")" echo "$(yellow " WITHOUT QUOTES, followed by 'ENTER'")" read -e -r -p "$(yellow " :") " inaddress while [ ! "${inaddress:0:1}" == "P" ] ; do echo -e "\n$(ired " Enter delegate ADDRESS, NOT the SECRET!")\n" read -e -r -p "$(yellow " :") " inaddress done ADDRESS=$inaddress # sed -i "s#\(.*ADDRESS\=\)\( .*\)#\1 "\"$inaddress\""#" $DIR/$BASH_SOURCE sed -i "1,/\(.*ADDRESS\=\)/s#\(.*ADDRESS\=\)\(.*\)#\1"\"$inaddress\""#" $DIR/$BASH_SOURCE } # Snapshot URL Change change_snapurl() { DID_BREAK=0 echo -e "\n$(yellow " Press CTRL+C followed by ENTER to return to menu")\n" echo "$(yellow " Enter your snapshot URL")" echo "$(yellow " WITHOUT QUOTES, followed by 'ENTER'")" trap "DID_BREAK=1" SIGINT read -e -r -p "$(yellow " :") " insnapurl while [ ! "${insnapurl:0:4}" == "http" ] ; do if [ "$DID_BREAK" -eq 0 ] ; then echo -e "\n$(yellow " Use Ctrl+C followed by ENTER to return to menu")" echo -e "\n $(ired " The URL must begin with 'http' ")\n" read -e -r -p "$(yellow " :") " insnapurl else break fi done if [ "$DID_BREAK" -eq 1 ] ; then init else SNAPURL=$insnapurl sed -i "1,/\(.*SNAPURL\=\)/s#\(.*SNAPURL\=\)\(.*\)#\1"\"$insnapurl\""#" $DIR/$BASH_SOURCE fi } # Forging Turn turn() { if [ "$ADDRESS" == "" ] ; then change_address fi # pause while true; do # trap : INT query net_height asciiart proc_vars queue=`curl --connect-timeout 3 -f -s $LOC_SERVER/api/delegates/getNextForgers?limit=101 | jq ".delegates"` is_forging=`curl -s --connect-timeout 1 $LOC_SERVER/api/delegates/forging/status?publicKey=$PUBKEY 2>/dev/null | jq ".enabled"` is_syncing=`curl -s --connect-timeout 1 $LOC_SERVER/api/loader/status/sync 2>/dev/null | jq ".syncing"` BLOCK_SUM=$((MISS_BLOCKS+PROD_BLOCKS)) if ! [[ $BLOCK_SUM -eq 0 ]] then RATIO=$((20000 * PROD_BLOCKS / BLOCK_SUM % 2 + 10000 * PROD_BLOCKS / BLOCK_SUM)) [[ $PROD_BLOCKS == 0 ]] && RATIO=0 || RATIO=$(sed 's/..$/.&/;t;s/^.$/.0&/' <<< $RATIO) else RATIO=0 fi pos=0 for position in $queue do position=`echo "$position" | tr -d '",'` if [[ $PUBKEY == $position ]]; then # echo "$position : $pos <==" turn=$pos fi pos=`expr $pos + 1` done git_upd_check echo -e "$(yellow "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")" echo -e "$(green " NODE STATS")" echo -e "$(yellow "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")" echo echo -e "$(green " Delegate : ")$(yellow "$DNAME")" echo -e "$(green " Forging : ")$(yellow "$is_forging")" echo -e "$(green " Current Rank : ")$(yellow "$RANK")" echo -e "$(green " Forging Position : ")$(yellow "$turn")" echo -e "$(green " Node Blockheight : ")$(yellow "$HEIGHT")" echo -e "$(green " Net Height : ")$(yellow "$highest")" # echo -e "$(green "Public Key:")\n$(yellow "$PUBKEY")\n" echo -e "$(green " Forged Blocks : ")$(yellow "$PROD_BLOCKS")" echo -e "$(green " Missed Blocks : ")$(yellow "$MISS_BLOCKS")" echo -e "$(green " Productivity : ")$(yellow "$RATIO"%)" echo -e "$(green " Total forged : ")$(yellow "$FORGED")" echo -e "$(green " RIPA Balance : ")$(yellow "$BALANCE")" echo echo -e "\n$(yellow "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")" if [ -e $ripadir/app.js ]; then echo -e "\n$(green " ✔ RIPA Node installation found!")\n" if [ "$node" != "" ] && [ "$node" != "0" ]; then echo -e "$(green " RIPA Node process is running with:")" echo -e "$(green " System PID: $node, Forever PID $forever_process")" echo -e "$(green " and Work Directory: $ripadir")\n" else echo -e "\n$(red " ✘ No RIPA Node process is running")\n" fi else echo -e "\n$(red " ✘ No RIPA Node installation is found")\n" fi echo -e "\n$(yellow "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")" echo -e "\n$(yellow " Press 'Enter' to terminate ")" read -t 4 && break #sleep 4 done } # Stats Display function stats { asciiart proc_vars is_forging=`curl -s --connect-timeout 1 $LOC_SERVER/api/delegates/forging/status?publicKey=$pubkey 2>/dev/null | jq ".enabled"` is_syncing=`curl -s --connect-timeout 1 $LOC_SERVER/api/loader/status/sync 2>/dev/null | jq ".syncing"` if [ "$node" != "" ] && [ "$node" != "0" ]; then echo -e "$(green " Instance of RIPA Node found with:")" echo -e "$(green " System PID: $node, Forever PID $forever_process")" echo -e "$(green " Directory: $ripadir")\n" else echo -e "\n$(red " ✘ RIPA Node process is not running")\n" pause fi } # Updating the locate database function db_up { echo -e "$(red "Please enter your sudo password for user $USER")" sudo updatedb } # Update and upgrade the OS function os_up { asciiart echo -e "$(yellow " Checking for system updates...")\n" sudo apt-get update >&- 2>&- #-yqq 2>/dev/null avail_upd=`/usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check 2>&1 | cut -d ';' -f 1` sec_upd=`/usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check 2>&1 | cut -d ';' -f 2` if [ "$avail_upd" == 0 ]; then echo -e "$(green " There are no updates available")\n" sleep 1 else echo -e "\n$(red " There are $avail_upd updates available")" echo -e "$(red " $sec_upd of them are security updates")" echo -e "\n$(yellow " Updating the system...")" sudo apt-get upgrade -yqq >&- 2>&- #2>/dev/null sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -yq >&- 2>&- #2>/dev/null #sudo apt-get purge nodejs postgresql postgresql-contrib samba* sudo apt-get autoremove -yyq >&- 2>&- #2>/dev/null sudo apt-get autoclean -yq >&- 2>&- #2>/dev/null echo -e "\n$(green " ✔ The system was updated!")" echo -e "\n$(red " System restart is recommended!\n")" fi } # Install prerequisites function prereq { # Get array length arraylength=${#array[@]} # Installation loop echo -e "$(yellow "-----------------------------------------------")" for (( i=1; i<${arraylength}+1; i++ )); do asciiart; echo -e "$(yellow " Installing prerequisites...") " echo -e "$(yellow "-----------------------------------------------")" # added echo -e "$(yellow " $i / ${arraylength} : ${array[$i-1]}")" if [ $(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' ${array[$i-1]} 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed") -eq 0 ]; then sudo apt-get install -yqq >&- 2>&- ${array[$i-1]}; else echo "$(green " Package: ${array[$i-1]} is already installed!")" fi echo -e "$(yellow "-----------------------------------------------")" sleep 0.5 clear done } # Install and set locale function set_locale { # Checking Locale first asciiart if [ `locale -a | grep ^en_US.UTF-8` ] || [ `locale -a | grep ^en_US.utf8` ] ; then echo -e "$(green " ✔ Locale en_US.UTF-8 is installed")\n" echo -e "$(yellow " Checking if the locale is set in bashrc...")" if `grep -E "(en_US.UTF-8)" $HOME/.bashrc` ; then echo -e "\n$(green " ✔ bashrc is already set")" else # Setting the bashrc locale echo -e "$(red " ✘ Not set yet. Setting the bashrc locale...")" echo -e "export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo -e "export LANG=en_US.UTF-8" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo -e "export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo -e "$(green " ✔ bashrc locale was set")\n" # Setting the current shell locale echo -e "$(yellow " Setting current shell locale...")\n" export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 echo -e "$(green " ✔ Shell locale was set")" fi else # Install en_US.UTF-8 Locale echo -e "$(red " ✘ Locale en_US.UTF-8 is not installed")\n" echo -e "$(yellow " Generating locale en_US.UTF-8...")" sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 sudo update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8 echo -e "$(green " ✔ Locale generated successfully.")\n" # Setting the current shell locale echo -e "$(yellow " Setting current shell locale...")\n" export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 echo -e "$(green " ✔ Shell locale was set")\n" # Setting the bashrc locale echo -e "$(yellow " Setting the bashrc locale...")\n" echo "export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo "export LANG=en_US.UTF-8" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo "export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo -e "$(green " ✔ bashrc locale was set")" fi } # Install and set NTP function ntpd { # Check if ve are running in a OpenVZ or LXC Container for NTP Install if [ $(systemd-detect-virt) == "lxc" ] || [ $(systemd-detect-virt) == "openvz" ]; then echo -e "Your host is running in LXC or OpenVZ container. NTP is not required. \n" else echo -e "Checking if NTP is running first... \n" if ! sudo pgrep -x "ntpd" > /dev/null; then echo -e "No NTP found. Installing... " sudo apt-get install ntp -yyq &>> $log sudo service ntp stop &>> $log sudo ntpd -gq &>> $log sleep 2 sudo service ntp start &>> $log sleep 2 if ! sudo pgrep -x "ntpd" > /dev/null; then echo -e "NTP failed to start! It should be installed and running for RIPA.\n Check /etc/ntp.conf for any issues and correct them first! \n Exiting." exit 1 fi echo -e "NTP was successfuly installed and started with PID:" `sudo pgrep -x "ntpd"` else echo "NTP is up and running with PID:" `sudo pgrep -x "ntpd"` fi fi echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------" } # Logrotate for RIPA Node logs function log_rotate { if [[ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]]; then if [ ! -f /etc/logrotate.d/ripa-logrotate ]; then echo -e " Setting up Logrotate for RIPA node log files." sudo bash -c "cat << 'EOF' >> /etc/logrotate.d/ripa-logrotate $ripadir/logs/ripa.log { size=50M copytruncate create 660 $USER $USER missingok notifempty compress delaycompress daily rotate 7 dateext maxage 7 } EOF" else echo -e "$(green " ✔ Logrotate file already exists!")\n" fi fi } # GIT Update Check function git_upd_check { if [ -d "$ripadir" ]; then cd $ripadir git remote update >&- 2>&- UPSTREAM=${1:-'@{u}'} LOCAL=$(git rev-parse @) REMOTE=$(git rev-parse "$UPSTREAM") BASE=$(git merge-base @ "$UPSTREAM") cd $HOME if [ "$LOCAL" == "$REMOTE" ]; then echo -e " $(igreen " RIPANode is Up-to-date \n")" UP_TO_DATE=1 elif [ "$LOCAL" == "$BASE" ]; then echo -e " $(ired " Please Update! Press (3) \n")" UP_TO_DATE=0 else echo -e " $(ired " Diverged \n")" fi fi } # Install PostgreSQL function inst_pgdb { sudo apt install -yyq postgresql postgresql-contrib >&- 2>&- } # Purge the Postgres Database function purge_pgdb { if [ $(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' postgresql } 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed") -eq 0 ]; then echo "$(green " Postgres is not installed, nothing to purge. Exiting.") " else echo -e " $(ired " ")" echo -e " $(ired " WARNING! This option will stop all ")" echo -e " $(ired " running RIPA Node processes and will ")" echo -e " $(ired " remove the databases and PostgreSQL ")" echo -e " $(ired " installation! Are you REALLY sure? ")" echo -e " $(ired " ")" read -e -r -p "$(yellow "\n Type (Y) to proceed or (N) to cancel: ")" -i "N" YN if [[ "$YN" =~ [Yy]$ ]]; then echo -e "$(yellow "\n Proceeding with PostgreSQL removal... \n")" forever --silent --plain stopall sleep 1 drop_db drop_user # stop the DB if running first... sudo service postgresql stop sleep 1 sudo apt --purge remove -yq postgresql\* >&- 2>&- sudo rm -rf /etc/postgresql/ >&- 2>&- sudo rm -rf /etc/postgresql-common/ >&- 2>&- sudo rm -rf /var/lib/postgresql/ >&- 2>&- sudo userdel -r postgres >&- 2>&- sudo groupdel postgres >&- 2>&- echo -e "$(yellow "\n PostgreSQL has been removed\n")" read -e -r -p "$(yellow "\n Proceed with PostgreSQL installation (Y/n): ")" -i "Y" YN if [[ "$YN" =~ [Yy]$ ]]; then echo -e "$(yellow "\n Proceeding with PostgreSQL installation... \n")" inst_pgdb create_db echo -e "$(yellow "\n PostgreSQL has been installed and set.\n")" pause fi fi fi } function snap_menu { if [ ! -d "$SNAPDIR" ]; then mkdir -p $SNAPDIR fi if [ "$(ls -A $SNAPDIR)" ]; then if [[ $(expr `date +%s` - `stat -c %Y $SNAPDIR/current`) -gt 900 ]]; then echo -e "$(yellow " Existing Current snapshot is older than 15 minutes")" read -e -r -p "$(yellow "\n Download from ${SNAPURL}? (Y) or use Local (N) ")" -i "Y" YN if [[ "$YN" =~ [Yy]$ ]]; then echo -e "$(yellow "\n Downloading latest snapshot from ${SNAPURL}\n")" rm $SNAPDIR/current wget -nv $SNAPURL -O $SNAPDIR/current echo -e "$(yellow "\n Download finished\n")" fi fi snapshots=( $(ls -t $SNAPDIR | xargs -0) ) echo -e "$(yellow "\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")" echo -e "$(green " List of local snapshots:")" echo -e "$(yellow "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n")" for (( i=0; i<${#snapshots[*]}; i++ )); do if [ $i -le 9 ]; then echo " " $(($i+1)): ${snapshots[$i]} else echo " " $(($i+1)): ${snapshots[$i]} fi done read -ep "$(yellow "\n Which snapshot to be restored? ")" if [[ "${REPLY}" =~ $re ]]; then ## Numeric checks if [ $REPLY -le ${#snapshots[*]} ]; then echo -e "$(yellow "\n Restoring snapshot ${snapshots[$((REPLY-1))]}")\n" pg_restore -O -j 8 -d ripa_mainnet $SNAPDIR/${snapshots[$(($REPLY-1))]} 2>/dev/null echo -e "$(green " Snapshot ${snapshots[$(($REPLY-1))]} was restored sucessfuly")\n" else echo -e "$(red "\n Value is out of list range!\n")" snap_menu fi else echo -e "$(red "\n $REPLY is not a number!\n")" snap_menu fi else echo -e "$(red " No snapshots found in $SNAPDIR")" read -e -r -p "$(yellow "\n Do you like to download the latest snapshot? (Y/n) ")" -i "Y" YN if [[ "$YN" =~ [Yy]$ ]]; then echo -e "$(yellow "\n Downloading current snapshot from ${SNAPURL}\n")" wget -nv $SNAPURL -O $SNAPDIR/current echo -e "$(yellow "\n Download finished\n")" fi if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then read -e -r -p "$(yellow " Do you like to restore the snapshot now? (Y/n) ")" -i "Y" YN if [[ "$YN" =~ [Yy]$ ]]; then #here calling the db_restore function echo -e "$(yellow "\n Restoring $SNAPDIR/current ... ")" pg_restore -O -j 8 -d ripa_mainnet $SNAPDIR/current 2>/dev/null echo -e "$(green "\n Current snapshot has been restored\n")" fi else echo -e "$(red "\n Error while retriving the snapshot")" echo -e "$(red " Please check that the file exists on server")" fi fi } # Check if program is installed function node_check { # defaulting to 1 return_=1 # changing to 0 if not found type $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 || { return_=0; } # return value # echo "$return_" } # Install NVM and node function nvm { node_check node if [ "$return_" == 0 ]; then echo -e "$(red " ✘ Node is not installed, installing...")" curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.32.0/install.sh 2>/dev/null | bash >>install.log export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ### Installing node ### nvm install 6.9.5 >>install.log nvm use 6.9.5 >>install.log nvm alias default 6.9.5 >>install.log echo -e "$(green " ✔ Node `node -v` has been installed")" else echo -e "$(green " ✔ Node `node -v` is alredy installed")" fi node_check npm if [ "$return_" == 0 ]; then echo -e "$(red " ✘ NPM is not installed, installing...")" ### Install npm ### npm install -g npm >>install.log 2>&1 echo -e "$(green " ✔ NPM `npm -v` has been installed")" else echo -e "$(green " ✔ NPM `npm -v` is alredy installed")" fi node_check forever if [ "$return_" == 0 ]; then echo -e "$(red " ✘ Forever is not installed, installing...")" ### Install forever ### npm install forever -g >>install.log 2>&1 echo -e "$(green " ✔ Forever has been installed")" else echo -e "$(green " ✔ Forever is alredy installed")" fi # Setting fs.notify.max_user_watches if grep -qi 'fs.inotify' /etc/sysctl.conf ; then echo -e "\n$(green " fs.inotify.max_user_watches is already set")" else echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p fi echo -e "\n$(yellow "Check install.log for reported install errors")" } # Install RIPA Node function inst_ripa { # proc_vars cd $HOME mkdir ripa-node git clone https://github.com/RipaEx/ripa-node.git 2>/dev/null cd ripa-node git checkout $GIT_ORIGIN 2>/dev/null git pull origin $GIT_ORIGIN 2>/dev/null npm install grunt-cli -g 2>/dev/null npm install libpq 2>/dev/null npm install secp256k1 2>/dev/null npm install bindings 2>/dev/null git submodule init 2>/dev/null git submodule update 2>/dev/null npm install 2>/dev/null } # Create RIPA user and DB function create_db { #check if PG is running here if not Start. if [ -z "$pgres" ]; then sudo service postgresql start fi sleep 1 # sudo -u postgres dropdb --if-exists ripa_mainnet # sleep 1 # sudo -u postgres dropuser --if-exists $USER # 2>&1 # sleep 1 sudo -u postgres psql -c "update pg_database set encoding = 6, datcollate = 'en_US.UTF8', datctype = 'en_US.UTF8' where datname = 'template0';" >&- 2>&- sudo -u postgres psql -c "update pg_database set encoding = 6, datcollate = 'en_US.UTF8', datctype = 'en_US.UTF8' where datname = 'template1';" >&- 2>&- sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER $USER WITH PASSWORD 'password' CREATEDB;" >&- 2>&- sleep 1 createdb ripa_mainnet } # Check if DB exists function db_exists { # check if it's running and start if not. if [ -z "$pgres" ]; then sudo service postgresql start fi if [[ ! $(sudo -u postgres psql ripa_mainnet -c '\q' 2>&1) ]]; then read -r -n 1 -p "$(yellow " Database exists! Do you want to drop it? (y/n):") " YN if [[ "$YN" =~ [Yy]$ ]]; then drop_db; fi else echo "Database not exist." fi } # Check if User exists function user_exists { # check if it's running and start if not. if [ -z "$pgres" ]; then sudo service postgresql start fi if [[ $(sudo -u postgres psql postgres -tAc "SELECT 1 FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname='$USER'" 2>&1) ]]; then echo "User $USER exists"; read -r -n 1 -p "$(yellow " User $USER exists! Do you want to remove it? (y/n):") " YN if [[ "$YN" =~ [Yy]$ ]]; then sudo -u postgres dropuser --if-exists $USER fi else echo "User $USER does not exist" fi } # Drop RIPA DB function drop_db { # check if it's running and start if not. if [ -z "$pgres" ]; then sudo service postgresql start fi dropdb --if-exists ripa_mainnet } function drop_user { if [ -z "$pgres" ]; then sudo service postgresql start fi if [[ $(sudo -u postgres psql postgres -tAc "SELECT 1 FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname='$USER'" 2>&1) ]]; then sudo -u postgres dropuser --if-exists $USER else echo "DB User $USER does not exist" fi } function update_ripa { if [ "$UP_TO_DATE" -ne 1 ]; then cd $ripadir # forever stop app.js # TMP_PASS=$(jq -r '.forging.secret | @csv' config.$GIT_ORIGIN.json) TMP_PASS=$(jq -r '.forging.secret | @csv' config.json) mv config.json ../ git pull origin $GIT_ORIGIN git checkout $GIT_ORIGIN npm install sleep 1 # if [ ! -e config.$GIT_ORIGIN.json ]; then # mv ../config.$GIT_ORIGIN.json . # else # jq -r '.forging.secret = ['"$TMP_PASS"']' config.$GIT_ORIGIN.json > config.$GIT_ORIGIN.tmp && mv config.$GIT_ORIGIN.tmp config.$GIT_ORIGIN.json # fi if [ ! -e config.json ]; then mv ../config.json . else jq -r '.forging.secret = ['"$TMP_PASS"']' config.json > config.tmp && mv config.tmp config.json fi unset TMP_PASS # forever restart $forever_process # forever start app.js --genesis genesisBlock.mainnet.json --config config.mainnet.json else echo "RIPA Node is already up to date!" sleep 2 fi } # Put the password in config.mainnet.json function secret { echo -e "\n" #Put check if ripadir is empty, if it is stays only config.mainnet.json echo -e "$(yellow " Enter (copy/paste) your private key (secret)")" echo -e "$(yellow " (WITHOUT QUOTES!) followed by 'Enter'")" read -e -r -p ": " secret # sed -i "s/\"secret\":\ \[/& \"$secret\"\ /" $ripadir/config.mainnet.json sed -i "/.*secret.*/c\ \ \ \ \"secret\":\ \[\ \"$secret\"\ \]\," $ripadir/config.json } ### Menu Options ### # Install RIPA node one(){ cd $HOME proc_vars if [ -e $ripadir/app.js ]; then clear asciiart echo -e "\n$(green " ✔ RIPA Node is already installed!")\n" if [ "$node" != "" ] && [ "$node" != "0" ]; then echo -e "$(green "A working instance of RIPA Node is found with:")" echo -e "$(green "System PID: $node, Forever PID $forever_process")" echo -e "$(green "and Work Directory: $ripadir")\n" fi pause else clear asciiart echo -e "$(yellow " Installing RIPA node....")" create_db inst_ripa clear asciiart echo -e "$(green " ✔ RIPA node was installed")\n" sudo updatedb sleep 1 proc_vars log_rotate config="$parent/config.json" # echo "$config" 2>/dev/null # pause if [ ! -e $config ] ; then read -e -r -p "$(yellow " Do you want to set your Secret Key now? (Y/N): ")" -i "Y" keys if [ "$keys" == "Y" ]; then five fi fi fi } # Reinstall RIPA Node two(){ clear asciiart echo -e "$(ired "!!! This option will erase your DB and RIPA Node installation !!!")\n" read -e -r -p "$(red " Are you sure that you want to proceed? (Y/N): ")" -i "N" keys if [ "$keys" == "Y" ]; then proc_vars if [ -e $ripadir/app.js ]; then clear asciiart echo -e "\n$(green " ✔ RIPA Node installation found in $ripadir")\n" if [ "$node" != "" ] && [ "$node" != "0" ]; then echo -e "$(green "A working instance of RIPA Node is found with:")" echo -e "$(green "System PID: $node, Forever PID $forever_process")" echo -e "$(yellow " Stopping RIPA node ...")\n" cd $ripadir forever --plain stop $forever_process >&- 2>&- cd $parent fi echo -e "$(yellow " Backing up configuration file to $parent")\n" sleep 1 if [ -e $parent/config.json ] ; then read -e -r -p "$(yellow " Backup file exists! Overwrite? (Y/N): ")" -i "Y" keys if [ "$keys" == "Y" ]; then cp $ripadir/config.json $parent cd $parent fi else cp $ripadir/config.json $parent cd $parent fi echo -e "$(yellow " Removing RIPA Node directory...")\n" sleep 1 rm -rf $ripadir drop_db drop_user one echo "" if [ -e $parent/config.json ] ; then read -e -r -p "$(yellow " Do you want to restore your config? (Y/N): ")" -i "Y" keys # echo "Break1"; pause if [ "$keys" == "Y" ]; then cp $parent/config.json $ripadir echo -e "\n$(green " ✔ Config was restored in $ripadir")\n" read -e -r -p "$(yellow " Do you want to start RIPA Node now? (Y/N): ")" -i "Y" keys if [ "$keys" == "Y" ]; then start fi else read -e -r -p "$(yellow " Do you want to start RIPA Node now? (Y/N): ")" -i "Y" keys if [ "$keys" == "Y" ]; then start fi fi fi else echo -e "\n$(green " ✔ Previous installation not found.")\n" drop_db drop_user sleep 1 one proc_vars if [ -e $parent/config.json ] ; then read -e -r -p "$(yellow " Do you want to restore your config? (Y/N): ")" -i "Y" keys if [ "$keys" == "Y" ]; then cp $parent/config.json $ripadir echo -e "\n$(green " ✔ Config was restored in $ripadir")\n" fi else echo -e "\n$(yellow " No backup config was found in $parent")\n" read -e -r -p "$(yellow " Do you want to set your Secret Key now? (Y/N): ")" -i "Y" keys if [ "$keys" == "Y" ]; then secret fi fi # echo "Break2"; pause read -e -r -p "$(yellow " Do you want to start RIPA Node now? (Y/N): ")" -i "Y" keys if [ "$keys" == "Y" ]; then start fi fi fi } three(){ asciiart proc_vars if [ "$UP_TO_DATE" -ne 1 ]; then if [ "$node" != "" ] && [ "$node" != "0" ]; then echo -e "$(green " Instance of RIPA Node found with:")" echo -e "$(green " System PID: $node, Forever PID $forever_process")" echo -e "$(green " Directory: $ripadir")\n" echo -e "\n$(green " Updating RIPA Node...")\n" update_ripa echo -e "$(green " Restarting...")" forever restart $forever_process >&- 2>&- echo -e "\n$(green " ✔ RIPA Node was successfully restarted")\n" pause else echo -e "\n$(red " ✘ RIPA Node process is not running")\n" echo -e "$(green " Updating RIPA Node...")\n" update_ripa forever start app.js --genesis genesisBlock.json --config config.json >&- 2>&- echo -e "$(green " ✔ RIPA Node was successfully started")\n" pause fi else echo -e " $(igreen " RIPA Node is already Up-to-date \n")" sleep 2 fi } four() { asciiart proc_vars echo -e " $(ired " ")" echo -e " $(ired " WARNING! This option will stop all ")" echo -e " $(ired " running RIPA Node processes, remove ")" echo -e " $(ired " and rebuild the databases! Are you ")" echo -e " $(ired " REALLY sure? ")" echo -e " $(ired " ")" read -e -r -p "$(yellow "\n Type (Y) to proceed or (N) to cancel: ")" -i "N" YN if [[ "$YN" =~ [Yy]$ ]]; then if [ "$node" != "" ] && [ "$node" != "0" ]; then echo -e "$(green " Instance of RIPA Node found with:")" echo -e "$(green " System PID: $node, Forever PID $forever_process")" echo -e "$(green " Directory: $ripadir")\n" echo -e "\n$(green " Stopping RIPA Node...")\n" cd $ripadir forever stop $forever_process >&- 2>&- echo -e "$(green " Dropping RIPA DB...")\n" drop_db drop_user echo -e "$(green " Creating RIPA DB...")\n" create_db # Here should come the snap choice snap_menu echo -e "$(green " Starting RIPA Node...")" forever start app.js --genesis genesisBlock.json --config config.json >&- 2>&- echo -e "\n$(green " ✔ RIPA Node was successfully started")\n" pause else echo -e "\n$(red " ✘ RIPA Node process is not running")\n" echo -e "$(green " Dropping RIPA DB...")\n" drop_db drop_user echo -e "$(green " Creating RIPA DB...")\n" create_db # Here should come the snap choice snap_menu echo -e "$(green " Starting RIPA Node...")" cd $ripadir forever start app.js --genesis genesisBlock.json --config config.json >&- 2>&- echo -e "$(green " ✔ RIPA Node was successfully started")\n" pause fi fi } five(){ clear asciiart proc_vars secret echo -e "\n$(green " ✔ Secret has been set/replaced")\n" read -e -r -p "$(yellow " Do you want to apply your new config? (Y/N): ")" -i "Y" keys if [ "$keys" == "Y" ]; then if [ "$node" != "" ] && [ "$node" != "0" ]; then echo -e "\n$(green " Instance of RIPA Node found with:")" echo -e "$(green " System PID: $node, Forever PID $forever_process")" echo -e "$(green " Directory: $ripadir")\n" echo -e "$(green " Restarting...")" forever restart $forever_process >&- 2>&- echo -e "\n$(green " ✔ RIPA Node was successfully restarted")\n" pause else echo -e "\n$(red " ✘ RIPA Node process is not running")\n" echo -e "$(green " Starting RIPA Node...")\n" forever start app.js --genesis genesisBlock.json --config config.json >&- 2>&- echo -e "$(green " ✔ RIPA Node was successfully started")\n" pause fi fi } # OS Update six(){ os_up pause } # Additional Options seven(){ #nano while true do asciiart # HERE COMES THE GITHUB CHECK git_upd_check sub_menu read_sub_options done sub_menu ##turn #pause } # Start RIPA Node start(){ proc_vars echo $ripadir if [ -e $ripadir/app.js ]; then clear asciiart echo -e "\n$(green " ✔ RIPA Node installation found!")\n" if [ "$node" != "" ] && [ "$node" != "0" ]; then echo -e "$(green " A working instance of RIPA Node was found with:")" echo -e "$(green " System PID: $node, Forever PID $forever_process")" echo -e "$(green " and Work Directory: $ripadir")\n" else echo -e "$(green " Starting RIPA Node...")\n" cd $ripadir forever start app.js --genesis genesisBlock.json --config config.json >&- 2>&- cd $parent echo -e "$(green " ✔ RIPA Node was successfully started")\n" sleep 1 proc_vars echo -e "\n$(green " RIPA Node started with:")" echo -e "$(green " System PID: $node, Forever PID $forever_process")" echo -e "$(green " and Work Directory: $ripadir")\n" fi else echo -e "\n$(red " ✘ No RIPA Node installation is found")\n" fi pause } # Node Status status(){ proc_vars if [ -e $ripadir/app.js ]; then clear asciiart echo -e "\n$(green " ✔ RIPA Node installation found!")\n" if [ "$node" != "" ] && [ "$node" != "0" ]; then echo -e "$(green " RIPA Node process is working with:")" echo -e "$(green " System PID: $node, Forever PID $forever_process")" echo -e "$(green " and Work Directory: $ripadir")\n" else echo -e "\n$(red " ✘ No RIPA Node process is running")\n" fi else echo -e "\n$(red " ✘ No RIPA Node installation is found")\n" fi pause } restart(){ asciiart proc_vars if [ "$node" != "" ] && [ "$node" != "0" ]; then echo -e "$(green " Instance of RIPA Node found with:")" echo -e "$(green " System PID: $node, Forever PID $forever_process")" echo -e "$(green " Directory: $ripadir")\n" echo -e "$(green " Restarting...")" forever restart $forever_process >&- 2>&- echo -e "\n$(green " ✔ RIPA Node was successfully restarted")\n" pause else echo -e "\n$(red " ✘ RIPA Node process is not running")\n" pause fi } # Stop Node killit(){ proc_vars if [ -e $ripadir/app.js ]; then clear asciiart echo -e "\n$(green " ✔ RIPA Node installation found!")\n" if [ "$node" != "" ] && [ "$node" != "0" ]; then echo -e "$(green " A working instance of RIPA Node was found with:")" echo -e "$(green " System PID: $node, Forever PID $forever_process")" echo -e "$(green " and Work Directory: $testdir")\n" echo -e "$(green " Stopping RIPA Node...")\n" cd $testdir forever stop $forever_process >&- 2>&- cd $parent echo -e "$(green " ✔ RIPA Node was successfully stopped")\n" else echo -e "\n$(red " ✘ No RIPA Node process is running")\n" fi else echo -e "\n$(red " ✘ No RIPA Node installation is found")\n" fi pause } # Logs log(){ clear echo -e "\n$(yellow " Use Ctrl+C to return to menu")\n" proc_vars trap : INT tail -f $ripadir/logs/ripa.log #pause } subfive(){ clear asciiart purge_pgdb } subsix(){ clear asciiart change_address } subseven() { clear asciiart change_snapurl } # Menu show_menus() { tput bold; tput setaf 4 echo " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo " S E L E C T Y O U R P R E F E R E N C E " echo " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo echo " 1. Install RIPA 2. Reinstall RIPA 3. Update RIPA" echo " 4. Rebuild Database 5. Set/Reset Secret 6. OS Update" echo " 7. Additional options" echo echo " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo echo -e "$(green " R. ")RIPA Start" echo "$(red " I. ")Restart RIPA" echo "$(yellow " P. ")Kill RIPA" echo " A. Node Status" echo " L. Node Log" echo " 0. Exit" echo tput sgr0 } # Sub Menu sub_menu() { tput bold; tput setaf 5 echo " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo " Additional Options" echo " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo echo " 1. Install RIPA Cli" echo " 2. Install RIPA Explorer" echo " 3. Install Snapshot script" echo " 4. Install Restart script" echo " 5. Purge PostgeSQL" echo " 6. Replace Delegate Address" echo " 7. Replace Snapshot URL" echo " 0. Exit to Main Manu" echo echo " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo tput sgr0 } read_options(){ local choice read -p " Enter choice [1 - 7,R,I,P,A,L], [0 for exit]: " choice case $choice in 1) one ;; 2) two ;; 3) three ;; 4) four ;; 5) five ;; 6) six ;; 7) seven ;; [rR]) start ;; [iI]) restart ;; [pP]) killit;; [aA]) turn;; [lL]) log;; 0) exit 0;; *) echo -e "$(red " Incorrect option!")" && sleep 1 esac } read_sub_options(){ local choice1 read -p " Enter choice [1 - 7, 0]: " choice1 case $choice1 in 1) subone ;; 2) subtwo ;; 3) subthree ;; 4) four ;; 5) subfive ;; 6) subsix ;; 7) subseven ;; 0) init ;; *) echo -e "$(red " Incorrect option!")" && sleep 1 esac } # ---------------------------------------------- # Trap CTRL+C, CTRL+Z and quit singles # ---------------------------------------------- trap '' SIGINT SIGQUIT SIGTSTP # ---------------------------------------------- # First Run Initial OS update and prerequisites # ---------------------------------------------- if [ -e ./.firstrun ] ; then sdate=$(date +"%Y%m%d") fdate=$(date +"%Y%m%d") else fdate=$(date -r ./.firstrun +"%Y%m%d") fi if [ -e ./.firstrun ] && [ "$fdate" < "$sdate" ]; then # if [ -e ./.firstrun ] && [ $(date -r ./.firstrun +"%Y%m%d") < $(date +"%Y%m%d") ]; then echo -e "$(yellow " Checking for system updates...")\n" os_up log_rotate touch ./.firstrun fi if [ -e ./.firstrun ] && [ "$fdate" = "$sdate" ]; then clear asciiart echo -e "$(green " ✔ Your system is up to date.")\n" else if [ ! -e ./.firstrun ] ; then clear asciiart db_up clear asciiart ######echo "" echo -e "$(yellow "It's the first time you are starting this script!") " echo -e "$(yellow "First it will check if your system is up to date") " echo -e "$(yellow "install updates and needed prerequisites")\n" echo -e "$(yellow "Please be patient! It can take up to 5 minutes!")\n" pause os_up clear asciiart sleep 1 node_check iftop if [ "$return_" == 0 ]; then echo -e "$(yellow " Installing prerequisites...") " prereq else echo -e "$(green " ✔ Prerequisites are already installed")" fi clear asciiart echo -e "$(yellow " Setting up NTP and Locale...") " sleep 1 echo "" ntpd echo "" set_locale clear asciiart echo -e "$(yellow " Setting up NodeJS environment...") " sleep 1 nvm sleep 5 touch ./.firstrun echo -e "\n$(ired " !!! PLEASE REBOOT YOUR SYSTEM NOW !!! ") " echo -e "$(ired " !!! START THIS SCRIPT AGAIN AND !!! ") " echo -e "$(ired " !!! CHOOSE '1' TO INSTALL RIPA NODE !!! ") " exit fi fi sudo updatedb proc_vars #exit init() { # ---------------------------------------------- # Menu infinite loop # ---------------------------------------------- while true do asciiart # HERE COMES THE GITHUB CHECK git_upd_check show_menus read_options done } # ---------------------------------------------- # Init Application # ---------------------------------------------- init