0 0:00:00.000 --> 0:00:05.000 Listen to a conversation between a student and her environmental science professor. 请听一名学生和她的环境科学教授之间的对话。 1 0:00:05.000 --> 0:00:11.000 You know, the DVD we watched yesterday on ways we can protect the environment was really eye-opening. 你知道吗,我们昨天看的关于如何保护环境的DVD真的很有启发性。 2 0:00:11.000 --> 0:00:18.000 Well, I'm glad to hear that. Sometimes a DVD like this can bring to life concepts that my lectures can't. 我很高兴听到这个。有时这样的DVD可以呈现出我讲座中无法表达的概念。 3 0:00:18.000 --> 0:00:26.000 Of course, lectures are important, but other forms of presentation, like DVDs, help get across the concepts I want you to understand too. 当然,讲座很重要,但是其他的展示形式,比如DVD,也有助于你们理解我想要传达的概念。 4 0:00:26.000 --> 0:00:30.000 I agree, and the DVD got me thinking about the project you assigned. 我同意,那个DVD让我思考你布置的那个项目。 5 0:00:30.000 --> 0:00:37.000 Now, I know we're not supposed to work with anyone else for this assignment, but two of us think we have a really good idea. 我知道这个作业我们不应该和其他人一起做,但是我们两个觉得我们有一个很好的主意。 6 0:00:37.000 --> 0:00:39.000 Okay, I'm listening. 好的,我在听。 7 0:00:39.000 --> 0:00:43.000 Well, the student from class who I want to work with, it's Jessica Smith. 那个我想一起做这个项目的同学是Jessica Smith。 8 0:00:43.000 --> 0:00:50.000 You see, she has a part-time job at the hotel on campus, where parents and people who are here for conferences stay. 你知道,她在校园里的酒店有一份兼职工作,那里的客人主要是来参加会议的人和家长。 9 0:00:50.000 --> 0:00:55.000 Ah, yes. The Environmental Science Department just hosted a conference not too long ago, 哦,对。环境科学部不久前刚刚举办了一个会议, 10 0:00:55.000 --> 0:01:00.000 and we had several attendees who stayed there. They really enjoyed staying at that hotel. 我们有几位参会者住在那里。他们真的很喜欢那家酒店。 11 0:01:00.000 --> 0:01:06.000 I'm sure. Jessica says it's really nice, but it's not so environmentally friendly. 我相信。Jessica说那里很好,但不是很环保。 12 0:01:06.000 --> 0:01:17.000 Hmm. I see. Well, hotels may be reluctant to make changes to protect the environment if it could be perceived as negatively affecting the comfort of hotel guests. 嗯,我明白了。酒店如果觉得这些改变会对客人的舒适度产生负面影响,可能会不愿意为了保护环境做出改变。 13 0:01:17.000 --> 0:01:21.000 Well, that has to do with our idea for the project. 那正是我们项目想法的出发点。 14 0:01:21.000 --> 0:01:33.000 Uh, Jessica and I want to do an assessment of the hotel and see what they can do to save energy and create less pollution without interfering with the positive experience of patrons. Jessica和我想对酒店进行评估,看看他们在不影响顾客正面体验的情况下如何节约能源并减少污染。 15 0:01:33.000 --> 0:01:37.000 And I figured since she works there, it'd be easier for us to do the project together. 而且我觉得既然她在那里工作,我们一起做这个项目会更容易。 16 0:01:37.000 --> 0:01:42.000 Plus, she already ran the idea by the hotel manager, and he's on board with it. 而且,她已经和酒店经理讨论过这个想法,他也同意了。 17 0:01:42.000 --> 0:01:51.000 He was even telling her how he can use our work to apply for a grant from a local environmental foundation for money to make energy-saving upgrades and stuff. 他甚至告诉她他怎样使用我们的研究来申请当地环保基金会的资金来进行节能升级等等。 18 0:01:51.000 --> 0:01:56.000 So we'd make recommendations that he'd use our findings to make real changes. 所以我们会提出建议,他会用我们的发现来做出实际的改变。 19 0:01:56.000 --> 0:02:02.000 That's certainly a compelling idea, and it definitely fits within the general guidelines of the project. 这确实是一个引人注目的想法,而且绝对符合项目的一般指导方针。 20 0:02:02.000 --> 0:02:09.000 Okay. Just give me an outline of what you plan to do, and, well, I'm a little worried. 好的。只需给我一个你们计划做什么的大纲,但是,我有点担心。 21 0:02:09.000 --> 0:02:16.000 I'll still need you to submit the paper in the format we discussed in class, not whatever format the hotel manager might want. 你们还需要按照我们在课堂上讨论的格式提交论文,而不是酒店经理可能想要的任何格式。