-- Yves Arbour wireless weather station project with data logging to Excel sheets with Things Gateway -- code based on the following -- Rui Santos - ESP8266 Client -- DS18B20 one wire module for NODEMCU -- Vowstar -- Peter Scargill -- Wimp Weather Station by sparkfun Nathan Seidle wifi.sta.disconnect() wifi.setmode(wifi.STATION) wifi.sta.config("test","12345678") wifi.sta.connect() print("Looking for a connection") temp=0 function readds18b20sensor() t=require("ds18b20.lua") -- print(t.readNumber(2)) for debuging temp = (t.readNumber(2)) --GPIO 04 end winDirection=0 gpio.mode(0,gpio.INPUT) function readWindDirection () windDirection = adc.read(0) if (windDirection < 26) then windDirection=90 --E --if (windDirection < 17) then windDirection=113 -- ESE --elseif (windDirection < 21) then windDirection=68 -- ENE --elseif (windDirection < 26) then windDirection=90 -- E --elseif (windDirection < 36) then windDirection=158 -- SSE elseif (windDirection < 43) then windDirection=135 --SE --elseif (windDirection < 60) then windDirection=203 -- SSW elseif (windDirection < 85) then windDirection=180 --S --elseif (windDirection < 98) then windDirection=23 -- NNE elseif (windDirection < 120) then windDirection=45 --NE --elseif (windDirection < 170) then windDirection=248 -- WSW elseif (windDirection < 210) then windDirection=225 -SW --elseif (windDirection < 275) then windDirection=338 -- NNW elseif (windDirection < 380) then windDirection=0 --N --elseif (windDirection < 500) then windDirection=293 -- WNW elseif (windDirection < 750) then windDirection=315 --NW elseif (windDirection < 1005) then windDirection=270 --W else windDirection=-1 end end irqPin = 1 --GPIO5 windSpeed = 0 windClicks = 0 lastWindCheck = 0 function debounce (func) local delay = 100000 return function (...) now = tmr.now() now = now - lastWindCheck if now < delay then return end lastWindCheck = tmr.now() return func (...) end end function windSpeedIrq () windClicks = windClicks+1 * 10000000 print (windClicks) end function calcWindSpeed () local deltaTime = tmr.now () - lastWindCheck windSpeed = windClicks / deltaTime print(deltaTime) windSpeed = windSpeed * 1492 /10000 -- Replace " *1492/10000 " with " *24/100 " for Km/h instead of Mp/h windClicks = 0 lastWindCheck = tmr.now() end gpio.mode(irqPin,gpio.INT) gpio.trig(irqPin,"down",debounce(windSpeedIrq)) file.open("counterMax.lua","r") counter=(file.read()) file.close() tmr.alarm(0, 2000, 1, function() if(wifi.sta.getip()~=nil) then tmr.stop(0) print("Client IP Address:",wifi.sta.getip()) cl=net.createConnection(net.TCP, 0) cl:connect(80,"") tmr.alarm(1, 5000, 1, function() counter=counter+1 readds18b20sensor() readWindDirection() calcWindSpeed() print (temp) print(windSpeed) -- Next is the properly formated string that Things Gateway needs to show Date,Time,Wind speed,Wind direction and Temp. cl:send("XLS,write,Example,A"..counter..",%date%\nXLS,write,Example,B"..counter..",%time%\nXLS,write,Example,C"..counter..","..windSpeed.."\nXLS,write,Example,D"..counter..","..windDirection.."\nXLS,write,Example,E"..counter..","..temp) cl:on("disconnection",function(reconnect) file.open("counterMax.lua","w+") file.writeline(counter) file.close() end) end) else print("Connecting...") end end) function reconnect() wifi.setmode(wifi.STATION) wifi.sta.config("test","12345678") wifi.sta.connect() end