using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System; using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Rust; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("BlueprintsRevived", "Jake_Rich", "1.2.3", ResourceId = 2433)] [Description("The original Blueprint System with balance changes!")] public class BlueprintsRevived : RustPlugin { public static BlueprintsRevived _plugin { get; set; } public bool serverInitialized { get; set; } = false; void Init() { _plugin = this; } void OnServerInitialized() { UnityEngine.Random.InitState((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks); serverInitialized = true; if (ImageLibrary == null) { Puts("WARNING! Blueprints was not loaded. Image Library is not installed! Please download ImageLibrary from oxide!"); return; } database = new Database(); //Database class has ConfigurationAccessors inside it DefaultSettings_BlueprintTiers = new GithubConfig("Blueprint-Default_Blueprint_Tiers"); LootTables = new GithubConfig("Blueprint-LootTables"); Settings_DevOnly = new GithubConfig("Blueprint-Developer-Settings"); ReloadSettings(); ApplySettings(); ItemManager.itemList.First(x => x.shortname == "xmas.present.small").stackable = 1000; ItemManager.itemList.First(x => x.shortname == "xmas.present.medium").stackable = 100; if (componentList == null) { Puts("Component list is null!"); } foreach (var bp in ItemManager.itemList) { if (GetItemTier(bp.shortname) != BPType.None) //Leave components in uncraftables like CCTV cameras { bp?.Blueprint?.ingredients?.RemoveAll(x => componentList.Contains(x.itemDef.shortname)); } } SetupUI(); foreach (BasePlayer player in UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType()) { OnPlayerInit(player); } AddImage("", "xmas.present.small", fragsSkinID); AddImage("", "xmas.present.medium", pageSkinID); AddImage("", "xmas.present.medium", bookSkinID); AddImage("", "xmas.present.large", librarySkinID); //ExportLootTables(); } void Unload() { CleanupMonumentBenches(); foreach (var player in messageTimers.Keys.ToList()) { CloseMessage(player); } ItemManager.itemList.First(x => x.shortname == "xmas.present.small").stackable = 30; ItemManager.itemList.First(x => x.shortname == "xmas.present.medium").stackable = 15; foreach (BasePlayer player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { HandleManagedComponents(player, removeComponents: true, giveComponents: false); StopResearch(player); } database.Unload(); foreach (var researchComp in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType()) { GameObject.Destroy(researchComp); } openIconPanel.HideAll(); } void ApplySettings() { ConVar.Server.radiation = Settings.radiation; Settings.itemLevels["heavy.plate.helmet"] = Settings.disable_heavyArmour ? BPType.None : BPType.Library; Settings.itemLevels["heavy.plate.jacket"] = Settings.disable_heavyArmour ? BPType.None : BPType.Library; Settings.itemLevels["heavy.plate.pants"] = Settings.disable_heavyArmour ? BPType.None : BPType.Library; } #region Variables UnityEngine.Random random = new UnityEngine.Random(); #endregion #region Settings public GithubConfig DefaultSettings_BlueprintTiers { get; set; } public GithubConfig LootTables { get; set; } public SavedSettings Settings { get; set; } public GithubConfig Settings_DevOnly { get; set; } public const ulong fragsSkinID = 869862511u; //Uploaded by Jake through special method public const ulong pageSkinID = 884147568u; public const ulong bookSkinID = 884151226u; public const ulong librarySkinID = 884152141u; public enum BPType : ulong { Default = 0, Frags = 1, Page = 2, Book = 3, Library = 4, None = 99999, } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { SaveConfig(); } public void ReloadSettings() { Settings = Config.ReadObject(); //Finally converted to a configuration file in the right place! Wulf will love me! Config.WriteObject(Settings); Settings = Config.ReadObject(); } public void SaveSettings() { Config.WriteObject(Settings); Settings = Config.ReadObject(); } public void ReloadAllSettings() { DefaultSettings_BlueprintTiers.Reload(); DefaultSettings_BlueprintTiers.Instance.Initialize(); DefaultSettings_BlueprintTiers.Save(); Settings = Config.ReadObject(); //Finally converted to a configuration file in the right place! Wulf will love me! Config.WriteObject(Settings); Settings = Config.ReadObject(); Settings_DevOnly.Reload(); LootTables.Reload(); } #endregion #region Configuration classes public class GithubConfig : ConfigurationAccessor where Type : BaseConfigClass { public GithubConfig(string name) : base(name) { } public override void Init() { Download(); } public void Download() { Dictionary headers = new Dictionary { {"User-Agent", "aleks976" }, {"Accept", "application/vnd.github.v3+json"} }; _plugin.webrequest.EnqueueGet($"{name}.json", (code, response) => { if (code == 200) { Type deserialize; try { deserialize = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response); } catch { _plugin.Puts($"Failed to deserialize {name}\n{response}"); return; } Instance = deserialize; Save(); //Load(); _plugin.Puts($"Downloaded {name}.json"); } else { _plugin.Puts($"Failed to download {name} settings!"); } Instance.Initialize(); Save(); }, _plugin, headers, 60); } } public class ConfigurationAccessor where Type : class { #region Typed Configuration Accessors private Type GetTypedConfigurationModel(string storageName) { return Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject(storageName); } private void SaveTypedConfigurationModel(string storageName, Type storageModel) { Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject(storageName, storageModel); } #endregion public string name { get; set; } public Type Instance { get; set; } public ConfigurationAccessor(string name) { = name; Init(); } public virtual void Init() { Reload(); } public virtual void Load() { Instance = GetTypedConfigurationModel(name); } public virtual void Save() { SaveTypedConfigurationModel(name, Instance); } public virtual void Reload() { Load(); //Need to load and save to init list Save(); Load(); } } public Dictionary bpCount { get; set; } = new Dictionary(); public Database database { get; set; } public class BaseConfigClass { public virtual void Initialize() { } } public class SpawnPointConfiguration { public float xPos { get; set; } public float yPos { get; set; } public float zPos { get; set; } public float xRot { get; set; } public float yRot { get; set; } public float zRot { get; set; } public float wRot { get; set; } public static BasePlayer.SpawnPoint ToSpawnPoint(SpawnPointConfiguration configuration) { if (configuration == null) return null; var newSpawn = new BasePlayer.SpawnPoint(); newSpawn.pos.x = configuration.xPos; newSpawn.pos.y = configuration.yPos; newSpawn.pos.z = configuration.zPos; newSpawn.rot.x = configuration.xRot; newSpawn.rot.y = configuration.yRot; newSpawn.rot.z = configuration.zRot; newSpawn.rot.w = configuration.wRot; return newSpawn; } public SpawnPointConfiguration(BaseNetworkable entity) { Position = entity.transform.position; Rotation = entity.transform.rotation; } public SpawnPointConfiguration(Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot) { Position = pos; Rotation = rot; } public SpawnPointConfiguration() { } [JsonIgnore] public Vector3 Position { get { return new Vector3(xPos, yPos, zPos); } set { xPos = value.x; yPos = value.y; zPos = value.z; } } [JsonIgnore] public Quaternion Rotation { get { return new Quaternion(xRot, yRot, zRot, wRot); } set { xRot = value.x; yRot = value.y; zRot = value.z; wRot = value.w; } } public static SpawnPointConfiguration FromVectorAndRotation(Vector3 position, Quaternion rot) { return new SpawnPointConfiguration { xPos = position.x, yPos = position.y, zPos = position.z, xRot = rot.x, yRot = rot.y, zRot = rot.z, wRot = rot.w }; } } public class SavedLootTables : BaseConfigClass { public Dictionary lootContainerAssignments { get; set; } = new Dictionary(); public Dictionary allLootTables { get; set; } = new Dictionary(); public override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); foreach (var ent in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType()) { _plugin.OnEntitySpawned(ent); } } } public class SavedSettings { public bool pistol_Nerf { get; set; } = true; public bool spear_UnNerf { get; set; } = true; public bool crossbow_UnNerf { get; set; } = true; public bool huntingBow_UnNerf { get; set; } = true; public bool buildingPriv_UnNerf { get; set; } = true; public bool radiation { get; set; } = true; public bool unlisted { get; set; } = false; public bool disable_heavyArmour { get; set; } = true; public bool softside_ladder { get; set; } = true; public bool arrowRaiding { get; set; } = true; public bool hempSeeds { get; set; } = false; public bool blockRecyclingRoadsigns { get; set; } = true; public bool p250DamageBuff { get; set; } = true; public float blueprintRate { get; set; } = 1f; public Dictionary itemLevels { get; set; } = new Dictionary(); } public class SavedSettingsNonEdit : BaseConfigClass { public Dictionary monumentResearchBenches { get; set; } = new Dictionary(); public override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); _plugin.SpawnMonumentBenches(); } } public class SavedBlueprintTiers : BaseConfigClass { public Dictionary itemLevels { get; set; } = new Dictionary(); public Dictionary> BPGroups = new Dictionary>(); public SavedBlueprintTiers() { foreach (var item in itemLevels.Values) { if (!_plugin.bpCount.ContainsKey(item)) { _plugin.bpCount[item] = 0; } _plugin.bpCount[item]++; } } public override void Initialize() { foreach (var item in ItemManager.itemList) { if (!itemLevels.ContainsKey(item.shortname)) { _plugin.Puts($"Found unassigned item: {item.shortname}"); } } BPGroups.Clear(); for (BPType type = BPType.Frags; type <= BPType.Library; type++) //Nicer looking config { BPGroups.Add(type, new List()); } BPGroups.Add(BPType.Default, new List()); BPGroups.Add(BPType.None, new List()); foreach (var item in itemLevels) { if (!BPGroups.ContainsKey(item.Value)) { BPGroups.Add(item.Value, new List()); } BPGroups[item.Value].Add(item.Key); } foreach(var item in itemLevels) { if (_plugin.Settings.itemLevels.ContainsKey(item.Key)) { continue; } _plugin.Settings.itemLevels.Add(item.Key, item.Value); } _plugin.SaveSettings(); } } public class Database { private ConfigurationAccessor database { get; set; } = new ConfigurationAccessor("Blueprint-Database"); private ConfigurationAccessor backup { get; set; } = new ConfigurationAccessor("Blueprint-Database-Backup"); [JsonIgnore] private Timer autosave { get; set; } public Database() { autosave?.Destroy(); autosave = _plugin.timer.Every(60f, Save); } public bool LearnBlueprint(BasePlayer player, int itemID) { BlueprintData playerdata; if (!database.Instance.playerData.TryGetValue(player.userID, out playerdata)) { playerdata = new BlueprintData(player.userID); database.Instance.playerData[player.userID] = playerdata; } if (playerdata.unlockedItems.Contains(itemID)) { _plugin.DisplayMessage(player, "You already learned this!"); return false; } playerdata.unlockedItems.Add(itemID); return true; } public bool HasBlueprint(BasePlayer player, int itemID) { BlueprintData playerdata; if (!database.Instance.playerData.TryGetValue(player.userID, out playerdata)) { playerdata = new BlueprintData(player.userID); database.Instance.playerData[player.userID] = playerdata; } return playerdata.unlockedItems.Contains(itemID); } public void ClearBlueprints(ulong userID, BPType type) { BlueprintData playerdata; if (!database.Instance.playerData.TryGetValue(userID, out playerdata)) { playerdata = new BlueprintData(userID); database.Instance.playerData[userID] = playerdata; } playerdata.unlockedItems.RemoveWhere(x => _plugin.GetItemIDTier(x) == type); } public void Save() { database.Save(); database.Instance.version++; } public void Unload() { Save(); backup.Instance = database.Instance; backup.Save(); } } public class DatabaseData { public Dictionary playerData { get; set; } = new Dictionary(); public uint version = 0; } public class BlueprintData { public ulong userID = 0; public HashSet unlockedItems { get; set; } = new HashSet(); public BlueprintData(ulong id) { userID = id; } public BlueprintData() { } } #endregion #region SpawnEntities bool TryToPlace(BasePlayer player, out BaseEntity ent, bool facingSky = false) { ent = null; Item item = player.GetActiveItem(); BaseEntity heldEntity = player.GetHeldEntity(); if (item == null || heldEntity == null) { Puts("Item or held entity is null"); return false; } if (heldEntity.GetType() != typeof(Planner)) { Puts("Held entity isn't planner"); return false; } Planner planner = ((Planner)heldEntity); Deployable deployable = planner.GetDeployable(); if (deployable == null) { Puts("Deployable is null"); return false; } Vector3 targetPosition = player.transform.position; Quaternion targetRotation = player.transform.rotation; RaycastHit raycastHit; Ray ray = player.eyes.BodyRay(); if (!Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit, 4f, 1101070337)) { targetPosition = player.eyes.position + player.eyes.BodyRay().direction * 4f; targetRotation = player.eyes.rotation * Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 180); } else { targetPosition = raycastHit.point; targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(raycastHit.normal) * Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0); } if (facingSky) { targetRotation.x = 0; targetRotation.z = 0; } if (raycastHit.normal.normalized == Vector3.up) { } targetRotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, 90, 0); ItemModDeployable itemModDeployable = planner.GetModDeployable(); BaseEntity placedObject = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(itemModDeployable.entityPrefab.resourcePath, targetPosition, targetRotation); placedObject.skinID =; placedObject.SendMessage("SetDeployedBy", player, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); placedObject.OwnerID = 0; placedObject.Spawn(); UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(placedObject.GetComponent()); UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(placedObject.GetComponent()); ent = placedObject; return true; } void PlaceResearchBench(BasePlayer player) { BaseEntity entity; if (!TryToPlace(player, out entity, true)) { return; } float lowestDist = float.MaxValue; MonumentInfo closest = null; foreach (var monument in UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType()) { float dist = Vector3.Distance(player.transform.position, monument.transform.position); if (dist < lowestDist) { lowestDist = dist; closest = monument; } } Vector3 pos = closest.transform.InverseTransformPoint(entity.transform.position); Quaternion rot = Quaternion.Inverse(entity.transform.rotation) * closest.transform.rotation; Settings_DevOnly.Instance.monumentResearchBenches[] = new SpawnPointConfiguration(pos, rot); Settings_DevOnly.Save(); } #endregion #region Monuments public HashSet monumentResearchBenches = new HashSet(); void SpawnMonumentBenches() { foreach (var monument in UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType()) { SpawnPointConfiguration spawnPoint; if (Settings_DevOnly.Instance.monumentResearchBenches.TryGetValue(, out spawnPoint)) { ResearchTable placedObject = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/prefabs/deployable/research table/researchtable_deployed.prefab", monument.transform.TransformPoint(spawnPoint.Position), Quaternion.Inverse(spawnPoint.Rotation) * monument.transform.rotation) as ResearchTable; placedObject.OwnerID = 0; placedObject.Spawn(); UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(placedObject.GetComponent()); UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(placedObject.GetComponent()); monumentResearchBenches.Add(placedObject); } } } void CleanupMonumentBenches() { foreach (var bench in monumentResearchBenches) { if (!bench.IsDestroyed) { bench.Kill(); } } } #endregion #region BP Functions BPType GetRarityType(string name) { switch (name) { case "Common": { return BPType.Frags; } case "Uncommon": { return BPType.Page; } case "Rare": { return BPType.Book; } case "VeryRare": { return BPType.Library; } } return BPType.None; } BPType GetBPType(Item item) { switch ( { case fragsSkinID: { return BPType.Frags; } case pageSkinID: { return BPType.Page; } case bookSkinID: { return BPType.Book; } case librarySkinID: { return BPType.Library; } default: { return BPType.None; } } } int GetBPFragAmount(BPType type) { switch (type) { case BPType.Frags: { return 1; } case BPType.Page: { return 50; } case BPType.Book: { return GetBPFragAmount(BPType.Page) * 5; } case BPType.Library: { return GetBPFragAmount(BPType.Book) * 5; ; } default: { return 0; } } } string GetBPName(BPType item) { switch (item) { case BPType.Frags: { return "Blueprint Fragment"; } case BPType.Page: { return "Blueprint Page"; } case BPType.Book: { return "Blueprint Book"; } case BPType.Library: { return "Blueprint Library"; } default: { return ""; } } } public int GetFragsNeeded(BPType type) { switch (type) { case BPType.Default: { return -1; } case BPType.Frags: { return 100; } case BPType.Page: { return 250; } case BPType.Book: { return 500; } case BPType.Library: { return 1000; } default: case BPType.None: { return int.MaxValue; } } } public int GetFragsNeeded(Item item) { return GetFragsNeeded(GetItemTier(item)); } public BPType GetItemTier(Item item) { return GetItemTier(; } public BPType GetItemTier(string shortname) { BPType type; if (!Settings.itemLevels.TryGetValue(shortname, out type)) { return BPType.None; } return type; } public BPType GetItemIDTier(int id) { return GetItemTier(ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(id)?.shortname); } bool RnG(float chance) { return UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f) < chance; } void InsertBPFrags(ItemContainer inventory) { int amount = 0; if (RnG(0.25f)) { amount += UnityEngine.Random.Range(5, 16); } int num = 0; for (int j = 0; j < inventory.capacity; j++) { Item slot = inventory.GetSlot(j); if (slot == null) { break; } num += (int); } if (num <= 3) { if (RnG(0.75f)) { amount += UnityEngine.Random.Range(5, 16); } } amount = (int)(amount * Settings.blueprintRate); if (amount > 0) { AddBlueprints(inventory, BPType.Frags, amount); } } bool IsLootContainer(BaseNetworkable entity) { return entity is LootContainer; } Item CreateBlueprint(BPType type, int amount) { Item item = null; switch (type) { case BPType.Frags: { item = ItemManager.CreateByName("xmas.present.small", amount, fragsSkinID); break; } case BPType.Page: { item = ItemManager.CreateByName("xmas.present.medium", amount, pageSkinID); break; } case BPType.Book: { item = ItemManager.CreateByName("xmas.present.medium", amount, bookSkinID); break; } case BPType.Library: { item = ItemManager.CreateByName("xmas.present.large", amount, librarySkinID); break; } } if (item == null) { Puts("AddBlueprints() error creating BPs!"); return null; } = GetBPName(type); return item; } void AddBlueprints(ItemContainer container, BPType type, int amount, bool dropOnFull = false) { Item item = CreateBlueprint(type, amount); if (item == null) { return; } if (!item.MoveToContainer(container) && dropOnFull) { item.Drop(container.dropPosition, container.dropVelocity); } } int GetBPAmountToCombine(BPType type) { switch (type) { case BPType.Frags: { return 50; } case BPType.Page: case BPType.Book: { return 5; } default: case BPType.Library: { return -1; } } } void CombineFrags(Item item, BPType currentLevel) { int targetAmount = 0; if (GetBPType(item) == BPType.None) { return; } targetAmount = GetBPAmountToCombine(currentLevel); if (targetAmount <= 0) { return; } if (item.amount < targetAmount) { return; } item.amount -= targetAmount; if (item.amount <= 0) { item.Remove(); } AddBlueprints(item.parent, currentLevel + 1, 1, true); } public bool RevealBlueprint(BasePlayer player, BPType type) { if (type < BPType.Frags || type > BPType.Library) { return false; } UnityEngine.Random.InitState((int)Time.time); int itemID; if (!TryGetRandomUnlearnedBlueprint(player, type, out itemID)) { DisplayMessage(player, $"You already know all about {GetBPName(type)}!"); return false; } GiveItemBlueprint(player, itemID); return true; } bool TryGetRandomUnlearnedBlueprint(BasePlayer player, BPType type, out int itemID) { itemID = -1; var playerInventoryBlueprintItemNames = GetBlueprintItemNamesInPlayerInventory(player); List unlearnedItems = DefaultSettings_BlueprintTiers.Instance.BPGroups[type] .Select(itemId => ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(itemId)) .Where(itemDef => itemDef != null) .Where(itemDef => !playerInventoryBlueprintItemNames.Contains(itemDef.itemid)) .Where(itemDef => !database.HasBlueprint(player, itemDef.itemid)) .ToList(); if (!unlearnedItems.Any()) { return false; } var randomIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, unlearnedItems.Count); var item = unlearnedItems[randomIndex]; if (item == null) { return false; } itemID = item.itemid; return true; } int GetRandomBlueprint(BPType type) { string itemName = DefaultSettings_BlueprintTiers.Instance.BPGroups[type][UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, DefaultSettings_BlueprintTiers.Instance.BPGroups[type].Count)]; var itemDef = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(itemName); if (itemDef == null) { return -1; } return itemDef.itemid; } HashSet GetBlueprintItemNamesInPlayerInventory(BasePlayer player) { HashSet inventoryBlueprints = new HashSet(); foreach (var item in player.inventory.AllItems()) { if ( == "blueprintbase") { if (!inventoryBlueprints.Contains(item.blueprintTarget)) { inventoryBlueprints.Add(item.blueprintTarget); } } } return inventoryBlueprints; } Item GetRandomItemBlueprint(BPType type) { return GetItemBlueprint(GetRandomBlueprint(type)); } Item GetItemBlueprint(int id) { Item itemBlueprint = ItemManager.CreateByName("blueprintbase"); itemBlueprint.blueprintTarget = id; return itemBlueprint; } public void RevealBlueprint(BasePlayer player, Item item) { BPType type = GetBPType(item); if (type == BPType.Frags) { if (item.amount < 20) { return; } } if (!RevealBlueprint(player, type)) { return; } item.amount -= (type == BPType.Frags ? 20 : 1); if (item.amount <= 0) { item.Remove(); } item.MarkDirty(); } void TryMoveItem(Item item, ItemContainer container, int slot = -1) { if (!item.MoveToContainer(container)) { item.Drop(container.dropPosition, container.dropVelocity); } } void GiveItemBlueprint(BasePlayer player, int itemID) { ItemDefinition itemDefinition = ItemManager.itemList.Find((ItemDefinition x) => x.itemid == itemID); GiveItemBlueprint(player, itemDefinition.shortname); } void GiveItemBlueprint(BasePlayer player, string itemName) { Item itemBlueprint = ItemManager.CreateByName("blueprintbase"); ItemDefinition itemDefinition = ItemManager.itemList.Find((ItemDefinition x) => x.shortname == itemName); if (itemDefinition == null) { Puts("GiveItemBlueprint() couldnt find itemID based on name!"); return; } itemBlueprint.blueprintTarget = itemDefinition.itemid; foreach (var currentSlot in player.inventory.containerMain.itemList) { if ( == { if (currentSlot.blueprintTarget == itemBlueprint.blueprintTarget) { TryMoveItem(itemBlueprint, player.inventory.containerMain, currentSlot.position); return; } } } TryMoveItem(itemBlueprint, player.inventory.containerMain); } bool LearnBlueprint(BasePlayer player, int itemID) { return database.LearnBlueprint(player, itemID); } bool DropBlueprint(Item item, DroppedItem originalItem = null) { BPType type = GetBPType(item); if (type == BPType.None) { return false; } item.Remove(); Item itemToDrop = ItemManager.CreateByName("blueprintbase", item.amount); = GetBPName(type); itemToDrop.blueprintTarget = (int)type; ItemContainer container = item.GetRootContainer(); if (container == null) { itemToDrop.Drop(originalItem.transform.position,; return true; } itemToDrop.Drop(container.dropPosition, container.dropVelocity); return true; } public List GetResearchTables() { return GameObject.FindObjectsOfType().ToList(); } #endregion #region Display Messages private Dictionary messageTimers { get; set; } = new Dictionary(); private CuiElementContainer messagebox = new CuiElementContainer(); private CuiLabel messageLabel { get; set; } void DisplayMessage(BasePlayer player, string message, float time = 2.5f) { //PrintToChat(player, message); CloseMessage(player); messageTimers[player] = this.timer.In(time, () => { DestroyUI(player, messagebox); }); messageLabel.Text.Text = message; CuiHelper.AddUi(player, messagebox); } void SetupUI() { messageLabel = new CuiLabel(); messagebox.Add(messageLabel, "Hud.Menu"); messageLabel.RectTransform.AnchorMin = "0.64 0.02"; messageLabel.RectTransform.AnchorMax = "0.84 0.14"; messageLabel.Text.Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; messageLabel.Text.FontSize = 20; var panel = new CuiPanel(); panel.RectTransform.AnchorMin = messageLabel.RectTransform.AnchorMin; panel.RectTransform.AnchorMax = messageLabel.RectTransform.AnchorMax; panel.Image.Color = "0 0 0 0.4"; messagebox.Add(panel, "Hud.Menu"); /* foreach(var element in messagebox) { element.FadeOut = 1f; }*/ SetupResearchUI(); } void CloseMessage(BasePlayer player) { Timer timer; if (messageTimers.TryGetValue(player, out timer)) { timer?.Destroy(); messageTimers.Remove(player); } DestroyUI(player, messagebox); } #endregion #region Lang API public Dictionary LangAPI = new Dictionary() { { "ResearchBench_TopInfoPanel", "Drop items to add them to the research bench." }, { "ResearchBench_SourceLabel", "Source Item." }, { "ResearchBench_FragmentLabel", "Fragment Boost" }, { "ResearchBench_FragmentBoost", "Adding fragments increases your chance of success." }, { "ResearchBench_ChanceOfSuccessLabel", "Chance of success" }, { "ResearchBench_ChanceInfo", "Increase the chance of success by adding frags or a better source item." }, { "ResearchBench_ExitLabel", "Exit" }, { "ResearchBench_StartResearch", "BEGIN RESEARCH" }, { "ResearchBench_OpenIcon", "OPEN" }, { "ComponentsDisabled", "Components are disabled in the Blueprint System!" }, { "AdminCommand", "This command is for admins only." }, }; void LoadDefaultMessages() { lang.RegisterMessages(LangAPI, this); } #endregion #region UI void DestroyUI(BasePlayer player, CuiElementContainer container) { foreach (var element in container) { CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, element.Name); } } #endregion #region Hooks object OnOvenFull(BaseOven oven) { return true; } void CanBuild(Planner planner, Construction construction, Vector3 position) { if (Settings.buildingPriv_UnNerf) { construction.canBypassBuildingPermission = true; } } object OnEntityTakeDamage(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo info) { if (entity is ResearchTable) { if (monumentResearchBenches.Contains(entity)) { return true; } return null; } if (info.InitiatorPlayer == null) { return null; } if (info.WeaponPrefab != null) { //Puts($"Weapon: {info.WeaponPrefab.ShortPrefabName} {info.damageTypes.Total()}"); } bool isArrowProjectile = info.ProjectilePrefab != null &&"arrow_"); #region Softside Doors if (entity is DecayEntity && (info.ProjectilePrefab == null)) // Is decay entity and NOT an arrow projectile -- Arrows handled elsewhere { Vector3 hitDirection = info.InitiatorPlayer.eyes.position - info.HitPositionWorld; var field = typeof(BaseCombatEntity).GetField("propDirection", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); var propDirection = (DirectionProperties[])field.GetValue(entity); for (int i = 0; i < propDirection.Length; i++) { if (propDirection[i].extraProtection != null) { if (entity.PrefabName.StartsWith("assets/prefabs/building/door.hinged") && info.HitNormalLocal.z < 0) // Weak Side Single Door { //Puts($"Hit Weak Side Single Door"); info.damageTypes.ScaleAll(10f); } else if (entity.PrefabName.StartsWith("assets/prefabs/building/door.double.hinged") && info.HitNormalLocal.x > 0) { //Puts($"Hit Weak Side Double Door"); info.damageTypes.ScaleAll(10f); } else if (entity.PrefabName == "assets/prefabs/building/floor.ladder.hatch/floor.ladder.hatch.prefab" && info.HitNormalLocal.y < 0) { // Puts($"Hit Hatch Weak Side"); info.damageTypes.ScaleAll(10f); } } } } #endregion if (info.ProjectilePrefab != null) { #region Un-nerf spears if ("_spear")) { if (Settings.spear_UnNerf) { info.damageTypes.ScaleAll(2f / 1.5f); } return null; } #endregion #region Un-nerf P250 if (Settings.p250DamageBuff) { if (info.WeaponPrefab.ShortPrefabName.Contains("pistol_semiauto.entity")) { if (info.isHeadshot) { info.damageTypes.ScaleAll(1.3f); } else { info.damageTypes.ScaleAll(1.10f); } } } #endregion if ("arrow_")) { if (entity is DecayEntity) { #region Arrow raiding if (entity.PrefabName == "assets/prefabs/building/door.hinged/door.hinged.wood.prefab" || entity.PrefabName == "assets/prefabs/building/door.double.hinged/door.double.hinged.wood.prefab") { entity.baseProtection.amounts[(int)DamageType.Arrow] = Settings.arrowRaiding ? 0.96f : 1f; } if (entity is BuildingBlock) { BuildingBlock block = entity as BuildingBlock; switch (block.grade) { case BuildingGrade.Enum.Wood: { entity.baseProtection.amounts[(int)DamageType.Arrow] = Settings.arrowRaiding ? 0.96f : 1f; break; } case BuildingGrade.Enum.Stone: { entity.baseProtection.amounts[(int)DamageType.Arrow] = Settings.arrowRaiding ? 0.99f : 1f; break; } } } #endregion } else if (entity is BasePlayer) { #region Arrow Un-Nerf if (info.isHeadshot) { float num = info.ProjectilePrefab.damageMultipliers.Lerp(info.ProjectilePrefab.modifier.distanceOffset + info.ProjectilePrefab.modifier.distanceScale * info.ProjectilePrefab.damageDistances.x, info.ProjectilePrefab.modifier.distanceOffset + info.ProjectilePrefab.modifier.distanceScale * info.ProjectilePrefab.damageDistances.y, info.ProjectileDistance); float num2 = info.ProjectilePrefab.integrity * (info.ProjectilePrefab.modifier.damageOffset + info.ProjectilePrefab.modifier.damageScale * num); info.damageTypes.ScaleAll(1f / num2); if (info.WeaponPrefab.ShortPrefabName == "crossbow.entity") { if (Settings.crossbow_UnNerf) { info.damageTypes.ScaleAll(2f / 1.5f); //Puts($"{info.damageTypes.GetMajorityDamageType()} {info.damageTypes.Total()}"); } } else if (info.WeaponPrefab.ShortPrefabName == "bow_hunting.entity") { if (Settings.huntingBow_UnNerf) { info.damageTypes.ScaleAll(2f / 1.5f); //Puts($"{info.damageTypes.GetMajorityDamageType()} {info.damageTypes.Total()}"); } } } #endregion } } } return null; } void OnPlayerInput(BasePlayer player, InputState input) { if (input.IsDown(BUTTON.USE)) { if (!input.WasDown(BUTTON.USE)) { var data = GetResearchData(player); if (data.lookingAtTable) { if (!data.usingResearchTable) { StartResearch(player); } } } } } void OnPlayerInit(BasePlayer player) { HandleManagedComponents(player, removeComponents: true, giveComponents: true); } object CanCraft(ItemCrafter crafter, ItemBlueprint blueprint, int amount) { BasePlayer player = crafter.GetComponentInParent(); if (Settings.itemLevels[blueprint.targetItem.shortname] == BPType.Default) { return null; } if (!database.HasBlueprint(player, blueprint.targetItem.itemid)) { DisplayMessage(player, "You haven't learned that yet!"); return false; } return null; } object OnItemAction(Item item, string cmd) { BPType type = GetBPType(item); BasePlayer player = item.GetOwnerPlayer(); var data = GetResearchData(player); #region Let normal items use their commands switch (cmd) { case "upgrade_item": case "unwrap": case "drop": { if (player != null) { if (IsResearching(player)) { if (!data.isResearchingItem) { OnResearchItemDropped(player, item); } return true; } } if (type == BPType.None) { return null; } break; } } #endregion switch (cmd) { case "upgrade_item": { if (player == null) { return true; } CombineFrags(item, type); break; } case "unwrap": { if (player == null) { return true; } RevealBlueprint(player, item); break; } case "craft": case "craft_all": { if (!LearnBlueprint(player, item.blueprintTarget)) { return true; //Don't consume item if learning fails } DisplayMessage(player, $"You learned {ItemManager.itemList.First(x => x.itemid == item.blueprintTarget).displayName.translated}!", 4f); break; } case "drop": { if (DropBlueprint(item)) { item.Remove(); ItemManager.DoRemoves(); } return true; } default: { return null; } } #region Decrease item count by 1 switch (cmd) { case "craft": case "craft_all": { item.amount -= 1; if (item.amount <= 0) { item.Remove(); } item.MarkDirty(); break; } } #endregion return true; } object CanStackItem(Item slotItem, Item item2) { //Puts($"CanStack {slotItem != null} {slotItem.blueprintTarget} {slotItem.IsBlueprint()} {} {item2 != null} {item2.blueprintTarget} {item2.IsBlueprint()} {}"); if ( != { //Puts("CanStack false"); return false; } if (slotItem.blueprintTarget == item2.blueprintTarget && slotItem.IsBlueprint() && item2.IsBlueprint()) { //Puts("CanStack blueprints"); return true; } return null; } object OnItemSplit(Item item, int amount) { if ( != 0) { item.amount -= amount; Item newItem = ItemManager.CreateByItemID(, 1,; newItem.amount = amount; if (newItem.IsBlueprint()) { newItem.blueprintTarget = item.blueprintTarget; } item.MarkDirty(); return newItem; } return null; } void OnItemCraftCancelled(ItemCraftTask task) { foreach (Item item in task.takenItems.ToList()) { if (componentList.Contains( { task.takenItems.Remove(item); item.Remove(); } } } void OnEntitySpawned(BaseNetworkable entity) { if (!serverInitialized) { return; } if (entity is SupplyDrop) { SupplyDrop drop = (SupplyDrop)entity; Rigidbody rigidbody = drop.GetComponent(); if (rigidbody) { rigidbody.drag *= .65f; } } if (entity is ResearchTable) { if (entity.gameObject.GetComponent() == null) { entity.gameObject.AddComponent(); } } else if (IsLootContainer(entity)) { LootContainer container = entity as LootContainer; container.lootDefinition = null; NextTick(() => { AssignLoot(container); container.minSecondsBetweenRefresh = -1; container.maxSecondsBetweenRefresh = 0; container.CancelInvoke(container.SpawnLoot); }); } else if (entity is DroppedItem) //Blueprints dropped from barrels would be shown as presents by default { DroppedItem drop = entity as DroppedItem; BPType type = GetBPType(drop.item); if (type == BPType.None) { return; } DropBlueprint(drop.item, drop); if (!entity.IsDestroyed) { entity.Kill(); } } else if (entity is FireBall) { //Puts("Fireball spawned!"); FireBall fire = entity as FireBall; fire.lifeTimeMin = 50f; fire.lifeTimeMax = 60f; } else if (entity is SleepingBag) { NextFrame(() => { var field = typeof(SleepingBag).GetField("unlockTime", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); field.SetValue((entity as SleepingBag), Time.realtimeSinceStartup + 90f); }); } else if (entity is CollectibleEntity) { TryChangeHemp(entity as CollectibleEntity); } } void OnItemPickup(ref Item item, BasePlayer player) { if ((BPType)item.blueprintTarget < BPType.Frags || (BPType)item.blueprintTarget > BPType.Library) { return; } WorldItem worldItem = item.GetWorldEntity() as WorldItem; if (worldItem == null) { Puts("OnItemPickup() WorldItem is null"); return; } worldItem.item = CreateBlueprint((BPType)item.blueprintTarget, item.amount); NextFrame(() => { worldItem.Kill(); }); } void OnItemAddedToContainer(ItemContainer container, Item item) { if ( == "pistol.revolver") { var gun = item.GetHeldEntity() as BaseProjectile; if (gun != null) { gun.primaryMagazine.capacity = Settings.pistol_Nerf ? 6 : 8; } } else if ( == "pistol.semiauto") { var gun = item.GetHeldEntity() as BaseProjectile; if (gun != null) { gun.primaryMagazine.capacity = Settings.pistol_Nerf ? 8 : 10; ; } } BPType type = GetBPType(item); if (type == BPType.None) { return; } = GetBPName(type); } void OnPlayerRespawned(BasePlayer player) { OnPlayerInit(player); } void OnPlayerWound(BasePlayer player) { StopResearch(player); } void OnPlayerDie(BasePlayer player) { StopResearch(player); } object OnLootEntity(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity) { if (entity is ResearchTable) { player.EndLooting(); StartResearch(player); return true; } else { StopResearch(player); } return null; } #endregion #region General Functions void CloseInventory(BasePlayer player) { player.ClientRPCPlayer(null, player, "OnDied"); //I dont get how the fuck this works, but it does } public bool GetEntityLookingAt(BasePlayer player, out BaseEntity entity, int mask = 3) { entity = null; RaycastHit raycastHit; Ray ray = player.eyes.BodyRay(); if (!Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit, 4f, mask)) { return false; } else { entity = raycastHit.GetEntity(); if (entity != null) { return true; } } return false; } #endregion #region Chat Commands [ChatCommand("frags")] void VisualDebugging(BasePlayer player) { if (!player.IsAdmin) { lang.GetMessage("AdminCommand", this, player.UserIDString); return; } AddBlueprints(player.inventory.containerMain, BPType.Frags, 1000); AddBlueprints(player.inventory.containerMain, BPType.Page, 100); AddBlueprints(player.inventory.containerMain, BPType.Book, 100); AddBlueprints(player.inventory.containerMain, BPType.Library, 100); } [ChatCommand("resetbps")] void ResetBps(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!player.IsAdmin) { lang.GetMessage("AdminCommand", this, player.UserIDString); return; } if (args.Length != 2) { PrintToChat(player, "Need 2 arguments!"); return; } ulong userID; if (!ulong.TryParse(args[0], out userID)) { PrintToChat(player, $"{args[0]} is not a valid userID!"); return; } int type; if (!int.TryParse(args[1], out type)) { PrintToChat(player, $"{args[0]} is not a valid BPType!"); return; } database.ClearBlueprints(userID, (BPType)type); } [ChatCommand("placebench")] void PlaceResearchBench_Command(BasePlayer player) { if (!player.IsAdmin) { lang.GetMessage("AdminCommand", this, player.UserIDString); return; } PlaceResearchBench(player); } [ChatCommand("reloadblueprintsettings")] void ReloadSettingsCommand(BasePlayer player) { if (!player.IsAdmin) { lang.GetMessage("AdminCommand", this, player.UserIDString); return; } ReloadAllSettings(); ApplySettings(); } [ChatCommand("resetblueprintloot")] void ResetLootCommand(BasePlayer player) { if (!player.IsAdmin) { lang.GetMessage("AdminCommand", this, player.UserIDString); return; } foreach (var ent in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType()) { if (!ent.IsDestroyed) { ent.Kill(); } } rust.RunServerCommand("spawn.fill_populations"); rust.RunServerCommand("spawn.fill_groups"); } #endregion #region Recycling object CanRecycle(Recycler recycler, Item item) { if ("xmas.present")) { BPType currentType = GetBPType(item); if (currentType != BPType.None && currentType != BPType.Frags) { return true; } } else if ( == "roadsigns") { if (Settings.blockRecyclingRoadsigns) { return false; } } else if (componentList.Contains( //No recycling components (prevent component duping) { return false; } return null; } object OnRecycleItem(Recycler recycler, Item item) { bool shouldOverride = false; if ("xmas.present")) { BPType currentType = GetBPType(item); if (currentType != BPType.None && currentType != BPType.Frags) { int amount = Mathf.Clamp(item.amount, 1, 2); item.UseItem(amount); ItemManager.DoRemoves(); BPType newType = currentType - 1; Item newItem = CreateBlueprint(newType, GetBPAmountToCombine(newType) * amount); recycler.MoveItemToOutput(newItem); } } else if ( == "roadsigns") { if (Settings.blockRecyclingRoadsigns) { recycler.StopRecycling(); return true; } } else if (componentList.Contains( { recycler.StopRecycling(); return true; } if ( != null) { if ( => componentList.Contains(x?.itemDef?.shortname))) //If item contains a component we give unlimited of (this technically only applys to uncraftables) { shouldOverride = true; //Prevent components from being given after recycled (need to override) foreach (var itemAmount in { if (!componentList.Contains(itemAmount.itemDef.shortname)) { recycler.MoveItemToOutput(ItemManager.Create(itemAmount.itemDef, Mathf.CeilToInt(itemAmount.amount * recycler.recycleEfficiency))); //Give normal items continue; } foreach (var componentIngredient in itemAmount.itemDef.Blueprint.ingredients) //Directly convert components into sub materials { Item newItem = ItemManager.Create(componentIngredient.itemDef, Mathf.CeilToInt((componentIngredient.amount * recycler.recycleEfficiency)) * Mathf.CeilToInt(itemAmount.amount * recycler.recycleEfficiency), 0uL); recycler.MoveItemToOutput(newItem); } } item.UseItem(); } } if (shouldOverride) { return true; } return null; } void SendToOutput(Recycler recycler, string shortname, int amount) { Item item = ItemManager.CreateByName(shortname, amount); if (item != null) { recycler.MoveItemToOutput(item); } } #endregion #region Jake's UI Framework private Dictionary UIButtonCallBacks { get; set; } = new Dictionary(); void OnButtonClick(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { UIButton button; if (UIButtonCallBacks.TryGetValue(arg.cmd.Name, out button)) { button.OnClicked(arg); return; } Puts("Unknown button command: {0}", arg.cmd.Name); } public class UIElement : UIBaseElement { public CuiElement Element { get; protected set; } public CuiRectTransformComponent transform { get; protected set; } public string Name { get { return Element.Name; } } public Func conditionalShow { get; set; } public Func conditionalSize { get; set; } public UIElement(UIBaseElement parent = null) : base(parent) { } public UIElement(Vector2 position, float width, float height, UIBaseElement parent = null) : this(position, new Vector2(position.x + width, position.y + height), parent) { } public UIElement(Vector2 min, Vector2 max, UIBaseElement parent = null) : base(min, max, parent) { transform = new CuiRectTransformComponent(); Element = new CuiElement { Name = CuiHelper.GetGuid(), Parent = this.parent == null ? this.Parent : this.parent.Parent, Components = { transform } }; UpdatePlacement(); Init(); } public virtual void Init() { } public override void Show(BasePlayer player, bool children = true) { if (conditionalShow != null) { if (!conditionalShow(player)) { return; } } if (conditionalSize != null) { Vector2 returnSize = conditionalSize.Invoke(player); if (returnSize != null) { SetSize(returnSize.x, returnSize.y); } } if (AddPlayer(player)) { SafeAddUi(player, Element); } base.Show(player, children); } public override void Hide(BasePlayer player, bool children = true) { base.Hide(player, children); if (RemovePlayer(player)) { SafeDestroyUi(player, Element); } } public override void UpdatePlacement() { base.UpdatePlacement(); transform.AnchorMin = $"{globalPosition.x} {globalPosition.y}"; transform.AnchorMax = $"{globalPosition.x + globalSize.x} {globalPosition.y + globalSize.y}"; RefreshAll(); } public void SetPositionAndSize(CuiRectTransformComponent trans) { transform.AnchorMin = trans.AnchorMin; transform.AnchorMax = trans.AnchorMax; //_plugin.Puts($"POSITION [{transform.AnchorMin},{transform.AnchorMax}]"); RefreshAll(); } public void SetParent(UIElement element) { Element.Parent = element.Element.Name; } } public class UIButton : UIElement { public CuiButtonComponent buttonComponent { get; private set; } public CuiTextComponent textComponent { get; private set; } private UILabel label { get; set; } private string _textColor { get; set; } private string _buttonText { get; set; } private int _fontSize; public Action onClicked; public UIButton(Vector2 min = default(Vector2), Vector2 max = default(Vector2), string buttonText = "", string buttonColor = "0 0 0 0.85", string textColor = "1 1 1 1", int fontSize = 15, UIBaseElement parent = null) : base(min, max, parent) { buttonComponent = new CuiButtonComponent(); _fontSize = fontSize; _textColor = textColor; _buttonText = buttonText; buttonComponent.Command = CuiHelper.GetGuid(); buttonComponent.Color = buttonColor; Element.Components.Insert(0, buttonComponent); _plugin.cmd.AddConsoleCommand(buttonComponent.Command, _plugin, "OnButtonClick"); _plugin.UIButtonCallBacks[buttonComponent.Command] = this; label = new UILabel(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(1, 1), fontSize: _fontSize, parent: this); textComponent = label.text; label.text.Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; label.text.Color = _textColor; label.Text = _buttonText; label.text.FontSize = _fontSize; } public override void Init() { base.Init(); } public virtual void OnClicked(ConsoleSystem.Arg args) { onClicked.Invoke(args); } public void AddChatCommand(string fullCommand) { if (fullCommand == null) { return; } /* List split = fullCommand.Split(' ').ToList(); string command = split[0]; split.RemoveAt(0); //Split = command args now*/ onClicked += (arg) => { _plugin.rust.RunClientCommand(arg.Player(), $"chat.say \"/{fullCommand}\""); //plugin.Puts($"Calling chat command {command} {string.Join(" ",split.ToArray())}"); //Need to call chat command somehow here }; } public void AddCallback(Action callback) { if (callback == null) { return; } onClicked += (args) => { callback(args.Player()); }; } } public class UILabel : UIElement { public CuiTextComponent text { get; private set; } public UILabel(Vector2 min = default(Vector2), Vector2 max = default(Vector2), string labelText = "", int fontSize = 12, string fontColor = "1 1 1 1", UIBaseElement parent = null, TextAnchor alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter) : base(min, max, parent) { if (min == && max == { max =; } text = new CuiTextComponent(); text.Text = labelText; text.Color = fontColor; text.Align = alignment; text.FontSize = fontSize; Element.Components.Insert(0, text); } public string Text { set { text.Text = value; } } public TextAnchor Allign { set { text.Align = value; } } public Color Color { set { text.Color = value.ToString(); } } public string ColorString { set { text.Color = value; } } public Func variableText { get; set; } public override void Show(BasePlayer player, bool children = true) { if (variableText != null) { Text = variableText.Invoke(player); } base.Show(player, children); } public override void Init() { base.Init(); if (parent != null) { if (parent is UIButton) { Element.Parent = (parent as UIButton).Name; transform.AnchorMin = $"{position.x} {position.y}"; transform.AnchorMax = $"{position.x + size.x} {position.y + size.y}"; } } } } public class UIImageBase : UIElement { public UIImageBase(Vector2 min, Vector2 max, UIBaseElement parent) : base(min, max, parent) { } private CuiNeedsCursorComponent needsCursor { get; set; } private bool requiresFocus { get; set; } public bool CursorEnabled { get { return requiresFocus; } set { if (value) { needsCursor = new CuiNeedsCursorComponent(); Element.Components.Add(needsCursor); } else { Element.Components.Remove(needsCursor); } requiresFocus = value; } } } public class UIPanel : UIImageBase { private CuiImageComponent panel; public UIPanel(Vector2 min, Vector2 max, string color = "0 0 0 .85", UIBaseElement parent = null) : base(min, max, parent) { panel = new CuiImageComponent { Color = color, }; Element.Components.Insert(0, panel); } public UIPanel(Vector2 position, float width, float height, UIBaseElement parent = null, string color = "0 0 0 .85") : this(position, new Vector2(position.x + width, position.y + height), color, parent) { } } public class UIButtonContainer : UIBaseElement { private IEnumerable _buttonConfiguration; private Vector2 _position; private float _width; private float _height; private string _title; private string _panelColor; private bool _stackedButtons; private float _paddingPercentage; private int _titleSize; private int _buttonFontSize; const float TITLE_PERCENTAGE = 0.20f; private float _paddingAmount; private bool _hasTitle; public UIButtonContainer(IEnumerable buttonConfiguration, string panelBgColor, Vector2 position, float width, float height, float paddingPercentage = 0.05f, string title = "", int titleSize = 30, int buttonFontSize = 15, bool stackedButtons = true, UIBaseElement parent = null) : base(parent) { _buttonConfiguration = buttonConfiguration; _position = position; _width = width; _height = height; _title = title; _titleSize = titleSize; _panelColor = panelBgColor; _stackedButtons = stackedButtons; _paddingPercentage = paddingPercentage; _buttonFontSize = buttonFontSize; Init(); } private void Init() { var panel = new UIPanel(new Vector2(_position.x, _position.y), _width, _height, this, _panelColor); _paddingAmount = (_stackedButtons ? _height : _width) * _paddingPercentage / _buttonConfiguration.Count(); var firstButtonPosition = new Vector2(_position.x + _paddingAmount, _position.y + _paddingAmount); var titleHeight = TITLE_PERCENTAGE * _height; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_title)) { _hasTitle = true; var titlePanel = new UIPanel(new Vector2(_position.x, _position.y + _height - titleHeight), _width, titleHeight, this); var titleLabel = new UILabel(,, _title, fontSize: _titleSize, parent: titlePanel); } var buttonHeight = (_height - (_paddingAmount * 2) - (_hasTitle ? titleHeight : 0) - (_paddingAmount * (_buttonConfiguration.Count() - 1))) / (_stackedButtons ? _buttonConfiguration.Count() : 1); var buttonWidth = _stackedButtons ? (_width - (_paddingAmount * 2)) : ((_width - (_paddingAmount * 2) - (_paddingAmount * (_buttonConfiguration.Count() - 1))) / _buttonConfiguration.Count()); for (var buttonId = 0; buttonId < _buttonConfiguration.Count(); buttonId++) { var buttonConfig = _buttonConfiguration.ElementAt(buttonId); var button = new UIButton(buttonText: buttonConfig.ButtonName, buttonColor: buttonConfig.ButtonColor, fontSize: _buttonFontSize); if (!_stackedButtons) { button.SetPosition( firstButtonPosition.x + ((buttonWidth + _paddingAmount) * buttonId + _paddingAmount), firstButtonPosition.y + (_paddingAmount) * 2); } else { button.SetPosition( firstButtonPosition.x, firstButtonPosition.y + ((buttonHeight + _paddingAmount) * buttonId + _paddingAmount)); } button.SetSize( buttonWidth - (_stackedButtons ? 0 : _paddingAmount * 2), buttonHeight - (_stackedButtons ? _paddingAmount * 2 : 0)); button.AddCallback(buttonConfig.callback); button.AddChatCommand(buttonConfig.ButtonCommand); } } } public class UIButtonConfiguration { public string ButtonName { get; set; } public string ButtonCommand { get; set; } public string ButtonColor { get; set; } public Action callback { get; set; } } public class UIImage : UIImageBase { public CuiImageComponent Image { get; private set; } public UIImage(Vector2 min, Vector2 max, UIBaseElement parent = null) : base(min, max, parent) { Image = new CuiImageComponent(); Element.Components.Insert(0, Image); } public UIImage(Vector2 position, float width, float height, UIBaseElement parent = null) : this(position, new Vector2(position.x + width, position.y + height), parent) { Image = new CuiImageComponent(); Element.Components.Insert(0, Image); } public Func variableSprite { get; set; } public Func variablePNG { get; set; } public override void Show(BasePlayer player, bool children = true) { if (variableSprite != null) { Image.Sprite = variableSprite.Invoke(player); } if (variablePNG != null) { Image.Png = variablePNG.Invoke(player); } base.Show(player, children); } } public class UIRawImage : UIImageBase { public CuiRawImageComponent Image { get; private set; } public UIRawImage(Vector2 position, float width, float height, UIBaseElement parent = null, string url = "") : this(position, new Vector2(position.x + width, position.y + height), parent, url) { } public UIRawImage(Vector2 min, Vector2 max, UIBaseElement parent = null, string url = "") : base(min, max, parent) { Image = new CuiRawImageComponent() { Url = url, Sprite = "assets/content/textures/generic/fulltransparent.tga" }; Element.Components.Insert(0, Image); } public Func variablePNG { get; set; } public override void Show(BasePlayer player, bool children = true) { if (variablePNG != null) { Image.Png = variablePNG.Invoke(player); } base.Show(player, children); } } public class UIBaseElement { public Vector2 position { get; set; } = new Vector2(); public Vector2 size { get; set; } = new Vector2(); public Vector2 globalSize { get; set; } = new Vector2(); public Vector2 globalPosition { get; set; } = new Vector2(); public HashSet players { get; set; } = new HashSet(); public UIBaseElement parent { get; set; } public HashSet children { get; set; } = new HashSet(); public Vector2 min { get { return position; } } public Vector2 max { get { return position + size; } } public string Parent { get; set; } = "Hud.Menu"; public UIBaseElement(UIBaseElement parent = null) { this.parent = parent; } public UIBaseElement(Vector2 min, Vector2 max, UIBaseElement parent = null) : this(parent) { position = min; size = max - min; if (parent != null) { parent.AddElement(this); } if (!(this is UIElement)) { UpdatePlacement(); } } public void AddElement(UIBaseElement element) { if (!children.Contains(element)) { children.Add(element); } } public void RemoveElement(UIBaseElement element) { children.Remove(element); } public void Refresh(BasePlayer player) { Hide(player); Show(player); } public bool AddPlayer(BasePlayer player) { if (!players.Contains(player)) { players.Add(player); return true; } foreach (var child in children) { } return false; } public bool RemovePlayer(BasePlayer player) { return players.Remove(player); } public void Show(List players) { foreach (BasePlayer player in players) { Show(player); } } public void Show(HashSet players) { foreach (BasePlayer player in players) { Show(player); } } public virtual void Hide(BasePlayer player, bool hideChildren = true) { foreach (var child in children) { child.Hide(player, hideChildren); } } public virtual void Show(BasePlayer player, bool showChildren = true) { foreach (var child in children) { child.Show(player, showChildren); } } public void HideAll() { foreach (BasePlayer player in players.ToList()) { Hide(player); } } public void RefreshAll() { foreach (BasePlayer player in players.ToList()) { Refresh(player); } } public void SafeAddUi(BasePlayer player, CuiElement element) { try { //_plugin.Puts($"Adding {element.Name} to {player.userID}"); List elements = new List(); elements.Add(element); CuiHelper.AddUi(player, elements); } catch (Exception ex) { } } public void SafeDestroyUi(BasePlayer player, CuiElement element) { try { //_plugin.Puts($"Deleting {element.Name} to {player.userID}"); CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, element.Name); } catch (Exception ex) { } } public void SetSize(float x, float y) { size = new Vector2(x, y); UpdatePlacement(); } public void SetPosition(float x, float y) { position = new Vector2(x, y); UpdatePlacement(); } public virtual void UpdatePlacement() { if (parent == null) { globalSize = size; globalPosition = position; } else { globalSize = Vector2.Scale(parent.globalSize, size); globalPosition = parent.globalPosition + Vector2.Scale(parent.globalSize, position); } /* foreach (var child in children) { _plugin.Puts("1.4"); UpdatePlacement(); }*/ } } public class UICheckbox : UIButton { public UICheckbox(Vector2 min, Vector2 max, UIBaseElement parent = null) : base(min, max, parent: parent) { } } #endregion #region Timers public List allTimers { get; set; } = new List(); public void SafeSetTimerRepeat(Timer Timer, float interval, int repeats, Action callback) { Timer?.Destroy(); Timer = _plugin.timer.Repeat(interval, repeats, () => { try { callback(); } catch (Exception ex) { Puts($"{callback.ToString()} ERROR:"); Puts(ex.ToString()); } }); allTimers.Add(Timer); } public void SafeSetTimerIn(Timer Timer, float seconds, Action callback) { Timer?.Destroy(); Timer = _plugin.timer.In(seconds, callback); allTimers.Add(Timer); } public void SafeSetTimerEvery(Timer Timer, float seconds, Action callback) { Timer?.Destroy(); Timer = _plugin.timer.Every(seconds, () => { try { callback(); } catch (Exception ex) { Puts($"{callback.ToString()} ERROR:"); Puts(ex.ToString()); } }); allTimers.Add(Timer); } #endregion #region ImageLibrary [PluginReference] RustPlugin ImageLibrary; private string TryForImage(string shortname, ulong skin = 99, bool localimage = true) { if (localimage) if (skin == 99) return GetImage(shortname, (ulong)ResourceId); else return GetImage(shortname, skin); else if (skin == 99) return GetImageURL(shortname, (ulong)ResourceId); else return GetImageURL(shortname, skin); } public string GetImageURL(string shortname, ulong skin = 0) => (string)ImageLibrary?.Call("GetImageURL", shortname, skin); public uint GetTextureID(string shortname, ulong skin = 0) => (uint)ImageLibrary?.Call("GetTextureID", shortname, skin); public string GetImage(string shortname, ulong skin = 0) => (string)ImageLibrary?.Call("GetImage", shortname, skin); public bool AddImage(string url, string shortname, ulong skin = 0) => (bool)ImageLibrary?.Call("AddImage", url, shortname, skin); public bool HasImage(string shortname, ulong skin = 0) => (bool)ImageLibrary?.Call("HasImage", shortname, skin); public void TryAddImage(string url, string shortname, ulong skin = 0) { if (!HasImage(shortname, skin)) { AddImage(url, shortname, skin); } } public List GetImageList(string shortname) => (List)ImageLibrary?.Call("GetImageList", shortname); #endregion #region Research Table And UI private UIBaseElement researchPanel { get; set; } private UILabel fragAmountLabel { get; set; } private UILabel successChanceLabel { get; set; } private UILabel researchCountdownLabel { get; set; } private UILabel sourceItemLabel { get; set; } private UIRawImage fragIconImage { get; set; } private UIRawImage itemIconImage { get; set; } private UIPanel itemDurabilityPanel { get; set; } public UIBaseElement openIconPanel { get; set; } public void SetupResearchUI() { openIconPanel = new UIRawImage(new Vector2(0.40f, 0.40f), new Vector2(0.6f, 0.6f)); openIconPanel.Parent = "Hud"; researchPanel = new UIBaseElement(new Vector2(0.64f, 0.49f), new Vector2(0.92f, 0.99f)); UIPanel background = new UIPanel(new Vector2(0.00f, 0.00f), new Vector2(1f, 1f), "0.5 0.5 0.5 0", researchPanel); #region Panels string panelColor = "0.7 0.7 0.7 0.12"; UIPanel topInfoPanel = new UIPanel(new Vector2(0, 0.85f), new Vector2(1, 1), panelColor, background); UIPanel itemResearchPanel = new UIPanel(new Vector2(0, 0.56f), new Vector2(0.28f, 0.84f), panelColor, background); UIPanel panel3 = new UIPanel(new Vector2(0.29f, 0.56f), new Vector2(1f, 0.84f), panelColor, background); UIPanel fragmentBoostInfoPanel = new UIPanel(new Vector2(0f, 0.27f), new Vector2(0.67f, 0.55f), panelColor, background); UIPanel fragmentPanel = new UIPanel(new Vector2(0.68f, 0.27f), new Vector2(1f, 0.55f), panelColor, background); UIPanel researchChancePanel = new UIPanel(new Vector2(0f, 0.11f), new Vector2(0.28f, 0.26f), panelColor, background); UIPanel chanceOfSuccessInfoPanel = new UIPanel(new Vector2(0.29f, 0.11f), new Vector2(1f, 0.26f), panelColor, background); UIPanel bottomPanel = new UIPanel(new Vector2(0f, 0f), new Vector2(1f, 0.10f), panelColor, background); itemDurabilityPanel = new UIPanel(new Vector2(0f, 0f), new Vector2(0.05f, 1f), "0.44 0.54 0.26 1", itemResearchPanel); #endregion #region Labels string textColor = "1 1 1 0.5"; UILabel topLabel = new UILabel(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(1, 1), lang.GetMessage("ResearchBench_TopInfoPanel", this), 18, textColor, topInfoPanel, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter); UILabel sourceLabel = new UILabel(new Vector2(0.02f, 0.02f), new Vector2(1, 0.98f), lang.GetMessage("ResearchBench_SourceLabel", this), 20, textColor, panel3, TextAnchor.UpperLeft); sourceItemLabel = new UILabel(new Vector2(0.02f, 0), new Vector2(1, 1), "", 12, textColor, panel3, TextAnchor.MiddleLeft); UILabel fragmentBoostInfoLabel1 = new UILabel(new Vector2(0.02f, 0.02f), new Vector2(1, 0.98f), lang.GetMessage("ResearchBench_FragmentLabel", this), 20, textColor, fragmentBoostInfoPanel, TextAnchor.UpperLeft); UILabel fragmentBoostInfoLabel2 = new UILabel(new Vector2(0.02f, 0), new Vector2(1, 1), lang.GetMessage("ResearchBench_FragmentBoost", this), 12, textColor, fragmentBoostInfoPanel, TextAnchor.MiddleLeft); fragAmountLabel = new UILabel(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(1, 1), "x0", 12, textColor, fragmentPanel, TextAnchor.LowerRight); successChanceLabel = new UILabel(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(1, 1), "0%", 40, textColor, researchChancePanel, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter); UILabel chanceOfSuccessInfoLabel1 = new UILabel(new Vector2(0.02f, 0.02f), new Vector2(1, 0.98f), lang.GetMessage("ResearchBench_ChanceOfSuccessLabel", this), 20, textColor, chanceOfSuccessInfoPanel, TextAnchor.UpperLeft); UILabel chanceOfSuccessInfoLabel2 = new UILabel(new Vector2(0.02f, 0), new Vector2(1, 1), lang.GetMessage("ResearchBench_ChanceInfo", this), 12, textColor, chanceOfSuccessInfoPanel, TextAnchor.LowerLeft); researchCountdownLabel = new UILabel(new Vector2(0.025f, 0f), new Vector2(0.1f, 1f), "", 24, "0.7 0.7 0.7 0.9", bottomPanel, TextAnchor.MiddleLeft); #endregion #region Button UIButton startResearchButton = new UIButton(new Vector2(0.6f, 0.15f), new Vector2(0.96f, 0.85f), lang.GetMessage("ResearchBench_StartResearch", this), "0.44 0.54 0.26 1", fontSize: 14, parent: bottomPanel); startResearchButton.AddCallback((player) => { var data = GetResearchData(player); if (data.isResearchingItem) { return; } DoResearch(player); }); UIImage exitButtonImage = new UIImage(new Vector2(0.20f, 0.15f), new Vector2(0.25f, 0.85f), bottomPanel); //UIImage exitButtonImage = new UIImage(new Vector2(0.92f, 0.25f), new Vector2(0.98f, 0.75f), topInfoPanel); exitButtonImage.Image.Sprite = "assets/icons/exit.png"; exitButtonImage.Image.Color = "0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7"; UILabel exitButtonLabel = new UILabel(new Vector2(0.05f, 0.15f), new Vector2(0.18f, 0.85f), lang.GetMessage("ResearchBench_ExitLabel", this), 22, "0.7 0.7 0.7 0.9", bottomPanel, TextAnchor.MiddleRight); UIButton stopResearchButton = new UIButton(exitButtonLabel.min, exitButtonImage.max, "", "0 0 0 0", fontSize: 14, parent: bottomPanel); stopResearchButton.AddCallback((player) => { var data = GetResearchData(player); if (data.isResearchingItem) { return; } StopResearch(player); }); #endregion #region Images itemIconImage = new UIRawImage(new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f), new Vector2(0.9f, 0.9f), itemResearchPanel); UIRawImage destroyedIconImage = new UIRawImage(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(1, 1), itemResearchPanel); fragIconImage = new UIRawImage(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(1, 1), fragmentPanel); #endregion #region Conditionals itemIconImage.variablePNG = delegate (BasePlayer player) { Item item = GetResearchData(player).targetItem; if (item == null) { return null; } return (string)ImageLibrary?.Call("GetImage",; }; fragAmountLabel.variableText = delegate (BasePlayer player) { var data = GetResearchData(player); Item item = data.fragItem; if (item == null) { return "x0"; } int maxAmount = data.targetItem != null && CanResearchItem(data.targetItem) ? GetMaxFragsToResearch(data.targetItem, data.fragItem) : data.fragItem.amount; int amount = Mathf.Clamp(item.amount, 0, maxAmount); data.fragsToUse = amount; return 'x' + amount.ToString(); }; successChanceLabel.variableText = delegate (BasePlayer player) { return $"{Mathf.Floor(GetResearchChance(player) * 100f)}%"; }; itemDurabilityPanel.conditionalShow = delegate (BasePlayer player) { var data = GetResearchData(player); if (!data.usingResearchTable) { return false; } if (data.targetItem == null) { return false; } return data.targetItem.hasCondition; }; itemDurabilityPanel.conditionalSize = delegate (BasePlayer player) { var data = GetResearchData(player); if (data.targetItem == null) { return itemDurabilityPanel.size; } return new Vector2(itemDurabilityPanel.size.x, data.targetItem.conditionNormalized * data.targetItem.maxConditionNormalized * 1f); }; destroyedIconImage.conditionalShow = delegate (BasePlayer player) { var data = GetResearchData(player); if (data.targetItem == null) { return false; } return data.targetItem.isBroken; }; fragIconImage.variablePNG = delegate (BasePlayer player) { var data = GetResearchData(player); if (data.fragItem == null) { return null; } return (string)ImageLibrary?.Call("GetImage",,; }; researchCountdownLabel.variableText = delegate (BasePlayer player) { var data = GetResearchData(player); if (!(data.isResearchingItem && data.usingResearchTable)) { return ""; } return data.timeLeft.ToString(); }; sourceItemLabel.variableText = delegate (BasePlayer player) { var data = GetResearchData(player); if (data.targetItem != null) { if (!CanResearchItem(data.targetItem)) { return "This item cannot be researched."; } } return "The item will be broken on failure and destroyed on success."; }; #endregion #region OpenIcon float dotSize = 0.007f; float fadeIn = 0.25f; UIImage crosshairDot = new UIImage(new Vector2(0.5f - dotSize, 0.5f - dotSize * 2), new Vector2(0.5f + dotSize, 0.5f + dotSize * 2), openIconPanel); crosshairDot.Image.Sprite = "assets/icons/circle_closed.png"; UIImage openIconSprite = new UIImage(new Vector2(0.46f, 0.73f), new Vector2(0.54f, 0.90f), openIconPanel); openIconSprite.Image.Sprite = "assets/icons/open.png"; openIconSprite.Image.FadeIn = fadeIn; UILabel openIconText = new UILabel(new Vector2(0, 0.5f), new Vector2(1f, 0.8f), lang.GetMessage("ResearchBench_OpenIcon", this), 14, parent: openIconPanel); openIconText.text.FadeIn = fadeIn; #endregion } public class ResearchData { public BasePlayer player { get; set; } public Item targetItem { get; set; } public Item fragItem { get; set; } public bool usingResearchTable { get; set; } = false; public bool lookingAtTable { get; set; } public bool isResearchingItem { get; set; } public int timeLeft { get; set; } public int fragsToUse { get; set; } public ResearchTableCollider currentCollider { get; set; } public ItemContainer itemsBeingResearched { get; set; } public Timer researchTimer { get; set; } public Timer researchTimerCountdown { get; set; } public bool IsNearTable() { return currentCollider != null; } } public Dictionary researchData { get; set; } = new Dictionary(); private ResearchData GetResearchData(BasePlayer player) { if (player == null) { //Puts("GetResearchData() null player!"); return null; } ResearchData data; if (!researchData.TryGetValue(player, out data)) { data = new ResearchData(); researchData[player] = data; } return data; } public bool IsResearching(BasePlayer player) { if (player == null) { return false; } var data = GetResearchData(player); return data.usingResearchTable; } public void StartResearch(BasePlayer player) { var data = GetResearchData(player); if (data.usingResearchTable) { return; } ShowResearchPanel(player); data.usingResearchTable = true; } public void StopResearch(BasePlayer player) { var data = GetResearchData(player); if (!data.usingResearchTable) { return; } if (data.isResearchingItem) { data.researchTimer?.Destroy(); data.researchTimerCountdown?.Destroy(); data.isResearchingItem = false; foreach (var item in data.itemsBeingResearched.itemList.ToList()) { player.GiveItem(item); } StopResearch(player); } data.usingResearchTable = false; //Need to return items data.fragItem = null; data.targetItem = null; researchPanel.Hide(player); CloseInventory(player); } private void ShowResearchPanel(BasePlayer player) { researchPanel.AddPlayer(player); researchPanel.Refresh(player); player.inventory.loot.StartLootingEntity(player, false); player.inventory.loot.AddContainer(player.inventory.containerMain); player.inventory.loot.SendImmediate(); player.EndLooting(); player.ClientRPCPlayer(null, player, "RPC_OpenLootPanel", "largewoodbox"); } private void LoadResearchItem(BasePlayer player, Item item) { var data = GetResearchData(player); if (!data.usingResearchTable) { return; } data.targetItem = item; itemIconImage.Refresh(player); fragAmountLabel.Refresh(player); } private void OnResearchItemDropped(BasePlayer player, Item item) { var data = GetResearchData(player); if (!data.usingResearchTable) { return; } if (GetBPType(item) == BPType.None) //Research item dropped { LoadResearchItem(player, item); } else //Fragment item dropped { data.fragItem = item; fragAmountLabel.Refresh(player); fragIconImage.Refresh(player); } successChanceLabel.Refresh(player); itemDurabilityPanel.Refresh(player); sourceItemLabel.Refresh(player); } private bool CanResearchItem(Item item) { if (item == null) { return false; } BPType type = GetItemTier(item); return !(type == BPType.None || type == BPType.Default); } public float GetResearchChance(BasePlayer player) { var data = GetResearchData(player); if (!data.usingResearchTable) { return 0; } if (data.targetItem == null) { return 0; } if (!CanResearchItem(data.targetItem)) { return 0; } float chance = 0.3f; if (data.targetItem.hasCondition) { chance *= data.targetItem.conditionNormalized * data.targetItem.maxConditionNormalized; } if (data.fragItem != null) { BPType type = GetBPType(data.fragItem); if (type == BPType.None) { return chance; } chance += Mathf.Clamp(0.7f * (GetBPFragAmount(type) * (float)Mathf.Min(data.fragsToUse, data.fragItem.amount) / GetFragsNeeded(data.targetItem)), 0, 0.7f); } return chance; } public int GetMaxFragsToResearch(Item targetItem, Item fragItem) { return Mathf.CeilToInt(GetFragsNeeded(targetItem) / (float)GetBPFragAmount(GetBPType(fragItem))); } public void DoResearch(BasePlayer player) { var data = GetResearchData(player); if (data.targetItem == null) { return; } if (!CanResearchItem(data.targetItem)) { return; } float chance = GetResearchChance(player); ItemContainer tempContainer = new ItemContainer(); tempContainer.ServerInitialize(null, 10); tempContainer.GiveUID(); tempContainer.allowedContents = ItemContainer.ContentsType.Generic; tempContainer.SetLocked(false); data.itemsBeingResearched = tempContainer; fragAmountLabel.Refresh(player); successChanceLabel.Refresh(player); if (data.targetItem != null) { Item item = data.targetItem; if (data.targetItem.amount > 1) { item = data.targetItem.SplitItem(1); } item.MoveToContainer(tempContainer); } if (data.fragItem != null) { Item item = data.fragItem; if (data.fragItem.amount > data.fragsToUse) { item = data.fragItem.SplitItem(data.fragsToUse); } item.MoveToContainer(tempContainer); } data.isResearchingItem = true; data.timeLeft = 10; data.researchTimer = timer.In(10f, () => //Could precalculate this, but better to do it when the timer actually ends { float rng = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f); //Puts($"Chance: {chance} Result: {rng}"); bool succeeded = rng <= chance; if (!succeeded) { if (data.targetItem.hasCondition) { data.targetItem.LoseCondition(data.targetItem.condition * 2f); player.inventory.GiveItem(data.targetItem, player.inventory.containerMain); } Effect.server.Run("assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/item_break.prefab", player.transform.position,, null); } else { GiveItemBlueprint(player,; } ItemManager.DoRemoves(); data.targetItem = null; data.fragItem = null; data.isResearchingItem = false; if (!data.IsNearTable()) { StopResearch(player); } else { //fragIconImage.Refresh(player); //itemIconImage.Refresh(player); //successChanceLabel.Refresh(player); //fragAmountLabel.Refresh(player); researchPanel.Refresh(player); } tempContainer.Kill(); }); researchCountdownLabel.Refresh(player); data.researchTimerCountdown = timer.Repeat(1f, 10, () => { data.timeLeft--; researchCountdownLabel.Refresh(player); }); } [ChatCommand("research")] void ResearchTable(BasePlayer player) { if (!player.IsAdmin) { lang.GetMessage("AdminCommand", this, player.UserIDString); return; } StartResearch(player); } #endregion #region MonoBehaviors public const float ColliderRadius = 2.5f; public const float ColliderHeight = 3f; public const float ColliderHeightDifference = 0.3f; public class MyBaseTrigger : MonoBehaviour { public List _players { get; set; } private CapsuleCollider collider { get; set; } private Rigidbody rigidbody { get; set; } private Timer _timer { get; set; } void Awake() { _players = new List(); gameObject.layer = 3; //hack to get all trigger layers (Found in zone manager) collider = gameObject.AddComponent(); collider.radius = ColliderRadius; collider.height = ColliderHeight; collider.isTrigger = true; Init(); } void OnDestroy() { OnDestroyed(); } public virtual void OnDestroyed() { GameObject.Destroy(collider); } public virtual void Init() { } void OnTriggerEnter(Collider collider) { BasePlayer player = collider.gameObject?.GetComponentInParent(); if (player) { if (!player.IsConnected || player.IsSleeping()) { return; } OnPlayerEnter(player); } } void OnTriggerExit(Collider collider) { BasePlayer player = collider.gameObject?.GetComponentInParent(); if (player) { OnPlayerExit(player); } } public virtual void OnPlayerExit(BasePlayer player) { _players.Remove(player); } public virtual void OnPlayerEnter(BasePlayer player) { _players.Add(player); } } public class ResearchTableCollider : MyBaseTrigger { public Timer _timer { get; set; } public override void Init() { base.Init(); gameObject.GetComponent().isLootable = false; _plugin.SafeSetTimerEvery(_timer, 0.2f, TimerLoop); } bool LookingAtObject(BasePlayer player, string prefabName = "") where T : BaseNetworkable { if (_plugin.IsResearching(player)) { return false; } RaycastHit hit; if (!Physics.Raycast(player.eyes.position, player.eyes.HeadForward(), out hit, 3f, LayerMask.GetMask("Deployed"))) { return false; } BaseEntity entity = hit.collider.GetComponentInParent(); if (entity == null) { return false; } if (!(entity is T)) { return false; } return true; } private void TimerLoop() { if (_players.Count == 0) { return; } foreach (var player in _players.ToList()) { if (player == null) { _players.Remove(player); break; } bool looking = LookingAtObject(player); var data = _plugin.GetResearchData(player); data.lookingAtTable = looking; /*if (looking) { _plugin.openIconPanel.Show(player); } else { _plugin.openIconPanel.Hide(player); }*/ } } public override void OnPlayerExit(BasePlayer player) { var data = _plugin.GetResearchData(player); if (data.currentCollider != this) { return; } data.currentCollider = null; base.OnPlayerExit(player); _plugin.openIconPanel.Hide(player); data.lookingAtTable = false; if (data.isResearchingItem) { return; } _plugin.StopResearch(player); } public override void OnPlayerEnter(BasePlayer player) { var data = _plugin.GetResearchData(player); if (data.IsNearTable()) { return; } data.currentCollider = this; base.OnPlayerEnter(player); } public override void OnDestroyed() { base.OnDestroyed(); _timer?.Destroy(); foreach (BasePlayer player in _players) { var data = _plugin.GetResearchData(player); data.lookingAtTable = false; _plugin.openIconPanel.Hide(player); _plugin.StopResearch(player); } gameObject.GetComponent().isLootable = true; } } #endregion #region Loot Tables public Dictionary allLootTables { get { return LootTables.Instance.allLootTables; } } public Dictionary lootContainerAssignments { get { return LootTables.Instance.lootContainerAssignments; } } public class LootDefinitionChild { public string definition { get; set; } public float weight { get; set; } public LootDefinitionChild() { } public LootDefinitionChild(string categoryName, float _weight) { definition = categoryName; weight = _weight; } } public class ItemLootDefinition { public string itemName { get; set; } public int minAmount { get; set; } public int maxAmount { get; set; } public ItemLootDefinition(ItemDefinition def, int min, int max) { itemName = def.shortname; minAmount = min; maxAmount = max; } public ItemLootDefinition() { } } public class GroupLootDefinition { public string itemName { get; set; } public List children { get; set; } = new List(); //Possibilities public List items { get; set; } = new List(); //For sure choices public GroupLootDefinition() { } public GroupLootDefinition(LootSpawn category) { itemName =; foreach (var item in category.subSpawn) { AddChild(item); } foreach (var item in category.items) { AddItem(item); } } public GroupLootDefinition GetRandomChild() { if (children.Count == 0) { return this; } float totalSum = children.Sum(x => x.weight); float random = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, totalSum); float i = 0; LootDefinitionChild selectedChild = null; foreach (var child in children) { i += child.weight; if (random <= i) { selectedChild = child; break; } } if (selectedChild == null) { selectedChild = children.Last(); } if (selectedChild.definition.Contains("Blueprints.")) { return ReturnChild(selectedChild); } return ReturnChild(selectedChild).GetRandomChild(); } public GroupLootDefinition ReturnChild(LootDefinitionChild child) { GroupLootDefinition definition; if (!_plugin.allLootTables.TryGetValue(child.definition, out definition)) { _plugin.Puts($"ERROR: GetRandomChild() returned null! Look at ({this.itemName} {child.definition})"); return null; } return definition; } public float GetChildrenWeight() { return children.Sum(x => x.weight); } public void AddChild(GroupLootDefinition definition, float weight = 0) { children.Add(new LootDefinitionChild(definition.itemName, weight)); } public void AddChild(string definition, float weight = 0) { children.Add(new LootDefinitionChild(definition, weight)); } public void AddChild(LootSpawn.Entry entry) { AddChild(, entry.weight); } public void AddItem(ItemDefinition item, int minAmount, int maxAmount) { items.Add(new ItemLootDefinition(item, minAmount, maxAmount)); } public void AddItem(ItemAmountRanged item) { AddItem(item.itemDef, (int)item.startAmount, (int)item.maxAmount); } public List FillContainer(ItemContainer container, bool allowNothing = true) { List items = new List(); GroupLootDefinition def = GetRandomChild(); int loops = 0; if (!allowNothing) { while (def.itemName == "Nothing") { def = GetRandomChild(); loops++; if (loops > 100) { _plugin.Puts("WARNING: FillContainer() returned nothing over 100 times!"); break; } } } string name = def.itemName; if (name.Contains("Blueprints.")) { name = name.Replace("Blueprints.", ""); BPType type = _plugin.GetRarityType(name); if (type >= BPType.Book) { //_plugin.Puts($"BP of type {type} from {name}"); } if (type != BPType.None && type != BPType.Default) { Item item = _plugin.GetRandomItemBlueprint(type); item.MoveToContainer(container); items.Add(item); } return items; } if (name == "Blueprint Fragments") { Item item = _plugin.CreateBlueprint(BPType.Frags, (int)(50 * _plugin.Settings.blueprintRate)); item.MoveToContainer(container); items.Add(item); return items; } foreach (var item in def.items) { items.Add(AddLootItem(container, item.itemName, UnityEngine.Random.Range(item.minAmount, item.maxAmount))); } //if (name.Contains("Items.Rare") || name.Contains("Items.VeryRare") || ) return items; } public Item AddLootItem(ItemContainer container, string itemName, int amount) { if (itemName == "blueprint_fragment") { return _plugin.CreateBlueprint(BPType.Frags, (int)(50 * _plugin.Settings.blueprintRate)); } Item item = ItemManager.CreateByPartialName(itemName, amount); if (item == null) { _plugin.Puts($"AddLootItem() failed to spawn {itemName}"); return null; } item.MoveToContainer(container); return item; } } HashSet nearlyDestroyedItems { get; set; } = new HashSet() { "rifle.ak", "rifle.lr300", "rifle.bolt", "smg.mp5", "pistol.m92", "smg.thompson", "smg.2", }; public void ReduceCondition(List items, float durability = 0.06f, HashSet filter = null) { foreach (var item in items) { if (filter != null) { if (!filter.Contains( { continue; } } if (item.hasCondition) { item.condition = item.maxCondition * durability; } } } public void AssignLoot(LootContainer container) { if (container == null) { return; } if (!container.initialLootSpawn) { return; } if (container.inventory == null) { return; } if (container.PrefabName == "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/heli_crate.prefab") //Ignore heli crates { return; } else { container.inventory.Clear(); } string name = ""; if (!lootContainerAssignments.TryGetValue(, out name)) { lootContainerAssignments[container.PrefabName] = ""; LootTables.Save(); } if (name == "" || name == null) { Puts($"Loot table assignment: {container.PrefabName} has not been assigned to a loot category!"); return; } List items = new List(); if (name == "LootSpawn.Barrel") { items.AddRange(allLootTables["LootSpawn.Components"].FillContainer(container.inventory)); } GroupLootDefinition def; if (!allLootTables.TryGetValue(name, out def)) { Puts($"WARNING: AssignLoot() {name} is not a valid loot table!"); return; } if (name == "LootSpawn.SupplyDrop") { container.inventory.capacity = 30; while (container.inventory.itemList.Count <= 7) { items.AddRange(def.FillContainer(container.inventory, false)); } //ReduceCondition(items, 0.5f); //Puts($"{items.Count} spawned into airdrop"); } else if (name == "LootSpawn.TrashPile") { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { items.AddRange(def.FillContainer(container.inventory, false)); } } else { if (name == "LootSpawn.Barrel" || name.Contains("LootSpawn.RadTown")) { items.AddRange(allLootTables["LootSpawn.ResearchTable"].FillContainer(container.inventory)); } ReduceCondition(def.FillContainer(container.inventory, false), filter: nearlyDestroyedItems); } if (name != "LootSpawn.OilBarrel" || name == "LootSpawn.SupplyDrop") { InsertBPFrags(container.inventory); } foreach (var item in items) { if ( == "smallwaterbottle") { item.contents.AddItem(ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(112903447), 120); } } } public void ExportLootTables() { HashSet lootDefinitions = new HashSet(); Queue queue = new Queue(); foreach (var item in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType()) { if (!lootDefinitions.Contains(item.lootDefinition)) { lootDefinitions.Add(item.lootDefinition); queue.Enqueue(item.lootDefinition); } } HashSet checkedValues = new HashSet(); //Decent the trees and get all unique while (queue.Count > 0) { LootSpawn current = queue.Dequeue(); if (!checkedValues.Contains(current)) { checkedValues.Add(current); } foreach (var item in current.subSpawn) { queue.Enqueue(item.category); } } //Puts($"{checkedValues.Count} unique loot tables"); foreach (var item in checkedValues) { allLootTables[] = new GroupLootDefinition(item); } Oxide.Core.Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject("DumpedLootTables", allLootTables); } #endregion #region Unlimited Components //Roadsign left in for roadsign armour //Sheet metal left in for heavy armour //Blades left in for salvaged tools //Double barrel is only 150 metal frags. Have to figure that out public HashSet componentList { get; set; } = new HashSet() { "bleach", "ducttape", "gears", "glue", "techparts", "tarp", "sticks", "metalspring", "sewingkit", "rope", "metalpipe", "riflebody", "smgbody", "semibody", }; public void HandleManagedComponents(BasePlayer player, bool removeComponents, bool giveComponents) { if (removeComponents && player.inventory.containerMain.capacity > 24) { if (player?.inventory?.containerMain == null) { return; } var retainedMainContainer = player.inventory.containerMain.uid; foreach (Item item in player.inventory.containerMain.itemList.ToList()) { if (componentList.Contains(item?.info.shortname)) { item.RemoveFromContainer(); } } ItemManager.DoRemoves(); player.inventory.containerMain.capacity = 24; } if (giveComponents) { player.inventory.containerMain.capacity = 24 + componentList.Count; NextFrame(() => { int hiddenSlotNumber = 0; foreach (string itemName in componentList) { Item item = ItemManager.CreateByName(itemName, 99999); item.MoveToContainer(player.inventory.containerMain, 24 + hiddenSlotNumber, false); item.LockUnlock(true, player); hiddenSlotNumber++; } }); } } private void EmptyContainer(ItemContainer container) { foreach (var item in container.itemList) { item.Remove(); } ItemManager.DoRemoves(); } private void PutAllItemsInContainer(IEnumerable> items, ItemContainer container) { foreach (var item in items) { container.AddItem(item.Key, item.Value); } } private IEnumerable> SaveInventory(ItemContainer containerMain) { return containerMain.itemList.Select(x => new KeyValuePair(x.blueprintTargetDef, x.amount)); } void OnEntityDeath(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo info) { if (entity is BasePlayer) { BasePlayer player = entity as BasePlayer; HandleManagedComponents(player, removeComponents: true, giveComponents: false); } } #endregion #region Vending Machine //Didn't work as both pages and books are medium presents. Not worth effort to get going //public UICheckbox blueprintCheckbox { get; set; } = new UICheckbox(new Vector2(0.9f,0.9f), new Vector2(0.92f,0.92f)); public Dictionary vendingData = new Dictionary(); public class VendingData { public bool adminPanelOpen { get; set; } } private VendingData GetVendingData(BasePlayer player) { if (player == null) { return null; } VendingData data; if (!vendingData.TryGetValue(player, out data)) { data = new VendingData(); vendingData.Add(player, data); } return data; } void OnBuyVendingItem(VendingMachine vendor, BasePlayer player, int sellOrderId, int transactionAmount) //Components don't do anything, but lets prevent players from getting them from inventory through vending machines { transactionAmount = Mathf.Clamp(transactionAmount, 1, 100000); //No hackers duping items please (not needed but can't be too safe) if (sellOrderId < 0 || sellOrderId > vendor.sellOrders.sellOrders.Count) { return; } string itemName = ItemManager.itemList.First(x => x.itemid == vendor.sellOrders.sellOrders[sellOrderId].currencyID).shortname; if (componentList.Contains(itemName)) { PrintToChat(player, lang.GetMessage("ComponentsDisabled", this, player.UserIDString)); timer.In(0.05f, vendor.ClearPendingOrder); } } #endregion #region Hemp void TryChangeHemp(CollectibleEntity entity) { if (entity.PrefabName == "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/collectable/hemp/hemp-collectable.prefab") { if (!Settings.hempSeeds) { for (int i = 0; i < entity.itemList.Length; i++) { ItemAmount item = entity.itemList[i]; if (item.itemDef.shortname == "cloth") { item.amount = 20; entity.itemList = new ItemAmount[] { item }; break; } } } } } #endregion } }