. * * file: app/libs/runeaudio.php * version: 1.3 * coder: Simone De Gregori * */ // Predefined MPD & SPOP Response messages // define("MPD_GREETING", "OK MPD 0.18.0\n"); // define("SPOP_GREETING", "spop 0.0.1\n"); function is_localhost() { $whitelist = array( '', '::1' ); if( in_array( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $whitelist) ) return true; } function openMpdSocket($path, $type = null) // connection types: 0 = normal (blocking), 1 = burst mode (blocking), 2 = burst mode 2 (non blocking) { $sock = socket_create(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); // create non blocking socket connection if ($type === 1 OR $type === 2) { if ($type === 2) { socket_set_nonblock($sock); runelog('opened **BURST MODE 2 (non blocking)** socket resource: ',$sock); } else { runelog('opened **BURST MODE (blocking)** socket resource: ',$sock); } $sock = array('resource' => $sock, 'type' => $type); $connection = socket_connect($sock['resource'], $path); if ($connection) { // skip MPD greeting response (first 14 bytes) $header = socket_read($sock['resource'], 14, PHP_NORMAL_READ); runelog("[open][".$sock['resource']."]\t>>>>>> OPEN MPD SOCKET <<<<<< greeting response: ".$header."<<<<<<",''); return $sock; } else { runelog("[error][".$sock['resource']."]\t>>>>>> MPD SOCKET ERROR: ".socket_last_error($sock['resource'])." <<<<<<",''); // ui_notify('MPD sock: '.$sock.'','socket error = '.socket_last_error($sock)); return false; } // create blocking socket connection } else { runelog('opened **NORMAL MODE (blocking)** socket resource: ',$sock); $connection = socket_connect($sock, $path); if ($connection) { // skip MPD greeting response (first 14 bytes) $header = socket_read($sock, 14, PHP_NORMAL_READ); runelog("[open][".$sock."]\t<<<<<<<<<<<< OPEN MPD SOCKET ---- MPD greeting response: ".$header.">>>>>>>>>>>>",''); return $sock; } else { runelog("[error][".$sock."]\t<<<<<<<<<<<< MPD SOCKET ERROR: ".socket_strerror(socket_last_error($sock))." >>>>>>>>>>>>",''); // ui_notify('MPD sock: '.$sock.'','socket error = '.socket_last_error($sock)); return false; } } } function closeMpdSocket($sock) { if (isset($sock['resource'])) { $sock = $sock['resource']; } sendMpdCommand($sock, 'close'); // socket_shutdown($sock, 2); // debug runelog("[close][".$sock."]\t<<<<<< CLOSE MPD SOCKET (".socket_strerror(socket_last_error($sock)).") >>>>>>",''); socket_close($sock); } function sendMpdCommand($sock, $cmd) { if (isset($sock['resource'])) { $sock = $sock['resource']; } $cmd = $cmd."\n"; socket_write($sock, $cmd, strlen($cmd)); runelog("MPD COMMAND: (socket=".$sock.")", $cmd); } // detect end of MPD response function checkEOR($chunk) { if (strpos($chunk, "OK\n") !== false) { return true; } elseif (strpos($chunk, "ACK [") !== false) { if (preg_match("/(\[[0-9]@[0-9]\])/", $chunk) === 1) { return true; } } else { return false; } } function readMpdResponse($sock) { // initialize vars $output = ''; $read = ''; $read_monitor = array(); $write_monitor = NULL; $except_monitor = NULL; // debug // socket monitoring // iteration counter // $i = 0; // timestamp // $starttime = microtime(true); // runelog('START timestamp:', $starttime); if ($sock['type'] === 2) { // handle burst mode 2 (nonblocking) socket session $buff = 1024; $end = 0; while($end === 0) { if (is_resource($sock['resource']) === true) { $read = socket_read($sock['resource'], $buff); } else { break; } if (checkEOR($read) === true) { ob_start(); echo $read; // flush(); ob_flush(); ob_end_clean(); $end = 1; break; } if (strpos($read, "\n")) { ob_start(); echo $read; // flush(); ob_flush(); ob_end_clean(); } else { continue; } usleep(200); } } elseif ($sock['type'] === 1) { // handle burst mode 1 (blocking) socket session $read_monitor = array($sock['resource']); $buff = 1310720; // debug // $socket_activity = socket_select($read_monitor, $write_monitor, $except_monitor, NULL); // runelog('socket_activity (pre-loop):', $socket_activity); do { // debug // $i++; // $elapsed = microtime(true); // read data from socket if (is_resource($sock['resource']) === true) { $read = socket_read($sock['resource'], $buff); } else { break; } // debug // runelog('socket_read status', $read); if ($read === '' OR $read === false) { $output = socket_strerror(socket_last_error($sock)); // debug runelog('socket disconnected!!!', $output); break; } $output .= $read; // usleep(200); // debug // runelog('_1_socket_activity (in-loop): iteration='.$i.' ', $socket_activity); // runelog('_1_buffer length:', strlen($output)); // runelog('_1_iteration:', $i); // runelog('_1_timestamp:', $elapsed); } while (checkEOR($read) === false); // debug // runelog('END timestamp:', $elapsed); // runelog('RESPONSE length:', strlen($output)); // runelog('EXEC TIME:', $elapsed - $starttime); return $output; } else { // handle normal mode (blocking) socket session $read_monitor = array($sock); $buff = 4096; // debug // $socket_activity = socket_select($read_monitor, $write_monitor, $except_monitor, NULL); // runelog('socket_activity (pre-loop):', $socket_activity); do { // debug // $i++; // $elapsed = microtime(true); if (is_resource($sock) === true) { $read = socket_read($sock, $buff, PHP_NORMAL_READ); } else { break; } // debug // runelog('socket_read status', $read); if ($read === '' OR $read === false) { $output = socket_strerror(socket_last_error($sock)); // debug runelog('socket disconnected!!!', $output); break; } $output .= $read; // usleep(200); // debug // runelog('read buffer content (0 mode)', $read); // runelog('_0_buffer length:', strlen($output)); // runelog('_0_iteration:', $i); // runelog('_0_timestamp:', $elapsed); } while (checkEOR($read) === false); // debug // runelog('END timestamp:', $elapsed); // runelog('RESPONSE length:', strlen($output)); // runelog('EXEC TIME:', $elapsed - $starttime); return $output; } } function sendMpdIdle($sock) { //sendMpdCommand($sock,"idle player,playlist"); sendMpdCommand($sock,'idle'); $response = readMpdResponse($sock); $response = array_map('trim', explode(":", $response)); return $response; } function monitorMpdState($sock) { if ($change = sendMpdIdle($sock)) { $status = _parseStatusResponse(MpdStatus($sock)); $status['changed'] = substr($change[1], 0, -3); // runelog('monitorMpdState()', $status); return $status; } } function getTrackInfo($sock, $songID) { // set currentsong, currentartis, currentalbum sendMpdCommand($sock, 'playlistinfo '.$songID); $track = readMpdResponse($sock); // runelog('+++++++++++++ getTrackInfo data +++++++++++++++', $track); return _parseFileListResponse($track); } function getPlayQueue($sock) { sendMpdCommand($sock, 'playlistinfo'); $playqueue = readMpdResponse($sock); //return _parseFileListResponse($playqueue); return $playqueue; } // Spotify support function openSpopSocket($host, $port, $type = null) // connection types: 0 = normal (blocking), 1 = burst mode (blocking), 2 = burst mode 2 (non blocking) { $sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); // create non blocking socket connection if ($type === 1 OR $type === 2) { if ($type === 2) { socket_set_nonblock($sock); runelog('opened **BURST MODE 2 (non blocking)** socket resource: ',$sock); } else { runelog('opened **BURST MODE (blocking)** socket resource: ',$sock); } $sock = array('resource' => $sock, 'type' => $type); $connection = socket_connect($sock['resource'], $host, $port); if ($connection) { // skip SPOP greeting response (first 14 bytes) $header = socket_read($sock['resource'], 11, PHP_NORMAL_READ); runelog("[open][".$sock['resource']."]\t>>>>>> OPEN SPOP SOCKET <<<<<< greeting response: ".$header."<<<<<<",''); return $sock; } else { runelog("[error][".$sock['resource']."]\t>>>>>> SPOP SOCKET ERROR: ".socket_last_error($sock['resource'])." <<<<<<",''); // ui_notify('SPOP sock: '.$sock.'','socket error = '.socket_last_error($sock)); return false; } // create blocking socket connection } else { runelog('opened **NORMAL MODE (blocking)** socket resource: ',$sock); $connection = socket_connect($sock, $host, $port); if ($connection) { // skip SPOP greeting response (first 14 bytes) $header = socket_read($sock, 11, PHP_NORMAL_READ); runelog("[open][".$sock."]\t<<<<<<<<<<<< OPEN SPOP SOCKET ---- SPOP greeting response: ".$header.">>>>>>>>>>>>",''); return $sock; } else { runelog("[error][".$sock."]\t<<<<<<<<<<<< SPOP SOCKET ERROR: ".socket_strerror(socket_last_error($sock))." >>>>>>>>>>>>",''); // ui_notify('SPOP sock: '.$sock.'','socket error = '.socket_last_error($sock)); return false; } } } function closeSpopSocket($sock) { if (isset($sock['resource'])) { $sock = $sock['resource']; } sendSpopCommand($sock, 'bye'); // socket_shutdown($sock, 2); // debug runelog("[close][".$sock."]\t<<<<<< CLOSE SPOP SOCKET (".socket_strerror(socket_last_error($sock)).") >>>>>>",''); socket_close($sock); } function sendSpopCommand($sock, $cmd) { if (isset($sock['resource'])) { $sock = $sock['resource']; } $cmd = $cmd."\n"; socket_write($sock, $cmd, strlen($cmd)); runelog("SPOP COMMAND: (socket=".$sock.")", $cmd); //ui_notify('COMMAND GIVEN','CMD = '.$cmd,'','.9'); } // detect end of SPOP response function checkSpopEOR($chunk) { if (strpos($chunk, "\n") !== false) { return true; } else { return false; } } function readSpopResponse($sock) { // initialize vars $output = ''; $read = ''; $read_monitor = array(); $write_monitor = NULL; $except_monitor = NULL; // debug // socket monitoring // iteration counter // $i = 0; // timestamp // $starttime = microtime(true); // runelog('START timestamp:', $starttime); if ($sock['type'] === 2) { // handle burst mode 2 (nonblocking) socket session $buff = 1024; $end = 0; while($end === 0) { if (is_resource($sock['resource']) === true) { $read = socket_read($sock['resource'], $buff); } else { break; } if (checkSpopEOR($read) === true) { ob_start(); echo $read; // flush(); ob_flush(); ob_end_clean(); $end = 1; break; } if (strpos($read, "\n")) { ob_start(); echo $read; // flush(); ob_flush(); ob_end_clean(); } else { continue; } usleep(200); } } elseif ($sock['type'] === 1) { // handle burst mode 1 (blocking) socket session $read_monitor = array($sock['resource']); $buff = 1310720; // debug // $socket_activity = socket_select($read_monitor, $write_monitor, $except_monitor, NULL); // runelog('socket_activity (pre-loop):', $socket_activity); do { // debug // $i++; // $elapsed = microtime(true); // read data from socket if (is_resource($sock['resource']) === true) { $read = socket_read($sock['resource'], $buff); } else { break; } // debug // runelog('socket_read status', $read); if ($read === '' OR $read === false) { $output = socket_strerror(socket_last_error($sock)); // debug runelog('socket disconnected!!!', $output); break; } $output .= $read; // usleep(200); // debug // runelog('_1_socket_activity (in-loop): iteration='.$i.' ', $socket_activity); // runelog('_1_buffer length:', strlen($output)); // runelog('_1_iteration:', $i); // runelog('_1_timestamp:', $elapsed); } while (checkSpopEOR($read) === false); // debug // runelog('END timestamp:', $elapsed); // runelog('RESPONSE length:', strlen($output)); // runelog('EXEC TIME:', $elapsed - $starttime); return $output; } else { // handle normal mode (blocking) socket session $read_monitor = array($sock); $buff = 4096; // debug // $socket_activity = socket_select($read_monitor, $write_monitor, $except_monitor, NULL); // runelog('socket_activity (pre-loop):', $socket_activity); do { // debug // $i++; // $elapsed = microtime(true); if (is_resource($sock) === true) { $read = socket_read($sock, $buff, PHP_NORMAL_READ); } else { break; } // debug // runelog('socket_read status', $read); if ($read === '' OR $read === false) { $output = socket_strerror(socket_last_error($sock)); // debug runelog('socket disconnected!!!', $output); break; } $output .= $read; // usleep(200); // debug // runelog('read buffer content (0 mode)', $read); // runelog('_0_buffer length:', strlen($output)); // runelog('_0_iteration:', $i); // runelog('_0_timestamp:', $elapsed); } while (checkSpopEOR($read) === false); // debug // runelog('END timestamp:', $elapsed); // runelog('RESPONSE length:', strlen($output)); // runelog('EXEC TIME:', $elapsed - $starttime); return $output; } } function sendSpopIdle($sock) { sendSpopCommand($sock,'idle'); $response = readSpopResponse($sock); return $response; } function monitorSpopState($sock) { if ($change = sendSpopIdle($sock)) { $status = _parseSpopStatusResponse(SpopStatus($sock)); runelog('monitorSpopState()', $status); return $status; } } function SpopStatus($sock) { sendSpopCommand($sock, "status"); $status = readSpopResponse($sock); return $status; } function getSpopPlayQueue($sock) { sendSpopCommand($sock, 'qpls'); $playqueue = readSpopResponse($sock); //return _parseFileListResponse($playqueue); return $playqueue; } function getSpopQueue($sock) { $queue = ''; sendSpopCommand($sock, 'qls'); $playqueue = readSpopResponse($sock); //return _parseFileListResponse($playqueue); $pl = json_decode($playqueue); foreach ($pl->tracks as $track) { $queue .= "file: ".$track->uri."\n"; $queue .= "Time: ".($track->duration / 1000)."\n"; $queue .= "Track: ".$track->index."\n"; $queue .= "Title: ".$track->title."\n"; $queue .= "Artist: ".$track->artist."\n"; $queue .= "AlbumArtist: ".$track->artist."\n"; $queue .= "Album: ".$track->album."\n"; $queue .= "Date:\n"; $queue .= "Genre:\n"; $queue .= "Pos: ".$track->index."\n"; $queue .= "Id: ".$track->index."\n"; } return $queue; } function spopDB($sock, $plid = null) { if (isset($plid)) { sendSpopCommand($sock,"ls ".$plid); } else { sendSpopCommand($sock, 'ls'); } $response = readSpopResponse($sock); return $response; } function getMpdOutputs($mpd) { sendMpdCommand($mpd, 'outputs'); $outputs= readMpdResponse($mpd); return $outputs; } function getLastFMauth($redis) { $lastfmauth = $redis->hGetAll('lastfm'); return $lastfmauth; } function setLastFMauth($redis, $lastfm) { $redis->hSet('lastfm', 'user', $lastfm->user); $redis->hSet('lastfm', 'pass', $lastfm->pass); } function saveBookmark($redis, $path) { $idx = $redis->incr('bookmarksidx'); $name = parseFileStr($path,'/'); $return = $redis->hSet('bookmarks', $idx, json_encode(array('name' => $name, 'path' => $path))); return $return; } function deleteBookmark($redis, $id) { $return = $redis->hDel('bookmarks', $id); return $return; } function browseDB($sock,$browsemode,$query) { switch ($browsemode) { case 'file': if (isset($query) && !empty($query)){ sendMpdCommand($sock,'lsinfo "'.html_entity_decode($query).'"'); } else { sendMpdCommand($sock,'lsinfo'); } break; case 'album': if (isset($query) && !empty($query)){ sendMpdCommand($sock,'find "album" "'.html_entity_decode($query).'"'); } else { sendMpdCommand($sock,'list "album"'); } break; case 'artist': if (isset($query) && !empty($query)){ sendMpdCommand($sock,'list "album" "'.html_entity_decode($query).'"'); } else { sendMpdCommand($sock,'list "artist"'); } break; case 'genre': if (isset($query) && !empty($query)){ sendMpdCommand($sock,'list "artist" "genre" "'.html_entity_decode($query).'"'); } else { sendMpdCommand($sock,'list "genre"'); } break; case 'albumfilter': if (isset($query) && !empty($query)){ sendMpdCommand($sock,'find "albumartist" "'.html_entity_decode($query).'" "album" ""'); } break; case 'globalrandom': sendMpdCommand($sock,'listall'); break; } $response = readMpdResponse($sock); return _parseFileListResponse($response); } function searchDB($sock,$querytype,$query) { sendMpdCommand($sock,"search ".$querytype." \"".html_entity_decode($query)."\""); $response = readMpdResponse($sock); return _parseFileListResponse($response); } function remTrackQueue($sock, $songpos) { $datapath = findPLposPath($songpos, $sock); sendMpdCommand($sock, 'delete '.$songpos); $response = readMpdResponse($sock); return $datapath; } function addToQueue($sock, $path, $addplay = null, $pos = null, $clear = null) { $fileext = parseFileStr($path,'.'); $cmd = ($fileext == 'm3u' OR $fileext == 'pls' OR $fileext == 'cue') ? "load" : "add"; if (isset($addplay) || isset($clear)) { $cmdlist = "command_list_begin\n"; $cmdlist .= (isset($clear)) ? "clear\n" : ""; // add clear call if needed $cmdlist .= $cmd." \"".html_entity_decode($path)."\"\n"; $cmdlist .= (isset($addplay)) ? "play ".$pos."\n" : ""; // add play call if needed $cmdlist .= "command_list_end"; sendMpdCommand($sock, $cmdlist); } else { sendMpdCommand($sock, $cmd." \"".html_entity_decode($path)."\""); } } function addAlbumToQueue($sock, $path, $addplay = null, $pos = null) { if (isset($addplay)) { $cmdlist = "command_list_begin\n"; $cmdlist .= "findadd \"album\" \"".html_entity_decode($path)."\"\n"; $cmdlist .= "play ".$pos."\n"; $cmdlist .= "command_list_end"; sendMpdCommand($sock, $cmdlist); } else { sendMpdCommand($sock, "findadd \"album\" \"".html_entity_decode($path)."\""); } } /* class globalRandom extends Thread { // mpd status public $status; public function __construct($status) { $this->status = $status; } public function run() { $mpd = openMpdSocket('/run/mpd.sock'); // if ($this->status['consume'] == 0 OR $this->status['random'] == 0) { if ($this->status['random'] == 0) { // sendMpdCommand($mpd,'consume 1'); sendMpdCommand($mpd,'random 1'); } $path = randomSelect($mpd); if ($path) { addToQueue($mpd,$path); runelog("global random call",$path); ui_notify('Global Random Mode', htmlentities($path,ENT_XML1,'UTF-8').' added to current Queue'); } closeMpdSocket($mpd); } } */ function randomSelect($sock) { $songs = browseDB($sock, 'globalrandom'); srand((float) microtime() * 10000000); $randkey = array_rand($songs); return $songs[$randkey]['file']; } function MpdStatus($sock) { sendMpdCommand($sock, "status"); $status = readMpdResponse($sock); return $status; } function songTime($sec) { $minutes = sprintf('%02d', floor($sec / 60)); $seconds = sprintf(':%02d', (int) $sec % 60); return $minutes.$seconds; } function sysCmd($syscmd) { exec($syscmd." 2>&1", $output); runelog('sysCmd($str)', $syscmd); runelog('sysCmd() output:', $output); return $output; } function sysCmdAsync($syscmd, $waitsec = null) { if (isset($waitsec)) { $cmdstr = "/var/www/command/cmd_async ".base64_encode($syscmd); } else { $cmdstr = "/var/www/command/cmd_async ".base64_encode($syscmd); } exec($cmdstr." > /dev/null 2>&1 &", $output); runelog('sysCmdAsync($cmdstr) decoded', $syscmd, __FUNCTION__); runelog('sysCmdAsync($cmdstr) encoded', $cmdstr, __FUNCTION__); runelog('sysCmdAsync() output:', $output, __FUNCTION__); return $output; } function getMpdDaemonDetalis() { $cmd = sysCmd('id -u mpd'); $details['uid'] = $cmd[0]; $cmd = sysCmd('id -g mpd'); $details['gid'] = $cmd[0]; $cmd = sysCmd('pgrep -u mpd'); $details['pid'] = $cmd[0]; return $details; } // using an array as needles in strpos function strposa($haystack, $needle, $offset=0) { if (!is_array($needle)) $needle = array($needle); foreach ($needle as $query) { if (strpos($haystack, $query, $offset) !== false) return true; // stop on first true result } return false; } // format Output for "playlist" function _parseFileListResponse($resp) { if (is_null($resp)) { return null; } else { // $start_time = microtime(TRUE); $plistArray = array(); $plistLine = strtok($resp, "\n"); // $plistFile = ""; $plCounter = -1; $browseMode = TRUE; while ($plistLine) { if (!strpos($plistLine,'@eaDir') && !strpos($plistLine,'.Trash')) list ($element, $value) = explode(': ', $plistLine, 2); // $blacklist = ['@eaDir', '.Trash']; // if (!strposa($plistLine, $blacklist)) list ($element, $value) = explode(': ', $plistLine, 2); if ($element === 'file' OR $element === 'playlist') { $plCounter++; $browseMode = FALSE; // $plistFile = $value; $plistArray[$plCounter][$element] = $value; $plistArray[$plCounter]['fileext'] = parseFileStr($value, '.'); } elseif ($element === 'directory') { $plCounter++; // record directory index for further processing $dirCounter++; // $plistFile = $value; $plistArray[$plCounter]['directory'] = $value; } elseif ($browseMode) { if ( $element === 'Album' ) { $plCounter++; $plistArray[$plCounter]['album'] = $value; } elseif ( $element === 'Artist' ) { $plCounter++; $plistArray[$plCounter]['artist'] = $value; } elseif ( $element === 'Genre' ) { $plCounter++; $plistArray[$plCounter]['genre'] = $value; } } else { $plistArray[$plCounter][$element] = $value; $plistArray[$plCounter]['Time2'] = songTime($plistArray[$plCounter]['Time']); } $plistLine = strtok("\n"); } // $end_time = microtime(TRUE); // if (($end_time - $start_time) > 0.1) { // ui_notify_async('ELAPSED', $end_time - $start_time); // } } return $plistArray; } // format Output for "status" function _parseStatusResponse($resp) { if (is_null($resp)) { return null; } else { $plistArray = array(); $plistLine = strtok($resp, "\n"); $plistFile = ""; $plCounter = -1; while ($plistLine) { list ($element, $value) = explode(": ", $plistLine, 2); $plistArray[$element] = $value; $plistLine = strtok("\n"); } // "elapsed time song_percent" added to output array $time = explode(":", $plistArray['time']); if ($time[0] != 0) { $percent = round(($time[0]*100)/$time[1]); } else { $percent = 0; } $plistArray["song_percent"] = $percent; $plistArray["elapsed"] = $time[0]; $plistArray["time"] = $time[1]; // "audio format" output $audio_format = explode(":", $plistArray['audio']); switch ($audio_format[0]) { case '48000': // no break case '96000': // no break case '192000': $plistArray['audio_sample_rate'] = rtrim(rtrim(number_format($audio_format[0]), 0), ','); break; case '44100': // no break case '88200': // no break case '176400': // no break case '352800': $plistArray['audio_sample_rate'] = rtrim(number_format($audio_format[0], 0, ',', '.'),0); break; } // format "audio_sample_depth" string $plistArray['audio_sample_depth'] = $audio_format[1]; // format "audio_channels" string if ($audio_format[2] === "2") $plistArray['audio_channels'] = "Stereo"; if ($audio_format[2] === "1") $plistArray['audio_channels'] = "Mono"; // if ($audio_format[2] > 2) $plistArray['audio_channels'] = "Multichannel"; } return $plistArray; } function _parseSpopStatusResponse($resp) { if (is_null($resp)) { return null; } else { $status = array(); $resp = json_decode($resp); if ($resp->status === "playing") $status['state'] = "play"; if ($resp->status === "stopped") $status['state'] = "stop"; if ($resp->status === "paused") $status['state'] = "pause"; if ($resp->repeat === false) { $status['repeat'] = '0'; } else { $status['repeat'] = '1'; } if ($resp->shuffle === false) { $status['random'] = '0'; } else { $status['random'] = '1'; } $status['playlistlength'] = $resp->total_tracks; $status['currentartist'] = $resp->artist; $status['currentalbum'] = $resp->album; $status['currentsong'] = $resp->title; $status['song'] = $resp->current_track -1; if (isset($resp->position)) { $status['elapsed'] = $resp->position; } else { $status['elapsed'] = 0; } $status['time'] = $resp->duration / 1000; $status['volume'] = 100; if ($resp->status === "stopped") { $status['song_percent'] = 0; } else { $status['song_percent'] = round(100 - (($status['time'] - $status['elapsed']) * 100 / $status['time'])); } $status['uri'] = $resp->uri; $status['popularity'] = $resp->popularity; return $status; } } function _parseOutputsResponse($input, $active) { if (is_null($input)) { return null; } else { $response = preg_split("/\r?\n/", $input); $outputs = array(); $linenum = 0; $i = -1; foreach($response as $line) { if ($linenum % 3 == 0) { $i++; } if (!empty($line)) { $value = explode(':', $line); $outputs[$i][$value[0]] = trim($value[1]); if (isset($active)) { if ($value[0] == 'outputenabled' && $outputs[$i][$value[0]] == 1) { $active = $i; } } } else { unset($outputs[$i]); } $linenum++; } } if (isset($active)) { return $active; } else { return $outputs; } } // get file extension function parseFileStr($strFile, $delimiter, $negative = null) { // runelog("parseFileStr($strFile,$delimiter)"); $pos = strrpos($strFile, $delimiter); // runelog('parseFileStr (position of delimiter)',$pos); if (isset($negative)) { $str = substr($strFile, 0, -4); } else { $str = substr($strFile, $pos+1); } // runelog('parseFileStr (string)',$str); return $str; } function OpCacheCtl($action, $basepath, $redis = null) { if ($action === 'prime' OR $action === 'primeall') $cmd = 'opcache_compile_file'; if ($action === 'reset') $cmd = 'opcache_invalidate'; if ($action === 'prime') { $files = $redis->sMembers('php_opcache_prime'); foreach ($files as $file) { opcache_compile_file($file); } } if ($action === 'primeall' OR $action === 'reset') { if (is_file($basepath)) { if (parseFileStr($basepath,'.') === 'php' && $basepath !== '/srv/http/command/cachectl.php' ) $cmd ($basepath); } elseif(is_dir($basepath)) { $scan = glob(rtrim($basepath,'/').'/*'); foreach($scan as $index=>$path) { OpCacheCtl($path,$action); } } } } function netMounts($redis, $action, $data = null) { // mountpoint input format // $data = array( 'name' => '', 'type' => '', 'address' => '', 'remotedir' => '', 'username' => '', 'password' => '', 'charset' => '', 'rsize' => '', 'wsize' => '', 'options' => '', 'error' => '' ); switch ($action) { case 'list': $mp = $redis->Keys('mount_*'); runelog('keys list: ', $mp); break; case 'read': if (isset($data)) { $mp = $redis->hGetAll($data); } else { $mp = array(); $mounts = netMounts($redis, 'list'); foreach ($mounts as $mount) { $mp[] = netMounts($redis, 'read', $mount); } } break; case 'write': $redis->hSet('mount_'.$data['name'], 'name', $data['name']) || $mp = 0; $redis->hSet('mount_'.$data['name'], 'type', $data['type']) || $mp = 0; $redis->hSet('mount_'.$data['name'], 'address', $data['address']) || $mp = 0; $redis->hSet('mount_'.$data['name'], 'remotedir', $data['remotedir']) || $mp = 0; $redis->hSet('mount_'.$data['name'], 'username', $data['username']) || $mp = 0; $redis->hSet('mount_'.$data['name'], 'password', $data['password']) || $mp = 0; $redis->hSet('mount_'.$data['name'], 'charset', $data['charset']) || $mp = 0; $redis->hSet('mount_'.$data['name'], 'rsize', $data['rsize']) || $mp = 0; $redis->hSet('mount_'.$data['name'], 'wsize', $data['wsize']) || $mp = 0; $redis->hSet('mount_'.$data['name'], 'options', $data['options']) || $mp = 0; $redis->hSet('mount_'.$data['name'], 'error', $data['error']) || $mp = 0; if (!isset($mp)) { $mp = 1; } else { $redis->Del('mount_'.$data['name']); } break; case 'delete': if (isset($data)) { $mp = $redis->Del('mount_'.$data['name']); } else { $mp = sysCmd('redis-cli KEYS "mount_*" | xargs redis-cli DEL'); } break; } return $mp; } // Ramplay functions function rp_checkPLid($id, $mpd) { $_SESSION['DEBUG'] .= "rp_checkPLid:$id |"; sendMpdCommand($mpd,'playlistid '.$id); $response = readMpdResponse($mpd); echo "
debug__".$response; echo "
debug__".stripos($response,'MPD error'); if (stripos($response,'OK')) { return true; } else { return false; } } //<< TODO: join with findPLposPath function rp_findPath($id, $mpd) { sendMpdCommand($mpd, 'playlistid '.$id); $idinfo = _parseFileListResponse(readMpdResponse($mpd)); $path = $idinfo[0]['file']; return $path; } //<< TODO: join with rp_findPath() function findPLposPath($songpos, $mpd) { sendMpdCommand($mpd, 'playlistinfo '.$songpos); $idinfo = _parseFileListResponse(readMpdResponse($mpd)); $path = $idinfo[0]['file']; return $path; } function rp_deleteFile($id, $mpd) { $_SESSION['DEBUG'] .= "rp_deleteFile:$id |"; if (unlink(rp_findPath($id, $mpd))) { return true; } else { return false; } } function rp_copyFile($id, $mpd) { $_SESSION['DEBUG'] .= "rp_copyFile: $id|"; $path = rp_findPath($id, $mpd); $song = parseFileStr($path, "/"); $realpath = "/mnt/".$path; $ramplaypath = "/dev/shm/".$song; $_SESSION['DEBUG'] .= "rp_copyFilePATH: $path $ramplaypath|"; if (copy($realpath, $ramplaypath)) { $_SESSION['DEBUG'] .= "rp_addPlay:$id $song $path $pos|"; return $path; } else { return false; } } function rp_updateFolder($mpd) { $_SESSION['DEBUG'] .= "rp_updateFolder: |"; sendMpdCommand($mpd, "update ramplay"); } function rp_addPlay($path, $mpd, $pos) { $song = parseFileStr($path,"/"); $ramplaypath = "ramplay/".$song; $_SESSION['DEBUG'] .= "rp_addPlay:$id $song $path $pos|"; addToQueue($mpd, $ramplaypath); sendMpdCommand($mpd, 'play '.$pos); } function rp_clean() { $_SESSION['DEBUG'] .= "rp_clean: |"; recursiveDelete('/dev/shm/'); } function recursiveDelete($str) { if(is_file($str)) { return @unlink($str); // TODO: add search path in playlist and remove from playlist } elseif(is_dir($str)) { $scan = glob(rtrim($str, '/').'/*'); foreach($scan as $index=>$path) { recursiveDelete($path); } } } function pushFile($filepath) { runelog('pushFile(): filepath', $filepath); if (file_exists($filepath)) { header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.basename($filepath)); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: '.filesize($filepath)); ob_clean(); flush(); readfile($filepath); return true; } else { return false; } } // check if mpd.conf or interfaces was modified outside function hashCFG($action, $redis) { switch ($action) { case 'check_net': // --- CODE REWORK NEEDED --- $hash = md5_file('/etc/netctl/eth0'); if ($redis->get('netconfhash') !== $hash) { $redis->set('netconf_advanced', 1); return false; } else { $redis->set('netconf_advanced', 0); } break; case 'check_mpd': $hash = md5_file('/etc/mpd.conf'); if ($redis->get('mpdconfhash') !== $hash) { $redis->set('mpdconf_advanced', 1); return false; } else { $redis->set('mpdconf_advanced', 0); } break; } return true; } function runelog($title, $data = null, $function_name = null) { // Connect to Redis backend $store = new Redis(); $store->connect('', 6379); $debug_level = $store->get('debug'); if (isset($function_name)) { $function_name = '['.$function_name.'] '; } else { $function_name = ''; } if ($debug_level !== '0') { if(is_array($data) OR is_object($data)) { if (is_array($data)) error_log($function_name.'### '.$title.' ### $data type = array',0); if (is_object($data)) error_log($function_name.'### '.$title.' ### $data type = object',0); foreach($data as $key => $value) { error_log($function_name.'### '.$title.' ### [\''.$key.'\'] => '.$value,0); } } else { error_log($function_name.'### '.$title.' ### '.$data,0); } } $store->close(); } function waitSyWrk($redis, $jobID) { if (is_array($jobID)) { foreach ($jobID as $job) { do { usleep(650000); } while ($redis->sIsMember('w_lock', $job)); } } elseif (!empty($jobID)) { do { usleep(650000); } while ($redis->sIsMember('w_lock', $jobID)); } } function getmac($nicname) { $mac = file_get_contents('/sys/class/net/'.$nicname.'/address'); $mac = strtolower($mac); runelog('getmac('.$nicname.'): ', $mac); return trim($mac); } function wrk_avahiconfig($hostname) { if (!file_exists('/etc/avahi/services/runeaudio.service')) { runelog('avahi service descriptor not present, initializing...'); sysCmd('/usr/bin/cp /var/www/app/config/defaults/avahi_runeaudio.service /etc/avahi/services/runeaudio.service'); } $file = '/etc/avahi/services/runeaudio.service'; $newArray = wrk_replaceTextLine($file, [],'replace-wildcards', 'RuneAudio ['.$hostname.'] ['.getmac('eth0').']'); // Commit changes to /etc/avahi/services/runeaudio.service $fp = fopen($file, 'w'); fwrite($fp, implode("", $newArray)); fclose($fp); } function wrk_control($redis, $action, $data) { $jobID = ""; // accept $data['action'] $data['args'] from controller switch ($action) { case 'newjob': // generate random jobid $jobID = wrk_jobID(); $wjob = array( 'wrkcmd' => (isset($data['wrkcmd'])? $data['wrkcmd'] : NULL), 'action' => (isset($data['action'])? $data['action'] : NULL), 'args' => (isset($data['args'])? $data['args'] : NULL) ); $redis->hSet('w_queue', $jobID, json_encode($wjob)); runelog('wrk_control data:', $redis->hGet('w_queue', $jobID)); break; } // debug runelog('[wrk] wrk_control($redis,'.$action.',$data) jobID='.$jobID, $data, 'wrk_control'); return $jobID; } // search a string in a file and replace with another string the whole line. function wrk_replaceTextLine($file, $inputArray, $strfind, $strrepl, $linelabel = null, $lineoffset = null) { runelog('wrk_replaceTextLine($file, $inputArray, $strfind, $strrepl, $linelabel, $lineoffset)',''); runelog('wrk_replaceTextLine $file', $file); runelog('wrk_replaceTextLine $strfind', $strfind); runelog('wrk_replaceTextLine $strrepl', $strrepl); runelog('wrk_replaceTextLine $linelabel', $linelabel); runelog('wrk_replaceTextLine $lineoffset', $lineoffset); if (!empty($file)) { $fileData = file($file); } else { $fileData = $inputArray; } $newArray = array(); if (isset($linelabel) && isset($lineoffset)) { $linenum = 0; } foreach($fileData as $line) { if (isset($linelabel) && isset($lineoffset)) { $linenum++; if (preg_match('/'.$linelabel.'/', $line)) { $lineindex = $linenum; runelog('line index match! $line', $lineindex); } if ((($lineindex+$lineoffset)-$linenum)==0) { if (preg_match('/'.$strfind.'/', $line)) { $line = $strrepl."\n"; runelog('internal loop $line', $line); } } } else { if (preg_match('/'.$strfind.'/', $line)) { $line = $strrepl."\n"; runelog('replaceall $line', $line); } } $newArray[] = $line; } return $newArray; } // make device TOTALBACKUP (with switch DEV copy all /etc) function wrk_backup($bktype) { if ($bktype === 'dev') { $filepath = "/run/totalbackup_".date('Y-m-d').".tar.gz"; $cmdstring = "tar -czf ".$filepath." /var/lib/mpd /boot/cmdline.txt /var/www /etc /var/lib/redis/rune.rdb"; } else { $filepath = "/run/backup_".date('Y-m-d').".tar.gz"; $cmdstring = "tar -czf ".$filepath." /var/lib/mpd /etc/mpd.conf /var/lib/redis/rune.rdb /etc/netctl /etc/mpdscribble.conf /etc/spop"; } sysCmd($cmdstring); return $filepath; } function wrk_opcache($action, $redis) { // debug runelog('wrk_opcache ', $action); switch ($action) { case 'prime': opcache_reset(); if ($redis->get('opcache') == 1) sysCmd('curl'); break; case 'forceprime': opcache_reset(); sysCmd('curl'); break; case 'reset': // sysCmd('curl'); // reset cache OpCacheCtl('reset', '/srv/http/'); opcache_reset(); break; case 'enable': // opcache.ini $file = '/etc/php/conf.d/opcache.ini'; $newArray = wrk_replaceTextLine($file, '', 'opcache.enable', 'opcache.enable=1', 'zend_extension', 1); // Commit changes to /etc/php/conf.d/opcache.ini $fp = fopen($file, 'w'); fwrite($fp, implode("", $newArray)); fclose($fp); $redis->set('opcache', 1); break; case 'disable': // opcache.ini // -- REWORK NEEDED -- $file = '/etc/php/conf.d/opcache.ini'; $newArray = wrk_replaceTextLine($file, '', 'opcache.enable', 'opcache.enable=0', 'zend_extension', 1); // Commit changes to /etc/php/conf.d/opcache.ini $fp = fopen($file, 'w'); fwrite($fp, implode("", $newArray)); fclose($fp); $redis->set('opcache', 0); break; } } // KEW // takes a netmask and returns the CIDR notation // in: net_NetmaskToCidr(""); // out: 24 function net_NetmaskToCidr($netmask) { $bits = 0; $chunks = explode(".", $netmask); foreach($chunks as $octect) { $bits += strlen(str_replace("0", "", decbin($octect))); } return $bits; } // KEW // takes CIDR notation and returns the netmask string // in: net_CidrToNetmask(24); // out: "" function net_CidrToNetmask($cidr) { $netmask = str_split(str_pad(str_pad('', $cidr, '1'), 32, '0'), 8); foreach ($netmask as &$element) { $element = bindec($element); } return join('.', $netmask); } function wrk_netconfig($redis, $action, $args = null, $configonly = null) { $return = array(); // nics blacklist $excluded_nics = array('ifb0', 'ifb1', 'p2p0', 'bridge'); $updateh = 0; switch ($action) { case 'setnics': // flush nics Redis hash table $transaction = $redis->multi(); $transaction->del('nics'); $interfaces = sysCmd("ip addr |grep \"BROADCAST,\" |cut -d':' -f1-2 |cut -d' ' -f2"); $interfaces = array_diff($interfaces, $excluded_nics); foreach ($interfaces as $interface) { $ip = sysCmd("ip addr list ".$interface." |grep \"inet \" |cut -d' ' -f6|cut -d/ -f1"); //*** // KEW: Do we need to assume this may be CIDR & may be Netmask notatation? $netmask = sysCmd("ip addr list ".$interface." |grep \"inet \" |cut -d' ' -f6|cut -d/ -f2"); if (isset($netmask[0])) { $netmask = netmask($netmask[0]); } else { unset($netmask); } $gw = sysCmd("route -n |grep \"\" |grep \"UG\" |cut -d' ' -f10"); $dns = sysCmd("cat /etc/resolv.conf |grep \"nameserver\" |cut -d' ' -f2"); $type = sysCmd("iwconfig ".$interface." 2>&1 | grep \"no wireless\""); runelog('interface type', (isset($type[0]) ? $type[0] : NULL)); // if (empty(sysCmd("iwlist ".$interface." scan 2>&1 | grep \"Interface doesn't support scanning\""))) { if (empty($type[0])) { $speed = sysCmd("iwconfig ".$interface." 2>&1 | grep 'Bit Rate' | cut -d '=' -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1-2"); $currentSSID = sysCmd("iwconfig ".$interface." | grep 'ESSID' | cut -d ':' -f 2 | cut -d '\"' -f 2"); $currentSSID = sysCmd("iwconfig ".$interface." | grep 'ESSID' | cut -d ':' -f 2 | cut -d '\"' -f 2"); $transaction->hSet('nics', $interface, json_encode(array( 'ip' => $ip[0], 'netmask' => $netmask, 'gw' => (isset($gw[0]) ? $gw[0] : null), 'dns1' => (isset($dns[0]) ? $dns[0] : null), 'dns2' => (isset($dns[1]) ? $dns[1] : null), 'speed' => (isset($speed[0]) ? $speed[0] : null), 'wireless' => 1, 'currentssid' => $currentSSID[0]))); //// $scanwifi = 1; } else { $speed = sysCmd("ethtool ".$interface." 2>&1 | grep -i speed | cut -d':' -f2"); $transaction->hSet('nics', $interface, json_encode(array( 'ip' => $ip[0], 'netmask' => $netmask, 'gw' => (isset($gw[0]) ? $gw[0] : null), 'dns1' => (isset($dns[0]) ? $dns[0] : null), 'dns2' => (isset($dns[1]) ? $dns[1] : null), 'speed' => (isset($speed[0]) ? $speed[0] : null), 'wireless' => 0))); } } $transaction->exec(); break; case 'getnics': $gw = array(); $dns = array(); $speed = array(); $interfaces = sysCmd("ip addr |grep \"BROADCAST,\" |cut -d':' -f1-2 |cut -d' ' -f2"); $interfaces = array_diff($interfaces, $excluded_nics); foreach ($interfaces as $interface) { $ip = sysCmd("ip addr list ".$interface." |grep \"inet \" |cut -d' ' -f6|cut -d/ -f1"); $netmask = sysCmd("ip addr list ".$interface." |grep \"inet \" |cut -d' ' -f6|cut -d/ -f2"); if (isset($netmask[0]) && isset($ip[0])) { $netmask = "";//netmask($netmask[0]); } else { unset($netmask); } if (isset($netmask[0])) { $gw = sysCmd("route -n |grep \"\" |grep \"UG\" |cut -d' ' -f10"); $dns = sysCmd("cat /etc/resolv.conf |grep \"nameserver\" |cut -d' ' -f2"); } $type = sysCmd("iwconfig ".$interface." 2>&1 | grep \"no wireless\""); if (empty($type[0])) { $speed = sysCmd("iwconfig ".$interface." 2>&1 | grep 'Bit Rate' | cut -d ':' -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1-2"); $currentSSID = sysCmd("iwconfig ".$interface." | grep 'ESSID' | cut -d ':' -f 2 | cut -d '\"' -f 2"); $actinterfaces[$interface] = (object) [ 'ip' => (isset($ip[0]) ? $ip[0] : null), 'netmask' => (isset($netmask) ? $netmask : null), 'gw' => (isset($gw[0]) ? $gw[0] : null), 'dns1' => (isset($dns[0]) ? $dns[0] : null), 'dns2' => (isset($dns[1]) ? $dns[1] : null), 'speed' => (isset($speed[0]) ? $speed[0] : null), 'wireless' => 1, 'currentssid' => (isset($currentSSID[0]) ? $currentSSID[0] : null) ]; $redis->hSet('nics', $interface, json_encode(array( 'ip' => (isset($ip[0]) ? $ip[0] : null), 'netmask' => (isset($netmask) ? $netmask : null), 'gw' => (isset($gw[0]) ? $gw[0] : null), 'dns1' => (isset($dns[0]) ? $dns[0] : null), 'dns2' => (isset($dns[1]) ? $dns[1] : null), 'speed' => (isset($speed[0]) ? $speed[0] : null), 'wireless' => 1, 'currentssid' => (isset($currentSSID[0]) ? $currentSSID[0] : null) ))); } else { $speed = sysCmd("ethtool ".$interface." 2>&1 | grep -i speed | cut -d':' -f2"); $actinterfaces[$interface] = (object) ['ip' => $ip[0], 'netmask' => $netmask, 'gw' => $gw[0], 'dns1' => $dns[0], 'dns2' => $dns[1], 'speed' => $speed[0], 'wireless' => 0]; $redis->hSet('nics', $interface , json_encode(array('ip' => $ip[0], 'netmask' => $netmask, 'gw' => $gw[0], 'dns1' => $dns[0], 'dns2' => $dns[1], 'speed' => $speed[0],'wireless' => 0))); } } return $actinterfaces; break; case 'getstoredwlans': $wlans = array(); $connected = 0; sysCmd('/www/command/refresh_nics'); $wlans_profiles = json_decode($redis->Get('stored_profiles')); foreach ($wlans_profiles as $profile) { runelog(' Get stored wlan profiles:'.$profile); //*** Does this work? where do we get $nicdetail?? https://github.com/RuneAudio/RuneUI/blob/dev/app/libs/runeaudio.php#L1460 //if ($nicdetail->currentssid === $profile) { // $connected = 1; //} else { // $connected = 0; //} $wlans[] = json_encode(array('ssid' => $profile, 'encryption' => 'on', 'connected' => $connected, 'storedprofile' => 1)); } return $wlans; //break; case 'writecfg': // ArchLinux netctl config for wired ethernet $nic = "Description='".$args->name." connection'\n"; $nic .= "Interface=".$args->name."\n"; if ($args->wireless === '1') { // Wireless configuration $nic .= "Connection=wireless\n"; $nic .= "Security=wpa-configsection\n"; } else { // Wired configuration $nic .= "ForceConnect=yes\n"; $nic .= "SkipNoCarrier=yes\n"; $nic .= "Connection=ethernet\n"; } if ($args->dhcp === '1') { // DHCP configuration $nic .= "IP=dhcp\n"; // Prepare data object for Redis record $dhcpargs = array( 'name' => $args->name, 'dhcp' => $args->dhcp ); $dhcpargs = (object) $args; } else { // STATIC configuration $nic .= "AutoWired=yes\n"; $nic .= "ExcludeAuto=no\n"; $nic .= "IP=static\n"; // KEW // Need address in CIDR notation $cidr = net_NetmaskToCidr($args->netmask); $nic .= "Address=('".$args->ip."/".$cidr."')\n"; $nic .= "Gateway='".$args->gw."'\n"; if (!empty($args->dns2)) { $nic .= "DNS=('".$args->dns1."' '".$args->dns2."')\n"; } else { $nic .= "DNS=('".$args->dns1."')\n"; } } if ($args->wireless === '1') { $nic .= "WPAConfigSection=(\n"; if ($args->newssid === "add") { $nic .= " 'ssid=\"".$args->ssid."\"'\n"; $nic .= " 'scan_ssid=1'\n"; } else { $nic .= " 'ssid=\"".$args->newssid."\"'\n"; } //$key = $args->key; switch ($args->encryption) { case 'none': $nic .= " 'key_mgmt=NONE'\n"; break; case 'wep': $nic .= " 'key_mgmt=NONE'\n"; $nic .= " 'wep_tx_keyidx=0'\n"; $wepkey = $args->key; if (ctype_xdigit($wepkey) && (strlen($wepkey) == 10 OR strlen($wepkey) == 26 OR strlen($wepkey) == 32)) { $nic .= " 'wep_key0=".$wepkey."'\n"; } elseif (strlen($wepkey) <= 16) { $nic .= " 'wep_key0=\"".$wepkey."\"'\n"; } else { $nic .= " 'wep_key0=\"* wrong wepkey *\"'\n"; ui_notify_async('WIFI-Config ERROR', "You entered a wrong key!\n"); return ''; } // auth_alg=SHARED break; case 'wpa': $wpakey = $args->key; if (ctype_xdigit($wpakey) && strlen($wpakey) == 64) { $nic .= " 'psk=".$wpakey."'\n"; } elseif (strlen($wpakey) >= 8 && strlen($wpakey) <= 63) { $nic .= " 'psk=\"".$wpakey."\"'\n"; } else { $nic .= " 'psk=\"* wrong wepkey *\"'\n"; ui_notify_async('WIFI-Config ERROR', "You entered a wrong key!\n"); return ''; } $nic .= " 'key_mgmt=WPA-PSK'\n"; if (strpos($args->ie, "WPA2") !== false) { $nic .= " 'proto=RSN'\n"; } else { $nic .= " 'proto=WPA'\n"; } if (strpos($args->GroupCipher, "CCMP") !== false) { $nic .= " 'group=CCMP'\n"; } else { $nic .= " 'group=TKIP'\n"; } if (strpos($args->PairwiseCiphers1, "CCMP") !== false OR strpos($args->PairwiseCiphers2, "CCMP") !== false) { $nic .= " 'pairwise=CCMP'\n"; } else { $nic .= " 'pairwise=TKIP'\n"; } } $nic .= " 'priority=3'\n"; $nic .= ")\n"; } // set advanced DNS options $newArray = wrk_replaceTextLine('/etc/resolvconf.conf', '', 'resolv_conf_options=', "resolv_conf_options=('timeout:".$redis->hGet('resolvconf', 'timeout')." attempts:".$redis->hGet('resolvconf', 'attempts')."')", '#name_servers=', 1); // Commit changes to /etc/resolvconf.conf $fp = fopen('/etc/resolvconf.conf', 'w'); fwrite($fp, implode("", $newArray)); fclose($fp); // tell the system to update /etc/resolv.conf sysCmd('resolvconf -u'); // write current network config runelog("wireless = ".$args->wireless); if ($args->wireless === '1') { // wireless runelog("save as wireless"); if ($args->newssid === "add") { $redis->Set($args->ssid, json_encode($args)); $fp = fopen('/etc/netctl/'.$args->ssid, 'w'); } else { $redis->Set($args->newssid, json_encode($args)); $fp = fopen('/etc/netctl/'.$args->newssid, 'w'); } } else { // wired runelog("save as wired"); $redis->Set($args->name, json_encode($args)); $fp = fopen('/etc/netctl/'.$args->name, 'w'); } fwrite($fp, $nic); fclose($fp); if (!isset($configonly)) $updateh = 1; //$updateh = 1; break; case 'manual': $file = '/etc/netctl/'.$args['name']; $fp = fopen($file, 'w'); fwrite($fp, $args['config']); fclose($fp); $updateh = 1; break; case 'reset': wrk_netconfig($redis, 'setnics'); $args = new stdClass; $args->dhcp = '1'; $args->name = 'eth0'; wrk_netconfig($redis, 'writecfg', $args); $updateh = 1; break; } if ($updateh === 1) { sysCmd('mpc pause'); //sysCmd('systemctl stop mpd'); // activate configuration (RuneOS) runelog("wireless = ".$args->wireless); if ($args->wireless !== '1') { sysCmd('systemctl reenable netctl-ifplugd@'.$args->name); if ($args->reboot === '1') { runelog('**** reboot requested ****', $args->name); $return = 'reboot'; } else { runelog('**** no reboot requested ****', $args->name); sysCmd('systemctl restart netctl-ifplugd@'.$args->name); $return[] = ''; } } else { sysCmd('systemctl reenable netctl-auto@'.$args->name); sysCmd('systemctl restart netctl-auto@'.$args->name); sysCmd('netctl-auto enable '.$args->newssid); sysCmd('netctl-auto switch-to '.$args->newssid); runelog('**** wireless => do not reboot ****', $args->name); $return[] = ''; } } // update hash if necessary $updateh === 0 || $redis->set($args->name.'_hash', md5_file('/etc/netctl/'.$args->name)); if (wrk_mpdPlaybackStatus($redis, 'laststate') === 'playing') sysCmd('mpc play'); return $return; } function wrk_wifiprofile($redis, $action, $args) { switch ($action) { case 'add': runelog('**** wrk_wifiprofile ADD ****', $args->ssid); wrk_wifiprofile($redis, 'connect', $args); break; case 'edit': runelog('**** wrk_wifiprofile EDIT ****', $args->ssid); wrk_wifiprofile($redis, 'connect', $args); break; case 'delete': runelog('**** wrk_wifiprofile DELETE ****', $args->ssid); wrk_wifiprofile($redis, 'disconnect', $args); $redis->Del($args->ssid); $redis->Del('stored_profiles'); sysCmd("rm /etc/netctl/".escapeshellarg($args->ssid)); sysCmdAsync("systemctl restart netctl-auto@".$args->nic); $return = 1; break; case 'connect': runelog('**** wrk_wifiprofile CONNECT ****', $args->ssid); sysCmdAsync("netctl-auto switch-to ".escapeshellarg($args->ssid)); $redis->Set('wlan_autoconnect', 1); $return = 1; break; case 'disconnect': runelog('**** wrk_wifiprofile DISCONNECT ****', $args->ssid); sysCmdAsync("netctl-auto disable ".escapeshellarg($args->ssid)); $redis->Set('wlan_autoconnect', 0); $return = 1; break; } return $return; } function wrk_restore($backupfile) { $path = "/run/".$backupfile; $cmdstring = "tar xzf ".$path." --overwrite --directory /"; if (sysCmd($cmdstring)) { recursiveDelete($path); } } function wrk_jobID() { $jobID = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); return $jobID; } function wrk_checkStrSysfile($sysfile, $searchstr) { $file = stripcslashes(file_get_contents($sysfile)); // debug runelog('wrk_checkStrSysfile('.$sysfile.','.$searchstr.')', $searchstr); if (strpos($file, $searchstr)) { return true; } else { return false; } } function wrk_checkMount($mpname) { $check_mp = sysCmd('cat /proc/mounts | grep "/mnt/MPD/NAS/'.$mpname.'"'); if (!empty($check_mp)) { return true; } else { return false; } } function wrk_cleanDistro($redis) { runelog('function CLEAN DISTRO invoked!!!',''); // remove mpd.db sysCmd('systemctl stop mpd'); sysCmd('systemctl stop spopd'); sleep(1); sysCmd('rm -f /var/lib/mpd/mpd.db'); sysCmd('rm -f /var/lib/mpd/mpdstate'); // reset /var/log/* sysCmd('rm -f /var/log/*'); // reset /root/ logs sysCmd('rm -rf /root/.*'); // reset /var/www/test sysCmd('rm -rf /var/www/test'); // blank git user/email sysCmd("git config -f /var/www/.git/config user.name \"\""); sysCmd("git config -f /var/www/.git/config user.email \"\""); // reset libao config file sysCmd('cp /var/www/app/config/defaults/libao.conf /etc/libao.conf'); // reset shairport starter script sysCmd('cp /var/www/app/config/defaults/shairport.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/shairport.service'); // reset spop config file sysCmd('cp /var/www/app/config/defaults/spopd.conf /etc/spop/spopd.conf'); // reset mpdscribble config file sysCmd('cp /var/www/app/config/defaults/mpdscribble.conf /etc/mpdscribble.conf'); // reset wpa_supplicant config file sysCmd('cp /var/www/app/config/defaults/wpa_supplicant.conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf'); // reset netctl profiles sysCmd('rm -f /etc/netctl/*'); sysCmd('cp /var/www/app/config/defaults/eth0 /etc/netctl/eth0'); // reset Redis datastore sysCmdAsync('/srv/http/db/redis_datastore_setup reset'); // reset /var/log/runeaudio/* sysCmdAsync('rm -f /var/log/runeaudio/*'); sysCmd('/var/www/command/rune_shutdown'); // reset /mnt/MPD/NAS/* sysCmd('rm -rf /mnt/MPD/NAS/*'); sysCmd('poweroff'); } function wrk_audioOutput($redis, $action, $args = null) { switch ($action) { case 'refresh': $redis->Del('acards'); // $redis->Save(); // $acards = sysCmd("cat /proc/asound/cards | grep : | cut -d '[' -f 2 | cut -d ']' -f 1"); // $acards = sysCmd("cat /proc/asound/cards | grep : | cut -d '[' -f 2 | cut -d ':' -f 2"); $acards = sysCmd("cat /proc/asound/cards | grep : | cut -b 1-3,21-"); $i2smodule = $redis->Get('i2smodule'); // check if i2smodule is enabled and read card details if ($i2smodule !== 'none') { $i2smodule_details = $redis->hGet('acards_details', $i2smodule); } runelog('/proc/asound/cards', $acards); foreach ($acards as $card) { unset($sub_interfaces); unset($data); $card_index = explode(' : ', $card); $card_index = trim($card_index[0]); // acards loop runelog('>>--------------------------- card: '.$card.' index: '.$card_index.' (start) --------------------------->>'); $card = explode(' - ', $card); $card = trim($card[1]); // $description = sysCmd("cat /proc/asound/cards | grep : | cut -d ':' -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 4-20"); // debug runelog('wrk_audioOutput card string: ', $card); $description = sysCmd("aplay -l -v | grep \"\[".$card."\]\""); $desc = array(); $subdeviceid = explode(':', $description[0]); $subdeviceid = explode(',', trim($subdeviceid[1])); $subdeviceid = explode(' ', trim($subdeviceid[1])); $data['device'] = 'hw:'.$card_index.','.$subdeviceid[1]; if ($i2smodule !== 'none' && $i2smodule_details->sysname === $card) { $acards_details = $i2smodule_details; } else { unset($acards_details); $acards_details = $redis->hGet('acards_details', $card); } if ($acards_details !== '') { // debug runelog('wrk_audioOutput: in loop: acards_details for: '.$card, $acards_details); $details = new stdClass(); $details = json_decode($acards_details); // debug runelog('wrk_audioOutput: in loop: (decoded) acards_details for: '.$card, $details); if (isset($details->mixer_control)) { $volsteps = sysCmd("amixer -c ".$card_index." get \"".$details->mixer_control."\" | grep Limits | cut -d ':' -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 4,6"); $volsteps = explode(' ',$volsteps[0]); if (isset($volsteps[0])) $data['volmin'] = $volsteps[0]; if (isset($volsteps[1])) $data['volmax'] = $volsteps[1]; // $data['mixer_device'] = "hw:".$details->mixer_numid; $data['mixer_device'] = "hw:".$card_index; $data['mixer_control'] = $details->mixer_control; } if (isset($details->sysname) && $details->sysname === $card) { if ($details->type === 'integrated_sub') { $sub_interfaces = $redis->sMembers($card); // debug runelog('line 1400: (sub_interfaces loop) card: '.$card, $sub_interfaces); foreach ($sub_interfaces as $sub_interface) { runelog('line 1402: (sub_interfaces foreach) card: '.$card, $sub_interface); $sub_int_details = new stdClass(); $sub_int_details = json_decode($sub_interface); runelog('line 1405: (sub_interfaces foreach json_decode) card: '.$card, $sub_int_details); $sub_int_details->device = $data['device']; $sub_int_details->name = $card.'_'.$sub_int_details->id; $sub_int_details->type = 'alsa'; $sub_int_details->integrated_sub = 1; // prepare data for real_interface record $data['name'] = $card; $data['type'] = 'alsa'; $data['system'] = trim($description[0]); // write real_interface json (use this to create the real MPD output) $sub_int_details->real_interface = json_encode($data); // replace index string in route command if (isset($sub_int_details->route_cmd)) $sub_int_details->route_cmd = str_replace("*CARDID*", $card_index, $sub_int_details->route_cmd); // debug runelog('::::::sub interface record array:::::: ',$sub_int_details); $redis->hSet('acards', $card.'_'.$sub_int_details->id, json_encode($sub_int_details)); } } // if ($details->extlabel !== 'none') $data['extlabel'] = $details->extlabel; if (isset($details->extlabel) && $details->extlabel !== 'none') { runelog('::::::acard extlabel:::::: ', $details->extlabel); $data['extlabel'] = $details->extlabel; } } // debug if (isset($data['extlabel'])) runelog('wrk_audioOutput: in loop: extlabel for: '.$card, $data['extlabel']); // test if there is an option for mpd.conf set // for example ODROID C1 needs "card_option":"buffer_time\t\"0\"" if (isset($details->card_option)) { $data['card_option'] = $details->card_option; } } if (!isset($sub_interfaces)) { $data['name'] = $card; $data['type'] = 'alsa'; $data['system'] = trim($description[0]); // debug runelog('::::::acard record array::::::', $data); $redis->hSet('acards', $card, json_encode($data)); } // acards loop runelog('<<--------------------------- card: '.$card.' index: '.$card_index.' (finish) ---------------------------<<'); } // $redis->Save(); break; case 'setdetails': $redis->hSet('acards_details', $args['card'], json_encode($args['details'])); break; } } function wrk_i2smodule($redis, $args) { if (wrk_mpdPlaybackStatus() === 'playing') { $mpd = openMpdSocket('/run/mpd.sock'); sendMpdCommand($mpd, 'kill'); closeMpdSocket($mpd); } switch ($args) { case 'none': sysCmd('rmmod snd_soc_iqaudio_dac').usleep(300000); sysCmd('rmmod snd_soc_hifiberry_digi').usleep(300000); sysCmd('rmmod snd_soc_hifiberry_dac').usleep(300000); sysCmd('rmmod snd_soc_hifiberry_dacplus').usleep(300000); sysCmd('rmmod snd_soc_wm8804').usleep(300000); sysCmd('rmmod snd_soc_odroid_dac').usleep(300000); sysCmd('rmmod snd_soc_pcm512x').usleep(300000); sysCmd('rmmod snd_soc_pcm5102').usleep(300000); sysCmd('rmmod snd_soc_pcm5102a'); break; case 'berrynos': sysCmd('modprobe bcm2708_dmaengine').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_wm8804').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_bcm2708_i2s').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_pcm5102a').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_hifiberry_dac'); break; case 'berrynosmini': sysCmd('modprobe bcm2708_dmaengine').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_wm8804').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_bcm2708_i2s').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_pcm5102a').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_hifiberry_dac'); break; case 'hifiberrydac': sysCmd('modprobe bcm2708_dmaengine').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_wm8804').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_bcm2708_i2s').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_pcm5102a').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_hifiberry_dac'); break; case 'hifiberrydacplus': sysCmd('modprobe bcm2708_dmaengine').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_wm8804').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_bcm2708_i2s').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_pcm512x').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_hifiberry_dacplus'); break; case 'hifiberrydigi': sysCmd('modprobe bcm2708_dmaengine').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_wm8804').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_bcm2708_i2s').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_pcm5102a').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_hifiberry_digi'); break; case 'iqaudiopidac': sysCmd('modprobe bcm2708_dmaengine').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_wm8804').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_bcm2708_i2s').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_pcm512x').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_iqaudio_dac'); break; case 'raspyplay3': sysCmd('modprobe bcm2708_dmaengine').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_wm8804').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_bcm2708_i2s').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_pcm5102a').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_hifiberry_dac'); break; case 'raspyplay4': sysCmd('modprobe bcm2708_dmaengine').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_wm8804').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_bcm2708_i2s').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_pcm512x').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_iqaudio_dac'); break; case 'odroidhifishield': sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_odroid_dac').usleep(300000); sysCmd('modprobe snd_soc_pcm5102').usleep(300000); break; } $redis->set('i2smodule', $args); wrk_mpdconf($redis, 'refresh'); } function wrk_kernelswitch($redis, $args) { $redis->set('i2smodule', 'none'); $file = '/boot/config.txt'; $newArray = wrk_replaceTextLine($file, '', 'kernel=', 'kernel='.$args.'.img'); // Commit changes to /boot/config.txt $fp = fopen($file, 'w'); $return = fwrite($fp, implode("", $newArray)); fclose($fp); $file = '/boot/config.txt'; $newArray = wrk_replaceTextLine($file, '', 'cmdline=', 'cmdline=cmdline_'.$args.'.txt'); // Commit changes to /boot/config.txt $fp = fopen($file, 'w'); $return = fwrite($fp, implode("", $newArray)); fclose($fp); if ($return) { $redis->set('kernel', $args); $redis->save(); } return $return; } function wrk_mpdconf($redis, $action, $args = null, $jobID = null) { // check if we are in "advanced mode" (manual edit mode) if ($action === 'reset') { $redis->set('mpdconf_advanced', 0); $mpdconf_advanced = 0; } else { $mpdconf_advanced = $redis->get('mpdconf_advanced'); } // set mpd.conf file header $header = "###################################\n"; $header .= "# Auto generated mpd.conf file\n"; $header .= "# please DO NOT edit it manually!\n"; $header .= "# Use RuneUI MPD config section\n"; $header .= "###################################\n"; $header .= "\n"; switch ($action) { case 'reset': // default MPD config $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'zeroconf_enabled', 'yes'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'zeroconf_name', 'runeaudio'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'log_level', 'none'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'bind_to_address', 'any'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'port', '6600'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'max_connections', '20'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'user', 'mpd'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'db_file', '/var/lib/mpd/mpd.db'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'sticker_file', '/var/lib/mpd/sticker.sql'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'pid_file', '/var/run/mpd/pid'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'music_directory', '/mnt/MPD'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'playlist_directory', '/var/lib/mpd/playlists'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'state_file', '/var/lib/mpd/mpdstate'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'follow_outside_symlinks', 'yes'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'follow_inside_symlinks', 'yes'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'auto_update', 'no'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'filesystem_charset', 'UTF-8'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'id3v1_encoding', 'UTF-8'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'volume_normalization', 'no'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'audio_buffer_size', '2048'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'buffer_before_play', '10%'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'gapless_mp3_playback', 'yes'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'mixer_type', 'software'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'curl', 'yes'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'ffmpeg', 'yes'); $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'log_file', '/var/log/runeaudio/mpd.log'); wrk_mpdconf($redis, 'writecfg'); break; case 'writecfg': $mpdcfg = $redis->hGetAll('mpdconf'); $current_out = $redis->Get('ao'); // if (!$redis->hExists('acards', $current_out)) { if (!$redis->hExists('acards', $current_out) && ($redis->Get('i2smodule') === 'none')) { $stored_acards = $redis->hKeys('acards'); // debug runelog('force audio output', $stored_acards[0]); // force first output available if the current interface does not exists $redis->Set('ao', $stored_acards[0]); $redis->Save(); } $output = null; // --- log settings --- if ($mpdcfg['log_level'] === 'none') { $redis->hDel('mpdconf', 'log_file'); } else { $output .= "log_level\t\"".$mpdcfg['log_level']."\"\n"; $output .= "log_file\t\"/var/log/runeaudio/mpd.log\"\n"; $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'log_file', '/var/log/runeaudio/mpd.log'); } unset($mpdcfg['log_level']); unset($mpdcfg['log_file']); // --- state file --- if ($mpdcfg['state_file'] === 'no') { $redis->hDel('mpdconf', 'state_file'); } else { $output .= "state_file\t\"/var/lib/mpd/mpdstate\"\n"; $redis->hSet('mpdconf', 'state_file', '/var/lib/mpd/mpdstate'); } unset($mpdcfg['state_file']); // --- general settings --- foreach ($mpdcfg as $param => $value) { if ($param === 'audio_output_interface' OR $param === 'dsd_usb') { continue; } if ($param === 'mixer_type') { if ($value === 'software' OR $value === 'hardware') { $redis->set('volume', 1); if ($value === 'hardware') { $hwmixer = 1; continue; } } else { $redis->set('volume', 0); } } if ($param === 'user' && $value === 'mpd') { $output .= $param." \t\"".$value."\"\n"; $output .= "group \t\"audio\"\n"; continue; } if ($param === 'user' && $value === 'root') { $output .= $param." \t\"".$value."\"\n"; $output .= "group \t\"root\"\n"; continue; } if ($param === 'bind_to_address') { $output .= "bind_to_address \"/run/mpd.sock\"\n"; } if ($param === 'ffmpeg') { // --- decoder plugin --- $output .="\n"; $output .="decoder {\n"; $output .="\tplugin \t\"ffmpeg\"\n"; $output .="\tenabled \"".$value."\"\n"; $output .="}\n"; continue; } if ($param === 'curl') { // --- input plugin --- $output .="\n"; $output .="input {\n"; $output .="\tplugin \t\"curl\"\n"; if ($redis->hget('proxy','enable') === '1') { $output .="\tproxy \t\"".($redis->hget('proxy', 'host'))."\"\n"; if ($redis->hget('proxy','user') !== '') { $output .="\tproxy_user \t\"".($redis->hget('proxy', 'user'))."\"\n"; $output .="\tproxy_password \t\"".($redis->hget('proxy', 'pass'))."\"\n"; } } $output .="}\n"; continue; } $output .= $param." \t\"".$value."\"\n"; } $output = $header.$output; // --- audio output --- $acards = $redis->hGetAll('acards'); // debug runelog('detected ACARDS ', $acards, __FUNCTION__); $ao = $redis->Get('ao'); $sub_count = 0; foreach ($acards as $main_acard_name => $main_acard_details) { $card_decoded = new stdClass(); $card_decoded = json_decode($main_acard_details); // debug runelog('decoded ACARD '.$card_decoded->name, $card_decoded, __FUNCTION__); // handle sub-interfaces if (isset($card_decoded->integrated_sub) && $card_decoded->integrated_sub === 1) { // record UI audio output name $current_card = $card_decoded->name; // if ($sub_count >= 1) continue; // $card_decoded = json_decode($card_decoded->real_interface); runelog('current AO ----> ', $ao, __FUNCTION__); // var_dump($ao); runelog('current card_name ----> ', $card_decoded->name, __FUNCTION__); // var_dump($card_decoded->name); // var_dump(strpos($ao, $card_decoded->name)); if (strpos($ao,$card_decoded->name) === true OR strpos($ao, $card_decoded->name) === 0) $sub_interface_selected = 1; // debug if (isset($sub_interface_selected)) runelog('sub_card_selected ? >>>> '.$sub_interface_selected); // debug runelog('this is a sub_interface', __FUNCTION__); $sub_interface = 1; // debug $sub_count++; runelog('sub_count', $sub_count, __FUNCTION__); } $output .="\n"; $output .="audio_output {\n"; // $output .="name \t\t\"".$card_decoded->name."\"\n"; if (isset($sub_interface)) { $output .="\tname \t\t\"".$card_decoded->name."\"\n"; } else { $output .="\tname \t\t\"".$main_acard_name."\"\n"; } $output .="\ttype \t\t\"".$card_decoded->type."\"\n"; $output .="\tdevice \t\t\"".$card_decoded->device."\"\n"; if (isset($hwmixer)) { if (isset($card_decoded->mixer_control)) { $output .="\tmixer_control \t\"".$card_decoded->mixer_control."\"\n"; $output .="\tmixer_type \t\"hardware\"\n"; $output .="\tmixer_device \t\"".substr($card_decoded->device, 0, 4)."\"\n"; } else { if (!isset($sub_interface)) { $output .="\tmixer_control \t\"".alsa_findHwMixerControl(substr($card_decoded->device, 5, 1))."\"\n"; } } // $output .="\tmixer_index \t\"0\"\n";"\t\t \t\"0\"\n"; } // test if there is an option for mpd.conf set // for example ODROID C1 needs "card_option":"buffer_time\t\"0\"" if (isset($card_decoded->card_option)) { $output .= "\t".$card_decoded->card_option."\n"; } if ($mpdcfg['dsd_usb'] === 'yes') $output .="\tdsd_usb \t\"yes\"\n"; if ($mpdcfg['dsd_usb'] === 'DSDNATIVE') $output .="\tdsd_native \t\"yes\"\n\tdsd_native_type \t\"2\"\n"; if ($mpdcfg['dsd_usb'] === 'DSDDOP') $output .="\tdsd_usb \t\"yes\"\n"; $output .="\tauto_resample \t\"no\"\n"; $output .="\tauto_format \t\"no\"\n"; if ($ao === $main_acard_name) $output .="\tenabled \t\"yes\"\n"; $output .="}\n"; unset($sub_interface); // debug // runelog('conf output (in loop)', $output, __FUNCTION__); } $output .="\n"; // debug // runelog('raw mpd.conf', $output, __FUNCTION__); // check if mpd.conf was modified outside RuneUI (advanced mode) runelog('mpd.conf advanced state', $mpdconf_advanced); if ($mpdconf_advanced !== '1' OR $mpdconf_advanced === '') { if ($mpdconf_advanced !== '') { runelog('mpd.conf advanced mode OFF'); } else { runelog('mpd.conf advanced mode RESET STATE'); } // write mpd.conf file $fh = fopen('/etc/mpd.conf', 'w'); fwrite($fh, $output); fclose($fh); // update hash $redis->set('mpdconfhash', md5_file('/etc/mpd.conf')); } else { runelog('mpd.conf advanced mode ON'); } break; case 'update': foreach ($args as $param => $value) { $redis->hSet('mpdconf', $param, $value); } wrk_mpdconf($redis, 'writecfg'); break; case 'switchao': // record current interface selection $redis->set('ao', $args); $mpdout = $args; // get interface details $interface_details = $redis->hGet('acards', $args); $interface_details = json_decode($interface_details); // check for "special" sub_interfaces if (isset($interface_details->integrated_sub)) { // execute special internal route command sysCmd($interface_details->route_cmd); // TODO: improove this function sysCmd('amixer -c 0 set PCM unmute'); // $mpdout = $interface_details->sysname; } wrk_mpdconf($redis, 'writecfg'); wrk_shairport($redis, $args); // toggle playback state if (wrk_mpdPlaybackStatus() === 'playing') { syscmd('mpc toggle'); $recover_state = 1; // debug runelog('switchao (set recover state):', $recover_state); } // switch interface // debug runelog('switchao (switch AO):', $mpdout); syscmd('mpc enable only "'.$mpdout.'"'); // restore playback state if (isset($recover_state)) { // debug runelog('switchao (RECOVER STATE!)'); syscmd('mpc toggle'); } // set notify label if (isset($interface_details->extlabel)) { $interface_label = $interface_details->extlabel; } else { $interface_label = $args; } // notify UI ui_notify_async('Audio output switched', "Current active output:\n".$interface_label, $jobID); break; case 'refresh': wrk_audioOutput($redis, 'refresh'); wrk_mpdconf($redis, 'writecfg'); wrk_mpdconf($redis, 'restart'); break; case 'start': $activePlayer = $redis->get('activePlayer'); if ($activePlayer === 'MPD') { sysCmd('systemctl start mpd'); if ($redis->get('mpd_playback_status') === 'playing') { syscmd('mpc play'); } // restart mpdscribble if ($redis->hGet('lastfm', 'enable') === '1') { sysCmd('systemctl restart mpdscribble'); } // restart upmpdcli if ($redis->hGet('dlna', 'enable') === '1') { sysCmd('systemctl restart upmpdcli'); } // set process priority sysCmdAsync('sleep 1 && rune_prio nice'); } break; case 'stop': $redis->set('mpd_playback_status', wrk_mpdPlaybackStatus()); $mpd = openMpdSocket('/run/mpd.sock'); sendMpdCommand($mpd, 'kill'); closeMpdSocket($mpd); sleep(1); sysCmd('systemctl stop mpd'); break; case 'restart': wrk_mpdconf($redis, 'stop'); sleep(1); wrk_mpdconf($redis, 'start'); break; } } function wrk_mpdPlaybackStatus($redis = null, $action = null) { if (isset($action)) { switch ($action) { case 'record': return $redis->set('mpd_playback_laststate', wrk_mpdPlaybackStatus()); break; case 'laststate': $mpdlaststate = $redis->get('mpd_playback_laststate'); $redis->set('mpd_playback_laststate', ''); return $mpdlaststate; break; } } else { $status = sysCmd("mpc status | grep '\[' | cut -d '[' -f 2 | cut -d ']' -f 1"); // debug if (!empty($status[0])) { runelog('wrk_mpdPlaybackStatus (current state):', $status[0]); return $status[0]; } else { return false; } } } function wrk_shairport($redis, $ao, $name = null) { if (!isset($name)) { $name = $redis->hGet('airplay', 'name'); } $acard = json_decode($redis->hget('acards', $ao)); runelog('acard details: ', $acard); $file = '/usr/lib/systemd/system/shairport.service'; $newArray = wrk_replaceTextLine($file, '', 'ExecStart=', 'ExecStart=/usr/bin/shairport -w --name='.$name.' --on-start=$ON --on-stop=$OFF --meta-dir=/var/run/shairport -o alsa -- -d plug'.$acard->device); runelog('shairport.service :', $newArray); // Commit changes to /usr/lib/systemd/system/shairport.service $fp = fopen($file, 'w'); fwrite($fp, implode("", $newArray)); fclose($fp); // update libao.conf $file = '/etc/libao.conf'; $newArray = wrk_replaceTextLine($file, '', 'dev=', 'dev='.$acard->device); // Commit changes to /etc/libao.conf $fp = fopen($file, 'w'); fwrite($fp, implode("", $newArray)); fclose($fp); if ($redis->get('activePlayer') === 'Spotify') { runelog('restart spopd'); sysCmd('systemctl restart spopd'); } // update systemd sysCmd('systemctl daemon-reload'); if ($redis->hGet('airplay','enable') === '1') { runelog('restart shairport'); sysCmd('systemctl restart shairport'); } // set process priority sysCmdAsync('sleep 1 && rune_prio nice'); } function wrk_sourcemount($redis, $action, $id = null) { switch ($action) { case 'mount': $mp = $redis->hGetAll('mount_'.$id); $mpdproc = getMpdDaemonDetalis(); sysCmd("mkdir \"/mnt/MPD/NAS/".$mp['name']."\""); if ($mp['type'] === 'cifs' OR $mp['type'] === 'osx') { // smb/cifs mount $auth = 'guest'; if (!empty($mp['username'])) { $auth = "username=".$mp['username'].",password=".$mp['password']; } if ($mp['type'] === 'cifs') { $mountstr = "mount -t cifs \"//".$mp['address']."/".$mp['remotedir']."\" -o ".$auth.",sec=ntlm,soft,uid=".$mpdproc['uid'].",gid=".$mpdproc['gid'].",rsize=".$mp['rsize'].",wsize=".$mp['wsize'].",iocharset=".$mp['charset'].",".$mp['options']." \"/mnt/MPD/NAS/".$mp['name']."\""; } else { $mountstr = "mount -t cifs \"//".$mp['address']."/".$mp['remotedir']."\" -o ".$auth.",nounix,sec=ntlmssp,soft,uid=".$mpdproc['uid'].",gid=".$mpdproc['gid'].",rsize=".$mp['rsize'].",wsize=".$mp['wsize'].",iocharset=".$mp['charset'].",".$mp['options']." \"/mnt/MPD/NAS/".$mp['name']."\""; } } elseif ($mp['type'] === 'nfs') { // nfs mount $mountstr = "mount -t nfs -o soft,retry=0,actimeo=1,retrans=2,timeo=50,nofsc,noatime,rsize=".$mp['rsize'].",wsize=".$mp['wsize'].",".$mp['options']." \"".$mp['address'].":/".$mp['remotedir']."\" \"/mnt/MPD/NAS/".$mp['name']."\""; // $mountstr = "mount -t nfs -o soft,retry=1,noatime,rsize=".$mp['rsize'].",wsize=".$mp['wsize'].",".$mp['options']." \"".$mp['address'].":/".$mp['remotedir']."\" \"/mnt/MPD/NAS/".$mp['name']."\""; } // debug runelog('mount string', $mountstr); $sysoutput = sysCmd($mountstr); // -- REWORK NEEDED -- runelog('system response',var_dump($sysoutput)); if (empty($sysoutput)) { if (!empty($mp['error'])) { $mp['error'] = ''; $redis->hMSet('mount_'.$id, $mp); } $return = 1; } else { if(!empty($mp['name'])) sysCmd("rmdir \"/mnt/MPD/NAS/".$mp['name']."\""); $mp['error'] = implode("\n", $sysoutput); $redis->hMSet('mount_'.$id, $mp); $return = 0; } break; case 'mountall': $test = 1; $mounts = $redis->keys('mount_*'); foreach ($mounts as $key) { $mp = $redis->hGetAll($key); if (!wrk_checkMount($mp['name'])) { if (wrk_sourcemount($redis, 'mount', $mp['id']) === 0) { $test = 0; } } } $return = $test; break; } return $return; } function wrk_sourcecfg($redis, $action, $args) { runelog('function wrk_sourcecfg('.$action.')', $args); switch ($action) { case 'add': // unset($args->id); $args->id = $redis->incr('mountidx'); $args = (array) $args; $redis->hMset('mount_'.$args['id'], $args); $return = wrk_sourcemount($redis, 'mount', $args['id']); break; case 'edit': $mp = $redis->hGetAll('mount_'.$args->id); $args = (array) $args; $redis->hMset('mount_'.$args['id'], $args); sysCmd('mpc stop'); usleep(500000); sysCmd("umount -f \"/mnt/MPD/NAS/".$mp['name']."\""); if ($mp['name'] != $args['name']) { sysCmd("rmdir \"/mnt/MPD/NAS/".$mp['name']."\""); sysCmd("mkdir \"/mnt/MPD/NAS/".$args['name']."\""); } $return = wrk_sourcemount($redis, 'mount', $args['id']); runelog('wrk_sourcecfg(edit) exit status', $return); break; case 'delete': $mp = $redis->hGetAll('mount_'.$args->id); sysCmd('mpc stop'); usleep(500000); sysCmd("umount -f \"/mnt/MPD/NAS/".$mp['name']."\""); sleep(3); if (!empty($mp['name'])) sysCmd("rmdir \"/mnt/MPD/NAS/".$mp['name']."\""); $return = $redis->del('mount_'.$args->id); break; case 'reset': $source = $redis->keys('mount_*'); sysCmd('systemctl stop mpd'); usleep(500000); foreach ($source as $key) { $mp = $redis->hGetAll($key); runelog('wrk_sourcecfg() internal loop $mp[name]',$mp['name']); sysCmd("umount -f \"/mnt/MPD/NAS/".$mp['name']."\""); sysCmd("rmdir \"/mnt/MPD/NAS/".$mp['name']."\""); $return = $redis->del($key); } // reset mount index if ($return) $redis->del('mountidx'); sysCmd('systemctl start mpd'); // set process priority sysCmdAsync('sleep 1 && rune_prio nice'); break; case 'mountall': $return = wrk_sourcemount($redis, 'mountall'); break; case 'umountusb': $return = sysCmd('udevil umount '.$args); break; } return $return; } function wrk_getHwPlatform() { $file = '/proc/cpuinfo'; $fileData = file($file); foreach($fileData as $line) { if (substr($line, 0, 8) == 'Hardware') { $arch = trim(substr($line, 11, 50)); // debug runelog('wrk_getHwPlatform() /proc/cpu string', $arch); switch($arch) { // RaspberryPi case 'BCM2708': $arch = '01'; break; // UDOO case 'SECO i.Mx6 UDOO Board': $arch = '02'; break; // CuBox case 'Marvell Dove (Flattened Device Tree)': case 'SolidRun CuBox': $arch = '03'; break; // BeagleBone Black case 'Generic AM33XX (Flattened Device Tree)': $arch = '04'; break; // Utilite Standard case 'Compulab CM-FX6': $arch = '05'; break; // Cubietruck case 'sun7i': $arch = '06'; break; // Cubox-i case 'Freescale i.MX6 Quad/DualLite (Device Tree)': $arch = '07'; break; // RaspberryPi case 'BCM2709': $arch = '08'; break; // ODROID C1 case 'ODROIDC': $arch = '09'; break; // ODROID C2 case 'ODROID-C2': $arch = '10'; break; default: $arch = '--'; break; } } } if (!isset($arch)) { $arch = '--'; } return $arch; } function wrk_setHwPlatform($redis) { $arch = wrk_getHwPlatform(); runelog('arch= ', $arch); $playerid = wrk_playerID($arch); $redis->set('playerid', $playerid); runelog('playerid= ', $playerid); // register platform into database switch($arch) { case '01': $redis->set('hwplatform', 'RaspberryPi'); $redis->set('hwplatformid', $arch); break; case '02': $redis->set('hwplatform', 'UDOO'); $redis->set('hwplatformid',$arch); break; case '03': $redis->set('hwplatform', 'CuBox'); $redis->set('hwplatformid',$arch); break; case '04': $redis->set('hwplatform', 'BeagleBone Black'); $redis->set('hwplatformid', $arch); break; case '05': $redis->set('hwplatform', 'Utilite Standard'); $redis->set('hwplatformid', $arch); break; case '06': $redis->set('hwplatform', 'Cubietruck'); $redis->set('hwplatformid', $arch); break; case '08': $redis->set('hwplatform', 'RaspberryPi2'); $redis->set('hwplatformid', $arch); break; case '09': $redis->set('hwplatform', 'ODROID-C1'); $redis->set('hwplatformid', $arch); break; case '10': $redis->set('hwplatform', 'ODROID-C2'); $redis->set('hwplatformid', $arch); break; default: $redis->set('hwplatform', 'unknown'); $redis->set('hwplatformid', $arch); } } // this can be removed in next version, because it's replaced by wrk_startAirplay($redis) and wrk_stopAirplay($redis) function wrk_togglePlayback($redis, $activePlayer) { $stoppedPlayer = $redis->get('stoppedPlayer'); // debug runelog('stoppedPlayer = ', $stoppedPlayer); runelog('activePlayer = ', $activePlayer); if ($stoppedPlayer !== '') { if ($stoppedPlayer === 'MPD') { // connect to MPD daemon $sock = openMpdSocket('/run/mpd.sock', 0); $status = _parseStatusResponse(MpdStatus($sock)); runelog('MPD status', $status); if ($status['state'] === 'pause') { $redis->set('stoppedPlayer', ''); } sendMpdCommand($sock, 'pause'); closeMpdSocket($sock); // debug runelog('sendMpdCommand', 'pause'); } elseif ($stoppedPlayer === 'Spotify') { // connect to SPOPD daemon $sock = openSpopSocket('localhost', 6602, 1); $status = _parseSpopStatusResponse(SpopStatus($sock)); runelog('SPOP status', $status); if ($status['state'] === 'pause') { $redis->set('stoppedPlayer', ''); } sendSpopCommand($sock, 'toggle'); closeSpopSocket($sock); // debug runelog('sendSpopCommand', 'toggle'); } $redis->set('activePlayer', $stoppedPlayer); } else { $redis->set('stoppedPlayer', $activePlayer); wrk_togglePlayback($redis, $activePlayer); } runelog('endFunction!!!', $stoppedPlayer); } function wrk_startAirplay($redis) { $activePlayer = $redis->get('activePlayer'); if ($activePlayer != 'Airplay') { $redis->set('stoppedPlayer', $activePlayer); if ($activePlayer === 'MPD') { // connect to MPD daemon $sock = openMpdSocket('/run/mpd.sock', 0); $status = _parseStatusResponse(MpdStatus($sock)); runelog('MPD status', $status); // to get MPD out of its idle-loop we discribe to a channel sendMpdCommand($sock, 'subscribe Airplay'); sendMpdCommand($sock, 'unsubscribe Airplay'); if ($status['state'] === 'play') { // pause playback sendMpdCommand($sock, 'pause'); // debug runelog('sendMpdCommand', 'pause'); } closeMpdSocket($sock); } elseif ($activePlayer === 'Spotify') { // connect to SPOPD daemon $sock = openSpopSocket('localhost', 6602, 1); // to get SPOP out of its idle-loop sendSpopCommand($sock, 'notify'); sleep(1); $status = _parseSpopStatusResponse(SpopStatus($sock)); runelog('SPOP status', $status); if ($status['state'] === 'play') { sendSpopCommand($sock, 'toggle'); // debug runelog('sendSpopCommand', 'toggle'); } closeSpopSocket($sock); } $redis->set('activePlayer', 'Airplay'); ui_render('playback', "{\"currentartist\":\"\",\"currentsong\":\"Airplay\",\"currentalbum\":\"\",\"artwork\":\"\",\"genre\":\"\",\"comment\":\"\"}"); sysCmd('curl -s -X GET http://localhost/command/?cmd=renderui'); } } function wrk_stopAirplay($redis) { $activePlayer = $redis->get('activePlayer'); if ($activePlayer == 'Airplay') { $stoppedPlayer = $redis->get('stoppedPlayer'); runelog('stoppedPlayer = ', $stoppedPlayer); if ($stoppedPlayer !== '') { // we previously stopped playback of one player to use the Airport Stream if ($stoppedPlayer === 'MPD') { // connect to MPD daemon $sock = openMpdSocket('/run/mpd.sock', 0); $status = _parseStatusResponse(MpdStatus($sock)); runelog('MPD status', $status); if ($status['state'] === 'pause') { // clear the stopped player if we left MPD paused $redis->set('stoppedPlayer', ''); } //sendMpdCommand($sock, 'pause'); // to get MPD out of its idle-loop we discribe to a channel sendMpdCommand($sock, 'subscribe Airplay'); sendMpdCommand($sock, 'unsubscribe Airplay'); closeMpdSocket($sock); // debug //runelog('sendMpdCommand', 'pause'); } elseif ($stoppedPlayer === 'Spotify') { // connect to SPOPD daemon $sock = openSpopSocket('localhost', 6602, 1); $status = _parseSpopStatusResponse(SpopStatus($sock)); runelog('SPOP status', $status); if ($status['state'] === 'pause') { // clear the stopped player if we left SPOP paused $redis->set('stoppedPlayer', ''); } // to get SPOP out of its idle-loop sendSpopCommand($sock, 'notify'); //sendSpopCommand($sock, 'toggle'); closeSpopSocket($sock); // debug //runelog('sendSpopCommand', 'toggle'); } // set the active player back to the one we stopped $redis->set('activePlayer', $stoppedPlayer); //delete all files in shairport folder except "now_playing" $dir = '/var/run/shairport/'; $leave_files = array('now_playing'); foreach( glob("$dir/*") as $file ) { if( !in_array(basename($file), $leave_files) ) unlink($file); } } runelog('endFunction!!!', $stoppedPlayer); sysCmd('curl -s -X GET http://localhost/command/?cmd=renderui'); } } function wrk_playerID($arch) { // $playerid = $arch.md5(uniqid(rand(), true)).md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); $playerid = $arch.md5_file('/sys/class/net/eth0/address'); return $playerid; } function wrk_switchplayer($redis, $playerengine) { switch ($playerengine) { case 'MPD': $return = sysCmd('systemctl start mpd'); usleep(500000); if ($redis->hGet('lastfm','enable') === '1') sysCmd('systemctl start mpdscribble'); if ($redis->hGet('dlna','enable') === '1') sysCmd('systemctl start upmpdcli'); $redis->set('activePlayer', 'MPD'); $return = sysCmd('systemctl stop spopd'); $return = sysCmd('curl -s -X GET http://localhost/command/?cmd=renderui'); // set process priority sysCmdAsync('rune_prio nice'); break; case 'Spotify': $return = sysCmd('systemctl start spopd'); usleep(500000); if ($redis->hGet('lastfm','enable') === '1') sysCmd('systemctl stop mpdscribble'); if ($redis->hGet('dlna','enable') === '1') sysCmd('systemctl stop upmpdcli'); $redis->set('activePlayer', 'Spotify'); $return = sysCmd('systemctl stop mpd'); $redis->set('mpd_playback_status', 'stop'); $return = sysCmd('curl -s -X GET http://localhost/command/?cmd=renderui'); // set process priority sysCmdAsync('rune_prio nice'); break; } return $return; } function wrk_sysAcl() { sysCmd('chown -R http.http /srv/http/'); sysCmd('chmod 777 /run'); sysCmd('chmod 644 $(find /srv/http/ -type f)'); sysCmd('chmod 755 $(find /srv/http/ -type d)'); sysCmd('chmod 755 /srv/http/command/*'); sysCmd('chmod 755 /srv/http/db/redis_datastore_setup'); sysCmd('chmod 755 /srv/http/db/redis_acards_details'); sysCmd('chown -R mpd.audio /var/lib/mpd'); } function wrk_NTPsync($ntpserver) { //debug runelog('NTP SERVER', $ntpserver); // if (sysCmd('ntpdate '.$ntpserver)) { if (sysCmdAsync('ntpdate '.$ntpserver)) { return $ntpserver; } else { return false; } } function wrk_changeHostname($redis, $newhostname) { $hn = sysCmd('hostname'); runelog('current hostname', $hn[0]); // change system hostname sysCmd('hostnamectl set-hostname '.$newhostname); // restart avahi-daemon sysCmd('systemctl restart avahi-daemon'); // reconfigure MPD sysCmd('systemctl stop mpd'); // update zeroconfname in MPD configuration $redis->hMset('mpdconf','zeroconf_name', $newhostname); // update airplayname if ($redis->hGet('airplay','name') === $hn[0]) { $redis->hSet('airplay','name', $newhostname); if ($redis->hGet('airplay','enable') === '1') sysCmd('systemctl restart shairport'); } // update AVAHI serice data wrk_avahiconfig($newhostname); // rewrite mpd.conf file wrk_mpdconf('/etc', $redis); // restart MPD sysCmd('systemctl start mpd'); // restart SAMBA << TODO: use systemd!!! sysCmd('killall -HUP smbd && killall -HUP nmbd'); // TODO: restart MiniDLNA // set process priority sysCmdAsync('sleep 1 && rune_prio nice'); } function wrk_upmpdcli($redis, $name = null) { if (!isset($name)) { $name = $redis->hGet('dlna', 'name'); } $file = '/usr/lib/systemd/system/upmpdcli.service'; $newArray = wrk_replaceTextLine($file, '', 'ExecStart', 'ExecStart=/usr/bin/upmpdcli -d '.$redis->hGet('dlna', 'logfile').' -l '.$redis->hGet('dlna', 'loglevel').' -f '.$name); runelog('upmpdcli.service :', $newArray); // Commit changes to /usr/lib/systemd/system/upmpdcli.service $fp = fopen($file, 'w'); fwrite($fp, implode("", $newArray)); fclose($fp); // update systemd sysCmd('systemctl daemon-reload'); if ($redis->hGet('dlna','enable') === '1') { runelog('restart upmpdcli'); sysCmd('systemctl restart upmpdcli'); } // set process priority sysCmdAsync('sleep 1 && rune_prio nice'); } function alsa_findHwMixerControl($cardID) { $cmd = "amixer -c ".$cardID." |grep \"mixer control\""; $str = sysCmd($cmd); $hwmixerdev = substr(substr($str[0], 0, -(strlen($str[0]) - strrpos($str[0], "'"))), strpos($str[0], "'")+1); runelog('Try to find HwMixer control (str): ', $str); runelog('Try to find HwMixer control: (output)', $hwmixerdev); return $hwmixerdev; } // webradio management (via .pls files) function addRadio($mpd, $redis, $data) { if ($data->label !== '' && $data->url !== '') { //debug runelog('addRadio (data)', $data); // store webradio record in redis $redis->hSet('webradios', $data->label, $data->url); // create new file // $file = '/mnt/MPD/Webradio/'.$data['label'].'.pls'; $file = '/mnt/MPD/Webradio/'.$data->label.'.pls'; $newpls = "[playlist]\n"; $newpls .= "NumberOfEntries=1\n"; $newpls .= "File1=".$data->url."\n"; $newpls .= "Title1=".$data->label; // Commit changes to .pls file $fp = fopen($file, 'w'); $return = fwrite($fp, $newpls); fclose($fp); if ($return) sendMpdCommand($mpd, 'update Webradio'); } else { $return = false; } return $return; } function editRadio($mpd,$redis,$data) { if ($data->label !== '' && $data->url !== '') { //debug runelog('editRadio (data)', $data); // edit webradio URL in .pls file $file = '/mnt/MPD/Webradio/'.$data->label.'.pls'; if ($data->label !== $data->newlabel) { unlink($file); // delete old webradio record in redis $redis->hDel('webradios', $data->label); // store new webradio record in redis $data->label = $data->newlabel; $data->newlabel = null; $return = addRadio($mpd, $redis, $data); } else { $redis->hSet('webradios',$data->label,$data->url); $newArray = wrk_replaceTextLine($file, '', 'File1=', 'File1='.$data->url, 'NumberOfEntries=1',1); // Commit changes to .pls file $fp = fopen($file, 'w'); $return = fwrite($fp, implode("", $newArray)); fclose($fp); } if ($return) sendMpdCommand($mpd, 'update Webradio'); } else { $return = false; } return $return; } function deleteRadio($mpd,$redis,$data) { if ($data->label !== '') { //debug runelog('deleteRadio (data)', $data); // delete .pls file $file = '/mnt/MPD/Webradio/'.$data->label; $label = parseFileStr($data->label, '.', 1); runelog('deleteRadio (label)', $label); $return = unlink($file); if ($return) { // delete webradio record in redis $redis->hDel('webradios', $label); sendMpdCommand($mpd, 'update Webradio'); } } else { $return = false; } return $return; } function ui_notify($title = null, $text, $type = null, $permanotice = null) { if (is_object($permanotice)) { $output = array('title' => $title, 'permanotice' => '', 'permaremove' => ''); } else { if ($permanotice === 1) { $output = array('title' => $title, 'text' => $text, 'permanotice' => ''); } else { $output = array('title' => $title, 'text' => $text); } } ui_render('notify', json_encode($output)); } function ui_notify_async($title = null, $text, $type = null, $permanotice = null) { if (is_object($permanotice)) { $output = array('title' => $title, 'permanotice' => '', 'permaremove' => ''); } else { if ($permanotice === 1) { $output = array('title' => $title, 'text' => $text, 'permanotice' => ''); } else { $output = array('title' => $title, 'text' => $text); } } $output = json_encode($output); runelog('notify (async) JSON string: ', $output); sysCmdAsync('/var/www/command/ui_notify.php \''.$output); } function wrk_notify($redis, $action, $notification, $jobID = null) { switch ($action) { case 'raw': // debug runelog('wrk_notify (raw)', $notification); break; case 'startjob': if (!empty($notification)) { if (is_object($notification)) { $notification = json_encode(array('title' => $notification->title, 'text' => $notification->text, 'icon' => 'fa fa-cog fa-spin', 'permanotice' => $jobID)); // debug runelog('wrk_notify (startjob) jobID='.$jobID, $notification); } if (wrk_notify_check($notification)) { if (empty($redis->hGet('notifications', $jobID)) && empty($redis->hGet('notifications', 'permanotice_'.$jobID))) { $redis->hSet('notifications', $jobID, $notification); } } } break; case 'endjob': $notification = $redis->hGet('notifications', $jobID); if (!empty($notification)) { $notification = json_decode($notification); $notification = json_encode(array('title' => $notification->title, 'text' => '', 'permanotice' => $jobID, 'permaremove' => $jobID)); // debug runelog('wrk_notify (endjob) jobID='.$jobID, $notification); $redis->hDel('notifications', $jobID); } break; case 'kernelswitch': // debug runelog('wrk_notify (kernelswitch) jobID='.$jobID, $notification); if (!empty($notification)) { $notification = json_encode(array('title' => $notification->title, 'text' => $notification->text, 'custom' => 'kernelswitch')); if (wrk_notify_check($notification)) { // if (empty($redis->hGet('notifications', $jobID)) && empty($redis->hGet('notifications', 'permanotice_'.$jobID))) { $redis->hSet('notifications', 'permanotice_kernelswitch', $notification); // } } } break; } if (wrk_notify_check($notification)) ui_render('notify', $notification); } function wrk_notify_check($notification) { if (json_decode($notification) !== null) { $notification = json_decode($notification); if (isset($notification->title) && isset($notification->text)) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } class ui_renderQueue { public function __construct($socket) { $this->socket = $socket; } public function output() { $queue = getPlayQueue($this->socket); ui_render('queue', json_encode($queue)); } } function ui_status($mpd, $status) { $curTrack = getTrackInfo($mpd, $status['song']); if (isset($curTrack[0]['Title'])) { $status['currentartist'] = $curTrack[0]['Artist']; $status['currentsong'] = htmlentities($curTrack[0]['Title'], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8'); $status['currentalbum'] = $curTrack[0]['Album']; $status['fileext'] = parseFileStr($curTrack[0]['file'], '.'); } else { $path = parseFileStr($curTrack[0]['file'], '/'); $status['fileext'] = parseFileStr($curTrack[0]['file'], '.'); $status['currentartist'] = ""; // $status['currentsong'] = $song; if (!empty($path)) { $status['currentalbum'] = $path; } else { $status['currentalbum'] = ''; } } $status['file'] = $curTrack[0]['file']; $status['radioname'] = $curTrack[0]['Name']; return $status; } function ui_libraryHome($redis) { // LocalStorage $localStorages = countDirs('/mnt/MPD/LocalStorage'); // runelog('networkmounts: ',$networkmounts); // Network mounts $networkmounts = countDirs('/mnt/MPD/NAS'); // runelog('networkmounts: ',$networkmounts); // USB mounts $usbmounts = countDirs('/mnt/MPD/USB'); // runelog('usbmounts: ',$usbmounts); // Webradios $webradios = count($redis->hKeys('webradios')); // runelog('webradios: ',$webradios); // Dirble $proxy = $redis->hGetall('proxy'); $dirblecfg = $redis->hGetAll('dirble'); $dirble = json_decode(curlGet($dirblecfg['baseurl'].'amountStation/apikey/'.$dirblecfg['apikey'], $proxy)); // runelog('dirble: ',$dirble); // Spotify $spotify = $redis->hGet('spotify', 'enable'); // Check current player backend $activePlayer = $redis->get('activePlayer'); // Bookmarks $redis_bookmarks = $redis->hGetAll('bookmarks'); $bookmarks = array(); foreach ($redis_bookmarks as $key => $data) { $bookmark = json_decode($data); runelog('bookmark details', $data); // $bookmarks[] = array('bookmark' => $key, 'name' => $bookmark->name, 'path' => $bookmark->path); $bookmarks[] = array('id' => $key, 'name' => $bookmark->name, 'path' => $bookmark->path); } // runelog('bookmarks: ',$bookmarks); // $jsonHome = json_encode(array_merge($bookmarks, array(0 => array('networkMounts' => $networkmounts)), array(0 => array('USBMounts' => $usbmounts)), array(0 => array('webradio' => $webradios)), array(0 => array('Dirble' => $dirble->amount)), array(0 => array('ActivePlayer' => $activePlayer)))); // $jsonHome = json_encode(array_merge($bookmarks, array(0 => array('networkMounts' => $networkmounts)), array(0 => array('USBMounts' => $usbmounts)), array(0 => array('webradio' => $webradios)), array(0 => array('Spotify' => $spotify)), array(0 => array('Dirble' => $dirble->amount)), array(0 => array('ActivePlayer' => $activePlayer)))); $jsonHome = json_encode(array('bookmarks' => $bookmarks, 'localStorages' => $localStorages, 'networkMounts' => $networkmounts, 'USBMounts' => $usbmounts, 'webradio' => $webradios, 'Spotify' => $spotify, 'Dirble' => $dirble->amount, 'ActivePlayer' => $activePlayer)); // Encode UI response runelog('libraryHome JSON: ', $jsonHome); ui_render('library', $jsonHome); } function ui_lastFM_coverart($artist, $album, $lastfm_apikey, $proxy) { if (!empty($album)) { $url = "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=album.getinfo&api_key=".$lastfm_apikey."&artist=".urlencode($artist)."&album=".urlencode($album)."&format=json"; unset($artist); } else { $url = "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=artist.getinfo&api_key=".$lastfm_apikey."&artist=".urlencode($artist)."&format=json"; $artist = 1; } // debug //echo $url; $output = json_decode(curlGet($url, $proxy), true); // debug runelog('coverart lastfm query URL', $url); // debug++ // echo "
    // print_r($output);
    // echo "
"; // key [3] == extralarge last.fm image // key [4] == mega last.fm image if(isset($artist)) { runelog('coverart lastfm query URL', $output['artist']['image'][3]['#text']); return $output['artist']['image'][3]['#text']; } else { runelog('coverart lastfm query URL', $output['album']['image'][3]['#text']); return $output['album']['image'][3]['#text']; } } // populate queue with similiar tracks suggested by Last.fm function ui_lastFM_similar($artist, $track, $lastfm_apikey, $proxy) { runelog('similar lastfm artist', $artist); runelog('similar lastfm track', $track); runelog('similar lastfm name', $proxy); runelog('similar lastfm lastfm_api', $lastfm_api); // This makes the call to Last.fm. The limit parameter can be adjusted to the number of tracks you want returned. // [TODO] adjustable amount of tracks in settings screen $url = "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=track.getsimilar&limit=1000&api_key=".$lastfm_apikey."&artist=".urlencode($artist)."&track=".urlencode($track)."&format=json"; runelog('similar lastfm query URL', $url); // debug //echo $url; // This call does not work //$output = json_decode(curlGet($url, $proxy), true); // But these 2 lines do $content = file_get_contents($url); $output = json_decode($content,true); // debug // debug++ // echo "
    // print_r($output);
    // echo "
"; foreach($output['similartracks']['track'] as $similar) { $simtrack = $similar['name']; $simartist = $similar['artist']['name']; if (strlen($simtrack)>0 and strlen($simartist)>0) { // If we have a track and an artist then make a call to mpd to add it. If it doesn't exist then it doesn't // matter $status = sysCmd("mpc search artist '".$simartist."' title '".$simtrack. "' | head -n1 | mpc add"); } } } // push UI update to NGiNX channel function ui_render($channel, $data) { curlPost(''.$channel, $data); } function ui_timezone() { $zones_array = array(); $timestamp = time(); foreach(timezone_identifiers_list() as $key => $zone) { date_default_timezone_set($zone); $zones_array[$key]['zone'] = $zone; $zones_array[$key]['diff_from_GMT'] = 'GMT ' . date('P', $timestamp); } return $zones_array; } function ui_update($redis ,$sock) { ui_libraryHome($redis); switch ($redis->get('activePlayer')) { case 'MPD': if ($redis->get('pl_length') !== '0') { sendMpdCommand($sock, 'swap 0 0'); } else { sendMpdCommand($sock, 'clear'); } // return MPD response return readMpdResponse($sock); break; case 'Spotify': sendSpopCommand($sock, 'repeat'); sendSpopCommand($sock, 'repeat'); // return SPOP response return readSpopResponse($sock); break; } } function ui_mpd_response($mpd, $notify = null) { runelog('ui_mpd_response invoked'); $response = json_encode(readMpdResponse($mpd)); // --- TODO: check this condition if (strpos($response, "OK") && isset($notify)) { runelog('send UI notify: ', $notify); ui_notify($notify['title'], $notify['text']); } echo $response; } function curlPost($url, $data, $proxy = null) { $ch = curl_init($url); @curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Connection: close")); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1); @curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE, CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4); if (isset($proxy)) { if ($proxy['enable'] === '1') { $proxy['user'] === '' || @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $proxy['user'].':'.$proxy['pass']); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy['host']); //runelog('cURL proxy HOST: ',$proxy['host']); //runelog('cURL proxy USER: ',$proxy['user']); //runelog('cURL proxy PASS: ',$proxy['pass']); } } @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS, 400); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 2); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); // DO NOT RETURN HTTP HEADERS @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // RETURN THE CONTENTS OF THE CALL $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $response; } function curlGet($url, $proxy = null) { $ch = curl_init($url); @curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Connection: close")); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1); @curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE, CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4); if (isset($proxy)) { if ($proxy['enable'] === '1') { $proxy['user'] === '' || @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $proxy['user'].':'.$proxy['pass']); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy['host']); // runelog('cURL proxy HOST: ',$proxy['host']); // runelog('cURL proxy USER: ',$proxy['user']); // runelog('cURL proxy PASS: ',$proxy['pass']); } } @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS, 400); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $response; } function countDirs($basepath) { $scandir = scandir($basepath."/", SCANDIR_SORT_NONE); $count = count(array_diff($scandir, array('..', '.'))); return $count; } function netmask($bitcount) { $netmask = str_split(str_pad(str_pad('', $bitcount, '1'), 32, '0'), 8); foreach ($netmask as &$element) $element = bindec($element); return join('.', $netmask); } // sort multi-dimensional array by key function osort(&$array, $key) { usort($array, function($a, $b) use ($key) { return $a->$key > $b->$key ? 1 : -1; }); }