# Site title will be used everywhere title: SITE TITLE HERE description: > # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:" Online help and documentation site for the site # Final root url of the site. No ending slash. No subdirectory url: https://riverscapes.github.io # If the site is in a subdirectory url you should do it like this: "/subdirectory". Otherwise "" # baseurl: "/TemplateDocs" # When serving locally what port should we use: port: 4001 # google_analytics: UA-XXXXXXXXXXX-X # Markdown style markdown: kramdown # Syntax highlighter. highlighter: rouge # Choosing "default" layout means we don't need a "layout:default" in all our # front matter defaults: - scope: path: "" # an empty string here means all files in the project values: layout: "default" # Files/Folders to exclude from publishing exclude: - src - LICENSE - README.md - _config.yml - package.json - yarn.lock - script - js - TEMPLATE - Gemfile* # These are theme settings that will be used to turn features on and off # They are not part of Jekyll, they are entirely custom. settings: # Turn the automatically generated page contents on and off autoPageContents: active: true onHome: false # Options for the sidebar menu sideMenu: homeItem: true startExpanded: false # Arbitrary multi-level topbar menu # IF you don't need this just comment out everything below # ---------------------------------- topmenu: - title: "Riverscapes Consortium" url: http://riverscapes.xyz - title: "Tools" url: https://riverscapes.xyz/Tools/ - title: "Data" url: https://data.riverscapes.xyz - title: "Maps" url: https://maps.riverscapes.xyz # Redirecting from apps can be tricky so we use a key-value system # key: must be in the set [A-Za-z0-9_] (no spaces, no dashes) # url: must be relative url, no leading slash. # # The url you have to call is: http://siteurl.com/baseurl/?APPKEY=KEY1 # --------------------------------------------------------------- # AppRedirects: # - key: KEY1 # url: ThingsA # - key: KEY2 # url: ThingsB/subpageB.html # Here is how we retrieve the remote theme. Changes to this remote theme will show up after you # push the repo with your /docs folder # remote_theme: Riverscapes/riverscapes-jekyll-theme@dev FOR DEBUGGING ONLY # remote_theme: Riverscapes/riverscapes-jekyll-theme FOR PRODUCTION remote_theme: Riverscapes/riverscapes-jekyll-theme@dev plugins: - jekyll-remote-theme