--- name: Conspiracy Media (full version) description: Hides (most) Conspiracy Media sites homepage: https://github.com/RubenKelevra/ublacklist_conspiracy --- # 2020ElectionCenter.com (USA) *://*.2020electioncenter.com/* # 21st Century Wire (USA) *://*.21stcenturywire.com/* # 79Days.News (USA) *://*.79days.news/* # 369News (Unknown) *://*.369news.net/* # 911Truth.org (USA) *://*.911truth.org/* # Above Top Secret (USA) *://*.abovetopsecret.com/* *://*.youtube.com/@thenlbs* # A Call for an Uprising (USA) *://*.acallforanuprising.com/* # ACN Latitudes (USA) *://*.latitudes.org/* # Activist Post (Unknown) *://*.activistpost.com/* # Actualized.org (USA) *://*.actualized.org/* # Adams.News (USA) *://*.adams.news/* # Addiction.News (USA) *://*.addiction.news/* # ADDitude Magazine (USA) *://*.additudemag.com/* # Age of Autism (USA) *://*.ageofautism.com/* # Newsinstact.com (Romania) *://*.newsinstact.com/* # Natural Health Response (USA) *://*.naturalhealthresponse.com/* # Alliance for Human Research Protection (USA) *://*.ahrp.org/* # Alliance for Natural Health International (UK) *://*.anhinternational.org/* # Alliance for Natural Health (USA) *://*.anh-usa.org/* # altCensored (USA) *://*.altcensored.com/* # Altermed Zentrum (Unknown) *://*.altermedzentrum.com/* # Alternative Daily (USA) *://*.thealternativedaily.com/* # Alternative Media Television (USA) *://*.amtvmedia.com/* # AlternativeNews.com (USA) *://*.alternativenews.com/* # AltHealth Works (USA) *://*.althealthworks.com/* # AltLeft.news (USA) *://*.altleft.news/* # Aluminum.News (USA) *://*.aluminum.news/* # American Free Press (USA) *://*.americanfreepress.net/* # American Intelligence Media (USA) *://*.aim4truth.org/* # American Media Group (Romania) *://*.amg-news.com/* # American Policy Center (USA) *://*.americanpolicy.org/* # America’s Frontline Doctors (USA) *://*.americasfrontlinedoctors.com/* *://*.aflds.org/* # Ancient Code (Unknown) *://*.ancient-code.com/* # Ancient Origins (Ireland) *://*.ancient-origins.net/* # AND Magazine (USA) *://*.andmagazine.com/* # Anewspost.com (USA) *://*.anewspost.com/* # Answers in Genesis (USA) *://*.answersingenesis.org/* # Anti-Empire (Unknown) *://*.anti-empire.com/* # Antioxidants.News (USA) *://*.antioxidants.news/* # Anya Vien (USA) *://*.anyavien.com/* # Apost.com (Germany) *://*.apost.com/* # Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (USA) *://*.ae911truth.org/* # Asia-Pacific Research (Canada) *://*.asia-pacificresearch.com/* # AskingAngels.com (Australia) *://*.askingangels.com/* # Assassination Science (USA) *://*.assassinationscience.com/* # Australian National Review (Australia) *://*.australiannationalreview.com/* # Autism Speaks (USA) *://*.autismspeaks.org/* # Awake Canada (Canada) *://*.awakecanada.org/* # Awakening.News (USA) *://*.awakening.news/* # Awareness Act (USA) *://*.awarenessact.com/* # Banned.News (USA) *://*.banned.news/* # Banned.Video (USA) *://*.banned.video/* # Behold Israel (Israel) *://*.beholdisrael.org/* # Best News Here (Macedonia) *://*.bestnewshere.com/* # Biased.News (USA) *://*.biased.news/* # Big Government News (USA) *://*.biggovernment.news/* # BioDefense (USA) *://*.biodefense.com/* # Biologos Foundation (USA) *://*.biologos.org/* # Bioscience Resource Project (USA) *://*.bioscienceresource.org/* # Biotech Express Magazine (India) *://*.biotechexpressmag.com/* # Bioterrorism.News (USA) *://*.bioterrorism.news/* # Blacklisted News (USA) *://*.blacklistednews.com/* # Blckbx.tv (Netherlands) *://*.blckbx.tv/* # BonSens (France) *://*.bonsens.info/* # Brand New Tube (UK) *://*.brandnewtube.com/* *://*.onevsp.com/* # Breakthrough.News (USA) *://*.breakthrough.news/* # Brighteon (USA) *://*.brighteon.com/* # BrightSide (Cyprus) *://*.brightside.me/* # Bugout.news (USA) *://*.bugout.news/* # CaliforniaCollapse.News (USA) *://*.californiacollapse.news/* # CampusInsanity.com (USA) *://*.campusinsanity.com/* # Canberra Declaration (Australia) *://*.canberradeclaration.org.au/* # Cancer.news (USA) *://*.cancer.news/* # Catholic Online (USA) *://*.catholic.org/* # CDC.News (USA) *://*.cdc.news/* # Censorship.News (USA) *://*.censorship.news/* # Charisma News (USA) *://*.charismanews.com/* # Children’s Health Defense (USA) *://*.childrenshealthdefense.org/* # ChlorellaFactor.com (USA) *://*.chlorellafactor.com/* # ChristianAnswers.net (USA) *://*.christiananswers.net/* # Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry (USA) *://*.carm.org/* # Christian Broadcasting Network (USA) *://*.cbn.com/* # Creation Ministries International (Australia) *://*.creation.com/* # Christian Science (USA) *://*.christianscience.com/* # Christian Truth Center (Kenya) *://*.christiantruthcenter.com/* # Citizens for Legitimate Government (USA) *://*.legitgov.org/* # Climate Change Dispatch (USA) *://*.climatechangedispatch.com/* # Climate Depot (USA) *://*.climatedepot.com/* # Climate Etc (USA) *://*.judithcurry.com/* # Climate.News (USA) *://*.climate.news/* # ClimateScienceNews (USA) *://*.climatesciencenews.com/* # CNN So Fake News (USA) *://*.cnnsofake.news/* # Coast to Coast AM (USA) *://*.coasttocoastam.com/* # Collapse.News (USA) *://*.collapse.news/* # Collective-Evolution (Canada) *://*.collective-evolution.com/* # Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (USA) *://*.cfact.org/* # Conscious Life News (USA) *://*.consciouslifenews.com/* # Conspiracy Daily Update (Australia) *://*.conspiracydailyupdate.com/* # Consumer Wellness Center (USA) *://*.consumerwellness.org/* # Corey’s Digs (USA) *://*.coreysdigs.com/* # Corruptico (Unknown) *://*.corruptico.com/* # Cosmic Intelligence Agency (Australia) *://*.cosmicintelligenceagency.com/* # CounterThink.com (USA) *://*.counterthink.com/* # Covert Geopolitics (USA) *://*.geopolitics.co/* # Covid Call to Humanity (Philippines) *://*.covidcalltohumanity.org/* # Creation-Evolution Headlines (USA) *://*.crev.info/* # CreationWiki (USA) *://*.creationwiki.org/* # CrossExamined.org (USA) *://*.crossexamined.org/* # Culture Wars Magazine (USA) *://*.culturewars.com/* # CultureWatch (Australia) *://*.billmuehlenberg.com/* # Cureus Journal of Medical Science (USA) *://*.cureus.com/* # Curious Mind Magazine (USA) *://*.curiousmindmagazine.com/* # CyberWar.News (USA) *://*.cyberwar.news/* # DailyClout (USA) *://*.dailyclout.io/* # Daily Grail (Australia) *://*.dailygrail.com/* # DailyHealthPost (Canada) *://*.dailyhealthpost.com/* # Daily Sceptic (UK) *://*.dailysceptic.org/* # Dark Journalist (USA) *://*.darkjournalist.com/* # David Icke (UK) *://*.davidicke.com/* # David Wolfe (USA) *://*.davidwolfe.com/* # DiedSuddenly.info (USA) *://*.diedsuddenly.info/* # Discoveries.News (USA) *://*.discoveries.news/* # Discovery Institute (USA) *://*.discovery.org/* # Dissident Voice (USA) *://*.dissidentvoice.org/* # DoctorOz.com (USA) *://*.doctoroz.com/* # Doctors for Covid Ethics (Switzerland) *://*.doctors4covidethics.org/* # The Dollar Vigilante (Unknown) *://*.dollarvigilante.com/* # Dr. Axe (USA) *://*.draxe.com/* # Dr. Morse TV (USA) *://*.drmorse.tv/* # DrNorthrup.com (USA) *://*.drnorthrup.com/* # DrTrozzi.org (Canada) *://*.drtrozzi.org/* # DrugCartels.News (USA) *://*.drugcartels.news/* # Ecology News (USA) *://*.ecology.news/* # Educate Yourself (USA) *://*.educate-yourself.org/* # Electroverse (Unknown) *://*.electroverse.net/* # Eluxe Magazine (UK) *://*.eluxemagazine.com/* # Environmental Working Group (USA) *://*.ewg.org/* # Escape All These Things (USA) *://*.escapeallthesethings.com/* # Eugenics.News (USA) *://*.eugenics.news/* # Europe Reloaded (USA) *://*.europereloaded.com/* # Evolution News and Science Today (USA) *://*.evolutionnews.org/* # Exopolitics (USA) *://*.exopolitics.org/* # Extinction.News (USA) *://*.extinction.news/* # Fabiosa (Ukraine) *://*.fabiosa.com/* # FactCheck.News (USA) *://*.factcheck.news/* # FaithIt (USA) *://*.faithit.com/* # Faith Panda (Kenya) *://*.faithpanda.com/* # FDA.News (USA) *://*.fda.news/* # Flat Earth Society (Unknown) *://*.tfes.org/* # Fleming-Method (USA) *://*.flemingmethod.com/* # Food Babe (USA) *://*.foodbabe.com/* # Food Matters (Australia) *://*.foodmatters.com/* # Food.News (USA) *://*.food.news/* # Forever Conscious (USA) *://*.foreverconscious.com/* # Free Thought Project (USA) *://*.thefreethoughtproject.com/* # Freedom Advocates: Agenda 21 (USA) *://*.freedomadvocates.org/* # Freedomain (Canada) *://*.freedomainradio.com/* *://*.freedomain.com/* # Freedom.News (USA) *://*.freedom.news/* # Freeworldnews.TV (USA) *://*.freeworldnews.tv/* # Friends of Science (Canada) *://*.friendsofscience.org/* # Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (USA) *://*.covid19criticalcare.com/* # Fully Human (Unknown) *://*.fully-human.org/* # Gaia (USA) *://*.gaia.com/* # Gear.News (USA) *://*.gear.news/* # Gender.news (USA) *://*.gender.news/* # Geoengineering.News (USA) *://*.geoengineering.news/* # GeoEngineering Watch (USA) *://*.geoengineeringwatch.org/* # Geopolitical Economy Report (USA) *://*.geopoliticaleconomy.com/* # Get Holistic Health (Unknown) *://*.getholistichealth.com/* # Giza Death Star (USA) *://*.gizadeathstar.com/* # Glitch.News (USA) *://*.glitch.news/* # Global Healing Center (USA) *://*.globalhealingcenter.com/* *://*.globalhealing.com/* # Global Research (Canada) *://*.globalresearch.ca/* # Global Skywatch (USA) *://*.globalskywatch.com/* # GMO Watch Bias (USA) *://*.gmowatch.com/* # GMWatch (UK) *://*.gmwatch.org/* # Godlike Productions (Unknown) *://*.godlikeproductions.com/* # Goop (USA) *://*.goop.com/* # Got Questions (USA) *://*.gotquestions.org/* # Government Slaves (USA) *://*.govtslaves.com/* # Great Awakening (Unknown) *://*.greatawakening.win/* # GreenMedInfo (USA) *://*.greenmedinfo.com/* # Greenpeace (Netherlands) *://*.greenpeace.org/* # Ground Zero Media (USA) *://*.groundzeromedia.org/* # Gundry MD (USA) *://*.gundrymd.com/* # Health and Money News (USA) *://*.healthandmoneynews.wordpress.com/* # Healing Food Reference (USA) *://*.healingfoodreference.com/* # Healing Oracle (Unknown) *://*.healingoracle.ch/* # Health Helpline (New Zealand) *://*.health-helpline.co.nz/* # Health Impact News (USA) *://*.healthimpactnews.com/* # Health.News (USA) *://*.health.news/* # Health Nut News (USA) *://*.healthnutnews.com/* # HealthRangerInventions.com (USA) *://*.healthrangerinventions.com/* # Health Ranger Report (USA) *://*.healthrangerreport.com/* # Health Sciences Institute (USA) *://*.hsionline.com/* # Healthy Holistic Living (USA) *://*.healthy-holistic-living.com/* # Henry Makow (Canada) *://*.savethemales.ca/* # Herb (Canada) *://*.herb.co/* # Herbreference.com (USA) *://*.herbreference.com/* # Higher Perspective (Unknown) *://*.higherperspectives.com/* # Homeopathy Journal (Germany) *://*.facultyofhomeopathy.org/* # Home Vaccine Education Network (USA) *://*.homevaccineeducationnetwork.com/* # Humans Are Free (USA) *://*.humansarefree.com/* # ICAN (USA) *://*.icandecide.org/* # iHealthtube (USA) *://*.ihealthtube.com/* # I Heart Intelligence (Bulgaria) *://*.iheartintelligence.com/* # Illuminati Watcher (USA) *://*.illuminatiwatcher.com/* # Independent Science News (USA) *://*.independentsciencenews.org/* # Infinite Unknown (Unknown) *://*.infiniteunknown.net/* # Information Clearing House (USA) *://*.informationclearinghouse.info/* # Infowars-Alex Jones (USA) *://*.infowars.com/* # Ingredients.News (USA) *://*.ingredients.news/* # Institute for Creation Research (USA) *://*.icr.org/* # Institute for Responsible Technology (USA) *://*.responsibletechnology.org/* # International Climate Science Coalition (Canada) *://*.climatescienceinternational.org/* # ICIC.Law (Bulgaria) *://*.icic.law/* # Investment Watch Blog (USA) *://*.investmentwatchblog.com/* # Iowa Climate Science Education (USA) *://*.iowaclimate.org/* # Irish Sentinel (Ireland) *://*.theirishsentinel.com/* # Israel365 News (Israel) *://*.israel365news.com/* # Jeda News (Italy) *://*.jedanews.com/* # Jehovah’s Witnesses (USA) *://*.jw.org/* # Jesus is Savior (USA) *://*.jesus-is-savior.com/* # JoeBiden.News (USA) *://*.joebiden.news/* # JunkScience.com (USA) *://*.junkscience.com/* # Just One Focus (Australia) *://*.justonefocus.org/* # Kla.TV (Switzerland) *://*.kla.tv/* # LaRouche PAC (USA) *://*.larouchepac.com/* *://*.prometheanpac.com/* # LearnTheRisk.org (USA) *://*.learntherisk.org/* # LeftCult (USA) *://*.leftcult.com/* # Les Moutons Rebelles (France) *://*.lesmoutonsrebelles.com/* # Liberty.News (USA) *://*.liberty.news/* # Liberty Planet (USA) *://*.libertyplanets.com/* # Libtards.News (USA) *://*.libtards.news/* # Life Advancer (USA) *://*.lifeadvancer.com/* # LifeSpa (USA) *://*.lifespa.com/* # LittleThings (USA) *://*.littlethings.com/* # Live Action (USA) *://*.liveaction.org/* # LiveStrong.com (USA) *://*.livestrong.com/* # Living Whole (Canada) *://*.livingwhole.org/* # Lockdown Resistance (USA) *://*.endlockdowns.org/* # London Real (UK) *://*.londonreal.tv/* # Macroevolution.net (USA) *://*.macroevolution.net/* # MadMaxWorld.tv (USA) *://*.madmaxworld.tv/* # Malone Institute (USA) *://*.maloneinstitute.org/* # Media Fact Watch (USA) *://*.mediafactwatch.com/* # Media Roots (USA) *://*.mediaroots.org/* # Medical Censorship News (USA) *://*.medicalcensorship.com/* # Medical Daily (USA) *://*.medicaldaily.com/* # Medical Kidnap (USA) *://*.medicalkidnap.com/* # Medical Medium (USA) *://*.medicalmedium.com/* # MedicalTyranny (USA) *://*.medicaltyranny.com/* # Medicine News (USA) *://*.medicine.news/* # Mercola (USA) *://*.mercola.com/* # MichaelSalla.com (USA) *://*.michaelsalla.com/* # MindBodyGreen (USA) *://*.mindbodygreen.com/* # Mind Matters (USA) *://*.mindmatters.ai/* # Modern Alternative Mama (USA) *://*.modernalternativemama.com/* # National File (USA) *://*.nationalfile.com/* # NationalSecurity.News (USA) *://*.nationalsecurity.news/* # National Vaccine Information Center (USA) *://*.nvic.org/* # Nation of Islam (USA) *://*.noi.org/* # Natural Blaze (Unknown) *://*.naturalblaze.com/* # NaturalCures.com (UK) *://*.naturalcures.com/* # Natural Health 365 (USA) *://*.naturalhealth365.com/* # NaturalMedicine.News (USA) *://*.naturalmedicine.news/* # Natural News (USA) *://*.naturalnews.com/* # NaturalNewsBlogs (USA) *://*.naturalnewsblogs.com/* # Natural News Radio (USA) *://*.naturalnewsradio.com/* # NaturalPedia.com (USA) *://*.naturalpedia.com/* # Natural Society (USA) *://*.naturalsociety.com/* # Naturally Savvy (Canada) *://*.naturallysavvy.com/* # Need to Know (USA) *://*.needtoknow.news/* # Neuronation (Germany) *://*.neuronation.com/* # NewsInsideOut.com (USA) *://*.newsinsideout.com/* # News Target (USA) *://*.newstarget.com/* # New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science (New Zealand) *://*.nzdsos.com/* # NoMoreFakeNews.com (USA) *://*.nomorefakenews.com/* # NoTricksZone (Germany) *://*.notrickszone.com/* # Now the End Begins (USA) *://*.nowtheendbegins.com/* # NutrientReference.com (USA) *://*.nutrientreference.com/* # NutritionFacts.org (USA) *://*.nutritionfacts.org/* # NWO Report (USA) *://*.nworeport.me/* # Occupy Yourself (USA) *://*.occupyyourself.org/* # Odysee (USA) *://*.odysee.com/* # OffGuardian (Unknown) *://*.off-guardian.org/* # Off the Grid News (USA) *://*.offthegridnews.com/* # Online Updates (Unknown) *://*.online-updates.net/* # Organic Consumers Association (USA) *://*.organicconsumers.org/* # Organic Facts (India) *://*.organicfacts.net/* # Our Health Guides (Unknown) *://*.ourhealthguides.com/* # Pandemic News (USA) *://*.pandemic.news/* # Patriots For Truth (USA) *://*.patriots4truth.org/* # PaulCraigRoberts.org (USA) *://*.paulcraigroberts.org/* # PETA (USA) *://*.peta.org/* # Philosophers Stone (UK) *://*.philosophers-stone.info/* # Physicians for Informed Consent (USA) *://*.physiciansforinformedconsent.org/* # Planeta Prisão (Brazil) *://*.planetaprisao.com.br/* # Pollution.News (USA) *://*.pollution.news/* # Positive Health Wellness (USA) *://*.positivehealthwellness.com/* # Praying Medic (USA) *://*.prayingmedic.com/* # Prepare for Change (Unknown) *://*.prepareforchange.net/* # Press for Truth (Canada) *://*.pressfortruth.ca/* # Prevent Genocide 2030 (USA) *://*.preventgenocide2030.org/* # Prevention Magazine (USA) *://*.prevention.com/* # Principia Scientific International (UK) *://*.principia-scientific.org/* # Primary Doctor Medical Journal (USA) *://*.pdmj.org/* # Prison Planet (USA) *://*.prisonplanet.com/* *://*.endgamethemovie.com/* # Prophecy News Watch (USA) *://*.prophecynewswatch.com/* # Prophecy Today (USA) *://*.jimmydeyoungjr.org/* # RandPaul.News (USA) *://*.randpaul.news/* # Real Climate Science (USA) *://*.realclimatescience.com/* # Real Jew News (USA) *://*.realjewnews.com/* # Redoubt News (USA) *://*.redoubtnews.com/* # RedPill Project (USA) *://*.redpillpodcasts.com/* # Renegade Tribune (USA) *://*.renegadetribune.com/* # Rense (USA) *://*.rense.com/* # Return to Now (USA) *://*.returntonow.net/* # Rumor Mill News (USA) *://*.rumormillnews.com/* # SaneVax (USA) *://*.sanevax.org/* # Sante Plus Magazine (Morocco) *://*.santeplusmag.com/* # ScienceClowns (USA) *://*.scienceclowns.com/* # Science.News (USA) *://*.science.news/* *://*.CensoredScience.com/* # Science Vibe (USA) *://*.sciencevibe.com/* *://*.macantogeljuara.com/* # SGT Report (USA) *://*.sgtreport.com/* # Sheep Killers (Unknown) *://*.sheepkillers.com/* # Shoebat (USA) *://*.shoebat.com/* # Signs of the Times (USA) *://*.sott.net/* # Skeptiko (USA) *://*.skeptiko.com/* # Snopes.News (USA) *://*.snopes.news/* # South Front (Russia) *://*.southfront.org/* # Space.News (USA) *://*.space.news/* # Stillness in the Storm (USA) *://*.stillnessinthestorm.com/* # Stormfront (USA) *://*.stormfront.org/* # SupplementReference.com (USA) *://*.supplementreference.com/* # Survival.News (USA) *://*.survival.news/* # Sustainable Pulse (USA) *://*.sustainablepulse.com/* # Swiss Policy Research (Unknown) *://*.swprs.org/* # Talknetwork.com (USA) *://*.talknetwork.com/* # TechGiants.News (USA) *://*.techgiants.news/* # Technocracy News (USA) *://*.technocracy.news/* # Technocrats.News (USA) *://*.technocrats.news/* # The Annunaki (Unknown) *://*.annunaki.org/* # The Automatic Earth (USA) *://*.theautomaticearth.com/* # The Common Sense Show (USA) *://*.thecommonsenseshow.com/* # The Corbett Report (Japan) *://*.corbettreport.com/* # The Daily Expose (UK) *://*.expose-news.com/* # The Daily Sheeple (Unknown) *://*.thedailysheeple.com/* # TheDailyWorld.NET (Unknown) *://*.thedailyworld.net/* *://*.caphemoingay.com/* # The European Union Times (Unknown) *://*.eutimes.net/* # The Event Chronicle (Unknown) *://*.theeventchronicle.com/* # The Final Call (USA) *://*.new.finalcall.com/* # The Fullerton Informer (USA) *://*.thefullertoninformer.com/* # The Greanville Post (USA) *://*.greanvillepost.com/* # The Health Ranger (USA) *://*.healthranger.com/* # The Healthy American (USA) *://*.thehealthyamerican.org/* # The Hearty Soul (Canada) *://*.theheartysoul.com/* # The Highwire (USA) *://*.thehighwire.com/* # The Liberty Beacon (USA) *://*.thelibertybeacon.com/* # The Mind Unleashed (USA) *://*.themindunleashed.com/* # The New Nationalist (USA) *://*.newnationalist.net/* *://*.15mfinance.com/* # The Organic Prepper (USA) *://*.theorganicprepper.com/* # The Phaser (USA) *://*.thephaser.com/* # The Pulse (Canada) *://*.thepulse.one/* # The Purist Magazine (USA) *://*.thepuristonline.com/* # TheQAnons.com (USA) *://*.theqanons.com/* # The Rundown Live (USA) *://*.therundownlive.com/* # The Stream (USA) *://*.stream.org/* # The Trumpet (USA) *://*.thetrumpet.com/* # The Truth About Cancer (USA) *://*.thetruthaboutcancer.com/* # The Truth Seeker (UK) *://*.thetruthseeker.co.uk/* # The Vaccine Reaction (USA) *://*.thevaccinereaction.org/* # Vermont Independent (USA) *://*.vermontindependent.net/* # Waking Times (USA) *://*.wakingtimes.com/* # The Wellness Company (USA) *://*.twc.health/* # Thinking Humanity (Unknown) *://*.thinkinghumanity.com/* # Thought Catalog (USA) *://*.thoughtcatalog.com/* # Thought Crime Radio (USA) *://*.thoughtcrimeradio.net/* # Thrive Global (USA) *://*.thriveglobal.com/* # Thrive Movement (USA) *://*.thrivemovement.com/* # Totality of Evidence (Australia) *://*.totalityofevidence.com/* # Treason.News (USA) *://*.treason.news/* # TrialSite News (USA) *://*.trialsitenews.com/* # TruNews (USA) *://*.trunews.com/* # Truth11.com (Unknown) *://*.truth11.com/* # Truth for Health Foundation (USA) *://*.truthforhealth.org/* # Twisted.News (USA) *://*.twisted.news/* # Tyranny.News (USA) *://*.tyranny.news/* # Unlimited Hangout (USA) *://*.unlimitedhangout.com/* # UK Column (UK) *://*.ukcolumn.org/* # USA Hitman (Unknown) *://*.usahitman.com/* # USAWatchdog.com (USA) *://*.usawatchdog.com/* # VaccineDamage.News (USA) *://*.vaccinedamage.news/* # Vaccine Impact (USA) *://*.vaccineimpact.com/* # VaccineInjuryNews (USA) *://*.vaccineinjurynews.com/* # Vaccines News (USA) *://*.vaccines.news/* # Vaccine Papers (Unknown) *://*.vaccinepapers.org/* # Vaccines and Christianity (USA) *://*.vaccinesandchristianity.org/* # Vaccines Revealed (USA) *://*.vrevealed.com/* # Vaccine Safety Info (USA) *://*.vaccinesafety.info/* # Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (USA) *://*.vacsafety.org/* # VacTruth.com (USA) *://*.vactruth.com/* # Vaxxter (USA) *://*.vaxxter.com/* # Veterans Today (USA) *://*.veteranstoday.com/* *://*.vtforeignpolicy.com/* # Vigilant Citizen (USA) *://*.vigilantcitizen.com/* # Vigilante.tv (Unknown) *://*.vigilante.tv/* # VoteFraud.News (USA) *://*.votefraud.news/* # Watts Up with That (USA) *://*.wattsupwiththat.com/* # We Are Anonymous/AnonHQ (Unknown) *://*.anonhq.com/* # We Are Change (USA) *://*.wearechange.org/* # Weston A. Price Foundation (USA) *://*.westonaprice.org/* # What Really Happened (USA) *://*.whatreallyhappened.com/* # WhatDoesItMean (Unknown) *://*.whatdoesitmean.com/* # WhiteHouse.News (USA) *://*.whitehouse.news/* # Wide Awake Media (USA) *://*.wide-awake-media.com/* # Wikispooks (Unknown) *://*.wikispooks.com/* # Wine Press News (USA) *://*.winepressnews.com/* # Winter Watch (USA) *://*.winterwatch.net/* # World Affairs Blog (USA) *://*.worldaffairs.blog/* # World Affairs Brief (USA) *://*.worldaffairsbrief.com/* # World Council for Health (UK) *://*.worldcouncilforhealth.org/* # World Doctors Alliance (Unknown) *://*.worlddoctorsalliance.com/* # WorldHealth.net (USA) *://*.worldhealth.net/* # World Lifestyle (USA) *://*.worldlifestyle.com/* # World Truth TV (USA) *://*.worldtruth.tv/* # Worldview Weekend (USA) *://*.worldviewweekend.com/* *://*.worldviewtube.com/* # X22 Report (USA) *://*.x22report.com/* # YourTango (USA) *://*.yourtango.com/* # ZeroHedge (Bulgaria) *://*.zerohedge.com/* # Occidental Dissent (USA) *://*.occidentaldissent.com/* # Peak Prosperity (USA) *://*.peakprosperity.com/* # Vital Force (UK) *://*.vitalforce.me/* # Compact Magazine (Germany) *://*.compact-online.de/* # Stop World Control (USA) *://*.stopworldcontrol.com/* # Reasons to Believe - RTB (USA) *://*.reasons.org/* # JouWatch (Germany) *://*.journalistenwatch.com/* # Uncut-News (Switzerland) *://*.uncutnews.ch/* # SarahWestall.com (USA) *://*.sarahwestall.com/* # Strange Sounds (USA) *://*.strangesounds.org/* # Steve Quayle - stevequayle.com (USA) *://*.stevequayle.com/* # Psychreg (UK) *://*.psychreg.org/* # Independent Medical Alliance - IMA (USA) *://*.imahealth.org/* # Truth Theory (UK) *://*.truththeory.com/* # GMO.News (USA) *://*.gmo.news/* # GreatReject Bias (Netherlands) *://*.greatreject.org/* # ThoughtPolice.News (USA) *://*.thoughtpolice.news/* # Science, Public Health Policy & the Law (USA) *://*.publichealthpolicyjournal.com/*