from sys import*;import io,os;V=argv;V.extend([""]*2); stdin=io.StringIO(bytes(V[2],"utf8").decode("unicode_escape"))if V[2]else stdin r=os.path.exists(V[1]);f=r and open(V[1]); r else V[1];r and f.close() def I(b,t,p): while b: # interpret while there's code c,*b=b;c="+-><,.[]".find(c) # get next op if c in[0,1]:t[p]+=1-2*c;t[p]%=256 # increase memory cell and wrap at 256 if c in[2,3]:p+=5-2*c;t=[0]*(p<0)+t+[0]*(p==len(t));p=max(p,0) # move pointer and adjust tape if chr(0);t[p]=ord(i)%256 # read one char as numeric input if c==5:stdout.write(chr(t[p])) # print one char as output if c==6: d=1;j=[d:=d+(x=="[")-(x=="]")for x in b].index(0);b,b_=b[j+1:],b[:j] while t[p]:t,p=I(b_,t,p) # loop while memory cell is non-zero return t,p t,p=I(b,[0],0);print();print(t,p) # interpret and print debugging info