name: Left Wing Media
description: Hides (most) Left Wing Media sites
homepage: https://github.com/RubenKelevra/ublacklist_leftwing_media
# 350.org (USA)

# 350Africa.org (USA)

# 350 Aotearoa (USA)

# 350 Asia (USA)

# 350 Australia (USA)

# 350 Japan (USA)

# 350 Pilipinas (USA)

# 350 Turkiye (USA)

# Accountable.US (USA)

# ActBlue (USA)

# Act.TV (USA)

# Action Network (USA)

# Aftonbladet (Sweden)

# Alabama Reflector (USA)

# Alaska Beacon (USA)

# Al DIA (USA)

# Alliance for Justice (USA)

# Alt News (India)

# AlterNet (USA)

# Amandla (South Africa)

# American Bridge 21st Century (USA)

# American Oversight (USA)

# Americans United for Separation of Church and State (USA)

# Angry White Men (USA)

# Anthropocene Alliance (USA)

# Anthropocene Magazine (USA)

# Arizona Mirror (USA)

# Arkansas Advocate (USA)

# Attack The System (USA)

# AT Advocacy (USA)

# AutoStraddle (USA)

# Baltimore City Paper (USA)

# Bay Area Reporter (USA)

# Being Liberal (USA)

# BerkeleySide (USA)

# BillMoyers.com (USA)

# Black Agenda Report (USA)

# Black America Web (USA)

# Black Lives Matter (USA)

# Black Main Street (USA)

# Boing Boing (USA)

# Bolde (USA)

# Boston Review (USA)

# Breakthrough News (USA)

# Briarpatch Magazine (Canada)

# Brit + Co (USA)

# Brut.Media (France)

# B’Tselem (Israel)

# Bust Magazine (USA)

# Call to Activism (USA)

# Canada Fact Check (Canada)

# Canadian Anti-Hate Network (Canada)

# Canadian Dimension (Canada)

# Capital & Main (USA)

# Capitol News Illinois (USA)

# Care2 (USA)

# Ceasefire Magazine (UK)

# Center for American Progress (USA)

# Center for Biological Diversity (USA)

# Center for Law and Social Policy (USA)

# Center for Media and Democracy (USA)

# Center for a Stateless Society (USA)

# Change Research (USA)

# Chicago Reader (USA)

# The Chicago Reporter (USA)

# China Internet Information Center (China)

# Cincinnati CityBeat (USA)

# Citizen Data (USA)

# Civiqs (USA)

# Cleveland Scene (USA)

# CLIMA Fund (USA)

# Climate Home News (UK)

# Climate Justice Alliance (USA)

# Coda Story (USA)

# Code Pink (USA)

# Colorado Newsline (USA)

# Colorado Times Recorder (USA)

# ColorLines (USA)

# Color of Change (USA)

# Columbus Free Press (USA)

# Comic Sands (USA)

# Common Dreams (USA)

# Commune Magazine (USA)

# Communist Party USA (USA)

# CommonWealth Beacon (USA)

# Consortium News (USA)

# Cop Block (USA)

# Cosmopolitan (USA)

# CounterCurrents.org (India)

# CounterFire (UK)

# CounterPunch (USA)

# CounterVortex (USA)

# Crikey (Australia)

# CrimethInc (USA)

# Crooked Media (USA)

# Crooks and Liars (USA)

# Current Affairs Magazine (USA)

# Curve Magazine (USA)

# Daily Beast (USA)

# Daily Dot (USA)

# Daily Kos (USA)

# Daily Montanan (USA)

# Daily News Bin (Unknown)

# Daily Record (UK)

# Daily Sound and Fury (USA)

# Dallas Voice (USA)

# Dame Magazine (USA)

# DavidPakman.com (USA)

# DeadState (USA)

# Deadspin (USA)

# Defend Democracy Press (Greece)

# Democracy Chronicles (USA)

# Democracy Docket (USA)

# Democracy Guardian (USA)

# Democracy Journal (USA)

# Democracy Now (USA)

# Democratic Underground (USA)

# Deshabhimani (India)

# DeSmogBlog (Canada)

# Detroit Metro Times (USA)

# Dissent Magazine (USA)

# Double Down News (UK)

# Dream for America (USA)

# Drudge Retort (USA)

# Earth First Journal (USA)

# Ecowatch (USA)

# EgbertoWillies (USA)

# Electoral-Vote.com (Netherlands)

# Electronic Intifada (USA)

# Elite Daily (USA)

# ELLE Magazine (USA)

# Erin in the Morning (USA)

# Esquire Magazine (USA)

# Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor (Switzerland)

# Everyday Feminism (USA)

# Evonomics (USA)

# Exposed by CMD (USA)

# FairPlanet (Germany)

# Feminist Current (Canada)

# Fifth Estate (USA)

# Finnish News (Finland)

# Florida Phoenix (USA)

# Food and Water Watch (USA)

# Foreign Policy Journal (USA)

# Foreign Policy News (USA)

# FreePress.org (USA)

# Freedom From Religion Foundation (USA)

# Freedom News and Journal (UK)

# Front Page Live (USA)

# FStv (USA)

# Future Forward USA PAC (USA)

# Gawker (USA)

# Gay City News (USA)

# Gay Star News (UK)

# Gay Times (UK)

# Geopolitics Alert (USA)

# Georgia Recorder (USA)

# Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence (USA)

# Gizmodo (USA)


# Global Voices (USA)

# Good Magazine (USA)

# GQ Magazine (USA)

# Grasping Reality With Both Hands: Bradford DeLong (USA)

# Green Left Weekly (Australia)

# Greenlining Institute (USA)

# Guardian Liberty Voice (USA)

# Haaretz (Israel)

# Harper’s Bazaar (USA)

# Harvard International Review (USA)

# High Times (USA)

# Hill Reporter (USA)

# Hope Not Hate (UK)

# Huffington Post (USA)

# Human Rights Campaign (USA)

# Idaho Capital Sun (USA)

# In Defence of Marxism (UK)

# In These Times (USA)

# The Independent Florida Alligator (USA)

# Indivisible Movement (USA)

# Inequality Media (USA)

# Informed Comment (USA)

# Inkstick Media (USA)

# Institute for New Economic Thinking (USA)

# Institute for Policy Studies (USA)

# International Policy Digest (USA)

# International Socialism Journal (UK)

# International Viewpoint (UK)

# Intrepid Report (USA)

# Iowa Capital Dispatch (USA)

# Iowa Starting Line (USA)

# It’s Going Down (USA)

# Jacobin (USA)

# Jewish Currents (USA)

# Jewish Voice for Peace (USA)

# Jezebel (USA)

# JoeBiden.com (USA)

# Junkee (Australia)

# Kansas Reflector (USA)

# Kentucky Lantern (USA)

# Knock-LA (USA)

# Lavender Magazine (USA)

# LA Weekly (USA)

# The League of Conservation Voters (USA)

# Left Foot Forward (UK)

# Left Voice (USA)

# Legal Reader (USA)

# Le Média (France)

# Le Monde Diplomatique (France)

# LEO Weekly (USA)

# LGBTQ Nation (USA)

# Libcom.org (USA)

# Liberal America (USA)

# Liberation News (USA)

# Little Green Footballs (USA)

# Louisiana Illuminator (USA)

# Mail & Guardian (South Africa)

# Maine Beacon (USA)

# Maine Morning Star (USA)

# Movement Advancement Project (USA)

# Marxists Internet Archive (USA)

# Mashable (USA)

# Media Matters (USA)

# Mediaite (USA)

# Meduza (Latvia)

# MeidasTouch (USA)

# Metro Weekly (USA)

# Merry Jane (USA)

# Miami New Times (USA)

# Michigan Advance (USA)

# Middle East Monitor (USA)

# Middletown Media (USA)

# Milwaukee Independent (USA)

# Minnesota Reformer (USA)

# Mississippi Free Press (USA)

# Missouri Independent (USA)

# Modern Liberals (USA)

# Monthly Review (USA)

# MR Online (USA)

# Ms. Magazine (USA)


# Nation of Change (USA)

# National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (USA)

# National Democratic Training Committee (USA)

# National Immigration Law Center (USA)

# National Organization for Women (USA)

# National Women’s Law Center (USA)

# Natural Resources Defense Council (USA)

# NC Newsline (USA)

# Nebraska Examiner (USA)

# Neues Deutschland (Germany)

# Nevada Current (USA)

# New Internationalist (UK)

# New Jersey Monitor (USA)

# New Politics Magazine (USA)

# New Republic (USA)

# New Statesman (UK)

# New York Amsterdam News (USA)

# New York Focus (USA)

# New York Magazine (USA)

# New Yorker (USA)

# NewsClick (India)

# News Corpse (USA)

# News from the States (USA)

# NewsHounds (USA)

# NewsOne (USA)

# Nonprofit Quarterly (USA)

# North Dakota Monitor (USA)

# Novara Media (UK)

# Now Magazine (Canada)

# Oaklandside (USA)

# Occupy.com (USA)

# Ohio Capital-Journal (USA)

# Oklahoma Voice (USA)

# OKO.Press (Poland)

# One Green Planet (USA)

# OpEdNews (USA)

# Open Society Foundations (USA)

# Oregon Capital Chronicle (USA)

# Orlando Weekly (USA)

# Out Magazine (USA)

# Oxfam America (USA)

# PNN (Palestine)

# Palestinian Information Center (Palestine)

# Palmer Report (USA)

# Paste Magazine (USA)

# Pennsylvania Capital-Star (USA)

# People for the American Way (USA)

# People Magazine (USA)

# People’s Policy Project (USA)

# People’s World (USA)

# Physicians for a National Health Program (USA)


# PinkNews (UK)

# Political Research Associates (USA)

# Political Tribune (USA)

# PoliticusUSA (USA)

# Politizoom (USA)

# Popular Information (USA)

# Popular Resistance (USA)

# Portside (USA)

# Post Carbon Institute (USA)

# Press Progress (Canada)

# Press Watch (USA)

# Pride Source (USA)

# Prism (USA)

# Progressive Change Campaign Committee (USA)

# Project Censored (USA)

# Psyche (Australia)

# LittleSis.org (USA)

# Queerty (USA)

# Rabble.ca (Canada)

# Raw Story (USA)

# Reader Supported News (USA)

# Reading the Pictures (USA)

# Real News Network (USA)

# Red Pepper (UK)

# Refinery29 (USA)

# Republic Report (USA)

# Resilience (USA)

# Resolute Square (USA)

# Revcom.us (USA)

# Revolutionary Communists of America (USA)

# Rewire News Group (USA)

# Rhode Island Current (USA)

# Right Wing Watch (USA)

# Ring of Fire (USA)

# Rolling Stone (USA)

# Salon (USA)

# San Antonio Current (USA)

# San Francisco Bay View (USA)

# Scary Mommy (USA)

# Second Nexus (USA)

# Seventeen (USA)

# Shadow Proof (USA)

# Shondaland (USA)

# Slate (USA)

# Sludge (USA)

# Smirking Chimp (USA)

# Socialist Standard (UK)

# SocialistWorker.org (USA)

# Source New Mexico (USA)

# SourceWatch (USA)

# South Carolina Daily Gazette (USA)

# South Dakota Searchlight (USA)

# Southern Poverty Law Center (USA)

# Spotlight Delaware (USA)

# St. Louis Riverfront Times (USA)

# St. Pete for Peace (USA)

# Stateline (USA)

# Sunrise Movement (USA)

# Talking Points Memo (USA)

# Teen Vogue (USA)

# Tennessee Holler (USA)

# Tennessee Lookout (USA)

# The 19th News (USA)

# The Advocate (USA)

# The American Independent (USA)

# The American Prospect (USA)

# The Austin Chronicle (USA)

# The Baffler (USA)

# The Breach (Canada)

# The Burning Spear (USA)

# The Canary (UK)

# The Climate Reality Project (USA)

# The Cradle (USA)

# The Cut (USA)

# Daily 49er (USA)

# The Daily Banter (USA)

# The Daily Buzz (USA)

# The Daily Vox (South Africa)

# The Democratic Hub (USA)

# The Dodo (USA)

# The Dworkin Report (USA)

# The Florida Squeeze (USA)

# The Gaily Grind (USA)

# The  Center (USA)

# The Good Men Project (USA)

# The Gravel Institute (USA)

# The Immigrant Legal Resource Center (USA)

# The Indypendent (USA)

# The Intellectualist (USA)

# The Lever (USA)

# The Lily (USA)

# The London Economic (USA)

# The Maple (Canada)

# The Mary Sue (USA)

# The Militant (USA)

# The Monthly (Australia)

# The Morning Star (UK)

# The Narwhal (Canada)

# The Nation (USA)

# The National Memo (USA)

# The New Civil Rights Movement (USA)

# The New European (UK)

# The New Inquiry (USA)

# The Palestine Chronicle (USA)

# The People’s Dispatch (Unknown)

# The Phnom Penh Post (Cambodia)

# The Progressive (USA)

# The Progressive Populist (USA)

# The Root (USA)

# The Sierra Club (USA)

# The Solutions Project (USA)

# The Source Newspaper (Canada)

# The Stand (USA)

# The Straight Dope (USA)

# The Stranger (USA)

# The Texas Observer (USA)

# The Village Voice (USA)

# The Voice UK (UK)

# The Walrus (Canada)

# The Washington Spectator (USA)

# Washington State Standard (USA)

# The Week (USA)

# The World Can’t Wait (USA)

# TheGrio (USA)

# The Zero Hour (USA)

# Them.us (USA)

# ThinkPol (Canada)

# This Magazine (Canada)

# Towleroad (USA)

# TreeHugger (USA)

# Truthdig (USA)

# TheTruth.com (USA)

# TruthOut (USA)

# Truth Theory (UK)

# Unicorn Riot (USA)

# UNRWA (Jordan)

# Uproxx (USA)

# Upworthy (USA)

# URL Media (USA)

# U.S. Right to Know (USA)

# Utah News Dispatch (USA)

# Vanity Fair (USA)

# Vegan Society (UK)

# Venezuela Analysis (USA)

# Vox (USA)

# Wall Street on Parade (USA)

# Washington Babylon (USA)

# Washington Press (USA)

# Washingtonian (USA)

# Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (USA)

# Wear Your Voice (USA)

# We Hunted the Mammoth (USA)

# Well+Good (USA)

# West Virginia Watch (USA)

# Who.What.Why (USA)

# Wisconsin Examiner (USA)

# Wonkette (USA)

# Workers World (USA)

# World Socialist Web Site (USA)

# WyoFile (USA)

# Xtra Magazine (Canada)

# Yes Magazine (USA)

# The Young Turks (USA)

# Znetwork (USA)
# Zona Media (Russia)

# Progressive International (USA)

# Sanders Institute (USA)

# Girls for Gender Equity (USA)

# American Democracy Scorecard (USA)

# Sentient Media (USA)

# The Maple (Canada)

# Die Tageszeitung - TAZ (Germany)

# Reckon News (USA)

# Syrian Arab News Agency (Syria)

# Russia vs. World (USA)

# Black Wall Street Times (USA)

# Civil Eats (USA)

# Planet: Critical (USA)

# Ecoticias (Spain)

# Drop Site News (USA)

# The Democracy Labs (USA)

# San Francisco Public Press (USA)

# Texas Signal (USA)

# Junge Welt (Germany)

# The Other 98% (USA)

# Mint Press News (USA)

# BlackNews.com (USA)

# ScheerPost (USA)

# Shepherd Express (USA)

# Heimildin (Iceland)

# Street Roots (USA)

# Bossip (USA)

# Five Minutes News (USA)

# Femalista (USA)

# ANF English Mobile (Netherlands)

# Granma (Cuba)

# Gucmakale.com (USA)

# Climate Cosmos (Germany)

# Mision Verdad (Venezuela)

# Splinter (USA)

# Heatmap News (USA)

# International Middle East Media Center - IMEMC (USA)