--- name: Left Wing Media description: Hides (most) Left Wing Media sites homepage: https://github.com/RubenKelevra/ublacklist_leftwing_media --- # 350.org (USA) *://*.350.org/* # 350Africa.org (USA) *://*.350africa.org/* # 350 Aotearoa (USA) *://*.350.org.nz/* # 350 Asia (USA) *://*.350asia.org/* # 350 Australia (USA) *://*.350.org.au/* # 350 Japan (USA) *://*.world.350.org/* # 350 Pilipinas (USA) *://*.world.350.org/* # 350 Turkiye (USA) *://*.350turkiye.org/* # Accountable.US (USA) *://*.accountable.us/* # ActBlue (USA) *://*.secure.actblue.com/* # Act.TV (USA) *://*.act.tv/* # Action Network (USA) *://*.crunchbase.com/organization/the-action-network* *://*.instagram.com/_u/actionnetworkhq* *://*.instagram.com/actionnetworkhq* *://*.twitter.com/ActionNetworkHQ* *://*.twitter.com/actionapp* *://*.twitter.com/actionnetworkhq* *://*.x.com/ActionNetworkHQ* *://*.x.com/actionapp* *://*.x.com/actionnetworkhq* *://*.youtube.com/theactionnetwork* *://*.actionnetwork.org/* # Aftonbladet (Sweden) *://*.instagram.com/aftonbladet* *://*.youtube.com/@aftonbladettv* *://*.aftonbladet.se/* # Alabama Reflector (USA) *://*.alabamareflector.com/* # Alaska Beacon (USA) *://*.alaskabeacon.com/* # Al DIA (USA) *://*.aldianews.com/* # Alliance for Justice (USA) *://*.afj.org/* # Alt News (India) *://*.altnews.in/* # AlterNet (USA) *://*.alternet.org/* # Amandla (South Africa) *://*.aidc.org.za/* # American Bridge 21st Century (USA) *://*.americanbridgepac.org/* # American Oversight (USA) *://*.americanoversight.org/* # Americans United for Separation of Church and State (USA) *://*.au.org/* # Angry White Men (USA) *://*.angrywhitemen.org/* # Anthropocene Alliance (USA) *://*.anthropocenealliance.org/* # Anthropocene Magazine (USA) *://*.anthropocenemagazine.org/* # Arizona Mirror (USA) *://*.azmirror.com/* # Arkansas Advocate (USA) *://*.arkansasadvocate.com/* # Attack The System (USA) *://*.attackthesystem.com/* # AT Advocacy (USA) *://*.atadvocacy.com/* # AutoStraddle (USA) *://*.autostraddle.com/* # Baltimore City Paper (USA) *://*.baltimoresun.com/* # Bay Area Reporter (USA) *://*.ebar.com/* # Being Liberal (USA) *://*.beingliberal.org/* # BerkeleySide (USA) *://*.berkeleyside.org/* # BillMoyers.com (USA) *://*.billmoyers.com/* # Black Agenda Report (USA) *://*.blackagendareport.com/* # Black America Web (USA) *://*.blackamericaweb.com/* # Black Lives Matter (USA) *://*.blacklivesmatter.com/* # Black Main Street (USA) *://*.blackmainstreet.net/* # Boing Boing (USA) *://*.crunchbase.com/organization/boingboing-net/* *://*.instagram.com/boingboing/* *://*.twitter.com/boingboing* *://*.x.com/boingboing* *://*.youtube.com/boingboingvideo* *://*.zoominfo.com/c/boing-boing-stickers/* *://*.zoominfo.com/c/boing-boing/* *://*.boingboing.net/* # Bolde (USA) *://*.bolde.com/* # Boston Review (USA) *://*.bostonreview.net/* # Breakthrough News (USA) *://*.breakthroughnews.org/* # Briarpatch Magazine (Canada) *://*.briarpatchmagazine.com/* # Brit + Co (USA) *://*.brit.co/* # Brut.Media (France) *://*.brut.media/* # B’Tselem (Israel) *://*.btselem.org/* # Bust Magazine (USA) *://*.bust.com/* # Call to Activism (USA) *://*.instagram.com/calltoactivism* *://*.twitter.com/calltoactivism* *://*.x.com/calltoactivism* *://*.calltoactivism.com/* # Canada Fact Check (Canada) *://*.canadafactcheck.ca/* # Canadian Anti-Hate Network (Canada) *://*.antihate.ca/* # Canadian Dimension (Canada) *://*.canadiandimension.com/* # Capital & Main (USA) *://*.capitalandmain.com/* # Capitol News Illinois (USA) *://*.capitolnewsillinois.com/* # Care2 (USA) *://*.care2.com/* # Ceasefire Magazine (UK) *://*.ceasefiremagazine.co.uk/* # Center for American Progress (USA) *://*.americanprogress.org/* # Center for Biological Diversity (USA) *://*.biologicaldiversity.org/* # Center for Law and Social Policy (USA) *://*.clasp.org/* # Center for Media and Democracy (USA) *://*.prwatch.org/* # Center for a Stateless Society (USA) *://*.c4ss.org/* # Change Research (USA) *://*.changeresearch.com/* # Chicago Reader (USA) *://*.chicagoreader.com/* # The Chicago Reporter (USA) *://*.chicagoreporter.com/* # China Internet Information Center (China) *://*.china.org.cn/* # Cincinnati CityBeat (USA) *://*.citybeat.com/* # Citizen Data (USA) *://*.citizendata.com/* # Civiqs (USA) *://*.civiqs.com/* # Cleveland Scene (USA) *://*.clevescene.com/* # CLIMA Fund (USA) *://*.climasolutions.org/* # Climate Home News (UK) *://*.climatechangenews.com/* # Climate Justice Alliance (USA) *://*.climatejusticealliance.org/* # Coda Story (USA) *://*.codastory.com/* # Code Pink (USA) *://*.codepink.org/* # Colorado Newsline (USA) *://*.coloradonewsline.com/* # Colorado Times Recorder (USA) *://*.coloradotimesrecorder.com/* # ColorLines (USA) *://*.colorlines.com/* # Color of Change (USA) *://*.colorofchange.org/* # Columbus Free Press (USA) *://*.columbusfreepress.com/* # Comic Sands (USA) *://*.comicsands.com/* # Common Dreams (USA) *://*.commondreams.org/* # Commune Magazine (USA) *://*.communemag.com/* # Communist Party USA (USA) *://*.cpusa.org/* # CommonWealth Beacon (USA) *://*.commonwealthbeacon.org/* # Consortium News (USA) *://*.consortiumnews.com/* # Cop Block (USA) *://*.copblock.org/* # Cosmopolitan (USA) *://*.instagram.com/*cosmopolitan_de* *://*.instagram.com/*cosmopolitan* *://*.pinterest.com/cosmopolitan/* *://*.twitter.com/cosmopolitan* *://*.x.com/cosmopolitan* *://*.cosmopolitan.de/* *://*.cosmopolitan.com/* # CounterCurrents.org (India) *://*.countercurrents.org/* # CounterFire (UK) *://*.counterfire.org/* # CounterPunch (USA) *://*.counterpunch.org/* # CounterVortex (USA) *://*.countervortex.org/* # Crikey (Australia) *://*.crikey.com.au/* # CrimethInc (USA) *://*.crimethinc.com/* # Crooked Media (USA) *://*.crooked.com/* # Crooks and Liars (USA) *://*.crooksandliars.com/* # Current Affairs Magazine (USA) *://*.currentaffairs.org/* # Curve Magazine (USA) *://*.curvemag.com/* # Daily Beast (USA) *://*.thedailybeast.com/* # Daily Dot (USA) *://*.crunchbase.com/organization/the-daily-dot* *://*.instagram.com/dailydot* *://*.twitter.com/dailydot* *://*.twitter.com/sjobergreport* *://*.x.com/dailydot* *://*.x.com/sjobergreport* *://*.youtube.com/@dailydot* *://podcasts.apple.com/*/podcast/*/id1179475743* *://podcasts.apple.com/*/podcast/daily-dot-podcasts/* *://podcasts.apple.com/*/podcast/daily-dot-podcasts/id1179475743* *://*.dailydot.com/* # Daily Kos (USA) *://*.twitter.com/dailykos* *://*.x.com/dailykos* *://*.youtube.com/dailykos* *://podcasts.apple.com/*/podcast/*/id1549983077* *://podcasts.apple.com/*/podcast/daily-kos-the-brief/* *://podcasts.apple.com/*/podcast/daily-kos-the-brief/id1549983077* *://*.dailykos.com/* # Daily Montanan (USA) *://*.dailymontanan.com/* # Daily News Bin (Unknown) *://*.dailynewsbin.com/* # Daily Record (UK) *://*.instagram.com/scottishdailyrecord* *://*.twitter.com/Daily_Record* *://*.twitter.com/daily_record* *://*.twitter.com/record_sport* *://*.x.com/Daily_Record* *://*.x.com/daily_record* *://*.x.com/record_sport* *://*.youtube.com/@scottishdailyrecord* *://*.dailyrecord.co.uk/* # Daily Sound and Fury (USA) *://*.dailysoundandfury.com/* # Dallas Voice (USA) *://*.dallasvoice.com/* # Dame Magazine (USA) *://*.damemagazine.com/* # DavidPakman.com (USA) *://*.davidpakman.com/* # DeadState (USA) *://*.deadstate.org/* # Deadspin (USA) *://*.deadspin.com/* # Defend Democracy Press (Greece) *://*.defenddemocracy.press/* # Democracy Chronicles (USA) *://*.democracychronicles.org/* # Democracy Docket (USA) *://*.democracydocket.com/* # Democracy Guardian (USA) *://*.democracyguardian.com/* # Democracy Journal (USA) *://*.democracyjournal.org/* # Democracy Now (USA) *://*.democracynow.org/* # Democratic Underground (USA) *://*.crunchbase.com/organization/democratic-underground* *://*.instagram.com/democraticunderground* *://*.zoominfo.com/c/democratic-underground-llc/* *://*.democraticunderground.com/* # Deshabhimani (India) *://*.deshabhimani.com/* # DeSmogBlog (Canada) *://*.desmog.com/* # Detroit Metro Times (USA) *://*.metrotimes.com/* # Dissent Magazine (USA) *://*.dissentmagazine.org/* # Double Down News (UK) *://*.doubledown.news/* # Dream for America (USA) *://*.dream4america.org/* *://*.dreamforamerica.org/* # Drudge Retort (USA) *://*.drudge.com/* # Earth First Journal (USA) *://*.earthfirstjournal.news/* # Ecowatch (USA) *://*.ecowatch.com/* # EgbertoWillies (USA) *://*.egbertowillies.com/* # Electoral-Vote.com (Netherlands) *://*.electoral-vote.com/* # Electronic Intifada (USA) *://*.electronicintifada.net/* # Elite Daily (USA) *://*.crunchbase.com/acquisition/dmg-media-acquires-elite-daily* *://*.crunchbase.com/organization/elite-daily* *://*.instagram.com/*elitedaily* *://*.tiktok.com/tag/elitedaily* *://*.twitter.com/EliteDaily* *://*.twitter.com/elitedaily* *://*.twitter.com/elitenewsdaily* *://*.x.com/EliteDaily* *://*.x.com/elitedaily* *://*.x.com/elitenewsdaily* *://*.youtube.com/*elitedaily* *://*.zoominfo.com/c/elite-daily/* *://*.elitedaily.com/* # ELLE Magazine (USA) *://*.instagram.com/ellegermany* *://*.instagram.com/elleusa* *://*.twitter.com/ellemagazine* *://*.twitter.com/elleuk* *://*.x.com/ellemagazine* *://*.x.com/elleuk* *://*.youtube.com/channel/UCV8Do0nwSrYP7lwPBS4LWpw* *://*.elle.com/* # Erin in the Morning (USA) *://*.erininthemorning.com/* # Esquire Magazine (USA) *://*.instagram.com/esquire* *://*.instagram.com/esquire.australia* *://*.pinterest.com/esquiremag/* *://*.twitter.com/EsquireUK* *://*.twitter.com/esquire* *://*.twitter.com/esquireuk* *://*.x.com/EsquireUK* *://*.x.com/esquire* *://*.x.com/esquireuk* *://*.youtube.com/user/EsquireMag* *://*.esquire.com/* # Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor (Switzerland) *://*.euromedmonitor.org/* # Everyday Feminism (USA) *://*.everydayfeminism.com/* # Evonomics (USA) *://*.evonomics.com/* # Exposed by CMD (USA) *://*.exposedbycmd.org/* # FairPlanet (Germany) *://*.fairplanet.org/* # Feminist Current (Canada) *://*.feministcurrent.com/* # Fifth Estate (USA) *://*.fifthestate.org/* # Finnish News (Finland) *://*.finnishnews.fi/* # Florida Phoenix (USA) *://*.floridaphoenix.com/* # Food and Water Watch (USA) *://*.foodandwaterwatch.org/* # Foreign Policy Journal (USA) *://*.foreignpolicyjournal.com/* # Foreign Policy News (USA) *://*.foreignpolicynews.org/* # FreePress.org (USA) *://*.freepress.org/* # Freedom From Religion Foundation (USA) *://*.ffrf.org/* # Freedom News and Journal (UK) *://*.freedomnews.org.uk/* # Front Page Live (USA) *://*.frontpageslive.com/* # FStv (USA) *://*.freespeech.org/* # Future Forward USA PAC (USA) *://*.futureforwardusa.org/* # Gawker (USA) *://*.gawker.com/* # Gay City News (USA) *://*.gaycitynews.com/* # Gay Star News (UK) *://*.gaystarnews.com/* # Gay Times (UK) *://*.gaytimes.co.uk/* *://*.gaytimes.com/* # Geopolitics Alert (USA) *://*.geopoliticsalert.com/* # Georgia Recorder (USA) *://*.georgiarecorder.com/* # Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence (USA) *://*.giffords.org/* # Gizmodo (USA) *://*.crunchbase.com/organization/gizmodo/* *://*.gizmodo.com/* # GLAAD (USA) *://*.glaad.org/* # Global Voices (USA) *://*.globalvoices.org/* # Good Magazine (USA) *://*.good.is/* # GQ Magazine (USA) *://*.instagram.com/britishgq* *://*.instagram.com/gq* *://*.pinterest.com/pin/gq-magazine* *://*.twitter.com/GQMagazine* *://*.twitter.com/britishgq* *://*.twitter.com/gqmagazine* *://*.x.com/GQMagazine* *://*.x.com/britishgq* *://*.x.com/gqmagazine* *://*.youtube.com/channel/UCsEukrAd64fqA7FjwkmZ_Dw* *://*.gq.com/* # Grasping Reality With Both Hands: Bradford DeLong (USA) *://*.bradford-delong.com/* # Green Left Weekly (Australia) *://*.greenleft.org.au/* # Greenlining Institute (USA) *://*.greenlining.org/* # Guardian Liberty Voice (USA) *://*.guardianlv.com/* # Haaretz (Israel) *://*.instagram.com/haaretzcom* *://*.twitter.com/haaretzcom* *://*.x.com/haaretzcom* *://*.youtube.com/@haaretzcom* *://podcasts.apple.com/*/podcast/*/id1440719849* *://podcasts.apple.com/*/podcast/haaretz-podcast/* *://podcasts.apple.com/*/podcast/haaretz-podcast/id1440719849* *://*.haaretz.com/* # Harper’s Bazaar (USA) *://*.pinterest.com/fashionplusstylexo/harpers-bazaar* *://*.instagram.com/harpersbazaarus* *://*.instagram.com/updatesofkaia* *://*.twitter.com/harpersbazaarus* *://*.twitter.com/zayndailynews* *://*.x.com/harpersbazaarus* *://*.x.com/zayndailynews* *://*.zoominfo.com/c/harpers-bazaar/* *://*.harpersbazaar.com/* # Harvard International Review (USA) *://*.hir.harvard.edu/* # High Times (USA) *://*.hightimes.com/* # Hill Reporter (USA) *://*.hillreporter.com/* # Hope Not Hate (UK) *://*.hopenothate.org.uk/* # Huffington Post (USA) *://*.crunchbase.com/organization/huffingtonpost* *://*.instagram.com/*huffpost* *://*.twitter.com/huffpostpol* *://*.x.com/huffpostpol* *://*.youtube.com/@huffpost* *://*.huffpost.com/* # Human Rights Campaign (USA) *://*.hrc.org/* # Idaho Capital Sun (USA) *://*.idahocapitalsun.com/* # In Defence of Marxism (UK) *://*.marxist.com/* # In These Times (USA) *://*.inthesetimes.com/* # The Independent Florida Alligator (USA) *://*.alligator.org/* # Indivisible Movement (USA) *://*.indivisible.org/* # Inequality Media (USA) *://*.inequalitymedia.org/* # Informed Comment (USA) *://*.juancole.com/* # Inkstick Media (USA) *://*.inkstickmedia.com/* # Institute for New Economic Thinking (USA) *://*.ineteconomics.org/* # Institute for Policy Studies (USA) *://*.ips-dc.org/* # International Policy Digest (USA) *://*.intpolicydigest.org/* # International Socialism Journal (UK) *://*.isj.org.uk/* # International Viewpoint (UK) *://*.internationalviewpoint.org/* # Intrepid Report (USA) *://*.intrepidreport.com/* # Iowa Capital Dispatch (USA) *://*.iowacapitaldispatch.com/* # Iowa Starting Line (USA) *://*.iowastartingline.com/* # It’s Going Down (USA) *://*.itsgoingdown.org/* # Jacobin (USA) *://*.jacobin.com/* # Jewish Currents (USA) *://*.jewishcurrents.org/* # Jewish Voice for Peace (USA) *://*.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/* # Jezebel (USA) *://*.jezebel.com/* # JoeBiden.com (USA) *://*.joebiden.com/* *://*.actblue.com/* # Junkee (Australia) *://*.junkee.com/* # Kansas Reflector (USA) *://*.kansasreflector.com/* # Kentucky Lantern (USA) *://*.kentuckylantern.com/* # Knock-LA (USA) *://*.knock-la.com/* # Lavender Magazine (USA) *://*.lavendermagazine.com/* # LA Weekly (USA) *://*.laweekly.com/* # The League of Conservation Voters (USA) *://*.lcv.org/* # Left Foot Forward (UK) *://*.leftfootforward.org/* # Left Voice (USA) *://*.leftvoice.org/* # Legal Reader (USA) *://*.legalreader.com/* # Le Média (France) *://*.lemediatv.fr/* # Le Monde Diplomatique (France) *://*.monde-diplomatique.fr/* # LEO Weekly (USA) *://*.leoweekly.com/* # LGBTQ Nation (USA) *://*.lgbtqnation.com/* # Libcom.org (USA) *://*.libcom.org/* # Liberal America (USA) *://*.liberalamerica.org/* # Liberation News (USA) *://*.liberationnews.org/* # 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Milwaukee Independent (USA) *://*.milwaukeeindependent.com/* # Minnesota Reformer (USA) *://*.minnesotareformer.com/* # Mississippi Free Press (USA) *://*.mississippifreepress.org/* # Missouri Independent (USA) *://*.missouriindependent.com/* # Modern Liberals (USA) *://*.modernliberals.com/* # Monthly Review (USA) *://*.monthlyreview.org/* # MR Online (USA) *://*.mronline.org/* # Ms. Magazine (USA) *://*.msmagazine.com/* # MSNBC (USA) *://*.msnbc.com/* # Nation of Change (USA) *://*.nationofchange.org/* # National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (USA) *://*.naacp.org/* # National Democratic Training Committee (USA) *://*.traindemocrats.org/* # National Immigration Law Center (USA) *://*.nilc.org/* # National Organization for Women (USA) *://*.now.org/* # National Women’s Law Center (USA) *://*.nwlc.org/* # Natural Resources Defense Council (USA) *://*.nrdc.org/* # NC Newsline (USA) *://*.ncnewsline.com/* # Nebraska Examiner (USA) *://*.nebraskaexaminer.com/* # Neues Deutschland (Germany) *://*.nd-aktuell.de/* # Nevada Current (USA) *://*.nevadacurrent.com/* # New Internationalist (UK) *://*.newint.org/* # New Jersey Monitor (USA) *://*.newjerseymonitor.com/* # New Politics Magazine (USA) *://*.newpol.org/* # New Republic (USA) *://*.newrepublic.com/* # New Statesman (UK) *://*.newstatesman.com/* # New York Amsterdam News (USA) *://*.amsterdamnews.com/* # New York Focus (USA) *://*.nysfocus.com/* # New York Magazine (USA) *://*.nymag.com/* # New Yorker (USA) *://*.newyorker.com/* # NewsClick (India) *://*.newsclick.in/* # News Corpse (USA) *://*.newscorpse.com/* # News from the States (USA) *://*.newsfromthestates.com/* # NewsHounds (USA) *://*.newshounds.us/* # NewsOne (USA) *://*.newsone.com/* # Nonprofit Quarterly (USA) *://*.nonprofitquarterly.org/* # North Dakota Monitor (USA) *://*.northdakotamonitor.com/* # Novara Media (UK) *://*.novaramedia.com/* # Now Magazine (Canada) *://*.nowtoronto.com/* # Oaklandside (USA) *://*.oaklandside.org/* # Occupy.com (USA) *://*.occupy.com/* # Ohio Capital-Journal (USA) *://*.ohiocapitaljournal.com/* # Oklahoma Voice (USA) *://*.oklahomavoice.com/* # OKO.Press (Poland) *://*.oko.press/* # One Green Planet (USA) *://*.onegreenplanet.org/* # OpEdNews (USA) *://*.opednews.com/* # Open Society Foundations (USA) *://*.opensocietyfoundations.org/* # Oregon Capital Chronicle (USA) *://*.oregoncapitalchronicle.com/* # Orlando Weekly (USA) *://*.orlandoweekly.com/* # Out Magazine (USA) *://*.out.com/* # Oxfam America (USA) *://*.oxfamamerica.org/* # PNN (Palestine) *://*.english.pnn.ps/* # Palestinian Information Center (Palestine) *://*.english.palinfo.com/* # Palmer Report (USA) *://*.palmerreport.com/* # Paste Magazine (USA) *://*.pastemagazine.com/* # Pennsylvania Capital-Star (USA) *://*.penncapital-star.com/* # People for the American Way (USA) *://*.pfaw.org/* *://*.peoplefor.org/* # People Magazine (USA) *://*.people.com/* # People’s Policy Project (USA) *://*.peoplespolicyproject.org/* # People’s World (USA) *://*.peoplesworld.org/* # Physicians for a National Health Program (USA) *://*.pnhp.org/* # PINAC (USA) *://*.pinacnews.com/* # PinkNews (UK) *://*.thepinknews.com/* # Political Research Associates (USA) *://*.politicalresearch.org/* # Political Tribune (USA) *://*.polinews.org/* # PoliticusUSA (USA) *://*.politicususa.com/* # Politizoom (USA) *://*.politizoom.com/* # Popular Information (USA) *://*.popular.info/* # Popular Resistance (USA) *://*.popularresistance.org/* # Portside (USA) *://*.portside.org/* # Post Carbon Institute (USA) *://*.postcarbon.org/* # Press Progress (Canada) *://*.pressprogress.ca/* # Press Watch (USA) *://*.presswatchers.org/* # Pride Source (USA) *://*.pridesource.com/* # Prism (USA) *://*.prismreports.org/* # Progressive Change Campaign Committee (USA) *://*.boldprogressives.org/* # Project Censored (USA) *://*.projectcensored.org/* # Psyche (Australia) *://*.psyche.co/* # LittleSis.org (USA) *://*.littlesis.org/* # Queerty (USA) *://*.queerty.com/* # Rabble.ca (Canada) *://*.rabble.ca/* # Raw Story (USA) *://*.rawstory.com/* # Reader Supported News (USA) *://*.rsn.org/* # 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