/* * Rui Santos * Complete Project Details http://randomnerdtutorials.com */ // include TFT and SPI libraries #include #include // pin definition for Arduino UNO #define cs 10 #define dc 9 #define rst 8 // create an instance of the library TFT TFTscreen = TFT(cs, dc, rst); void setup() { //initialize the library TFTscreen.begin(); // clear the screen with a black background TFTscreen.background(0, 0, 0); } void loop() { //generate a random color int redRandom = random(0, 255); int greenRandom = random (0, 255); int blueRandom = random (0, 255); // set the color for the figures TFTscreen.stroke(redRandom, greenRandom, blueRandom); // light up a single point TFTscreen.point(80,64); // wait 200 miliseconds until change to next figure delay(500); // draw a line TFTscreen.line(0,64,160,64); delay(500); //draw a square TFTscreen.rect(50,34,60,60); delay(500); //draw a circle TFTscreen.circle(80,64,30); delay(500); //erase all figures TFTscreen.background(0,0,0); }