using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using Oxide.Plugins; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("AutoExchange", "Alissonerdx and TheRealDoge", "1.0.0")] [Description("AutoExchange Economics in RP")] public class AutoExchange : RustPlugin { [PluginReference] Plugin Economics; [PluginReference] Plugin ServerRewards; private bool economicsOk; private bool serverRewardsOk; private Timer timeRun = null; private Dictionary messages = new Dictionary() { { "MSG_1", "AutoExchange converted {0} Economics into {1} RP" }, { "MSG_2", "Incorrect Parameters, ex: ae on 250 or ae off" }, { "MSG_3", "Incorrect Parameter: rate! rate must be an integer value greater than 0" }, { "MSG_4", "AutoExchange Running" }, { "MSG_5", "AutoExchange Stoped" }, { "MSG_6", "You are not allowed to use AutoExchange" } }; void Loaded() { permission.RegisterPermission("", this); if (Economics == null) { PrintWarning("Plugin 'Economics' was not found!"); economicsOk = false; } else { economicsOk = true; } if (ServerRewards == null) { PrintWarning("Plugin 'ServerRewards' was not found!"); serverRewardsOk = false; } else { serverRewardsOk = true; } lang.RegisterMessages(messages, this); } bool HasPermission(BasePlayer player, string perm) => permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, perm); [ChatCommand("ae")] void aeCommand(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (this.HasPermission(player, "")) { if (args.Count() >= 1) { var param = args[0].ToLower(); int rateExchange = 0; if (param.Equals("on") && args.Count() == 2) { int.TryParse(args[1].ToLower(), out rateExchange); if (rateExchange != 0) { rust.SendChatMessage(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("MSG_4", this, player.UserIDString))); timeRun = timer.Repeat(600f, 0, () => { var playersOnline = BasePlayer.activePlayerList as List; foreach (var playerOn in playersOnline) { var amount = (double)Economics?.Call("GetPlayerMoney", playerOn.userID); var rpCount = (int)amount / rateExchange; var economicsDiscount = rpCount * rateExchange; amount -= economicsDiscount; if (rpCount != 0 && economicsDiscount != 0) { rust.SendChatMessage(playerOn, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("MSG_1", this, playerOn.UserIDString), economicsDiscount, rpCount)); Economics?.Call("Set", playerOn.userID, amount); ServerRewards?.Call("AddPoints", playerOn.userID, rpCount); } } }); } else { Puts(lang.GetMessage("MSG_3", this)); } } else if (param.Equals("off")) { timeRun.Destroy(); rust.SendChatMessage(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("MSG_5", this, player.UserIDString))); } else { Puts(lang.GetMessage("MSG_2", this)); } } else { Puts(lang.GetMessage("MSG_2", this)); } } else { rust.SendChatMessage(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("MSG_6", this, player.UserIDString))); } } } }